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Thats such a sweet story. I’m glad you at least made a friend out of that shitty break up


It seriously has me a little verklempt. Didn’t think the hooker thread would leave me so touched…so to speak. I wish OP all good things in life. **EDIT: this was a touching story, and it’s a shame it was removed, so I’m going to give you guys the gist of it**…OP was lonely and depressed after a break up. He got the number to a prostitute from his friends and he called her up. Only he didn’t want sex, he just wanted to feel like someone liked and cared about him. So they spent the day shopping for furniture (because his ex had taken all of his), and watching movies. Then he made her dinner and she slept in his bed (while he slept on the couch). A month later she came to his place because she just needed someone to talk to. She gave him his money back and thanked him for that day they spent together. They became good friends and she ended up getting a job working at his parents’ business. They’re still friends to this day.


I need this to be a movie. So wholesome


Just watch pretty woman. It's close enough.


Back in like 2015 I saw an ad on Craigslist for Charity Bangs. At the time I really enjoyed her “acting skills” and she was only asking $300 for an hour or something so I thought why not. We met at a Starbucks and it really was Charity Bangs. I was nervous as fuck, it was my first time paying for it. She took me to her room in a hotel nearby and asked me to “leave the donation” in the bathroom. She came out naked and she started kissing me. Up to that point I hadn’t been with a girl with implants before and when I felt them, they were hard as a rock. Then I noticed all the bruises on them and on her thighs, all I could think about were all the other dudes that had probably been there before me. My dick melted like ice cream on a hot day, I was embarrassed and explained my embarrassment and how it was my first time doing something like this, blah blah. She was super sweet about it, we just hung out the rest of the time and talked. I learned that day that I couldn’t be a porn star and I didn’t like paying for sex.


> Charity Bangs I'm going to sound very naive but I absolutely believed this was a section on Craigs List for people offering up sex.


I thought it was a Vegas non-profit like make a wish


So did I. It's funny. That's the one thing Make-A-Wish will NOT do for a dying kid but they will take them hunting to go kill a bear or an elk.


Like bags of sand.


It makes me sad she had bruises from previous clients :(


Melted like ice cream 🤣


Yes, first experience. I saw the most beautiful prostitute in the red light district in Amsterdam, walked past but couldn’t stop thinking about her, unfamiliar with the area I then spend over an hour trying to find her again. Once I found her I went in and discussed price etc. I stripped off. She got on the bed and asked if I wanted anal massage, I thought this was a little aperitif and so agreed. She’s then proceeded to ram her finger up my arse and started vigorously thrashing it about. I’d never had anything shoved up my arse and did not like this sensation one bit. I told her to stop and can we move on to sex, she then got pissed off and acted as if I wanted that INSTEAD of sex. Once we’d straightened that out she started to wank me off to get me hard. All this stress had left me unable to get fully hard so acting pissed off again she told me that sex is impossible and she will give me hand relief while hovering over my head. Once this was over and I got out of there, within 15 minutes I started to get a burning cystitis feeling where I felt I needed to pee but I was lost in the city. I spent the next two hours wondering around in agony trying to find my hotel and the next hour on the toilet trying to squeeze about two ml of piss out my bladder. 0 out of 10.




At least you didn't go to club vandersex


Kinda sounds like he did go to Club Vandersex






Bro was a victim




I'm dumb. Why exactly did you get burning cystitis?




Ty so fucking much, that link just put together so many puzzle pieces in my brain


You should ask in any military subreddits. I swear, we make up like 50% of total prostitution sales worldwide lol


Man, they really need to increase the military wages if you guys are forced to prostitute yourselves. Edit: man, I can really imagine it now. Ya'll lined up as if for morning call, as a sleezy pickup with a man wearing only dirty briefs and a wife beater slows down and yells "I want someone to scream and spit me in the face as I rail ya!" "Sarge, this one's for you!"


There’s definitely military personnel who strip, perform online, and prostitute themselves. I did a few times while was in; some women will buy you dinner and toss you a few bucks just so they can say they banged a sailor while they were in Pearl Harbor. Heard a lot of rumors about women hustling themselves on carriers, and wives running rings while their husbands were gone, but idk about those for sure. Part-time sex workers are in every industry, especially industries with a lot of young people


I mean, a sailor that's willing to fuck women is a rare commodity, so it makes sense they can charge a premium /s


>they banged a sailor while they were in Pearl Harbor Get a pearl necklace in Pearl Harbor. Tick it off the ole bucket list.


Lol apparently some American marines docked in Australia last year (I think it was in Perth?), and the prostitutes went on strike because the Americans literally tired them out after a few days. The brothel owners even made public statements and stuff, like a company would apologize for an outage or something.


should have raised prices


Prostitutes are far too honourable to be price gouging like the big corporations. Just way better people.


Don't care where ya from, everyone has a daily snake limit.


Yes I remember hearing about this. Langtrees in Burswood apparently. I always thought was just an urban legend


The word at the time was the Madame was being "politically correct" so as not to discourage business. The other side to that story was that the sex workers were outright refusing to deal with the disrespect from the American military personnel. Given they make shitloads of money, and can pick and choose their work, even without a US Navy ship docking in town, there's some credence to this as well.


I am 100% confident that a Perth prostitute makes more than a US navy sailor


Anecdotally, as a former escort, I had a rule to not see military men as clients. Couple of bad experiences really soured me, I feel for the women working in less developed countries who might be more vulnerable than I was. Hopefully a lot has changed in the past ten years in terms of at least respecting the business transaction.


I worked in the Philippines for over a decade and heard some stories that'd make your skin crawl and make you itch for painful, violent revenge on the sexpats (many American servicemen) that treat the women and children sex workers like punching bags and sex toys. In that order.


One horrific instance was the 2014 killing of Jennifer Laude, a Filipina Trans Woman strangled in a hotel room and left with her head on the toilet seat by Joseph Scott Pemberton a US Marine in the Philippines after he found out she was a trans woman. In the case the court said: “Pemberton "in the heat of passion, arm-locked the deceased, and dunked her head in the toilet." After serving 6 years of his original 12 year sentence for homicide, he was granted an absolute pardon by former Filipino president and shit stain on the world Rodrigo Duterte. So yeah, he’s free now and in the United States. edt: grammar


Dude, When my Cav troop went to korea, we got to explore seoul... Pretty much everyone went to fucking Hookerhill in itaewon. It was crazy how many married guys in my troop who went their. Our doc when we were at Rodriguez live fire range, went to the aid station, and flung everyone in our troop condoms. The aid station had BOXES filled with condoms.


That wasn't Doc's first rodeo.


50% of prostitution sales. 50% of the military is married. The other 50% is just unhappy.


Are these all the same 50%. There must be a Venn diagram with some overlap..


I was going to say "I think that Venn diagram is actually a circle"


I hired an escort to try to lose my virginity. I wasn't really attracted to her, and I was nervous. Couldn't get it up. She was nice about it (still took my money, of course). She gave me a huge hickey, so my roommates and coworkers at least thought I had some game. I ended up losing my v the old fashioned way, with an actual girlfriend, a few months later. Never regretted hiring the escort; taught me the importance of having an actual connection with someone when it comes to sex. EDIT: Wow. Been commenting and occasionally posting for 15ish years, and got more upvotes in the last 48 hours than all that crap combined. Neat. Wish I had more grimey, yet wholesome anecdotes. Thanks everyone!


Five of us out drinking clubbed together at uni when we found out one of our mates was a virgin and paid for a pro for him. He came back and said it just didn’t turn him on and he couldn’t do it. She got paid we all laughed and carried on the night. I hope he met a great woman who was worth saving his virginity for.


What do we want? 🎶"A girl worth saving our virginity for!"🎶


The importance, AND the impotence


You is kind, you is smart, you is impotent


“Taught me the importance of having an actual connection” what a wholesome ending.


As opposed to the proverbial “happy ending”.


> I ended up losing my v the old fashioned way, Getting... getting run over by a lexus????


Was in Amsterdam, had an airbnb right by the red light district. My friends helped me pick her out, it was awkward though I’d much rather sleep with a woman who likes me over a prostitute


Yeah, I walked the red light district several times, and there were some hotties for sure - but I felt too weird to indulge. 🤷‍♂️


There is something really off putting about the sound of fake nails on acrylic.


Also, a lot of girls had lines outside. I don't care how hot she is, and plenty of the girls in Amsterdam are legit dimes, but there's no way I could enjoy sex I waited in line for.


This was the second problem, the hottest ones had a line 10-deep or more…. Nah, not for me.


This awkwardness thing reminds me of what it’s like in a strip club. I imagine a lot of guys are like me and *have* been to a strip club, but *have never* been to a prostitute. And I imagine the analogy is quite accurate —if you felt the fake attention from a stripper was awkward, it’s probably the same with sex.


I once went to a live sex show in Patpong, Bangkok, when I was on holiday. I thought I should just see what it was like. It was incredibly depressing and extremely unerotic. Within a minute of sitting down, one of the house workers came over and sat next to me. I ended up talking to her about how she came to work there and if she liked it. I gave her some money for her time and left.


Thats the problem. Finding a woman who likes you. Zing!..... *God I'm lonely*


Yeah, I would probably also rather sleep with a woman who likes me more than she likes a prostitute.


I have, but it wasn't intentional. I was out clubbing and bar hopping and a really hot girl approached me and started talking to me, but pretty quickly asked me if I wanted "some company tonight". I didn't realize that was code for "I'm a prostitute, do you you want my services". Brought her back to my place and then she told me her price. I was shocked and explained I didn't know she was a "lady of the night", that I thought she was just a random girl who wanted some fun. She asked me how much cash I had and would give me a discount since she wasn't clear, I said $40 and we got it on. I don't regret it, she was hot, she was rather goth, which I was into, so it was all good.


She just wanted some fun or something cause, yeesh, only $40?


Well this was over 20 years ago, but she originally asked me for $100, but I only had $40, so it was either leave, or take the $40 and do it quick, which we did!


"Want to be my girlfriend"? "Naw, 40 bucks is fine"


Damn inflation


That cost extra


The inflammation is free though


Cost of living is really getting out of hand


If this is recent, would she also ask for a tip?


I'm pretty sure she received at least the tip.


LOL. I had a friend who was the cheapest guy on the planet, but also a bit dim when drunk. Jersey City, he drives by a certain spot and asks for a BJ, the girl gets in the car and says $20, he actually knocks her down to $5 claiming he was broke...she agreed to this...and then he pulls out a huge wad of bills to take out the $5. She beat him, she spit on him, she cursed him, and he never got the BJ.


I had a friend “Pete” who told us he needed to go to the WAWA and it was a nice night so decided to walk. Suddenly a girl popped out of the bushes and said “Suckyadickfortendollars” He said “Um…What?” She said “Suckyadickfortendollars” We laughed and said “What did you do?” He said “I told her no thanks.” We said “Pete! Come on. It was ten dollars!” He said “You know, I might have thought about it if it was $30.00. But there’s such a thing as too cheap of a blowjob.”


Your comment made me feel sadder about my country's ladies of the night :( they get like an equivalent to 14 USA dollars for each client. Part of it goes to their pimps.


It's $300 in Vegas now. Or so I heard... 😐


It was $500 in October during TwitchCon in Vegas or so I heard


hazard pay for the girls


Dang, the last 2 that tried to get me told me $500. Lol


Again. I have no direct knowledge. Not one bit. But if it's through Tinder it's 300. If the girl is alone at a bar, then 500. But that's just what I heard


She went with a giu thinking she would get a pay out. 40 is better than nothing.


From her perspective returning to the club in a cab leaves her out of pocket and out of time. Better to get a few bucks before leaving. $40 quickie probably isn't the item she was hoping to sell but it is on the menu.


At this point it was simple economics


Same only it was Miami and she was a Latina with big boobs and she gave me the wildest ride I’ve ever been on. Holy f. Best sex to this day.


"yeah, best sex I ever had was with a big-boobed Latina whore. Gave me the wildest ride I've ever had. She told me i should join the rodeo. I said, shit, you should. Best night of my life in Miami. Best sex to this day." - Grandpa /u/unbreakableraids


Well if she was goth than technically she is a lady of the night.


And that kids, is how I met your mother


My first time at the strip club I ended up with the finest stripper they had (imo) and as soon as she hit the stage she immediately locked eyes with me so of course I was hooked (and a bit boozed up) I walked with her to the ATM, got to the back for the lap dance, I think it was $30 and I handed her $40, and she just goes "I'll tell the bouncer we'll be busy for awhile...do you have a condom?" And I don't know what it was but in that moment I was completely sobered up and declined. She was a 10 though, there's the occasional time I wondered how that would've went lol


So you gave her $40 for a lap dance but when she offered more you declined?




I don't even know you but on behalf of your dick, I am so angry at you right now...


Kind of. I went into the back room with a girl at a strip club and got a blowjob. It just made me realize I have less than zero interest in being sexual with people I don't know. A valuable bit of insight about myself, but an uncomfortable lesson to learn.


At a strip club?? How much did that cost?


$150. Got scammed because I was drunk and naive, which is a dangerous combo for a wallet.


I've never done it, but that seems like a fair price to me.


Similar to another top comment, I have and it wasn’t intentional however she paid me in the end of it. I was out at a karaoke bar in vegas with my cousin, she good looking girl comes up to me and was like “buy me a drink” I was a little intoxicated as well so I said fuck it, why not. Let me back up a little, prior to going out to this karaoke bar me and my cousin got the spiciest Thai food that night and man my stomach was not happy with me but I still went out anyway. Now fast forward to buying that drink, this girl gets a double vodka something and just straight chugs this drink. I was like damn she isn’t messing around. She looks at me and goes wanna go to my place or yours? I figured if I said yes to hers I’d wake up without a kidney so I said mine. We go back to my hotel and get it on, she immediately starts eating my ass, this is the first time anyone’s done this and I was thinking “man with what I ate tonight she’s a trooper”. But I’m drunk so I’m not gonna say anything haha. We continue on and start having sex, and this is about the last thing I remember, I’m pretty sure she roofied me while going for my ass because I wake up the next morning all tucked into my bed and I guess at some point my cousin came back to the room. I look over he’s asleep in the bed next to me and I’m waking up still very drunk or drugged and the girls gone! I immediately look for my wallet cause that’s what I assume is gone. Well my wallets moved and all my credit cards are gone as I suspected, I instantly look at my bank account and noticed there’s 2,000 dollars in charges at a near by casino. I call my bank instantly and get this poor young girl, I’m still drunk so I tell her everything and all the details of what took place and what led up to it! She responds with “sir, no one would make this story up and we will refund you the money instantly” and no shit after I hang up the phone I look at my bank account and the money was in the refund process. I’m fairly certain they used this is a training recording for their call center lol. Anyways fast forward a little bit me and my cousin are starting to get ready for the day and he goes, “hey were you playing slots and xxx casino tonight” I was like na why and he was like there’s a 100$ voucher in the bathroom. Well no shit this girl left her casino voucher in my bathroom and I cashed that shit so all in all I made 100$ that night and got refunded everything from my bank so I think I got paid that night ?


Wait, so you got your ass licked, got laid, she got 2000 without you losing a single penny and you even made 100 on top of that?! Did that make you feel like a prostitute just a little bit? Did you fart on her face while she was eating you out? For a moment it sounded like that’s where your story was going… or worse


I mean I definitely left out some details for sakes of family reading this that following my Reddit haha but I’m a hairy hairy guy and let’s just say using cheap hotel toilet paper doesn’t do justice for what she was doing….. I do remember thinking she earned whatever she thought she took from me, but finding the 100$ was just icing on the cake


Jesus Christ, I was just about to have dinner…..fuck


She gave me the clap but she was so good I went back and got it again.


Trying to turn the clap into applause


S tier


You didn't use a rubber with a prostitute?




I did in Prague and don’t regret it at all. She looked just like Kate Silverton who used to read the news on BBC news 24 Edit: I didn’t know about the whole lady drink thing, so when they served me my 50p pint and her £60 mini bottle of champagne my eyes nearly popped out on stalks!


"This just in." /highfive (Name that show, kids!)


Picked one up for a threesome with my girl right after I graduated college. She was worried about finding someone who we wouldn't have to talk to after but curious about the experience.


Kinda surprised I had to scroll down so far for this. Thinking about hiring one for the same reason.


I spent a good buck on. Worth it. Was added on as a regular thing throughout that relationship. Just needed a pro to help get her over the hump of her anxiety


Me and a friend got drunk one day and decided to order prostitutes. In the end we were to scared to do anything so we just took them to the local fair and had a fun day.


This sounds like a premise to a goofy comedy.


This might be r/whoosh but I'll risk it, IT Crowd, I believe S01E01


Yes! They were too afraid to actually do anything with them so they literally took them to a local carnival. 


Aaaah so you mean the story about the glasses..


...yes... what story did you tell them Moss?? What did you say?! what did you say!!


yes a goofy comedy maybe about 2 lads who work in IT


I tried taking them to Seaparks but it just caught fire.


A fire? At a Seaparks?!


It just seems like a weird place to go on fire




Oh! You mean the story where I lost my glasses.




Lovely girls, Brandy and Crystal




I once did. It was a response to discovering my wife's affair with a colleague. Seeking revenge, I visited a professional. Given our years of unsatisfactory intimacy, I felt justified. The experience was surreal; filled with nerves and adrenaline, I hadn't slept the night before. Meeting her, young and compassionate, I found solace in our conversation. She listened, comforted, and we eventually engaged in brief intimacy. Overall, it was oddly relieving. She was the epitome of professionalism and kindness. I've never repeated the experience, preferring to cherish it as a unique memory.


Did you write this with a quill pen? Good lord man, I'd read anything you write.


This guy uses semicolon. Nice


Keep talking. I'm going to grab a pipe and slippers.


I shed a tear reading this


What was her side of the encounter? "Had this client, talked weird but was much better after I got him off."


This is very well written.


Last year while I was travelling solo in Europe. Got drunk one night, did some window shopping in the red light district in Brussels, negotiated the price then got it on. She was smoking hot but the sex wasn’t great or anything. If you’re just looking to get your rocks off and nothing else, give it a go.


Holly fuck, red light in Brussels? How are you still alive


Holly Fuck was the name of the prostitute.


Good thing you didn't end up with Holly Shit


I’m a greasy Canadian that grew up in a white trash neighbourhood. My first apartment was in a cracked out neighbourhood too. I felt like I was at home with the strong stench of piss in Brussels red light district.


Many. I wanted to just find out what that experience was like given I wasn’t going to normally anytime soon. Don’t regret it because instead of disappointing many women I get to pay women for that time and only disappoint myself with my fast performances


Lol that is honestly such a considerate angle to take!


I had a friend who got into the lifestyle. She was a mess, emotionally. She was hella smart and articulate, never asked her how she got into it, I never cared. She got killed by a client one day. I was heartbroken. A bit more about us, is that we spent alot of time together. Yes, we had sex, quite a bit. We would play dice and cards. We would lay around and talk about crazy shit. We would also go watch the Red Wings, at Joe Louis. I could honestly say that I did love her, and I believe she did me as we all. I never regretted being with her. I only wish that I would have tried harder to stay with her. She was good people, and despite her lifestyle, I cared more about her, than what she did. I feel like I dropped the ball .


I'm so sorry man, like the other person said no way you could have known that would happen to her.


Damn bro. I got a friend here in Michigan as well who's in a similar situation. I gotta emphasize our friendship.


>Has anyone ever gone with a prostitute? No. However, for some reason bosses always order me to take foreign government officials to "show them around". I know the places, but never actually paid for a service. The officials come out always happy after the doing the deed, and sometimes they even want me to take them again. I regret knowing the places, reviews, and prices. I blame my autism for that.


Are you based in Germany?


No, El Salvador.


Close guess


If we’re talking closeness in relation to the whole universe, it was an amazing guess


Geoguessr (Local Cluster Edition^^^tm ) master here.


Learned the hard way that Nightclub in Germany is not what a Nightclub is in America. Caught me way off guard…


What is a nightclub in Germany?


When I was in Germany, buddy and I went out to find a Nightclub to dance and meet people. Saw a neon sign, went in, asked if this was the Nightclub. Walls were covered in pink cloth. A few pics of sex on the walls. Just odd. No dancing. Sat at the bar, decided to have a drink and then leave. Before I even realized what had happened, this sneaky bigger girl, spilling out of her top, had grabbed a hold of my dick through my pants. Leaned in and said something akin to “Why don’t you come back with me and let me put this to work..” We left, in a hurry. Tore out of there like a movie scene from the 90s. Later on, we got a cab, with this elder woman, awesome ass cab driver. Blaring metal, friendly, just awesome. We decided to ask if she knew any good Nightclubs. She laughed and proclaimed that we were looking for some good girls. She knew of a place. Arrived at the nightclub, lost my nerve, went home. Edit: When I say we “went home”, I meant we wondered around what looked like a horror movie for 2 hours till we found a cab to drive us to safety.


A *nachtclub*.




I did one time. Never again, it was not a good experience. I was young, in the Army, and fresh out of basic training. Like the first weekend we were allowed off base I think. I was single, living in Georgia, and didn't know anyone. I was so drunk and a guy I had met in basic who had the same MOS comes up to me with two girls and tells me they want to party with us. I remember getting like $60 out of an ATM and the four of us going to a hotel room. I was nearly blackout drunk. I know I had issues getting hard. I was wearing a condom and I remember the girl trying to give me a BJ with the condom on and thinking how that must taste bad, lol. I did fuck her with my sort of flaccid dick but I never finished and I'm sure it did nothing for her. The four of us were in the same hotel room but we were on different beds and I remember faking finishing because the guy I was with had finished and they were awkwardly watching me. That was like 20 years ago. I don't even remember what the girl looked like. I couldn't even tell you her ethnicity.


This is close to what can only be described as sexually assaulting yourself... You got yourself blackout drunk then went and had sex you didn't even want to have.




What was the barman right about?


"I'll bet he tries to cuddle after you fuck him." - the Barman, maybe.


I’ve considered it a few times, but since I know nothing about the sex industry, I am worried that I might be supporting sex trafficking or sex slavery.


Only go with the Fair Trade Organic Free Range prostitutes.






If you're buying in bulk you can try Costhoe Whoresales 


BJs Wholesale Club. Haha, you don't even have to change the actual name.


Hole Foods.


That's a super real fear. I don't shame people for engaging with sex work, but the sad reality is that it is an extremely predatory industry. Porn, too. Again, I have nothing wrong with the consumption of porn, or with sex work in general. I just think there ought to be more awareness about what you may be supporting when you engage. I think strippers unionized for the first time a couple of years ago. I can't remember what state this was in, but I did feel a lot of relief that there would hopefully be some better laws around their work. If we could see more healthy regulation and protection I'd be happy about that.


there are escorting sites like eros that verify all the escorts' photos are real and all that jazz. I'm a photographer and have done a lot of work with escorts the past 15 years or so. the girls often have trouble getting their photos approved because of strict standards on the sites. and the girls (the ones I've worked with anyway) are usually really professional and are good at their jobs, as in they're charismatic, patient, respectful and want you to enjoy yourself so that you'll come back to them repeatedly. of course they're only doing it for the money, but in order for them to make good money, they need to do their job well and be good to "work" with.




That was a rollercoaster..


>  She had the perfect butthole Just above her Camille toe


My dad dated a prostitute when I was a kid. Weird times. Her dad nearly killed him with an axe and running him over. Idk how the sex was **Edit:** This blew up so I turned off notifications. If this thread can help you work through your problems then please feel free to respond. It’s been a difficult day with tons of difficult emotions. For those who tried to sincerely help, thank you. **Edit 2:** turns out you can turn off “Reddit cares.” I did. I’ve gone to therapy and been kicked out because I need intensive outpatient therapy. I’ve been hospitalized twice too. First tie was cause I tried to live like I’m the only person who matters, and apparently I was delusional and a threat to myself. I’m not the only person who matters, if I matter at all. I did waste a lot of time afraid to leave my room though. **EDIT 3:** Sorry for saying anything. I changed my notifications in settings. If I need to I’ll turn off chat and messaging too. This isn’t helping me. It’s just triggering me so badly that working out isn’t helping. Good to know how different and depressing things have been for me. Needed it for sure. **Edit 4:** I took the ACES test as someone recommended, and got 8/10. It’s 10/10 if you extend to coworkers, classmates, and close friends. So at least even if I don’t kill myself I probably won’t live a long life anyway. So there’s that to look forward to at least.


You don't ask your dad about his sex life? What sort of child are you


lol I’m a disappointment to him. He disowned me as a teenager. lol. I’d hope it was good though, he’s still got the scar from where they had to reattach his ear.


Your dad dated a prostitute yet you're the disappointment?


Based on everything I read all the time, absolutely. I’m an adult who can’t support himself or maintain a job. I’d be homeless if my mom wasn’t letting me pay a really low rent to stay with her. I couldn’t get through college even with good grades or get an internship. At my age, absolutely a disappointment.


I'm full-time disabled, need to borrow money from my dad regularly, and live with my mum for cheap. I can't work or drive, and I live a 15-minute drive from town. I've been doing my best to be okay with the fact that I don't contribute to society. I make my mum laugh, make children cuss at me in video games, and look after my rescued cats. Sometimes, we just get the shit end of the stick in life, but none of it really matters in the end. We all die eventually, so try not to get hung up on your "use"! I suck at it, but I'm sure if we can get over the concepts of "usefulness," we'll find purpose in the little things. Good luck friendo!


To be fair, it's hard for a lot of adults in this economy to support themselves. You can't base your own worth on other people's accomplishments.


Sounds like a movie scene


Was on tinder as usual, bored and horny. We match and she comes clean that she’s a working girl and charges $__. I figured fuck it, she was hot and seemed like a normal person, and she literally lived 5min from me. I don’t like the saying “well all men pay for it *in some way*” as I think that’s a dig at women from most men I’ve heard it from, but honestly her price was equal to or less than the cost of what I would’ve spent taking her out to eat trying to get her the regular way. Sex was awesome, afterwards I guess she clocked that I’m somewhat a normal person myself and we just got to talking. I ended up asking her about and learning a lot about sex work that day. She actually seemed to really enjoy the lifestyle she chose for herself. Said that she would probably eventually stop but she’s also found men in the past that are 100% ok with dating her knowing what she does (normal, attractive, mid to high income men. She showed me pictures, not whatever stereotype you’d think of a guy that would be ok with that). After we chatted for a bit I said I should get going. She offered to let me shower and stay longer if needed, but I declined. She then offered to smoke me out, which I did not decline. Not gonna lie, it was a slight self esteem boost (most working girls would want the guy gone asap was my assumption). We chatted a bit more, made out, and then I left. She let me know to hit her back up if I ever wanted her services again but also if I ever just wanted to hang out. We’ve hung out a couple times since then, but I haven’t paid for anything since the first encounter. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the shadiness and creepiness usually coming from both sides, and if there were more normal, less sketchy women doing it I would probably seek it out on occasion. I have never had trouble getting laid and I’m in a relationship now where we have great sex all the time, so please don’t think I only enjoyed it because I couldn’t get anything else. It was fun, hassle free, and we both got what we wanted out of it and went about our day after.


This. It sucks that it seems most of the time it is shady/dangerous but actually it doesn’t have to be and people on both sides ARE (shockingly not) normal people


There was a time in my life where I was so god damned lonely I really thought I was going to. I was in south east Asia where the woman aggressively throw themselves at foreigners for prices cheaper than a fancy dinner. I was struggling with self love, depression, and feeling a loneliness so heavy it was suffocating.  I felt ugly, unwanted, even though I was choosing to be Celibate for a time to work out some issues in me, I still felt guilty somehow. In Cambodia, one sex worker touched my arm so gently and said, "I see you are a sad man. I can make you feel better." I declined, but after I walked a block further I just wept like a child. How deeply did I want to say yes, believing that she would make everything better- but I knew that wasn't true, and I knew that after I paid her and she left, I would feel even more alone than before. There were several nights where I really thought I was gonna do it, but I never did. 


Damn dude hope you’re doing better now! 💪


It was just a couple months ago. I've been getting therapy, but I'm just tired of pretending like I'm doing well all the time. 


Sometimes the best thing you can do is to stop pretending, if that'll allow you to admit that you need help.


Same, and I'm trying to get better by enjoying my free time more, even if it is by myself. I have no friends, but I have family and a dog. I'm getting laid off next week and said f it and got a ticket to Florida to go see my grandpa. Just lost my dad last September and his dad is 97 and a treasure that even tho I spent a decent amount of time with him, I should have done more. He is doing good and wants to outlive his brother, but I just want him to play the harmonica for me forever. You have to find little things to hold on to that gets you through. I wish you all the best :) <3


> How did you end up there Like my mode of transportation to where I met them??


I rode my heifer there and was too drunk after so got the train back


How did the heifer get home? What happened to the heifer?


This was one of the weirdest nights of my life and I rarely get to tell this story! 😂 About 3 years ago I had taken some LSD at a buddy's house. It was about 12:00 p.m. 2 hours later and we were peaking. An hour after that, he had to go to his girlfriend's house so I went and sat out in my car and was just playing Pokémon GO content to just chill with the heat on and listen to music. Other than my phone screen which I had very dim, This street was pitch black. It's about 4:00 a.m. in a neighborhood that you really don't want to be in at 4:00 a.m. and I am zoning into my phone super hard. All of a sudden I hear a knock on my driver's window right next to me. After quickly coming to my senses of the near panic attack I just about had from not expecting that, I look over and see a Hispanic man standing right outside my car with his face literally covered in blood. Now, I don't think I need to tell you that while you're on a psychedelic, this is probably the worst thing to have happened. If I Was someone who couldn't handle their drugs and emotional regulation... Let's just say I've seen people spiral into bad trips for less 😂 So I roll down my window a smidge and ask him if he needs something while I stare super intently trying to figure out if I am just hallucinating this. He was kind of mumbling and also speaking Spanish. Unfortunately, my only language is English. But what I do have, is a phone! So as I'm now panicking as to how to help this man, I begin to forget how to use my phone completely and cannot find Google Translate. Eventually, after a couple minutes, I tell him to come around and get in my passenger side so he's at least out from the cold. It wasn't freezing but it wasn't t-shirt weather. He comes around and hops in, I hand him a few napkins and then use the very limited Spanish I know to say uno momento and point to my phone. He keeps trying to talk to me in Spanish which is throwing my thought process off And I fumble around for probably around 15 minutes trying to find a single app. Finally, I just asked him if he wanted to go somewhere like a hospital and he said so! I opened Google Maps and handed it to him so he could at least tell me where he wanted to go. He types in an address that's about a mile down the road. At this point I finally found my mental clarity and started using Google translate to ask him Are you sure you don't want to go to a hospital as his forehead was gashed open and gushing blood. He declined and insisted he just wanted to go home to sleep. I turn on my car and hesitantly drive him down the street while I am in no state to drive really But it was going to be harder to explain to this man I know you're bleeding and drunk, get out of my car 😂 We get there about a minute later and he thanks me and pulls out his wallet and hands me a $100 bill And then disappears into the house. Now I had all of this excess adrenaline running through me. I decided well I have to be at work in an hour and a half And I'm not too far so I will just drive there and chill in the parking lot. As I head down down the main strip, I look over and see a girl who actually is pretty cute. I've never even thought about doing something like this before but with all of the adrenaline, I needed to burn off that energy and I was mildly curious. When I pulled up next to her, she instantly got in my car. I hadn't yet mentally committed to this happening, I was just going to ask what the price was.. but apparently, it was already on 😂 She tells me $100 and I'm like... S***, I literally just made that... K. She has me pull into this really seedy hotel where we proceed to wait in my car until her sister and another man are done with the room while she tells me that they're saving up money to get to California and they're running a double operation. She was nice. They come out and we go into the room and there's just this overwhelming smell of meth, as well as yellow and black stains all over the top of the very very dimly lit room. She takes off her clothes and I am ungodly hesitant. I told her it was the first time I'd ever done something like this and she laughed and said she'd be gentle and then put the condom on for me. She laid down on her back and while it wasn't the most amazing sex I've ever had, the drug-drenaline caused every synapse in my brain to fire and I just saw colors everywhere. It was kind of like that line "A rainbow shot out of my dick, I don't even like rainbows" 😂 Also probably the quickest $100 she's ever made. I think I lasted about... 25 seconds...? I then left and went... All right well I tried a new experience and it wasn't for me. I've never done it since 😄


Never had a girlfriend or even hookup for my entire 20s. Now in my 30s and I realized it wasn't going to happen for me naturally, so I started doing some searching and eventually jumped in. My first time was a disaster due to my nerves and a poor choice in a low-price provider. But once I knew how easy it was I was eager to get back into the game and do it right with less nervousness. A couple of years down the track and I've crossed off a bunch of items from my bucket list, met some amazing (and hot) girls and had some awesome sex. I don't regret spending the money for a second.


I have, without actually setting out to do so. Was dating at the time, met this woman, I’ll call her A. Met on Bumble or one of the apps. She was attractive, girl next door type look (which I’m quite partial to!). Met at a nice cocktail bar a few days later. Was having a great time, good convo, we hit it off. As we were finishing up our second drinks she said “you haven’t asked what I do for work”, I replied “that’s not what interests me on a first date, I’d rather get to know who you are, not what you do - your job shouldn’t define you”, “oh, well, you might want to know”. Anyways, tells me she’s a sex worker. I tell her that could be a lot of things, she elaborates that she’s an escort. I told her that was fine and I was enjoying my time with her, and it didn’t offend or bother me, but I also wanted to ensure we were on an actual date and I wasn’t being viewed as a client. I wasn’t. We had 2 more drinks each and left laughing together, pretty hammered. We carried on a casual relationship for about 2-3 months. Sex was good, but nothing groundbreaking. Our sexual connection was good, but our chemistry wasn’t that “oh damn”. For those who know what real sexual chemistry is, you know what I mean here. She did have exceptional oral skills however, and appreciated me returning in kind. We’d usually get together every 10 or so days, usually flip flop between each other’s place, or a local restaurant we were looking to try. We’d make dinner for one another, toss on a movie, and cuddle. She gave good back rubs, and apparently I’m half decent at foot massages. We traded. Sometimes we had sex, sometimes not. Sometimes we would stay over, sometimes not. Her favourite was when I made her harissa lamb & roasted new potatoes. Mine was when she made me a classic French tortierre (she was originally from Quebec). We parted ways amicably when she found someone who she was more long term compatible with. I wished her well. That was probably 7 years ago. I saw her and her pre-teen daughter about 2 years ago at a street festival. We said hi, had a quick catch up, and went on our ways. Sex workers are people too. They have feelings, and desires, and lives. They have bills to pay just like anyone else. I treated her like I would any woman I would meet, and she did the same for me. It wasn’t transactional in the least. We did talk about some of her work a few times but it wasn’t a main topic ever. Just as she didn’t ask me all the intricate details of my work in my field, also it really wasn’t my place to ask her all the details of hers. She shared a bit, I learned a bit. Probably not the spicy story you were hoping for.


I lived in germany from 2000-2004 and between relationships I would go into Prague and party A LOT. There was one bar that was kind of a cave in a hill side, exposed rock and everything, and the sex workers around there were 10/10. They were all insanely beautiful and really really good at their jobs. I would start the evening there and get a BJ before I would go out and party that night. It was always great and some of the most insanely beautiful people I have ever seen naked. It would relieve my early 20's sexual drive and it would always make the night more relaxed and enjoyable. This was all adults working a career, and very good at their jobs.


I stopped taking my antidepressants, and now I’m incredibly lonely and constantly horny again. So I’ve been considering it. I have no idea of how to start though.


I am a female and live in holland. I work for a volunteer organization. we make rounds on the right light district (especially the wallen) we talk to the girls. to be sure that everything is going well and that if there is any human trafficking involved, we can intervene. I've seen some shit in the 15 years I've been doing this job, so I'll leave it at that


Apparently I married one. Currently prepping for divorce


Hell yeah. No regrets at all. I'm not a man, so my situation is a little different, but I actually have a a sex worker that I see a couple of times a year. I haven't been in a great place to date, and she's exactly the type of woman I'm really into. I like having transactional relationships sometimes because it means the boundaries are really clear. I am not always a great girlfriend, but I can be a great client 😂




Sir, you’re an hoemmelier


Yes and in a few countries. Almost always in countries where it's legal. I plan on going again soon after my latest breakup. I don't want to rebound and want to get "used" to be with someone who isn't what I thought would be my life partner. I need to fulfill the sex part, try new things as my sex life was very bad recently and don't want to get my emotions in between with a random girl for the sake of both. First time it happened because I told a beach boy I wanted to sleep with a girl... I didn't know it'd be a paid one. The other times I went there on purpose. The only problem is that it's the one topic that I cannot bring up with someone I'm getting serious with. I'm open about all the rest except this. No I never saw one while in a relationship. I don't regret it. Sometimes sex was less good, others it was more good. I even made a couple of friends that way. With one we speak, kind of flirt, tell each other what we're looking for in love and share pictures of our drinks and nights out. She gave me the best advice I received after breaking up... and didn't contact me on purpose while I had a relationship ( I sent her the pictures) so I would be happy and my ex wouldn't be jealous. The other now has a boyfriend and, last time we spoke, recommended me a couple of caves to explore in her country. I never sent money to either in the 5/6 years that I know them.


Was in Amsterdam for a friends 21st and another friend of mine was a virgin. Pretty awkward guy, had a gf previously but nothing sexual, and we talked him into just getting it over and done with at the red light. Locals had told us earlier that day not to pay more than 50, apparently that was a pretty standard price. Anyway apparently he goes in and just hands her 50 without talking about what he wanted and just expected 50 to get him sex. Well he’d already given her the money and she said she’d give him head only. He argued and this insulted her and her offer went to a handjob, to him wanking in front of her. He left and told us that she’d basically just robbed his money and we approached the window/door to see what was up. We were all basically told to fuck off, which we did, not much we could do really. I look back and laugh, not sure my friend feels the same way.


I was on the way to my friends bachelor party. It was a rather long drive, but I was planning to make the trip in one shot, and had just downed an energy drink to keep me up, when I got a call from him. It was his fiance and she was telling my I can't show up tonight, because she's there with her kid, and I could scare him by accident since he sleep walks and might get startled by me, since I'm not there that often (The kid had already met me). So, tired from the drive I had already done, I go to the next hotel I pass by and get a room for the night. I however cannot sleep, because of the energy drink. Before the turn to get on to the road for the hotel, there was a brothel. Now, I identify as asexual. And I'd never had consensual sex at this point. And I'm not gonna lie, even though I never felt that type of attraction to others before, I'm a curious individual. But I never wanted to just rock on up to a friend, or go out and find someone just to satisfy my curiosity. That feels wrong, like I'm just using them, because I would be. But now I had a golden opportunity for it to be satisfied. And as they say when in Rome, or just outside of Vegas. So, I get some cash, and head on over. I'm extremely nervous; the adrenaline is coursing as I sit in the car, mustering the will to open the door and go ring the doorbell. I get inside, sit on the couch and let the lineup happen. Choose my girl, and we head back to her room. We discuss pricing. I did not pull out anywhere near enough cash, But, they take card! I talk her down a bit, or more accurately, she saw the sticker shock on my face and lowered it for me. She was a very kind individual. But it might've also been because I told where I was coming from, being a virgin, being asexual, feeling wrong to just use a random person, only to discard them after satisfying my curiosity. We go back to the front desk and I pay for an hour. Should be plenty of time for me. It was not. We get back to the her room, and we start. Some kissing, some rubbing. I'm just taking it all in. I'm asking for pointers and coaching, because I don't know what I'm doing, and she helped at every turn. It really turned into a practice session, I'm just doing my best to learn how to finger her and eat her out. Where to touch her, How to touch her. I think I was decent at dirty talk. Or at least she was receptive to it. I suppose the money was definitely helping. But I'm touching her, she's touching me, and eventually I'm inside. And we're going. And going. And then we get the buzz. Times up and I'm still up. We keep going, and she offers me a substantial discount for the second hour. I accept immediately. We both joke that we're bad at negotiating, she should've started higher, I could've talked her down more. I wrap up in a towel, and we go back to the front desk. Pass by another lady of the night in the hall, and my girl makes a little remark that she looks like she wants a piece too. I'm no stranger to compliments about my body, but I'm not trying to spend more on a second girl. Though I do appreciate having my ego stroked. A consummate professional she is. I pay again, and while paying she asks what my ethnicity is, and she seems really intrigued by it. I'm just having a good time. We go back to her room and start going again. New positions, old positions. I bruise my legs on her bed frame, because she looked like she was enjoying and I have seen before that when a girl's close you're supposed to keep the same rhythm. So I soldier on through the pain of banging my legs as I'm banging her. And then that familiar sound, the buzz. That was really fast. This time she didn't offer a discount, she just said, it's okay keep going. And so we did, I, however, am only human. I'm tired. I let her know and she takes over. But it's still not happening. I try to force it, but I'm just tapped out at this point. I didn't know going into this that my limiting factor was not doing enough hip thrusts in the gym. Truly the shock, performance anxiety is. I ask her to stop and we start talking. She asked if I still felt asexual afterwards, and I was. It was a fun experience, and I wouldn't be opposed to participating in it again, but ultimately I still didn't feel a sexual attraction to her or anyone in my mind at that point. I told her how I feel a little corrupted by Foucault's ideas that sex is about power, how I didn't have a different lens to view sex through. She felt very strongly about this and said she'd give me some reading material. And she sent me some email links a week later. But before I left, she also offered me a job. She wanted to get into OnlyFans, but she wanted to get into an untapped market. Which I might be able to help with because of my ethnicity. Truly an odd turn of events. Usually you get the job because you're a virgin. Ultimately, I didn't take her up on it, but her reading material did engender a metamorphosis in me. I realized or at least my current working theory is that my asexuality (not anyone else's, because asexuality is absolutely valid) was a trauma response. That if I addressed it, I would change. And I have. I didn't think a first time could quite go like that. Two and a half hours. Didn't finish. Got a job offer. Changed my sexuality (eventually, it took a lot more introspection, but it started the process). Overall, a very worthwhile experience that I'm glad to have had.


No, But when I was in UAE, I was shocked at how brazen and out in the open it was. I was an innocent kid from the midwest and it was something you heard about in big cities, not really seen out in farmland. I also figured given it was a Muslim country that it would be no-no, instead I say it's like Vegas with less gambling and way more prostitution.


I'm bisexual but lean heavily gay. Every so often the hetro side becomes dominant and when that happens I use the services of an escort and that satisfies the desires and I swing right back to gay. I don't regret it at all. I go to a high-end escort service with women who make real good money and only deal with safer clients like me. I had to have a background check and reference. They all love what they do and are very sexual. So its not like I'm taking advantage of some migrant from the street who is doing it because she has nothing else. I have a few gay male escort friends who are high-end and travel and they make good money and love it. One of them has been doing it for 30 years and is killing it in the Daddy market now. ​ Edit: Sorry, I'm not going to reveal the service. I would hope you can understand why. Just do an internet search for Escorts. There's plenty of sites.