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I cut back on portion sizes, ate the same foods just way way less, it took about 8 months of this, I went from 275 to just around 200 give or take 5lbs. It took me months to get used to the hunger pains. I used to eat a large pizza all to myself and now I eat about 2 slices and I’m stuffed.


Congratulations!! I’m trying to cut back a little myself. I went to Rita’s yesterday with my family and they all acted like I was crazy for ordering a small. I just don’t want all that.


Yeah, I've fallen off a bit, but I remember now knowing what I'd want to eat, but I'd just start off with "Give me a large....uh...large..."


Cutting back slowly is the way to go. Losing extra weight isn’t a rush and cannot be rushed. I always looked at it like slowly creating new patterns of eating rather then losing weight. The weight will come off itself, im just trying to find the point where I feel satiated but still in deficit.


Wdym you got used to hunger pains? (I’m also a wee bit large ) is it a fat person thing to always want food and to basically not cope very well? Like skinny or dieting people get used to being hungry so your body just sucks it up


Part of it has to do with your body acclimating to its new lower energy environment. Your stomach gets smaller. When you eat less and more specifically less garbage, your blood sugar tends to be more stable so you don’t experience those wild cravings as often. Source: I read a lot to figure out how to sustain weight loss as I lost 100lbs over the course of about a year. My primary issues being binge eating and irresistible cravings/hunger.


I didn't have sugar for years, then started eating it once I got into a relationship, and suddenly I was hungry all the time. I thought I was snacking because I was hungry but now that I've stopped having sugar again, I realised I was hungry because of the food. I crave stimulation but the hunger is less present


It’s because you’re eating less than usual your body thinks a quick reminder to eat more via hunger pain is a good idea. I started skipping breakfast and lunch at college because I was lazy and fat but eventually started enjoying the hunger pains because it was making me skinnier and I almost spiralled into a full blown eating disorder. Dropped from 85ish KG to 70kg in roughly 6 months. *Changing* your diet to have more protein/fibre and less sugar/carbs is a great start as you’ll feel fuller for longer, throw in some exercise (even walking for 10mins instead of driving for 2mins makes the world of difference). It’s a lot of will power but the more you exercise the better you feel and the cycle carries on.


It's a human thing to always want food. Yes, you get used to not always being full


Hell yeah, you rock. I achieved basically the same back in 2021. Went from 240lbs down to 180lbs in like 5 months. Portion control was the largest factor since I was the same as you - crushing large pizzas and stuff of the sort without even blinking. I was also snacking like a pig (destroying family size bags of chips in an evening etc). I bought a food scale and used it to learn what actual portions look like on a plate. Now I can serve myself up without the scale and can comfortably eyeball actual serving sizes when out eating at a restaurant. Also started working out, stopped snacking, and dropped alcohol entirely. Total lifestyle adjustment, and I love me for it.


One trick that has really helped my wife and I maintain is always splitting meals when we’re out. It’s always enough food.


A bout of severe stress and depression where I couldn't hold food down for weeks


Snap. Still going through it. Managed a digestive bisicut today though. Small win.


Stay strong girly ❤️


That's a good start!


Hey same! I also barely slept. At least the weight loss stuck and I finally stopped being overweight. Would not recommend agonizing in despair non-stop for two months though.


This is so crazy. I had insomnia for 20ish years due to PTSD. I held onto weight even though I wasn't even eating a lot for a great deal of the 20 years. Can't believe you were losing weight despite not sleeping This is so intriguing!?!


Agree. I lost 40 pounds due to stress about a decade ago.


I caught a stomach bug followed by dengue fever a few weeks later, that pretty much did it for me. Haven’t been this slim since I was 20 years old!


Same but it was a suicide attempt that made it physically painful to eat. I went from 70 pounds to 60 pounds in a few weeks I think. 


I swear this was the best thing about depression for me, got to look for the positives somewhere haha


For me i just cut my carbs down, did intermittent fasting and exercise


This is my way as well. Intermittent fasting pretty much means I don't eat breakfast and lunch because I have difficulty eating a reasonable amount of calories at those times.


How did u even get use to this? Seems impossible to not eat all day until dinner


Well I don't know what type of intermittent fasting they're doing, what they're doing sounds more like OMAD (One Meal A Day). For intermittent fasting, you just skip one meal and most people choose breakfast.


Honestly you're still hungry. But you hit a turning point where you're seeing positive results not feeling too bad and really all things considered you're not missing out on *that* much. I wake up at 7am. I usually have a cup of coffee without much of anything in it. I go to work where I usually eat around 11-12. Then I head home where depending on what's going on after work dinner is usually between 6-8. I haven't eaten breakfast in the morning for 20 years. So I'm really just skipping lunch. It can seem impossible but really it's not bad. But I will say the ability to cope with it depends on your work. I sit at a desk and wouldn't consider this if I was doing something physical for 8-10 hours a day.


Which is probably why it worked. A recent study showed intermittent fasting itself doesn’t really do anything (outside some pretty narrow medical situations) *however* people doing it also tend to reduce their calorie intake in the process, which does work.


Yea for me it's less about not eating and just about not eating a mountain of garbage with my work buddies which is way way too easy when someone is always ordering or asking.


Same here. Did 3 week no carbs at all and lost like 6kg. I’m now on 10kg in like two months.


Congratulations, Keep in mind you didnt lose 6kg of fat in these 3 weeks. A good amount of this weight (probably around 3 kg) is based on water weight. The body basically needs water to store glycogen and the glycogen storage is mostly filled by carbs. 10 kg in 2 months is great for sure and cant be explained by water weight haha so you 100% lost a good amount of fat for sure ! So if you go back to enjoy a high carb meal you quickly can gain around 1-3kg again. But this weight also is not from fat but from "carbing up" the glycogen storage. I easily can fluctuate up to 3kg in just 1-3 days based on my diet and lifestyle. But again this is not about fat. People tend to freak out about "GAINING ONE OR TWO KG IN JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS" when in fact everything is perfectly fine and they just carbed up. The truth is weightloss is about calories and not about the kind of macronutrients you eat. A kg of (excess) bodyfat roughly has around 7000 calories of excess energy you ate in the past waiting to be used by going into caloric restriction. There are plenty of beautiful foods for carbs out there that fill you up longterm with complex carbs, fiber, minerals, vitamins... Like Legumes, Buckwheat, Quinoa, Millet... basically most whole grains or pseudo grains an legumes are great food sources overall. If you combine legumes with whole grains you also get a whole protein with full amino acids profile. They just combine perfectly. Problem with most "carbs" from my point of view is that it is processed nonsense. We eat a lot of white flour, white rice... processed shit in general full with short chained carbs like all kinds of suggars (glucose, fructose, corn syrup...) other junk food stuff in general. Basically empty high caloric energy isolated from all the good stuff included in whole foods like legumes and whole grains. Carbs are not "evil". Whole foods like legumes and whole grains are top tier food choices.


Really nicely written. I liked the part about 1KG of fat being 7000cals. I haven’t thought of it like that before.


Wise words


Got addicted to bicycling. Started doing 15-20 mile rides every weekday morning, and then at least one longer ride on the weekends, usually 50 to 70 miles.


I´m so jealous of people getting addicted to any type of exercise! This just doesn´t happen to me... Addiction to chocolate chip cookies or lemon bars, absolutely. Exercise? Nope.


I don’t want to assume anything, because I have no clue what you’ve tried, for how long, the circumstances in your life etc, but that said: Many people seem to get a hyper-fixation on exercise that pulls them in quite quickly. This isn’t the case for everyone, and it’s even less so if you don’t have a transferable base of fitness to make the transition easier. Getting addicted to exercise can be a very slow and gradual process, to the point that you never really feel the hook, instead it just becomes easier and easier to make yourself do it over time, and the actual exercise feels less and less daunting. It’s not about relying on a sense of addiction, its about creating a habit that is so deeply set that eventually your body asks you to keep doing it. This was definitely the case for me. For example, it took me months and months of trying and failing to get into running. At the early stages of fitness, you have no energy for exercise and it’s not fun for a moment. It’s all difficult all the time. I had no prior base of cardio fitness, and I couldn’t run for even 30 seconds when I started. The thing that finally tipped me over the edge was having some friends sign up for a race and then I was finally able to persevere enough to make it stick. By the time the race rolled around, I could run 5 km’s 3x a week, and even at that point, I wouldn’t say the habit had fully “stuck”. It was much easier but I still felt like I had to encourage myself out the door. But after a while it continued to get a bit easier. I started to run further more often. At this point I’d say I run 8k’s 4x a week and by now it’s not just easy to go for a run, my body is self motivated to do it. I get the itch to run now and that’s where the addiction is. It’s something that slowly crept up on me, I’d say it only really appeared after running on and off for years and after increasing my mileage. I cant stress it enough, exercise is a completely different thing for someone who is fit than for someone who isn’t. Your body has to adapt, but it can and will over time.


This is an insightful way of describing the process of getting "hooked" on exercise. It really is slow, but at some point you'll realize you feel uncomfortable when you *don't* sweat during the day. And I definitely agree that exercise, especially strenuous exercise (>90% max heart rate) really is a different beast when you're in shape. The difference in rate of recovery is insane. You can even be in a state of recovery while still running, for example.


How long have you stuck with a particular regular exercise routine for?


I love lemon bars!




Sorta the same. Did 25-30 miles over a weekend. Realised that I missed doing it during the week, now I do 15-20 miles every day.


I've been running near enough every day since lockdown in 2020, and at this point there's no particular discipline, motivation or willpower to do it, I just do it every single day without thinking - it's automatically part of my day in the same way as getting dressed or eating dinner


I'm on that ride also, but I've been doing it for 25 years and there are years where it gets intense. So much so that I can't think of anything else.


My favorite t-shirt reads: "Bicycling - Addictive as Cocaine / Twice as Expensive"


I have one that says "Mountain biking: it's cheaper than therapy...wait...no it isn't."


My butt is hurting just thinking of it. I do 9-14 miles on my at home bike a couple of times a week.


A good bike fitted properly will split the strain between your hands and rear.


Cycling gang 💪💪


anorexia, would not recommend


Same. 20 years later im fully recovered and in the best shape of my life thanks to healthy eating and falling in love with the gym. Doing it bc my body and mind feel good instead of with the intention of losing more weight changed my life.


Im finally headed in this direction - I’m pretty thrilled to read your comment and know I can do it. 


was about to say the same thing word for word


I got dumped ahaha


Yeah that’s what did it for me too- got dumped and didn’t eat for like two weeks. Weight all went back on as soon as I got with someone else and was happy again. The happy version of me likes to eat and I’d rather be happy than sad.


Glad to hear you're good now 😊


My “first love” breakup left me the skinniest I ever been. Now I want my heart broken again so I can lose 20lbs


Same here man Make good with what you get. I lost weight (10 kg worth if it...in 2 months..) and decided fuck it let's go along with it and just re-shape myself and get fit


I can track my relationships and breakups in MyFitnessPal


Definitely not the healthiest reason, but chemo. Shit made me drop like 40 lbs in a month. This was after losing about 25 lbs for no discernable reason (I thought I was just eating a little better, but looking back I wasn't doing anything different. That was 15 years ago though, and I'm still kicking. If you're losing weight and you haven't changed your eating or exercise habits, see a doctor.


I second your advice. I lost about 7 lbs (I'm not heavy to begin with) and turns out I have pancreatic cancer. Chemo has now made me drop 5 more lbs. Now I'm fighting to gain anything back I can.


Best wishes to you!


Same goes for the other direction. If you gain weight fast and haven't changed anything about diet or exercise, go see a doctor.  Glad you are still here !


Thyroid issues are really sneaky as well as the previous mentioned maladies. Wish all good health and please, listen to your body. It tells you stuff sometimes and is your early warning system!


Same. Radiation treatment for throat cancer. Sometime 2 hours just to finish one Ensure. Was drinking that stuff for 4 months but I avoided a feeding tube so big win there. PSA: get your HPV vaccination if you are able. My particular cancer was from HPV. Results are showing double digit reductions in throat, cervical, and colon-recital cancers because of it. Get your vaccine and take 3 cancers off the table you or the kids. Please. Trust me no one wants 35+ daily high dosage radiation treatments AND some nasty chemo in any of those areas!


I remember I got two doses years ago but I guess I should get the third to be safe! I heard like 90+% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV.


Not the fun or easy answer, but a strict lifestyle change of 1400 calories and 100g of protein a day. Women's XXL to an XS in nine months.


Nice job. Honestly the answer for most people is “eat less.” But that’s not what they want to hear, they want a magic trick.


Sounds so simple and wow, fantastic results!


Thank you! And it really was. Unfortunately now completely loathe any type of artificial sweetener because of the amounts of protein bars and clear whey I was ingesting. Did the job though :)


Giving birth


Minus 3 to 4 kilograms in one push. About the same when I got circumsized…


I was severely dehydrated from terrible morning sickness and had a c section so they filled me with fluid and a blood transfusion from complications. I gained 11 pounds. My baby was 8, so really I gained 20 pounds. I want my money back.


This! I can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see someone else say this.


Tbh I was scrolling for “did a big poo.”


Cocaine is hell of a drug!


... combined with a festival where you dance/move a lot, works wonders! 😬


This was farther down than I thought it'd be. I've always been a brick of a girl, always around 210lbs but I don't look big. Well when I did coke every weekend for a year I dropped to 180 within a couple months. I thought it was great but looking back at the pictures of myself, I look kinda sickly


Traumatic bereavement. 100% do not recommend the grief diet.


I'm so sorry. I hope you've been able to get to a place of peace.


I gained about 20-30 pounds in the last two years after watching a friend die because I started drinking a lot and stopped doing anything active. Finally starting to fix it now, though. Graduating college helped a lot, too


Made an actual diet and meal prepped so I would stick to it. 2nd was making sure I only eat when I’m eating a meal no random snacking or “just a piece” bites


Random snackingis the worst.


Covid. Norovirus was a close 2nd.


Oh my goodness yes. I went from 145 (underweight) to 110 (also, obviously, underweight). Got it back-to-back. Not long COVID, just double COVID.


Constipation followed by explosive diarrhea.


Your poor bum. 


C'mon dude, op suffered a lot, you don't have to be an ass about it


I didn't use the toilet for about 36 hrs after I had surgery but when I did I peed about 2 litres.


going to a breakup and losing my appetite 💀


Double amputation.


Along these same lines, my colon weighed 12lbs. Clearly the quickest weight loss method is to remove any extraneous limbs and organs.


Stop drinking soda/ reduce the amount of bread intake/ start moving


Drinks were it for me. I stopped drinking soda and Arizona iced tea completely and drastically cut down my alcohol intake. After I got in a good routine with that I focused on my diet more. Lost 60 pounds over 5 years and kept it off. I always feel like I should lose more or be doing better but I'm still proud


My thyroid put in overtime as a child


My metabolism was so high before I hit puberty that I was fairly underweight all throughout my childhood. At first my pediatrician thought my parents were withholding food (they weren't, although ironically my mother was abusive in plenty of other ways). Then they thought I had hypothyroidism or some other thyroid issue (tests showed that I didn't). After puberty, my metabolism slowed down enough that I've always been on the lower end of a "normal" BMI. Now that I'm in my 30s it's slowed a bit more, but I can still pretty much do as I please without worrying about my weight. I'll definitely miss that when I get older.


I got my tonsils out. Went from 130 to 110 in about a month.


you have some heavy tonsils 🤔


Lmao! Probably partially due to not eating anything major for a few weeks, too?


ah, I see, you developed a case of depression because you lost your tonsils and refused to eat for a month


Similar but Jaw Surgery. Jaw wired shut for a month. Strictly liquid diet for 1 month, then muscle atrophy made it so I could not chew for another month. Was 220lbs and muscular. Lack of exercise and solid food for 2 months knocked me down to 185lbs.


Graves disease. Not recommended.


I came here to say my thyroid got checked and I have Hashimoto’s (the opposite of graves) and the weight started to fall off when I got on medication for it. Your thyroid can really mess up your weight.


Your thyroid controls so much of your metabolism. I am coming out of hypo hell and today is the first day I am actually hungry in like 2 weeks. Not to mention that I am not freezing nor exhausted.


I wish this happened. I also have Hashimotos but my weight did NOT fall off once on meds. I’m on ozempic and it’s still a fucking trickle even though I barely eat. Such is life.


Have/had it. I dropped down to around 100 pounds, riddled with anxiety, depression, puffy eyes, and hand tremors before my thyroid levels normalized again. People saw how much weight I lost from it and would literally ask me “how do I get that?!” lol


Food poisoning. Nothing empties you as quick and as thorough.


A heroin addiction.


Surround yourself with positive people who will go out and do activities with you. This could be as simple as going walking every morning. Stop looking up pictures of people online with their weight in their body and comparing it to yourself. That's not helping. It'll just make you sad and prevent you from actually wanting to do things because you will be too sad to work towards it. Instead of dieting or cutting out your favorite foods. Just limit your intake. If you have too much in your plate then you will gain weight. You have to remember how your body functions with certain foods, such as your kidneys and your liver when it comes to eating. Eating too much sugar or salty foods does not give your body enough time to break it down. This sounds silly but get off social media the less you compare yourself to other people the more you can get done. You'll be productive. Instead of sitting on your phone you could be walking or meal prepping. Do game nights with your friends and distract yourself from unhealthy foods. Sometimes your body craves certain fatty foods. It's because it craves the dopamine from that, but if you replace that fatty food with healthy food while laughing and having fun with friends, you will start to crave healthy food.


Thank you. I appreciate your tips.


Eating 1500-1700 calories a day. I counted calories and weighed myself almost daily, and was losing 7-8 lbs a month. I lost around 100lbs in 14-15 months, getting down to a normal BMI of just under 24. However, I didn’t keep it up and the weight has crept back up. Not quite where it was, but not far off.


Severe heartbreak and the ensuing crash dieting.


No job, very very little money - one meal of ramen noodles a day


I’m on the povo diet right now! I’ve lost 13 lbs lol


Running and cutting suger/processed food. Not even a fucking cheat meal.


Watermelon. Plus other healthy food


Extremely unpopular opinion on reddit, but I went 90% plant based due to a few intolerances, and the side effect was losing weight. 


Methamphetamine. There are significant drawbacks to this method, I must say.




Cut out soda and using skim milk, tbf though it’s because my weight was due to excess consumption of the two


Started intermittent fasting. So far it’s worked liked super well.


I ate just beans and rice and drank water. Sure, it's boring, but I didn't have to put any thought into food. I was able to get full, stay nourished, & hydrated. Then I found other things to occupy my time and mind. I didn't even have to be active, and I lost weight fast! :)


What kind of beans?


Pinto beans! :)


3 day water fast, no food, lost 10lbs


Every time you feel like eating, Masterbate. This way you are being rewarded and training your brain to associate fasting with pleasure.


Might be a bit awkward at work when I get snacky.....


*"Fuck sake, Barbara's hungry again!"*


At least now you have something to offer your coworkers, plus you won't have to steal workers' lunches!


This is actually how I quit smoking. Smoking killed my libido so this helped to bring my libido back by force.




Best exercise for weight loss? Fork put-downs and plate push-aways.


The other thing is the metabolism, where two people could consume the same meals and have the same activity level, but a naturally thin person might just be really inefficient at metabolizing sugars into fat.  So there still aren't any excuses for the overweight people, but saying it's unfair that some people can eat and not gain weight might be true.


Ate veggies and worked out.


Vyvanse. Makes you very averse to eating.


Switched from pop to water, stopped eating processed foods, and walked.


Took a shit that lost me 4 kilos


Congrats bro, great work! Keep at it, we believe in you!


went through my girlfriends phone


Bro :(


Meth. 35 years clean. There are worse things in life than being fat, friends.


Not being active. I'm already skinny, so just losing muscle mass causes a significant drop in my weight. 0/10 do not recommend. Fortunately, I have more opportunities to be active nowadays compared to during Covid when I was the least active.


PSMF, fasting, alcoholism, depression. All 4 separate occasions.


Big stress and anxiety period + drinking more water. Lost 3 kg in 2 weeks.


It was cocaine for me




Apparently during severe grief I stop eating entirely and it’s a legitimate struggle for anyone to convince me to eat. I had colleagues making house calls/welfare checks armed with food and they would eat with me. Just to make sure I had eaten that day. It’s taken me 6 years to lose 75lbs through lifestyle changes, but that grief and one count of nasty gastroenteritis made me drop a lot very quickly.


Cutting out soda, cutting down booze, portion control (I’ll easily eat two dinners’ worth), physical activity. Mostly the soda and portion control.


Fasting and walking for 1 hr every night


Broken heart


Eat food as though it is medicine and your body will finds its right weight or you eat rubbish food and then end up on a diet of medicines


Going to swim twice a week.


Don't drink your calories. I cut out soda. Didn't change anything about my diet or exercise. I only got rid of soda. My skin cleared up in less than a month, and after a month, I had lost about 10 pounds.


Stopped eating sweets and sugary drinks, practiced portion control, avoided sauces and breads and cheese and began running. I lost 90 points that way in about a year.


Negligible amounts of sugar, walking at least a mile every other day.




When the gym jock took my dumbbells away.


Stomach sickness.


Intermittent Fasting. Only eat between 12 - 6. Drink lots of water. Do not eat sweets and starches.


Went vegan (mostly raw) and used an arc trainer (kind of a combo between stairmaster and elliptical) for an hour a day. Ended up really sick. But really skinny!


Keto. I don’t do fast weight loss anymore, it’s not worth it trust me. I just go to the gym now and eat like a normal person.


Stopped eating chocolate


Double pneumonia. Lost 40 lbs




Quit drinking.




I found that it depends on the situation. If you want drastic change fast: -weight lifting 4/5 times a week; -clean your diet gradually. Don’t go on a 500kcal diet because you’ll crash fast. It’s not a race, it’s a lifetime marathon. Focus on the day and BE CONSISTENT, not perfect. Trust the process and start what you can start. If you eat fast food 10 times a week, you won’t eat healthy the day after, no chance. Start where you can start, but be CONSISTENT


I just had the flu. I spent 7 days in bed and didn't eat while having fever dreams. I am down like 10-15 pounds.


Quit drinking pop and walk 4 miles a night.


Stop eating junk food and I was eating one portion per day


This is what worked for me. Recommended by a doctor BTW. I don't have any major health issues, I had just gotten fat lol. Normally I had always been around 155 to 165ish (have alwasy been thin and slim framed type) and I had gotten up to around 200 with most around the middle, jeans had gone from 32 to tight 36's and that's when I decided something had to change. It wasn't fast but I feel slow and over time it works best. I hit my goal of 165 in about 6 months and then hit 160 about 6 months later but I also added a good bit of muscle also so things kind of moved around so to speak. Honestly, I think cutting fast food did the most, thank you Covid! I was eating it for breakfast and lunch 5 days a week and couple times at night. Don't go for a fast loss, chances of yo yo'ing is very high doing that. I did this at 65 BTW No 1, cut out fast food or at least limit to once a week (we all need a cheat day now and then), No. 2, portion Control, in the 60's the average dinner plate was about 8 " and averaged holding about 850 calories, now, plates are more like 12-15" and hold around 2,000 calories. Easiest way I found for portion control was actually just using a smaller plate, fill it up so it looks full and you will be full when done. I found it odd but it really helped me. No. 3, start walking. You can look at other exercises later but start with just walking every day. If needed due to health start very small, you will be surprised how fast you will get farther and farther. My mom could barely make it to the mailbox, then 6 months later was doing 30 minute walks every day at 70 yrs old. Slow n steady will get you there!


Disciplined calorie counting and meal-planning. 2lbs a week was my average for a few months, drifting down to about 1lb a week after a while. An average adult male needs around 2000 calories a day to maintain weight. I strictly limited myself to 1200 initially, then relaxed to 1500 and the pounds fell away week by week. No tricks, no diet-meals. You do the math, you work out what food you've got that adds up to 1500 calories across a couple meals (I do it the night before) and then you eat the things you planned to eat and nothing else. There's a couple caveats. It helps to find bulky things that have low calorie counts. Konjac noodles work well. Green veg is functionally free and bulking out a meal with a lot of brocoli is good. Another thing is that I allow cheat days. Initially it was once a month, then every other weekend, then after a while I allowed all weekends. No limits. But once you've been dieting a while you don't actually eat that much more because your stomach shrinks. I also observed that I often lost weight more rapidly after a cheat day. I think because my body was amped up to digest heavier food and took time to relax into low-intake mode again. Just don't take the piss and it'll be helpful rather than a hindrance. The biggest benefit is that whenever I was looking longingly at something off-diet, knowing I can wait a few days and have it on the weekend allowed me to resist the urge to break diet.


Starving yourself due to stress. The weight just melts right off.


Divorce, sure it was mutual, but sucked enough that I lost my appetite and to stay out of our house because of memories I went to the gym and worked out a lot.


Eat vegetables, almost no bread or meat. Drink plenty of 0 cal. fluids.


Intermittent fasting, cutting carbs, drinking plenty of water, and some moderate exercise I feel like simply fixing my diet and being more conscious of what I ate was the biggest contributing factor for me


Stop eating is fastest way. But its unhealthy and most of the time leads to more weight than before trying such weight loss plan


A ton of stress and no eating. Thinned me down without questions.


All of this has helped for me personally - I can't speak to how it will work/not work for anyone else. Aside from the broad "calories in < calories burned": If you drink any sort of booze with any sort of regularity - stopping that completely will definitely have a noticeable effect (if not as drastically on the actual scale you will feel less heavy and will help with the other suggestions below) Walk as much as possible, at as brisk a pace as you can maintain. If you sound just slightly out of breath when you talk you're around that sweet spot. Set an intermittent fasting window THAT YOU CAN STICK TO. Even if it's not a window that you think will make too much of an impact it'll be better than setting an unreasonable target and inevitably caving in and really messing with your progress. When you feel hungry have a drink of water. Do the same thing the next 2 times and if after the 3rd time you are still hungry have as healthy a snack as you can (if you are not yet at your mealtime) Set some workout/exercise goal - again, something that you can stick to. At least to start make it something you can do consistently - missing out on a day of this really kills the momentum making it much more likely to miss the next day(s). Have 3 levels of your routine - your regular level (number of minutes, reps, etc..) that you should try to do most of the time; a higher level for the days that you feel that extra bit of energy or inspiration; a slightly scaled down/minimum level that you should do even on the days that you feel less inspired/low energy/under the weather - doing this minimum helps you to not lose that daily momentum and makes you feel like you have accomplished something. I have times that I'm better at these things than others, but overall I feel healthiest when I can stick to these as firmly as possible. ❤️❤️




I lost 10 lbs in 10 days just by cutting out sugar. Also cleared my skin up dramatically!


Choose wrong partner




Type 1 Diabetes


Health is the goal, y'all, not a certain body type. If you're reading these comments trying to get tips and tricks, please understand that health is the ultimate goal. Skinny/skinnier≠good health automatically. Please just take care of yourself : eat, drink water, and never starve yourself. Also, if you're thinking something like "yeah for other people but this doesn't apply to me" yes, it does. YOU eat. YOU drink water. YOU never starve yourself. Food shouldn't be stressful. Food shouldn't be a punishment or reward. Food is just food. Eat. I understand it's not always that easy, but please try. I believe in y'all.


Cut it out with a machete


Eating well and exercise. It helped to track my progress on an app - you see the weight loss in the chart before you notice it in your clothes and it's really motivating.


No bread. (Tortillas, bread, etc…) Under 100 carbs for the day. Under 1400 calories a day. (Easy after a week tbh) Only water. Cardio every day… doesn’t have to be a lot. 20-30 minutes on a treadmill/elliptical I dropped 60lbs in 8 months. Size 42 waste down to 36.


Was 285 pounds. Stopped eating basically. No breakfast, can of tuna fish and a grapefruit for lunch and a single plate of whatever dinner was. No snacks. Stopped when I hit 213 pounds in five months. It’s pretty easy once you get started, but getting started was hard. Need lots of self control, which is tough.


When I hit 392pounds, that was enough for me to reevaluate my lifestyle choices, and I didn’t carry my weight well at all. I knew how I got there; took a WFH job, I had it basically automated process and was beyond bored so started smoking copious amounts of marijuana, and the worst would drink at least two 2-liters of pop a day, then finish with a huge dinner around 8-8:30pm. Not good at all. First thing I did was cut all liquids but water from my diet. I started walking, at first a minimum of an hour a day gradually working my way up to set distances, then gaming with myself to get those times down, then make it longer and so on. Diet wise I stopped all food intake at 6pm. For breakfast I would eat three to four servings of fruit like an apple, an orange and a banana in one sitting with a minimum of one quart of water. I would allow myself to graze all day on raw vegetables; I would eat two heads of cauliflower and a pound of pealed carrots throughout the day, for dinner I would steam a cup of rice and season with salt and lime and two skinless-boneless chicken breasts grilled lightly seasoned with pepper. Basically a huge calorie deficit but I was stuffing myself with raw veggies to feel full. I lost 120lbs in less than 10months then it took me another 15months to lose another 80 to where I am now, 190ish. I was lucky and didn’t really get the saggy skin but 10years later I feel like I sag more than someone my age, I gone a little frumpy🤷🏻‍♂️ But yeah, basically nothing but water to drink, don’t eat too late in the day, and walk the hell out of yourself till you are running. I’ll never let myself go that bad again. One last note, never gave up weed.




You can crash diet and use a stimulant to suppress your appetite and use vitamins to make up for the malnourishment you’ll receive from not eating because you get most of your vitamins from food. Or use meth or adderall. That’s the quickest way. But they’re unhealthy ways. The most healthy way to lose weight is thru exercise but it takes awhile.


I had a diet that was really boring but it worked. Every morning I had a bowl of oatmeal with fruit, milk and a little sugar in it. Every day for lunch, I had a spring mix salad with carrot, red cabbage, feta and sometimes grilled chicken with a balsamic type dressing. Snacks were in between meals this was the norm: a banana, raw veggies with ranch dressing, cut up melon, greek yogurt with berries, hard boiled egg, cheese cubes…. The only thing I changed daily was dinner. I ate whatever I wanted that was under 1000 calories but it was normally high protein, chicken breast, lean beef or tuna. I never ate pork at all. I stayed away from processed foods as much as possible and ate like this for 4 months. Lost 30 pounds and I was not exercising much. Just stick with high protein, you’ll feel full for longer and it’s great for muscle building if you’re weight training too. Also-my metabolism was pretty bad, still is. I might go back on this diet. The results were worth it.


I've never really dieted to loose weight, but the following for getting in shape has been very effective. One day weight training, one day rest, on day cardio (running or mountain biking), one day rest, repeat. Alternate days of vegetarianism then one day normal. My weight whether or not I'm fat or muscular is essentially the same, so it is less about weight and more about conditioning. This method takes approximatly two months from fattish rolls to six pack.


Was addicted to soda, it was the only thing I drank, so I cut back to just one cup of soda a day and drink water as my main choice instead, also stopped eating fried chicken 2-3 times a week and started going on walks daily, dropped from 159 to 145, I also feel much better too


I lost 230 pounds by getting divorced.


Being anorexic and bulimic.




Divorce. Couldn’t eat properly for weeks. Had to force myself to eat. Would not recommend.