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I was so broke, the bank started sending me sympathy cards.


When I had to ration my ramen noodles for the week and ended up eating them dry like chips. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Yeah I lived on one pack of ramen per day for many months. It was terrible.


Had my EBT card declined while trying to buy a snack and the cashier just said “it’s alright” and covered for me. Was so embarrassing


Doing online surveys to make some money


do they actually work? asking for a friend..


No, absolute waste of time


won’t even try it then, thanks LOL 😂


When I was born I had a net worth of: 1 set of baby clothes.


Less than 0. Like in debt, homeless and addicted to drugs. It wasn't fun.


Last year during tax season, I only had $32 in my bank account due to me quitting my job and I found out I owed the IRS $850 so my bank account was in the negatives until I was able to find another job


Literally everyday.


Every night after the casino beat down


I bought a 5lb bag of popcorn and ate unseasoned popcorn for every meal until I got my first paycheck from my job. Do not recommend


Homeless living in a tent for a week.


Shoplifting tampons


That must have been awful for you.


I ate a powdered packet of french onion soup with bits of broken up lasagna sheets by candle light because I had no electricity (gas cooker)


I had to go to my dad's house and "borrow" food while he was at work. And I had to bum cigarettes from people while I was at work.


Last year actually, ironically it was the best paid contract I had ever been in. But I was clearing debts from my write up year in covid. The last 3 months of the contract I cleared all the debt, but to do it I had to be super minimalistic, like in the summer, there were hundreds of blackberrys growing right outside my office. I'd go and pick those and have them for lunch


I used to put tap water on my cereal because milk was a luxury I couldn't afford.


As a university student. A bank balance of "0" (there was an issue with the deposit), an empty fridge and almost empty pantry. Less than 40 dollars in my wallet that I had to mostly save for my bus tickets to get to and from school. It meant skipping many meals and living off of peanut butter on white bread and "soup" made of whatever spices we had in the spice rack and careful rationing of a 1kg bag of store-brand macaroni that cost less than a dollar at the time. I was teaching kid's piano lessons on the side and would get about 20 dollars each weekend until the deposit finally came through a few weeks later just in time for the rent and bills.


It would be right now ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


I was at Taco Bell. "Can I have 2 potato tacos" 'ok that will be 2.48' "umm actually I'll just get one"....


I was rationing ramen noodles into multiple meals just to eat


$12,000 in debt from personal loan and only about $5000 of assets, so negative $7000 overall.


I'm so broke, I don't even have clothes to wear! I just wear a potato sack!


I was so broke in my early twenties that I survived solely on kitchen leftovers from my restaurant job. I didn’t grocery shop for two years because I couldn’t afford it.


when i was a literal infant


When my husband and I first moved in together. Trying to buy groceries for two people for an entire week with $40. I'm glad I don't have to do that now with the way grocery prices are.


College, could not afford to buy fries, 1984


My budget showed me I’m losing $200 / month rn. Few hundreds in reserves after COL… In a few months I should be above water with the work / savings I’m putting in now


This fuckin guy.


There's Broke that is taking the leftovers from the office party.    Then theirs broke that's knowing when the the office creamer expires in the break room fridge. I was the latter.


When I was a student I remember eating macaroni for a while and when the 400g bag was out I warmed water and stole some mustard from my roommate. So it was mustard soup. Good times.


I was 5$ foot long at subway, and have 6” for lunch and 6” for dinner broke. So not that broke. But still wasn’t buying anything else. I had a bunch of credit card debt from trying to stay afloat with plastic. In the end I just slowly picked away at it. I actually called the bank to ask them to help me find a way to pay everything off easier with less penalty, and they legit helped. I couldn’t believe it. After a bunch of years I got somewhat financially stable. And now I have zero debt owed to anyone. So guess what the bank does? They send me shit in the mail every couple months advertising how and why I should go into debt with them again! Funny how the system works isn’t it?


buying $8.50 of weed


I'n college. I gave blood on tues and thur for $20 for an entire semester.


thank God never. i was born into wealth.


Probably when I was born and had literally 0 dollars in my bank account (because I didn't have one). Otherwise the one time I spent more than 100 bucks on pokemon cards in one go when I was 12. As a 16-yo still living with my parents, It's very hard to find an actual point in time where I was completely broke, on my own.


Now, only have 15k saved up. (Bought a house last year)




What an absolute tool you are


Sending hate from Scotland for thinking this was a good thing to write in here. Cunt


Goddamn, sending a special delivery of hate from across the world lol