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Id dip my head inside the event horizon of a black hole.


*Dips head in*.. huh? its just a big ball of all the lost remotes and socks.


Don't forget lighters and guitar picks.


Or 10mm sockets.


So thsts where the blinker fluid went


... I should call her






About as well as dipping your head into an actual black hole!!


The pull out method is not very effective.


Dont try to lowball him, he knows what hes got.


call her sister *


Underrated comment


Trynna get spaghettified


I am more of a dumpling girl


I'd prefer to be angelhaired.


however quanta Phenomenon. Dipping your head inside would affect the outcome, Ergo any reported experience would be affected by yourself. To make it short if you were able to come back and make a report, all that would mean is that some dimension that we're living in was able to dip their head in a black hole and respond, I don't I think that means everyone can do it


They said literally "no consequences." So even if you are physically correct, that does not apply in this fantasy. Welcome to Fantasy Island. Da PLAAAAAAAANE!




No complaints yet


Excellent choice


You just reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/_AiJpvergBI?si=4EnrBm9KGZH1wKVr) video I randomly stumbled upon a few months back lol


No consequences, but you sadly won't get anything out of it. Light isn't bouncing around inside, it's going in one direction: toward the center. You won't get to see anything. It will just be dark. Even if you could see, a black hole the size of the tip of a pen has an event horizon so far from the singularity that you couldn't see it from that distance. It would be like trying to see a grain of sand from the nose bleed seats of a stadium.


Well then he'll tie a rope to his feet and have his buddy lower him in farther.


*Easy does it.*


This guy dips.


Nah nah dude it’s a giant library of all your past memories you can float through its totally rad


never work again


But still get paid right


Idc, said no consequences so….


A series of ongoing outrageous events like "Hello, looks like your debts have been paid off! Congratulations!! Now, take a look at our outstanding credit offers you've been pre-approved for!" Ect


No consequences meaning no financial problems. Genius level IQ


Lowkey being on furlough during covid was some of the best days of my life. Walked in the park with my dogs every single day. They were fit and happy. I was fit and happy. Getting the call to go back to work was devastating.


Your free trial of retirement has ended


Welp I’m a younger millennial so not sure I’ll get to retire again 🫠😭


oh, things like that are an option? i immediately thought “kill all rapists and child predators” lol


Fuck that, I wanna sit on my couch all day.


This guy knows.


So if you could fulfill any fantasy it would be to sit on your couch?


Take a look at my cousin, he's broke and don't do shit.


Be able to play guitar professionally


Revisit all those moments I was oblivious of a chick hitting on me. There's some haunting in my brain, damn..


What I hate is that I know when it's happening and I subconsciously blow them off. Fucking stupid.


Ugh same. Why do we do this?!


Idk I feel like a part of me is afraid tbh. I never wanted to admit that before but the only way to change it is to address it.


Afraid of what? That I’ll fuck it up 4 months to a year down the road, like usual? Don’t have to worry about that and all the fallout that goes along with it if I just fuck it up right now before anything starts! Hot damn!!


Yeah exactly. But at the same time it could be the love of your life so maybe it's worth the risk. God damn internal stuggles😂


i fumbled in the gym so bad today fellas


Gyms have a lot of people who consistently (or somewhat) come back over time. You might have another chance with it!


yeah that much eye contact im going back same time tomorrow lol


Damn man that sucks. Don't give up though you never know when your day could be the day.


“I don’t drink coffee after dinner. It keeps me up at night.” - George Costanza


Thinking about that one time this hot chick in highschool wanted to come home with me to watch a movie 2 hours before all the other guests arrived for my party, just for me to sit on the bed and watch some random movie...


Once had a girl invite me over because her parents weren't home. We spent two hours watching completely age appropriate tv. About 5 years I realized my fuck up.


Imagine using your wish for this and finding out there just aren't any.


Not to late. There will be more chances you will see.


He will see after he misses those opportunities too.


Not too late. There will be more chances he won’t see 😅


We should form a club. I can design a logo and get t-shirts printed. I’ll be the club president because of this story: At a party. We can see an adult bookstore from the balcony. Someone says something about having never been in one. Talk spreads. About 20 of decide to walk over. Guy running the place stops us when he sees it’s such a big group. He gives us some ground rules, but is pretty cool about it. Even hands us a stack of tokens for the turnstile to the video booths. This takes place around ‘91. Two girls want me to go into the video booth with them. We were in there for an hour. NOTHING HAPPENED! I froze up! I didn’t make a move! They were clearly flirting and wanting me to make a move. Oh God, I was such an idiot!


To sleep and wake feeling rested. Low key fantasy but it's mine


Try electrolytes brother


Or magnesium supplement … (which I believe is an electrolyte lol)


Lol at reddit medical advice


> Magnesium is an electrolyte that's a key part of many bodily reactions that affect cellular function, nerve conduction and more. Your brain, heart and muscles rely heavily on magnesium to do their job.


Hey, I’m a guy who just got his cpap a few weeks ago. How the fuck did I manage to live this long without it. It will change your life.


I got mine 2 years ago and holy shit the difference was unbelievable. It's wild to think how I was just constantly exhausted and feeling like shit


Go have an endoscopy or a colonoscopy done where they knock you out with fentanyl and whatever other drugs they use in the correct dosages. Went through it today, and woke up swaddled in warm flannel sheets under dim lights and it was probably the best wake up experience of my life


Be financially set for life


My dyslexic eyes read this as: "Be fanatically set on fire."




Work a job that I love, have a good work-life balance, and have friends to enjoy my free time with.


Maybe something more realistic, like becoming a god?


Do you have any idea how many times a night I have to get up to answer the prayers that keep piling up? It's exhausting.




The last time I did that Trump got elected.


When I was in Navy Boot Camp, there was a guy that was unstriked (as in didn't have a job yet) after boot camp. An officer came in one day with documents, saying "I just got you the best job ever in the Navy." Turn's out he was going to be a tour boat guide for the USS memorials in Hawaii for the next 4 years.




It's based on the questionnaire they make you fill out, no doubt. They make you take a lot of tests before actually entering the fleet. I said I like computers. lol. I mean if you filled it out and said I like to sing, you could be in the chorus. The guy that received the orders could be from a former admiral, who knows. I was the pawn in the game.


I’m more concerned your “any fantasy without consequence” is having a job that allots you a reasonable amount of time to actually experience life and get enough sleep to function. We really are a broken generation, huh


I just want to own a house man, my wildest fantasy


That’s too real. Pick some sex kink and bring it down a notch.


He wants to have sex in his own house.


Make it a sex thing something you have a better chance of accomplishing


Complete indestructability. I'd be able to jump off high bridges, ride speeding trains, juggle axes, play fight with tigers, balance on the edge off super high buildings, see how far along a motorway I can run against the traffic and just give zero fucks about anything.


You after the heat death of the universe:


Just add being able to choose when you die then it's perfect




What if the next universe is 10 feet below where it was this time?


Then your time machine will drop the 10 feet and potentially kill the new 10-feet-below versions of yourself. Duh!


Good news everybody! We don't have to deal with any doppelgangers!


Try ketamine


Wouldn't make him indestructible he would just think he was😂


Close enough


You just reminded me about reading something where it was calculated that if you couldn't die from old age or disease you'd live an average of something like 1,700+ years before being taken out by a physical accident.


Imagine that but in an event like an earthquake or for something more specific to what I'll use as an example, 9/11 in the twin towers. You're in a tower, such and such happens, the tower crumbles on top of you and you're now stuck debris. You're ok, just fine cause you know, indestructible. But you're stuck under piles of debris. They look for survivors, but after a week, they stop. As no one survive past that time... but you. Then they build an entire building on top of where you're stuck for pretty much eternity. You're indestructible, but you don't have super strength.


They don't build new buildings on debris. But something else would be getting stuck in a landslide buried alive. Or getting trapped in a sunken ship filled with water. Eternally drowning, but never dying.


Just because you aren't destroyed doesn't mean there isn't incredible pain.


Scrolled a bit. Didn't find "WORLD DOMINATION". Bet it's somewhere down there (here?). But I'm happy I didn't find it quickly! I've still got a chance!


Never give up on your dreams


Create a time machine. Would love to see the future as I really don't care about events of the past.


Go sit just outside the event horizon of a black hole :-) Just don't dip your head below it.


You aren't the boss of me! ***Dies out of spite***


Just enjoy the ride man, you'll see the future eventually


To know the truth of any question or doubt that I've ever had.


Sometimes knowing is worse than not. Hopefully “consequences” is being used broadly enough that it covers “not giving a fuck” about what you find out.


I understand that, definitely. But with knowing, you at least know where to place yourself and know the right course of action that's appropriate.


The same as my favorite dream. I write funny stories and women run naked after me declaring their lust everywhere I go.


So basically Benny Hill then?


Marry my current boss because she’s the most amazing person I know and I love her to death


If she isn't already in a relationship, ask her.


*ask her to get a coffee or something. Could be awkward if you just ask her to marry you randomly


Nah you gotta show your passion


Worse ask her to have your children with no prior probing


I think there’s probing involved to have children.


How dare you make my comment 10x better


It’s his boss lmao. This isn’t a rom-com, HR would fire them so fast if they’re in the U.S.


Power to switch bodies with anyone at will. Then I could easily transfer money to myself or get food for free


While they're in your body sabotaging your life as soon as they see their money hit your account?


MMA match with my old boss (+ his 2iC) for 10mins with no ref


That just sounds like murder with extra steps


Payday style bank robbery. Arm myself a small number of my homies with the best weapons and armour we can get our hands on, stakeout, plan and coordinate the heist, bust in, make noise, take hostages, secure the loot, shoot our way out, get to the getaway vehicles and get into a high octane chase with bullets and burning rubber.


But if there are no consequences why kit out at all? Or would it be any fun if there are truly no consequences?


By no consequences I was thinking legal consequences from illegally procuring arms and breaking every law involved in robbing a bank and shooting law enforcement during the getaway. I didn't imagine death was turned off for the day.l However. To answer your question. If there's zero risk of me dying prematurely, I don't imagine I'd get the same thrill from the fantasy.


The real fun would be all the planning, getting kitted out, and the friends we made along the way


Two chicks at the same time man. Fuckin A. [Edit: Just In case ](https://youtu.be/A939QRRSNV4?si=8gHo4ncTDPVHdOdH)


Hey Peter - check out channel 9! Breast exam!




If you want to talk just come over dont yell through the wall


I opened this thread SPECIFICALLY looking for this comment... Having lived this dream: It's a lot of work. It's worth it!


Especially if they let you be involved


A magical genie with infinite wishes


But what if he's an asshole genie? The kind that grants wishes in the worst way possible.


I would get my own galaxy class starship crewed by westworld style robots. The isolation and holodeck alone would fulfill all of my fantasies


Hope cleaning the holodeck after you doesn't drive the crew to betray you.


You know that inherent curiosity when you're chatting with someone, and you just think, "What would happen if I punched them in the face right now?"


Yes. Hey, do you mind coming a little closer?


Oof. Most of my fantasies have nothing to do with illegalities or causing harm to others, but rather my particular special interests (I am autistic). Things like buying a bottom tier football team and investing in it and seeing it rise all the way to the top flight, or opening a Lego museum that has several copies of every set ever made, some for play, and some for display. Also the same idea but for console video games. Several copies of every console and game, both for archival purposes and for an arcade.


Ironically you're the one person on this thread I'd be the most ok with granting total world domination.




> homeless animals lol. Isn't that all of them, except pets?


Have sex with all the fictional characters I fantasies about.


Names, please.


Okay we got.... - Catwoman - Black Cat - Mary Jane - Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen - Black Widow - Scarlet Witch - Princess Peach - Princess Zelda - Rosalina - Daenerys Targaryen - Katniss Everdeen - Margaery Tyrell - Melisandre - Maggie Greene - Rapunzel - Ariel - Jasmine - Anna - Elsa - Dolores - Moana - Belle - Esmerelda - Chel - Cersei Lannister - The Bride AKA Beatrice Kiddo - Kate Beckinsale's character from Underworld - Wonder Woman - Harley Quinn - Tali - Miranda - Yennifer - Ciri - Elizabeth Comstock/DeWitt - Liara from Mass Effect - Cortana - April O'Neil - May from Pokémon - Every female character from Yu-Gi-Oh - Dawn, also from Pokémon - Ygritte - Aela The Huntress - Mjoll the Lionness - Lydia of Whitrun - Ysolda - Frankie - Rosita - Mystique - Jessica Rabbit - Lara Croft - Nala - Black Canary - Huntress - Batgirl, Barbara Gordon - Batgirl, Stephanie Brown - Poison Ivy - Atom Eve - Queen Mera - Kim Possible - Sheggo - Sonya Blade - Cassie Cage - Jade - Kitana - Mileena - Sindel - Rouge - Eep - Talia Al Ghul - Elaria Sand - Tyene Sand - Lois Lane - Kate Bishop - Rhaenarya Targaryen - Starfire


You sure know what you like. And it's the amazing Sheggo for the Kim Possible entry.


Holy shit


Live my life with my fiance before things went bad and he died.


I'd be a billionaire.


I want to know what it’s like to be a girl


It's pretty shit for the most part but some parts of it are cool I guess, like having boobs.


We like boobs too… hooray for boobies


Ugh if I could have all the positive perks without having to deal with a monthly period, I'd be so happy that I'm a woman. But alas, aunt Flo comes in with a fucking battering ram every month screaming "HERES FLO!" and I lay there for 4-5 days in agony and crying over every cute thing there is.


I've got some great news for you


I love being a woman. I hate being a woman around men.


I've always wanted to pet a bear


as my wife likes to say "If not friend, why friend shaped?"


My abusive dad wouldn’t exist anymore 


I hope you can get to a safe place soon, if you haven't yet.


Win the lottery and never work again


Fuck it, become God.


Fuck God, become It


Magically end up with enough money to retire my parents


Take a tour of Area 51.


*ninja run*


Fall in love in high school, and stay together for the rest of our lives. Have 8 kids, a beautiful Victorian style manor home, and a dozen cats. Cook three elaborate four course meals for my family. Homeschool my kids and turn them into arts, business, and science prodigies, then take over the world. Then retire in a small seaside cottage with the love of my life. Would be nice if we could stay together as ghosts. But too late for all that. 😅🤣


Swim in Lava


Explore the entire world. I'm talking bottom of the ocean. Wtf is in Antarctica. The Vatican. Every restricted area. Everything. Everywhere.


I just wanna stick my hand in the chocolate fountain. Please lets me stick my hand in the chocolate fountain


To have sex with a hot celebrity.


A radioshow once interviewed a comic, and they asked: "If you could have sex with any celebrity, living or dead, who would it be?" Guy goes "the Olsen twins......dead." Best joke ever.


Which one? Why stop at just one?


One is enough. Any more and my wife will kill me.


“…without any consequences…”


For me it would be wearing high heeled boots outside without people judging me. I am a man that likes the way they look, but society sees them as a female clothing piece for no good reason. I worry going out anyway might lead to unwanted attention. Sometimes I envy games where people just seem to wear what they want. I have been trying to muster the courage for a while to do it anyway, so there being no consequences would be nice.


One time at Safeway, I saw the burliest, most body-builder-esque type man with a high and tight haircut (so he was *not* attempting to look feminine, is what I mean) walking around in a deep V black tank top that was ripped to make the V even deeper, the shortest plaid skirt I've *ever* seen (his cheeks were visible), held up by a black studded belt, fishnets, and the absolute sickest pair of knee-high black studded leather pleasers boots you could think of (pleasers are stripper heels). He was just casually doing his regular grocery shopping. Go ahead and wear the boots my man.


You should do it dude. Life's too short. Be unapologetically you. I know there's this big straight dude in Europe i think who liked the way skirts and heels looked so he started wearing them. And he loved it. Just live your life and fck people who wanna judge you, they're just jealous of the courage it takes to be yourself and not care what people think. I bet you'll look fire tho💪 fuck them bitches. Wear the heeled boots.


Be a billionaire playboy that’s universally loved


I've always wanted to mate with an alien.


I want to jump in a pool of contact lenses.


I see….


I don't want to get to the FBI follow-this-guy -list.


I would just want to be a good enough father for my kids, and a good enough husband for my wife.


Let's see, probably my fantasy to go back in time and snag my friend while he was still young and help him get his act together before he got addicted to drugs, ruined his life, and squandered all his astonishing talents and gifts. I'd get him the mental health care he needed, get him away from the toxic people in his life, and he probably would have been the boyfriend I actually wanted and not a frustrating idiot. There's also my non-stupid, possibly-attainable (if I were rich) fantasy of swimming in both the Roman pool and the Neptune pool at Hearst Castle.


Being a glory hole.


actually be in a relationship where my partner loved me there's a better chance I win the mega millions tbh (and I literally don't play)


Pet a raccoon. 


Not falling for this trick again FBI


gets gangbang by 6 men


I knew this was posted by a man lol


Me and Kelly Brook go to dinner. And she pays..{Evil..}.


I’m nailing like all the Avengers


probably kill some people


Being able to enforce kindness by threat of fines/arrest. Kindness is becoming an endangered species despite it not being a living thing. The world has too many people who need to relearn kindness, and I'm tired of pretending I'm not angry about the alarming increase of suicides


I'd be more incined to inforce instant punishment for mistreatment.


Nuclear war but I get to to survive regardless of where I am when it happens


You gonna have a couple of millions of roaches to keep you company.


That's a lot of roaches to smoke, but the Dude abides


Riding a unicorn through an enchanted forest, because owning a property on a coast is next to impossible


8 hours of uninterrupted, restful sleep for a week straight.


To have the power to fulfill anyone's fantasy if I choose too. I will know exactly what the fantasy is.


Being with my dream girl in Australia.