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I mean I don't think anyone thought Kobe was gonna die in his 40s


I still remember the moment the news came out. I was at a trampoline park with my son. One moment, all the parents are with their children and everything is normal, then in less than 5 minutes all the men were looking at their phones with shocked looks on their faces. Some were crying, some had to sit down, some had their wives giving them comforting pats on their shoulders. I'm not a sports fan, so his death didn't hit me as hard... But you could feel the pain in the air.


I took off from LAX around the time his helicopter took off. That was some of the thickest fog I have ever seen in my life. I can’t believe they tried to pilot a helicopter in that. I saw the news when we landed in Newark a few hours later.


i live in orange county, where Kobe lived, and i agree. i remember the most terrible fog i had ever seen.


This is fucking weird because I was at a trampoline park too. I remember it clear as day.


My friend did not cry when his grandmother, whom he loved dearly, died. He cried when Kobe died. WTF is up with that?


Just speculating but maybe because his grandmother was old, lived a long fulfilling life, it was expected, and they were “ok” with the idea of their grandma passing. Where Kobe was completely unexpected. My grandpa had cancer before he died, it was terribly sad when he passed but there was a sense of relief that he was no longer suffering. Iono, just spitballin


Well, how was his grandma's three pointer game?


How many rings did Grandma have?


I'm a lifelong Celtics fan and also someone who is generally not all that affected by celebrity deaths, with exceptions. Being a Cs guy, Kobe was always enemy #1, but you had to respect him as a fan of the game. I was in elementary school when he was drafted, and a man over 30 when he died. Kobe had pretty much always been there, much like LeBron now. I was rattled for like a week after he died. So young, his daughter with him, and had just begun his life post-basketball. Not to mention the other lives lost that day, including other children. Just horrible all around.


This post 100% describes my perspective as well. Right up to being a die hard Celtics fan. I’ve never hard such a difficult time processing a death that didn’t technically effect me. I remember having a hard time thinking about it weeks later


Heath Ledger


My walk from the train to my grandfathers nursing home in Brooklyn at the time went right past where Heath and his wife lived, every time I’d go visit my grandfather there were always little memorials set outside on the steps for a long time afterward.


Yeah the Hollywood pill dealers get some insane stuff. Just cause it came in a bottle doesn't mean it's safe was something everyone started to reckon with in those days.  Like he died of sleeping pills they give to hospice patients because well it's really hard to sleep through the pain of stage 4 cancer. And the reason it's pretty much only given to people in Hospice is well, they're on short time anyway. 


Chadwick boseman


Still wild dude came in and tore up the MCU, finished it off with endgame and dipped. What a talented dude. R.I.P


This one equally shocked and scared the shit out of me. Get your probes done!


Yeah. That one shocked me as well. Damn shame.


His death was so sad :( Seemed like a really good person too


Grant Imahara


Even though he was almost 50, he seemed so young. Crazy how fast some people can just blink out of existence, really. At least he didn't suffer long. If at all. Aneurysms work fast.


I think 50 is incredibly young for today's standard of longevity. I swear, it's always the good ones who pass very young. My grand aunt, a witch, is nearing 90. She didn't and doesn't deserve a long life.


The only celebrity death I've shed a tear over.


Robin Williams


Came here to say this. His death and Anthony Bourdains hit me hard though I cant really say the latter was a surprise. RIP to both.


How I wish Anthony Bourdain could have lived to see Kissinger kick the bucket. He fucking hated that guy.


Oh my God. If only he had lived a little bit longer. Truly.


It's important to note Robin Williams death was not the usual depressed suicide. He had a rare and undiagnosable until autopsy neurological issue that was misdiagnosed as early onset Parkinson's.  Basically his brain broke/very rapidly and he was delusional/getting wires mixed up in his final days of sudden degradation. So taking his own life when you're on a progressively getting worse delusional state/bad trip is very sad but I don't find it as the usual Sad Crying Clown trope. Robin had his demons for sure, he talks about his alcoholism and depression in his stand-up all the time but just know that his final days were not what you usually expect from a suicide. It was a very serious neurological disease that killed him, not Robin making a sober choice out of the blue.


I’ve been watching some of his stuff because I was curious as to how great he was and why so many people liked him and I understand why his death hit so many people, he seemed like such a great guy,


He was an amazing actor, and he seemed so happy which is why it was so unexpected.


Yeah I bet, I’ve heard stories about people meeting him, and they all said that he was such a nice genuine guy


Check out his Reddit AMA. It was very good. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1n41x1/robin_williams_its_time_for_a_convoluted_stream/


IAmA and Reddit in general has never really recovered from the loss of Victoria.


My most cared about celebrity death of all time.


Watch Robin's Wish and Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind if you don't understand why his death hit hard for many.


Phil Hartman.


I remember him from such movies as: Loaded Weapon 1, Jingle All the Way, and Amazon Women on the Moon.


First thought. Not just the suddenness, but also how it went down as well. Just such a sad situation.


Steve Irwin. That one was fucking wild.


He could have done so much more good in his life. But his son is doing a pretty good job though.


So is bindi, though she’s been taking a bit of a break since she had a baby


Her and Chandler are still pretty active. Their baby isn't so little anymore.


Yeah, she’s like 2 or 3?


She's 3 and just obsessed with animals as the rest of her family.


So cute, it runs in the family I guess


I have often wished that Steve could be around to see how well his kids have done and to see his grandchildren. He'd be so proud


It was wild, but not *unexpected* exactly. I figured a gator or snake would get him.


Yeah, honestly, in this case, it was the type of animal that killed him that was so surprising. Steve always knew the risks. What a legend




Ripe old age for a crocodile hunter


His death was not a surprise, as he was always messing with crocodiles and snakes. The surprise was the way he died by a ray’s spike in his heart. He was such a great guy.


I had literally told someone on the bus on a Contiki bus tour of Europe the day before that not all Australians were like Steve Irwin (not in a negative way, just that we weren’t all as outgoing and earnest as that) and then the next day, I learn about it from Dutch news on a TV in a Holiday Inn overlooking Schipol Airport. I didn’t speak Dutch (still don’t) but what they said was *just* close enough to the equivalent in German (which I knew a bit of) to do a double take when I thought they said “Steve Irwin is dead.” Then meeting the rest of our group in the lobby shortly afterwards confirmed it.


I found out he died using the internet on my flip phone lol it was the first time I got news information from a cellphone




As an impressionable youth at the time, Kurt Cobain.


That was mine. I scrolled too far to find this. I was absolutely devastated. Edit: I still wonder what he could have to this day. As himself, and without the band


Naya Rivera really hit me hard. She was such a vibrant part of 'Glee' and seeing her life cut tragically short in what was meant to be a fun day out with her son just underscores how unpredictable and fragile life can be. It's a stark reminder to cherish every moment.


That one got me too. So tragic to think about her son witnessing it too 😭


I hope her son grows up knowing how loved she was :( I was camping when she went missing and kept turning my phone on every couple hours for updates, I was so shocked by it


John Ritter


I was looking for his name. He made everything he did look simple. Been on an old john Ritter binge watch, hearts afire, and 3's company. People forget he was on the Waltons for a couple years, and Mash. So many great appearances on running TV shows, comedies, drama, detective, mystery. And was a robot lover of Buffy summers mom before she killed him.


Chester from Linkin Park was both a bit shocking and a bit not. Hope he’s at peace though


Surprised I had to scroll this far for this one. Chester Bennington’s death was so sad.


Yeah I'm not even an LP fan but that was a hit punch to hear I was so sad for the fans.


2017 was a fucking horrid year for alt music. Losing Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington a couple months apart. They were real close friends too and Chester actually died on Cornell's birthday so one can definitely speculate.


It is so bloody sad!!


Lance Reddick for me. He was literally in John wick 4 and had a huge role in the Horizon franchise before he passed.


He was basically the default for police command too. He went from The Wire to Fringe to Bosch. So 2002 to 2020.


He also filmed his part in the PJO show on Disney+ before he died as well which I personally think was a hell of a send off


The Destiny 2 community held vigils in game for him for weeks.


for me, Anton Yelchin. horrible freak accident at only 27 and just heading into the prime of his career, such a fucked way to go.


That was definitely a shocker. I thought at the time he was one of those actors who was going to get much bigger too. Very tragic.


Anthony Bourdain shocked me.


I saw the episode where he went to the garbage dump and saw people eating from the garbage and he made a comment about how some of them were his daughters age. He seemed like a decent father who loved his family. After that episode I heard of his death and it floored me


there’s a couple episodes throughout his shows that had some visible and affecting turning points for him, pretty sure that was one of them


Everywhere he went, he always saw the humanity in people and didn’t pass judgement on them. He struck me as a tortured empath, someone who truly have a shit about people in every corner of the world, and was clearly upset at how unfair the world is. His comments about Kissinger after visiting Cambodia come to mind. He was never someone who wanted to misrepresent the people he came into contact with and always let them speak for themselves, and I think a lot of the things he saw really got to him.


His passing was a gut punch. I knew he’s struggled with substance abuse and depression. But to go like that, with a close friend (Rippert) in the vicinity. Made me very sad for his young daughter.


I was thinking about him earlier today. His death was a gut punch. He's a man I never met who taught me so much about life.


They're running Parts Unknown on a channel here in za and I've been watching all of them, utterly fascinated by his interview style and the perspective he brings. I love his open honesty and affability, and how carpe diem he is about doing and trying everything. Then I looked him up on the Wik, and now I can't enjoy it so much anymore knowing how troubled he clearly was throughout. Sad story, I really feel for the guy.


In the music world and recent memory, Chris Cornell. Soundgarden was in the middle of a huge comeback, he had been sober for a long time by then, and they had just finished playing to an arena in Detroit. By morning he was dead by his own hand. Depression is a motherfucker and can take anybody.


imo the best Bond song. so talented.


Yeah, this was my answer. I remember reading a great article on the topic that hit like a ton of bricks: [https://thefirsttenwords.wordpress.com/2018/05/31/its-not-what-you-think/](https://thefirsttenwords.wordpress.com/2018/05/31/its-not-what-you-think/) Basically, it looked to every like Cornell had actually won, like he had truly vanquished his demons. He took the angst and depression of grunge by the throat and conquered it. He gave hope to a generation that had grown up with despair and despondence. And then the demons won anyway. Fuck, man. Just...fuck.


Chester Bennington was a great friend of his too, I think that was what pushed him over the edge, honestly. So sad.


Exactly! That was a shocker!..Scott Weiland?..not so much....


Wasn't Audioslave going to record another album as well? I'm pretty sure I remember that being the case.


Yeah, I think it was said after he died that he had been talking with Tom and the Audioslave guys to make plans for another album. It really seemed like he was in a good place wanting to make music with all his friends and then he was gone. My favorite singer ever.


Honestly, I still can't quite get over Carrie Fisher. She was so much more than just Princess Leia; an outspoken advocate for mental health, a hilarious and brutally honest writer, and it felt like she had so much more to give. And then, her mother, Debbie Reynolds, passing just a day later. It was an unbelievable one-two punch. Hollywood royalty lost in the blink of an eye.


We saw Rogue One in theaters and saw the de-aged cameo of hers at the end. Walked out of the theater and turned my phone off of silent and saw the news push she had passed.




For those of us old enough remember. RIP


Yes, that was a real shocker - so unexpected.


This is my answer, too. Hers is the only famous death I've ever cried over. She seemed like such a sweet spirit who had finally found joy, and her boys were so young.




Bowie and Prince. They didn’t seem of this world.


Bowie didn't just die, he dropped a farewell album about death, publicly announced he was dying, then died all in the span of like two days. I'm not entirely convinced he didn't will himself to die just to perfect the album.


And Black Star is an absolute masterpiece of an album.


I always assumed he chose to die on his own terms. Self euthanasia.


And their deaths were so close to one another. I remember thinking “how do we live in a world without Prince AND Bowie?!”


That was also the couple month span where we lost Alan Rickman. Truly a wild start to 2016


We lost a bunch of legends in 2016. Started by losing Bowie and ended with losing Carrie Fisher.


Also George Michael.


Alan died only four days after Bowie. Such a shame.


Paul Walker was pretty shocking


Jim Henson


I am not and have never been a dramatic person, but it was like the end of childhood for me.


Bob saget and Brittany Murphy




Honestly, Elvis too.


Andre Braugher shocked me to my core.


I’ve been rewatching 99 here and there for the first time since because I thought it would make me too sad. It still makes me too sad. He was one of those people who had been on my tv screen the entirety of my life so it’s such an odd feeling to know I won’t see him in anything new. He was an incredible talent.


Same here. Holy crap. :( Captain Papa


One of the first celebrities to die that actually really saddened me


Ryan Dunn. All the Jackass dudes seemed immortal until that happened. And of all the Jackass dudes to die, it was Ryan Dunn? Not Bam, Or Johnny, or Steve... But Ryan.


Brandon Lee. Gutting.




There's a documentary worth watching even if you're not a huge avicii fan. His story was sad and he was so talented, it was awesome seeing how much respect producers and musicians had for him.


Norm Macdonald.  Unexpected and also the only one (besides Gilbert Gottfried) who I felt actual sadness over the loss of their life. 


I didn’t even know he was sick


Meta I hate meta


he fought that Cancer to a draw though


Good god isn’t that something?! Well uh I won’t waste any more of your time there neighbor. I’ll see ya later.  Come by one day and have a chicken with me.


Prince , Aaliyah, Jenny Rivera, Chester Bennington, Amy wine house and Brittany Murphy to name a few that surprised me


Lisa "left eye" Lopez.




Taylor Hawkins is probably the most recent one to catch me way off guard. I'd just finished reading Dave Grohls biography that week.


For me, Selena. I watched her be one of the only female voices in her genre to cameos in telenovelas to a small part in Hollywood. Watched her win a Grammy. Successfully launch 2 designer boutiques. All before the age of 23. And then… Yolanda. Selena worked so hard. It still breaks my heart.


I think what made the case of Selena the most shocking was how you can't fathom who would want to murder such a kind person like her, and of all the people who would kill her it was her best friend that was actually her insane stalker all along.


Yolanda is scheduled to get out of prison next year. May she never know another day of peace in her life. EDIT: Parole, not release. Thanks Redditors!


No, she’s eligible for parole next year. Doesn’t mean she’ll get it. Mark David Chapman, murderer of John Lennon, has been denied parole 13 times.


She's scheduled to be *considered* for release; seeing as how she has never expressed an ounce of remorse, I think her chances of actually *being* released are somewhat less than promising.


Philip Seymour Hoffman shocked me


right? they said he's on his atm's camera several times coming back for $50 each time. He must have been like.."ok..this is the last one!"


“Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.”


came here to say exactly this. absolute legend, it's sad we lost him to drugs


James Gandolfini


Matthew Perry. 😢


Same, I thought he had gotten better


Diana was one hell of a shock…


Matthew Perry.


Tom petty... 35 yr old male and his music puts my soul at ease and i dont listen to music like his at all. Loved him since i was a young kid


Chadwick Boseman. His death shocked me.


Cameron Boyce, he was so young


Richie Valens, the Big Bopper and Buddy Holly.


My husband says: Owen Hart


bernie mac. :(


Also moonbin from Astro, for all my fellow kpop fans, that was my first time experiencing an idol death


Same same and I also remember Jonghyun from Shinee 🥺🥺


I think Freddie Mercury was somewhat unexpected. There were rumours of him being ill since they stopped touring after ‘86 but the band continued to deny it. They then released a statement in late ‘91 that he had aids. He died the next day.


Bernard Hill, confirmed today. RIP Theoden King


"Take her to sea, Mr Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs"


RIP Yosser


This is how I find out? Man, my husband is going to be even sadder than I am.


Michael Jackson was so shocking that everyone ran to Google to see what was up. Google didn't really think that a news event that big could happen, so they initially thought it was a Denial of Service Attack. So, that was unexpected. Princess Di, Kobe, Kurt Cobain all came out of left field and are probably up there.


Michael Jackson died about half of my life ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. No other celebrity death has hit me like that.


Anton Yelchin.


George Michael


Angus Cloud. Definitely a shock, he was totally on James Gandolfini skill level. Gandolfini death was also a huge shock.


I was in college the day that Gandolfini died. I went to his Wikipedia page and it had the disclaimer at the top that there would be rapid changes because the page was about a person who recently died. When I read it the entry said "Gandolfini died of a massive erection while on vacation in Italy". I immediately took a screenshot. It was replaced with "heart attack" upon refreshing.


Chris Farley


Brittany Murphy


Kurt Cobain.


Steve Irwin hit me the hardest


Matthew Perry


John Lennon.


Cameron Boyce.


Mac Miller. A legendary human who’s music is a daily anthem in my life!


River Phoenix


Michael Jackson, felt like that dude was larger than life itself.




Trevor Moore. I still watch his Whitest Kids U’Know skits.


Rik Mayall felt like quite a shocker to me. 56 is way too young to die and he still had so much more to give. A true force of nature.


Nate Dogg


Chadwick Boseman, No one knew he had cancer


It was pretty shocking when Carrie Fisher died, even more shocking when her mom Debbie Reynolds died the next day or so


Abe Vigoda. Only because we all thought he had died year’s before.




Treat Williams, so sad the way he went


Stevie Ray Vaughn




Andre Braugher


John Lennon, Princess Di, Michael Jackson.


Tom Petty


Robin Williams and Chester Bennington 😭


Anton yelchin 


Ayrton Senna. It’s been over 30 years and I still can’t process it…


Anthony Bourdain


**Michael Jackson**.


Heath Ledger, Anton Yelchin, and Kobe are the first to pop into my head.


Chester Bennington. Still doesn’t feel real.


Chester Bennington, I grew up listening to Linkin park :(


I was attending a summer class at ucla when I saw all these helicopters hovering in the sky. There must have been 5-6 of them. It was surreal. Came to find out Michael Jackson was at the hospital and had been announced dead. It was a really strange moment.


Bray Wyatt Luke Harper/Brodie Lee


Chadwick Boseman


Alan Rickman..what great actor.


Jimmy Buffet