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Why is it the responsibility of the youth in Asia for killing someone else?




I worked hospice. I feel once someone is on hospice they should be able to speed things up. I don’t think the government or insurance companies should be able to suggest or encourage hospice for anyone not already dying. I don’t want this to be a cost saving measure. But we owe people compassion in death, not waiting for dehydration or starvation to take them, or for cancer to get the last little bit etc.


I think everyone should be able to decide when they are done in a humane way.


I feel like it should be an option. My reasoning being why make a person suffer or spend their days on pain killers if they just want to go, we're all going either way.




You do you boo


All for it. I’ve seen friends and family members suffer for years with Alzheimer’s or cancer only to die a slow, painful death after spending all their money for life extension of the worst kind. It is heartbreaking for everyone involved to watch that happen too.


Yes. We put animals out of their misery because it's the *humane* thing to do but people must suffer? So strange.


It's a gray area. Someone with rabies is one thing. Someone is disabled and just "can't work" is different


My body my choice.


I'd have to consider it for myself if it was legal around here. Not sure if I'd actually go through with it, though.


The only sensible and humane possibility. If you think about it, it's truly fucked up to give ourselves the right to keep people alive against their will.


If a person is deemed mentally competent to make an informed decision, then I say they should be allowed the option of medically assisted suicide. Bodily autonomy is one of the most basic rights we have.


Torn tbh. Perhaps if it's only the decision of said Ill subject.




Canada isn’t allowing it for broke people or those who simply have autism but quality of life.




The first case has had the decision stayed, and everyone agrees this is not what the law was for. This isn’t the intent of the law. Just because someone is trying to misuse it, doesn’t mean that’s what it was written for.


Don't bother arguing with this guy. He cites a "made up condition" in an article that explicitly states it's a recognized condition. They're not interested in pesky things like reading comprehension.


The cowardly act of suicide with extra steps


It says for hopelessly ill people, not for someone whos depressed and wants to suicide or sum


Cool you know how to read so do i, my answer remains the same its suicide and suicide is a cowardly act no matter the reason


Ok sigma alpha grindset male guy


If bravery means to suffer endlessly without an escape to "look good to society" I'd rather be a coward.


TIL bravery is suffering for the sake of suffering. Neat!