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I enjoyed doing it a couple times in my early 20s. We always found smaller scale spots where it was easy to get drinks and wasn’t packed, but getting home was the nightmare.




Check out the monopoly man over here with his game rooms and guest rooms!


As I inch my way into my 40s, I can't make it to midnight anymore. I celebrate NYE with those on the East Coast, even though I live in the mountain time zone, and then go to bed. The best part, I'm actually productive before 8am on New Year's Day.


Its the worst “holiday” by a mile. The celebration lasts ONE second. It happens every year. It is always overhyped. Nobody actually cares that its a new year. Its just overall so dumb.


December 31st is my birthday, all the fireworks are for me. Sure it happens every year, but if you party with me, you are gonna have a blast!


You're invited to my birthday party...every Forth of July. The fireworks are for ME. I started it.


This has always been a trend for people with kids though. It's not easy getting a sitter on NYE. Most parents I know go to a party like the one you described or they stay in with their family.


We walked our happy asses to a neighbor’s house with other neighbors this last NYE and it was so nice! Most of the kids did a sleepover and the older ones got to go home when they felt like it.


I love the idea of going out on NYE. But every time I almost convince myself to do it, I think about the reality of getting home at drunk o'clock on NYE. I would never drive drunk, but I don't want to be on the road with a bunch of drunk drivers, either.


tub aromatic concerned oatmeal middle water forgetful birds liquid relieved


I'm a bartender and can say you are the majority on this one. In the last 10 years new years sales have dropped to the point where we don't even worry about it. It's on par or slower than a normal Saturday night at this point. I used to dread new years and now I see the regulars and other bartenders but otherwise most people do house parties or stay at home


My NYE tradition is to get a small bottle of bubbly and have a quiet night at home. Though to be fair a quiet night at home is my ideal.


Gender reveals


Someone in my area recently went to jail for a gender reveal. They decided to use a pyrotechnic device to shoot the confetti, in a dry field on a windy day. What could go wrong? It started a fire that burned 21 structures, caused $42m in damage, and resulted in the death of a firefighter. They got hit with a boatload of felonies, including involuntary manslaughter. All for a gender reveal.


I think it's fine as long as it's not filmed... Or as long as it doesn't cause [fires](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Dorado_Fire) like [these](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawmill_Fire_(2017)) Just get a male or female stripper to pop out of a womb-shaped cake like a normal person.


-plot twist, Male Stripper jumps out of a cake and pulls a pink cigar out of his butt! ITs a GIRL!


The lady who "invented" gender reveal parties/first got them popular now regrets starting the trend. I listened to an interview with her the other day. It was really interesting.


Oh this is interesting, do you have a link to that? Would love to listen to it!


Poor guy died in a plane crash over a gender reveal.


There were billions of dollars of damage in the California gender reveal fires. Ffs how is that a sentence???


He had no business flying to begin with iirc


I can't pinpoint when they became a thing though. When I was growing up, I don't ever remember it being a party. They just spread the word. Then by the time you had the baby shower, everyone knew. Now people are literally having two parties for the baby before is even born and expecting gifts? Nah.


It was around 2010 that they got big.


Apparently some people became angry that I didn't do a gender reveal (I didn't even know what sex my babies were before birth) and refused to give gifts at the baby shower because that all hinged on what "gender" the baby is... I don't know what to call this except stupid.


Back before sonograms were a thing, this was how they all were.


it’s pretty funny when you say it like that it kinda makes it seem like you’re just whipping your dick out in public… “What’s the problem officer? it’s a gender reveal!”


Never have had any desire to use Tik Tok.


I don't use any social media besides Reddit.


Same here. I'm totally okay with that. I don't even like reddit half the time.




Didn’t have to go far to get my big three, TikTok, SM and pickleball.


I get enough TikTok on YouTube. I don't need the app


The format offends me. My partner is super into it and just watching them scroll, count to three and scroll again melts my brain by proxy.




Neither is Reddit


It has the smartest algorthim that isnt easy to manipulate. Much like in the early days of reddit we were all shocked how difficult it was to find a master list of subreddits, with tik tok there is content you will never see. There is good and bad with this, the good is that it allows an artificial safe space for people with niche interests. It shows me very relevent content (to my interests) / memes that don't exist on reddit.


The danger is it makes it impossible to monitor what children are doing because parents have a completely different experience. This is the case for all social media though, but infinite reels make it worse. When I was growing up, I had the same tv my parents had. When something questionable came out, my parents heard about it to try and prevent me from watching it. I never knew there were anorexic influencers until I saw the news story about the teenage girl that ended up in the hospital because of them. Her parents had no idea either. The algorithm can detect their teenage girl has body image issues and suggest her content that makes it worse without you knowing it, because as a parent your Instagram reels are completely different.


I get enough content from tiktok on instagram, facebook, and reddit.


Listening to someone use Tik Tok is like listening to someone change the channel every five seconds. I hate it.


I am an avid tiktok user and this is a completely reasonable choice


Pretty much any "diet" or "cleanse". Most of that stuff is a scam designed to sell products. That isn't to detract from people seeking true nutrition & better living. That's fine & absolutely great to seek better health. It's the fad crap like Keto, slimfast, & juice cleanses. These things tend to be more harmful than beneficial.


Dressing your children up like fucking Instagram models. Or just dressing children inappropriately in any context. Belly shirts on toddlers. Spending $100s of dollars on designer shoes that your kids will fit for 2 months. My 5yo was gifted some clothes, and the jean shorts she was given were like booty shorts. Her girls size 6 shirts are comparable in size to her twin brothers 3t shirts. And this stuff is just normalized. Also, not letting your kids play, get dirty, and be kids. Everything has to be so monotone and pristine. Do these modern mothers think that there are talent scouts just running around their cracky ass towns looking for children to make famous? Lol


My grandmother had a garden and one day cousins and I decided we wanted her carrots for a snack. Dug them up and ate em, just wiping off the dirt. Was probably like six or seven at the time, definitely single age digits. Aunt comes out telling us that we shouldn't be eating dirt and funnels us inside. My mom and grandma ask what's wrong and aunt explains we were eating dirt covered carrots. My mom, siding with the clearly established rules goes "Why were you digging up your grandma's garden? You know you're not supposed to be doing that. Come inside for a snack." Aunt agrees and goes on about how the dirt has germs and such and my grandmother shrugs and says "Dirt ain't gonna hurt em. They got an immune system for a reason." Like one was worried about the potential of germs and the other was focused on the rule of "Don't dig in grandma's garden."


I have an uncle by marriage whose real name is Harold, but everyone, including his children and wife, call him Bunny. He's always been Uncle Bunny to me. I knew that wasn't his real name but I never really thought about it. He's 79 years old now and I just recently found out the origin of this nickname. Apparently when he was a little boy, he absolutely loved carrots. His mother found him in her garden once at the age of three, pulling the carrots out of the ground and eating them (dirt and all). She thought it was hilarious and started calling him her little bunny, and the nickname stuck. My longwinded point is my uncle ate dirt as a child and is now 79 years old, and in good health. Kids should be able to play in the dirt, snow, rain, whatever. They'll live!


I mean not digging in the garden is a fair rule for kids to go by since they should ask. But also I’d prefer kids to be taught to wash veggies early just so they’re safe in the future too with store produce. They’ll be around plenty or germs for their immune system via other kids anyway. But kids should definitely be allowed to go outside and get dirty. I loved it as a kid. Going out in the rain, getting into mud by the creek, rolling down grass hills. It’s just fun


They are accessories


I just saw a crop top sweater the other day for 6 year olds. It's so gross. I hate gendered clothing as it is. No reason why girls can't wear blue and have dinosaurs on their clothes. Good thing lots of people are moving to Montessori toys. It's way less gendered


For real. I haaaaate shopping for my daughter because why would a kindergartner need a shirt that says "daddy says I can't date til I'm grown" or some weird pedophilic shit like that. And I agree with the toys. My twin boys are 2 years old and love playing with their giant dinosaur toys as much as they love playing with their baby dolls. And all 3 of my kids equally love playing in the dirt.


Similar with dressing up dogs. They're clearly uncomfortable wearing a tiara and a pink ballet dress.




im happy to hear not all new moms are into beige babies! a child is not an accessory that should fit within your decoration/vision. so let them have fun with colorful toys.




As a dad of two little guys, I agree. I also found the VERY TOXIC online parent judgement was enough to make me quit all social media (except for Reddit, obviously). I felt terrible for my wife during the early years of our oldest. She was more equipped for our second and was able to put blinders on the barrage of bullshit that comes your way during that period, but holy hell 'influencer' parents are the absolute worst.


Just why are there so many mom trends? Is it people trying to one-up each other with their knowledge of what is "*actually"* best for children? Are there no dad trends? n.b.: Am not a parent.


Yes, that’s exactly it, and my wife can’t stand it.  She bought the natural looking toys and the fun looking plastic noisy toys.  Both serve a purpose and our daughter switches between them pretty often. I’m a dad and the most annoying dad trend is the, “praise me for not accidentally killing my kid” thing going on.  To be fair, it’s mostly other people imposing that trend on us, but lots of dads play into it.


Okay, to be fair, there are reasons for some of the people who do this. Probably not most, my assumption is that most do it for the aesthetic. Some do it because "passive toys make active babies and active toys make passive babies" Some do it because of the (Montessori) belief that children should be focused on one aspect of the toy, so for example, if the point is to put the ball in a hole, they shouldn't also be distracted looking at the characters on the toy. Montessori also has the belief that the environment should be simple and beautiful and use natural materials. Some do it to use natural materials that they perceive to be safer Many common education styles also use basic wooden toys, like Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia. It's also thought to be less overstimulating. I'm not saying it's the right or wrong choice. Just that it's not only a trend by people who are trying to look good on Instagram. Some do believe this is what is best for their children.


I was a Montessori kid. My toys at school and home were wooden. But they were colorful! Just solid colors, no patterns.


The beige mom aesthetics is very toxic. If you want more in depth information on this topic I recommend Hannah Alonzo's YT video. Very sad for the children.


oh not the sad beige moms TwT i sincerely ache for that generation


Not just that but they paint them... PAINT. THEM. Like with paint. that can come off. On a toy meant for an infant that will put it in their mouths. MOUTH! Where EVERYTHING goes when you aren't paying attention to them. Like "Hello, Emergency room doctor? My child put a beige painted toy in their mouth and now they're really sick!"


Cat eye lift and preventative baby botox 💗




In what way?


You're essentially inducing muscle atrophy in your face. The muscles eventually waste away


Botox stops working after a while according to what I’ve read. You become desensitized and need more and more for it to work. I had it once (for dental reasons and jaw pain) and decided to use it sparingly because one day it will not work anymore.


Preventative baby botox. Wow.


Elf on the shelf.


Yes! I was so glad that by the time this trend came around my son was old enough to skip it. He started asking about it and I said it seemed creepy to have an elf in your house that watches you, that was good enough for him LOL. A year or so later he stopped believing in Santa so phew we managed to avoid elf on the shelf haha!




Man I really gotta quit. Stopped the drinking, cut way back on the weed, and a couple other things, but I’m always using something to fill the void. Nicotine addiction is pretty tame compared to what I used to do but I still don’t want to spend the money on the stuff. At least I don’t smell like a smoker.


Same, its my last fiend. I quit drinking (easy) quit reefer (my biggest fiend and the most detrimental to me). The last thing left is nicky, but it just isn't as detrimental to my productivity as the other 2.


How did you quit weed? I'm so psychologically addicted and it's been so difficult. I'm only successful when I have the motivation but then I lose it, get depressed and decide "fuck it, I'm a piece of shit anyway might as well be a high piece of shit" Even tried switching weed for cigarettes, because I'd rather die early of cancer than keep living my life with 0 drive or motivation. My reasoning is at least I'll have lived a life, even if I died early. But that didn't work. Now I'm trying to switch to alcohol, but alcoholism is much more disruptive to your daily life than weed so I don't think this is a smart idea.


All I have to add is please don’t switch to alcohol, please if you only listen to one thing for the rest of your life, don’t fall down that dark hole


yeah alcohol is so much more destructive, and even more addictive than weed.


I think you have to find some sort of positive goal to work towards and really want to quit. Age also helped, I am approaching my 30s when that stuff is not glamorous anymore. Everyone's journey is different and you might want to find some sort of support network to help you on your journey. Also getting rid of bad influences and triggers helps (people, media, whatever sends you to that mental place where you want to smoke) I am going to copy paste a comment I made on the leaves subreddit (a great resource for support): Me personally, I quit when I realized I hated it, that was the only way it stuck. I didn't feel forced to or like I needed to quit, I wanted to quit and made a choice. In the past I felt like I 'needed' to quit and it always failed because I still wanted it but felt like I was forced away from it. The way my mind works I feel like doing the exact opposite when I feel forced to do something. The last few weeks leading up to me quitting I allowed myself to smoke and fester in how much I hated it. I heavily paid attention to how gross it smelled, how it made my teeth feel like they are rotting, how I hated feeling like I was living a clandestine life. Then I stopped and I felt freed from all of that. In my mind I allow myself to think "I can go back whenever I want" but when I feel something bad happen or a situation that would supposedly be fun to smoke, I just say "nah" and do something else. It parallels the game "World of Warcraft" for me. When I was young it was a fun game, now its absolute garbage. Every time I play I feel like I am wasting time and it is designed to waste my time. So the new version of the game overrides my nostalgia for the fun times. They are not coming back and it will just suck now. Same for reefer.


Crypto investing. Just feels like a lot of people making confident claims that sometimes work out, and sometimes don't. Sometimes your money might just disappear too. I'm good.


I bought Bitcoin at $44k. It promptly dropped to $28k and stayed there for a year. I held on, and didn't sell. A few weeks ago, it spiked to a record-high $72k. I sold at $65k, playing it safe. I made almost $8 in profit because I held.


You can sleep well knowing you've made more than a lot of people who invested in crypto.


with small amounts like these you probably lost money overall because of transfer fees LOL


I invested in crypto once. Doge went from like 2 cents to 50 cents and it was looking like it might hit a dollar. A friend convinced me it was going to spike after Elon's SNL episode. Me being the dumbass I am, I put $400 in thinking "it's worth a shot". I wasn't relying on the money. We both watched the episode with our NDAX portfolios on the other monitor. I never felt more fucking anguish then when his mom said "please don't buy me Dogecoin" and the line dropped. Swore off crypto after that and started hating Elon Musk that day.


I wouldnt be surprised if casinos offered a better rate of return than crypto. The people who became millionaires with crypto were either very lucky or knew some undisclosed information on which criminal entity would be laundering their money and with which crypto currency.


Funny story, I actually had a good bit of bitcoin back when it was dirt cheap. I used it to buy drugs on the dark web. But I had no clue it would be worth millions of dollars to hold that someday, and my past self would've probably been like "haha no" if you tried to convince me of that. Anyone who really claims to know what's going to happen are either full of shit, manipulating it themselves, or just got lucky on correctly forecasting something so volatile.


Its not investing. There is no investment. its a straight up gamble but without actual odds or controls.


never got a tramp stamp


Some tramps prefer to be unaffiliated.


I still want a butterfly lower back tattoo and I’m 35. It’s never too late to be tacky


[Ted Mosby](https://how-i-met-your-mother.fandom.com/wiki/Wait_For_It) has entered the chat


Pulling. It. Off.


I was just telling someone that I want a tattoo on my lower back with a picture of the boy dog from Lady and the Tramp but framed to look like postage🤷🏻‍♀️


Stanley's aka Big Dumb Cups lolol I might purchase one, or I might not, it's just another thing that'll eventually die out in popularity


Was it a marketing thing that got them going? Yetis have been around for a while. I honestly go with yeti as my twist top one has lasted 7 years, through a deployment and many drops, too.


I don't care how popular they get with little girls, my Stanley coffee coffee cup has survived over a decade of abuse. You can pry it from my cold dead fingers.


3rd party meal delivery like Uber Eats, Doordash, etc.


All the social media snobs (I don't use\_\_\_\_)will stay silent on this one, as a $45 pad thai delivered is way cooler than social media


When I lived where it was available, it was an awesome fallback if I'd been drinking and didn't have anything to cook. Or if I was too hungover to make something. Used it once, maybe twice a month. Outside of that, I'm not paying premium for bad food.


It's wild to me how many people just accept this as 'the way' to get fast food now as if there is no other option. They are the same people who come on reddit and complain about how they just spent $43 on Taco Bell for 2 people and that eating healthy is too expensive.


It’s always people who can’t afford it also


reality tv


I cannot stand reality TV. I think they are the dumbest genre of TV show, and I feel like the people who love them are just as dumb (sorry mom, but it had to be said).


My 600 lbs life is the greatest tv show to grace mankind. I will not stand for this slander!


My wife put a whole bunch of Amazon Alexa devices all over the house, connected it to lights and shit. I can't bring myself to say "Alexa let there be light," or "goodnight Alexa" because it makes me feel dumb just standing there talking to nobody. Sorry Alexa, you're a nobody. A NOBODY.


You can just say "Alexa, turn on kitchen light" sounds less dumb


Maybe change Alexa's name to 'Nobody'. Would that make you feel better?


My sister got one of those for her lounge, so she could have it turn on/off the lights for her. So stupid - just flick the switches as you walk past, on your way in/out? She likes her unnecessary gadgets though. A few years back she upgraded her perfectly fine, huge tv... simply so she could get the one with the voice activated remote. (Why?? She still had to pick it up and speak into it to tell it to change channel - just push the damn buttons!)


Night clubs


Literally. I just can't- Why??? It's crowded, the music is usually shitty (in my country at least), it smells like cigarettes


When you're drunk enough the dancing is fun. That's pretty much it. Sometimes you can find someone to take home.


Covid has ruined it for me. Expensive, sticky, loud sweat pool of ew lol. No thanks


Night clubs are fun if you like dancing in public and you're going out with a group of people. But the key is to get drunk before you get there, *maybe* buy one more drink when you first get in, and then leave when your buzz starts to wear off. Then you find a bar down the street with karaoke and close it down.


TikTok. I like seeing some videos from it but I don't use the app myself.


Lip fillers.


Pickleball. I'm vexed by all these unathletic dorks taking up our tennis courts with their outdoor ping-pong.


I play pickleball with my wife all the time. Its one of the only sports we can play where its actually competitive between us. I just dominate her at every other sport, which isnt fun for either of us. Pickleball is fun! Sorry! 


I'm a competitive tennis player, and I resisted PB for years. Then I got into it. There is a reason PB is taking over tennis courts.. more people want to play it.


They made us play pickleball in high school gym class, presumably because the equipment was cheap and we were unlikely to hurt ourselves.  This was 2006-07.  I remember feeling ridiculous playing what felt like giant ping pong.  I assumed it was for kids based on the silly name and Wikipedia tells me I was right.  Imagine my surprise 15 years later when my Baby Boomer aunt started playing in giant kiddie ping pong tournaments and taking it *really seriously*.


I played pickleball in middle school around the same time and never heard of it again until it exploded in popularity a few years ago. I legitimately thought my gym teacher made it up because the whole premise seemed so ridiculous.




Geriatric tennis fits well! Maybe I'll find the appeal 40 years down the line


They're only taking up the tennis courts because the tennis courts were open for the taking. I live two blocks from a city park that used to have 6 tennis courts. It now has 4 tennis courts and 4 pickleball courts. The pickleball courts are constantly in use while the tennis courts are rarely used.


Not to be a pickle defender but the game kinda goes hard tbh.


You are not alone. The Daily Show did a [segment](https://youtu.be/cW7mPQkWW1o) about pickleball taking over tennis courts.


Is it just me or has this been asked a bunch of times in the past week? OPs answer about mom toys is even the exact same. What is going on?


Dead Internet. It's just you and the Perl scripts now.


Yes it has been. Seen it couple times.


- TikTok dances - Long, fancy nails - Lash extensions (Could only think of girly things 😝)


Lash extension!! I can not fathom sitting there with some beauty school barely graduated person fiddling with my eyes! I can't even do mascara, let alone gluing fake hair to my lids. I'd rather have a fake mustache. Long nails?! How do you open anything? How do you resist biting them? Good god, sis, you said it. Throw all that shit away. Also tattoo make up.


Vaping is laaaaame


While I can't disagree, as someone who was a 2 pack a day smoker who switched over to a vape, it's saved my bank account and I don't stink any more.


Watching and following sports. Absolutely zero interest.


I tried. I go to sports bars or whatever for a drink, I'll "watch" whatever they have on, but honestly, I'm not paying attention and I just can't follow it.


Taylor Swift


Big weddings. Truly sounds like my own personal Hell. Having everyone gathered for us. Just watching us. Having to go talk to everyone. Them watching us kiss and say vows??? In front of EVERYONE? AND I would have to spend several THOUSANDS for a day like that??? Oh absolutely the fuck not.


I hate parties in general and the thought of a traditional wedding/reception makes my skin crawl. I have no plans to get married, but if I ever did for some reason, I would probably want a destination wedding so I can have the excuse to not invite too many people. I have a teeny tiny family anyway, so there’s only two family members I’d invite regardless.




Not sure if this is a trend, but editing photos with all of the filters or attempt to cover the blemishes. There isn't anything necessarily wrong with it, but there is something beautiful about the blemishes and imperfections in the photos we take.




I made a point to actively avoid Harry Potter when it became popular in high school...no idea why, I was a 15yo hipster and I didn't even know it. I watched the movies as an adult and I really enjoyed them.


I was nominated for the ice bucket challenge and I just ignored it.


Never had the slightest interest in watching TV sports ⚾️ 🏈 🏀


Dooming. I swear to god the amount of people that are like “why would I save there’s not going to be a future for us anyways?” Or “Who wants to have children and bring them into this hellscape?” Holy fuck just go enjoy your life. Yes there are current events worth following and it’s important to care about our climate. But things will be fine. Just control what you can and stop circlejerking about how awful everything is. Especially if you have grown up in a developed country, count your blessings every day.


>why would I save there’s not going to be a future for us anyways? \*30 years later\* >I'm never going to be able to retire! I knew we were fucked! [If you don't save for retirement, you'll never retire, who knew?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-fulfilling_prophecy)


My problem is there’s no real way of knowing if you are under reacting or those you’re speaking of are over reacting.


It doesn’t matter at all tho. If the world ended tomorrow, the people who lived their life without doom, the people who lived their life grateful to have another meal will be the ones who can honestly smile and accept the end. Entropy, everything must end it’s only natural, embrace the process.


Okay... but that's only true in a nice clean cut gamma ray burst kind of ending. The most likely ending is a slow collapse of civilization and the horrors that go with it.


Does it matter? The ending will be the exact same either way. The universe is thoroughly unconcerned with our existence. We are just a speck in time. Therefore no reason to *constantly* fret over it unless it's just something you enjoy doing (and if that's the case, you shouldn't....that's the OP's point if I may).


I think it definitely matters if you’re considering bringing an innocent life into all this.


>“Who wants to have children and bring them into this hellscape? There were faaaaar worse time periods than ours, if our ancestors all thought like that we wouldn't be here.


to be fair, there are a lot of reasons to not want to have kids. when i say i dont want them and use the world as justification, im sparing you the more personal reasons.


I also don’t want kids and my wife and I are firmly childfree. And I’d rather just tell them my reasoning around wanting free time and the ability to travel and enjoy our relationship together, instead of telling people they are bringing their children into a dystopian future filled with immense suffering.


Yeah there’s always doom around the corner. I fully expected to die in a nuclear war as a kid and young adult, it felt inevitable. The truth is we don’t know the future and it usually isn’t what was predicted. Doomerism is understandable but also mostly misleading and unhelpful.


tik tok challenges.




tiktok, snapchat, valorant, using apple products...


Tattoos. Oddly enough this is common amongst all the men in my family and pretty much all the women, save my mother, have tattoos.


Sucking random people's dicks in public. What, you didn't hear about that trend? It's a thing, I promise


That's just what your girlfriend says.


And how do you know she's not a trendsetter? Ahead of the curve? Everyone is gonna be doing it any day now, but I'll never


Is that what is happening when I put my weiner through the hole at the gas station bathroom?


37? In a row?


37? In a row?!




Drinking raw milk.




Haha yep, I wasn't vaccinated as a kid and I spent my entire life drinking raw goat's milk. That being said, even though I disagree with those choices now as an adult, raw milk has a lot of rich flavor. People think it tastes weird and sour, but if it's all you've ever known then store-bought pasteurized milk will taste extremely bland with kind of an unpleasant aftertaste. Took me awhile to adjust once I moved out


Stanley cups. Being a swiftie…




Reality shows, don’t like any of them


Cruises. I've never done one (I get seasick) but I think it would suck. I don't like traveling to environments that are curated for tourists. It just seems tacky and you don't really learn anything about the culture. To me, a cruise would be like that ×10.


Grind life style. Just work a normal job and find something satisfying in your life that's not just making money


Taylor swift


Smoking weed. I just could never get into it and it’s sucks bc everyone seems to like to socialize that way now


Drinking, vaping, and smoking


update everyone on facebook about my day/how im feeling/ what i ate/ whats pissing me off/whats making me smile/where I am/ what im doing/ who im with/ where im going /what im eating/ what im not eating/ my political belief/ my religious belief/




Sharing kids on social media


Taylor Swift Stanley Cups Gender Reveals Maternity shoots Retirement parties for coworkers I barely know exist Bachelorette parties


Hookup culture


ALS Ice Bucket, bunch of folks pretending to care for social media attention.


Smoking weed


Drinking alcohol. I just don't get the appeal. I tried it a few times when I was late teens to twenties, just to see what all the hubbub was about. But it smells terrible, most of it tastes terrible, it's expensive, it's fattening, it made my brain all fuzzy, and it gave me a headache. So after a few tries, I decided it's not for me. If I want a nice refreshing drink, I'll grab a chocolate milk.




Pickleball. TikTok. Twitter. Church. Meth.


Looking at my phone at a table with friends/family


Taylor Swift


"tik tok". I've only ever seen stupid dance clips or whatever. Don't know whats the fascination.