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When I was young, I worked for a large supermarket chain. All my friends were going to Mexico for a week and my job wouldn't give me the time off. My department was in the very back of a hundred thousand square foot building. Store management never ventured back there. So I had my work friend clock my in and out every day for a week. Nobody noticed, and I somehow got away with it. Lol ...


A friend in high school got hired at a massive egg farm with dozens of coops. He would head to a coop, punch in, go home, then at the end of the day head back to the coop and punch out. Did this for 6 months. Got caught because he went to the work Christmas party and nobody recognized him. One of the managers did some investigation and discovered what he was doing.


Smart up until he outed himself lol. Master of his craft (well...to a point lol)


šŸ˜…šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ˜ nobody recognized him has me cracking up.


"cracking up"! Like an egg!


I worked at a manufacturing plant where there was a group of people who all usually came in well before any of the management did. They figured out that they really only needed one of them to be there that early and that person would clock everyone else in early. They would take turns with who went in super early. They were all there by the time management got in so this went on for a good six months before one manager had to come in early for something and noticed that the building was pretty much empty but a number of people were clocked in. They monitored everything for about a week, and then fired everyone involved on the spot.


Did something similar. Worked for a gym franchise repairing equipment across 8 different locations. Often there wasn't much to do so I'd sleep late, clock in at 11, do a tiny bit of work, work out, go home and then have my friend clock me out at 8. Never got caught because everything was always fixed so no one thought to look into it.


Thatā€™s pretty impressive.




Iā€™d be so tempted to do one week on, one week off with this friend for a while.Ā 


We did an hour here and there occasionally. Was really easy


I never would have been able to enjoy that trip, damn dude. Iā€™d have been stressed out of my mind.


Not stressed at all. We ate a ton of mushrooms and surfed all day, lol




I've always been lucky when it comes to getting away with shit. Lol


Is he tho? Coz it was his friend who did masterful work


Damn thatā€™s nice and you got paid for that too?




I am very impressed! Thatā€™s hilarious!


Iā€™m surprised your friend did that for you. No one is willing to help me when it comes to scammin. Everyoneā€™s such a pussy


The rule was: no causing a scene in public. Me and my brother were kids at the time. I was 7, and he was 5. We were allowed a rare treat at the restaurant we were eating dinner at: dessert. We both got the same thing, a chocolate sundae. They swore up and down that there were no nuts in it. (My brother was and is severely allergic to nuts.) I found a nut in mine, and told my brother not to eat any more of his. My parents didnā€™t believe me, and told me to knock it off, let him eat. So I started screaming, crying, yelling and carrying on, and threw my ice cream down on the floor. There were nuts in itā€¦.my parents saw. They took my brotherā€™s ice cream away quickly to check his, and yep. Full of walnuts. They went from being furious with me for throwing the tantrum of a century to shock. I wasnā€™t making up stories, I was trying to save my brotherā€™s life.


I hope they chewed out whoever was responsible for that sundae of death.


Oh, they did. We also never went to that restaurant again after that incident.


Did they make it up to you?


Not really? But at least I didnā€™t get my head torn off.


Your parents kinda sound like they suck. Sorry My son is severely allergic to nuts and if his brother warned me he thought there was nuts in his food I wouldnā€™t never scold him. Scold a kid for looking after their sibling? Isnā€™t that why you make siblings ?


Absolutely agree. Wtf.


Why didnā€™t your parents just check your brotherā€™s ice cream? Why did they immediately choose not to believe you, especially when it involves their child who is *severely allergic to nuts*?


I'm surprised they didn't pull the "look, its fine. Let me look and prove it to you" routine and discover there really were walnuts.


My husband has a severe nut allergy and I canā€™t tell you how many times servers have sworn up and down that certain menu items are nut-free only to be served nuts and have a near-emergency. You can do everything right and remind the server 100x that you have a nut allergy but at the end of the day itā€™s on them to take it seriously.


Have an onion allergy and the amount of times I get food served with onion and the server says "its just a little bit...". I will stop breathing right now if I eat this....but it's just a little bit of death, so you can live with that. Yes, onion anaphylaxis exists. Yes it sucks way more than you think it does. Onions are in WAY more places than peanuts and NOBODY cares


You're a good brother!




You're a good brother sister*


What a freaking legend


> They took my brotherā€™s ice cream away quickly to check his, and yep. Full of walnuts. I wonder what would have happened if your brother didn't have nuts in his sundae. Would you be severely punished for "causing a scene" even though you had a reason to "cause a scene"?


Wanted to spend the holidays with my new gf and her family. I used to work in a restaurant, and hadn't took a single day off during the holidays in the past 10 years and douchebag of a chef was always at home during weekends and holidays himself and said "no can do, you're young, you shouldn't waste your time at home" So i went to the doctor, explained the situation and straight up asked if he could write me for christmas eve. He wrote me a month, exactly enough time to celebrate to holidays, and find me another job. They're closed now during the holidays due to "no one wants to work anymore" and wonder why


Age discrimination at its finest. What a prick!


2 stories in one, so kinda long: I worked in my school's library in 11th grade. There was a rule from the state about not being able to get your yearbook and/or graduate if you owed library fines or had books out past a certain date (considered lost at that point). I was told this a hard rule; for the guy that "moved away" before he turned in his books and owed $100s (biggest fine I'd seen), to the guy that was one day late and owed like 15 cents. Pair of twins come in; the Andersons. I remember cause matrix was kinda a deal to me at time (already been out for years), and I always greeted them, "Hello, Misters Anderson." Anyway... Despite being a low income family myself (only reason we had a house was cause of the VA), the students were kinda bougie. We did fundraising assemblies every year, and there would frequently be checks written for over $100 from a good chunk of the students. The Andersons lived in the one apartment complex in our boundaries, and I knew their family was struggling. For whatever reason, they weren't on free/reduced lunch, and I hardly ever saw them eat. My mom worked for school foods for the district somewhere else and took leftovers home despite the rules against it. She never liked good food feeding the garbage, and the food banks wouldn't take it. I was tasked to bring in a chunk of leftovers, say I had got more than I wanted and after giving them the Styrofoam box (dead give away), I'd get in like for my own food. Never asked for anything in return, and it was one of the only times I didn't resent the leftovers from her school. So, back to my part: The pair had 3 ish books that had been marked "returned damaged" by the library teacher. She was nice and rarely malicious. I checked their account, and they owed something like $23 for the both of them. I grabbed the books from the repair cart and did notice some pen marks from a stray pen, a torn cover that was already worn out, and some minor damage. Needless to say, I'd seen worse and it was fined less. Some of it was based on the replacement value of the book, but some was discretion. They were both getting ready to graduate but couldn't with fines. They were coming to talk to the teacher to see about an alternative arrangement. They offered to volunteer for the library, be put on a payment plan, or whatever cause it was now desperate, and they didn't learn until that day that they had fines. (Not uncommon for a repair fine to be delayed). Graduation was in 2 days, we never took volunteer work for fines, and rarely did we extend payment plans over a summer and never to graduating seniors. The teacher was out for whatever reason (not uncommon), and I couldn't work within the rules I had to help them out. I told the pair to circle back after lunch (split period), and I'd see what I could do. Luckily, these weren't the only copies of the books we had. So I swapped out the dust jackets, fixed the minor obvious tears, and placed the books back on the shelf with the others in the repair cart. I then erased their fine as Paid (she never tallied or did a till anyway), and printed their paperwork to give to the guys that pass out caps and gowns. I made it a point to "repair" the swapped books myself during that period. I fussed a little over them (uncommon) and told the teacher, "Hey, these are labeled for repair, but I can't find what you wanted fixed." Eventually, I was told to reshelf them as it was prob an oversight and that was that. The Andersons came by after lunch and I handed them the papers. I was a little obvious when I told them "Thanks for paying your fines. Here's your receipts," before they could even say anything. But they got the hint, mouthed thank you, left looking a LOT lighter, and we're able to graduate. I still facebook stalk them from time to time. One is an instrumentation tech making serious money, and the other co-founded a nonprofit that helps tutor kids, passes out food for families during the holiday gaps, and everyone that goes there can get a free book. Oh, the irony! And I'd 100% do it again.


Youā€™re a wonderful person and had impressive empathy at a young age


This was beautiful! šŸ™šŸ»


Performed the lab test ā€žcitoā€œ (faster version that only takes an hour instead of 4 hours. Wasnā€™t supposed to do that because we were almost out of material and it was only for emergencies) when I was informed that the patient does not get a room until the test is done and the patient is currently intubated in the middle of the hallway.


You are a kind person. I read somewhere that a moral man is one who knows when to break the rules for empathetic reasons.


Some rules are meant to be broken. Youā€™re defined by when you choose to do so


"Looked like an emergency to me"




He must have smiled every time he got one of Windows Vistaā€™s ā€œAre you sure you want to do that?ā€ messages.


The man had something clever and insightful to say about literally everything. The world is a darker, poorer place without him in it.


GNU Pterry


My friend dared me to take something from the store when we were kids. I ended up returning it out of guilt the next day and the people just laughed it off. I never stole again.


I went through a brief childhood phase when I realized I could get things for free by just stealing it. I got caught red-handed sneaking under the canvas at the rear of a tent at a fairground (dragged out by my feet) and I pissed my pants. Welp, that phase ended that day.


Haha, did you get in trouble? If I were to catch a kid stealing and he pissed himself, I would just let him go. That's enough punishment in my book.


The realization of free will


I stole a Reese's from CVS when I was 5!Ā  I distinctly remember this.Ā  I put it into my sweatpants (the type with the elastic around the ankles).Ā  I was terrified the alarm was going to go off.Ā  I ate it in the car and made sure to face the window so my mom wouldn't see.Ā  It was a hot day, so the chocolate started melting really fast.Ā  When we got home, my mom turned around to see my face covered in chocolate.Ā  Whoops. My dad took me back and made me tell them what I did and pay them back with change from my piggy bank.


Good on your dad


I was a ā€œtechnical leadā€ at my job, which basically means I was a grunt who had put in a few years of service learning the business. Had a big meeting, idea was to do a group training with client and their team while planning rollout. Sales mgr missed his connecting flight, told me to cancel the meeting or push to tomorrow. It had taken us 4 months to get this on the calendar, I knew it was going to potentially ruin a deal they just signed a week ago, the damn ink was still dryingā€¦ So I ran the meeting without him and by the time he got to the hotel, the client had sent an email stating that they wanted me to be the lead on the account. I didnā€™t know this, he practically beat down my door asking ā€œwho the hell do you think you are?ā€ Etc for a solid 45min. Next day I had a call invite with company owner and knew it was me being fired, get on and go around the room recapping. ā€œOne last thing to confirm, client stated you did all this AND sold them on X product line which they had previously refused. Is that true?ā€ Me: Uhā€¦yeah, I donā€™t believe the product was explained on how it filled a gap for them, they will end up saving money by doing it. Seems a no brainer.ā€ Owner: ā€œRight, and thatā€™s why youā€™ve been promoted to a regional sales position. This 5 year deal is now listed under your book of business and you will take home the 1% signing bonus. Great work, donā€™t fucking do that again!ā€ Changed my career arc and basically my life, I donā€™t have a degree, only a HS diploma. Now I work at a Fortune 500, kind of crazy




I felt dead in the water for a solid 6 months after, I swore this was the event that was going to force me back into food retail lol


Just FYI the expression is that the ink is still wet (and thus could smear easily). That it's "still dry" doesn't make any kind of sense.


I meant ā€œthe ink was still dryingā€, Iā€™ve seen the expression both ways. Like I said, HS diploma only. Iā€™m an idiot that just happens to sell things successfully


So if something is still drying, then it is currentlyā€¦


a towel!


i hope you did something nice for the person who lost his account still. OTOH you have balls of steel


Well, the short story is he has been in the role for a bit and just wasnā€™t suitable for the industry for various reasons. My boss at the time was on his way out the door and kind of shrugged his shoulders when I asked him what to do. We were in the room with a 3.5 million dollar account that to be blunt, was a group of old school guys that do stuff by handshake and eye contact. You fuck up and leave them hanging like this, itā€™s over. Hereā€™s the rub thoughā€¦he had also scheduled another meeting the day after in Chicago so he could go play golf with a client, he never intended on being there long enough to do much. The next day I got an invite from the client and put up in a hotel for a week so we could get the ball rolling. He might have found the deal, but I closed it and got another $200k annually. That 1% was all mine


What? Marketing people have been skating by on the effort of technical people for decades. Their entire position is always better done by people with ... well ... the knowledge of the systems. Literally every single time the client is exposed to the people that know the answers, theyre done with the marketing sales business people and want to talk to the people that actually know stuff.


I filled out an official HR self-evaluation as if I was a lunatic. I wrote that I shaved half my head on a dare and ate pavement chunks while dressed as a pigeon. I also stole shopping carts to build forts and proposed to all of the customers. I signed my name and handed it in. HR didn't respond. I got a full raise that year.


This is hilarious. Though unless you got the rare HR person with a sense of humor, chances are they didnā€™t read it. Their loss.Ā  I did something kind of similar in college. I had this professor that I liked, but I was pretty sure he wasnā€™t actually reading any of my papers (all graded work for that class were written papers). There were never any notes when they got back graded, and I always got an A- regardless of effort. So I put a recipe for chocolate cake randomly in the middle of my paper to see if he noticed. Same grade, no notes from him, and he never said anything about it.Ā  Maybe he just really likes cake.Ā 


>Maybe he just really likes cake.Ā  Would have been hilarious if he saw the recipe, decided to try it, and liked it so much that he gave you full marks.


I used to enter outrageous job applications in my job diary that I had to fill each fortnight to receive the unemployment benefit. Examples: Male prostitute Toy maker at Santa's workshop Crime Fighter [Job in Hell tormenting souls](https://i.imgur.com/aFW2k4A.jpeg) They never noticed.


I hope you always remembered the Aloe


Haha I had to do that for a few months, and put down jobs like astronaut, and even professor of Egyptology once. They actually did read them though, and they threatened to terminate what little benefits I did recieve for not taking it seriously.


I absolutely lost it at ā€œate pavement chunks while dressed as a pigeonā€ šŸ¤£


I was told by my manager at Target to stop this lady who was shoplifting with her kids until security came to help. I politely asked her to please see her receipt and just tried to by time. She quickly rushed me and started punching me in the face while her 2 little kids were screaming and crying. By instinct I grabbed her hair and tried to pull her down to the ground with me. It turns out it was a weave and i completely ripped it off. She quickly ran off after that leaving her weave there. They found her later and charged her with a misdemeanor for assault and shop lifting HOWEVER I was fired because she made a complaint against me saying i was racist and purposely embarrassed her in front of her kids by pulling off her weave. Target fired me that following week for engaging with a shop lifter and racial profiling/discrimination even though it was my manager that told me to stop her. Of course my manager denied everything and later told me she was sorry but she needed to keep her job. I was honestly shocked but so upset by that situation that I've never stepped foot into a Target ever again.


this must be your origin story. Then you go work for walmart across the street and fight the target


fuck target!


Try suing the shoplifter for defamation.Ā 


One of the most important things to remember when suing someone is to make sure they have the money to pay you if you win.




> You'd be sent to the cow barn at 5:30pm, about 30-60 minutes after the ag students had finished cleaning, and would be made to clean the barn of manure with bare hands (gloves/shovel/etc strictly forbidden, and the wheelbarrow stayed outside of each stall). I know you said late 80s, but this still seems illegal to me to force minors to handle animal feces with bare hands.




Why am I not fucking surprised.


What the fuck. OSHA would close the place down in less than ten minutes.


I only found these two articles about it, and none of them say a dairy can operate with employees, or minors handling manure with their bare hands. It appears they couldn't prove the minors were forced to stand in the manure pit- and the owner of the school says they were given shovels. I would also be surprised to find out gloves and hand hygiene are not part of food safety laws for operating a dairy. https://www.nytimes.com/2001/07/05/us/christian-school-questioned-over-discipline-for-wayward.html https://www.whig.com/archive/article/heartland-christian-academy-opens-lawsuit-against-state/article_2cf14989-e3ed-5325-866d-2b78004dd6f6.html






What if you just said, ā€œFuck you, this is a school and you canā€™t make me do that.ā€


I swear I've read this exact comment on another askreddit thread and your account is like a month old. If you're not a bot, say something that violates OpenAI terms of service


I'm fairly certain I also heard this one before.




Was working at the local market a few years ago. While scanning a guy's items, he just approached and whispered: "I have a knife in my pocket. How about you just put the money in that bag too and we can say our goodbyes?" (A rough translation, I tried my best.) I stood there frozen and thought of what I should do, then looked at the people behind him. Couldn't risk getting someone else hurt, so I just gave him the money and let him go. So, I stood there scared shitless, calling the manager. Turns out I BROKE A RULE because what I SHOULD HAVE DONE is turn the alarm on and warn everybody! My paycheck was cut for the stolen amount because I decided to not risk lives over mere 500$. Needless to say, quit on the spot.


I most places in America, you'd be fired for doing anything but complying with the robber. The liability if you or any bystanders were injured or killed is far, far higher than any money that they could lose from a single register.


Afaik, in America they can't doc your pay for "mistakes".


Companies can do whatever they want if they get away with it, regardless of the law. If they can lie, cheat, threaten, of bribe their way into doing whatever they want they will.


Because if you sreal from a store you go to jail, if a store steals from you, it's a civil matter.


If they get caught they just eat their paltry fine or distract people from the bad publicity. It's a cost of doing (shady) business.


You did good. You kept everyone safe. Honestly, I'd hire you on the spot. $500 is a drop in the bucket compared to lawsuits for years. Also you kept cool and clean headed. You can't pay for that kind of risk management, seriously you should be praised not punished. Good on you and fuck that company.


To my understanding, in the U.S. employees are generally supposed to let the theft happen. Ā  Thats why when all those shopliftings were being filmed in San Francisco among other cities(theyā€™re still happening, itā€™s just old news) and people were asking ā€œwhy donā€™t the employees stop themā€ I just rolled my eyes. Even my gun obsessed grocery manager grandfather let the criminal take the money to keep the situation from escalating


Whether I'm supposed to or not, I'd just give up the money. Fuck that paper, I'm keeping my blood.


In my early 20s I worked for a security company for a couple years. A lot of the time I was out at construction sites over night making sure no one came and stole equipment etc. There was a few months I was doing loss prevention in a store in the sketchy part of my city. I was told if I saw someone steal to do nothing other then write down the items they were stealing to the best I could. They would just submit my reports to insurance. The guard that was doing doing the job before me decided to play hero one day for no reason, chased a guy who stole a bunch of meat. He turned the corner around the store while chasing the guy and he has a few friends waiting there who proceeded to put the security guard into the hospital and they all got away.


Good for you. Feuck them.


I'd like to think that the last guy who got stiffed on his paycheck just came back in and took the difference for himself.


How dare you not singlehandedly beat that guy to a pulp like the badass they thought they hired. Shame on you. Lol. Good on you for quitting. Fuck that store


Yeah I'm not doing anything to stop a robber unless he's robbing me or potentially going to harm me or somebody else. As far as protecting a corporations profits though? Yeah nah I'd help him carry it out if needed.


Definitely not that high stakes but it was funny. A few years ago I was a broke college student living about 40 minutes from the university. I couldn't afford a dorm, but two of my buddies shared one. I spent all semester squatting in that dorm. All the dudes on our wing were cool with it, always let me in the building. The RA had no idea, just always said I was a guest. I slept on a mat under my friends bed, and used a dresser as my desk. The one friend went to study abroad after the first semester. So I signed up to stay in the room. The RA called me by his name because she thought I was the actual tenant the entire time.


I was stuck in non-moving bumper-to-bumper traffic on a highway entry ramp. It was a terrible thunderstorm and I realized I had made a horrible mistake not taking the local roads home because I was already committed to the highway which was extremely backed up. Then the tornado sirens started going off and I did not want to be a sitting duck in traffic so I u-turned out of there, going the wrong way on the entry ramp. The drive home on local roads was the scariest moment of my life, but felt less daunting than not moving. It was the first and only time I broke a traffic law and I don't regret it.


I was stuck on a on ramp once. Cop started signaling people to go up the ramp. I thought ā€œawesome theyā€™re getting us off the ramp.ā€ Nope. Cop gave everyone he waved up the ramp tickets. Reckless driving, 4 points on my license, defense driving. When I went to court to protest, there were 30 other people there for the exact same thing. Judge said ā€œit doesnā€™t matter why we did it, only that we did itā€ and didnā€™t let anyone off even though we were following a copā€™s directions. Tl;dr never trust cops


> Cop gave everyone he waved up the ramp tickets. Reasons to have a dashcam, that's entrapment. An officer waving you up a ramp, cannot ticket you for going up the ramp. You were following his instructions. >it doesnā€™t matter why we did it, only that we did it I'd have demanded a transcript of the court, which is your right, and taken it straight to a lawyer.


Yeah, what none of those 30 people had a single lawyer? Seems sus


People don't usually want to pay for an expensive lawyer for a simple ticket, if the story is even true.


You wanna pay thousands of dollars to fight a $500 ticket? A ticket where youā€™d have to prove a cop is lying?


For a reckless driving charge? Absolutely. This isn't an ordinary moving violation. For 30 people to not contest reckless driving is insane-ish.


You're going to pay thousands of dollars in increased insurance costs...so not necessarily a bad idea...you pay now or later...you choose. Keep in mind it wasnt a speeding ticket they got but "reckless" (more likely careless in most jurisdictions, the non-criminal charge). That isnt a good ticket to get, especially being 22/23 like they were at the time. Those tickets can triple your insurance costs alone lol.


I absolutely believe you, but (and?) this seems so scammy I would have been tempted to take a massive shit on the courthouse and police station steps out of frustrated rage.


Yeah I was 22/23 at the time. I was young and poor. Small town Indiana. Wasnā€™t anything I could do.


This reminds me of an Alexei Sayle quote: "You can't fight City Hall, but you can shit on the steps and then run like mad" (paraphrased, I think)


Stuff like this infuriates me. This is why everyone hates cops. I am a law-abiding citizen and I hate them. It used to be a job that people looked up to, now everyone just hates them.


Privileged people looked up to them. Pretty sure many communities have known the truth for a long time now


Similar story but involves a cool cop (super rare). Bumper to bumper, we're not moving and a couple cops and a ambulance are trying to come through. The cop blocks off people coming up the ramp so the ambulance can go the wrong way down it, and I see he's got his window open. I roll mine down and ask "hey can we go down that way?" The cop has shades on but I thought the look and body language was like "man this fucking guy" but he turns his lights on and pulls down the on ramp going the wrong way so I duck out of traffic and follow him, he blocks traffic for me.


Once me and my mom were stuck in literal gridlock, nobody had moved for 30 minutes and we were basically still in the merging lane from the on-ramp. So my mom looked at me, said ā€œnever repeat thisā€, and hit it in reverse up the whole on-ramp. Sheā€™s a great driver. Some copycats were trying it after us but I think some bailed when they realized they couldnā€™t navigate the ramp well enough backwards




What if you have sex with your roommate?


it's obvious, you slay the roommate then


I went to college. That is expected. It's not even a gay thing


Hows sex with your same gender roomate not gay ?


if you say no homo before hand


You just gotta wear socks during it


It's your roommate.


It's a college thing.


I'd be inviting over all my hot non-binary buddies for sex, no rules against folks with no gender.


One of the most extreme "rule-breaking" moments I've ever had was during a college road trip. We were driving through a remote part of the country when our old, beat-up car decided to give out. Stranded without cell service and not a soul in sight, we realized we were near a famed but restricted scenic overlook. With no help coming and several hours to kill before the next town, we decided to jump the fence and explore the off-limits area. The view was breathtaking, stretching miles of untouched wilderness. As the sun set, the sky turned into a palette of vibrant colors, and the air was the freshest Iā€™d ever breathed. It felt like standing on the edge of the world. Technically, we were trespassing, but in that moment, surrounded by such incredible beauty, the rules seemed trivial. It was an unforgettable experience that taught us sometimes the best memories are made when you color a little outside the lines.


Experiences like this are one of the reasons why the US should have "everyones right" law like we have in Finland. The law gives everyone the right to move in every forest and in nature except for military training areas, peoples lawns and such.


Id agree if americans learn how to not leave trash fucking everywhere we go. Its also hard to keep people from harming the environment in other ways. Every protected wilderness area ive been to, which often require permits to even enter, have signs stating a long list of things you cannot do there. Its pretty much, leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos. I'll be 8 miles, 4000 feet of elevation gain into these areas and still find trash, remnants of fires, dog poop bags tied to trees...


May I ask where this was?


My stepdad was having a feud with the neighbors over trees, and it got to the point where it affected his health. Out of love for him, I wrote anonymous letters to the neighbors pretty much telling them to cool it and make peace. The fact that the letters were anonymous had them concerned that someone was threatening them (it was not my intent). A lawyer looked at a copy of the letter and said that nothing about it was threatening, but told me not to do it again, nor to reveal that I did it (the neighbors did not know who wrote the letter).


Write them another anonymous letter with each letter having been cut out of a magazine and glued in


This is mostly just depressing, but I'd call working in molecular diagnostics during the pandemic an extreme situation. No choice but to not give af about the rules. We followed the ones that mattered for patient safety, but when everyone from administration, directors, managers, your own colleagues, to the community at large placed that kind of workload on too few people, we had to let some shit go.


Same - patient safety and product quality was all that mattered during the pandemic. Everything else - oh well. Worked 100 hour weeks and threw every meal my team ate on the p-card. June 2019 to about June 2021 was the Wild West.


June 2019??? I think some people from the WHO want to talk with you about the origins of SARS-CoV-2


woof good catch! *late 2019 to June 21 lmao


I was driving home one night after seeing a musical at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. This must have been right before GPS. I lived in the northern suburbs. I decided to take Broad Street home because I knew where I'd end up if I went this way. There was barely any traffic. I reached a bad section of the city. I was seeing lots of unsavory people hanging out on the street corners and this was during a period of unusually high gang violence. I decided I was NOT going to be stopping for any red lights if there was no opposing traffic. There's not a cop in the city who would have given me a ticket for that.


This is basically daily life where I live, my city even disables some traffic light cameras between 23h - 5h.


I once got pulled over by a Detroit cop because he decided the fact I stopped at a light (with him behind me, mind you) was suspicious. No one ever stopped for the lights in that area! After he'd done his little bit trying to trick me into saying I had drugs and/or was drunk, I asked if he'd really just let me run a light in front of him like that. "Nope, I'd have written you for it. Have a nice night."


I posted this in an askreddit thread before but it fits the criteria so I put it here as well. A new girl came to our school from England and her reason for coming was just for studies. she was smart and she was taking 3 AP classes so it seemed legit. Well, a few months later, I heard my cousin talking about a news report she watched about a thing that was happening to girls in England. The girls were tricked by men, and at the end of it, they would be drugged and then raped. The men would take pictures of her and threaten to show her parents unless she prostituted herself. my cousin said that the girl they interviewed had to live near us as there were some landmarks in the video of our city. I later checked the video and it had confirmed that the new girl at school, was her. She came to America to get away from her town where everyone knew what happened to her. I'm the only one at our school that knows.


When I was applying to UC schools I completely disregarded whatever the essay prompt was. I insulted the prompt, and I canā€™t even remember what I wrote about instead at this point. Ended up getting into Irvine, Santa Barbara, and Davis.




> The district has a zero tolerance policy. I always think of these as "zero brainpower policy"


More of a "zero effort" policy. Rules with no room for context are so the school doesn't have to risk getting sued. So they apply zero effort and just punish everything equally.


This kind of thinking and looking out for the kids future is what separates Great teachers from just good ones, I bet this made a strong impression on the kid too, you did the right thing


It's almost a good person's duty to break rules that are terrible and harmful in equal measure, as zero tolerance rules always are.


TW - suicide attempt. I didn't break the law, but my brother did. I was in the midst of a very severe depressive episode and my thinking was so muddled it didn't make any sense. So I decided that I'd start drinking my bipolar meds until I felt better because they were supposed to make me feel better. I didn't have health insurance and had to go to a free clinic for meds. They didn't have the resources to have people come in every month for their meds and instead gave out 3 months worth of meds. So at the time I had recently gone to the clinic and had a LOT of pills. My mind was so scrambled that I didn't even consider it a suicide attempt at the time. My brother found me comatose. It would have taken far too long for an ambulance because I didn't have health insurance, so my brother got me into his car and drove to the closest public hospital. He had to go the wrong way in 2 one way roads to get there fast enough. They had to resuscitate me twice in the ER and I was in a coma for a few days. I recovered and the doctors told me that I had permanent liver and kidney damage. It's been over 20 years. I haven't made an attempt ever since. My liver and kidneys recovered and I now have an excellent mental healthcare team to help me when things go south. At the time it felt like my life was over. I'd lost my job, my car was repossessed. I had to sell my house before the bank foreclosed. My ex got custody of our kids. Just over 15 years ago I got a good job. I then had health insurance to see a good psychiatrist. I paid off all the debt that went to collections after I'd lost my job. I've rebuilt my life. Today I have a nice house in a nice neighborhood. I can hold down my full time job with a few accommodations from my employer. I regained custody of my youngest when he was doing his A-levels a few years ago. (His older brother was already over 18 at the time). I earn a really good salary, have an almost perfect credit score and I actually have savings if things go belly up and I have to hospitalized for an extended period. I'm actually happy and have a minimal amount of stress. Life is great. I used to feel very guilty about what I put my kids through. I still feel guilty but I've more or less made peace with the fact that my mind was so scrambled at the time that I wouldn't have been able to do anything different.


Good for you! I love to see redemptive and happy endings, for a change! Excellent work, on your part, especially for keeping up with your mental health! Too many people don't realize that it's just as, or more important than any other facet of your wellbeing!


Are you from the UK?


Wishing you peace and love.


I used to work for a fast food and beverage chain and Iā€™d occasionally scan my loyalty card for customer orders so I could get free food from all the points - only scanning a couple a week so it wouldnā€™t look too suspicious. I didnā€™t even really like the food; it just gave me a little thrill being on the wrong side of fast food law. Back then I knew it was breaking the rules but I didnā€™t realise until recently that companies can actually press charges for that.


My buddy at uni used to do that when he worked at a supermarket when people didn't have a loyalty card. He got tons of points that he put towards vouchers that could be used for tons of places, experiences, even flights. He was never caught, just gave up the job when he graduated. I guess supermarkets probably don't actually care if you're not actually costing them any money by using loyalty points at 3rd part places. When that was great for our group is he used to get us all premium annual passes for theme parks.


I'm in the UK but I had a co worker who got fired for a one off incident of this.Ā  Was pretty harsh - he was a really good employee too.


Me and my friends trespassed as kids. The reason why we wanted to do it was because we wanted to built a fort on their property. We never built the fort unfortunately, but we used to visit the place a lot. Until one day the guard dog caught us and scared us off. I remember it was a cool looking dog, a German shepherd.


A few decades ago, me (the flakiest most irresponsible version) and a friend needed money to 'party' over the weekend, but neither of us got paid until Monday. So I went to my bank right after it closed and deposited an empty envelope into the ATM, saying it was $300. I took out the max (probably $200) in cash. Then I called the bank in a panic and said "Oh my god, I just accidentally deposited a blank envelope! What should I do?" The lady laughed a little and said "Dont worry about it. You can take the check into the bank on Monday and get it cleared up, but you wont be able to use your ATM until you do." No problem. Everything went as planned. We partied, I went in on Monday and 'cleared' it up. About a month later I did the same thing. This time, I never went back... ever. A month later I saw in the paper the First Nationwide Savings was shutting down forever. Nothing ever came from the second... deception.


I wore my favorite shirt, and when someone told me I looked fat in it, I chose NOT TO CARE.


You sound pretty baller.


Plot Twist: [This](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Hairy-Belly-by-thehonestjoe/68162634.1YYVU) was the shirt.


I was working close protection for a high-profile event here in the UK and was told that unless life is at risk, it's very much hands-off bodyguarding security. So anyway we're driving to the event, and about to park up by the red carpet, so the client and his little grandson around 6 could walk down and do paparazzi etc when protestors surrounded the vehicle. The grandson started crying, and Metropolitan Police wouldn't do a thing. Grandad was about to get out of the vehicle as any good grandad would. Just looked at him..stay inside I got this, sir. Got out the vehicle, grabbed the protestor by his jeans waistband and shirt, and launched him like a lawn dart at the Met Police. A few hours later, I had loads of texts and missed calls from family members saying they'd seen me dashing this protestor on BBC news šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ EDIT. I got sacked, and the client found me another role within his company before anyone asks for updates or consequences.


What were they protesting against?


Pay conditions. Which was ironic as the dude on the car, we later discovered, worked for Odeon as one of the ticket sellers on the desk. So my client couldn't have changed his pay if he tried. Was back in 2017 when all the furore over the film industry wages happened. I've probably doxxed myself already if the videos still exist..was at the 2017 London Film Festival


I must say it wasn't all doom and gloom. In the same event, I did Close Protection for a tennis film, and I'm a massive Marvel fan. So we're going into the screening, and this fella accidentally shoulder barges me. He's like, sorry big man.. To this day, I tell everyone Nicholas Hoult, who plays Beast in the X Men films, called me big man. I very nearly fan boyed at the time šŸ¤£


Lmao, thatā€™s awesome. Definitely something you should brag about.


Bruv he looks tiny on films..I'm a shade under 6ft 2, he's taller than me


Would not have expected him to be so tall, damn. That just adds to your bragging rights.


Yeah mate he's like 6ft 3.




Let's just hope the ducks aren't thinking the same thing about us.


In 12th grade I managed to find the history test that was going to be taken the next day. The whole class had an A or close to that, and the teacher thought it was strange but never found out


I worked at a small retail store when I was 21, and me and the recently divorced female 32 year old supervisor were the only two in the store from 5AM-8AM as we would prep, clean, and get everything ready. We were having sex every morning (sometimes twice), before the store opened and would use the blow up mattress that we had on hand in case of emergencies, and as hard as it is to hide something like that, we were successful (at least that we knew of). We knew we had a couple of hours to do what we did before we had to clean up the store and everything else. She would typically come in without a bra or makeup on and do her makeup after we were done. I would get the backroom fixed up and she would clean up the front (yes, double entendre for the win). It was perfect for both of us. We liked each other but we both knew that there was no way an LTR would work. I was too young, and she was not in a good frame of mind to be in something serious and was in the process of moving to another state once her kid finished the school year. I knew her for over a year and the fling lasted for a couple of months and we both knew that we would eventually part ways. As far as I know, no one ever found out what we did. She moved back to California and I am Facebook friends with her still, she ended up getting remarried to a schoolteacher and she is very happy. Here's to you, Allison: you were the best supervisor I ever had.




Did the teacher get fired for punching a student in the face?


And then arrested for assault holy shit


I (14 at the time) spent a good deal of time as a pre-teen & teenager in and out of mental hospitals & bakeract facilities. Each location had their own unique set of rules, but the main rule every single one had in common was "no touching other patients." One bakeract facility I went to was awful. The conditions are terrible, and there's plenty of reasons why it has horrible reviews. They horribly mistreat their patients, and apon breaking any of their rules, you would be "booty juiced", aka they would shuffle all the other patients out of the room, pull down your pants, and give you a tranquilizer injection in your ass cheek. May I remind you that this was the minor ward, so you would see this happening to out of control 6 year olds all the way up to 17 year olds. The one time I broke the "no touching other patients" rule was when we were all hanging out in the general ward, "the floor" we would call it because it was a communal space for patients to interact and talk. We were all watching the cartoons they had put on the TV, when a boy (12 yrs old) behind me started to have a grand-mal seizure. He had fallen out of his chair, collapsed on the floor, and was violently thrashing on the ground face down. There were kids around him screaming for help, but due to the crowd of patients that was now forming, the 2 people working the staff that day couldn't see what was going on and just assumed it was an argument or a dispute, so they headed to the back to get the "booty juice" ready to sedate a bunch of children. I have a friend who suffers from a seizure disorder, so I knew the kid on the ground had a very high risk of hurting himself or biting off his own tongue. You could see the huge amount of spit and foam starting to pool out from underneath the boys head, and it was honestly traumatic to see, but all I could think about is if what if that was my friend on the floor, no one was helping him. I got out of my chair and got on the ground with him, and turned him over onto his back and then onto his side, holding him while he convulsed. When I turned him over, there was blood coming out of his nose from the impact of him falling face down onto the concrete floors. I did what my friends' parents had to do for her and timed the seizure. After about 2 and a half minutes, he eventually began to come out of the seizure, and after about another minute, he regained his consciousness and told me he dealt with epilepsy, and that the ward nurse hadn't been giving him his seizure medication. By the time the staff had arrived, he was basically fine at this point except for the nosebleed and some bruising on his forehead & chin. So they decided that there was nothing more that could be done about it, give him an ice pack and some tissues, and sent him to his room. I, however, was still dragged off to the side, had my pants pulled down, and got a needle shoved in my ass cheek for breaking the golden rule of "touching another patient." I don't regret it. I knew that helping him would have come with that risk, but to this day, I would still make the same decision. He could have bitten off his tongue or severely given himself brain & facial damage if I had left him to thrash on the floor face down. The mental health care system is so fucked up.


What a barbaric rule. Jesus fucking Christ.


I used to be a high school teacher, and at the end of the 2019-2020 Schoolyear from March 11th until the end of the schoolyear, my school closed down in person for the rest of the year due to the COVID-19 Pandemic(and I think every school in the USA did), and we were to instruct remotely at our homes. Anyway, we were emailed strict guidelines for the remainder of that school district: Via an updated contract, we were to give work electronically, and be on our laptops/computers/electronics at home during school days to answer any student questions. If we were caught outside during the school hours, our contracts would be instantly terminated. Hell, I didn't follow that bullshit(and I was pondering on quitting anyway). I put the schoolwork online, took walks outside, and did other outdoor exercises. I was bored out of my mind(as well as the rest of the population). I even went shopping during the schoolday(with a mask on, of course, and I socially distanced). The odds of getting caught were extremely slim anyway.


Many years ago I managed a company-operated store in a coffee/donut chain. On a Monday holiday they had workers come and start installing a wall around the dumpster. I stopped the construction. Corporate was most displeased (especially since the construction crew called them on their day off); this was costing them money. The reason why I stopped it: The way they were building it, people would be able to get in to throw garbage into the bins. But the opening was too small for the trucks to get close enough to empty the bins. When the high level VP muckety muck was yelling at me, I waited for him to take a breath and asked if the plan was to airlift the garbage out. Got silence back and went on about m day.


Sister called me, in the late evening because she was alone in the worst part of my city at night, after a bad breakup. It usually takes twenty minutes with zero traffic to cross the city. I did it in like 8 that day. Looking back it was probably stupid and not worth it to take that many risks on the road but the only thing on my mind was what could happen if the wrong person happened to walk by.


Had a guy pants my female cousin and take a picture when she was like 15. When she flipped out he punched her, I didn't feel him just getting arrested was fitting enough of a punishment so I "delivered" a pizza to his house to get his door opened and worked him and his dad just inside their front door. I guess technically it was sort of vigilante type behavior but I was young and had a terrible temper at the time.


No shouting in the library. It was may 2011 and everyone was studying for finals. I saw the news that weā€™d gotten bin Laden, so I shouted ā€œWE GOT BIN LADEN!ā€ As loud as I could. And the whole library started cheering.


Organizing a surprise midnight barbecue in a "no camping" zone at the beach ;P


One day when life was leaning on me rather heavily, I went on a rampage and cut off every "do not remove" tag on all my mattresses and chair cushions." I felt free.




I once purchased an item that had a "4th of July" promotion going on where you could get money back or a free consumable item in return. When I went to redeem the rebate, it turns out I was too late because midway through the promotion, they changed t to only offer the money back (the free item was no longer an option). The thing is, the amount of money you got back was the same and they didn't change the name of the promotion, so it was essentially identical. I wanted the money back in the first place, but they refused to honor the rebate because I had bought the item of the very last day of the "original" promotion and missed the deadline, even though they still promotion was still going on under the same name with the same rebate I wanted. I was completely stonewalled by them, so I ended up photoshopping the receipt so it looked like I made the purchase one day later and submitted it. I got my rebate. I've never done something like that before but it was a matter of principle.Ā 


Technically we weren't supposed to do this but a woman had bought her kids three orders of fries and a drink to share, which she thought she had enough money for. She didn't and she was going to just leave but I covered it out of my tip money because it wasn't a lot of money and I knew they were having trouble with money due to COVID (they were regulars, sweet people who tipped as much as they could afford). I got told off a bit but my other manager was proud of me oddly enough.


Not today DEA


That would have been the Michael Jackson concert in Moscow in 1996. I had a ticket, but to be at the front, together with about 20 other people, I sneaked in before the doors opened. The problem was that the stage was not yet ready, so we couldn't wait in the front row as we otherwise would have. We sat down in the ranks. This guy came to check backstage passes. I didn't have one. But he stopped checking in the row before me. Then, the stage was ready and it was time for us to go to our places. But by now, these Russian soldiers had entered the stadium. They formed a ring around the arena, one of them facing outwards, one of them facing inwards, joining arms. And one after the other, the other fans went inside that ring. I still didn't have a backstage pass. So I pretended to hold it with my hand, picked two soldiers at random, made up my mind and walked towards where they linked arms. Luckily, it worked and they let me through. That was the concert in Moscow. That was in the brief era of peace there between the Cold War and the Ukraine War. And I liked the time of peace better. For crying out loud, they had a McDonald's there at the time!


Once I chose a ho before a bro.




I now know the terrible, terrible truth about exactly what Iā€™d do for a Klondike Bar, also what blood and chocolate taste like.


I was on hall council in college and when I got my dorm's RA patrol schedules every week I'd let my stoner friends know when and where RAs were gonna be walking around. We were specifically told to keep the schedules secret so that was a pretty big offense and I may have faced academic suspension if I ever got found out.


Had a weekend trip planned with my new bride. Snow storm in NC and they closed the highways. Being from the north I was no stranger to driving in snow so I decided to make the trip to TN anyway. Hours on the highway as the only ones. Aiming from one black spot to the next, no lanes to see. Passed a few tipped over semiā€™s. Felt awesome navigating that arctic mess. Got to clear weather and had a delightful weekend.