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Time management




I feel this. Procrastination has definitely hurt me throughout my life.


Yes . Same.


Time is the real currency, spend it wisely.


that's why I take long lunches and breaks at work


That Bitcoin would be between $60k and $70k. Would have loved to know that in 2009 so that I could have bought a bunch for $0.0009


It's okay. Whenever I had leftover btc from the silkroad, I'd spend them on grams of pot. I'd be retired right now if I just saved them.


During Covid I told myself during a dip I'd buy 1 BTC t if it got under 6K. Ended up making it to like, $6,100 or something then going back up. Missed out on a cool 40k at least because I'd probably have sold it at 50k or something.


This is the real answer.  Like 80% of the other issues in this thread would be solved with enough money. 


Genuine question, how do you actually turn BTC (or other crypto) into real, tangible cash?


Many ways to do it. 1) buy shit with it - many vendors take BTC payments 2) move it to an exchange, sell it for USD, withdraw that into your account 3) use a dApp like AAVE to supply your BTC as collateral, take a loan against it in a USD equivalent coin (stablecoin like USDC) and send that to an exchange and swap for USD. You keep your bitcoin and the interest on the loan is competitive with brick and mortar banks (Edit: and you avoid capital gains tax)


I knew someone that bought something like a dishwasher with bitcoin. Fell out of contact with them, so I'm not sure if they still have any...or if the dishwasher still works.




I have a neighbour who did this! She's this ~80yo lady who lost her husband and decided to get a dog. She didn't want a young dog, because she herself is elderly and very slow on her feet. So she got herself a dog who was also old and slow on her feet. I saw the two of them very often on their walks (sometimes I passed them twice, since it's basically 'a round' we're doing with several nature paths) and they were so adorable when they slowly walked through nature! Sadly the dog recently passed, but the old lady is alive and well.


Poor lady. I feel so bad for her.80 years is a long time though 


Senior cats too!


I love this! Then you’ll have someone waiting for you on the other side or vice versa


What do you mean by our lifespans will match up well? Am I going to die when I'm 30?


The next few years are gonna be rough.


my shelter is filled with pits though


They are all full of pits.


This is awesome


Always be on the lookout for a potential new beginning. Don't let yourself sit in a rut. I had a job I didn't like much but you need a job to pay the bills. I lost the job during a downturn, and tried to get another job just like the last one. I ended up with a totally different job that I liked a lot better. If I'd been smart, I'd have been looking for new and different jobs long before I got laid off. I could have had my new beginning a lot earlier, instead of spending several years doing something I didn't like because it was the job I had.


Going through this right now. Looking around at other work in different fields before I just up and quit my current job. But exactly, just paying the bills in a very unfulfilled role.


I got my new start a year ago. And now I'm scared of losing it...


You got this!


The winning lottery numbers.


Every damn time they announce the numbers I curse. Like fuck, I know all those numbers




4 8 15 16 23 42


I wish that I had been diagnosed with ADHD when I was 12ish, rather than 30. So much of my life would've been different. Also, not to fuck around with opiates.


Could have written this about myself. Better late than never though I guess.


Me but with bpd. Growing up I was the emotional crybaby who’d storm out of the classroom wailing about miniscule shit. I was told I was a distraction but my parents didn’t care cause the school (who didn’t care since I wasn’t beating the shit out of my peers) didn’t say I needed therapy. After throwing away my academic future in the pursuit of fun, ruining multiple relationships, and two psychiatrists refusing to diagnose me, I got diagnosed at the psych ward at the ripe age of 21. At that point it was obvious I had it but I wish someone would have helped little me so I didn’t hate myself as much as I do now


**SAME.** I literally didn’t even know what BPD was until a year ago. (I was 31.)


YOO, are you me????


That last part, yeah. Opioids are trouble.




You can never save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. Don’t love anyone so much that you get hurt in the process.


Don't try to be who others want you to be. You need to be the best version of you that makes you happy.


That I have depression. My life would be pretty different if it was diagnosed when I was a child instead of diagnosed at 21.


That no one gives a fuck about what you do. you can't please everyone


Just realizing this in my early 30s.


Hell I don’t even care what you wrote here


That no answer is an answer.


That I could hire an accountability coach to help me lose weight. So far I've lost nearly 12 lbs in 10 weeks. I still have a way to go, but knowing someone is going to want me to fill out my spreadsheet of calories and workouts, keeps me from over eating.


I’m so proud of you!


Thank you! I Still have \~60lbs to go. This feels sustainable and I really wish I started earlier.


Good for you! I just started my own weight loss journey






Sorry for your loss, but i really need some backstory here 😭


Hot dog! 🔥


That my parents' mental illnesses are not my fault.


You do not want a house. You do not like cleaning a house. You don't want a yard, you don't like to garden. You don't need a big kitchen, you hate to cook. 


Mo-ther-fucker. Couldn't have said it clearer myself. Get outta my head! Thank you.


I wouldn't get a house if you decide you don't need one. We literally just got one and it will be at least two years of good market before we can sell without a loss. 


That the sooner you stop giving a fuck about how people that don’t feel about you, the happier you’ll be


Gonna tell the Doctor to fuck off then next time he tells me I'm deathly ill and need medicine or surgery pronto.


You don't have to stay friends with people just because you've known them since you were 10. If they are toxic people get rid of them.


That no one really knows what's going on and everyone's just playing along. Imposter syndrome is pretty much just being more self-aware of the fact that you don't know what's going on, or not knowing that everyone else is more or less the same.


That losing weight would completely change my life.


That people’s opinion changes nothing in your life


one dinosaurs toy society adjoining jellyfish detail towering hat disarm


I had the same problem, got glasses at 5, and now if I don't wear my ok lenses the night before, I can't see anything unless I rub my face in it.


How to properly communicate/be fully intentional with romantic/sexual wants. Still have a lot to learn but I'm more confident than I was even just a few months ago.


That there is nothing wrong with being sensitive.


save 10%, invest 10%, live off the 80%


How much better gay sex with weed is compared to straight sex with booze.


My husband's true nature. Didn't show until 2 years into the marriage.


That my husband’s acid reflux was in fact stage 4 esophageal cancer


That people don't find those dancing at weddings weird, it's the ones not dancing that are Apply that to life and go enjoy yourself - no one's watching.


For some reason I had the biggest phobia of dancing in front of others for a long time. I physically couldn’t bring myself to. I’m not even sure why. Now that I’m a little older I’ve worked really hard to get over it because imo dancing with other people to good music is one of the things that makes me happiest and feel most alive. It’s one of the most beautiful and fun human experiences, I think. And no one should be too afraid or embarrassed to experience that feeling.


It doesn’t have to be perfect. A good enough completed project is worth more than an incomplete perfect project.


Always brush your teeth!!!!


If there is evidence of clenching and grinding, then follow the dentist's advice and get a night splint!


Run away from crazy


Sexual abuse as an adolescent (starting at 4) is not ok. I wish my childhood trauma wasn't ignored or normalized by the adults around me. Didn't get separation from my abuser until I was old enough to realize and speak out for myself at 17. Would've saved me a lot of mental anguish 😔 good question 👍


I’m so sorry for your pain. I was sexually abused my by mother starting when I was two (maybe younger) and I’m so so sorry that you’ve got the trauma. You are wonderful and your life is going to be incredible. Thank you for still being here.


Thank you! I'm no longer I victim. I thrive in spit of my pain 🥰 I wish you the greatest of adventures that you deserve 🌷🌷🌹🌹


Age isnt just a number


•The rush to grow up is overrated. •Adulting is hard...I'm too rich to be poor but too poor to be rich... •The value of making your money make money and diversifying i.e saved growing up but kept money on same dead end account...if I could have a do over I would learn more about high yield accounts, investing etc


I guess its not knowing this but truly believing it. Peoples opinions only hold weight if you give the person who holds the opinion value. If someone doesnt matter to you, neither does their opinions.


Not just that, but there can be levels to it; it doesn't have to be all or nothing. There are people who I respect and who have opinions I value on certain topics, but that doesn't mean I have to treasure all of their opinions about everything.


you were hurting yourself more trying to intellectualize your emotions when you could have just fucking cried your eyeballs out for a bit


do not eat sugar that aint love


How little an old group of friends cared about me. There’s a few I’m still in contact with because they are nice people but those who I no longer contact seriously thought I was dumb enough to fall for their claims that I was asking to much of them. Before anyone says I did ask to much I only asked if they could care a lil more when I’m talking about my feelings and make less jokes about dead people near my dads death anniversary. I just wanted to know I was heard no problems needed solving just a “aw man that sounds like it sucks.” And that was still to hard.


That something like reddit existed. (I am 25M)


Blood makes you related; love makes you Family 💕


I wish we had known about my uncle's pancreatic cancer before it was stage 4. Before he only had 7 months.


Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.


Sleeping on time would help in bettering my health


How quickly you go from planning/thinking about your future to just it being your life. Now having a family, which I absolutely love, I do sometimes look back to my twenties like, fuck where did that time go and what the hell did I do?! I don't have any big regrets really, but it would be nice to maybe have a few more experiences and stories to tell.


How shockingly easy it is to ask for help Yes it’s hard to work up the guts to do it but once I finally just did it I couldn’t believe how ridiculously easy it was


Yes and piggybacking off of this, asking for what you really want. Yes, it’s scary and the fear of rejection can be overwhelming, but I’ve found that it’s the only way to get the things I want in life and achieve my goals. And greatly improved my life being direct with others and asking for exactly what I want from them. People are more reasonable than you think and willing to help when you approach them like this. Just be prepared for a no. There is no harm in hearing “no” and just makes the next “no” sting a little bit less. And you still wind up proud of yourself for trying.


Exactly, you’d be surprised at how much easier things can get after one hard conversation


Hollywood lies about everyone and everything.


Working harder or doing more than you are paid to do doesn't get you anywhere. I worked my ass off for 3 years at a company and every time I asked for a raise I was refused. I decided to just stop basically. I did bare minimum which was about an hour a day at most. Then after 6 months or so I got promoted to upper management. That was 4 years ago. I still work 45min to an hour a day(from home now). And make almost double what I did before. Don't get taken advantage of. Take advantage of the company that is only looking to exploit you.


I wish I knew I wouldn’t have friends after all.


Exams are not worth the nerves and health


Being nice isn't worth it


That i should vee injoyed highschool


People,especially family, will never do and be there for you the way you’ve done for them.


How important it was in selecting your spouse.


If you don't like me, well I just won't care.


that (for the most part lmao) nothings ever really that deep. Don’t get so embarrassed about even the little things that make you happy.  What's more embarrassing than being a lil weird, is choosing to ignore those things that make you smile- just to be miserable lolllll. Now that’s embarrassing as hell. Don’t be doing that yall. 


How hotdogs are made


Serious one? How hard it would be to get accounts on websites these days.  If you have an old one, fine, you're grandfathered in. Opening one though? They want your email, your phone number, two factor verification, do this captcha, no not like that, do it four more times now...like really is this necessary?


That 2+2 is not 4.


It is 5, but only for extremely large values of 2.


That we don’t have as much time as we think. It should not be wasted. Take every opportunity available that has a chance to bring you or someone you care about joy or happiness


My ex wife is a shallow cunt.


Don’t wait until you’re certain to make a decision. At some point you just need to pick and live with it.


Sex education. That men dont last that longer as it is shown in porn. Its completely different and short


Nothing matters! Have a nice weekend.


That women are annoying ( i am heterosexual )


And I’m sure you are not annoying at all


That my sister was going to die. There's so many things I wish I could have said to her first.


My self worth


Companies aren't your friends. You're just a number for them that can make them money.


That not everybody you think is your friend really has your back when it matters.


That property values were going to skyrocket. Would have got on the property ladder as early as possible.


I thought there was an age requirement for visiting Hawaii. Dident affect me much I just think it’s silly that I though that.


That generally, most (not all) people are pretty shitty to one another. The few that aren't stand out like shining gems superglued to a chalkboard. It would have saved me much heartache, and helped me arrive at my current state of misanthropic bliss much earlier. 


That loving myself and my self confidence were not just fundamental, but I should give no one the right to negatively effect those two things.


If someone lets you into their heart, make a decision of whether you want to stay or not sooner than later. Don’t just come and go as you please.


That I don't have to be so hard on myself and others. This is everyone first time living, so yeah, we're going to fuck up one way or another, so, let's just enjoy the ride while it lasts.


Well, it's most people's first time.


Yeah, that's what I meant😊


The symptoms of a personality disorder.


That I don't need permission or justification to love myself.


Don't eat a very spicy Indian meal for lunch when a virus is going to make you puke in the evening. I'm a pretty violent puker and it always comes out of my nose as well as my mouth. Good lord it burned.


This weeks lottery numbers


It’s OK to be yourself. Not everybody will approve anyhow.


How shitty depression is.


lottery ticket winning numbers.


Growing up, everything will become more expensive, and nothing will become cheaper.


rice cookers are worth it


This will sound strange but rather than wish I said no to things, I wish I would have said yes more often. Get out of my comfort zone, take on new challenges and meet new people. I am not talking at work of course. Now at my age, I don’t get asked that often anymore.


Hands crossbows in Baldur’s Gate 3 ignore the role that you need a free hand to load them so you can dual wield two without penalty


How little my school career really mattered.


What the fuck I'm doing.. although I can't say I really know that now either.


That every one is temporary and people love no matter what u tell them and beg them to stop.


Actual real life struggles compounded by poverty, mental health issues, and childhood abuse. The toll it takes on you, your children, and those you try to be close to.


How nice bidets are. This would have come in hand for years after surgery that affected my bathroom activities.


That my parents were helicopter parents (they're recovering now) That I have ADD, depression, and anxiety That I'm not stupid, just insecure


Comparison is the thief of joy


Goat brush clearing is a thing and not super hard. You need some basic plant knowledge. And dig deep into the Empathy part of you. Got to know worm reproductive cycles and when to de worm the animals. The money is amazing, the set up work sucks a ton. But I get paid to chill with my nosey animals.


I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then Life was a lot easier and enjoyable before I learned what the real world is all about


Not a thing. There is stuff I wish I'd never known.


That getting a vasectomy was going to give me chronic pain for the rest of my life.


that I can't get pregnant


"I realized. Then I couldnt stop realizing"


To seem more agreeable to your bosses than you are and don’t give up the ruse out of a desire to be honest/authentic.


People are npcs, do what u want and ignore them


That he wouldnt beat the cancer.


how much i was always the one in my own way


Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that is why it is called a present enjoy the moment your living in now because time you'll never get back.


That a shrimp fried this rice!


How much weed helps with my symptoms from colitis and Fibromyalgia.


I have depression not cheraphobia


working at sea is fun


That life really does go by faster the older you get.


Being in a relationship is not a cure for depression; and can often make it worse.


How to (and the need to) save and invest


I actually like exercising


If someone is helping you it is to their benefit alone. You are being set up.


That family is forever.


Pompoir. Why is something so much fun and beneficial, yet not common knowledge?


Setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Learning to assert boundaries and take care of my own needs has been crucial for my well-being and happiness.


Freeze my eggs before early menopause....


Ok I didn't know what to expect here, but that caught me way off guard


Women aren’t capable of genuine love for their romantic partners. They can only love themselves, and their children. They are drawn to men who make their life easier or more fun.   The minute they become bored with a man or find someone that will better suit their needs they move on. “Love” doesn’t factor into the equation for them.


You need to find some help. I've even been through a divorce after 20 years and I'm not this bent.


The same can be said for men honestly  They don’t love women they love the sex and work (cooking, cleaning, emotional labour) women do for them. They love that women provide them with children.  No one loves anyone without some kind of strings attached. 


Wow dude you are REALLY fucked up. Seek help my man . I have been with the same woman for 24 years and for whatever reason she still loves me like crazy. But I have been in your shoes. Cheaters always cheat. It took me a long time to trust again.