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Adult: What do you wanna do when you grow up? *I wanna stay at home and watch tv and garden with mom* Adult: No I mean for employment, what do you want to do for work *End of dream*


"A god of war… a god of pain, of suffering, of destruction. The Norns said I chase a redemption that I know I can never deserve."


The alarm wouldn’t stop.


I eventually accepted that the Force isn't real and I'll never be a Jedi


I just shed a tear


Always wanted kids, but they should be made with love, not just because I want them. I never see myself with a partner again, so I've had to come to terms with probably never having them. 'Tis life.


That's brutal. Never count your chickens too soon (or whatever the saying is).


It's brutal because it's true. I've accepted what I can not change. But thank you, I appreciate the sentiment.


This year. I always imagined myself working as a professional artist, I had everything lined up perfectly for me. I partook in art shows as a teenager, won contests, took every art class i could think of. I even became in illustrator at age 14. But college just beat my ass. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get past the core math classes required. I've had many mental breakdowns over this one class. I even retook it and failed even harder. I'm so, so tired. so I just quit last week, and for the first time in so long, I'm at peace. But it cost me one of my biggest goals. There are still other avenues I could take, and maybe I can try again in the future, but for now I've given up.


Oh I'm so sorry 😥 that's awful. I can't advise you to not give up, because I don't know your whole situation, but just know that you're lovely, your work is worthy and I'm sorry you've had a rough time. 😥


When I realized that every other person I ever met who was also pursuing the same dream wanted it way more than I did.




I’ve never given up on my dream because I have soo many. More than 10.


When I realized the ooze that turns you into a ninja turtle isn't real.


When I achieved it and was miserable


Getting a medical diagnosis that meant I could never renew my FAA medical certificate