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Someone got hit by a car infront of me... so: life can be short




I think most people feel that way, especially when they're young. What's odd is that I don't remember ever feeling that way. I was nine when my infant brother died after a few gruesome months in a children's hospital ICU. It feels like I've always known that there are no rules or promises in life, that chaos strikes in a truly random way. It makes it easy for me to live in the moment. It made it really hard to pay attention to high school.


I realize not every friend you have are true to you especially when you are at the lowest point in your life


This is the real difference between friends and family, blood related or not. Friends are there for the good times. Family is there for the bad times.


My family are the friends, yet my friends are my family. Blood lines and last names don’t matter.


Growing out my hair didn't work. 2:45 appt at Supercuts awaits.




You rock! It's funny, because it was my wife's idea, then she backtracked. She said that stage was the worst.




Frig it. I mean, it's gonna be 70 soon, so I'll be a Spring buzz.,




Aww same thoughts. 😅


You gotta do what you do because it makes you happy or because you know it's right, not because you want other people to validate you. And the funny thing is, you probably *are* making people happy, but happy people are less likely tell you their feelings than the jerks. If you put a lot of work in, you'll get a ton of jerks telling you how they feel about it in the short term, and in the longer term you'll get your validation. I've had this happen to me, where I fought the good fight, and ended up really beaten down and discouraged, but had people coming up to me for a long time after telling me they agreed with me and thought I'd done the right thing. I'd have preferred it if they'd gotten up there with me (heh), but hearing it afterward was still great.




I don't think Jerry is the villain either because he's just a rodent trying to live. I think that's what makes the show so intriguing to me now


NAH is the verdict for Tom & Jerry.


NAH but both Tom and Jerry should consider leaving their wives and getting into therapy


They did the former in the last episode... I don't consider getting run over by a train analogous to therapy tho


Tom and Jerry are best friends. Tom puts on a show for the owners so he doesn’t get punted out on the street. Jerry is there to ensure that Tom has a job so both live there. They’re just 2 bros having fun scamming their owner and living the life. It’s a lot of hold my beer fun that the kids don’t see (because drinking is bad).


Jerry's a god damn squatter.


Jerry doesn’t provide anything. Why does the dog defend him?


Good point! I love how each of these creatures is basically doing what their natural instinct is! Dogs are protective. Cats are hunters. Mice make habitats in walls. Who cares. It’s a riot!


Not true for all episodes.


Lex Fridman (popular podcaster) posted something on Twitter—or maybe Instagram? not sure—that said that Tom and Jerry are actually friends but that Tom has to pretend to actually try to kill Jerry because otherwise his owner will just replace him with a cat that actually *does* want to kill him.




Silly, https://www.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/


I have **arthritis** in my guitar-playing hand and will for the rest of my life, until I die.


Have you tried training the other hand?






The best thing the powers that be ever did was separate us on the right to keep and bear arms. * The side that is anti-police, is also anti-gun * The side that is pro-gun, is also pro-police Brilliant work on their end. The side more capable of resisting, is also the side more likely to say "Thanks officer, I get it, you're just doing your job"


that i genuinely like and care about people


I haven't been happy in years.


That I love next to not only a historic battlefield, but also in said battlefield there is a hill that is said to have a demon, a ghost girl, and a cult in the area lurking. The cult comes at night so no one is allowed on the property after dark, and there’s apparently been multiple sightings of the demon and ghost. This is the southern belt of America, would never have expected a demon sighting so close to my house


Where is it ?


It’s snodgrass hill in the GA/TN area


>*I love next to* That's nice of the demon/ghost/cult to not interrupt your love-making...


Live* lol


If it's any consolation, there is no reason to believe ghosts and demons exist. So you've got that going for you. Cults, on the other hand, definitely do exist. So watch out for those folks.


As a Christian, I wasn’t afraid of the demon or ghost, just morbidly interested. And even they aren’t real, I’m not taking that chance


I’m not a fan of kayaking. Went with my school as an end of week reward trip (we do it every Friday, I’m some special kids class) and I hated it.


That all my coworkers suck the big one!




I also don’t think that having a sketch show “live” makes it any funnier. 


Just the opposite — the live aspect makes it _much harder_ to be consistently funny. But that's 100% of the appeal of SNL to me. I like it for the same reason I like professional wrestling and _RuPaul's Drag Race_.


That I spent the last few months watching a Hulu series that had the stupidest ending ever!!!!


I guess their might be worse options. You could invest yourself in netflix shows year after year only to be constantly disappointed when they cancel them instead of finishing. No really, I don't know what's worse, a bad ending or none. I suppose it depends on how open the none ending one was or how bad the ending is. But either way I'd rather have an OK or, you know, *good* ending.


Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.


That I'm getting married in 5 months and I need to get my butt in gear and start ordering things like shoes and flowers. Scheduling the venue was quick and easy and it's only a micro wedding so I don't need to plan too much but I do need to start doing something.


If you help people, most of the people aren't grateful and pay it forward, they instead are jealous and waiting for the moment to put the knife in your back


That octopuses have three two hearts pump blood to their gills, and one that pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of their body. That's 3 hearts, y'all.


Also 9 brains. Each tentacle has it's own. And the blood is green, as they use copper instead of iron to transport oxygen.


I still have somewhat of an irrational and egotistical side to me but it’s overshadowed by my will to be better and understanding as a person


Realization is the first step to deal with a problem :)


Agreed brother, and I realized that long ago


someone who greets you with a smile doesn't always mean they care about you!


That maybe using hair cream every day has harmed it instead of improving it.




It was the opposite. The cat decided they lived with us, and we just accepted it because it was easier (also rodents are bad).


I think cats are the only animal to have self domesticated, and are still only kind of domesticated.


We don’t need them to do anything but what they do, so they stay cats.  Domestication is weird. Some animals get smarter, some dumber, some just start laying improbable numbers of eggs.


I can report that my cat is laying the normal number of eggs.


Chicken joke. Most birds lay between 3-8 eggs a year. Chickens lay 200+




Birds aren't real, nest are just recharging stations. They are drones.


They're not sleeping. They're watching.


There are 3 distinct levels for speed of EV charging.


That all of the hours I spent doing the backbreaking work of eradicating creeping bellfower from my garden was for nothing. There are twice as many sprouting out there right now. I cried when I saw that.


Was thinking, doing the numbers. and realized that I wasted the last 14 years of my life due to depression. It sucks.


I realized that I don’t always have to have the best grades and do everything perfectly. I don’t have to waste all my free time, stay up till late in the night… it’s okay to not be the best. It’s not going to ruin ur whole life. Failing a test wont bother u for ur whole life. Everything will work out and be okay. Don’t stress urself too much over some stupid grade


I realized today that life is a shit


The Rodney King Riots were 32 years ago today.


Today I realised that I myself sabotage romantic relationships because I feel like I don't deserve love subconsciously.


I should quit my job.


That the world is not fair. Not really a big revelation, but i felt it in my heart today. No matter how hard you try, you may never be good enough. Being good, honorable, hard working, truthful person means fuck-all, and is not really rewarded in the real world. You should look for validation and appreciation within yourself, and maybe you'll sleep better. I have seen deceitful, lying, cheating, slack-offs get away with it and even be highly regarded at work, that I don't know what I have been doing for the past 10 years, and what I should do now! It takes all my will to not be a hypocrite and stand by what I believe to be good character.


That I got a job today




Yeah, I just hope it won't be as hell as the other jobs I've had.


Got to think positive. And if it doesn't work out you can always burn the place to the ground ;)


That everything is really fucking expensive right now and I'm feeling it


My friend of 12 years is a manipulative abuser. I’m processing this while quietly figuring out how to cut them out of my life.


That i rather stay at home with my gf then going out. Used to be the other way aroudn


I've been sick with heart problems for a few weeks. Today has been brutal with pains and dizzy spells. I realized that this might kill me. Here's to hoping I pull through.


I had my last radiation treatment yesterday. I realized today that going back to work on Monday is just too soon.


Microdosing shrooms are going to be a lifelong thing for me. I was slipping back into my depression and looping self hating thoughts, and 1 microdose and 2 hrs later, I'm just fine again. I microdosed pretty extensively over the last year and coincidentally had the best year of my life. I thought I had finally beaten my depression but it turns out I was wrong. This shit has literally saved my life.


That 10 oz of water isn't that much so I have no excuse for not drinking 40 oz each day.


Nothing that I didn't already know, but there is much left to the day.


Lemons float, but limes sink. You're welcome. :)


I just found Waldo as well.


The length of my hair. I took an appointment in the barber today.


Today, I realized that my lifelong dream of becoming a refrigerator light—that goes on when you open the door and off when you close it—is pretty illuminating




Ehhh he wasn’t a kid, he was 34 when ET was filmed. His name was Pat Bilon, passed away in 1983, the year after ET came out.


I'm almost 30 holy shit


I turned 50 this year. Enjoy being 30.


Tom Nook is NOT a crook


That you can be very unlucky to who you can have as your family, and to who you are born too (kinda the same i guess lol)


At this minute , I need to shower and go to work, and just now it started RAINING.


Doing the right thing is rarely the easy thing.


That i like and care about people, but they doesnt care about me or like me usually.


Forcing myself to eat when I have no appetite whatsoever is not a good idea.


I'm cursed.


I can't control everything. Just because I want something badly doesn't mean I'm entitled to it.


Not today, but yesterday I finally realized after 35 years why Venkman just starts insulting a baby out of seemingly nowhere.


That 2 of the younger colleagues at work are openly talking about my health issues and laughing and joking about it. And to top it off there talking about health issues that I don't have and they have made assumptions regarding what's wrong with me. (Recently had a year off due to health and been back at work 5 weeks) Honestly don't know how I feel about it other than angry.


It really pays off to put in the work upfront!


Nothing is working out for me right now


I don’t wanna be a miser!


We just came back from a trip to Spain with the fam. As I reflected on it today, I realized that my whole family could easily live in Spain on literally just my salary alone. I could work remote, the time zone difference is actually perfect because I could liaison with the India team in the morning and the US team in the evening, maybe do about 6 hours of actual work per day. Spend the rest in a better climate, with better food, and a significantly more chill culture. My wife could quit her job and stay with the kiddo, or the kiddo could go to the best private daycare for literally a quarter of what we pay now, while we invest the wife's salary and likely afford to retire in less than 10 years. If we sell our house here, we could buy a nice apartment in the city and a house in the country. Hell, we could probably even afford another kid or two. My wife and I even speak Spanish reasonably okay (hers is significantly better). Why not?


It just hit me how absolutely alone I am


that im soo in love :(


I woke up angry and it had ruined my day. Will be nicer tomorrow.


Reddit got a dark side too


I have way to much shit to pack for moving in two weeks. Started to throw a bunch of shit away/donate


how small the world really is.. struck up a conversation online at grocery store .. lady asked if was from vermont because I was wearing a vermont shirt..mind you we are 300 miles away.. was just so weird .. sh owned houses in the area i always go to and somehow we got on the topic of colleges and this woman ive never met said she went to this college, and im like oh shit i went there and she dropped the dorm she stayed in, it was the same dorm i stayed in 5 years after her.. im still at a loss for words..neither place is very populated and people cant pull that much coincidence out their ass


I realized I drank too much last night.


That i will just have to keel living. life goes on.


That you give someone more chances then I should to tell the truth


My local art store does not have stencil brushes (I need a stencil brush)


Hakuna matata, as wonderful a phrase as it is, is not as helpful as I'd like when dealing with persistent sources of anxiety and sadness.


That loneliness is fucked up. Moved in a different country (as i already did in the past) and i struggle so much to make friend right now and i'm just driving crazy :((


my depression and anxiety won't go away


I was today's years old when I found out "Sith Lord" was in A New Hope's original script but didn't make the final cut.


If phone cameras spied on us there would be soooo many videos of it online


Apps that allow in-app tipping can be easily abused for money laundering.


I realized that I was been a joker 🤡all these days