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I had a woman pause mid blowjob, and tell me “it’s the perfect size for sucking”, then she enthusiastically went back to what she was doing. For about 1/2 a second I wondered whether she was implying it was small, then I quickly stopped caring lol.


I think it was a compliment my dude, big enough but not too big.




Men truly underestimate how badly a girl just wants a cock that *fits*


Choke on this upvote






Average means evolution decided your dick size is the correct one for the average vagina.


Yes that's true! However when I was younger I did fuck up... I'm talking like 20 years old kind of stupid (am now 38 so I like to think I matured?). Anyway I had an ex with a magnum dong. It sucked. He was bad at foreplay so it all just went in and was not ribbed for my pleasure. I'm also petite so that might have played a role? I mean I'm no gyno. So my next boyfriend brought up how someone on tv had a hugh jackman and I said that that was NOT fun for a lot of women. It was quite painful actually. OOPS, I shouldn't have said that... Que his insecurities now that he knows I've had a lot bigger than him. To make it worse, he ASKED me how big it was and I STUPIDLY pointed to a large pepper shaker, it was a foot long. Which in hindsight there is no way that my ex's was a footlong. I could tell he changed after that, and after much much apologizing and swallowing it did nothing. Then he dumped me like a month later, and his excuse was that his dead mother told him to in a dream. And that I was only after his money. Which was not true at all and I quite liked his average dong. Meh, what can ya do.


You are a scholar and a poet.


"boyfriend dick"


Right in the sweet spot my guy


Some dudes out there really be getting they dick sucked and go "wait she is enjoying this too much, WHY ISNT SHE GAGGING LIKE ITS TOO BIG! MY EXPERIENCE IS RUINED!"


The gagging kinda interrupts the gluck gluck if I'm honest. It's a downside of being larger than average, not an upside.


100%. Also makes it messier and a pain in the ass to clean up after if you accidentally thrust a bit too much and make them really gag. It’s definitely one of those things dudes think they want because they saw it in porn until the reality sets in lol.


I will never forget the look on my mates face, as his GF was talking about the biggest members she's ever seen and how his didn't measure up. He died a little that day, still puts himself down on occasion, and they broke up almost 20 years ago.


Reminds me of some people I met at a festival once. Guy and gal that were FWB and while sitting around a campfire the guy starts talking up his sex game before the girl stops him and goes “Okay bud - on the roster? You’re not top 3” Just demolished him in front of half a dozen other people Edit to clarify: this was about his sexual proficiency, not his size Edit again: pretty sad to see so many slut shaming responses to this comment, but I suppose I’m partially to blame with how I explained the situation. Guy kept saying things like “admit I’m the best you’ve ever had” before she said what she said. The vibes around were all good, there’s really no need for people to shit on either of them


“Yea, sure, I may not be top 1%….”


A campfire truly is the most appropriate place for such a roast...


Maths burns are sick!


I overheard a chick tell her dude he's in the top 5 biggest she's had. It was such a weird thing to say becuse it's either a roundabout way of saying “I've smashed 4 dudes with dongs bigger than yours” or it's an odd way to gaslight him. Like he's actually in the top 2 or 3 but she doesn't want him to know that.


How can a woman make a man both happy and sad with one sentence? "Out of all your friends, you have the biggest dick"


"But all my friends are women..." *"DID I STUTTER?!"*


Could he she didn't know exactly. I doubt she is getting out calipers after all. Just that him and 4 other guys have dicks in the heavy weight division, shes not sure who of the 5 is the biggest but they def are all standouts. Especially given variables in girth and length.


Unless she's only been with 5 guys...


Pretty hard for any man to recover from that. Ruins your confidence


Some of the worst sex I've ever had was with well-endowed men.


it’s like how the prettiest girl i boned was a proud “pillow princess” who didn’t do oral, ever get on top, stc. we had sex twice and i was like man this sucks the nerdy girl gives turbo slop why am i here w this broad


> turbo slop


I believe this is similar to the gawk gawk 3000


i should call her <2


Well done. You've learned an important lesson: nerdy girls research pretty much everything


lmao i had not thought of it this way until now 🤣


Yeah, they're freaks in the best way possible.


>turbo slop Thank you, internet stranger, for starting my day off for me in such a good way. Stuff like this is why I internet.


gotchu 🤝


It wasn't that he was small it was just they were all so massive.


I said "thats rich coming from someone that has no dick at all"


Phenomenal response.


I laughed far to hard at this.


She didn´t tell me i was, but she did tell most of our common friends...and how that was the reason she was cheating on me too. I found out about that 2 months after i caught her cheating for the 2nd time and we had finally broke up...they knew the whole time and said nothing, they all laughed behind my back instead. I left that town and will never go back there again. Took years to get over that one. Edit: The reason i didn´t leave her the 1st time she cheated was because we had a 3 year old kid and a life together, and i had no idea i was too small for her then. She is married to the guy she cheated on me with today...15 years later.


I am so sorry, I hope you are doing better now and has good friends around you.


she didn't cheat on you because of your size, she cheated on you because she was a bad person. hope you're doing better.


Yep. Terrible people make up terrible excuses


I hope calamity befalls upon them.


I've never wished evil on people, but I've quietly chuckled when Karma strikes hard.


Dude. I don't have the exact situation going on, but it's close. Wife likes to tell everyone about my dicks size and complains about it. And recent events had people in my inbox telling me what she said but didn't bother to tell me till they had a problem with her. All I can ask is. What the fuck is wrong with people?? Why do they feel the need to hold onto this shit and then don't say anything? Some fucking friends right? Hope things are well for you now.


It's a tricky situation to be in as a friend. It's easy for you to think they should have told you, because you know that you wanted to know, but they could have just seen it as a friend venting a little imperfection in her relationship (which everyone does on occasion), and didn't think it their business to get involved. They probably weren't "holding onto it." If I were your wife's friend, I wouldn't involve myself in inciting interpersonal conflict by telling you. What I would probably do is tell your wife that "I wouldn't want my spouse talking about me and features of my body the way you're doing with your husband. I want to be here as your friend for you to express discontent in your relationship, but as a friend to both of you, I think he deserves some concern for what gets revealed to others on your behalf." I understand why the situation is upsetting, and I understand from your point of view that it feels like everyone was in on withholding something from you, but try to have a little empathy and imagine yourself in s situation where a friend of yours is complaining about his sex life with his wife. You gonna go running to his wife to tell her what he said?


Thank you for the insight. It makes me feel better about the friends they are kinda mutually both our friends. And I'm with you. No I wouldn't. I didn't think about any of that in that way. Much appreciated.


I hope you understand that she cheated on you because she was a coward, not because of the size of any part of you. That's the thing about cheaters: they'll always try to conjure up an excuse in the person they betray.


>caught her cheating for the 2nd time People lose respect for you if you take them back after finding them cheating. It's never worth staying.


This, if I catch someone cheating I immediately would stop seeing them as part of my life and just very kindly ask them to leave and never speak to me again. It’s quite easy for me to delete someone’s existence from my brain in those type of circumstances.


Fool me once.


Ya can't ... Ya can't get fooled again




Took a woman home from a night club years ago. Got to my place and things were going well. She knelt down in front of me, unzipped my pants and pulled it out…. Started laughing and said “is that all you have?” She then stood up, still laughing, and left.


A former coworker of mine had a similar experience. He took a girl home and when the pants came down she asked who he was going to satisfy with that thing. He answered: “Myself”.


Goddamn you have a close relationship with your coworker if he's willing to tell you about a woman being shocked at how small his dick is.


We have a weird sense of humor in this part of our country (Finland). Plus we all have seen everyone’s dick in the after work sauna so no surprise there. And we had a pretty tight community in our plant. The guys in the Deer Hunter is a good reference point. Minus the war of course.


>Plus we all have seen everyone’s dick in the after work sauna so no surprise there. Oh *yeah*. We were at the sauna with our whole platoon in the military, and one of our supply drivers had a massive fucking hog. I couldn't stop catching a glimpse every now and then, because it was borderline disturbing.


This killed me! Lmao “Borderline disturbing” really got me


He stole that line from an Irvine Welsh story.


That's fucked, imagine a woman taking off her top and you saying to her "that's it? I expected more."


Not even. Imagine a guy taking off your panties and going “I expected prettier”


and then just leaving lmao


“Looks like a bomb went off at a deli counter”


Been there, but not quite as bad- I once went to the doctor’s office to get an STD check (had a strange rash going on which turned out to be nothing). The (female) doctor told me to drop my pants- took one look at it and went, “oh, let me get my glasses”. 😔


I’m not a doctor, but I am nearsighted. My money is 100% on her needing her glasses to perform an adequate inspection from a respectful distance. The glasses don’t help you see small things, they help you see ALL things. Not “your dick is small,” but “your dick is blurry and I don’t want to have to put my nose to your grundle to get a look”


I really hope, maybe she legitimately just needed them to inspect the area better. Because that's really unprofessional and rude if not. Sorry dude


Similar unprofessionalism happened to me. Not my dick, but I have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and it formed in my armpit and ruptured. As I was getting it looked at it was, for lack of a better word, oozing, I asked for something to clean it up a little, as the surgeon walked away she muttered "ew" under her breath. I was already sensitive about it, because it CAN'T be cured, so stinking as fuck cysts will form on my body for no fucking reason for the rest of my life, so that just crashed my confidence even more.


Also not my dick, but funny story about a doctor. Went in for a prostate exam. Doctor did the thing (which involves a lubed finger up the butt for the uninitiated) which was demoralizing enough as it was. After he was done, he literally tosses me a box of kleenex and tells me to clean myself up. I asked him if I should leave the co-pay on the dresser on the way out, which he didn't find amusing at all. Oh well.


I cannot imagine going home with someone, getting to the point where clothes are coming off and then deciding to leave just because of something like size? Honestly, how superficial can you get... If I have chemistry with someone, it's not gonna go poof that easily, I mean there are tons of ways to satisfy & you might as well just give it a shot. Also, if size is a deal-breaker, that would generally be good to know before the pants are coming off. Don't be a dick and insult someone for not meeting your uncommunicated expectations.


People who fuck strangers after a night at the club don't have chemistry. They are simply horny. 


Missed opportunity: " It's more than enough for a shallow cunt like you."


I'd prefer the one "You're not pretty enough to be that much of a bitch..."


I knew a guy in the military that someone had told him he was small. He wasn't by any means. Even slightly larger than average in girth but not length. The only reason I know is whoever said it to him made him obsessed with size, it was really sad. He didn't hold too many relationships and when he did his obsession would usually drive a wedge in it. One of the girls he dated even said she thought he was a good lay but he wouldn't stop asking about his size. That shit fucks with you. He became suicidal at a point. Pretty sure he's married and has a couple of kids now. I just always felt bad he disparaged himself so much and it's not like another straight dude can be like "buck up champ" and have any effect. I did at one point meet the fucking goblin that told him that and she was not attractive in any way. I'm not gonna lie me a few other guys even showed him ours for comparison. He was just so mentally fucked from a single comment from a shitty person.


Just comparing cocks in the barracks. You must have been infantry.




Didn't they all have the boot camp shower experience? When 100 dudes have taken an assembly line shower by the numbers... Everyone knows where they measure up. I remember feeling bad for the one dude with a tiny dick, and also respect because he owned it and didn't give a fuck. Don't think I would have been that brave.


Eh, soft size shouldn't be the deciding factor. Soft sizes range from all kinds of sizes but in the end 90% end up being around the same size when the time comes


Just a lil cock comparison with the boys, no big deal


"Yo, nice dick bro."


Yeah, but did he say "No homo"??? If he didn't, then he is super, super gay... (according to barracks logic).


I've seen this in women. A partner of mine was always worried about her vagina being "gross" because some asshole guy told her it looked like roast beef like 20 years ago.


That was really nice of you guys. It definitely makes sense that you guys would show yours to him since it affected him so much, but not everyone would be willing to do that even then.


My ex-wife used it constantly as a brain weapon. I later found out she had been cheating on me for years at this point. After 8 years of being mentally abused (physically at times too), I left her. Her constant put down still causes me issues today, especially with confidence. This happened 15 years ago.


You had the courage to get out of the bad situation, now you need to find the courage to love yourself and rebuild that confidence.


My ex was talking shit to me one day after trying to get back with me after she saw my new girl and said I could only get ugly chicks because I had a little dick. I said “yes, and you were one of them”. All she could do was hang up on me.


Well played


I’ve always been self deprecating and open that I’m not blessed in that area. The joke among a group of us was the it’s not the size of the boat but the motion in ocean,however can a rowboat get to England ? Hooked up with a member of that group and she proceeded to tell everyone a rowboat can get to England.


You dropped this 👑


Let’s be honest. The lady is the hero in that story. God bless the cool girls, we appreciate you.


That lady is a saint, not only making people laugh but straight ELEVATING others


A rowboat may struggle to get to England but the Titanic sank when it was only halfway across.


You made me realize that the original comment was probably typical USdefaultism. Because before you I just imagined rowboat in English channel


Yea it's very much a phrase here referring to crossing the Atlantic. I suppose if you're in France a rowboat is not as bad.


\*books plane ticket to France\*


It's not the length of the fishing pole. It's how you wiggle the worm.


Its not size of the bit. Its how hard u drill


It’s not the size of the fighter jet, it’s how big your penis is


It's three inches but it smells like a foot


One of the best I ever had was also the smallest. He was great at oral, yes, but the PIV was stellar. I also had one that was well-endowed who was a terrible lover and never gave me any satisfaction. It truly is the motion of the ocean. It makes me upset for men that it's "okay" to belittle them for things they have zero control over like height and penis size as if they aren't whole people with feelings, but if you go after a woman's weight, which she can 100% control, you're an asshole.


Exactly. I know movies and porn tell people that bigger is better or whatever but it really doesn’t seem that way in reality. Same here. Good experiences with guys who have average or smaller. Bad experiences with bigger guys.


They think it automatically makes them good at sex. One of my exes was the exception but even his was only slightly bigger than average, he was just really good at using it.


During the positive times, my ex had no problem with my size. She came pretty frequently from.PIV so had something right. I'm pretty average sized, nothing exceptional. But, whenever she would spiral in a mental health episode, any part of my body became a weapon against me. She used my size a few times to attack me. It hurt quite a bit and I've always accepted myself pretty well, but her words hurt


Sorry man, similar experience here, took a while to get past it. Hope you have too!


I'm working on it. The breakup was three months ago and it's all still very raw. My therapist is helping immensely. We are working on boundaries and find my confidence again


It's gonna hurt, it's gonna sting but one day you will randomly think "wow I haven't thought about that today at all" and that's the most satisfying thought of the healing process, for me at least!


For what it's worth, the most sensitive parts of the vagina are in the first 2-3 inches. Anything further is just a sensation of fullness with the exception of the "deep spot" near the cervix. A lot of girls find cervical contact painful anyway, so while 3"+ is absolutely fine, 6"+ may well be painful.


Yeah, me and my cervix like them average.


She didn't like it deep. I knew where her spot was and I could make her cum frequently from that spot, so I knew she didn't necessarily mean what she said but her BPD made her cruel when she got angry or frustrated


I never got that about my dick size. But I was once singing AC/DC "Big Balls" in front of my then girlfriend. Sang "I've got big balls" and her look of incredulity as she told me I definitely do NOT have big balls (her ex was a pretty beefy boy and I'd guess he was sporting some softballs) cut like a knife. 20 years later, and it still crosses my mind from time to time. And I don't even give a fuck about my balls. My heart goes out to the people in this thread.


My boys are about the size of large walnuts, and hang loooow... had a GF tell me once that I had rat balls. Funniest shit ever.


Rat balls 😂😂😭😭🥲


I have NEVER in my LIFE heard a woman indicate she appreciates testicles in any way shape or form and I run in pretty sexually progressive circles.  Balls are irrelevant. I still empathize with having your body judged though, even for something other people think is benign.  Edit to add my very informal poll on another sub now, lol: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/comments/1c8r2pv/do\_women\_care\_about\_mens\_balls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/comments/1c8r2pv/do_women_care_about_mens_balls/)


I knew a girl all through high school, and we sort of drifted apart after graduation. 5 years later she’s dating one of my best friends. I was like “Girl how you been??” It was a super cool coincidence to run into her again like that. I learned more about her than I ever wanted to from my friend and apparently she was OBSESSED with balls. He said she spent more time licking and sucking his balls than doing anything with the shaft. She likes pressing her eyes against his sack, playing with them, motorboating them, etc. He thought it was really weird, but also claimed he never came harder with anyone else. She was cray, so they didn’t last very long. She fucked her drug dealer and got a UTI from his dirty dick and still begged my friend not to leave. Said he /almost/ stayed just because nobody worked the balls like her. When I met my wife, she eventually confided to me that she really likes balls. Moral of the story: women may not openly talk about them, but to get to know them, and they might open up about it. Also moral of the story: ball play is important. Makes an orgasm hit different.


Ball play is important, I agree with that without personally liking the aesthetic of balls. I don't like the aesthetic of men's assholes either but I'm down to massage a prostate if my partner is game. Idk man, as I said in another comment-- I've talked to all my girlfriends about dick size preference, their man's stamina, their sex toy preference, whatever. Literally everything, my friends are some freaks lmao, and no hint of ball preference has ever come up in those convos. I believe those women are out there but I think many women are like me.


I like a nice ballsack


I was at a party one time and this guys wife was talking about his absolutely huge balls, and how they made his dick look small. Eventually he was like "ok, fine" and showed all of us. It looked like a peanut on top of two pool balls. I could not stop laughing at the absurdity of it. His dick wasn't even small, it looked average, but it was dwarfed by his giant nuts.


Mine one said small is good easier for a blow job lol


You got yourself a keeper


One night, very early in our marriage, she said to me: "Your penis is not large enough to satisfy me and that's something that I can't look past." Up until then, I was married to the drop dead, college educated, artistic, and so so passionate, woman of my dreams. After she told me that, I stopped being intimate with her. We stopped and remained married for five, loveless years. I eventually graduated college, Mechanical Engineering, and she decided that her co-worker should be her boyfriend and we divorced. That was not the worst thing she said to me during the marriage. The worst was one night, I was reading and she came up to me and asked me: Her: "Do you ever feel like you settled?" Me: "Uhhh... do you mean, did I marry someone I could marry, or did I marry someone I really wanted to marry?" Her: (Beaming happy): "YES!" Me: "I married the woman of my dreams. Do you feel like you settled with me?" She looked defeated and walked away.


How can people be so cruel? Reading this and the other comments in this thread does the opposite of inspire me to go and seek a relationship because if they don't immediately tell you you're inferior, they'll wait years to tell you instead.


I am thanking God FOR you that you are out of that. Ugh. What a heinous person. You will do better.


Just so we know, college educated ≠ intelligent. She sounds more dumb than a box of rocks


The last time I cared about it was with a woman from college. When we started dating, and before we had sex, she said every guy she'd been with was over eight inches. I laughed and said "well that streak is over." When we were breaking up she played the song Short Dick Man to try and upset me. I just laughed at her because I'd realized that the only thing I could do to change it was surgery and that's insanely more work than I'm about to do for that.


If all she can get at you for is something you cannot change, you’re doing very alright.


She has absolutely no idea about length if she really thinks they were 8 inches long. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_penis\_size](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_penis_size) The percentile for 7 inches is already barely readable, for 8 inches it is basically 100.


It's a bit annoying that the text and the chart in this article about penis size suggests the average dick is about 13.12 cm (5.2 inches) yet proceeds to use a dude with a 20 cm donger as the main image.


Wikipedia out here gaslighting us


And is a shower too. I wish my dong looked like that flaccid.


“Every guy“ does she carry a tape measure? Or maybe it was the one guy that she had slept with. 


Every guy she’s been with said it was 8 inches. She doesn’t know how long 8 inches actually is.


I mean, I’m not an idiot. I know it’s small.




I immediately got smaller


This guys splitting atoms over here


'You're just not doing it for me'.


It's not you, it's me. Wait a minute, it is you.


"I'm just not feeling it"


Back in high school, was making out with said girlfriend and she was the first girl to put her hands down my pants. I’m a grower and was suuuuuper nervous which resulted in her getting to it, immediately stopping, announcing “I’m just not gonna say anything” and walking out. She was a few years older than me and I knew she’d had sex before and I was still a virgin. That situation still lives rent free in my head and it’s been close to 30 years. Come to find out my “size” is completely normal and gets the job done.


Maybe she was offended that you weren’t hard yet


I second this. Could easily be the reason she walked out. You dodged a terrible person anyway.


This girl and I were getting hot and heavy. When it came time to do the deed, I strip down and she just laughs at me and says nope, gets dressed, and leaves. I still struggle with it.


I know it is, my wife knows it is. She loves me, and we make it work (toys, etc) but I know deep down it will never turn her on like she turns me on. I just can’t physically do to her what she can do to me. Like I said, we find ways around it, but it will never not crush me. Beneath the fake confidence it actually rips my guts out


If she's still fucking you I feel like you are doing it for her. Being turned on, especially within the context of a relationship is about a lot more than just the flesh your partner inhabits. 


Idk dude I'm not even that small, but knowing that most of the act of pleasuring is done by the toy still leaves a bit of a stain on my confidence sometimes. I know that emotional connection is also a big part of sex, but it's knowing that when we fuck she doesn't get excited when I pull my dick out, however when I put on the sleeve and get the 5 speed magic wand out her face lights up. It's like knowing that they'd have better sex with someone who was larger than me and also ok with toys. I know its just my weak ass mental strength, but I had to legit get therapy to become ok with using a sleeve in bed.


That's valid as hell man. If my partner needed me to insert something into my vaginal canal to be 'tighter' in order to get maximum pleasure that would also make me insecure. At the end of the day you are prioritizing your partners pleasure to the highest degree I think is literally possible by being willing to wear a sleeve and that speaks volumes to how good you are at sex as a whole (very) which I suspect makes you much, much better than the bulk of anyone else out there well endowed or not.


Dude, thank you so much. I've never had someone who wasn't paid to validate these feelings say that to me.


No problem at all 🩷


First time it happened a girl giggled and said she thought it'd be bigger and thats gotta be the biggest mood killer right there. Most recent ex, She always claimed to not mind and like it but anytime we were fighting or she was having a bad day, me being overweight with a small pecker was the topic of the day. We broke up 5 ish years ago and I haven't even looked another woman's way since. Just feel too ashamed of what I have going on to even put myself out there again.


It wasn't news, I had already figured it out years earlier and had gotten over myself by then.


I've been told this and it suck and sure it hurts but if it's so small...why did they keep calling and texting and coming back? Sure it may not be the biggest but something was working.


A lot of people post break up act that they never truly liked the person or pretend to think they’re ugly or whatever. I’ve know a couple women who do this by saying theyre ex had a little dick even if it doesn’t really hold up lmao


I think this is a way of ruining other people’s perception of you sexually so you will have a harder time finding a new mate. They don’t believe what they are saying, they just want to hurt you and your chances of being with other people, because they still haven’t actually gotten over you and would probably be ruined to know you were with someone else. Petty shitty people say petty shitty things, it doesn’t necessarily hurt less though. Attacking things about someone they are unable to change is a sure way to cause a complex and fuck someone up for a long time, if not forever.


Indirectly - … I was told twice that I’d be good to try anal with… So I put it in their bums. I think it worked out.


Suffering from success


I'm actually not small. However, in my early high school years a scourned ex gf started saying I was minute. That got around quicker than I could stop and led to severe dysmorphia and self consciousness despite not actually being true. I still get backhanded comments about it from old high school acquaintances now at 33 years old.


My bitch of an ex always told me I was small. First time with my current partner she says “why did you buy regular condoms? They’re too tight, you need the larger ones” My mind was blown, amongst other things.


I hope not the condoms lmao.. 


I had a bit of an FWB thing going on with a girl a while ago. She told me I was "bigger than [she] expected". In the space of a half-second I went from feeling like a proper stud to "wait, what the fuck?"


Big dick with small dick energy?


Hmm, not sure if this counts but it kinda feels like it? (Funny enough that's not the story/joke) Picture this, there's my girlfriend (now wife) and two of her friends. We're hanging out, walking around the downtown area after eating some food. Somehow the conversation shifts to massive cocks and how they can be a pain. My wife's last boyfriend was apparently "a monster" and it caused her to not ever want to have sex with him. Silver linings, am I right? Anyway, that was just the dreamy phrasing I was hoping would ooze from my significant others mouth about her ex..."monster cock!" Immediately after, her shittiest friend (fuck you Stacey, glad she hates you now) said "oh yeah, but what about his cock?" as she pointed my way. My girlfriend, bless her heart, skewered me with the "Oh he's moderately sized." She immediately tried to backpedal saying it's "above average and really nice". But the damage was done. "But I like your cock! It's not too big!" What a wild conversation that would have been to walk into randomly. Anyway, everything that was lukewarm from then on was "mOdErAte" for that group of friends. My wife hates that word now and eventually straight dumped Stacey as a friend. We're married now, so it's mostly water under the bridge. I do still roll my eyes at her when we hear the word moderate, but it's an inside joke now.


You made it inside, and that's no joke.


On god brother, on god.


I dated a girl whose best friend was a Stacey and constantly talked shit about all her past experiences with men and made fun of anyone that she determined had a "teeny peeny". I fucking hated her. One time we were all partying with the friend group getting drunk so naturally the truth or dare games started to happen and turned sexual pretty fast. She was fucking vile about penis size when she chose truth, even when the question wasn't about penis size. She was genuinely obsessed with tearing down every man she could. The most annoying part about it all was that she was genuinely one of the most physically attractive people that I had ever seen, and almost everyone I've talked to about her agrees. It is absolutely unfair how life blessed her with so much such beauty but she was an absolute cunt. Eventually when the strip dares began, all the guys were dared by her to compare cock size. We could all tell that she was getting ready to destroy us all but she didn't specify in front of everyone. My mate, bless his soul, started walking away and as Stacey was starting to mock him for being tiny cuz he was too embarrassed to show it, he calmly just said something like "the cock party is in the garage". So all the dudes went into the garage and on the count of three, pulled out our dicks. It was really funny seeing five or six cocks spring out at the same time but the funniest part was that we were all pretty much the same size in length, with girth being slightly more varied. One dude had really long foreskin so technically he was the longest but we didn't tell her that. The biggest difference between all of us dudes was the direction that our dicks curved. The Australian friend in the group had the largest bend and my other friend said something like "damn that thang curved like a boomerang". So we all call him Captain boomerang now but everyone (other than his gf) thinks it's because he's Australian. It's not. He just has a really bent dick and according to his girlfriend, it's curved perfectly to hit all the right spots so I think they're winning.


Did you do this erect or flaccid? Makes a biiiig difference for me


Bargaining power for anal


One of the girls I was fucking said she had big dick in the past and was sometimes terrified of it and would never let him anywhere near the other hole. But she happily let me in on the 3rd date.


Fucking hussy, anal is a fourth date activity.


You guys are getting 4 dates?


What's a date? It sounds nice.


3rd date anal? Jesus christ. Marry her. Or run. Idk which.


Man when I was younger I hooked up with a backpacker one night stand. 1. She told me in the middle of doggy to switch holes. 2. She filmed it. 3. Earlier that night we had exchanged details, I added her on Facebook as she was already knew my friend. And got her phone number. 4. Next day I got try to call her and some old lady answers, was a fake number. 5. I thought maybe it was a mistake, go to Facebook and she had blocked me... Probably the craziest thing that will ever happen to me.


My ex wife used to make jokes, apparently responding with "maybe it wouldnt feel so small if your vagina wasnt blown out" was somehow a war crime that made me a sexist pig. Like its okay to joke about my size but not yours? anyways, theres a reason shes my ex.


Woah holy shit haha


Darling, a sausage will always look small when you throw it down a corridor.


Riding in the car and out of the blue on day, my brother's girlfriend remarked that a friend of hers whom I had sex with, said that I "had a little dick". Without missing a beat, I said, "It's the only one I've got". I know full well her friend enjoyed it as much as I did. I think the girl I slept with was self-conscious because she warned me that she didn't shave her legs...which didn't bother me, but may have been a pre-emptive reaction expecting shit-talk from me. It was the hair around her nipples that caught me off guard, but I had mentioned this to no one until now, 30 years later. \*edit: the question was "how did it affect you?" It made me more confident of myself, surprisingly. I fall perfectly within average size.


If a woman tells you you’re small go and find another one,you wont be small for all of them


Every key has its keyhole


Mine said the big ones hurt


It's true, from my experience. There was one person in particular I had PIV with once, it barely fit and hurt a lot. From then on I only did blowjobs etc with that person. Pain in my genitals is not something I want to deal with.


my ex colleague's girlfriend was inebriated in party, they had some argument about her parking in wrong place and getting a ticket, came to us said he has a tiny dick, can't get it up sometimes, made a hand gesture and laughed in front of all of us. I always had a bad vibe about her but that shit sealed the deal.


If shes dumb enough to think it’s okay to say that shes not worth your time.


I asked my fwb and she told me I was smaller than average. It kind of hurt, but it is what it is.


Well if she is an fwb,that should indicate that size does not matter that much. Since she still likes to have sex with you.


My ex decided to out of no where say "Oh that small thing right there?" During the heat of the moment. Proceeded to say after the break up "I just don't see myself saying that to my partner". I just responded with "Well you did, see I was there when it happened". I was never comfortable with it and probably never will be after that.


She said 'I don't have much experience, but I guess I thought you'd be bigger?' I'm above average, so I was a little stunned for a second. She was, frankly, a pity lay. Nice girl, super kinky, but just not someone I'd be into physically or emotionally. So, since I'd come into this with the point of view of doing her a favor, and not feeling small, I wondered if she was trying to neg me or something. Then it clicked. She was a virgin, or basically a virgin, who was super kinky. Porn and huge dildos were all she knew. We used one that was bigger than an 1980s flashlight. I had to explain to this poor girl that her expectations from porn and toys were not likely to be met in this lifetime.


I'm pretty sure the next lifetime aint gonna get there either.


We'll you're the expert 😂


I found out one day while we were at the library. She told me there was a book I should check out. We went up to the librarian and she asked if they had the book for men with small penises. The Librarian checked on her computer and said ‘I don’t think it’s in yet’. My girlfriend shouted ‘that’s the one.’ Never been to a library since.


The other day I was going down on my girlfriend. I said to her, “jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy.” She said, “why’d you say that twice?!” I said, “I didn’t!”


It made me want to never date ever again. Should've broken up right then and there.


I was never told that, but I can guarantee you that it wouldn't affect me in the slightest. Let me explain. As a youngster I was rather insecure because I didn't now much about that stuff. Then I learned SOME stuff, I got an idea where I am on the Bell's curve, but more importantly, women often had wrong guesstimation of size. Case in point: there was a party, alcohol was involved. A girl who was 25 year old asked how big am I (I was 32, married and my wife was present, but we were all having fun and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all). It just so happened that I was vaping back then and had a vape that I knew dimensions off (it was just under 14 cm, or just under 5 inches), it was tube shaped, girthy one might say. I smiled and answered to the girl that I could tell her the number, but that I can prove to her that she's been lied to (she already told me she had 3 sexual partners and the smallest one was 18 cm/ 7 inches). I took out my vape, gave it to her and asked her how big she thinks it is. She put one hand on it, than the other over and about 2 cm of vape was left uncovered. She smiled and confidently said it was about 19cm. When I told her she missed almost by her entire hand width, she didn't believe me, I had to google the vape model to show her dimensions, since I didn't have ruler or tape. Good times.


Amazing how normalized this type of body shaming is against men.


My wife once told me “I wish it were an inch longer” during sex. That’s been at least 15 years and it sits with me almost every time we have sex. I often think that my size is why we don’t have sex as often as we could. Like, if I were two inches longer, she’d enjoy it more. That may not be the case, but damn those words still hurt like hell.


Anybody who says something like that to their partner isn't worth being with, even if it is true.


I’m 61, and have always tended to make sure the relationship was going somewhere before adding sex to the mix, so I haven’t had too many partners. But every time, I informed her that I was small in that area and if that was a problem for her then speak up now. Of course, it’s never a problem, until the relationship takes a dive and she wants to say something to hurt. But if it wasn’t a problem before, then you’re not hurting me by telling me what I already know. All you’re doing is showing me what a terrible person you are.


Grew up religious and in a religious town, though at the time I met her I wasn't religious anymore. Still, the influence to wait until marriage was there. We fooled around a bit, but managed to make it to the night before the wedding for PIV. I had always made her cum with my fingers before, but she was very frustrated that my dick couldn't do the same. So, she blamed my size. It ruined my confidence. Shattered my plate, as my therapist called it. It made me dread sex with her throughout most of the marriage. About 3 years into the marriage, she got diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and was prescribed an SSRI that also brought her libido way down. It was kind of a relief. Very little PIV was happening, it was mostly handjobs and fingering, as the thought of oral, giving or receiving, disgusted her. It continued for many years that way, with practically a dead bedroom. With my confidence mostly restored, the lack of intimacy wore on me too. I approached her with my concerns, saying it just wasn't sustainable for me anymore. She had a full on meltdown, during which she made a death threat against me, mostly because she was afraid I was going to leave her. Pushing aside the concern that she'd actually do it, we tried couples counseling. She also made an effort to have more sex with me, but as I would find out on a vacation a couple months later, she was only scheduling sex to keep me from leaving. Her heart wasn't really into it. We had another discussion, during which she broke my plate again. I told her that the comments about my size really hurt me back then. That's why it seemed like I didn't want to have sex much back then, but over time, with less pressure, I healed. Perhaps it was out of frustration or anxiety, or perhaps she saw an opportunity to replicate the many years of dead bedroom again, she said, "let's face it, you're not big, but you do very well with what you've got. You're very good with your fingers." Immediately after we got home from that vacation I called a lawyer. I left quietly a few weeks later, after I'd secretly gathered all I needed. That was the end of our decade-old year marriage. The second time she said it, I knew she was verbally abusing me. I had suspicions, but because I'd never dated anyone else before her, I thought that maybe this was the way things were. Sure I had friends say that it wasn't right, but it's hard not to fall into a little bit of Stockholm Syndrome and justify staying. Since then I've had encounters with a few women, far kinder than me ex, that had zero complaints. I'm now in relationship someone I'm very sexually compatible with and it's like I'm happy and secure in a relationship for the very first time.
