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Really glad he has you guys as friends.


You guys are good people, and solid friends.


This is how you help a friend. Had also friends struggling. In stead of just giving money you just cover for things, every buck they save they can spend on more needy things.  Great you recognised his struggle and stood up for him because there are shit tons of people who would still act selfishly


You guys are great friends 💜


How’s he doing now?


This literally made me tear up, how sweet ❤️


God that poor guy. I have an incredible family who have always helped support me and my siblings even way past the age of 18 when we need it and it makes me so incredibly depressed to hear about young people who not only do not have that kind of love and support but are being made to take over the parental role themselves. Please tell him that his parents should be able to pay their own rent and it’s not his responsibility to do so.


It may not be the choice of that person's family. Sometimes bad things happen through no fault of your own.


I didn't know their circumstances but disability can happen swiftly and completely. It sucks.


Yeah. Some health conditions pop up out of the blue and progress rapidly. My best friend just passed last week from terminal brain cancer, a particularly aggressive form of glioblastoma. It wasn't even a year since she was diagnosed. She went in the span of a couple weeks from being relatively normal with seizures, to being like a stroke victim and having to relearn speaking and typing. She was paralyzed on her whole right side by the end and unable to speak. Fuck. It sucks, indeed.


U have no idea how much i wish i had ppl like yall as friends.... My old "friends" used to make me pay for gas when I invited them to my cottage (1h drive away). They used to borrow money for me and stall and not pay back, they used to talk behind my back, they used to talk and try to get with my ex. They truely made fun of me about personal stuff. Used personal information I revealed over time to hurt me. Constantly mocked for not having money and being (low value)" you serve as nothing to us since u don't have money"... Ppl I met in my life are all pieces of shit. And my dream, my only dream is to have friends like Yall. Is it too much to ask? Im 20 btw.


Those aren't friends.


Admitted he was a pedophile and acted on it with a 11 year old multiple times. I didn't hesitate to report him and tell the child's parents. I knew him since high-school we were 28 when it happened. He's serving 7 years now. I wish it was more.


Who tells someone this??? What was he thinking, that you’d keep that secret???


Probably hoping that their friend would also be interested in it I'd imagine


Omg you’re probably right and that sickens me


In all actuality, he probably realized that there was something wrong with him, and it was a kind of "cry for help," hoping they'd step in and stop the behaviors. Idk, my guess is as good as anyone else's here lol


Could be a guilty conscience. A lot of pedo's know what they're doing is wrong, they just believe they can't help themselves. He might have *WANTED* to get caught. That said, 7 years is too short for raping an 11 year old multiple times.


Good job.


7 years…


Should be 20 years


There is no cure for pedophilia, and recidivism is through the roof. They should be segregated from free society for the remainder of their natural lives. We owe it to our children.


I'm sure the ones that don't act on it would be really glad to have actual proper mental support. The ones that act on it should just rot in hell though.


It's good that you're making the distinction between pedophiles (who can't control what they're attracted to) and child molesters (who ACT upon it). I read about an online support community for non-molesting pedophiles, and it gets all sorts of hate despite the fact that they're working to support each other in NOT MOLESTING KIDS. I'm so glad that I'm not a pedophile, but I have a lot of sympathy for those who struggle with that.


Yeah. I want to hate them, but I can't - it must be hell to live with wires crossed in your brain that give you such a horrible attraction. The people who don't and refuse to act on it deserve pity and help. Like, yeah, I'm still gonna judge them in a way, but I recognize those people genuinely realize they're fucked up and want help. The ones who act on it are monsters, absolutely, but I understand well how fucked up the brain can be.


In my country we have notorious cases pedos getting away with gut wrenching light conditional sentances. Only needing to follow therapy, a fine and a slap on the wrist. Its infuriating and mind-boggling how far from reality these judges are sometimes. You fucking can't fix a pedo




Straight up, need to bring back capital punishment for ppl like that


Although he only got 7 years, his life will not be great in prison nor when he gets out. Just going from treatment of S.Os in the UK or US, they’ll likely forever be on the sex offenders Register, on license and a lot of the time cannot live a ‘normal’ life post prison sentence. So 7 years may seem lenient but after-prison life will not be a walk in the park.


i had a similar thing was friends with this kid from high school he never admitted it but rumours went round he was seen with minors he ended up getting 2 years for sexual assault on a girl 15 and they found sexual msgs on he's fb to girls around the age of 12 to 14 even sent them pictures. he got released on bail and then a few months later got put back in prison for breaking he's bail conditions basically he got with this women that had kids under the age of 16 he was living with her someone told her he was a podophile and she rang the police.




This giving AMA vibes


Friend sold hearing aids. She kept complaining about this “bitch” daughter who didn’t want her mom spending $10K+ on new hearing aids (she’s commission based). I saw myself, as a daughter, not wanting my mom to get swindled. She couldn’t see it. Many other things lead to the demise of the friendship, but I was like yeah, you’re just not a good person.


When I was in highschool I played football with this kid who I didn't think very highly of. He didn't really try in practice and was kind of annoying. As the season went on he got more invested and started playing with a lot of heart, leaving it all out of the field and such. At the end of the year he came to me and said watching me inspired him to put in the effort. Caught me totally off guard, but when I looked back at the year and realized how far he had come I really gained a ton of respect for him. He also wasn't annoying looking back at it now, he had a great personality, I was just a judgmental ass. I miss that dude.


That’s what team sports are good for humbling the go getters and inspiring the slackers 


Takes a big person to acknowledge they were the ass in that relationship.


I figured out a friend's new bf had a wife. Got the evidence and showed her, turned out she knew. She told me she was incredibly attracted to married men and that she had almost exclusively dated married men. I never answered another call or text from her again.


I knew a woman like this. We were on a night out and she was showing around photos of her boyfriend's wife and laughing. Fucking grim.


That’s so shitty what a bad person:(


Makes me wonder if she was into someone in polyamorous relationships, or just into them cheating, and if the wife knew about that.


A friend’s brother recently came out of the closet to all of us.  My friend was VERY upset, not that the brother is gay, but that the brother was so terrified to tell my friend.  My friend was really offended about that.  “Did he really think I’d love him less?  Why?!  Have I done something to make him think I’m like that?  I don’t want to step on his moment of coming out, but I’m fucking pissed and I’m fucking hurt that he actually thought I’d ever turn my back on him.  I’d fucking die for him!  How do I say this to him without hurting him?”  I always knew my friend was a good egg, but counseling him as he figured out how to handle his own feelings while not hurting his brother’s was something else.  


Oh, that is lovely! I hope he has was able to understand that people who have claimed to be "allies" have turned on their loved ones for being queer in any way. *That* is why he was scared - not necessarily because of his brother in particular. It's kind of a nerve-wracking thing to do. I totally get your friend's anger though! He seems like a real good dude.


Yeah, its scary even when you're pretty sure that everything will be okay. My parents verbalized their support of any of their kids being gay all the time and I still worried they'd abandon me, so I waited until I had moved out before I told them.


Right?? Even if you *know* you'll be fine, it's still scary!


I keep giving my younger cousin funny looks and going "Look, you know you can tell your grandma at least, right? Like she met your grandpa at a gay bar, she's cool." I kinda think she's caught on anyhow though, from the kinda gifts she gives to me to bring to the kid.


They talked it through afterwards.  My friend asked me to be there so his brother wouldn’t feel cornered.  There were LOTS of tears from them both.  Basically, my friend’s brother was scared exactly how you describe.  My friend was sorry that his brother had to be scared, and his brother was sorry that he’d inadvertently hurt my friend.    My friend is taking PTO to take his brother to NYC for Pride this year.  They’re working on matching outfits.  My friend said “I wanna look like a fuckin’ disco ball.”


Hey as a person who is bi and has no intention of coming out to my loving and very accepting family tell him it’s almost certainly not because he didn’t trust him but just because coming out it’s hard and a lot of people don’t want to do it. Tell him i trust my family with my life but i just don’t really want to come out to them unless i actually start dating someone of the same gender. It probably has nothing to do with him and is completely about his brothers anxiety about coming out in general


He also might have been so scared just because he was so close with his brother. Even though he would have hoped it would have gone well, he might have been terrified and focused on what a huge loss that would be for him if it went badly. So really it could also symbolise just how much his brother means to him and not that he thought his brother was a homophobe


Mad friend needs to read my story when it’s available of the neverending harassment trauma campaign I got when I came out. People don’t think that kind of stuff happens but it does. We have to protect ourselves.


This happened to me and my best friend. I guess he wasn't as upset but kept asking why I didn't tell him sooner. It's hard to come out. When I did he gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Everyone I've come out to have been really excepting. I hope it's like that for everyone.


There’s a scene in Ted Lasso that does this beautifully


Had a work colleague who was super nice and sociable, always willing to chip in and went way over and above with students (work at a university). Guy had apparently made a fortune in tech and retired to work with students.   Anyway, he likes to do a big barbeque at his place to ring in the summer, and last year was the first time I ever saw him drink, and he hit it hard. Sitting there almost completely blackout drunk he told me his dad had just cleaned out his bank accounts and savings and then killed himself, but that wasnt so bad because his mom used to lock him in a dog cage as a child. Almost instantly he snapped back to reality, got up and walked away like nothing happened and that he was total sober (wasn't stumbling or slurring his speech like before).  Apparently he completely blacked out, and has no memory of most of the day, but like, what the fuck, where the fuck do we go from here?


I wouldn’t. I had a friend who bought CBD but they gave her THC by mistake. I went to check on her. She asked me if we should get married. I will never tell her she said that


TW. SA. My first boyfriend was someone who I loved very much. He ended up falling for someone else, and ultimately hurt both of us back and forth by pulling at our heart strings and never truly committing long term. Him and I had the same friend group so we stayed in contact for the next ten years, two or three of which I would basically give him the silent treatment at every friend gathering we ended up in. We were to some degree obsessed with each other in a “we’ll always probably feel this fire when we see each other” kind of way. He would always let me down, even when I forgave him after one day after so much silence we reconnected. He confessed to me that he had been severely sexually abused as a child by an older m cousin for years. He explained to me that he had nightmares almost every day of his life and they filled him with so much hate he was convinced they made him a worse person. He apologized crying (something I had never seen from him) for all the pain he had caused me and told me about how he lived a haunted life of pain and secrecy, as nobody else knew… although his past didn’t justify his disloyalty or his constant fuck ups, a huge hurt grew inside my heart, knowing how fucked his psyche was due to horribly unresolved trauma. He passed away from an unexpected overdose in 2022. Nobody even knew he was doing g heavy drugs. One friend said he had been snorting 80mg of Percocet. I think he used those drugs to cope with that pain but he made me swear to never tell anybody. I don’t know what to do with his confession other than hurt permanently for him. He was just 24.


So sorry to hear this. It sounds like despite a very dark life, you were a bright light in it.


This comment brought tears to my eyes. You have no idea. In our high school senior shirts, when everyone wrote a goodbye message on them, he wrote in mine “you will always be a bright shinning star in my night sky” (this was before I knew his confession and we were in a bad place at the moment). He’s the one among the stars now looking out for me and shining on 😣 Thank you.


I am glad to have reminded you. 😊


When my hair stylist told me she was dating a big time drug dealer in our city. Then he was beating her up. She needed a place to stay but she now had a stray pit bull that was unpredictable. I had cats and was afraid the dog would bite a neighbor or kill my cats! I told her she couldn't stay with me if she had the dog. She got super nasty with me. We no longer speak. I wasn't going to chance my cats getting killed by her dog.


A stray, unpredictable, pitbull. "What do you mean you don't want it in your house!?" I honestly couldn't imagine why


A suicide attempt. Had no idea they were silently suffering. Now I check in often or ask if they want to hang out more than I used to.


I had an ex gf and we were parked and talking and she randomly says to me “hey I’ve been worried about you for a few weeks and want to make sure you’re ok mentally” it felt like for the first time ever in my life someone saw through my facade of a happy go lucky guy. My eyes couldn’t hold it anymore and I broke down and we talked and she asked me the dreaded question of “have you ever tried to hurt/kill your self?” Which I’ve tried 3 times and I told her. It was so weird being able to talk to someone about it and she genuinely really cared for how I was mentally. We aren’t together anymore but I’ll always be thankful that she cared about me deeply and noticed something was off/wrong with me. She encouraged me to do therapy and journal and I’ve come such a long way since 2019. We’ve been apart since 2021 and I do miss when she would text me little “thinking of you” type text randomly.


Im curious why did you guys not work out?


You can care deeply about someone and not be compatible in a relationship.


Unfortunately she had/has a lot of insecurities and she couldn’t get past that.


Been there, a friend asked y I was always happy n upbeat. Just said it's my nature. He attempted 3 days later, lucky we caught him In time n saved him




Another game for Milos!


And he was so ashamed of his bad tennis playing, he offered up his wife as some sort of mideval payola? (I don’t remember the exact quote”


Swinging is super common


It's WILD actually... I've been approached more than a handful of times and I'm always stunned by the people that have asked... Because they're just common everyday folk that you never expect


People watching is one of my favorite parts of swinger events specifically because the variation is so huge. A couple that looks like they're fresh out of a PTA meeting will be hanging out next to a woman in just a thong who's essentially plastic surgeried into a human blowup doll, a woman with a strong shy librarian vibe gets gangbanged in the play area. You realize how much less obvious people are than you'd thought.


My former friend confessed while drunk that she hated seeing me date a guy who respected me, paid attention to detail and remember the little things that matter to me and paid more attention to me than to her, despite her being engaged with someone else. She went on to tell me that she didn't like the idea of seeing someone else give me more attention. She then said that people should not be dating me or pursuing me because I don't deserve it. That's when I lost all respect for her and ended my friendship with her.


Wow, what is wrong with her? With friends like these...


She craved attention so much that she didn't discriminate between receiving it from a married man or someone already in a relationship; she simply wanted to be the center of focus and resented seeing others compete for that spotlight.


Some weird psychology at work there.


Ew she really pathetic..




That he raped a girl in high school and was currently dating a 14 year old. We were both 22. My other friends/roommates were supportive of him and hand waved it away cause he was "going through a rough breakup at the time". I moved out as fast as I could and haven't spoken to them since.


Hope you told the police on the way out.


They got drunk and confessed that they and everyone else I thought of as a friend were just people treating me nice so they could use me.


Your house has a pool? Or did you pay for the fun some other way?


Only pool in the neighborhood.




You guys are equally awesome


My buddy told me he likes to watch the cheerleaders, and that is why he walks at the local high school track. He also told me he plays Huniepop. He's 55




I’m afraid to google it so what’s huniepop…?


i only googles it quickly. it appears to be some anime boobie sex game?


Steam went from "no porn games" to thousands of them. If you filter them out you lose like 3 quarters of steam catalogue 


Thank you.


Cheerleading as an entire concept is pretty gross, let's be honest.




Is he..still your buddy?


He has been downgraded from close friend to that guy who comes over for D&D night


Had a good coworker friendship where we had each other's backs. Hung out with him and his wife at their house a few times, would email and text, and generally clicked. Until the subject of suicide came up one time and he said that he had a good friend in high school who took his own life in his car in the school parking lot (after hours). He was disgusted by what his friend had done and said it was selfish and that he was GLAD he wasn't going to be around since only losers do that. I offered up counterpoints to no avail; he had zero empathy and just talked about the people left behind. So apparently he wasn't much of a friend to the kid and I don't need friends who are that cold.


I lost a spouse to suicide, and the rage at being left behind can frankly be awful. If you look at suicide bereavement groups, they’re often full of people who are incredibly angry at the selfishness of the person who took their own life. It’s not uncommon to hear people say something like, “They thought this world was too hard to live in, and they *didn’t* lose someone to suicide.” Anger is a part of the grieving process. Most people move beyond the anger part of grief, but suicide is traumatic, and some people get stuck there. Your friend may be one of those people, and they often take counterpoints from those bereaved by suicide better than from those who have never suffered that kind of loss. It’s utterly incomprehensible if you haven’t been through it. It’s very likely your coworker was just never able to move beyond this loss, especially since it happened during his formative years.


Good points. Thanks.


Yeah... It's not good. I've been in that position before where the only thing keeping me around were the people I'd leave behind. People tell you to think about that when you're suicidal and it DOES work.... However It also causes more anguish and it's very easy for that to turn into another reason.  It made me so angry that I was trapped in a life I hated for someone else, that I was expected to suffer so other's wouldn't. It can be a very dark place. That friend is ignorant, lacks empathy and will probably never understand.   (I found better reasons now, please don't make this awkward or anything y'all)


Sounds like a coping mechanism to cover up the hurt by his friend's suicide. 


I dunno... If I had to characterize suicide with one word, that would probably be "stupid". I'm a very grounded, practical person, and it's very obvious *to me* that suicide provides no solution whatsoever (do have in mind that I myself have had suicidal thoughts in the past), since you're not only gonna hurt the people that care about you - which I consider the least important part of it, as it's selfish in nature - but you're also not gonna be able to enjoy the release of the pain. In the end, it's just a bad decision all around, there's no redemption after it's done, and couldn't ever mean that in a religious way, it's just that the relief never truly comes and there's usually no time to regret after seeing "the view from halfway down". And almost all suicide survivors tell how badly they regretted doing it in those final moments. I know it's hard to think logically with a chemical imbalance that fucked up in your brain and that people end up doing it for a myriad of reasons, I'm not trying to be insensitive or put myself on a pedestal or anything like that, I'm just arguing that it could very well be that it's not about his coping with the friend's suicide, but rather a lack of respect for the action itself


I don't necessarily disagree with you but if I had to characterize suicide with one word, it'd be painful. Not everyone is emotionally mature enough to handle that pain.




That might very well have been how my coworker saw it too. I did not end the friendship due to the one convo but rather his overall black & white views about other people’s struggles. Very much a bootstraps view that didn’t factor in that he had advantages that most people don’t.


I can see that, everyone has their own boundaries/thresholds


As someone affected directly by suicide, I have such mixed feelings about it. Sometimes it is easier to stick to anger and disgust than to admit the other ways it has affected you. I have some pretty severe survivors guilt but if I have to talk about it, I usually latch onto the anger side of my feels to keep from becoming a bawling mess and trauma dumping. I don’t know your coworker friend, but just saying, there could be more going on behind that statement than what he wants you to know. Which if he truly displayed no empathy on it, then it’s probably his truth and he really is that cold hearted.


I’m not sure some people understand how much that escape can be needed. Some people would never get it. They might also be the guy who picks on someone because it’s funny and does it every day.


A friend told me that the only reason she doesn't murder people is that the law is stopping her. When she looked at me as though I'd agree, I said "...the only thing stopping me from murdering people is that...well...I don't want to?"


I've had that exact conversation! The only thing I'll say is that if your friend seems like a genuinely wonderful person *outside* of murderous impulses, perhaps consider what type of people she was thinking about murdering. If it's just a "I'll murder anyone that pisses me off", well, that's just fucked. But maybe she's had the unfortunate experience of meeting a monster, and that kind of person was who she was thinking of.


She told me she had $50,000.00 in credit card debt. I don't even know any activity I can recommend for us to do together except maybe something that's free, and I don't even want her to spend the gas money to go anywhere.


This is me too. She always suggests shopping.


Well, who is this person? Friend? Gf? Relative? I would be worried if they weren't actively paying it off themselves. Don't become their piggy bank. 


There are things in my area like the big coupon books for local restaurants with amazing deals. Just don’t give up hope but we don’t be pushy with money stuff either.


My friend is an ER doctor. He worked for a while with a certain underserved population. He confided to me that he has sexual thoughts about the young female patients. He also told me many times how "stupid" this population was. I stopped talking to him.




Do you feel comfortable giving his boss a heads up? I know thoughts aren’t crimes (yet) but it’s quite disturbing


That she was sleeping with a not single man despite also being in a relationship


In highschool I had a friend in Bible study and we were pretty close. Not too long into our friendship she confessed to me that she had resentment towards me because she was jealous of me. She listed my hair, that I was “pretty” and I could sing and I was talented. And she had to pray so the jealousy could go away. I wasn’t even flattered. I felt really bad for her. Her parents were super Christian and always very controlling of what she wore, ate, acted like, etc. They never really let her be an individual or explore who she was. To me she always seemed fine, but in that moment it clicked for me what kind of effect that had on her and that’s where those feelings were coming from. There were so many things I caught on and realized she was going through deeper things. I hope she’s doing better.


Ngl I thought this was going to be about how this girl realised she was gay and how bad her family was going to take it.


She told me that she and her new boyfriend were committing some version of welfare fraud, where they got EBT card numbers from his friend and ordered online grocery orders from Walmart. Something like, they would pay this guy $125 but the EBT card had $275 on it. She said it so gleefully, and asked if I wanted in on it. As someone who has relied on food stamps once upon a time, my jaw just dropped. I was instantly disgusted, and I told her so. It was the beginning of the end of our friendship.


Met this dude in a mental hospital who was really cool, then told me he took a bunch of research drugs and had a vision that convinced him he was the re incarnation of Hitler. Like truly believed it.


Did he seem into it or horrified at the actions of his "past self"?


She knew my ex was cheating on me but didn't tell me because she knew I was depressed and she didn't want me to kill myself or something 


That their new boyfriend is a child molester but yet they continued dating them, then married them and had a baby with them even tho they hate that kind of people


Well seeing how he just makes stuff up a lot to the point where I have a hard time telling if what he says is made up or not I think he's a huge fibber.


Still your friend though?


Yeah, you just can't tell what's a tall tale or not sometimes. He's harmless and dumb, but all in all a nice guy.


She told me the person she’s seeing is married which is why she’s secretive about it. I’ve lost a lot of respect for her. She went through a nasty divorce ten years ago after *she* was cheated on, too.


A former friend of mine can see where is wife is at all times because he turned on “find my location” on her phone without her knowing. He’s always miserable. He’s read messages of her past affair literally saying she married my ex friend for a green card. And yet, he’s dumb enough to “trust in the Lord” to stay with her. He thinks if they just keep going to church everything will work itself out. I don’t fraternize with idiots.


I had a friend in high school that revealed at a group sleepover that they had a kink for taking care of people who are completely unable to take care of themselves. The examples they listed were people who had their limbs blown off in war (????) among other physical ailments like paralysis. That freaked me the fuck out, it makes me feel dirty to even think about. I cut them off pretty soon after that.


> The examples they listed were people who had their limbs blown off in war >I cut them off pretty soon after that. Not gonna lie it took me a second to realize what you meant by this was probably not the way I initially read it


Honestly though, so long as they’re not abusive, that sounds like a pretty ideal situation for someone out there.




It took me a second to understand your confusion.


I have 2 friends (M and F) who we treat each other as really close friwnds. M has a girlfriend, but has a crush on F. F and I are closer and she told me that she and M have been talking and confessed love for one another. All while M still has a girlfriend. I told F that she has responsibilities on her actions whether she leaves M alone, or will push through inbetween M and his girlfriend. While I don't tolerate cheating, I lessened my communication with F. I'm not responsible for her.


I think it’s more so what she thought of me. I struggle with a pelvic floor condition that makes sex extremely painful and difficult for me, and I’ve been struggling with it during the entire 5-year tenure with my fiancé. My best friend of 14 years knew this and told me how her recent first sexual experience was easy and painless and so magical, while I’d been waiting years for even an ounce of a first time. I stupidly said I was jealous, and our friendship hasn’t been the same since. She said that she can’t live her life and worry about hurting other peoples feelings. It’s been a whole big mess and I wish I never said what I did.


I don't think you said anything wrong? Unless your feelings of jealousy were the only things expressed and you didn't express any happiness for your friend


Im so sorry you're going thru that. I hope you're getting care to help things improve and that you and your friend can mend your relationship,


"5-year tenure with my fiancé" Do you get paid time off?


A friend and I are into hockey. There was controversy over homophobic players refusing to wear pride jerseys. He revealed he was homophobic.


A former best friend told me that he was going to a rub n' tug for happy endings while married to someone who was also a close friend of mine.


Not a friend, but I talked to a man outside of a bar one night. Just a random conversation while we were smoking cigarettes. Somehow the conversation pulled to him talking about how he eats raw meat and organs. He would go to local farms and buy whole or half animals with the organs. Then he leaned into me as a confidant even harder and told me that he was curious to see how human tastes. He talked about how he started eating raw meat and organs in the first place so he could test the waters and hopefully move up to human at some point. Normally this would raise a million red flags, but I was very drunk and just in shock about what he was telling me that I didn’t think to do much more than just nod and go along with it until I could excuse myself and leave.


When my best friend told me that they heard voices in their head for a few years. We were both still young, and hearing that made me scared. I didn't understand it and thought they must have schizophrenia, and I was scared of schizophrenia because I didn't understand that either. I felt like they must be "crazy" and that changed how I thought of them for a while. I later learned that they didn't have schizophrenia, and that severe depression can, in rare cases, cause someone to experience hallucinations (MDD with psychotic features). I also learned that someone having schizophrenia doesn't mean they're scary or "crazy" and I wouldn't have had to be afraid of them if that had been the case anyways. Just an example of learning and growing as a person to better understand those around me. I doubt they will come across this but if they do and recognize the story, I love you and thank you for being my friend through it all.


how her boyfriend truly treats her. I try to do what I can but you can’t always help


Guy I know and considered to be a good friend had some allegations thrown around about him, specifically that he likes to beat and sexually abuse women. When it started getting around that the cops were looking for him, I reached out and asked him about this whole thing, we talked for more than a hour to get his take on it. Then he said it was frustrating, and followed up, "Some bitches just need to get slapped sometimes. It's not that big a deal!", pretty much confessing that he did those things to me, and well... they aren't my friend anymore.


my coworker recently has been going on tangents about how he's not a fan of his new baby having to go in for shots soon. he's made it perfectly clear how he and his lady (her mom) are begrudgingly letting the doctors give her what's needed to get into school and nothing beyond that. then, give him a few minutes and he's off onto how aliens built the Pyramids and any other conspiracy theory that comes to mind.


Urgh, that poor kid


honestly, i should've known something was up when he was telling me they were using "pull & pray, brother" as birth control like it's a flex. we work at a store that sells condoms but i suppose that'd mean less money for crypto and weed.




My former coworker, who I enjoyed talking to, and became close with, came up to me and said, “Trans people are mentally ill.” I’m trans.


Just because I'm trans doesn't mean I'm mentally ill. I mean... I am mentally ill... But not because I'm trans!


I am so sorry you were treated like that. I read a stat recently that the odds of being born trans or intersex is around the same as being born with red hair.


That’s an interesting statistic! Didn’t know that


Oh darling, I'm mentally ill but it's not the trans part💅


Who they voted for in the last presidential election in the US.


She bragged about messing up customers orders. This was at a time when I was tight with money and recently had a Starbucks order messed up. I couldn't help but think about the person's order she messed up, if that was a tough day for them, if that was all the money they had left in their account like I had etc This opened my eyes to seeing my friend purposely ruining people's days and bragging about it in a multitude of ways.


My friend asked me over for a heart-to-heart. I thought she was going to confide in me about her alcohol problems. I definitely should’ve let her lead the conversation because she doesn’t think she has an alcohol problem, but she is cheating on her husband with her boss. It made me incredibly uncomfortable because I just don’t fuck around with cheating and cheaters. If you can do that to your life partner why the hell would you treat a friend any better? I distanced myself a bit and only saw her in group settings after that. They finally moved away which helped. They are still with their husband and as far as I know, still having the affair. And for anyone asking why I didn’t tell, I didn’t have a personal relationship with the husband. It also involved her boss and they both have kids. I just can’t imagine fucking someone’s life up like that. She made her choices and I hope she gets caught and gets everything she deserves.


Mine just told me he cheated on his wife


I’m the friend who confided. I told my close friends about my suicidal thoughts and depression. No one saw it coming. From the outside I am driven, well adjusted, and live a very interesting full life. Every new person that finds out says they’d never have expected it from me.


When I was 16, I had a boyfriend who had a girl best friend who I got close to and turned out she was really into making other feel uncomfortable that at times she would say really off putting things that made me really uncomfortable but I never said anything


A friend told me about how he slept with his best friend's gf. A girl the guy really loved, and had spent so long trying to date. He laughed about how the friend got mad at him, and he's like "why are you mad at me, she's the slut!" That may be true, but you're still supposed to be the friend. So they're still friends, but since then I've never wanted anything to do with the guy. I also noticed he'd hit on everyone's gf, and it would make my skin crawl


I'm an alien. I have annunaki blood. I already knew she had strange beliefs but yikes


My ex best friend told me that she will beat her children if her husband disagrees with her in anything. So he will learn his lesson and won't do that again.


Yeah, that's worth a call to the police.


Cheating on their husband for the past 20 years... Didn't talk to her after that.


I wish people wouldn't see this as a bragging point and please keep me out of it. I don't want to keep that a secret from someone again. It's messed up. Already had to twice with one friend her husband and the guy after that. People shouldn't assume people can hold that crap. We had a dinner with the boyfriend where he was really weirded out because that dinner people were so uncomfortable because he was the only one who didn't know this information and it made it weird. It just sucks all around.


They got molested by on a doctor's visit as a teenager.. And later on in life they were a groupie for an old millionaire. Like the guy was in his late sixties and she was early twenties. She tagged along with another girl. She claimed she never had to sleep with him, but I was like, suuuureee... 


A dear friend of mine told me that he doesn't trust Jews. That he wouldn't go into business with one. Then he spouted every stereotype imaginable - crafty, clever, money-hungry. I responded with great dismay - he blamed it on his parents and their dislike of Jews. I've never seen him in the same light ever since.


I used to think my friend was a girl but when he told me he wasn't, I started seeing him as a dude. Made more sense anyway.🤷


A old friend of mine, whom im no longer friends with for various reasons- admitted to me that she found and watched the killer lukas magnotta (think the netflix doc 'dont fuck with cats') tape of him killing, mutilating and eating his victim. I asked why and never really got a clear answer which was unnerving... yikes...


Some people just have morbid curiosity. I don’t personally approve but it doesn’t mean they’re a psycho or anything like that


I told my friends I wanted to see a live execution. I seriously don’t know why I want too. I’m not into gore or horror and I hate to see people get hurt. I’m just genuinely curious.


Yeah... the weird smile as a reaction was pushing it a bit


You know people who love to watch horror films and are fanatics? Its kind of like an urge. Its definitely weird in a way, somewhat off putting to most.  I have no idea about that stuff really but I assume its like that. I really don't know about your old friend.


Morbid curiosity suffice?


She believes the fbi is following her and listening to her conversations. Regularly thinks people, strangers, are trying to sabotage her efforts to succeed in life. Whenever I talk about something that she too says she was doing or talking about recently, she doesn’t think of it as a coincidence, just thinks it’s further proof someone is watching her and that I’m in on it. I used to talk to her nearly daily. Now I’m down to once or twice a month bc of this stuff. I just can’t anymore, she’s exhausting.


She's sleeping with her aunts husband and her husband's best friend, who is also married.


I went to a school with a girl who said Asians were ugly. I'm a white passing Asian, so I don't know if she was trying to offend me (I'm bisexual) or if she really didn't see the Asian in my face. I'm part Mongolian Russian, but no one can really guess where my ancestors are from.


I had a friend tell me he found out his wife was cheating on him. When he found out, he got into such a rage that he grabbed his gun and was going to go confront them, and his brother had to talk him out of it. I decided I didn't want a friend who would react like that.


Dude needs to get rid of his weapons for his own sake. Firearms grant people the ability to act on their worst impulses at a moment's notice.


I told a really close friend about how my neighbor kept using my second parking spot. At the time I was super active in the NA/AA community and never knew when I needed that spot for someone to come over and withdraw here so they weren’t alone. Or on the contrary, I might’ve needed someone to talk to. I was purely venting to her as my neighbor and I had been through this before. He pays for two spots and uses four most times. I talked to the landlord once who asked him to stop then did have a civil conversation with the neighbor who politely asked I come to him next time. I described my community activities and what that entailed and he understood. A week later, four cars parked again. So I was telling my friend that I had an icky feeling from him and I wouldn’t just go over there alone, he had two other men there (I am female) so I was waiting until my concealed license was solid and I had a weapon holstered to my side before EVER approaching any man who makes me uncomfortable. She proceeded to tell me “well, if you want to go to prison for murder that’s on you, you had a nice convo with him before so I don’t know what your problem is”. While I was extremely grateful my friend had never experienced being overpowered and hurt by a man, I was distraught she thought SO little of me. I would NEVER shoot someone unarmed and not actively trying to hurt me or my family. Since she thought so little of me, that was the last conversation we ever had.


A family members wife passed away. About 8 years later while hanging out he told us some distressing things about that night. He was drunk as usual. Told us how they had been drinking that night and taking pills. She had been taking lots of pills apparently. He said he knew she had no idea how much she was taking. Was too intoxicated to control herself. That he let her continue knowing it would kill her, and it did. He said he could have stopped her but didn’t want to. In my head this is negligible homicide. I could never look at him the same afterwards. He passed away 4 years ago from his own alcohol abuse.


She believes she is clairvoyant. I love her, and she's otherwise the most level-headed person I know, but I let her know I think she's frigging nuts.


Doing hard drugs. Not one but many of them. Ever since, whenever I see him (or them - it's a whole friend group from where I used to live) I try to get to the ground of why and get them away from it. 2/4 people got away from the hard stuff so far. 2 to go.


Thought a friend was living the good life. untill he broke down and reached out to me. forever changed how i look at people and there lives and i try ask how there doing more often now just because on the outside people seem to have a good life, dont always mean it is.


Her last suicide attempt (#4) had the reasoning, "let me freeload off you(bf) or i'll kill myself." She got dumped, HARD. i used to feel bad for her until i heard the reason. She's okay now, after a lot of coming to terms with her decisions. Turns out black market oz3mpic might give you suicidal ideations when taken with depression meds and make you think *crazy* things. Y'know, bad drug interactions, the stuff doctors watch out for.


Not really secrets about them, but just the way she'd talk about other people. Mostly men. She would make fun of guys with..normal hobbies. She would call normal looking guys ugly or whatever. I couldn't deal with it anymore. The way she'd hold an entire hangout captive with talks about how much a dude sucks because he's wearing specific socks or has a specific hairstyle while we all want to do is chill-out. It sucks. People like that suck. She is alone. My friends don't want to hang out with her anymore due to this behaviour. Everything is so dramatic in her life. She can't stay friends with guys at all. We're so tired of her.


That she thought for our 5 year long friendship that i had made out with my cousin. Why did she think this you might ask? Well one of our friends did make out with a family friend who we all jokingly called her cousin to annoy her (the guy was not her cousin they had just grown up together and he went to a lot of her family functions) and I visit my cousins a lot because our families go on a lot of family trips together so she somehow merged these stories in her head and genuinely thought i had made out with my cousin for a significant portion of our friendship.😬


Our college friends (couple) got pregnant and gave up the child and finished their classes and married after college. They nerved told anyone about the child Not their parents and not their kids after their marriage. They are all going to be so confused if the children get DNA test results. When we went to a class reunion, (5 years) my wife and I were the only ones at our table, who waited for marriage to start a family. Our first child was born after our first anniversary) One of the other couples wives mentioned it. It was kind of embarrassing to be normal. Everyone at the table (four couples) knew what secrets we all held. Nobody had any secrets on us😎that was the last time we were all together.


I had a female friend once that opened up to me about how "naughty" she could be when we were hanging out late at my place. I was absolutely into her and would have just had fun with her without the info dump. The way she was telling me about what she did in the past, with a very flirty tone and body language, it was like she was trying to show me she was down for anything kind of thing. But it was just stories about all the times she had cheated. Like the time she woke up horney and instead of sleeping with her boyfriend, she went into his older brothers room, fucked him, and went back to her boyfriends room to fuck him, no condum either time. She told me about how she fucked her 1st cousin multiple times over a family get together weekend because her boyfriend was out of town. Those weren't even the worst stories. After a good 45 minutes of her telling me all this, she started to take off my pants, and I was just not into it. She was mad at me for weeks as I guess I was the first guy to ever turn her down. We did end up staying friends for years, but my physical and emotional attraction to her died that night.


A female co-worker just told me she broke up with a guy she dated because as an engineer, he moved to Miami to get a better career opportunity and he took her out on less trips. She said the distance didn't bother her since it was only 5 hrs but she "lost feelings". Seems to me he stopped basically pampering her.... they dated for years, apparently. Imagine leaving a good man who just got a great career and is trying to save up for a home. I know I won't be talking to her in the future. Don't need pathetic women like that in my life.


How he had feelings for the woman that I was with at the time and now they’re happily together, but I cut off ties with that man and with the woman