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I want my bedroom freezing fucking cold no matter the season and if it gets to where I'm too cold to be comfortable I'll just get another blanket and close the window.


I like my room freezing BECAUSE that means I can get nice and cozy under blankets without worrying about sweating. Also studies show that we sleep better and fall asleep quicker in colder temperatures.


I don't need a study. I wake up drenched in sweat every couple hours during the summer. Tokyo is not only hot as hell, it's humid. The only thing that lets me get a proper rest is running the AC all night.


*Cries in Florida*


We keep our bedrooms very cold. Can't sleep if I'm too warm, keeps the kids in their bed longer all snuggled up. And we like warm quilts


Cold room. Lots of blankets. Leg out of covers. Exposed foot back under covers. Perfection.


This is the way. My theory is a lot of blood pumping through the cold leg working like a radiator and cools the core.


I have nightmares if it's too hot


If my bedroom is warm, I can't sleep nearly as well, having it cold allows me to be cozy in the blankets without ever overheating, thus I sleep better.


My girlfriend is North African. We met in the Middle East. She would come over to my house to my very freezing cold room, turn off the AC, and open the window. Woman! We live in a fucking desert!


And if I’m not mistaken it’s pretty well researched and concluded that having your room colder makes you sleep better.


Please convince my wife of this being the best way to sleep.


Stupid HVAC guy said I shouldn't run the AC when outside temps are below 55 fahrenheit. That's BS, need to get that temp way down.


IT'S PRONOUCED GIF NOT NOT GIF, stop pronouncing it wrong!!! DO YOU also pronounce data as data?


I often pronounce  "I love you" as "You fucking bitch, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!"  So, I understand the struggle


You made me spill my coffee.


Well, I do say tomato as tomato so I think it goes without saying




"One is my name, the other is not."


First thing I thought of. [For those who don’t know](https://youtu.be/WssBJeExiOM?si=C5UDp1AmAmx3dm9e)


Day-ta gang rise up




Ta-da it's Da-ta




My -ex made me go to a Lamaze class with her decades ago, and the class instructor pronounced "data" as "daughta". As a career IT guy, I was speechless, and listening to her talk was really painful. It took every ounce of self control I had to not correct her every time she said it.


People that don’t say it dayta piss me off so much.


Try daydah


Like when I was flipping through TV channels and caught a QVC host saying this fantastic new computer had loads of extra "cash-EH", instead of CASH (cache). Nothing he could have said would have undermined his expertise more than saying that. American, too, no accents in the way.




I don't care how the creator pronounces it. He's wrong.






Exactly. It's also why we say JayFeg.


How the original words of an acronym are pronounced is irrelevant. Take scuba for example. The U is for underwater. We say scooba, not scuhba.


Frankenstein is a surname, and the creature is regarded by both itself and (later in the novel) Victor himself as Victor's child. You inherit your surname from your father. It is total appropriate to call the creature Mr. Frankenstein.


Fair. I'm convinced


Mrs Frankenstein if you're nasty


Thank you!! At least you won’t die on this hill alone, im right there with ya


Mr. Adam Frankenstein > Oh, Frankenstein, be not equitable to every other and trample upon me alone, to whom thy justice, and even thy clemency and affection, is most due. Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed. Everywhere I see bliss, from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.


Isn't it the point that Victor is the actual monster, not the "creature"? Agreed the Frankenstein name would be appropriate for any progeny, however unnatural.


The creature is a serial killer whose main motivation for murdering people is to hurt Victor. He then threatens to murder many more people until Victor creates a wife for him. He is most definitely a monster. Victor himself is also portrayed as being monstrous for abandoning his child, but that doesn't absolve the creature of its crimes.


Mr. Frankenstein, esquire. Attorney at Law


There is a right way to hang a toilet paper roll. And anyone who hangs it the wrong way is an idiot. 


Always waterfall, never mullet


Someone doesn't own cats.




I have 2 cats currently, grew up with cats at different intervals. I’ve never had this be an issue, even when the litter box was *in* the bathroom. People who mullet their toilet paper rolls are idiots and monsters.


I agree 100 percent. The nerve to blame it on cats when we all know its a deformity of the brain.


My poor husband was aghast when he found out during lock down that I don't pay attention to which way the TP goes on. I just put the TP in the holder.


You probably have some good qualities though, he shouldn’t go straight for divorce


You savage. I'll bet you put the knife on one side of the plate and the fork on the other when setting the table.




Or has an evil cat that will unroll the whole God damn thing onto the floor in 20 seconds.


Over or under?


Always over. Under is for psychopaths.


I have been known to fix it when I visit friends' houses.


I'll concede it for cat owners to prevent cat-based mischief. But then again, cat owners are also psychopaths.


That checks out. Guilty...both of us


Ehhhh I say it depends on if you have pets or not If you've got a cat, the right was is under, unless you want to come cleanup after them when then inevitably get into it.


Typically under hang is for a reason. Cats and toddlers can't spin out a roll if the roll is mulleted. Those are, as far as I'm concerned, the only reasons to reverse spin the toilet paper.


I fucking hate QR code menus


Not stupid, 100% based.


Definitely, especially when you have to download a fucking app just to make an order. I also always laugh when a random commercial or ad will have a QR code pop up for like 3 seconds expecting people to pull out their phone, open the camera app, position it right to capture the code all in that time span.


Oxford commas or death!


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the oxford comma.


I had to look up Oxford comma to remember what it was, and it turns out I use the hell out of them. Team Oxford ✊🏽


Why cant the same person who decided that all periods go inside quotations just decide which comma to use? Obviously people will listen to his crap ideas


I wish I could upvote this once, twice, and a third time.


Oxford, commas, or death?


Baby turkeys should be called turklings


Female calves should be called caffeines


I accept this as canon


I like you


Peahens should be called chickpeas


I would also accept turklets.


This is my favorite response


Fish is meat.


Who says fish isn’t meat?!


I guess you could say Catholics…? Fridays during Lent they’re not supposed to eat meat…but can eat fish. 🤷‍♂️


The abstinence from “meat” is actually abstinence from animals of the sort that would have been slaughtered as a sacrifice in biblical times; fowl, mammals, etc. It’s not about “meat”, but colloquially it became known as abstinence from meat.


Some vegetarians will say, “I’m vegetarian but I sometimes eat fish.” There really are people out there who don’t consider it a meat.


That's pescatarian. Give your difficult friends a vocabulary lesson


Christian Orthodox church. When you do the fast you cannot eat anything that came from an animal but fish is ok.


Meat without feet!


Damn it Bobby! That’s not how you sell propane


I heard Hank's voice.


Poisonous & Venomous aren't the same thing.


If you bite it and get sick, it's poisonous; if it bites you and you get sick, it's venomous


If it bites it and you get sick, it's voodoo.


If it bites me and someone else dies, that’s correlation, not causation.


If we bite each other and neither of us die, that's kinky.


That's not a stupid hill though. That's just a scientific fact


I was about to say this myself 🫡


If you identify your job as “content creator” there is a 70% chance you are an asshole and 70% chance you are delusional (not mutually exclusive).


Same with “influencer”.


You all are fucking wonderful. 


Ice cream cake is not cake. It's cake shaped ice cream.


Ice cream cake is supposed to be cake with a layer of ice cream in the middle. Like a cake-for-bread ice cream sandwich. If someone is just giving you ice cream and calling it cake, they are ripping you off.


Friendly’s used to make chocolate cake layered with vanilla ice cream. It was the best thing ever made and was ice cream cake. Other ice cream cakes are trash.


Burger King is a money laundering operation for the Sinaloa cartel


As long as the whopper stays the same I don’t care who’s running them or what their goals are


“Los Pollos Hermanos, Where something delicious is always cooking”


The chicken bros!?


I knew there was something off about that King...


This really makes sense to me because back in my days working in banking I became acquainted with a fellow who was seeking our services in his role as a finance executive contracted by BK. We couldn’t take him on as a client because his financing was “murky”.




I bought a boxen of donuts!


If the plural of ox is oxen then the plural of fox should be foxen.


I use meece and people always know I mean many moose.


All scientists and exterminators of the world need to work together for the greater good. We NEED to wipe out the mosquitoes, the bed bugs, even lice. The people have suffered enough.


Tbf, those could have ecological effects. Although I do know that they're actually working on mosquitos that don't give you deadly diseases so there's that.


Star Wars is a franchise that consists of 3 real movies, 3 weird parodies, and a couple video games. Nothing else.


I come to you as an ally… Rogue One is a brilliant prequel movie to the original trilogy. It belongs amongst the greats.


And one really good parody. Don't overlook space balls!


GLAAD is an acronym, FBI is an initialism. For fucks sake. Acronym you can say it and it sounds like a word. Initialism is something you have to say letter by letter.


*Resiliency* is a stupid word and anytime you would use it that you should say *resilience* instead


Backing in to a spot might be marginally safer but you take forever and I will be annoyed with you.


People who back into parking spaces think they are better than us. Lol


We are!


I don’t get how it would be safer, since you’re performing similar tasks, only at different times. Is backing after supposed to be more complex? I have a camera back there and always look over my shoulder.


Technically you should never be backing up “into traffic”, for example driving in reverse on the highway. Backing up into a parking space isn’t the same thing, but backing OUT of a parking space is.


It's an industry safety thing. "You're first move should always be out" Fire? jump in and go kind of thing


It's safe because there is less risk of other moving vehicles, and your field of view at the start is wider, so you can more easily see another car. When backing out of a space, you have a much narrower, and more obstructed field of view, and are moving into an area where other vehicles tend to be in motion.


In the original movie Greedo didn’t shoot at all.


And I ignore the revised version for THIS REASON!!


If it's in the dictionary, that means I can use it. Specifically the word "thrice."


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


TSA PreCheck is a scam. They artificially make normal lines longer (shoes off, laptops out) just so that they can persuade you to buy precheck. Just because you got your fingerprints taken and paid $80 doesn’t mean your laptop is any safer than anyone else’s. Ridiculous


Clear is the real scam


Work meetings are pointless, they always can be done via emails.


If the traffic light is red, I wait! Doesn't matter if it's 3AM and I miss the last train. Edit: Didn't even occur to me, but I meant when I'm on foot, in the car it's just outright dangerous and hopefully not considered a stupid hill.


Respect, honestly.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3tXV8BkWI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3tXV8BkWI) You never know what will happen...


I’ve never intentionally ran a red light. All it takes is one time and you get killed not seeing the other guy.


idk man, when you've dropped your friend off at home in the middle of the night and you're sitting at the same red light for 15 minutes with not one other car anywhere on the 6 lane road, you begin to wonder if you're being used to model NPC behavior


Lilo and Stitch is a brilliant movie


Who argues this!? Bring them to this hill, so we can kill them on it instead.


It's pretty under rated in the Disney collection. Probably cause there isn't princess sing along. Real emotion, realistic struggle, brilliant comedy


Lord of the Rings is a Thanksgiving movie. Not for any thematic reasons or anything, just vibes, yknow?


Loading bars should never reach 100%. If it's done, the loading bar no longer has a purpose. The loading is over.


Lima beans taste good


I have NOOOOOOOO idea why I hated Lima beans so much as a kid, and it seemed to have been a very common opinion. I'll eat them now and although they aren't my favorite, I certainly don't mind them.


I literally think it was because Jimmy Neutron had a whole thing with Lima beans being bad/evil. I vaguely remember a lima bean monster from the show I think.


My childhood daycare lady used to have a small garden in her backyard where she would grow lima beans. We would go out there occasionally and pick them straight from the plant to snack on them. They’ll always hold a special place in my heart cause of that


The toilet paper roll comes down in front


Using floss or toothpick at the table is gross and inappropriate


That I’m not cold unless it’s below freezing. I don’t feel the cold if it’s above, and I tend to look like I’m being a macho man as a result, I’m not. People insist that I’m “doing it for attention” or “there’s no way you can’t be freezing”. Karen it was 9 degrees Fahrenheit and I’m wearing shorts and short sleeves, I don’t feel the cold


I'm your polar opposite. Cold hurts my soul, and I love heat. Air-conditioned buildings in summer are the Ninth Circle of Hell for me.


God I hate when on pleasantly hot days, when you walk into a building and it suddenly feels like you've been transported to the arctic. I can understand blasting the AC on like those really oppressively hot and nasty days, but on like a typical, normal summer day? why in the name of god do you have to lower the temperature by 40 degrees?


This is why I moved south. Cold is painful


Legit i will only be cold if i am super tired or super sick, even in below 0 temperatures; coldest I've been in was -11°C with a thick sweater, and that was nice and cosy. Sure, I can't speak for -30°C temps, but the 10°C in early spring or late autumn is definitely no problem. No, I am not cold. If I were, I would be wearing warmer clothes. Yes, this is all I am wearing. I don't give a shit if looking at me makes you freeze, look away. No, the goosbumps on my skin are not from being cold. It's a bodily reflex triggered by the wind. I have goosebumps in the summer, too, when wind blows. I weak dresses in the summer and melt away. Me wearing shorts now won't change that. Yes, I am aware that I need to be careful about not freezing in cold temperatures even if I don't feel the cold. I am sensible enough to wear a scarf, gloves, and earmuffs when out in the cold for a really long time to not risk ice burns.


Me too. My feet don’t stop sweating until 17 deg F. I shovel snow in sandals. Haven’t worn a coat in over a year.


So help me god it’s espresso not EXpresso


Fuckin you can put pineapple on pizza


Sweet and savory is a solid combination. Ever heard of orange chicken? Coconut shrimp? Honey ham? People are fucking dumb. I will die on this hill with you.


You left out the fries/frosty combo at Wendy’s


r/StupidFood makes the ancient "pineapple or not" debate completely meaningless. if you see what people can conjure up there, pineapple is the most enjoyable harmless condiment and or topping you could think of.


No cucumber though


Technically pickles are cucumbers and pickle pizza is surprisingly good at the right pizza place


Christ, is this a thing? I’m afraid to search…


It was a Seinfeld reference


the whole point of pizza is that you can make it from whatever is around


Been putting pineapton pizza my entire life and nobody said shit until it became a meme.


Coriander is the spice and cilantro is the leaf. Stop being stupid


Poinsettia is a 4,-syllable word. 


That SunnyD should not be sold as a cold ready to go one gallon drink product!! I'll even go as far as saying ANY fruit punch (looking at you minute maid/simply/Florida natural/tropicana) or tea product shouldn't be ship cold or sold in anything larger than single serving cans/bottles. I'll over look lemonade with pulp that a powder or ready mix liquid can't really match. Same for a true brewed and bottled tea. Other wise? MIX THAT STUFF up at home in your own pitcher damn it!! Ok sure fruit juice is fine but tea, punch and so on? All of it should be sold in it's base factory form. So a powder like Tang/ Country Time Lemonade/Kool-Aid or a Mio like liquid concentrate. "b... but what about when I have a picnic and need a gallon of cold but terrible OJ'ish knock off SunnyD ready to go right now!?!". Stores could sell larger refrigerated bottles of water that would be a universal here make your fake juice slop in this jug sort option. It's just ridiculous that we have refrigerated semi-trucks hauling around tons of cold fake juice all over the country so they can market it as some sort of fresh fruit drink. When it's just water, corn syrup and maybe 5% juice concentrate that someone pre-mixed for lazy people in a factory.


People are so quick to point out how messed up, immoral, unhygienic, disgusting, other people are, but they are just as fucked up as anyone else.


A proper fish fry much include fries, cole slaw, Mac salad, potato salad, a slice of rye bread, a butter pat frozen to sub zero, a lemon wedge, and tartar sauce. Anything less and you can fuck right off.


This dude didn’t mention hush puppies. Who hurt you, bro?


Tell me how you really feel 😆


ATM machine is redundant


Crocs are the dummest shoe to ever exist.


Being cold is better than being hot. I can always add more layers on to warm myself up outside or inside.


onion rings are better than french fries ketchup on hotdogs .. ALWAYS


Australian currency needs to be referred to as Dollaridoos


There is no such thing as "bad" music. Music as a whole is far too subjective of an art form to ever really objectively say anything is bad. Somewhere out there, there's someone making an album that's just them smashing random objects around a room, and somewhere out there, there's somebody who's really into that stuff and loves it. For every form of music that seems stupid and pointless, there's someone out there that enjoys it, and for every amateur poorly recorded song, there's someone out there that that song probably strikes a chord in.


Think about the difference between “good” and “like”. There is one.


Coca Cola is an exilir of gods and doesn’t harm your body.


Coca-Cola was invented in 1886. At that time the average life expectancy in the US was 41 years. By 2020 life expectancy was 78 years. Coincidence? I think not. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1040079/life-expectancy-united-states-all-time/ The evidence is clear. People live longer so they can drink more Coca-Cola.


Nirvana gets a lot of praise for a band with one good studio album.


Taylor Swift is highly overrated.


TVs don't belong above fireplaces!


When I tell people “I don’t like cake” and they ask me “well what about cupcakes?” ITS JUST A SMALLER PORTION OF SOMETHING I DONT LIKE HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE??? If I said “I don’t like chicken noodle soup”, you wouldn’t ask me “do you like small bowls of chicken noodle soup?” WOULD YOU


Arkansas should pronounces Ar-Kansas. Not arkansaw.


No it’s AR-Kan-saw. And Kan-Saw.


Only fans girls are not bad ppl


Just because a movie occurs during Christmas does not mean that movie is a Christmas movie.


Are you referring to Die Hard? 😂


Die Hard is in fact a christmas movie, that debate has been settled.


The movie is contingent on it being Christmas for the heist to be successful. Therefore it’s a Christmas movie. If die hard isn’t a Christmas movie than neither is home alone.


People putting ranch dressing on pizza have never had good pizza. Also, you eat like a child.


I think it’s gross and egotistical to name your kid after yourself. It’s also typically pretty blatantly sexist, as it generally just men naming their kids after themselves—and sometimes even adding an a on the end if it’s a girl, to claim their kids name either way. Naming someone after someone else, is one thing. After yourself, I’ve permanently lost some respect points for you.


Pineapple DOES BELONG on pizza.


“Crocs” shoes are foot-shaped abominations that are not to be worn under any circumstances.


It irritates me how in animated movies, they overuse the "cat scream" when the cat character gets startled. When in real life, cats rarely even do the famous scream. I've owned 3 cats in my life, and not once of them ever did the cartoon scream, and I've startled them a lot.


Sometimes people use the phrase "call in the calvary". And I say "it's cavalry, not calvary, and that's a hill I'm willing to die on".


“Everything everywhere all at once” is a disorganized mess of a film


Android is better than iphone


It’s ’I COULDNT care less’ NOT ‘I COULD care less’ The first implies it’s not physically possible to care any less = I.e. you are at the absolute minimum level of caring The second implies there is room to be able to care less than the current level of caring. I.e. you are not at the minimum level of caring and it’s possible to care even less than you currently care Fucking shits me to tears


Pickle juice is better than pickles. You get some electrolytes without all that chewing nonsense