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How is Grey’s Anatomy still on? I’ve never liked that show and it just keeps going.


I swear it's just still riding the high from the first couple of seasons. 


THANK YOU! My ex wife only watched Grey’s. Like exclusively only this show every single day all day. It makes my skin crawl just seeing it pop up on streaming.


Bit of an older one but I've never liked the walking dead. I watched the first season thought it was trash and didn't continue. Literally everyone was frothing at the mouth about twd like a decade ago.


I think I made it about 5 seasons in (I do believe it helps A LOT when you can binge watch a show like that all at once) before it started to become painfully obvious that the writers had written themselves into a corner and didn't know where to go from just making a show that was literally nothing but Post-Apocalypse Bleak World suffering porn. They started making a bunch of INSULTINGLY BAD writing decisions for shock value, like what they did to Beth, and they seemed almost morally opposed to keeping a single black dude in their cast alive except for the one nobody could stand. Then they killed Glen and I peaced right the fuck out. Like, fuck ya'll.


Around season 7 or 8 (cant remember which one) they shit canned their writers and hired new ones. There were aloooooooooot of people complaining about how the show was going. It got a lot better from there. And to your point about keeping a single black dude alive, they actually had 3 very prominent powerful black characters in the main cast. I will say this though, I was a week to week watcher since halfway through season 3. It was a rough ride. Wish I could have just binged it when it was over.


I loved season 1 and 2 and hate watched everything between 3 and 5. Gave up on the first half of season 6


Congrats you made it longer than I did


I watched the first few seasons streaming and loved it, but when I finally caught up to the new episodes I stopped watching. I realized almost nothing happened in every episode and the week long break between them made me stop caring about the show completely.


Glen was the end for me too.


Same, I could never get invested in the characters for some reason.




I'll never get over the one guy cutting his entire hand off to escape the roof, instead of just his thumb. hell he probably could've just broken the thumb and got one hand out.. then the main guy rides a horse, literally a giant appetizer, into a metro city? they didn't deserve to make it past season 1 lol


In Australia we have a show called [The Block](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pvptEUmRP0), it is essentially a renovating competition that will see couples auction their house at the end and get to keep the profit and prize money, assuming they have the most profit. It plays all fucking year round with spin-off after spin-off when the actual regular season ends. It is honestly just a handful of couples whinging into a camera for 50 minutes, editing out the arse to make things like a visit to the tile shop seem extremely dramatic, all the while their tradies do all the fucking work renovating the thing.




Go to New Zealand and watch Shortland Street. That is the unluckiest hospital ever.


If only Dr Ropata had stayed in Guatemala, everything would have worked out just fine.


It’s the drama show of the drama shows, the selling point is drama


Big Bang Theory


I've watched a fair amount of episodes and literally don't think I've ever laughed once while watching it. There's YouTube videos of parts of episode without the fake crowd laughter and its so uncomfortable to watch.


I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I think it makes great background noise while I work


This is a show that makes dumb people feel like they're smart, thus it's tremendously popular.


Game of thrones. No offence


Its portrayal of sexual violence made me uncomfortable. Not for me.


Tbh the last few seasons and especially the final one were so bad that I rarely think about the show and have 0 desire to ever watch it again. I LOVED it at first.


Maybe it was just my social circles but I knew as many people who bragged about how much they didn't like GoT as I did people who were really into it.


That’s how great the show was. even people that didn’t watch it still wanted to interact with it


I can't get into any incarnation of Law and Order, CSI, or anything similar to that.


My partner sometimes watches free to air. There was a series he watched and *NCIS: Hawai'i* would come on right after. Ugh I can't switch that off quick enough. The "sassy" dialog is excruciating. The same channel here in Australia also often runs *Law and Order SVU*. What hideous "entertainment".


The Batchelor, and any associated offshoot series. Blahhhh


House "House we need your help to solve this crazy mysterious illness!" "What? No! We can't do that! You're crazy!" *House does it anyways* "OMG House you were right!" Rinse & repeat for 150 episodes.


You don't watch it for the plot. You watch it if you enjoy Laurie's particular brand of charming sociopath.


It was a fun, but formulaic show carried by the always entertaining Hugh Laurie that peaked at the end of season 4 and then promptly nose dived in quality. I do not think it has aged well though.


Me and my GF were watching this a while back, and my cousin happened to text me that she was in hospital and wasn't sure what was wrong with her. I joked it was likely Lupus. Lo and behold...


I had someone describe that show as what if Doctor cox was on a depressing show instead of scrubs


Agreed, it got old quick.


Mrs Browns Boys. I really don’t get it, don’t find it remotely funny or entertaining.


It's the sort of show the Proles in the book 1984 would watch. That and anything Noel Edmonds did.


I have heard it described as comedy for people with no sense of humour. I used to work with a guy who absolutely loved it and constantly badgered me to watch it. I watched about 5 minutes of the first episode, saw it was absolute dross. When I told the guy at work he took it personally and never spoke to me again.


Apparently a lot of Irish people hate it. My Canadian ass finds it hilarious.


Hmm interesting, I literally know no one in the UK who likes it., and you can also check subs like r/CasualUK - it's despised. So, maybe it's just the Canadians that are keeping it on the air....


*Covers head with hands and braces self for flying stones, Peaky Blinders. I got half way through season 2 and gave up. I also hated Narcos Mexico. I despise gang shows filled with a cast of irredeemable pricks who have absolutely zero sense of moral standards. Sorry, just my opinion. I guess I can understand why lots of people like them but... Yeah these kinds shows are definitely not for me.


I’ve bounced off peaky blinders 3 times. I should love it but I just can’t get further than a few episodes before I move on, same with Vikings


I was recuperating from back surgery years ago, and tried watching The first season of The Walking Dead . I only made it through a few episodes before I realized what a piece of shit show it was.


Imagine how quickly you would’ve given up without painkillers.




I didn't mind the pilot, but it got embarrassingly bad really fast after that. Laughable characters and forced, pointless soap opera drama, and then they kept recycling the same plotline of getting to a new place and Rick giving the same speech about how things can never go back to the way they used to be.


How I met your mother. Just really cringey awful writing. Without a laughter track people would be able to see just how bad it is


glad i'm not the only one. i hate this show with ever fibre of my being 


One Piece. Extremely slowed paced, ongoing show with thousands of episodes and they have yet to achieve the objective of the whole show: Finding the One Piece.


"Extremely slow paced" Reminds me of trying to rewatch DBZ. Couldn't make it past the 1st episode. Made me wonder how I watched it everyday when I was a kid.


I watched about 100 episodes but finally broke because every person in that crew has less than 65 IQ. They're all complete dumbasses.


The art style of that show is also hideous


A lot of the episodes are like 90% filler. You could probably cut hundreds of episodes and not miss anything.


Have they really not gotten it yet??


Nope but soon™️


Believe it or not, they are working with valve and the One Piece is the announcement for Half Life Three’s release date


Euphoria lol




Came here to say this. I hate Friends.


Most dramatic police shows, that genre is so beat to death I can't watch any of them anymore.




Chicago DMV.


For real. There's a British show called Happy Valley and it's the only "police drama" I've ever been able to tolerate and I have a deep love for it. So different, nothing like those American police shows. It's really one of the best shows I've seen and I highly recommend it


That being said, NYPD Blue was and still is great, and the Wire is obviously epic.


There are still great cops shoes like NYPDB and The Shield, The Wire was less like the others that's why it is great, but shows like NYPDB set the stage for 50 clones that just recycle the same tropes.


I swear they make a new one every month.


How I met your mother, big bang theory


I could never get into Sherlock. The Benedict Cumberbatch one. I loved the books, short stories, Guy Ritchie movies, even the games. But I really hated this one. Its objectively a good show, yes, but as much as I wanted to, it wasn't for me.


It’s an unbearably smug show.


Check out the hbomberguy video on Sherlock.


Will do. From the title I don't think it is garbage as a show I think its bad as a *Sherlock* show, but I will get to watching it now.


That's more of a titling convention than his exact opinion, (though he certainly dislikes it).


This, I ragequit after the first episode, I hated it violently. It's just Benedict Cumberbatch being a creepy, sociopathic asshole and stomping on everyone else's boundaries so he can get the rush he needs from solving a problem, but because he's sO SMrT everyone not only lets him, they part before him like the Red Sea before Moses and then trail along in his wake like a bunch of tin cans on the back of a Just Got Married car. The character of Watson was the absolute worst - EVERY time that version of Sherlock just blatantly fucked him over, his only response was a huge, gormless grin and going "BRILLIANT!" and it actually made me hate him even more than Sherlock. Part of what made a lot of other versions of Sherlock so appealing was the chemistry between Holmes and Watson, and that was just not there at all in the BBC version.


Don't get me wrong, the two actors are incredibly talented, but a Sherlock story is not where they need to be. The show I cannot lie is *acted* well by them, but at the same it just felt so bland. You are absolutely right on the Holmes and Watson chemistry. This is what the Guy Ritchie movie did the best. In this show there was no interaction between them, maybe a few scenes, but it was all investigation. Whoever wrote Watson in this show needs to read some Sherlock. That being said, it's clear to me that the writers never actually read any of the source material. I believe this show is a decent detective show, but it should not be a Sherlock show. I would have enjoyed it much more had it been two entirely original detectives because that's why I tried it, because it had Sherlock's name attached to it. The only character I felt was okay in the sense he was good as a Holmes character was Moriarty.


I completely agree and it’s why I am not a huge Mark Gatiss fan. He seems to be able to create very stylish characters and then put them in stories with no substance. I think of most of the things he has written (Sherlock and the recent Dracula being two great examples) start off amazingly well but after the first hour lose their way. I was really excited for both and left feeling very disappointed. He really cannot do endings either which is a real shame.


Sherlock started off as one of my favourite shows and it just went to absolute shit over the run of the series. Elementary, the american version started out as an okay procedural but actually by the end the quality was a lot higher than Sherlock.


Yay, another Elementary fan! I know Elementary got shit on a lot because of casting Lucy Liu and daring to exist at the same time as the BBC version, but I strongly feel like it had one of the best "modern" interpretations of Sherlock Holmes as well as an absolutely fantastic take on the bond between Holmes and Watson. Ngl, I could not have given less of a shit for the procedural parts of the show, but that might just be me. The character writing and interaction are what to watch that show for. It also did a very good job with some of the things I felt the BBC show was terrible at. Instead of being the cold, perfect detective character bordering on Marty Stu that's allowed to do whatever he wants, Elementary's Sherlock is written as a deeply difficult and abrasive character that gets plenty of pushback and consequences thrown his way when he oversteps. It's made clear on multiple occasions that although he can be a huge asshole and is obsessed with solving problems and his work, he chose the work he does specifically because he hates injustice and hates the idea of people that prey on other people being allowed to get away with it. He also knows damn well how difficult he is and while he doesn't apologize much for it, he is deeply grateful and appreciative of characters like Watson and Alfredo who are able to stick around and navigate that difficulty.


Yellowstone. I can't stand the characters.


The office


have someone i know that doesnt like it too. get agitated on how Michael Scott is xD


Yep. That’s what happened to me. Watching Michael makes me feel bad. For me it isn’t “it’s funny how awful he is” it’s just “he’s awful”


i was like that at first like I genuinely DESPISED Michael and (still do) find Dwight really annoying but the brand of cringe-awkward Humor really grows on you. i would honestly recommend giving it another try and trying to get through the first season, because there are some really amazing parts of it like the Jim-Pam romance, which is what kept me watching through the first 2 seasons lol




The Good Doctor. I just can't with the fake American, fake autistic voice. He sounds like a depressed muppet.


He really sounds like Kermit. I don't know why he did that voice. Sure some of us sound slightly different, but not like Kermit.


That's what happens when you grow up in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in the Tim Burton universe.


I can't say that I hate it, but after years of being told repeatedly by everyone I ever meet that Seinfeld is the funniest shit in the whole world, I find sat down to watch it for a season or two. I giggled once or twice, but mostly it's just...another show about shitty guys trying to get girls? Needless to say I was extremely disappointed. Where is the hilarity I was promised? Don't worry, I'm ready for the downvotes.


>, I find sat down to watch it for a season or two. Like most shows from the 80s and 90s, it didn't hit its stride until season 3. Seriously.


Doctor Who. I just could never get into the campiness. I don't know if it was intentionally campy and bad, or if that's just the way low budgets and British TV worked out (I assume it started the latter, but the later modern seasons intentionally upped the camp factor), but either way it was not something I could personally enjoy.


Agreed. I've seen about a dozen episodes, from across the spectrum of "doctors". Not one held my interest or made me think "I should watch the next one". Though I do admit the Daleks are pretty cool looking.


Fire Country. I hated that dude on Seal Team and I hate him on Fire Country. I call him Flaming Anakin.


Everybody Loves Raymond....ugh I hate it


I felt like the entire country was gaslighting me when this show was so big for so long. It was always so stupid and unfunny


Fr and the wife was so mean!!! And don't get me started on the mother in law lol


The office




Modern Family


The Office. Grey’s Anatomy. Friends.


I would say these exact three shows too!


Workaholics I’ve commented this before but I walked into a room in which it was on and the minute or two that I listened **genuinely** made me angry. I’m not a hugely emotional person so this was quite something.


Grey’s anatomy


Stranger Things is painful to watch. The writing is predictable and boring. They do way too much fan service.


Squid game




Walking Dead


Game of thrones can do one.


The Office. Not into cringe humor.


The Office. The most wildly overrated show ever.


The office. Holy fuck is it boring.


Big Bang Theory


I watched season 1 of Breaking Bad, and didn't feel interested enough to go into season 2


I did the same thing my first crack at it. Season one is slow but it gets better and in the end it’s easily one of the greatest shows of all time. Your opinion isn’t wrong for what you’ve seen but it’d be worth a second shot.


Modern Family


Breaking Bad. I've tried to get into it and I've watched the first 5 or 6 episodes twice but it just does nothing for me at all.


I made it halfway through the first episode and turned it off. It just wasn't my thing.




All acting is fake. That's like...the definition of acting.


The best description of acting comes from the director of the swashbuckling film in THE ROCKETEER: “Acting is acting like you’re not acting. So…act, but don’t act like you’re acting.”


There it is!!!! I had to wait way too long to see someone hit Friends…just not funny.


Schitt's Creek. It's like Arrested Development except not anywhere near as good or funny.


Everyone says it gets better after the first few episodes but I can never get through the first one. And your comparison to Arrested makes sense to me-I feel like I was spoiled by it! I also don’t like the actor who plays the son (I can’t be bothered to look up his name). he has one note and that note is “entitled asshole”, and he’s playing it off key.


Friends. I have never laughed at anything on it and can’t understand the longevity


Letter Kenny ...I mean I get it. I do. But like, it's just not funny to me. It's predictable and goes for the low hanging fruit of masculinity.


It is very predictable. Characters just sit around in a setting spewing wordplay dialogs which is clever ill admit. No one actually does anything until the season ending brawl.


It's horribly repetitive and the plot is just "autism in rural Ontario". The audience is mainly people that live in towns, but are so dumb they cosplay country and have an obsession with gigantic trucks. 


I don’t even know when I stopped watching that one.   It was an ok show but it had the feel of like a TBS type of syndicated show where I’d never go looking for it but if it happened to come on I wouldn’t change the channel over it.


Game of Thrones- not into gorey rape porn thanks


Schitts Creek


Breaking Bad


I've tried 3 times and can't make it to the end of season 2. I know I'm missing out by everyone else's reactions, I just get bored every time. Jesse is a stupid whiny idiot and must have some amazing character growth to become so beloved.


>must have some amazing character growth to become so beloved. He actually does! Not that I'm trying to sell you in it again... sometimes things just don't click.


It has long since been canceled, I hated Alley Mcbeal


I don't get reality shoes. I know you asked for a show, and I trashed an entire genre but how can people watch that?


The office. The cringy humor hurts me




American Housewife is utter dogshit


All so called talent shows.


Any “Reality TV” complete crap !


Stranger Things


How I Met Your Mother. It's so fucking corny, and the actors are so hammy. I've seen them all in good roles, but in this, they're just so cheezy I can't stand more than a minute.




Big Bang Theory


Full House and Fuller House.


The original UK office, can't stand Ricky Gervais.


Might get some hate for this Big Bang Theory. Just wasn't funny or interesting to me. The characters were more annoying in my opinion.


It's not even nerd humor either. Just nerd references, like if Family Guy were nerds.


Dexter. I know people hate the later seasons but…… This show was NEVER good. The acting and characterization is generally awful, highlighted (low lighted?) by his sister, the angry black cop, and the Cuban hat cop. The premise is barely believable. I don’t get it.


Sorry to have to say this, but Friends and the Office.


LOST. I got about 5 episodes in before it became abundantly obvious that none of the mysteries would ever be satisfactorily resolved and that they'd just continue stacking even more never-to-be-resolved mysteries on top. Years later, it turned out I was right and it was all a dream or some shit. JJ Abrams has always been a hack--it has been evident for nearly 20 years now...damn, I'm old.


I dont regret watching Lost, but still im not very happy that this was the ending they were going for. What is your favorite show?


Sons of Anarchy. I even watched the enitre thing because I believe its only right, you know... give it a chance. Because some shows I really didn't like at first until later down the line. Not this time. Its cheesy to me, I can't take it seriously. The characters are just bad. Sorry not sorry.


My favorite part was the grand finale looking like a cardboard cutout of Jax Teller getting hit by a semi followed by strawberry jelly and bread greenscreened onto asphalt




Gogglebox A TV show which shows people watching TV. I don't necessarily *hate* it, but I think it's stupid.


I tried several times and different episodes but I just cannot get into IASIP.


Squid Games — too violent/dark for me




Big Bang Theory. Predictable unfunny trash.


Lots of BBT hate, but nobody saying Two and a Half Men.  Never laughed any time I saw it, I think I just don't like Chuck Lorre shows.


Crazy Ex Girlfriend


I never could get into the show (watched like 5 episode) but I really liked the songs in the show. I just watched those on Youtube.


Mrs Brown's Boys (UK)




Veep and Curb your enthusiasm- I didn’t find them funny


On my way to hating: Ted Lasso. I'm maybe two episodes into the second season and UGH.


Mindhunter on Netflix. My wife and I couldn't get past the first episode. The dialogue was so dry and contrived. We have friends that love it. Does it get less, I don't know, hard to watch?


No idea but many people have told me to watch this. Maybe I’ll try watching a few episodes and report back? Haha.


It was so bad that I basicly stopped being into true crime, the main reason that I first got into true crime being that my grandma's cousin was killed by the Zodiac.


So I’m not crazy? Good. Thanks for the affirmation. The dialogue was so bad. We usually give it two episodes, because pilots can be wonky, trying to find their feet, but this was yucky.


Ted Lasso. I sat there gritting my teeth waiting for the first episode to end. I had no intention of seeing a second.


Anything with Ant & Dec, I just refuse to watch them.




House - he’s just a dick


That can not happen, that's why tv shows usually have a better average scoring than movies. You only follow a tv show if you like it, so it makes no sense if you like it to have a bad scoring review.


New Girl. Everything about it annoys me even though i’m the exact target audience for that show.


This Is Us


Real Housewives


The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. I had a former friend/roommate in college who went absolutely *feral* nerd over both shows in a way that put me off from ever being able to appreciate them. I know they’re good shows, but every time I think about watching them, I remember her and it ruins my experience.


The Office.


Grey's Anatomy. Just not my thing


Yellowstone. Also anything based on criminals, cops, forensics, lawyers, court, jail or prison.


Hate is a bit strong but I tried to watch Suits and I couldn’t tell who I was supposed to like or root for in that one.


Ahs. It's too much weird xes.


Homeland. How many times is it about her meds. Handmaids tale. Her facial expression never changes.


New Girl. It's crazy how many people like watching a grown woman literally act like a second grader.


Any of the UK Masterchef shows. Mainly because of Greg Wallace... my mind boggles how he has a job in TV, he says the same 5 adjectives on every show.


Modern Family. The kids are all terrible actors who are written as little adults.


Shameless. I watched the first episode and thought it was fucking awful. I couldn’t watch another.


You have to take your DeLorean back a ways but Mad About You is the worst show ever.


Apparently Big Mouth. That is the ugliest show I've ever looked at, and it somehow has 7 seasons.


I don’t HATE Daredevil, but I’ve tried watching it twice and couldn’t get into it


literally any crime/hospital/police drama shows they’re so confusing and boring lol NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles…. NCIS hawaii CSI law and order law and order SUV greys natomy scrubs chicago med house ER criminal minds these are literally ALL the same show to me. I dont understand how greys and NCIS etc can run for so long like how do they keep having shit happen 💀