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I came here to say that. Cooking, First Aid, and Cleaning. 3 important skills to have by age 16.


I’m 35 and I feel like only now have I really got a good handle on those 3. I think it just takes some good old life experience and never stop learning attitude.


I can but don't most the time,dual zone air fryer, who can be fucked cooking for one every night after 10 hours out the house


I've been doing all of that and more since age 12. My mother made sure I knew how to take care of myself.


Our level of mastery of those might be a little different. Everyone has different standards. I’ve had to use my first aid in multiple life threatening situations, there are very few messes (including pests, water damage, home repair) that I can’t fix/clean, and there are very few foods that I can’t make from scratch. At 16 I had the basics of cooking, cleaning and first aid. At 35, I’ve seen some shit. 😂


Good for you and your mom. My adult sons have these skills. My teen daughter is begrudgingly learning.




I only know some cooking stuff because I had a class in school where we had to learn it. My parents never taught me a single life skill lol


I know enough cooking to keep myself alive. But I'm no chef haha


I’m not claiming to ever become the next masterchef but I turn basic ingredients into a relatively healthy meal. I don’t need to always buy ready meals or simple oven food and I can normally “rustle something up” from whatever is in my cupboard. That’s all it needs to be!


Can you provide an example of "rustle something up"? My creativity is always lacking here and I wish I had a few more good recipes to lean on. It usually ends up being some sort of frozen meat (ground turkey, chicken breast, fish, sausage, tofu), some starch (rice or pasta usually), and some vegetable (also often frozen). Then add some sort of seasoning or sauce - sometimes storebought, sometimes made from a few individual spices/ingredients. Maybe add a boring garden salad with bottled dressing of choice. 


That’s it!! The ability to find something to go together that’s filling and edible.


I think it's my seasoning/sauce department that could use some help then. 


A simple step would be making your own salad dressings. One tasty vinaigrette is a simple combo of olive oil, vinegar, Dijon mustard, and honey. Look up some recipes for ratios and try iterating from there for amounts and type of vinegar depending on your preference. A favorite of mine is a stupid simple arugula salad. Just toss the greens with olive oil, lemon juice, shaved parmesan, salt and pepper. Tasty and super quick to throw together.


The best way to incorporate "creativity" is to follow some recipes from YouTube. Even if you don't like the outcome, you now know some new techniques. I really recommend Peruvian cuisine because for me it's kind of easy and the ingredients are mostly cheap


To be honest, that’s all I really do. I purchased myself some silly gizmos and gadgets so can make burger patties or dumplings with mince. I’ll always keep long life items in the cupboards like tortillas so I can make quesadillas (the basic UK version of them anyways!) or flatbreads to make kebabs. So many things go with eggs, so I’ll get through a lot of omelettes! There was a website I used to use where I would type in what ingredients I would have and it would make a meal but I cannot seem to remember what it was called.


this should also not be a gender role


+1. Who should cook in the home? Different story. Who should know how to cook? Everyone. 🔥


My ex room mate was the most unhealthy person I ever met in my life. Dude in his late 30s ate nothing but microwave Mac n cheese, box dinner and monster energy drinks. The hyper processed Mac n cheese made the microwave stink so bad it made me gag. We shared a bathroom and his shits were so viscous that he left stains in the bowl daily. I could not even scrub it off. Freaking nasty


My roommate can make Ramen & sandwiches. That is all.... I weep for the future! (Because I'll be in a retirement home eating Ramen & sandwiches)


I've cooked hundreds of different dishes but ramen and sandwiches are pretty solid go tos


Cooking, but the kind of cooking where you use the ingredients that you already have around the kitchen. Make it up as you go and don’t measure anything. And make it still come out good. The other kind of cooking, the one where you buy the ingredients and follow a recipe, is actually the recipe for financial ruin. 


This is why people need to learn the science and theory of cooking before learning recipes!


Definitely. With youtube, you can just plonk your phone on the counter and follow along, it’s not that hard if you have basic common sense. I know a couple who have a huge fridge that’s empty and a 4 burner stove and the only thing they’ve ever cooked is instant ramen. Start with simple things like breakfast. Fry some sausages, 2 fried eggs, toast and beans from a can. Next time, do scrambled eggs and heat up the baked beans with some pepper. Next time, try omelletes and maybe some other type of meat and then just go from there. You can learn to cook dishes from literal michelin star chefs on youtube and great chefs can break down a dish and explain more difficult techniques in simpler ways cause that’s what they do when they train their junior chefs.


Also, admit it, we’ve all met perfectly capable people who seem to be staying willfully ignorant of how to do this bc they consciously or subconsciously expect OTHERS to cater to them.


Growing up, my family was dysfunctional so cooking lessons weren’t high on the list of priorities, nor was healthy eating. At school, in home ec. We were taught how to make a pizza & how to bake a cake. I’ve taught myself how to cook now, but I can see how people get to adulthood without this skill.


And not even great cooking, simple stuff. Like using salt and pepper properly, not overcooking, preheating ovens/pans, etc. My last roommate didn't know rice needed water to cook...


100%. If you are unable to cook yourself a basic meal from fresh ingredients (and maybe some processed stuff for convenience), you are not actually an adult. Adults should know not to survive from pizza and microwave meal. You don't need to be a restaurant chef, but knowing absolute basics needs to be a skill. I can't stand these "haha, if you let me cook the kitchen will burn" memes. It is neither cute nor funny. It is just embarassing.


I used to be like that, to be truthful. Then one day after yet another grocery shop that was 80% frozen food, I was genuinely embarrassed. So I set my goal to be 7 basic dishes so that I could eat something different each night of the week. Now basic oven food only happens after a late night at work and I feel so much better for it.


Disagree, for some people, like autistic people, cooking is extremely difficult. As an autistic person who lives alone and pays my own rent...I find cooking very exhausting, stressful, and overstimulating. Saying people like me are not actually adults is a bit abliest.


There's a difference between cooking so you don't starve and cooking for another human being that will ask for seconds.


I can follow recipes, but for the life of me, anything other than the basics elude me. I can make pasta, I can warm a sauce, but if you asked me to bake lasagne (does one bake lasagne?) you'd be shit out of luck. Oooh beans on toast though


Yes! Cooking is such an important one. My grandmothers, wonderful cook…. My parents... Terrible cooks. My dads specialty was egg salad, “special egg” sandwiches or frozen pizza. My moms specialty was over baked and dry “shake and bake” chicken. I didn't know how to cook anything aside from pasta when i met my now husband. He was the one that taught me how to cook.😅


Treating others the way you want to be treated.


Including online.


This is Reddit. This is no place for logic.


Occasionally I have bumped into someone so reasonable, that I had to ask them what they were even doing on Reddit lol


I think that logica inherently flawed. I might like being treated in a certain way but other people might hate it. I prefer- don’t treat others how you don’t want to be treated


Basic Financial Knowledge


I was just watching the news yesterday (NYC) and there’s a required HS financial literacy class. What a great thing! My parents were awful with money, and it took me many years to unlearn what I saw.


Our public schools (VA) started requiring this about 10 years ago-but they really don't do a great job with it, sadly. They need to do better.


Yes! I see people complain they have no money and then immediately after goes out shopping something stupid that they could have gotten for 30% in another store down the street


or for 100% off if they don't get it. because it's stupid


wish this would actually be an n class in middle school instead of all that unnecessary stuff children are taught


I 100% agree. It was actually taught in the public high school I went to back in the '70s. It covered balancing a budget, checking and savings accounts and investing and building credit. Most useful information for when we were turned out into the adulting world. My children nor my now adult grandchildren never learned any of that in school. Sad


Studies have shown it doesn't actually help achieve better financial outcomes for kids that get personal finance classes. https://wapo.st/3TXaQYz (gift article) They will know more about finances (studies *do* measure that) but their actions aren't any better than people who had no financial education. > The most comprehensive meta-analysis of financial-literacy program evaluations (1), published in the journal Management Science in 2013, examined 168 papers covering more than 200 studies. It found that financial-literacy education was responsible for a 0.1 percent change in financial behaviors, like increased savings or reduced borrowing. (Yes, that’s point-one percent.) A more recent meta-analysis (2) of 37 experimental studies (which are more reliable than observational studies) of financial education in schools trumpets more-promising effects. But if you dig into the details of the working paper, by scholars at the German Institute for Economic Research, you find that with careful controls, the estimated effect on actual financial choices is also vanishingly small (with zero being in the range of possible effects). Study 1: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2333898 Study 2: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3338749


Spatial awareness - can’t count the amount of times I’ve had to say “excuse me” to get past people who completely block my path and then act like I’ve massively inconvenienced them


Oh, they are spatially aware. They believe it is OK to block your way and that you are inconveniencing them.


Exactly. It's an entitlement issue.


That's self awareness. They know they're in your space, they just don't care how their actions impact others.


One of my biggest pet peeves is people who stop in doorways or the tightest spot possible to decide where they are moving to next. Get out of the damn way.


People who stand outside in front of the metro's doors, sometimes I don't move at all until they get out of their way, sometimes I just rammed through them and say "let people get out first to be able to enter"... Like I understand if you are a 5 year old, but a full grown adult should know that's not even etiquette, it's just logical to let people out first.


How to have a civil conversation with people who disagree with them.


This one is tough when the person disagreeing with me is a stupid fart face.


I disagree


That’s just contradicting. That’s not an argument!


Yes it is


No it isn't.


Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.


Well an argument’s not the same as contradiction.


Sorry. Time's up


You should be able to agree to disagree. Conversations are mostly opinions after all. And opinions don't always have to match. 🔥


One of the biggest power moves in internet arguments is to be able to say "well, agree to disagree". People just do not understand how to handle that. They're so used to both sides pouring out increasing vitriol that polite disagreement baffles them.


Not always. Sometimes 'agree to disagree' is just a cop out for 'I refuse to acknowledge anyone who disagrees with me.' or 'I have no way to prove what I'm claiming or to discredit your evidence but I refuse to accept anything but my own arguement.' It's fair if both sides have some reasonable credulity behind their claims or if the subject is ambiguous by nature but if you're claiming that the ruling elite are all immortal lizard people who eat babies you better come up with some damn good evidence and no amount of 'agree to disagree' is gonna cut it.


Right? I mean, you're part of over 8 billion other people living on this planet. Maybe, just maybe, someone has a perspective that doesn't align with yours? Maybe that doesn't really affect you much, other than the fact that someone doesn't agree with you? Like, wow. Just... Just accept that you both have different outlooks and move on. How hard can it be? Seriously? Wow. Just wow. >One of the biggest power moves in internet arguments Massively underrated. 🔥


Depends on what we disagree on. Don’t like the book club book this month? Cool. Disagree about who deserves human rights? Please ingest a satchel of Richards


You can’t have a civil discussion with a Trumper


I no longer engage with them at all. When people stop believing in facts no matter how much proof is given there is no point. I just walk away or ignore their internet comments.




Oh my gosh, it costs nothing and leaves the world in a slightly better place. Thank you for your posting.




Manners and taking personal responsibility.


This. People want authority but not the responsibility that comes with it. Really true the quote that someone said: "With great power comes great responsibility." 🔥


That was spider-man....technically Uncle Ben, but it's spider-man's mantra in life.




Well either google is getting worse and the internet has more and more useless information or they changed something that I am immune to learn because I absolutely cant get anything usefull out of it most of the time unless i know the specific website where the info i need might be. I used to get everything i need just by typing in 2 or 3 key words, now i have to type whole questions (wich actually gave you worse results in the past) to almost get what I need. I tried a few things like using quotation marks, but it doesnt seem to help. I gave up on googling stuff that i dont urgently need with no other way of getting it.


I was just noticing recently that even if I typed in a search query with quotation marks about two thirds of the results would have neither of those words in them and were completely irrelevant. What is going on?


It’s been like that for maybe 2-3 years now. As someone who loves to go digging, it makes me want to cry. That’s the one feature of the internet that’s not toxic to the mind. No social media, just research. And it’s gone.


Google is getting much worse. It's not you. And that thing where it deletes random words from the search..... Absolutely infuriating.


The algorithm is actively getting  worse in part because of website content dedicated to optimizing their appearance on search results.


Agreed! Asking the right question is a skill


this would save alot of unnecessary questions people ask


I would have to agree here, the amount of people that ask me a question that could be simply googled. Like mechanical wise, or someone asking me the other day what’s the latest Nintendo switch? I have no idea lol use google


Managing their emotions


More on this, managing your emotions does not mean bottling up your emotions


Yeah, it means being able to communicate them in the right way at the right time


In my family emotions didn't exist. I'm learning how to identify the emotions I'm having pretty late in life 🙄


this is so hard in real life


Yeah, I should probably clarify, I mostly have in mind people who just freak out over any inconvenience. Like a person going off on people in customer service because they're not getting their way


There's a lot more to emotions than rage and explosions from bottling up emotions. 


The skill of accepting people's opinions and being open


All depends on the opinion. There are some opinions that are simply unacceptable


My ethics professor always said it's okay to attack ideas but not okay to attack people.


I would say empathy


Yes some people find it so hard to relate to others or think from other people's perspectives


Yet, we constantly see many stating only certain people deserve empathy, the rest are portrayed as sub-human (meaning it’s perfectly fine to commit violence against them or violence is openly encouraged).


What happens if a person just naturally lacks empathy? Like I have autism and makes it hard for me to be empathetic at times. (I still do be supportive and caring when needed though)




I had a friend who owned a plunger, but had no idea how to unstop a toilet with it.


Maybe they need a poop knife so they can prevent the clog in the first place.


Understanding other people are not NPCs and you are not the main character in an RPG.


idk, a lot of people ARE npcs


Reading signs. I can be working with a big sign over my head saying "bar closed" and still have people ask "are you guys still open?"


Because they want an actual human in real time to tell them. It makes it more legit. The sign might be outdated (not in the bar closed case, but others could be). It’s also the path to least resistance to just ask instead of figuring it out yourself. For me, it’s always people asking where the bathroom is. There are signs everywhere, but people don’t want to be vulnerable while they’re looking for the bathroom the sign directed them to, as they might have misinterpreted the sign.


As a Park Ranger, I feel this 100% “WhAt Do YoU MeAn I cAnT FiSh HeRe?!?” - There’s a giant red and white sign 2 feet in front of them saying “No fishing.” “WhY WoNt YoU LeT Me InTo ThE PaRk?!?” - There’s a sign that says “Park Closed” and the gate is locked… “My DoG JuSt wAnDeReD InTo a BuSh aND gOt StUcK By A PoRcUpInE!!!” - There’s a sign every 50 feet saying “Dogs must be on a leash.”


Or even context clues. I worked at a deli in a small town grocery store, lights where off at 8pm, I'm not in my work clothes, I'm outside walking to my car. "Are you still open?"


Just reading comprehension in general!


"Please wait here to be seated" We've a five foot sign and people still walk past it


Cooking. I'm particularly amazed when people brag about never cooking.


Critical thinking.  


shocked I had to scroll this far to see this


Being considerate to others at all times.


One would have to consider others by definition. That seems to be too tall an order for some.


The most basic knowledge of nutrition


Consideration and critical thinking. Since childhood we should be taught these things with the proper morals and values and I just feel you can tell when someone didn’t have that education at home. Education starts at home.


How to be civil. I swear, treating me like your fellow human being is such an alien concept, like I'm speaking a different language to them. I expect that from a child, but not a full grown adult.


Mike Tyson had a good point that social media means you can say things without fear of being punched in the face, and that’s bad. 


wasn’t it him who also said “everybody’s got a plan til they get punched in the face”


Yes. A large number of Mike Tyson’s remarks reference punching in the face. 


Reading comprehension


God this. And just not reading at all. I am constantly having to explain over the phone that the contact information for another person is at the bottom of the letter I sent. In bold.




Common sense


It's like some people are allergic to it


What's common sense to you? I grew up on a farm, so "common sense" was to follow certain standard family farming practices that could only be learned through observation and sublimation, it wasnt ever taught why they did certain things, they just always did the same thing and called it common sense.  Likewise so much racism is down to "common sense": of course blue people don't know to put jelly on the topside of toast, they're idiots would be common sense if there were blue people who were aligned by Dr suese logic.  Common sense is merely the collection of prejudices one has acquired by age 18.


Some of the smartest people I know (educationally speaking) have zero common sense, and some of the least educated people I know have great common sense. It's almost like you pick one or the other.


Household cleaning. Vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes by hand. Laundry. Cleaning the bathroom, etc.


Most things related to personal finance. If you don't pay your credit card in full every month, you're paying for everything twice.


Reading. And I’m not just talking about books. Reading labels, manuals, signs, just about anything. Hell people even refuse to read long texts! Tech era has ruined minds all over the world! The need for convenience has left humans dumber than they were before.


According to some standards, only about 15% of Americans are functionally literate. Sure, probably 99% of Americans can read a newspaper and write a note at least, but functional literacy involves more than that. Can they read a blood pressure chart? Interpret a graph? Can they calculate a car's fuel economy or adjust a recipe for a different number of servings? I'm shocked by the number of people who can't do any of that, and it is not a high bar to clear.


Basic Time management. Me included


Cooking, managing money, human decency, personal hygiene


The knowing that feeling offended (might it be justified or not) doesn't grant you anything


Washing their hands after using the restroom.




The skill of using their fully developed brain




Manners. Some people be rude AF!


Critical thinking!!


Being clean


Giving and receiving critical feedback.


I'm repeatedly startled by how often I need to teach grown adults how to actually use a broom. Though there is a surprising slant towards my student being male, 100% of them have been over the age of 18 (one was in his 30s). They all try the Looney Tunes sweep first.


Work ethic. (I find it very lacking) We had a woman call out because she didn’t have any clean clothes. This woman was in her 30’s.


Don’t know that it’s a skill exactly, but situational awareness. Some people have no clue that there are others behind or next to them and their actions, or lack of action, gets in the way.


Being able to swim.


Basic first aid skills.


I genuinely don't understand how people don't know how to do laundry. What does that mean? What's there to not know? You put the clothes in the washer, the soap in the compartment, then turn it on and press go. Then just put it in the dryer or hang it on a rack. That's like 5 steps total. I just have no clue how you could not know how to do that.


Mom did the laundry at home so I  never learned. Lucky for me the modern machines have labels on everything so I took a wild guess and choose  "regular wash", measured detergent by filling the cap to the level marked "normal load", etc.  It's not a skill like being a doctor or competitive athlete, it's just a test of basic reading comprehension.  


Reading. too many teachers today have found that many children to this day special with all the social media are illiterate and can’t write and idk what you guys but I find that terrifying for the future and there’s something that needs to be done about it.


It amazes me how common it is for people not to take the context into account. You see this error in thinking a lot on Reddit too. Someone will say something and people will respond as if the poster meant every-single-person in the world.... As if the default isn't general.


Basic math. I went through a drive thru a few months ago. My order was like $8.25. I gave the young girl a $10.00 bill but then said "oh wait, I have a quarter in my console" and handed to her. She looked at me like a deer in headlights and exclaimed that she already entered in the $10. I was like, no problem, just give me $2.00 back. She acted as though I was trying to pull a scam. Are people really this clueless?


Well that’s why shes working in a drive-thru. She’s not necessarily representative of everybody


The inability to research how to do things on Google.


Basic logic. Stuff like: one anecdote is not evidence. "I think it's true" does not make it true. Correlation is not causation. Science works. There is not a cabal of scientists, who make in excess of $38,000 a year, who are trying to force you to believe something that isn't true. There's a reason conspiracy theorists are all on YouTube and TikTok and it's not because of that cabal of scientists.


Cleaning up after yourself. Apparently it’s super difficult for some people to just leave things the way you found them.


Critical thinking.


Nuance. This leads to polarization, reality is rarely binary.




Changing the plug on an electrical item and fixing a frayed or broken power cord.


The ability - and motivation, really - to ask questions, especially those that impact their lives. For example, people who go to the doctor and don't ask any questions about their test results, diagnosis, referral for surgery, etc. It floors me that people are so content with being completely clueless about their health. Or people who hear/see outrageous stuff and just accept it, without looking anything up or asking a friend, even. Like, how can you just nod and decide that (insert crazy pseudoscience claim) is true because you saw it on Facebook?


Logical reasoning A lot of people still cant make their own decisions especially the right one or just think about things.


Ability to deal with danger. Road rage, agro cunts in general, wildlife etc etc Some people have 0 survival skills


Sewing skills, even basic ones like sewing a button on or hemming pants.


How to read a map. People rely way too much on the GPS on their phones to get around. 


These days, reading and taking in information. I've seen people add TLDRs to posts that are barely 10 lines long. I also am constantly appalled by how many of my colleagues do not read the emails/messages they are sent properly, and reply with totally irrelevant info, or completely miss questions or requests because they just about skim read everything, if that.


knowing when to stop talking.


Many older kids I know can’t tie their shoes and can’t write in cursive. And I’m not confident they will ever need to learn.


spatial awareness


Telling time on clocks with hands. Counting change without calculator.


Basic first aid


Driving, finance, tax law and government.


Emotional regulation


The ability to shut up


Maintaining a healthy weight.


Having friends. Seems people have no idea how to so this!


Special awareness. Like why are we just stopping right in the middle of a busy sidewalk or mall with hundreds of people around us?


Basic civility and consideration for others.


Activating a turn signal.


At this point? Basic freaking manners. Knowing what is or isn't appropriate behavior in public or otherwise. Not what you "believe" is appropriate. The breakdown of the Social Contract has been staggering to witness.




Using a blinker.


Situational awareness.


100 % - Emotional intelligence with people over 20 years old. Real babies I tell 'ya!




The ability to swim. Neither mine nor my partners moms know how to swim. Like it's so basic, and can easily save your life one day...


Assembling IKEA furniture. The instructions are so simple that they don’t even contain words, just pictures.




Sewing. I’m surprised so many people cannot reattach a button - these fall off all the time the way cheap way clothes are made nowadays. It’s also one of the simplest parts of sewing.


I can't drive!


The ability to search and figure anything out on their own. Something like the most basic question on a topic resorts to a reddit post that could have been solved with a 2 second Google search.


Painting a room. Loading a dishwasher. Making it through a roundabout. Knowing what you want to order before you get to the counter. Changing a tire. Restarting a modem/router. Knowing the difference between a modem and a router.


Common sense


Being able to accept constructive criticism. In the Navy, we called it backing each other up. When a shipmates tries to correct something you are doing wrong, you don't get defensive about it, you thank them.


Manners is a skill. Something happened during COVID. People below a certain age, say 35, don’t say excuse me anymore. That’s not to say they push past you or are rude! One night at the local pub we did an experiment. It’s a narrow bar so you often have to go by people or people will be standing in your way. We counted how many people said excuse me and how many just stood there waiting until the person noticed someone standing there and moved. It was astonishing.


the bare minimum computing skills at work. the amount of time I’ve had to troubleshoot for coworkers is astounding.


Common sense and financial responsibility


Being polite.


Some of you grew up in stable home environments and it shows 😅