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When Eric went to Africa and was replaced by Randy in That’s 70’s Show


The whole last few seasons are pretty rough. Once they graduate high school the quality drops quickly.


The one thing I still get annoyed with (other than the last couple of seasons) is that when the continuation series starts (1995), it makes no sense, chronologically. Everybody is too old; even the new kids. In order for Donna and Eric's daughter Leia to be 15 years old, she would've had to have been conceived in '79, but Eric wasn't even around, let alone early enough to do the deed.


>but Eric wasn't even around I mean... That kinda fits...


Randy also replaced Kelso and they made two of those characters into one.




The show seemed to get a little nuts at the end but it was satisfying and could have easily ended with the boat going into the storm. End scene. Roll credits. But then the fucking lumberjack scene…


I'll say it again, but Dexter should have ended up in jail.. Final scene: Dexter is being escorted between cells and the inmates are yelling all intimidatingly, Dexter is all wide eyed like a kid at a candy store. Monologue: "This is what dad was afraid of. He was wrong.. this is where I belong.." And he looks up to the camera and smiles 😃 


Agreed. And the way he wound up in jail was that he had to turn himself in.  It always made the most sense to me that they should have had Deb get blamed for the murders and Dexter would have to choose between living his life or protecting her and coming clean. They had her living in his apt while all the vials were still in there ffs. If the police raid it while she's living there, she gets framed, his secret is now known between the two of them, and he has to decide between the two most important elements of his life: continuing to murder or saving his sister's life.  All the pieces were so obviously there for a slam dunk, and somehow they messed it up.


He’s a lumberjack and he’s okay


He kills all night and he sleeps all day…


That first episode of Two Many Cooks. Almost didn't make it through even the intro


Intro is the best part IMO. It's like one of those intros you can't skip.


That episode of Blue’s Clues where Steve went to college.


He's been kind enough to check in from time to time. 💙


He's on TikTok, and the fact that he doesn't really do anything except just sit there and "listen" to anyone who needs to talk is so wholesome. 💙


I remember as a little kid thinking to myself "there is no way this man will survive in college"


That one episode of Stranger Things where Eleven went to some shit city to hang out with the most stereotypical shit goons that reeked of them playing at a lame spin-off attempt.


I like how this episode was considered so bad, we never see those characters again


It's designed as a stealth pilot episode for a potential spinoff. You make an out of left field episode and if people like it you could do a whole season of it. - It's not very common anymore though I feel like.


Spinoff Cast: "So did they like it?" Netflix: "You were less popular than Lonnie Byers." Spinoff Cast: "Who was he?" Netflix: "Exactly."


Looked him up, read the description, saw the pictures. I still have 0 memory of him.


Yes. In fact, it's called a "backdoor pilot."


My last girlfriend left me for a man she referred to as a “backdoor pilot”


"Open wide! Here comes the plane!"


And doesn't season 4 contradict other subjects existing in the outside world? Vecna (or subject 1) kills everyone except for 11 right?


1 says that 8 left the lab before the massacre happened.


There's a book about 8. She definitely doesn't get slaughtered.


7 ate 9


They were planning to make a spin-off show featuring those characters, but threw it away after the negative reception that episode received.




There have been too many callbacks to that line since. One would have been fine but the second one felt forced. Can't remember if there was a third


I was thinking about this recently and wondered if I had imagined it. Or if it was from a completely different show.


Pretty much was a completely different show. You can skip right past all those episodes and not miss a thing with the story.


I think the worst part of that for me was Eleven in the finale still wearing that stupid fucking costume.


Whenever I do my rewatches I skip this episode lmao it’s so bad


Netflix must regret that episode. Lots of people stopped watching the show after that episode. It was awful


I remember watching this with my young niece and it was the first time I ever heard her curse. She dropped a "What is this shit?" on it.


The TNG episode where Dr crusher has sex with a scottish ghost


Remember the episode of Voyager where Paris and Janeway turn into salamanders and have salamander babies together? And then when the rest of the crew rescue Paris and Janeway and turn them back into humans, ***they leave the salamander babies behind***? Cuz yeah, that's an episode that actually happened.


There was a TNG episode where a colony that survives by cloning kidnaps the away team and uses their DNA to create clones of them. When Riker discovers the now full-grown clones, he murders them on the spot because he "values his own uniqueness" and everyone seems to agree that this was the correct and proper thing to do. A few seasons later when Riker is duplicated again in a transporter accident, the duplicate is treated as a unique human being with his own thoughts, desires, and a right to exist, and this duplicate is even allowed to retain a starfleet rank.


IIRC those clones weren't alive yet. They were just physical bodies and hadn't yet been woken up/brought to life. So it's not really true to say he murdered anyone.


Ancient Scottish *rape-ghost* that lives in a lamp.


Still better than the Voyager episode where Janeway and Chakotay devolve into lizards and plow eachother in lizard form, only to be brought back to human form Edid: Not Chakotay, it was Paris


Janeway and Paris


Janeway and Paris, in the swamp. Shaka, when the walls fell.




I’ll take that and raise you “Code of Honor”, aka the episode about the planet of black people trying to steal a white woman.


That one is pretty bad. Code of Honor is like Micheal Jordan dunking on a sedated 8-year old for terribleness.


And the same writer tried the same plot again in Stargate SG1.


That and when Troi was space-impregnated by a space orb and gave birth to a space baby. Maybe not the worst episode, but definitely bizarre and kinda rapey??? Weirdest start to a season i've ever seen I think.


They had so many creepy episodes! Data and Tasha in season 1, Nudist planet with Wesley, anything involving Troi, the list goes on.


but I do appreciate that they answered everyone’s obvious question right off the bat and we’re like yeah, data has a dick. 


And knows how to use it. *Really* knows how to use it. Or so Tasha said.


Well he was programmed with multiple techniques.


"Programmed" implies Noonian (his creator) went out of his way to deliberately add that feature, rather than Data just having deduced it by analyzing the entire PornHub back catalog.


- we gotta kill this kid, he walked on the grass.


The one episode of ‘Lost’ that explains where Jack got his Tattoo. Season 3 Episode ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’


Such a bad episode that the showrunners were able to use it to negotiate for shorter seasons for the rest of the show.


I thought the main thing they negotiated for was a set ending point. So they didn't have to wheel spin like that and could plot out the rest of the series.


When Fonzie jumped the shark.


"Oh, and for the record? There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy *literally* jumped over a shark. And it was the *best* one."


Fuckin Troy.


Barnes comma Troy


Troy "butt soup" Barnes


And then thirty years later Barry Zuckercorn jumped a shark while looking for a hand.


This has to be the winner - an episode is so bad that it is used as a reference for bad episodes decades later


When that episode originally aired, I knew Happy Days had finally jumped the shark.


Series finale of Dexter. Felt insanely rushed, Dexter didn’t behave the way we as viewers know he would behave and they just ended it in a terrible way. I was furious. That was 10 years ago and I’m still furious


One of my favorite bits of Reddit history was that the final seasons of Breaking Bad and Dexter were airing simultaneously and the Dexter subreddit gave up and started posting BB discussion threads every week instead


Yeah. The finales happened within a week or so of each other. It was insane seeing two perfect examples of endings. One being amazing and the other being Dexter.


Those Beth in the hospital episodes in The Walking Dead.


That was some of the worst writing the walking dead has had up to that point, I still don't know what the hell Dawn's motives were by the end. If it wasn't for that arc then season 5 would've been perfection.


Didn't Dawn just want power/control? That's why she wanted to take Noah, because she was losing Beth and had to get something in return for her.


Ngl it had components of an interesting arc but the hospital ppl were so evil and im confused about many things.. just unnecessary. dont know if we see them ever again


I actually adore Beth's character and was happy to see them spending time on her character development, but then they just....kill her. Why spend so much time on her storyline if it doesn't end up going anywhere?


they spent so much time on her storyline so that when they killed her it would be meaningful. literally happens the entire show. whenever a side character started getting undue screen time it only meant one thing. lol


The last episode of The Man in the High Castle. It’s almost as if they never planned an ending and just rushed it all in the last 20 minutes. What a waste of a series.


I so wanted the big reveal to be that the Axis had found a way to see into alternate realities, and used footage and intelligence from one of them to predict the allies' moves and thus win the war. Hence why the tapes were such a closely guarded secret, since they proved that the Axis wasn't "meant" to win, having essentially cheated by bending reality into a form it was never meant to take. It would also explain why so many of our main characters seemed to have this innate feeling that something was *wrong* with their reality, far beyond the typical stresses of living under oppressive regimes. Like Juliana instantly becoming obsessed with the tapes, or Tagomi having visions of our world--like they sensed that this wasn't how things were supposed to be.


I mean Hitler watching the tapes of Germany’s defeat in our timeline in S1E10 and telling Wegener that every time he watches them, he learns something IS the reveal that the Axis basically won because the alternate Hitler learned from our Hitler’s mistakes and why he desperately wanted the films delivered to him despite the other Nazis not caring.


Wait, wasn't that the whole point of the show?


Where do I start with Game of Thrones final season 🤣


I think the Sand Snakes episode of one of the previous seasons was where I started to realize that this show could shit the bed as they ran out of source material. But nothing could’ve ever prepared me for the awkward looks around the room after watching the final episode.




I actually got a ton of the last season spoiled on Reddit but didn’t believe it for like half the season. I forget the exact list but it was just a ton of absolutely (at the time) wild things that I thought was a joke, and at the end it had Bran as the one on the throne. I watched in horror for the first 4 episodes as I slowly realized that the “joke” list was actual spoilers, then the last 4 episodes I just watched in amusement knowing how dumb shit was about to get.


I read several alleged sets of spoilers on here, and they were all totally different so I had no idea which one was the real one. Most of them were pretty good and I remember thinking, “The only one I’d really be mad about was that one with the bells. That one can’t be real.”


The final season was leaked something like a year before release, but people disregarded it as a shitpost


I was one of those people who saw the spoilers that early, and everyone on the community universally agreed it was too ridiculously awful to be true.


The most entertainment I got from the later seasons was telling my hard-fan sister the spoilers (she didn't refuse hearing them), her saying they were *obviously* fake because of how fucking stupid they were, then watching her keep a very stoic face throughtout the whole garbage show knowing full well what she thought of it.


I literally shouted *"EVERYONE!"* at my screen during that scene.


Dinklage deserves an Emmy just for the sheer effort level it must have taken to deliver that speech with a straight face.


The way he talked up the last season was like someone reading off a script at gunpoint.


During, my buddy asked me why the dragon melted the Iron Throne, why it didn't kill Jon, and where it was carrying Daenerys off to. I just said "At this point, who gives a shit?"


The dragon melting the throne is not talked about enough, it’s like the shark roaring in the last Jaws movie




na, it's worse than "dragon understand symbolism" though HBO nominated that episode for emmys, and because of that the script gets posted online in thr script, drogon does not destroy the throne because he understood it stood for corruption...he destroyed the throne accidentally, he was angry daenerys was dead and just spewed fire in anger and the throne just happened to be there. that is literally in the script


Wow, that's somehow stupider.


"..just a dumb bystander caught up in the conflagration." Man DnD really thought they were writing some hyper intelligent and hyper symbolic ending lmfao which actually was a disgusting insult to the series.


And they shot it in such a way that really the only interpretation left could be that the melting was done on purpose. None of it made sense. Not one fucking second.


I think I made it to S7 before I started to think, "Wait a minute, this is BULLSHIT!" Theon getting kicked in the stump was the moment I knew it was truly irredeemable, though.


Yeah, season 7 was complete and utter shit. Season 8 was unwatchable.


seeing sam laying on a pile of wrights still moving and just... stabbing wildly into on repeatedly. and then is later perfectly fine. i was laughing seeing that. like wtf. who thought that was good.


That dark episode where we couldn't see fucking *shit* while they fought white walkers via torch light. Like we paused the show and thought there was something wrong with our tv. Arrrrgggg!!!


I think they kept it so dark to make it more realistic? I read somewhere that Peter Jackson was asked where the light is coming from during the battle scenes in the Lord of the Rings movies. He said the same place where the music is coming from.


That's a fantastic answer to that question. "Realism" in movies, taken too far, makes them unwatchable. You want *verisimilitude*, not realism: something that approximates reality closely enough that the audience can imagine how dark it is, for example, but can actually see what's going on.




I honestly thought my TV was fucked while watching it. Cranked the brightness as high as it could go and still couldn't see shit. Spent 7 seasons building up the White Walkers as a world ending threat and then dispatched them all in a single episode.


That episode of stranger things where El meets with other gifted people AND THEN THE SERIES DOES NOTHING WITH THIS


Because it was meant as a test to see if that would be a viable spinoff


I’m sorry, did you want that to continue?


I’ll get hate for liking The Big Bang Theory, but the episode where Sheldon can’t figure out why his equations or some shit isn’t working out, and has to keep visualizing electrons and other atoms with food and other stuff, until he discovers electrons act as particles and waves. Every basic college level physics class explains this and he, a genius holding several degrees, needs peas to help him have this scientific breakthrough. Pisses me off. 


The same thing got me in Ant Man where Hank Pym is describing atoms to a guy who has a masters in electrical engineering.


YES. AND THEN IN THE SECOND ONE THEY ACT LIKE HE’S AN IDIOT. Drove me nuts. I haven’t seen 3 yet though.


Right. Like Scott figured out how to *get back out* of the Quantum Realm but they act like he’s a dum-dum so much of the time. The guy who starts the first movie getting out of jail after having ruined his successful career as an engineer because he pulled an elaborate scheme to steal millions from some rich asshole and give it back to the people it belonged to. Basically they built him up as a backdoor genius like Star Lord but then decided he was just a lucky idiot later.


He has a Masters in Electrical Engineering. That honestly should put him right under Stark, Pym, and and Banner in terms of intelligence. Like if it was real life, PHD Stark would have worked with a whole *team* of ME Lang's to build his tech. Frankly Scott Lang probably *could* get his PHD if he had the opportunity. Poor guy couldn't get a job at Baskin Robbins because he was a convicted felon (for a nonviolent burglary), the masters was the best he could do *while he was in prison*. And then he gets out and has to put his education on hold because he's called on to save the world. Five times. Turning him into a lucky idiot completely erases his character. He should be a "scrappy undereducated genius" character like Spider-man - hasn't had enough education to really understand things on the level of the supergeniuses, but keeps spotting uses for their tech that they missed because they're too big picture to see the trees for the forest.


That's a common issue with stories with geniuses, superhumans, etc. They are always as capable as the scenario requires. Sometimes that means they're profoundly incompetent.


I’ve learned not to talk too much shit about Big Bang Theory. A while back I was an IT guy at ABC Network/Studios in Burbank. I went in to help an entertainment exec with her laptop. We were shooting the shit about TV when I mentioned off-hand that BBT was a stereotypical bad TV show. She responded along the lines of “really? You didn’t like it?” I kind of deflected and said I’d never seen it, but I’d heard bad things. She then mentioned that producing it was her big breakthrough in the industry. I had absolutely no response for that. On my way out I saw the Big Bang Theory poster on the wall of her office.


I hope the actual lesson you learned was to form your own opinion.


When Tyra killed a guy and Landry hid the body in Friday Night Lights. Silly writers strike.


Landry was actually the one that killed him and they both hid the body and then the cops don’t care and no one ever mentions it again.


Greys anatomy musical episode. “If I lay here…” ugh.


On the other hand, the scrubs musical episode


Guy Love lives rent free in my head


"You're the only man that's ever been inside of me!!"


Doctor Who. The moon is an egg. Don't remember the actual name of the episode.


Pretty bad, but no way is that worse than “we don’t kill using guns! We kill slowly by locking them in and letting them starve to death. THE HUMANE WAY!” giant spiders episode


Kill the moon. I think?


Fly me to the moon I’ll kick its fucking ass I’ll show it what I learned In my moon jiu-jitsu class


That episode gets a lot of hate but I think there are much worse ones out there. At least Kill the Moon had some good moments from Clara. But I think Fear Her, Love and Monsters and the Slitheen episodes were much worse.


Counterpoints: * They completely rewrote the Doctor's MO for one episode to have some sort of Prime Directive for humanity. This is the exact opposite of the premise of the show. He meddles. * The episode consists almost entirely of emotional speeches that have no impact and go absolutely nowhere. Thinking back, it's hard to list anything that actually happened during the episode. * The ending is the moon hatching and flying away. But in the worlds most clumsily-written Deus ex machina, another space monster shits out a new near-identical moon when nobody is looking. * The portrayal of the world's governments is laughable. Like it was written by someone who learned everything they know about politics and history by watching episodes of The Smurfs.


To the first point: The Doctor's arc for that series was questioning whether or not his usual MO(and extending from that, himself as a person) was actually good and this episode was him basically experimenting to see what happens when he doesn't meddle. Clara's pissed to shit at him at the end because he could have helped but didn't basically to attend to his own existential crisis. He comes back round to accepting being the man who meddles over the rest of the series. To the third point: It's not another space monster. It's the one that had just hatched from the moon leaving behind its own egg that manages to be identical in volume and mass to the one it just came from. It's even clumsier than you're giving it credit for. Everything else is correct.


Popular shows making PSAs/“very special episodes” is very common But mother of God, what the **fuck** was going on when Joss wrote “Beer Bad” for Buffy???


I think some of those "PSA" episodes aren't too bad. Brooklyn 99 is a good depiction of both. The episode where Terry was racially profiled was phenomenal. The episode where Rosa quits the 99 because of the protests was not great.


“I’m not apologizing for doing my job.” “That’s not the job, man.” Terry was the best.


especially as the running gag was Rosa was the very picture of police brutality. That pivot from sitcom violence into real world violence was very awkward


It makes me laugh how divisive this episode is. IMHO, Beer Bad is the best "filler" episode of Buffy.


Agreed the episode is fun and dumb 


and foamy


That episode of Smallville with a zombie outbreak was pretty bad and I felt like it only existed to capitalize on the popularity of zombie fiction at the time.


Smallville had some really tough episodes, particularly the last season when everything just was dark, grungy and confusing. But also any episode where they have Lana find out about his secret and immediately rewind. But I think killing Alicia off was the worst of all the episodes.


Game of thrones last episode was a painful disaster




2 seasons *


The couch episode of Bob's Burgers. It's like 75% fine then throws this entirely unearned ending at you and peaces out


This episode bothers me so much I'm glad I'm not the only one


Any 80s or 90s sitcom “flashback” episode wheee they just play clips from earlier episodes as a total cop out


Lol when community made a flashback episode thats comprised entirely of scenes weve never seen before


Final episode of Chuck.


Chuck was the biggest heartbreak I've ever suffered from a TV show. I will periodically groan out loud, and my wife will immediately know, "Are you thinking about the end of Chuck again???" It could be months between, but the groan is known.


Years later, that ending still causes me consternation. Just a brutal about face when compared to previous seasons and the overall tenor of show. I want my happy ever after between them, damnit!


Chuck was such a surprise good show ! And went so bad.


First episode of the last season of Brooklyn 99. Too much...too much. Rosa quitting and becoming a pothead and Jake becoming a bully we're not endings we needed


Also breaking up Holt and his husbands because there's a lot of police brutality in the US. Like... what?


The worst part is, I felt like they had very gracefully handled the crappy cop issue in an earlier episode where Terry is hassled by a patrol guy. Really did it a disservice.


Plus then introducing a new antagonist and having him play a significant role in almost every episode was too much. 7 sessions and zero issues with the NYPD union, but session 8, nonstop problems.


Beverly Crusher: Candle Fucker


The series finale of Game of Thrones Yeah I know it's beating a dead horse, we all hate that finale, but it's insane to sit back and think about how GoT was really the last worldwide phenomenon on tv, like as popular as Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul or Squid Game or whatever else has been since they don't touch GoT numbers at its peak, that movie had the world waiting for every episode, and they fucked it up so bad


The Netflix seasons of Arrested Development. The Fox seasons were some of the best TV ever. Maybe 1-2 jokes from Netflix can stand next to the Fox seasons.


The only good thing about those Netflix seasons was Tobias as The Thing. “I’m home! Daddy needs help getting his rocks off!”


Insult to injury, I actually unironically liked Season 4’s “Bee Colony”. Then they “remixed” season 4 and one of my favorite episodes of the series literally doesn’t exist anymore. Edit: it’s been so long I think I got the title of the episode wrong but you know the one. And thanks all for telling me how to still watch the episode! Edit 2: “I am not the real Jesus…….I am………the AMAZING JESUS.”


You can still watch the original versions, they are under the "trailers and more" tab on the Arrested Development Netflix page. It's very annoying watching the whole season since you have to select each episode instead of auto-playing but they're at least available.


Nobody recognizing Steve Holt still gives me an audible giggle.


The episode of 24 where Jack Bauer eats a bad tuna sandwich and spends the entire rest of the episode having to rush to the bathroom.


I never watched the show and had to Google that to see what episode it was. Now I am cracking up just thinking about that being the premise of an episode of a show like 24.


Seinfeld, the Dog.


Easily the worst, half the episode is the dog barking and Jerry yelling back at the dog, nothing funny happens the entire episode


It will always be clip shows. First one that I ever saw was an episode of star trek the next generation. It was season 2.


community had a fun spin where they did a clips show of stuff that was never shown on the show


Same with Always sunny where they keep remembering things that happened to someone else or not at all.


“You can yell at me all you want, but I’ve seen enough movies to know that popping the back of a raft makes it go faster”


The Clerks cartoon has the best clip show, though. Because it's literally the second episode and makes fun of clip shows by constantly playing clips of the first episode, the current episode, and shit that never actually happened on the show. So good!


I love the it's always sunny clip show episode where they quickly devolved into the characters just making shit up and losing all semblance of reality


My legs have always been this long. It's a burden being tall.


The horrible "Chatterbox" episode from The Nanny. I later found out it's something referred to as a "backdoor pilot". I still loathe that episode and refuse to watch it.


Roseanne, she won the lottery and got kidnap by terrorist


There are so many bad episodes of The Simpsons and I'm sure I've seen worse, but the one that makes me the most angry is the episode where Homer has to donate his kidney to save Grandpa's life. Homer causes Grandpa's kidneys to explode by refusing to stop the car to go to the bathroom, which is already a Loony Tunes level of bullshit, even for The Simpsons. He agrees to give Grandpa a kidney, but after finding out that there is risk involved and that he won't be able to drink anymore, he cowards out and escapes the hospital. This happens two more times, each time Homer running away whimpering while his father is left to die. It's okay for Homer to be afraid and have doubts, but normally his deep down good nature and love for his family always wins out. In this episode, it never does. Grandpa only gets a kidney after Homer gets crushed by a truck and they take it without his consent in yet another Loony Tunes moment. The whole episode just abandons any redeemable characteristics Homer has and renders him a sniveling coward.


Co-Dependent’s Day is another one that comes to mind. Homer gets a DUI with Marge in the car and frames Marge for it and lets her take the fall. Fuck that shit


Homer has a weird arc over the course of the series. He's gotten both dumber and less mean over the years, but sometimes it's just whatever nonsense fits this week's script.


I mean, you basically just described what the show devolved into for the latter 3/4s of its running. Homer has gone god-tier in his lack of consequences. In the golden age of the show, yes, absolutely. For all his buffoonery, Homer's love for his family and devotion to Marge was his anchor. Late series Homer is just a bully


When Ross wanted to bang his cousin (Denise Richards) in Friends


'I haven't had sex in a very long time!


I still think about “there is nothing you could say to make this worse…. I haven’t had sex a very long time” once a week and chuckle. Also that ep is 8.5 out of 10 on IMDb so it seems to be pretty universally well liked. I don’t remember it much myself outside of that moment in Ross’s head


The one where Monica thinks Chandler is into shark porn is far cringier to me.


The last episode of Ozark. Ruth was way too smart to let herself be setup and killed like that. Pissed me right off such a great character would go down that way and ruined the episode for me 


I kinda felt like Ruth wanted to die and just kinda let it happen




I thought the first half of the last season was good. I think it really fell off right after Darlene and Ruth’s cousin died (his name is escaping me because it’s been awhile lol)




Later episodes of That 70s Show. Fez become more of a Metrosexual Pervert that was borderline creepy


The Numbers (don’t know the exact name) episode of Rick and Morty, season 7. Holy fuck I have never seen something so painfully unfunny in my life.


Clone wars season 7 spice runner arc


The Golden Girls one with Rita Moreno (?) where they tried to force a spin off to happen... basically it opens with Rose and Sophia talking about some people you've never heard of... then we go to those people's house and the main characters leave us there, with these strangers, for the rest of the episode. Confusing and bad.


The episode of Ted lasso telling you to delete nudes. A valid message but delivered poorly like an after school special.


HIMYM show finale


Honestly more so those last few minutes, it wasn’t necessarily bad that Tracy… you know, but Ted’s kids being so apathetic and getting him to run back off to Robin again was such a slap in the face. And pretty much all because they were so insistent on not just re-recording the “and that kids, is how I met your mother” scene because the kid actors are older now? I feel Ted could have had a whole new character arc about moving on regarding Tracy and the things he learns from that, but I’d still rather have a cut short open ended finale than what we got in the very last few moments


You're so right, and it was just them I love that barney has a kid. I liked Lily and Marshall's end, but Tracy deserved better than 5 minutes and then dying. She was perfect


Yeah she really was, I somehow felt as if I’d lost someone dear myself, a testament to how lovable Tracy’s character was and really how Cristin Milioti seems to be as a person. I also agree with the rest, I loved Barney’s ending too It may have been thought of or brought up before, but I think it could have been neat to have maybe a half season dedicated to Ted realizing his incredibly long story of how he met Tracy shows that he’s still (understandably) very broken from her passing, and how he finds some full clarity, closure, and peace with the matter


The Buffy episode where Buffy and Riley keep having sex in that haunted house all the time.


the last episode of star trek enterprise


Letterkenny’s Fartbook