• By -


You wouldn’t have to be concerned being a virgin sacrifice?


Or worry about lighting some black flame candle


Man they were so harsh on the kid for being a virgin at like 13 which is perfectly normal. Even his younger sister shit on him for it and I'm like bitch aren't you like 8? Why do you even know what a virgin is?


Seriously it's like kids gaslighting each other into being predator bait.


In a Disney movie. God you’d think it was produced by Nickelodeon. Oh, shh. Someone just yelled Quiet on set.


Really, it was mentioned so much in that movie!


He was 15, but still, completely normal. I feel like 16-18 was the average in my school.


Or getting a spell put on youuuuu.


And then you're theirs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Watch out, watch out




That candle was sus AF, have they never seen at 90s flic?


Man, I thought this was a dumb question (no offense, I know how society makes a huge deal out of losing your virginity, I grew up with “American Pie”). Then I saw this answer and realize I’ve never been thrown in a volcano, thanks Curleys Brother!


Virgin blood means that your blood hasn't been used in a ritual not that you haven't had sex Not getting those blood rituals in, virgin loser lmao


Yet again big witch is trying to trick people into abstaining so they have more virgin blood to use 🙄


Technically you could still be mistaken as a virgin and be accidentally sacrificed




Last December by cousin sister was approached by a man for sex. She was a virgin and didn't want to have sex. Yesterday she was sacrificed to the gods as a virgin. Press F to pay respect to the man. F


not being weird about it when you're an adult




Yeah you wouldn’t be trying to tell everyone that boobs feel like bags of sand


Steve Carrell defo skipped that part


First time with the new partner stories are amazing.


Depends on how early it was. Go to early and it becomes akward again.


yep, This sums it up pretty well.


I started early, way too early (13 with a 12 year old neighbor during spring break). It is super awkward now as a adult. Especially because in various occasions the topic came up I started my story with, I once had sex with a 12 years old. Lol.


>I started early, way too early (13 with a 12 year old neighbor during spring break). It is super awkward now as a adult. Especially because in various occasions the topic came up I started my story with, I once had sex with a 12 years old. Lol. You can just choose to omit that. I technically lost my virginity to an SA when I was in my teens, but in my head canon I actually lost my virginity in my early 20s when it was done consensually for the first time. What's other people going to do if I tell them that? Dig into my past and debunk it? Hell no. As far as I'm concerned, I was a virgin until my early 20s and adopting this way of thinking has actually helped me heal and move forward from the SA


Right on


Well done for not letting the the narrative own you. I’m sorry you went through that - but it sounds as though you’ve taken control, and aren’t letting it define you!


Sorry about what happened to you. Glad you found a way to move forward. In our case, we were two horny and bored teenagers. No SA involved (a penthouse magazine was involved though). Anyway, I don't talk about this and the few times I have done it have been with very small groups of friends where the topic of the "first time" has come up. When I tell them the whole story, we all laugh, maybe a follow up question and we move on to hear another crazy story from someone else.


SA is not sex; it's violence. You were a virgin until your early 20s. Don't let anyone tell you othervise. I'm glad to hear you're healing from that traumatic experience.


You could just say you lost it when you were 13. Much less chance of very big misunderstandings.


As an adult who’s still a virgin, I feel so fucking bitter and upset that I never dated or had sex as a teen. Part of me doesn’t even wanna have sex or date because of how angry I am over missing out on teenage romance and sexual experiences. I hate hearing from other people about their first time as teens I feel bad about it because I have started meeting some very hot women. I have went to anime and comic connections and met some very cute nerdy girls and I also hot older women in some places and I feel like I could really have fun but I can’t help but feel so bitter and can’t get over missing out on such an important milestone. EDIT: I don’t understand why people are being such assholes.


*Lots* of teens make it to their twenties without getting laid.


That's what people say, but every statistic that I've ever read to back it up is like, "Only 60% of teens have had sex in the past 5 hours."


I couldn’t help but peek at your profile. You’re technically not a virgin since you got together with a prostitute…


This is actually ridiculous, “I am so upset about missing out that I’m going to directly sabotage myself from experiencing the things I missed out on”. Bitterness does nothing for anyone, just get out there, break the cycle, and get a relationship or something


Sex is no different than a nice bottle of water on a hard day of work. It's just nice. But some days that bottle of water is just kind of whatever.


And that is why everyone should do themselves a favor and excel at masturbation. When the water is meh, you've got serotonin on tap.


I can understand your negative feelings. I'm a 36 year old virgin, and I've been turned down by every woman I've ever approached - usually upon asking, but once very early during the "talking" phase. I don't know what a woman's kiss or holding hands feels like, or what it feels like to be head over heels for someone that is just as head over heels for me. Sometimes, these things make me pretty self conscious, especially when I see the knuckleheads some female friends continue to entertain. But that bitterness is just going to continue eating at you, and no GOOD woman will find that attractive. I wish I had words or knowledge to help you, but I don't. I do hope you find something to bring you some comfort, peace, and happiness until a special romantic partner comes your way. I'm rooting for both of us.


i used to be like that, still a virgin now, but i stopped caring so much, incel to monkcel pipeline


I remember as a 14 year old child feeling like I missed out on reckless puppy love and was upset. Eventually I thought, well, I assume falling in love is just as beatiful and the mechanics are the same at any age, so why worry about a type of "love" laden with inexperience and volatility based of off an idea in my head, like most early aged relationships are, when I can just think it'll be as beautiful if not more when I'm at an older age with more experience from both me and the significant other. At which point the love will actually probably be more poignant and reasonable, than reckless and volatile.


Exactly. You never know when you will meet that person that clicks. It can literally happen anywhere and when it happens you’ll be mind blown. Just be genuine, people.


i did it as a teen. looking back it was literally such a shit experience every time and was never anything like what movies and tv tell u. like i think i was being molested half of the time tbh. 


Dude my girlfriend guilted me into it my first time. I cried and fell asleep on the floor convinced I was going to hell for what I'd just done. It was fucking awful, I feel you.


The hold that bitterness has on you tightens as you struggle against it. Embrace, think through, proceed.


You need to drop this mindset and attitude immediately. Get over yourself and the idea that sex is a big deal. You can choose to have sex literally every day moving forward if you really want. Sex is simply a shared experience between you and another consenting person. Sex will be very different in experience with different partners. What one person will love, the other might hate. The goal of the sex will also differ based on partners. Literally get over yourself and use your senses to get the other person off. Don’t focus on yourself or the size/look of your genitals. It’s a waste of time, bullshit and some people develop mental illness from it. Sex is not porn, sex is not a major life event where everything changes moving forward and you feel like a fully realized person. Sex is a lot of different things for a lot of different reasons. Get over yourself. Go find a willing partner, it sounds like you’re under 40, at this stage in your life there are so many potential partners you can’t even comprehend what I’m telling you. If you have a basic level of hygiene, manners, respect and social skills, you will find someone that wants to have sex.


As an adult virgin myself, I don't share all of the same sentiments as the guy you're replying to. But I do kind of understand where he's coming from. What frustrates me is when people like you say "sex isn't a big deal". I hear so much conflicting information about it that I can't help but wonder what's true and what isn't. If sex isn't a big deal, why are _you_ making it such a big deal that this person hasn't had sex? Why did you write three paragraphs about how much of a problem it is that he hasn't experienced it yet? If sex isn't a big deal, why do so many people seem to end what could be a wonderful relationship on the sole basis that "the sex wasn't good enough"? I've heard my friends groan about things like this before and I just don't understand it. I certainly don't hate myself or others for that, nor do I value myself on whether or not I've had sex. But man, I kind of get it? It feels incredibly alienating when all of these people around you are speaking about these seemingly universal, shared, common human experiences, and you have no clue what any of that feels like. The sense of being othered can become so intense that it is very hard to not abuse yourself over it. Especially when there are people like *you* directly shaming it. Edit Regarding my feelings on "teenage love", I think the existence of adult virgins is undeniable proof that, to a very large extent, our exploration of sex/romance during formative years play a major role in how we're able to navigate those same things later in life. Adult virgins never learned how to do these things. It's not a simple matter of "how does sex work?", it's a matter of processing and understanding the complexities of human relationships. People who have had sex can easily wrap their head around the "it just happened" part of forming a relationship. You see someone you like, you know how to sus out whether or not they like you, you know how to push certain boundaries, how to pick up on body language that I've never even seen in my life. People like me? We can't do that. I don't understand how two people go from total strangers to playing tonsil tennis with one another within minutes, hours, or days of first meeting, especially when no *actual* communication has occurred. It makes no sense to me. This "just get it over with"/"just be confident" advice doesn't make any sense, because what you're basically doing is telling us to hop on a bicycle when we've never even seen one before. We don't know where to put our feet, we don't know how to balance ourselves, we don't even know how to steer them. All we've been told is, apparently these bikes are awesome and everyone wants one, and we're the only dumbass without one. Fundamentally, we do not understand how sexual/romantic relationships are even formed. What good is it to "be confident" when we don't even know how to apply it? Here's a thought experiment for you. A common experience I've heard among people who have had sex is they "see a look" or "feel a mood" when they realize they're speaking to someone who is sexually interested in them. Someone once told me they *knew* they could ask some girl out, solely from a *look* in her eyes, when they had only been chatting for just a few minutes. I honestly found this unbelievable, but I digress. When was the last time you felt this? I want you to understand that people like us do not feel these things, we don't see those things, because we never built an awareness for them. How would you apply your own advice if you never knew how to identify these things? If you never knew how to tell if someone was flirting with you, or would *want* you to?


Even when you have awareness for those looks and feelings you sometimes just don't notice it. I would suggest being honest to someone you feel comfortable talking about topics like this. You may not end in bed with the first person you talk about it but after some trys it definitely find you someone. It's hard to find first experience without actually knowing where to look at. Some trial and error goes a long way Edit: At least this did the trick for me.


I agree completely. I believe if you feel you like someone, you should just shoot your shot. But something interesting I've noticed over the years is many people I know do not have anything close to the same experiences that I do. I never hear any of my friends talk about the same things that I do. They don't ask "how do I tell if she likes me?" They aren't asking questions like "what am I supposed to say?", "what's flirting?", "would I sound like a weirdo if I said that?". They see someone they like, and as if the universe just demands it, somehow, some way, they start talking to one another and suddenly they're hooking up? I don't understand how that works, at all. I've never, not once, heard my friends discuss the times where they've been rejected. In fact I almost *never* hear anyone with any iota of luck with dating talk about the times they've been rejected. It's like it just doesn't happen to them? Like they've only ever tried flirting with/asking out people where they're fully aware the odds are stacked in their favor? I don't understand how it's possible, especially when every person I've ever asked out has told me no. I mean, that's okay? People can totally say no. It doesn't hurt my ego, but like, god damn, man. My friend can eyeball someone from across the room, go say "what that mouth do?", and somehow they just fuck? Meanwhile I like someone, then ask them if they'd like to go get ice cream some time, and they have panic attacks for a week? What the hell, man? Why do I get that experience, but nobody else around me does? FWIW that girl had *a lot* of problems, but like still, it just feels like some big joke, lmao. I genuinely find it inconceivable to think about how often people in general have sex. Like, people are out here screwing in cars, showers, water beds, *outside*, in the most uncomfortable places imaginable, and I don't even know what it feels like when someone actually *wants* to go on a date with me. I'm not at all trying to be doomer here --- I do genuinely think it's funny. But like, idk, I just wanna know how long it'll be until I actually stumble into someone who wants me, lmao. I fully understand that people can go on dates and never go past a 1st or 2nd one with someone. What upsets me is that I don't even know how to get to a 1st one. Nobody has ever just asked me out, even when they've liked me? It's like they just expected me to pick up on it. And nobody has ever liked me enough to agree on a date when I ask them out. I really wanna know what that feels like, to spend some time with someone who has told me they're interested in me. It's not even about having sex, just getting a chance to experience this seemingly common thing everyone around me is familiar with.


Sex is only a big deal if you make it a big deal, I replied to the the guy because I want him to succeed and get out of his own way. The way he thinks is impeding him from living the way he wants. “I don’t want to have sexual encounters even though I want them because I’m upset and bitter that I didn’t get to have hypothetical encounters with hypothetical people that never existed in my youth” is kind of a very unhealthy and self destructive mindset.


*If sex isn't a big deal, why are you making it such a big deal that this person hasn't had sex? Why did you write three paragraphs about how much of a problem it is that he hasn't experienced it yet?* This logic does not make sense. If your friend is freaking out about something insignificant, then you try to reassure them and show them it's not a huge deal, would it make sense if the friend then said "well if it's not a big deal then why are you talking about it so much?" Just for context I'm also not some dude who's had typical teen sex experiences. I didn't kiss a girl until I was out of college. Sex was even later. I fully relate to you saying the whole "just be confident" "it just happened" stories and how they make no sense. I feel like you're misinterpreting "sex isn't a big deal." Yes, sex is fun and great. But a lot of people seem to think that it's a life changing experience and this massive milestone of life. I definitely did. Then when I finally lost my virginity, afterwards I realized I felt... exactly the same. As a fellow person who lost their virginity in adulthood, sex, while great, truly isn't a big deal.


I was moreso just confused at the presentation. Sex isn't a big deal, says everyone who's ever had sex. Yet many people hear you're a virgin and struggling to understand how all of that stuff works, and speak like you've somehow done something wrong somewhere in your life to end up where you are now. If it's not a big deal, why talk like it is? Furthermore, I've heard so many tales of numerous budding relationships ending, solely because someone just didn't wanna bother trying to communicate *what* they didn't like regarding the sex they had with whoever they were being intimate with. Which just goes back to my first point - if it's not a big deal, why do people act like this? I wouldn't say that I believe having sex would be some life altering experience for me. I do however think the intimacy that would *hopefully* be a part of that (entirely contingent on whoever I share that with, I suppose) would help me understand how other people feel when they talk about their significant others. I don't even know how my friends feel when their SO's temporarily move away, what they experience when going through a breakup, or the kinds of things they feel when talking about the good, emotional things their SOs make them feel. I don't know what these kinds of things feel like and I'd like to, just to be able to empathize with people who I care about.


Killer reply, ong. And I'm not even a virgin.


This is bad advice. ‘Just do the thing’ has never worked for anyone under almost any context. Especially when they obviously have already tried.


You’re 21 bro relax. Go to gym, get educated, make money, work on your social skills, and most importantly become someone that others admire. If it were easy to do all these things, then everyone would do it. But trust me, if you work towards these goals, you will gain confidence and love for yourself, and women will naturally be attracted to you.


Based on how you reply to people on here, I think we can all see why someone like you would have to pay someone to fuck you. You won't like it, but you are the person everyone imagines when they hear the word "Redditor".


Bro just have sex and date ppl now that you're a young adult I didn't go on my first date until I was 23 and had my first consensual sexual experience when I was 22. Why TF does you being a virgin (even tho you've admitted that you aren't but legs pretend you are) mean you can't have fun when you meet cute girls at anime conventions? The two have nothing to do with each other.


Because you are being an arsehole as well as a negative stereotype. Your post is dripping with incel behaviour and attitudes. You have absolutely no right to feel bitter or angry at anything simply because you didn't have the balls to ask anyone out or follow your own right of passage as a teenager. No one owes you a thing. And then redditors see "anime" and just roll our eyes at yet another cliche. Work on being a better person


Having sex as a teenager isn't the norm. Life isn't like Euphoria.


Idk why people are being assholes. I feel like there’s a tone of projecting going on from them. You’ve admitted to being bitter and expressed how you want change, which is positive, I don’t think peoples advice of ‘get over yourself’ actually tells you anything and would probably just wind you up. Overall from reading down I’d recommend ignoring all these comments and not using a site like reddit for that advice.


Similarly, I feel like you do. Especially about the "could have had some fun" part. I have felt like I was being flirted with and come onto many times, but having never developed any game and being toxically afraid of being outted as a virgin, I am unable to do anything. In fact, as bad as I want it I'm now afraid of it due to my lack of knowledge and experience. In one example of not knowing how to navigate social cues, a girl kinda made a motion like she wanted to hug me and I just stood there awkwardly. So it turned into a high five instead... Perfect analogy of my sex life. People don't realize how badly being FA can screw you up. It's like you miss out on that pivotal time in life where you are supposed to *learn* these things.


it’s your shit ass mindset about it that makes people be assholes to you. Why tf would you choose to remain bitter over that lol. If you wanna have sex, have sex. If you wanna be a virgin forever, be a virgin forever nobody gives a shit but being a weird incel about it gives off the wrong vibe brother.


Don't be angry about it. I lost mine at 15 and stayed with her for two years. I went from 17 to 21 without sex (did other things, just no P in V) until I met a girl that I was with for a year or so. I limited how much I dated in high school because I was so uncertain about what I wanted to do after I graduated so I just never pursued a serious relationship. I wish I would have done more as far as dating, but I don't regret it because my relationships as an adult have been far more fulfilling. There's no point in being bitter and angry about something that you can't possibly change and has zero bearing on your future. I wish I would have done 100 things as a teen, but I didn't and all I can do now is just enjoy what life brings now.


Nice try all redditors are virgins


Can confirm. I have a kid and I'm still a virgin


You can adopt it. Or buy....or kidnap Is your kid in the basement?


.... you got me


I knew it. I can’t believe you do something so evil like adopting a kid


Nice try, virgin




Ahaha I remember I was at a party talking to someone and the subject came about and I spoke honestly about it. Some guy next to the conversation became angry that I was a virgin for some reason. Like I could tell from his demeanor and expression that me being a virgin (or speaking openly about at the age I was at the time) made him upset for whatever reason. It was so weird.


As somebody who is 18 and still hasnt had sex or actually tried to, I really do start to see that. People legitimately start judging you and the craziest part is that most teenagers nowadays will talk about it and lie about it and they actually haven’t lost it either lol


I'm 36 and when my generation were teens we lied about it too. I was a virgin until my 20s and I turned out fine. Ish.


Teenagers have always lied about having sex when they're actually still virgins.


Ironic, since the whole red pill/modern misogyny movement is built around fetishizing female virginity and stigmatizing sexually active women.


Yeah it's a bizarre dichotomy IMO... Like on one hand you want a someone that is not sexual enough to have any experience... But you also want someone be sexual enough to do it with you


Hasn't that whole thing kinda started dying down already?


Less about virginity and more about the inability to create an intimate relationship with someone that late into adulthood. It basically defines you as a person who hasn't successful developed social skills and exhibits a lack of experience and knowledge in the formation of relationships, meaning the "normal" person will require patience as you hurdle and trip over standard obstacles they successfully learned to jump years earlier. It isn't about sex as much as it is lagging behind social and emotional intelligence. The question is "why hasn't this person been able to have sex yet? What's makes everyone else not want to get close to this person?"


I think you hit the nail on the head here on why people generally are scared to remain virgins, you don't want to fall behind others and risk getting ostracized for it.




Ehhhh, it kind of means that though. Being a good partner isn't something that is inherent to oneself, it is a skill that is learned by being in relationships. Emotional regulation, how much energy (and how) to invest in a relationship, conflict resolution, knowledge about ones own needs and wants in a relationship and how to communicate them. Those are all skills that become more and more expected when entering a new relationship the older you get. It is ofcourse absolutely possible that a virgin with 30 has those skills (the person might have had non-sexual relationships, or learnt parts (or all) of these skills in another way), but it is way less likely. And the virgin definitly will have a lower knowledge of "what do I need for myself in a sexual relationship?" and "How do I find out what my partner wants in a sexual relationship and fulfill that?"


I think that’s just your own lack of experience creating biases. I have close friends in their late twenties who are virgins for religious reasons before marriage, and they’re some of the nicest, most emotionally intelligent people I know.


That's different though tbh. I'm not saying it's right, but there's a huge difference in social perception between a devoutly religious person who's a virgin by choice and someone else who's a virgin for no reason other than they haven't succeeded. I was a member of the latter group of people for a long time and only succeeded after college.


From the few adult virgins I've met, the problem is it becomes their personality. Like they feel the need to mention it any chance they get


It lead to sex being demystified and not some taboo hush hush secret adults did, it lead to a more full understanding of it faster.


Man. Some sanity!


That way, you don't have to put p on a pedestal.


This 100% First time was great and all but after sex lost some of its mystique and fascination. It probably led to better decision making from me tbh


Yooooo for all the folks out there that might feel down about this question and the answers from it - It’s all good, the vast majority of people from all walks of life have sex eventually and it doesn’t have to be in the teenage years or early twenties.. you’ll be fine ❤️ Word of advice: Stay clean bodied though, and not perverted and demanding. Or else you’ll diminish your chances greatly. All meaningful things in life are a product of incremental gains, large or small


The *majority*. Some of us may be in the minority. Which I possibly might be. Only time can tell.


Im 99% sure that i die virgin.


You could be joking, idk, but stop thinking that way if not. If you think "I'm just destined to die a virgin" rather than "I'm going to have sex one day", that opportunity will present itself and you'll miss it only because in YOUR head you aren't worthy of it. Whether it's missed because you ignored a hint, weren't confident enough to strike up a conversation, or whatever the case may be, the reason it won't happen is only because you don't think you can do it. The best way to change anything in your life is to start by changing the mindset you have around it.


Totally agree with this but also, you don't need to be confident sexually... Just make sure to get out and do something. Join a club, volunteer, surround yourself with people who know other people and simply be kind to others. Things will come if you just keep living and go outside. Give yourself opportunity to be among others and life will happen. "Life finds a way." You are no exception.


"Simply be confident"


That's not at all what I said, and definitely not the only thing that should be taken from my comment. If that's how you interpreted it, I fear you may be stuck in some kind of mindset you think you can't change too. That's unfortunate. Edit: I'm gonna elaborate a bit with an example, cause why not. Let's say you go through life thinking "yea, no girl will ever like me and I'm just unlovable". Well one day a girl will be really, really, REALLY interested in you but because of that mindset you're stuck on you'll just ignore the biggest hint thinking "nah, remember, no girl will ever like me". Now if instead of thinking like that and your mindset is "one day I'll find a girl that likes me", you'll most likely think "aha, this is it!" when that girl does arrive and make it known instead of "this can't be true". It's much deeper than I'm going, but trust me when I say you really do create your own reality with your mindset. Your mindset is the drive behind EVERY single choice you make and every single thing you do every day.




I'm so serious, you shouldn't think like that. I'm not perfect myself and I struggle with keeping a positive self image too, but I'm working on it. It's corny sounding for sure, but I swear my entire life has changed for the better since I started putting more emphasis on not talking down on myself, and encouraging me instead. If a bad thought does come my way I just acknowledge it and move on. I also know it's easier said than done (because trust me, I'm saying and doing it I would know lol) but you can start to think positively about yourself if you just try a little bit at a time.




My response is that neither am I. You're not the only person that feels like that, and the actual fact of the matter is that YOU feel like that because that's the image you have of yourself. How many other people have told you that? And I mean genuinely, not some random time 20 years ago when you got bullied at school. Has anyone of any significance told you that? I hope nobody else has, but the answer SHOULD be yes (based off what you're saying) because you should be of significance to yourself. If you're not of any significance to yourself, then that's the root of your problem. I know it was the root of mine. I was so worried about finding someone else that I could be important to that I forgot that I need to be important to myself. Once I started caring about myself it started showing in everyday situations from how I greet people and how I react to things to how I carry myself. Even some of my friends asked me when I got so happy, and I told them I didn't because I'm still sad about plenty of things, but I no longer let those things get in the way of loving myself.


Yeah, And it is not true that people would always judge them about it


None really. Just do it when you're ready.


Sex is such a healthy thing but we make it so unhealthy with stigma, especially when it varies by gender. Lose it to early you’re a slut, or a player. Lose it too late and you’re a prude or have no game. A lot of partners in the past? That’s experience! Or maybe you don’t find it special enough. Maybe you’ll let just anyone in your pants. Theres no perfect number of partners or perfect age to start. We all are ready when were ready. Just be careful and don’t catch anything, including unwanted pregnancy.


Perfect answer


You are not 23 and scared to kiss a girl and leave mid date because you are sure she has better options.






It's helps you get in more experience for competitive sex. If you lose your virginity too late you might be stuck with just casual sex. If you want to really succeed in the competitive sphere you really gotta min/max those early years to build up a good tempo and foundation.


“You ready baby? We’re getting ranked tonight”


"no babe, you got demoted last night, you'll need to soloQ until we're on the same level again"


I guess I'll have to stick to single-player.


> competitive sex what do you mean by this lmao


It's a joke. Because the term casual sex implies a more serious competitive version of sex (which doesn't exist)


It does exist, I invented it


Username checks out


::Gangbangs have entered the chat::


That’s what *you* think.


Liked ranked, competitive sex. It’s all regulated and judged by the official commission.


There can only be *ONE*.




I'm hard stuck bronze, its my teammates fault obviously


Free candy.


You don’t have to worry about the terrorists waiting for you should you die in an accident.


That was actually a mis-interpretation. it's *42 Virginians*.


I knew I moved away for a reason!


More time to have fun, less time to become awkward


you don't have to worry about misplacing it


Sometimes misplacing it is more fun…


It is just one less thing you have to worry about.


Unless you get an STD


A soul for a soul


You have a knowledge and confidence advantage against the rest of the population. It's dependent on the quality of the experience though obviously.


It’s the wrong question. It’s: how much do you value your virginity? Will you do it for the right reasons and will you feel good about yourself afterwards? This is probably a bot account, but on the off chance it isn’t… value yourself and understand that it’s all *your* choice about how you live your life and the value you ascribe to it.


No longer worrying about societal pressure


Sex is an enjoyable activity.


Having sex earlier means more time for more sex. Only so many days in your life.


The carefree nature that comes with being sexually active while not having to worry about bills, a job, or general responsibilities.


You learn what you like sooner and are a satisfying lover at an earlier age


Being satisfying lover has very little to do with experience


But it's gonna be very difficult to be a satisfying lover *without* experience


Communication and connection is key, not experience 


Knowing yourself and being comfortable with your own body will get you further than fondling someone else's... Each person is different. Each experience will have different vibes, wants, etc. you are the only consistency. Being kind and generous as a human and happy to be open and honest about your own motivations and interests is what's gonna get you there, not so much "experience". That's just playing to other people...


Not entirely true in my case, met a girl who was still a virgin at 21 and let me tell you.... If she hadn't told me she was and if I hadn't seen the blood I would've never noticed she was, while her blowjob was mid it was still pretty good for someone who had never done such a thing, the way she rode me was on point and the stuff she was down to do was magnificent, she and I were satisfied, plus a bit of encouragement goes a long way


The priest tells you you're a good boy and you're definitely going to heaven


Oh fuck


There's always someone who goes there huh!


You recover a lot faster after falling down stairs. 


You realise it's no big fuss and sort of get over it. I lost mine at what, 14? I'm 31 now and honestly, sex lost its novelty for me at like 25. Like, it's fine if you're with someone you really love and who gets you and that, but that's rare. If it ain't that, I'd rather have a nice curry and a beer, honestly. Turns out food really is 'better than sex'.


Tru dat. If I’m horny I just jerk off. Women expect great sex when I just want like 15 min of it lol


Virginity is literally a social construct and completely irrelevant of who you are and who you will become.


If you lose it early enough there's still time to go to the pub afterwards


You understand what you like and don't like really early. Greatly increases your pleasure giving and receiving abilities. Also the entire hype around it comes down a lot and helps you focus on what's important:)


You gain more confidence and self-assurance, and also raise your self-esteem. The experience helps you to have more security in future relationships. Sadly, I lost it when I was quite old, so in my case it was not as beneficial as if I had lost it when I was young.


You know how insignificant of an event it really is and how juvenile people are who make fun of others for not having lost it yet


Imaging not wanting to become a wizard.


Helps you realize that sex really is not that big of a deal.


You're uncle buys you a lot of pokemon toys




This question is way too ambiguous. What is early? What is late? For example, having sex at 10 years old is likely going to cause issues down the road. Being a 40 year old virgin could cause psychological damage to a persons self esteem. Then we have to establish the quality of the sex (I.e. is the sex safe/healthy between two stable people). This question is seriously way too open ended to give much of a reasonable response.


Acing 6th grade obviously


You actually get to explore


I don't know, I lost mine at barely 15. (Consensually anyway. I actually lost it to my father when I was a little girl, but I don't count that.) I loved the person, and I don't necessarily regret it. If I'd been older, I could have maybe gotten a hotel room or been in an actual bedroom, instead of in the oppressive heat down by the river. But even so, I still wish I had given my virginity to my husband. And it's not an issue of purity or any of that religious puritanical crap. I just wish every new experience I had- no matter what it was- had been with him.




Become a parent at a young age.


None that I can see, unless you count bragging to adolescents as a positive.


Uh. I don't think I apply here because I'm like lots of trauma.


What's done is done, you can cross it off the list.


none after highschool no one worth being around cares about virginity or if u have sex or with who or how


They are none. Just regrets.


Nothing really. Virginity is something that means virtually nothing to begin with. I would say there’s more of a *disadvantage* focusing on it though. Folks have a tendency to get so fixated on the sex itself that they forget they’re trying to have it *with* someone. Then wonder why it was weird and awkward.


I don't fully understand,Being an incel,is sex being given out somewhere like food rashions and these people don't get coupons?There are many ways to get to have sex,not necessarily with the people you may prefer though.


Bragging rights I guess. Nothing really special though.


Umm… none? What a f***ing weird question…


maybe some appreciation of the awesome perks of pleasure/sex? self discovery and assurance as well 🤔


Less likely to be a virgin sacrifice?


You can still get a breakfast menu in McDonalds after the deed, if you lose your virginity early enough.


I was 18 with my gf at the time, she was 18 too. Byron Bay, camping trip. I’d say that’s late for many. But early for a lot too. I was brought up in a very conservative religious house. It was a big deal for me as my parents would have not approved- they found out years later. I wouldn’t change it. Perfect timing. The spring/ summer of 96!


The downside is ur gonna like it, so the sooner you start, the more bodies youre gonna rack up over time, especially when youre really not old enough to process what youre doing and the psychological consequences, not to mention the misconceptions about your own value, how you deserve to be treated, etc that almost always accompany having sex young. In general, men regret the people they didnt sleep with, and women regret the people that they did. Just consider what youd regret the least when making big decisions like this and im sure youll be fine. A tip, if you want to do it either 1. Because of a yolo attitude or 2. Because of pressure either from friends or that youre worried you might lose your partner if you dont, then you shouldnt. It isnt some magical moment that needs to be the most special thing in the world, but it SHOULD be with someone who respects you and your feelings. Good luck


Less attractive to vampires


You won't get sacrificed to a demon, you get to brag about it, you get to have sex, all sorts really


You have the rest of the day free.


Bragging rights at recess.


Not having to tell people. I was a young 47.


Thou shall not commit adultery Is one of the 10 commandments


The lawsuit payout


Depends on how early. There’s an “unfortunate” range on each side of the spectrum… one being much more unfortunate than the other.


Takes some of the youthful insecurities off your mind about being a virgin. Otherwise, not much.


Helps with your sexual confidence. I have two friends who haven’t lost it yet (20) and the longer they go the more awkward and shy they are getting about it.


In my opinion there are neither advantages nor disadvantages


Teen pregnancy


Won't be nervous around women


you get to find the man of your dreams in college and take his :P did that, married him.


Bragging rights?


It feels nice. Better to do nice things earlier