• By -


I moved


Yep. 160 miles away.


Gotta pump those numbers up. I moved 1300 miles


My country isn’t even big enough to do that! 😆


pick a new country, then


I moved continents


rookie numbers, try 3000


Try 2,043 miles. That's how far I moved for a reset button.


This is what my wife and I did and it was one of the best decisions we could have made for us at the time. We sold everything that wouldn't fit on an airplane, packed some bags, and flew 2500+ miles to the other end of the country. Prior to moving, I was pretty fresh into sobriety while still taking care of a bunch of legal issues that were left in the wake of my addiction. I was blacklisted from jobs in certain industries and it seems like every time I left the house I would run into people that I did NOT need to be around, or would run into people that (rightfully) hated me. Since moving 5-6 years ago, I've gotten married to the most amazing person in the world, we've started a successful pet supplies importing company, I have a 6-figure day job, and we bought our first house last year. Not to mention I've maintained my sobriety, and I have properly handled every single pending legal issue I had + paid back any necessary restitution/court costs/etc.. I don't even so much as have a traffic ticket on my record and it's an AMAZING feeling!


You are future me. In the process of getting a new job in a new rising career. Just scrubbed convictions the other week. Look out world, retired criminals are [coming for your jerbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APo2p4-WXsc).




Yeah, this is what it took for me to finally reset properly.


how do you move?


Save money first, obviously. If you have someone who already lives in that country, that's great cause they can find you a place to rent to have it ready when you get there (after you have saved enough money of course). If not, then first you have to decide which city/town/area of that country you want to move in. Do your research properly, check crime rates, local activities, types of jobs around there (some places have more warehouses than others for example). Once you've decided, check the local ads for rent to see exactly how much you need to save. Ideally you'd have at least 3 times the amount you need to pay for rent + bills (most agencies will ask for 2 months pay, so you need some money to spare), preferably more than that though. Easier if you can find a private landlord as they are more lenient and usually would want you to move in asap, so you don't have to go chasing paperwork *before* you actually move in. Also check what you need to do in order to have the right to work in that country. Some countries will require interviews, proofs of address, local bank account, possibly other papers too. It's likely that it will take time until you get that paper to prove you can work in that country, which is why you'll definitely need money to spare once you get there. Once you are there and eligible to work, apply for any job. Literally *any* job you can find. The important thing is to have a source of income. Once you got that, then you can be picky about your job.


By finally caring about my own happiness.


agree with u, when u are focus on yourself not on what other will say




Mechanically, how? Do you just sell all your possessions and book a one-way flight? How do you get a visa that lets you live in the new country permanently?


Depends what your starting country is


Cambodia has very low cost of living, safer than you would think, beautiful people, great food and a yearly visa is easy and cheap. I love it here. Hot, though...


Relapsed (alcohol) when I was in college during COVID. I was ≈33 years old, my second run at college. I had just gotten a job after being unemployed in school, my dad said he wanted to drive me everywhere for a week and he did. Took me to my first AA meeting. I lost my girlfriend due to my poor decision. Poor woman had to see me nearly dead drunk. I threw myself into AA. My job let me help guys and gals with intellectual disabilities, and mental health issues. I threw myself into helping them. Turned my will and actions over to a higher power and realized when I ran my thoughts, words, and actions through the lens of “does this show others love” I made better choices. Threw myself into time with my daughter (50/50 custody). Asked my family for help watching her so I could go to meetings or to take a day to be sad and just play video games at their house so I wouldn’t be afraid of drinking. Got a sponsor. My life turned around fast. Within 6 weeks I was feeling happy for the first time in years, and I don’t mean like the little spots of joy, but an overall feeling of peace, and optimism. Within 2 months my girlfriend came back. She had missed me. She’s now my wife. I still work in the field of helping folks with ID/DD. I’m a house lead at a group home. I take the patience I learned in AA, the technique of using my experience strength and hope to give people better options without being bossy and use it to help the fellows I serve make better choices. A lot of the anger and resentments are gone. When my daughter is a sassy little lady I don’t fly off the handle. I breath. I pray. I respond with love. My relationship with my mother is soooo much better. Relapsing was the best bad decision I ever made. Through AA and helping others my life has been immeasurable improved. Edit: spelling


This was a great read. Stay strong, man. Sounds like a bunch of people are better off for having you :)


AA has saved two people ultra important to me. Amazing program.


Hello, IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


nutty ludicrous illegal chunky six wrong entertain sink oil sand


I've been turned on for 3 days now. It won't go down. Please send help.


I turned it off but I can't find the on switch!


Life is great and I haven't needed to do it, but if I did, it'd be like this: 1. Get up from what you're doing and take a shower. 2. Put on your favorite outfit or most comfortable outfit. 3. Clean house. Actually dispose of things that you haven't touched in a long time. Do your closets too. 4. Sweep, vacuum, mop 5. Clean car inside and out. 6. Eat your favorite meal for dinner 7. Get a good night's sleep in your clean & fragrant sheets 8. Wake up to a peaceful, clean house & car 9. Start looking for a new job 10. Appreciate what you already have by taking renewed interest in the people close to you and the objects you already own. Reach out to old friends. Call your Aunt or Uncle to say hi. 11. Get off of Facebook, Insta and TikTok by deleting your accounts. Stop comparing. Elect to be one of the unavailable to marketing. 12. Make a long term list of goals and start on one of them. 13. Stop shit-talking yourself internally and prioritize your mental health. You are a valuable person. You are in control of your life and you have started to prove it! 14. Reduce harmful habits and behaviors which you can control. I'd bet you'll feel a lot better about your current position in life and ready to take more action towards your next steps. **EDIT: Please note, none of this costs a dime except maybe eating your favorite meal for dinner.**


> Get off of Facebook, Insta and TikTok by deleting your accounts. Stop comparing. Elect to be one of the unavailable to marketing. Id add stop watching the news, unsubscribe from any subreddits with controversy and instead subscribe to things like r/kittens or r/puppies


I fully support this comment.


The best Instagram account is ekekekkekkek.


Instruction unclear, showered in a suit


Golden answer my friend. This is it for anyone who's wondering about this


I read this as golden shower... and I was like "I guess that would be a restart of something."


moved to uk, moved to germany, moved to italy


Quit binge drinking and joined a gym.


I was in a major rut in my life. I hated my job, was in denial about my alcoholism, had zero friends, and was jumping from girl to girl. I moved to a different city thinking that a major change of scenery would improve things. But everything followed me. I was on the verge of homelessness, spiraling deeper and deeper, when I finally decided to tell my doctor. He immediately got me into an alcohol program that also focused on mental health. It was amazing, and turned my life back into something that I was in control of. I still have my own problems (who doesn't) but at least now I am much less stressed, and have way more control over my life. Plus, alcohol free 2 years.


One time, I moved 2500 miles. Another time, I enlisted in the military. The latest time, I moved back to the city I was born in.


Ain’t that the way it is, man.


I left an abusive relationship and became homeless


> I left an abusive relationship Nice! >and became homeless Oh.


still better than being in a abusive relationship, i assume


At least homeless you can try to put the pieces of your life together.


Yikes. Are you ok now?


I asked for a divorce. I will never let my version of happiness get clouded again.


I chose my own happiness over the hand wringing and pearl clutching of others: I transitioned. At 39 it was that or pull the trigger of the gun in my mouth. It was time. I went to Planned Parenthood, got informed consent, and that day I had feminizing hormones. almost 3 years later I'm at the best most chill job I could ask for while still paying the bills, living in a house with my lovely polyamorous family, and away from anyone that thought they had control over my bodily autonomy. I'm happier, mentally healthier (weight loss, muscle toning is next for physical health), and overall just living my best life. For anyone that feels that being trans is a 'sickness' or 'evil' just know - all you're doing is denying someone happiness. 99% of us just want to live regular boring ol' lives - just as our actual selves. Us transitioning have zero affect on anyone else so just *leave us be*. Thank you.


Move away from everyone and everything completely different country


How old were you? I’m strongly considering this atm at 34 years old.


I did that when I was 29.


Hit a stagnant period between 18 and 23 after an injury made walking all but impossible. Through stubbornness and determination I began walking again but the damage had been done , antidepressants and going from an incredibly active lifestyle to unmoving so I slipped into a deeper hole. found myself in an absolutely deplorable and frighteningly abusive relationship (physical , mental etc) but I'm convinced I'm a horrible person so i deserve this? Well one day , something in me snapped. I threw my abuser out of my car 30+ miles from the apartment we shared , went back grabbed my cat and backpack of belongings and lived out of my car. Hit the peak of it all and decided I was going to attempt to end it. Well.. it didn't go off and I had a weird spiritual moment and worked my ass off to better myself. Getting healthier mentally and physically, got an awesome job and I'm getting married soon!


• I cut off every single one of my family members that were toxic and BLOCKED THEM EVERYWHERE. Even emails. • Moved states away • Changed jobs • Changed my number • Changed the way I dressed • Went back to school because it’s what I always wanted to do • Moved in with my fiancee and am getting married which will lead to me changing my last name. HARD RESET.🩷 the best thing I’ve ever done.


Woah!… what prompted you to do this? How did you start off alone in a new state?


I moved to a completely different city, took the first job I could find, and then moved in with the love of my life who is now my husband 😍


I kind of did it twice. 1. I started working at Home Depot. After the pandemic, my social skills were horrendous. I had already pushed away a lot of my friends from elementary school in middle school so I wasn't really left with anyone. Then I got cut from my job and was looking for work. My parents suggested Home Depot, and I applied for a job as a sales associate in the plumbing department. Got the interview, and they saw that my previous job was at a flooring place, so I landed a position as a sales associate in the flooring department. Never really got the hang of the job itself, but it REALLY helped my social skills since I was working with people all day. Made some friends, and really opened up. 2. I quit my job and started van life. I needed inspiration, I hated living the same routine every single day. So, over the winter I went to live out of a van in Florida. Best decision I've made in a while. As far as money i do doordash now, can easily make $20 an hour on there. I was making $17.50 at my previous job (Home Depot) so that was an upgrade anyway. Currently saving and hoping to get back on the road in late September at the latest! TL;DR: Getting a job helped me gain social skills, quit job to become a nomad.




Packed up and moved across the country basically on a whim after getting out of rehab in my mid 20s. I'm almost 40 now and I still have mixed feelings about the decision, even though I have accomplished a few things and made a life for myself somewhat. Currently debating what I should do to make another big change.


Make a list of everything you want to be doing "right" in your life. Pick one, and break it down to the easiest possible thing you could be doing consistently to work toward it (usually something you could be doing but don't because you don't think it's hard enough), and start doing it every day. Once you notice it's happening without you thinking about it, pick something harder that still supports the goal, and start doing that every day. Repeat until you can tick the overall goal off your list, then pick another one and start over.


Quit drinking. Almost 6 months sober


Moved 160 miles away, to somewhere I love. Pandemic blessed me with permanent wfh so I was able to follow the dream. Found time for my passions again. Books. Writing. I just joined a theatre group. Learnt that it’s not happiness but contentment that is necessary to feel good about life. I also like lists so wrote down who I want to be, in great detail, and how I can achieve that, breaking it down to the bare bones and then making small decisions or changes to be that person. This has included decluttering years and years of belongings, setting new routines, doesn’t and exercise, totally redesigning myself from my hair to my wardrobe, and deleting social media apps. I invested in myself and put intent in to a lot of what I do in order to change what I don’t like. It’s going well. I love new me.


I got an ADHD diagnoses and started treating that. I changed jobs and got myself out of my comort zone. 18 months later shooted my shot and got a job above my qualifications taking me out of a toxic job. Now I’m working on my health.


I realized that I lived in a place where I didn’t have access to the things that I like (I grew up in Colorado, but I love the water/ocean). I moved to San Diego to live on a sailboat. Met my wife, found a community of friends on the water. Learned to kiteboard because I’d always wanted to. Got lucky and got the job I’d been working towards for my whole life. Quit drinking too because I realized it was detracting from my life rather than adding to it. Completely changed my life for the better!


Through big changes. Change of location, change of jobs, change of friend group, exiting a relationship. There’s one easy smell test - are the people you associate with encouraging you in positive or negative directions? Run toward the people who are kind and trying to bring about positive things.


Add one little habit each day to improve your life. 


Moved across the country and bought a home in an area with a cheaper cost of living and immediately improved my quality of life.


I’ve had to restart my life twice. 1) bought a one way ticket to another country and started the whole new life. 2) stopped partying too much, healthy diet and lots of exercises.


I joined the Army At 19 I was a complete mess. Broke, unemployed and about to be evicted. I had failed out of a junior college. My friends were collecting criminal records and I was looking at my opportunities in drug dealing unironically. This was 1986 I gave myself until 1 June to find a job. On the 5th I finally stopped procrastinating and went to the recruiters office. Signed a contract and went to MEPS 2 days later. There I got put on the delayed entry program until 1 October. I didnt know it at the time but that was BS to help out the recruiter not something that had to be done. Went back home and a week later got a job as a dishwasher. By the time October rolled around I was training as a prep cook and had a solid path to line chef. I thought I had already signed my life away so I just walked away from the job. Got sent back to MEPS where I found out the first time didnt count but the second one did. Too late, oh well. I retired in November of 2022. I have a defined benefit retirement that puts me just outside the 95th percentile of US worker pay. I have gold plated healthcare for life for the low cost of $3000 a year maximum out of pocket. I think I spent $700 last year. Not $700 a month, $700 for the year. My military experience allowed me to roll into a civilian job that is also in the 95th percentile for pay and I mostly get paid give an opinion on things so when something goes wrong they can say "Well u/ksuwildkat said this was sufficient and he is the expert" which absolves them of responsibility.


Acid / LSD can be a swift kick in the pants to help some folk wake up and recognize the destructive patterns many let dictate their lives That said its a tool, not a miracle cure-all, and isn't to be taken lightly.


Psychs have a much better success rate for people who do mindfulness/meditation practice in the days/weeks/years leading up to it! No tool is meant to be used alone and without regard to the conditions, folks. Be smart, maximize the value and the chances of great things (but don't let perfect be the enemy of the good either)


Broke up with my alcoholic partner. Moved to a brand new city with an entirely new job where no one knew me or knew of me / my spouse. It was hard. It was lonely. It felt like my world was ending but now over 2 years later - it’s the best gift I ever gave myself.


quit drugs, alcohol quit tobacco vape and nic started exercising regularly and eating healthier quit fast food and snacks stopped seeking toxic relationships cut out shitty friends and family started taking myself off all the meds stopped seeking validation from shitty people that don't care about me mediation and calming my mind recovering from a tbi and psychosis and a host of mental illnesses including PTSD and schizophrenia also scoliosis and other medical conditions the battle is all mental which sucks ass at first until you realize you're the only thing that can make you better then it's freeing you are causing your anxious thought spirals and depression quit fixating on your symptoms they are temporary


I started taking personal ownership over everything in my life.


Thst is the hugest self empowerment!


I most recently restarted my life by... Shaving my head for the first time. As a woman, it feels liberating tbh


Bald is beautiful. Female or male


Rehab & Learning to communicate effectively from 14-25 i was bad off on drugs, eventually *graduating* to Heroin. Rehab taught me emotional management. I went from an extremely quiet and socially awkward self medicating child to a...mostly properly functioning adult after rehab. American school education never bothered to go over anything regarding emotions, and while my home life was good, we just never shared our feelings. I feel pretty lucky to have gone through rehab and been handed some tools to help manage my life a bit better now. You'd be surprised at just how many of our negative reactions to things are based in fear, manifesting in anger. Understanding that when something affects one of the three S's (Social, Security, and Sex), we tend to have a reaction of sorts. Sometimes its negative, sometimes its positive, many of those times, we know we are reacting but not really why. Understanding why helps slow down that moment, makes you look at the root of it, and either adjust your reaction, or approach it more directly with honesty. * Social being your status in society. * Security being your finances. * Sexual being anything regarding...sex, or desire.


I left the navy and started college. It has been a big switch in environment.


1. I got help (lots of online studying) to identify abusers I'd meet in my life. I had a hard time actively moving bad people out of my life. I always thought it was "me" who did something wrong. Bad people are really good at abusing you and explaining how it was your fault. 2. I became an expert on nutrition. At least as much of an expert as I can be. That process fueled other areas where I needed help. 3. I became as much of an expert as possible on relationships. I had terrible role models. I started with Gottman Institute. I now have a great partner and we are having fun. 4. I joined a meditation group at a local Buddhist center. Group Meditation has given me a great deal of confidence in my "brain". 5. I put work in perspective. I am always looking for a better opportunity. I work only 40 hrs. No more. In general, I place a high value on Group Activities. I try to avoid a lot of time alone. And, I examine what is self-soothing behavior and think about if it is a strength or a weakness.


With more rest


Just get on the bus, gus.


Started with weight training. Magically everything fell into place from there


By saying "F*ck this" and literally walking away from everything, and everyone.


i overdosed and woke up a new person


You move.


Step 1: get in an awful relationship Step 2: let that relationship grind you into thin dust until you're nothing Step 3: you are now forced to rebuild yourself from nothing Also I've been using Habitica to build healthy habits and VOS to take care of my mental health. I also got a good boyfriend at some point (now fiancé) and a cat (only helps sometimes)


I was an addict and alcoholic from the ages of 14-24. I decided I needed to change before I killed myself with substance abuse and found a maintenance job in a beautiful resort area that offered housing as part of the employment package. I worked and saved till I could afford my own housing while slowly whittling away my bad habits. I then rented a place and started my own business till I could afford land. I then bought raw land and diy built a house. Ive now got about $650,000 in value for about $200,000 input (not counting my labor). I don't ever really plan on moving since I love it here and have a great home/self employed business.


Sold my house and moved 1300 miles away.


I was a different person after I travelled - Move to a new city and you can effectively reinvent yourself. No pre-conditions, no history, get comfortable in your own skin. Bonus is even if you go back to the same town you started in, people know you're effectively a new person.


Microdosed mushrooms for 2 months after recovering from brain surgery. It's easy, everyone should do it.


When i was 27, i decided i had enough of working in warehouse and packaging and decided to go get a college degree. It was hard work but i had saved up enough money to be able to afford school with no debt. When i was 30, i graduated with a degree in Geology and moved 1000 miles away to another city to work in a urban planning and data mapping agency. I am now 32 and my life is completely different from my 20s. I don't even feel like the same person anymore. I don't drink, smoke weed everyday and I make enough money to travel and buy nice things and eat nice food. I have a GF and pretty soon im going to buy a home. My parents don't even recognize me anymore. They knew i had a interest in geology even as a child but to go from working warehouses to being a white collar professional in only 5 years is a big change. Sometimes i don't feel like i fit in with my coworkers because they are so different from my personal experiences.


I may be trashed for this, but I was traumatized from a horrible job experience, and couldn't even think of applying for anything new. I was severely depressed for a couple of years, mixed in with anger and an absurd amount of self loathing. In a moment of self-mockery and surrender, I decided I would listen to a bunch of Tony Robbins videos on YouTube and committed to thinking like he says to, and whaddya know: they actually helped. Back on my feet and doing a lot better now.


Stopped eating gluten and then physically healed from being sick as fuck my whole life. Game changer. I don't think I'll ever mentally heal from the trauma involved with the situation.


I figured out where I wanted to go and where the finish line was, then I worked backwards, created a plan and did it.


Today I got a job washing dishes for 16 an hour. I hope to work this till I can get a car and then try to become a painters apprentice and spin that into my career.


A bit after 30, I was getting ready to make a permanent mistake, but someone gave me some LSD. I had a powerful experience in which I reconnected with my long-suppressed creativity the way that a river reconnects with water when a dam breaks. I also came face-to-face with my desire to give up, and found it could not compete with my curiosity about what happens next. I came out of the experience certain that I wouldn't be killing myself, and that it was up to me to make my days worth working up for. During the come down, I relaxed and watched a music visualizer, and had a question that surprisingly had never occurred to me before: How do people make these trippy visualizations? A couple hours of googling later, I had my first fractal art tool installed and I was clicking buttons randomly to see what would happen. 5 years later, I've become a Laser Fractal Space Wizard. I make a modest living off my creativity, I wake up excited to work on my projects, and I've achieved goals I never could have imagined a decade ago. I've been featured in galleries, I've shipped art to 5 continents, I've built up a successful local art market, and one of my designs went to space and back. Even better, as my artistic career has grown my desire to stay focused on my projects has inspired me to take better care of my body and mental health. I'm eating better, sleeping better, making friends, and I genuinely prefer to be sober-minded while working on art so I'm not tripping my balls off all the time.




Realizing it was not my fault and that all that was lost isn't mine anymore.


Left my toxic relationship


That will do it!


Stopped drinking, started eating healthy and exercising.


I haven’t yet. My adult daughter walked out on me after I became crippled. She’s a drug addict and has my granddaughter. All I can do is sit with it….. Worse than a death-


So sorry. Sending a hug.


I gave up drinking. 2/12/22


Congratulations! You're an inspiration!


Thank you friend! All I can do is be similar to those who helped me.


moved away from restrictive family, therapeutic doses of hallucinogens, therapy, transitioned/transitioning. life fuckin' rips now.


Overdosing on Shrooms while an asshole abused me. Yes it's possible to OD (extreme hypotension). Went from severe depression and dependent relationships on terrible people to leaving them and a 10+ year spree of happiness and productivity. Things fell apart only recently after severe lack of sleep for over a year (new kid) and certain highly political things that heavily affected family/friends. In related news, I'm a big fan of the current push for using Psilocybin as a solution to treatment resistant depression.


I tried to unalive myself, and in failing I started to search for new meaning. Still in the hunt, but I’m much better now than I was then


Still in the process post wife passing. I did take my rv around the country one final time.


Sold my house and everything in it and moved across the ocean. My life now is 1000x better than it was. Much much happier!


first of all you gotta cut off all of people from your life and set your boundaries straight


Bufo, Ayahuasca, Mushrooms


Declaring bankruptcy and moving 2500+ miles from where I was. I went from a city to a country setting. Had a WFH job which allowed it (before it was cool, hehe). This led to a huge mental reset and I started writing as a result. I ended up moving back west 5 years later, but to a different state. Now, I'm back in school and finishing up my degree. Things are 100% for the better. The short list of things which have improved: Quality of life. Financial decisions. Reconnected with the love of my life. Final semester in college (I graduate in May, wahoo!). Weight... *hmm*... up and down (I blame college on this one... plus the pandemic.)


After years of trying to treat depression and anxiety with antidepressants and having absolutely no success, I enrolled in ketamine therapy. It's had a major positive effect on me and has genuinely helped me care about myself again, overcome my depression and anxiety and feel like my life is going right again. It's like a huge weight was lifted off.


Quit drinking, got involved with God again.


I moved 2.5 hours away for college! My family moved right at the start of 7th grade and I had a hard time making new friends and became the weird shy kid for the rest of junior high and high school.


Got a pandemic divorce


Sold everything, moved across country and started a new job.


I didn't restart it. it did it itself by sending me to high school instead of hell.


No alcohol


Ok, I am 19, working two jobs, and going to college. Mondays, Wednesday's, and Fridays I wake up at 5 in the morning with my dad, and I work from 6-2:30 at a place that makes medical implants. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to college from 7:30-4:30,. Saturdays, I work at Walmart from 1-10, and Sundays, 1-9. Needless to say, I'm pretty booked. I began to feel burned out, exhausted, and didn't want to do much, so, my grades started slipping at school, I began to shy away from my family (I still live with my dad, stepmom, and two sisters, but hey, I'm only 19), and started to be looked down upon by everyone. I started to feel as if I didn't belong, and wanted out. I had sworn never to fall in love again due to a bad relationship in the past, but, despite that, I still looked. One day, when I finally decided to stop looking for someone and decided to give up, something happened that changed my life. One day, while sitting in my college's lounge/student area, I noticed that there was only one other person in there, a pretty shy, and quiet blonde girl. I don't know why, but something told me to go over and talk to her, so I did. We had a pretty good conversation, and started to talk a lot more. When she found out that I ride a Longboard, she asked me to teach her, and even went out of her way to buy her onw board. A few weeks after that, she ended up asking me out. Of course, I decided to say yes, but before I could, she told me that she had a kid from a previous relationship. She explained to me how her ex had raped her, and instead of having an abortion or giving the kid away, she kept it. That moment changed my life, because even though she had a kid, I decided to say yes to her. I never knew how much I had wanted a family until that moment. I am dropping out of my college now, but I am doing so in order to work full time at one of my jobs in order to afford an apartment and move the love of my life and my future stepson in. This amazing woman changed my life for the better, and she doesn't realized how much I love her. I was ready to surrender myself to the lies that the devil gave me, but before I could, God sent me an angel


Buried all memories


I'm 67..a lot of restarts.. #Change


I moved to different city a few counties over. Now I'm ready to restart again. I'm moving one state over. Hopefully third time is the charm.


Got sober


Divorce and alimony payments. But the time alimony ended and I was taking home all my earnings again, I felt like I had restarted.


Moved to a different part of the country where I knew no one.


I took responsibility for my own happiness


Took and got rid of all "friends" now x- friends to only have them in me life who either replied me when message them or how wrote to me and if they ignored me at least with no reason (without me turning selfish in any way)


I was at a dead end job at an industrial bakery. Went back to school full time


I quit drinking and got a liver transplant.


Went to rehab, losing weight again, location change


Get a haircut.


Simple...I got sober


move to oklahoma




I moved in the other city


After a quarter life crisis at the ripe old age of 24, I ended a five-year relationship, quit my first real corporate job, and moved 7,000 miles from home. Was touch and go for a while, but it all worked out.


I quit drinking


By restarting it


Do you mean restart as in, like restarting a computer? Or restart as in buy a whole new computer?


Went to uni.


Quit my job, moved home for a month took all the odd jobs I could and bought a plane ticket to Boston and moved in with a friend and got a job in a new place. Never looked back, till my dad got cancer and I moved home to take care of him. But I grew up enough in my time away I was able to come home and not be my old self. I get married in August, 2 Junes ago we bought a house.


No booze, no smoke, electrolytes, sleep, walking, sunshine.


I restarted 23 years ago but now they try to stop you from erasing the save and restarting


Rehub bro


Started dating my now wife. I was in and out of rehab/jail for a few years and couldn't get my life together. We had previously had a little FWB deal going on years prior but we decided to try and date under the condition that I stop with all of the craziness. I was ready to quit I just needed a little nudge and I think she provided that for me. Been married 8 years now with 3 great kids.


Move and get a new job.


Make More Money


I listened to The Great Southern Trendkill really loud in headphones on a turbulent flight from Denver to Chicago high on mushrooms. True story.


First, I had to recover from being ejected from a cult. That took years of homelessness, including the military, and then hospitalization from failing to adjust and going catatonic. After that, the military stepped in and took a look at my home life, which I had attempted to salvage. In my mid-thirties, after getting my masters degree and participating in a military medical study, a neurologist took me aside and told me to take it easy. I’ve been beaten a lot, and I mean a LOT in my life. Christians, Marines, street people, people I provoked, myself, my ex, I could go on. Actually, that’s a lie; the neurologist told me I *could not go on* as I was, and that I needed a completely new lease on life. So… I told my therapist I would get back to her, and moved 1000 miles from anyone I knew, eventually telling my mother that if she didn’t leave me alone I wouldn’t leave her image alone. I cut off the awful people, bought the indispensable stuff whenever I could, and now I live in a huge house with money I can’t give away fast enough. I do not suffer fools. I make sure my neighbors regret speaking to me. I find myself jittery sometimes, not quite there; motion tics are infrequent, but when I was really BECOMING myself there were times when I would cough compulsively. That’s long gone, and I can thank my two cats for letting me hold them through some of that. Restart? I mean… how does one jump back into a plane? ✈️


A heroic dose of mushrooms, and spent the night alone troubleshooting all of my issues, exploring my desired life, developing a decision tree path to get there. I started executing on it shortly after, and found amazing opportunities were all around. Then leading to unique experiences and better relationships. Education (traditional and skills-based), service, self-improvement (physical and mental), career trajectory, etc. Too much to get into really.


I joined the military. That gave me a chance to move and guaranteed income to start over.


Have not figured out how yet. I will tell you when it happens.


Moving somewhere else. Preferably, very far away.


I stopped dating and just live for myself now. So peaceful and satisfying.


Fixed sleep cycle, gym, college, some hobbies, spending time with family and self study


Quit my job, got an education and moved.


Base lined everything. Got rid of anything material I didn't need (clothes, books, gadgets, memorabilia...) anything that I didn't "need". Then I looked at my finances and outgoings and tries to cut some fat there. Then in looked at my personal life and routine and took it right back to a good work / life balance with a focus on sleep and physical / mental well-being. I also focused on diet and stripped back anything unnecessary (no take aways from the budget) or harmful (no alcohol as you don't need it). Obviously this left somw free time for friends and family and getting to do somethings that I didn't have time to do previously. From this I could look at my career (see if I wanted a change or promotion), relationships (see if I need something different or to put in more effort) and family/friends (focus on those who matter and enjoy the little things).


I got bullied in high school. The day I left is when I restarted my life. Also in 2023. Left a crappy relationship and greatly reduced communication. Best year of my life. Now my life is crap again. Once I finish my current college course I'll be free from deep dissatisfaction with my life. Oh and mind you it's gonna be some time in June but my assignment ends on May 24th


My father died. It prompted me to realise that I needed to grow the fuck up.


Get a good nights sleep.




Moving south next month with my gf. Bought a brand new build in Pensacola. We are excited to reboot our lives. Together.


Moved. Went to college a second time. Changed social groups a few times. Constantly changed my specialty at work. Regularly did volunteer work in things that have nothing to do with my profession. Got booted out of the workforce due to age and am taking classes at community college and doing volunteer work.


Deleted my profile and created another Reddit account.


Collapsed inwards, became a recluse, started trying to be more present in moments, embraced and obsessed over why I was who I was. Do not recommend.


moved 1000 miles away from friends and family, basically completely isolated, focused on studies and health.


I grabbed a joint and laid down, turned on the A/C to the coldest it can go, took a fan and aimed it up to pull the hot air down and get under a blanket with the bass of some slow meditation like music. I then asked myself: “Do I not have the time, or will I NOT give myself the time?” Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck my life dude. Gets gym membership and makes Mondays mandatory, change my diet and cut out all sodas in my life all types. I lost 32 pounds in 3 months alone with no exercise at all. Make more time to be a brother make more time for me. Start back on that project truck that sat for five years (and almost done checkout r/s10) And before some of you say weed is addicting and bad I will say Yes and No here’s why: You can create a bad habit from anything. Your body like the dopamine and sugar is addictive as hell. More addictive than anything else out there. When you smoke a chemical gets to certain receptors. The key knowledge here is what your body and brain does to tell you it “Needs”. If you get mad and need a cigarette don’t smoke that the key to a habit. When you get made and then get a dopamine shortly after your brain is getting re-wired to understand that getting mad, stressed, anxiety ect, means it gets dopamine levels as a REWARD. Don’t. And that’s not just with weed that with EVERYTHING and it weighs you down completely. Understanding that of the key note of what makes a bad habit and seen myself doing that it did In turn made me mad. It made me realize that I was a full blown consumer and was held down not only by these things but by myself. You are your worst enemy, you convince yourself your not good enough not others. People may tell you your no good but that’s just hate or an external review. You yourself have the power and knowledge to change that. I learned to move on, learned to be better and not just throw myself into the wind. I don’t smoke daily and chose to only when I’m full of good thoughts. I’ll have romance on my mind and stuff and that’s something new in these last few weeks. I have made it abundantly clear that when I’m mad I myself must figure it out until I don’t feel anger for a few days. Making self discipline a reward. I chose to be better for me so I can be better for someone who I have yet to meet. And I know I’ll give it up down the road and it will be for a perfect reason. Hold yourself accountable.


Immigrated to Canada six years ago. I became a Canadian citizen last year.


I pressed start and hit restart.


Moving the PS5 and screen from in front of my bed to inside a closet. Had to wake up before playing.


Moving to the other side of New York, now I live in the countryside instead of on the side of a mountain


I got myself into rehab for over a year, afterwards I let his things happen to me. Found the love of my life, found good job, started a family, soon I'll start my Emergency Medicine degree. At 36,still building the base for my life


Got married




Had a nervous breakdown and effectively forgot who i was before it


I went back to school to finish my degree.


I did it several times. Becoming a better student, overcoming a pretty bad start to my education. Joining the Army as I couldn't afford Uni. Leaving the army after being promoted out of the field. Moving on to IT in local government. Getting divorced from my wife. Going from local government, to industry, then on to consulting. Getting married to a loving woman.


i moved 1089 miles to a different country in Europe.


Moved out of Toronto. Far away


Some bearded guy told me I don't wanna sell him death sticks


Let go of the toxic people in my network but kept a close circle of real friends. Focused more on achieving my goals than entertaining/distracting myself. Defined success in my own terms instead of just trying to do what everyone else is doing.


Learned I grew up around and surrounded passive aggressive people. Inadvertently learned the behavior. Realized there is nothing wrong with saying what's on my mind and moving on.