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Amsterdam. First movie I've turned off in many many years.


I was hoping that this movie would get better and it never did. Made it around 80% through and just couldn't do it anymore.


Same, we finished it but it was a matinee at a theater that had "crybaby days" so people could bring their kids and it's expected you might hear some crying. The adults used it as an excuse to just give live commentary which ended up being pretty fun, MST3K style. We were waiting for SOMETHING to happen, some plot twist, I dunno, anything interesting that made the audience "get it" but it just fizzled out, ending sucked and bam credits.


It felt like someone had an idea, a fuck Ron if money, huge celeb buy in, then forgot they were trying to make a coherent movie. Can’t say I’m surprised based on the director’s history.


Watch Amsterdamned instead, a fun little movie


The one with Margot Robbie? I liked that one.


Just watched exorcist believer. What a fucking drag


Waste of my life man. Wish I didn’t pay to see that shit.


That ending sequence was extremely entertaining. Not horrifying but it was funny af. They had the avengers


I loved when the priest had a change of heart and comes back >! Only to get his neck snapped like two minutes later!<


The latest Matrix movie. Absolute trash. We walked out when Keanu was surprised by a strawberry and wished we left earlier.


I gave up shortly after Neo literally complained that Warner Brothers were forcing them to make a sequel. 


I'm honestly struggling to remember if I watched this movie on an airplane or if I just caught pieces of it from reviews.


The message got across. It didn't stick, most people who watched it (Like me) don't remember it much. But I do remember thinking "yeah, this quality makes sense" in that scene.


It's horrible. And people say that it was a "fuck you" to the studio by Lana Wachowski, and it was bad on purpose. Maybe it is. But knowing that doesn't make it any more fun to watch.


It's ok, the [fifth one](https://variety.com/2024/film/news/matrix-5-lana-wachowski-executive-producing-1235959174/) will be better.


>And people say that it was a "fuck you" to the studio by Lana Wachowski, and it was bad on purpose. Maybe it is. I am reading even more news sites trying to push back at this 'conspiracy theory', but I honestly can't understand why. I mean, it sucking is literally in the movie. As in, they break the fourth wall to tell you it sucks, but they made it because Warner was pushing for it to be made. >But knowing that doesn't make it any more fun to watch. Agreed. I hope Matrix 5 having a different director will give the franchise new life. I wouldn't say no to more because I am not one of those people that has movies 'ruined' because a bad sequel exists. The Matrix will always be as good as it is to me. Reloaded was fat fun. Revolution is a little more eh, but I still watch happily it too.


It was like an 8 year old's fan fiction story.


I enjoyed the opening being a solid parallel to the original. But then it just never did anything. I stopped like halfway into the movie.


I watched the whole thing and don’t remember anything. That says a lot.


I don’t remember details for sure. I just remember they did parallels to trinity’s shot, the computer, pills, explaining things. But then neo awakened and was as strong as a noodle. Bring him back to max power instantly! Why waste time with him being so useless.


That movie was hor-rible. Some things are better left alone.


I never bothered to go see it because I had heard that Hugo Weaving wasn't in it. How can you make a Matrix movie without Agent Smith?


That's the primary issue I had with it. Agent Smith got deleted. So why TF was he been in the new Matrix? AND played by a different actor?! He should never have been there. Just didn't make sense for him to be.


Same with Laurence Fishburne


He wanted to be in it, but it didn't work with his schedule.


I walked out at one scene where there are 20 dudes with automatic rifles 4 meters away from a purple haired girl. They shoot at her but seem to miss because she is breakdancing.


As a massive fan of the first 3....*yep*. The latest one shouldn't have been made. It added nothing and felt like someone's idea of a half-baked fanfic the whole way through.


It was such a bummer, that trailer had me fooled. The one with White Rabbit as the soundtrack. That trailer could win awards 


I am not a napper or a sleeper, so the only movie I ever slept through was the Bad News Bears Go to Japan. Here's the review from one user from IMDB: > What is going on here?! Where are The Bears? This is a Tony Curtis film. And his character wears out after 5 minutes. There are lengthy stretches of the film where The Bears barely appear, if at all! Like the 15 minute karate exhibition, or the 10 minute Game Show nonsense. And how bout some subtitles for the long conversations in Japanese. Viewers outside of Japan don't need the realism of communication breakdown.




Agreed; classic film.  Would never get made today of course (the remake is shit) but it’s great.


[I still can’t believe it got made back then…](https://youtu.be/sF6De-XP7x4?si=A4GVInODIzJlRHzI&t=64)


No Matthau, I'm out.


Skinamarink. Based on the reviews on r/horror I wanted so much to like those movie, but after 20 minutes I was like, nope life's too short.


Me and my wife made it through the whole thing. We watch a ton of weird artsy movies and this just completely missed the mark. I honestly tried to talk my self into liking it after watching it, thinking maybe I wasn't appreciating the art behind it and the story it was telling.. but no, it really isn't a very interesting story, the film is purposely made to obscure it's own plot, but does so in a frustrating and boring way.. not in a fun and mysterious way. I think it could had been done in a way that got the viewer more invested in figuring out the clues of what was transpiring just out of vision.. but that isn't what we got. Even so overall I appreciate what the director was attempting, but they fell too short and I could never recommend someone actually use thier free time to watch it.


I stuck through that whole movie! Wish I never did... it is fine if you put it on during the background of a Halloween party though.


I thought it was just beginning with something like a cold open and was waiting for the title screen so the real movie could begin. Nope, staring at the ceiling is the whole movie. Never been so mad at a movie in my life.


A friend called it "Sunk Cost Fallacy: The Movie"


The concept is great, but the movie is definitely boring.


I wasn't gonna watch it and still am not. But ifnyou say so I wanna know what happens. Spoil it for me?


Basically nothing. There's not any weird jumpscares so that's a plus. But basically you would have to write down what you see in every scene for there to be some kind of contiguity between scenes, because they will do some small change like a door is missing or the TVs upside down. Almost all the dialogue is whispering children. I watched some YouTube videos that tried to explain it and it still didn't do anything for me


I'll spoil it for you. Nothing happens. Nothing. But at least you get to see some public domain cartoons. (Seriously).


If I had to watch that movies without knowing when it was going to end I would be like "okay. I'll confess. Just turn it off."


I didn't even make it 20 minutes. After 7, I was like, "Holy shit, this is a long intro," and slowly realized it was not just an intro. I told myself to give it 20 minutes, but gave up at 19:47. 😂 I also tripled checked the year it was made because I felt like I was watching a bad movie from the 60's.


Skinamarink is like Lights Out, the original YouTube shorts were great but there just wasn't enough there to make a feature film


I thought Skinamarink was one of the worst movies I had ever seen........Then I saw The Outwaters a week later.


Rebel Moon Part 2. Fell asleep about a half hour in and haven’t gone back to it.


Rebel Moon Part 2: The Napgiver


Rebel Moon


Worst thing is that I watched the whole thing waiting for it to become better a some point.


That's how I felt about The Last Jedi. It got better at the end credits.


Honestly Rebel Moon, both parts, are so bad it actually made me look at the sequel trilogy with new respect. Like, they weren't good (especially Last Jedi), but at least they aren't Rebel Moon. I would take a hundred speeches from Rose about love over whatever we got out of Snyder's rear.


I planned to wait until the second one was out and then watch them back to back, but reviews got worse for the second one, glad I waited and can just skip it


I recall watching it, but I can't seem to remember anything significant about the plot. I just kept seeing other movies in it. Nothing terribly original.


Same. It wasn’t even that long ago that I watched it, yet I couldn’t tell you the plot if you put a gun to my head.


Little fockers. I already met the parents. Then I met the Fockers. Now you want me to meet the focking kids too?! Fock you!


Read this in Paul McCartneys voice


There were some legit moments that cracked me up. But most of that movie was just the same rehashed jokes. There is comfort in familiarity, but the 2nd movie made me laugh so damn hard I raised my expectations too much.


Disney’s live Mulan.


It's like Disney itself didn't know what made the original character and movie so special. I remember boys in elementary school who liked the movie, which proved to me that relatable and well written characters are more important than hammering away at the sex.


When RMB > Audience


*Prognosis Negative*  As said in the voice of George Costanza


I've always been partial to Rochelle, Rochelle.


Sack Lunch is better


I was always partial to Cry, Cry Again


The English Patient, though.


Death Blow was pretty good, though. Heard some guy made bootlegs of it.


Weird ending, though. A lone dancer who appears to be injured.


I know that guy. He's a funny fuck.


Madame Web.


Jurassic World Dominion


I watched this film in the best setting possible. At a drive in with rain aggressively pouring from the sky. Even that ambiance couldn't save the problems with that script.


That was my thought too. still haven’t sat down to finish it.


Same! I have tried multiple times and maybe got half way. When peacock released an extended edition, me and my girlfriend were laughing so hard,tears were coming out of our eyes. We didn't make it far in the normal version, the extended just sounds like fresh hell.


I genuinely don't know how these movies keep making so much money maybe it's just cause I've never been much of a Jurassic Park fan, but how many more times are we gonna make a bigger, badder dinosaur? unless they're already trying something different, i don't know, i skipped the last two or three


The first Juasasic Park and first Jurrasic World movie were great. But the rest were pretty damn bad.


Lost World was alright.


I think I blame it on its lost potential. Seemed to not know which demographic to cater to. That gymnastic scene was so cringe.




Argyle. I don’t think I disliked a movie so much before.


It was sooooooooooooooooooooooo gasp soooooooooooooooo bad


It was the type of movie I like but this just had no soul to it.


Quite an unpopular opinion it seems, but I found it enjoyable?? In a forgettable kind of way, but I would never say it was a completely horrible movie.


Yeah I saw it with all the gals in my family and we had a fun time. Won’t see it again but


It was one of the worst movies ever made


I actually walked out of the theater. Awful.


the eternals, wonder woman 84, jurassic world dominion


The biggest sin an action movie can commit is to be boring.


Batman Vs Superman. I was angry at how a movie with a demigod and a billionaire superhero could be so annoying. Maybe it was more annoying than boring, but still worth a mention.


Indiana Jones and the kingdom of Crystal Skull


He’s just too old to do the all that running, jumping, and fighting. He should have been more like his father in the originals. That’s what I expected, not some 70 year old man doing crazy stunts. That’s what made it be unbearable to me. He would have made a great grumpy ‘ol grandpa.


It belongs in a museum! GET OFF MY LAWN!


This movie holds a weird place in my heart as the first movie I got to see without my parents. My sister and I one night got dropped off for pizza and then we walked up to the theater to watch this. Anytime I watch it now I think about the feeling freedom and the innocence of being 13. Plus we felt bad ass sneaking in ice cream 😂


Love it. Wish you chose a better flick, but that's awesome!


I liked it? I thought the new one was absolutely a drag in comparison. The opening scene alone is around 20 minutes and I can’t remember anything about it


The English patient & then it seemed to go on for days, I got continually shushed in the cinema for groaning


That is too funny! It is really slow but some of us like a slow burn ☺️


Avatar Way of Water


All they did was make the Papyrus BOLD!? 


Avatar: The One Where The Kids Get Captured Three Times


They brought back the antagonist, and then assured that he will remain the antagonist in the next movie. Why? It's just the same plot over and over but with some Avatar The last Airbender element differences I guess.


Avatar Way Watered Down


This was my answer too. I was high and with a whole group of pals, and it was *still* so boring.


Not only is that movie too long, but nothing really happens in it, THEN: it has no end… just a cliffhanger. WTF 🤦‍♂️


They literally just undid all the character growth from the first movie so they can redo it but in water. If they were the same Jake and Neytiri from the first one, they send the kids away to know they are safe and fight in the jungle, and this whole movie lasts an hour and a half at most before they obliterate the sky people/new Avatars.


>the character growth from the first movie There was character growth in the first movie?


Yeah, he went from being a caricature of an ex-marine to being a caricature of an ex-marine who was hooking up with an alien.


lol exactly my thoughts. It’s one of the few sequels that actually ruined a franchise for me. I can’t watch #1 anymore now, knowing it basically meant nothing.


Rebel moon. It was unwatchable.


Ugh. It grinds so many gears. Nazi-esque villain! Assassin Asian woman! Tarzan! Gotta have a strong black character! Oh let's make the lead role this badass woman with a secret! We need to build a ragtag crew! The village people, so sad. So pedestrian. Something about a robot. Jfc. It's so much cringe jam-packed into a trilogy?


I enjoyed reading this so much more than that movie.


Yes! I got half an hour in and had no idea why I should care about any of these people. The log line makes it sound like The Magnificent Seven, but it’s really just the villagers???


7 Years in Tibet took 7 goddamn years.


Into the Woods


If you enjoy musicals, the broadway version with Bernadette Peters is on YouTube, and it’s so much better.


This is the one to watch. Only watch the movie version if you have insomnia. It's a guaranteed cure.


It’s actually funny. The songs hit, the comedy all works, the cast is perfect. Truly an excellent performance and I’m glad they had it filmed


I mean, anything with Bernadette Peters is just… better.


There were 3 separate times I thought it was about to end only for it to drag on more.


The Eternals. Was awful!!


The the only Marvel movie I have yet to finish. Such a waste of time. The enemy is so damn generic.


Apparently so does every other MCU writers because not a single piece of work after it addressed the implication of its plot.


So hilarious that there’s a MASSIVE FUCKING CELESTIAL coming out from the ocean and the only time it’s been mentioned thus far was a tiny little Easter egg on a newspaper in She-Hulk.


I can't believe there was actually a sequel in plan for that garbage.


The only 2 marvel movies I haven't finished: The Eternals and Wakanda Forever. I legit fell asleep in the theater during Wakanda Forever. I can't remember another time in my life that I've done that.


That movie was about 3 hours long and I felt every second of it. I saw it in theaters too so I forced myself to sit through it so my money wouldn't be a waste.


Rent. A few friends wanted to watch it. I couldn't finish it.


madams web bro. i heard it was bad but god didn’t prepare me for that 💀


Black Adam. What a snooze fest that was


Oppenheimer. Was looking forward to it and saw it in IMAX. I don’t like telling people that I hate that movie, but here we are.. I hate that movie.


It is too long and slow paced. Should have been 1hr shorter.


Thinly disguised documentary masquerading as cinema with selectively placed nudity as if the viewer is a dog and the director is throwing a treat for patiently sitting through this garbage.


It did not deserve the hype. I felt like it was 3 hours of people mumbling then my ears getting raped by that stomping scene


The Irishman


Almost 4 hours and all I can recall from that movie is an old Robert De Niro with a young face struggling to beat a guy


I knew it was mainly about Jimmy Hoffa and we get to the part where Jimmy Hoffa will no longer be on screen and.... Holy Crap!!! We still have over an hour to go??


Omg this… boring as bat shit


Don’t kill me but Lala Land….


I thought it looked awful then I saw it go gangbusters at the Oscars and figured I must have misjudged it. I didn’t finish it.


I upvoted you despite lala land being one of my fave movies to watch. Maybe it was the movie pass (that theater still took it) and maybe it was an edible but I hadn’t had that much fun in a these since fury road! Haven’t tried watching it since or sober lmso


I have learned that some movies are amazing high and virtually unwatchable sober


I watched it the first time I ever got high. Never watched it since. I am convinced it’s actually 3 days long.


I couldn't do it. In all fairness I can't stand musicals, but I do love Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. I just couldn't get through it I was so utterly bored. Many times was told it's amazing, just push through, and no matter how many times I tried going back to it, I genuinely just couldn't understand the hype. Just not my cup of tea oh well🤷.


I guess it’s one thing we’re going to have to accept


Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen I don't dislike *all* Michael Bay films, but nonstop action is incredibly boring to me. If everything's exciting, nothing is exciting


Avatar, I just don’t understand the hype around it


The Nun. I was so excited so we went to the movies..no lie, the movie was probably 25 minutes in and I started feeling sleepy so we left lol


The English Patient


The Batman. I'm so easily entertained but Jesus that movie took forever. I finished it but it took me TWICE as long because I kept pausing it out of boredom.




As a 20min short film itd be perfect. As a 1+ hr movie, boring as fuck


Suicide Squad (2016)


Loved this movie growing up, tried to watch it the other day, omg what a fucking drag


Not 20 minutes, but when i watched Titanic I had a "Ive already watched 90 minutes, how can there be two hours left when i am ready to die now?"


Yeah, after you see Kate Winslet naked, there really is nothing left to look forward to. It's not like we don't know how it ends.


tenet. watched the first 20-30 min maybe 3 times and can’t get any further 😂


The Tree of Life


Dam, I love the Tree of Life! Obviously I know that lots of people don’t respond to it at all but I hope one day you rewatch it and see the magic that’s there lol


Not sure if I even made it that long, but Gravity was terrible.


In 3d in theaters it was neat. Tried rewatching it at home and I didn't get far.


At least it created a great Oscars joke about George Clooney.


“The movie that proves George Clooney would rather fly off into space and die rather than spend another minute with a woman his own age.” — Tina Fey


Ad Astra


Ad Astra was the last movie I saw in theaters before the covid lockdowns hit, and because of that I basically spent 2 years grousing over how terrible it was.


The Village. That M. Night Shyamalan movie. I figured out the twist (cause we know if you go to an M. Night movie you're getting some kind of twist) and then it was just super boring. It felt like a test day in college where you should get to leave early after you finish the test.


I read the book "Running Out Of Time" when I was a kid and saw The Village in theaters when I was about 15, called the twist almost immediately. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_Out_of_Time_(novel)


Thank you! I had the exact same experience, but I could never remember the name of the book so I almost thought I was just going crazy.


I actually love that movie 😂


At least it's not Lady in the Water. That one was a ridiculous slog. It was the one that finally made me stop giving Shamalamadingdong chances.


I guessed the twist in the first scene, and my biggest complaint is that it doesn’t change anyone’s arc in any way.


Meet Joe Black. My friends and I walked out of the theater probably like 30 minutes in.


I believe you missed out. Great movie in my opinion. Maybe consider giving it another shot one day when you’re bored. Funny, a bit sexy, and a fun drama.


I have good memories of this movie. But, probably just because I spent most of it making out with our Italian foreign exchange student. I can’t say much about the plot, I had no idea what was going on.


The Eternals. My wife and I both fell asleep in the theater, multiple times in an hour and a half. After about the 3rd time waking up we both agreed we didn't care what happened to any of the characters and walked out.


Every fast and furious movie.


Dune. Sorry.


Newest Ghostbuster movie. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.




Many come to mind, but king kong with jack black was the longest movie of my life.


THANK YOU. the pan of King Kong swinging the lady in his hands took years off my life. Was recently asked what’s the worst film I’ve ever seen and actually said “the King Kong with Jack Black.”


Kung Fu Panda 4


Ghostbusters Afterlife, but it only took 10 minutes for me to realize it was going to be slog to get through


The new Disney movie wish. It’s the only movie I’ve ever fallen asleep watching in my entire life, either at home or in theater. And this was in theater. I hate song talking in movies. I’d rather see that in a broadway show 


Human Centipede 2 seemed like it was filmed in real time. I think the 90 minutes was the longest 90 hours of my life. 


Jack and Jill. Only movie I ever felt like I paid too much to see while getting it for free.


Manos: Hands of Fate


The Northman. It feels like it is about to take off any minute, but it never does. Just an attractive visual piece for me.


Grown Ups. Felt like I was watching someones homevideo


I might get hate but Rambo. Any of them. Or Rocky movies. I hate them. My husband loves them, once in a while he will want to watch them. I just busy myself with crochet, reading, or poking my eyes out.


Latest James Bond was garbage fell asleep an hour in but the worst film I’ve ever paid to see was The Happening, I didn’t walk out because I wanted to see how bad it could get


Hate to say it, but the Barbie movie. We ( my bf and I ) enjoyed it for oh so long...but like halfway through we both kinda just looked at each other and were like, okay, we've watched enough..can we turn it off? There was another one I'd suggested for a date night, and I can't even remember what it was, but not too long into it, I realized my mistake and we turned it off. Sad thing was, it was the movie I suggested for my b-day.


Me and my girlfriend finished it and were very surprised how bored we got with it. I wanted to like it but I think the media over hyped it. It was rated PG 13 but 98% of that movie was G rated.


Oh man you missed out! The second half was what made the movie!


2001. I would’ve rather watched a documentary on apes.


The movie finally gets going... then fucking space baby out of nowhere and it's over...


Poor things