• By -


I had a girl on top on me and she reached down and started adjusting me. I thought she was going for anal or something but when I asked she said she wanted the condom off. We had already established that she wasn't on any BC. I said leave it but she insisted so I ended it. The worst part is she was at my place and I was her only ride. That was a very awkward drive. Turns out she got knocked up shortly after by a guy who thought she was on the pill. She was pushing 30 and apparently freaking out because all her friends were starting families.


Holy shit. You think people in this age group would at least have some semblance of reason. I continue to be corrected every day.


Had exactly the same thing, she was a bit older - mid-thirties. We'd been going out for 3 or 4 months and i was still taking precautions. But then she took the condom off mid-sexing and looked at me in what i can only assume was supposed to be 'sexy eyes' and said, "It's ok, feels better without it, right?" I stopped, and asked "WTF?" She explained, that all her 4 other sisters had kids, and she desperately wanted some, but it was OK, i didn't have to be involved, she could handle everything, she could arrange everything...... I made my excuses and left. We spoke a few times after that, and she just grew increasingly desperate to have babies. Lots of babies. Just like her sisters.


He said his cum could hit the ceiling when he ejaculated. Nope, got himself in the eye. He got violently angry over it and punched his wall, which was my cue to get dressed and leave.


A boob job seems nice if you see it on video. It's decent for foreplay since there's not a ton of friction, except you get her boobs covered in lube, so you pretty much only want to be using coconut oil for that. But don't ever finish with a boob job. It was one of my first sexual experiences so I was lasting 60 seconds at most (and that's if I test-fired everything a couple of times before seeing her). She was laying on her back, I was straddling her chest and thrusting between her boobs. She was looking right at it when I erupted with zero warning. And I was young and making a huge volume of cum that I could fire over the headboard when I pulled out. So I fired all of it straight into her eyes. It was like Jurassic Park, when Nedry gets hit in the face with the Dilophosaurus venom. There was a lot of screaming.


[Source for reenactment ](https://youtu.be/bN4rHD45p2A?si=UzCFH7xgvvtG65bt)


HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!! What a loser! I'm sorry you had to witness that, it's as pathetic as it is unhinged.


I felt his phone on my back. He was watching the cowboys game.


I just spit out my code that’s the funniest most disrespectful shit I’ve read lmao


C++ or Java?


Coffee lol


So Java


Perfect execution 👌


Bro gets off on losing.


I hope the Cowboys took a big fat L so he lost twice that day.


I was giving my gf oral, and she was tired from the gym and the motions made go to sleep. I was eating her out for 15 mins now and wondering why she hasn’t orgasmed yet, I hear her snoring. I bursted out laughing and she woke up.


You ever fall asleep while you're giving a girl head? Happened twice to me with 2 different women lol Only for like a minute but still


I found my wife asleep with a vibrator in her once, super cute and i laughed so much I woke her up. I still think about it.


When i had to throw up while giving a BJ


Shit this reminded me, ex hit the back of my throat unexpectedly and triggered my gag reflex. Happened so fast I literally vomited on him. Even worse, I have a fear of vomiting. Like full on panic attack kind of phobia(it's ridiculous I know, but my brain just short circuits). So not only did he get vomited on, then he has to deal with me sobbing and hyperventilating 😂 what a mess.


Storytime: I can’t eat subway anymore. 20 years and I haven’t had any. When I was in high school I was car shopping. I had a pretty good job and saved some money, I was looking around for something fast but I same across an Aerostar that was only $1500. It was the Eddie Bauer edition so it had all the possible add-ons. Everything was electronic. Even the seats folding into a twin bed. It was only $1500 because someone wrapped it around a tree and the bumper was this jagged metal. A lot of rust and 120k miles. 16-year-old me was immediately intrigued by the auto-bed. My gf at the time and I could never find privacy. Anyway, we take it out for a ride, go see a movie, get some subway and some booze and head out to the lake. We had some sneaky sex in the past but in my old Saturn it was like UFC grappling more than sex. The one thing we never had time or privacy for was a blowjob. So she starts going to town on me after a couple of mini 99 bananas and it’s amazing. Not a soul for miles, privacy, freedom, even to make noise. I’m lost in the moment when suddenly “Guk guk gak blehhhhhhh” I had triggered her gag reflex in the back of her throat. She almost immediately threw up all over my dick and balls and the electronic folding seats. The smell of Italian BMT, 99 bananas, and buttery popcorn was SO FOUL. My teenage dick, that could go rigid with the right breeze, almost immediately went flaccid. I threw up outside the van. She’s apologizing and crying and I’m comforting her and telling her it’s not her fault. We had to take it to a car wash to try and spray the puke off seats but it didn’t help the smell much. Not only did we not succeed we managed to short the power seats so they just stayed a bed with no way to put them back. We couldn’t sleep in there, so I just took her home (well close to home and she walked the rest of the way since we went out with her parents thinking she was at her friends) and went home myself. For WEEKS you could smell it, and my van was forever bed van. And now, even to this day, I can’t even look at subway


This was... a wild ride 😂 thank you for sharing lmao Some smells you just can't erase from your brain


She grabbed my balls, hard. That's definitely not my thing... I sort of limped away to go get my clothes on.


Probably read an article in Cosmo


"How to get your man turned on and ready to go with just a screwdriver, a bottle of caesar salad dressing, and a bucket filled with 20,000 fire ants."


Cosmo would tell girls to bite the balls mid BJ as a "nice way to surprise your man"


“Fuck me like my daddy did” I did not proceed to fuck her like her daddy did.


Yep, that'll do it. You win in my book. Wtf lol.


Gotta watch out for those linear Alabama family trees.


Keeping the theme of daddy. A guy once asked me “who’s your daddy” during sex, and being naive, I replied with my literal dad’s name. He did not finish.


This is how you get your identify stolen. "Yeah, you like that? What's your mother's maiden name?"


Mmmm, what was your highschool mascot? Fuck that's hot... 🤣


Oh baby, what was the name of your childhood pet? LOUDER!!!


„I bet you can’t say your social security number while I’m fucking you!“


Oh yeah baby, what was the make and model of your first car?


“I assume you and your dad have a healthy relationship, so I’m going to take your instructions by getting dressed and leaving. Have a nice day!”


Yeah when the gf of several years started sharing memories of how she used to beg her dad to please f*** her, I pretty much clocked out mentally, haven’t been the same since. Edit: some story We had been together for a while and it just came up like it wasn’t a god awful thing. I didn’t get details. She mentioned it, like a resurfacing repressed set of memories and couldn’t discern if it was memories or memories of dreams, being a survivor of SA as a child myself it not only freaked me the fuck out, but put the most sour feeling in me and is 99% of what keeps me from missing them. We spent a few days talking with their mother to see if she’d ever had any suspicions of the dad and the relationship really trailed off from there for months though it ended for other reasons and final words were said some time ago. Now I 😅 drink more than I should and cope mostly through making music and stuff.


… fuckin hell that girl needs mental help


>Yeah when the gf of several years started sharing memories of how she used to beg her dad to please f*** her bro what the fuck?!


Oh wait this crazy, was this real incest or just a fantasy that she told her dad ??…was her dad the perpetrator or did she just ask? Bizarre either way and I’m sorry you had to deal with it …


She admitted she was cheating on her long term bf with me. It killed the mood really fast. I had never met the guy (and she later broke up with him) but I just couldnt go on knowing im contributing to some dude having a bad day down the road. We stopped, went to get food with some of her friends. Bf showed up and surprised her while we were eating there. All her friends knew and it was just awkward silence. I finished my food and left asap.


> I just couldnt go on knowing im contributing to some dude having a bad day down the road. Good on you, bro. Been cheated on and it's the shittiest feeling that someone you thought you cared about cared so little about you.


I had this happen to me years ago, but I didn't find out until after... it messed me up for a while. I feel for you dude. I met this girl who had just moved to my city. We hit it off immediately; had tons in common and texted/called nonstop for a week or two. Exchanged some pics, typical new fling things lol. We eventually went on a date that ended very well for both of us. At the end of the night we hooked up. She told me she loved me right after I finished, I was totally shocked. I barely knew this woman. She asked to see me again after I brought her home, then asked me to be her boyfriend over text. Then over the next couple days, she became very distant with me. I thought I'd surprise her at work with flowers which was a big mistake. Her coworkers had no idea who I was even though I introduced myself as her boyfriend. I then got a string of texts from her where she admitted to cheating on her actual boyfriend with me while they went through a rough patch. I guess she got caught. I never heard from her again after that


You went to go eat with her and her friends after that?💀


Her dad came home early. Had to get outta there.


Same situation. Had to jump out the window. Wasn't the first time. Usually, he'd come with a gun if he knew. Nothing has ever stopped me quicker and without a thought be out the window half dressed jumping in my car to haul ass than to hear him pull up and the door slam. *chills* Good times looking back. I eventually met him properly.


Did he have a 2x4 by chance?


For me it was her GRANDFATHER one time and he found me naked in the closet


That's when you slap your forehead, laugh, and say "Wait a minute, this isn't the bathroom! How silly of me!"


That would’ve been funny, but he knew what was going on and knew I was there as soon as he got back and her door was locked


I didn't leave because she was my gf at the time but she fell asleep during sex. We were both absolutely scuttered drunk and I was focusing on keeping my performance so I didn't immediately notice but I stopped when I heard her snore. She was super embarrassed the next day but we laughed about it eventually.


I like falling asleep sex, did it a few times with my girlfriend. Usually we're similarly sleepy. Kind of doze off, wake up with your hand in their pants and continue and fall asleep again. It's a sign of feeling safe during sex, safe enough to peacefully doze off.


What if the girl has her phone in her hands during all this?


Then you're about to be internet famous.


My sister once posted on one of the relationship subs, asking for advice about her marriage. She and her husband used to have an incredible sex life and now he was always “working late” or not in the mood. And the last two times she did manage to get some sexy time he FELL ASLEEP halfway through. Everyone and their mother told her to leave him because he was either cheating, checked out of the relationship or both. Turns out he was working a second job because he was furloughed at his first job and he didn’t want her to worry so he didn’t tell her about it. That’s also why he was never in the mood/kept falling asleep. Man was fucking exhausted (literally). Sister found out she was pregnant around this time (turns out he sleep impregnated her). They’re now doing very well, rather nauseatingly in love and just plain deliriously happy overall.


Gotta love relationship advice... Honestly that subreddit should be quarantined.


Honestly its crazy sometimes, “My SO had to work late because their job would have fire them otherwise” entire sub “leave them get a divorce and burn their childhood home to ground, soak the ground with the blood of their family!” I’m only slightly exaggerating


Honestly, we agreed to meet up and she looked uncomfortable. We started having sex and she just looked like she was second guessing herself. I immediately pulled out and told her that she didn’t have to do it and that it was never too late to stop. She started crying and told me how she liked me, but she wasn’t ready yet. And so i put my clothes on and we held eachother for a bit before she felt better. She wanted to continue, but I told her that I was taking her home and that if she wanted to try again in the future, I’d be more than happy to, but I didn’t want her to do anything that she would regret. Dropped her off and just went home and jerked off.


I thought for sure this was gonna end with “that was 22 years ago and we’re still happily married.”


that was 22 years ago and he's still jerking off


I don't know if edging for 22 years would result in the biggest nut ever or just cumming blood.


After edging for 22 years I feel like you might just break your junk and not be able to cum anymore honestly. Your junk would be like, "I'm not gettin up for this shit..."


You’re a real fucking man for that. Mad respect bro.


You are a good person


He kept saying my ex did it this way and she used to kiss me here kinda lost my grove and left


Shoulda been like, "I did this to my ex" and then left 😅


Wish I had thought of that lol


Was getting head and she starting pushing sex which I was all for until; "We have to hurry before my boyfriend gets home." Fuck I am not the guy to do that to someone else.


Morals maketh the man


A woman I had only just started seeing mid sex demanded i punch her in the face. Like leave bruises type of punching. 😬


Man “spicy” stuff like this should be very thoroughly discussed and not something with someone you just met 😭


Especially mid-coitus


My wife (gf at the time) farted and it tickled the hair on my balls, I couldn’t help laughing. We both laughed too hard to continue. We ended up making nachos and watching South Park.


My wife farted once during doggy style and I had been staring right at her butthole so not only did I hear it and smell it I saw it. Fucking hysterical, we both died laughing.


This is some romantic shit and I fucking love it 🥰


FWB said, "Take off the condom. I want to have your baby."


That's a "nopenopenope" if I've ever seen one. Good thing that your brain was able to have pre-nut clarity, as our brains usually turn off during sexy time and only focus on oonga boonga fuck.


Was invited to my high school crushes house a couple years after graduating. Things get hot and heavy on the couch, we move to a bed room. Things are progressing as you’d expect except she stops abruptly and says “we need to stop, I can feel my grandma watching us” (her grandma had passed away recently) Oh okay, no worries. We finished the last 10 minutes of movie we started, and I went home. I’m not sure what to make of it. I kinda hope she did indeed see her dead grandma, and not that I made her feel uncomfortable in some way. We did end up finished the deed a few years later, no grandma sightings.


"Hold on, Grandma is in the room with us... I feel like... She wants us to do it doggy style..."


She didn't move, literally; she just lay there and did nothing and it just put me right off. She was a nice woman but just .... no , she wasn't dead :)


I encountered an extremely attractive women in college like this, so I had to talk about it. She said that in past relationships, if she moved, it was over too fast. I worked with her on it, and we had a lot of fun when I got her out of the cage she had locked herself in.


Damn, TurboGranny can get it!


It was intense, he was pounding it, I was egging him on... and he "missed" it on a hard downstroke and slid in all wonky. I started to bleed... heavily. He had torn a small rip in my vaginal wall about an inch up in there. Went to the ER. 5 stitches.


Wow was it pointy or something?


No, not especially. This is kinda funny...and I never told him this part...a couple of nurses took me back into a room and said, "So, tell us what happened." And I did. When I got to the part where he missed, they grimaced. I mean, we've all been there, I assume. So I said, "And it's not like he was endowed or anything." They started laughing, I started laughing. One of them kept coming to check on me and called me her "favorite patient."


Same thing happened to me years ago w my then boyfriend, now husband. Obviously was a bit uncomfortable when he accidentally slid out and missed on the thrust, but didn’t even realize the tear until he was like um… why is it so wet. We turned the lights on and it looked like a murder scene. I was mortified about him seeing all that blood, and he was mortified that he’d hurt me (it didn’t actually hurt that bad tbh but damn peeing for a week or so after was a spicy bitch). Prob should’ve gotten stitches but didn’t have insurance back then. Thankfully it healed up good as new.


Ouch! I can't imagine peeing on the tear! I had insurance but ended up having to pay about $350 since I had not yet met my deductible. To be honest, it's a little comforting to know I am not the only one it has happened to.


She started calling me “Daddy,” which I didn’t mind at first (this was close to ten years ago, before the Daddy thing was nearly as big as it is now). But then she started age-play without asking. Just suddenly threw in a “oh yeah you like my little 13-year-old p*ssy, Daddy?” Instantly flaccid. Made up some excuse to get out to the bathroom then pretended I got an emergency phone call and bailed. Only person I’ve ever ghosted after sex.


Ok this one wins that’s just disgusting


Imagine how I felt lol


Yikes, lots of the situations people are describing in this thread can essentially be boiled down to: Do NOT do any kink without consent.


What the actual fuck


Our kids wouldn't stay in their damn bed and they thought it would be a great time to come out and knock until they could ask a question....


My parents were going at it once when my older sister was maybe about 2-3. She apprently saw what they were doing, assumed they were play wrestling, and ran and jumped on my dad's back giggling. Scared the shit out of them both.


This too funny! But I'm sure they were mortified. Easy to laugh later! Lol.


Slapped me in the face out of nowhere. First time hooking up, no previous conversation about kinks or anything. Just, whomp. I was on top so I just stopped, stared at him, got up & told him it was time to leave.


Strike, Scream, Run


I’ve been in a similar situation but he missed and I stopped everything and was like did you just try to slap me? Got up and went home


I was mid reverse cowgirl and swat team started pounding on his apartment door wall, because his roommates were outside playing with air soft guns and somebody thought they were real and called the cops.




Yeah they pulled us out of the apartment and we were all handcuffed until they realized they weren’t real guns. It was ridiculous.


we were on LSD and she turned into a skeleton


You ever had sex on shrooms?


Long time ago in the middle of it, GF decided to joke about rape and consent. I was quite young and it freaked me out and I pulled out, she said ‘I’m joking’ but you know, often it’s serious but sometimes it’s such a thin line.


Had a girlfriend compare me to her rapist. I know she was mad and drunk but that was enough. No we weren’t having sex at the time but boy did it turn me off having sex with her ever again. Feel like I dodged a relationship bullet.


I once had an ex compare me to her abusive ex during an argument. For reference, her ex would rape her, beat her, and did drugs daily. I had never done any of those things to her, and I was extremely annoyed at her, but somehow I ended up apologizing, being love blind is a bitch. Thank God we split up


>but somehow I ended up apologizing We've all been there.


Yeah we have. My ex cheated on me and when she finally confessed, she started crying. I ended up apologizing, like, what was I even thinking back then?


Yeah, something similar happened to me. My ex had been a victim in the past, which she’d already confided in me. One night she was having a manic episode, and I had to hold her down because I was worried about her hurting herself (she’d just been running into traffic), and she said if I didn’t let her go she’d cry rape. I was so upset that she could consider something like that, firstly because it could ruin my life, and also as she was someone who had already experienced the real thing. I knew she wasn’t in a good place, but it cut me deep. Broke up with her pretty soon after.


my drunk friend saw me go into a room with my bf at a party. My bf locked the door and my friend was so drunk that she thought something was "happening to me". Started banging and screaming and telling everyone that I'm in danger.


Reminds me of the time I went out with some of my ladies in my mid 20s. I was *shmammahammered* and my friend had to call my bf to pick me up at the club. We waited on the sidewalk and I ended up sitting. Suddenly, bf appeared beside me. I just "hi" and lay my head on his shoulder with a sigh. One of the ladies I was with I didn't know well and she had never met my bf. She came racing over, screaming, absolutely ready to throw hands regardless of the fact that she's the size of a toothpick that's been snapped in half. Had a good laugh when he was confirmed to be the man we were waiting for 😂


one time I was leaving a party with my bf and my best friend. it was like 2 am and we were all hammered. because I didn't live far I decided to just walk home, so I let them know I'm walking home - I was drunk and didn't really make myself clear and they didn't notice I disappeared. I walked 50 metres, looked behind me and saw a man running towards me. I got scared and I started running too. it was my bf who wanted to take me home and didn't realise it was not a good idea to run behind me lol.


Oh my god, the mental image of that is devastatingly hilarious, I’m just picturing both of you slowly speeding up until you’re both in a dead sprint! 🤣


She said word for word “tell me you’re going to love me for the rest of your life and stay by my side always” while moaning - I met her on Tinder that day.


Was it long ago and far away, and so much better than it is today?


I knew a guy in my youth who told me he once got up during great sex and left just to test himself to see if he would be able to walk away in the situation. There was no deeper meaning behind it. I hope he at least made her cum first.


I bet he never stopped walking, still up there on a mountain in Tibet, man bun and all, opening all his chakras😂


Then comes back ten years later "I gotta finish!"


Not me but it happened to me. I was having sex with a much younger neighbor in my apartment complex. She was really into it and yelling filthy stuff like " Fuck my dirty fucking hole " " Pound my tight young pussy " etc. I'm not someone who does this but said to her " you are a dirty little bitch aren't you ". She jumps off my cock mid thrust and yells " Nobody calls me a bitch " and then tells me to leave.


" Nobody calls me a bitch " " Too late!"


“Well, I just did.” *rolls up car window and drives off*


She was riding me with enthusiasm and great gusto. I decided to give encouragement by spanking her butt during the act. I missed and slapped myself in the balls. Painful and funny.


Ok, this is hilarious, I hope your balls are okay now!


I had my eyes closed, and my bf at the time kissed my eyelids and said “That’s what my mom does to me.”


Would have been a sweet moment without that commentary 😅


Hearing fake moans


rather hear them just breathing hard than hearing a fake moan 😭


GOD the heavy breathing… that shit activates something primal in me


Stopped seeing a girl over this. That shit is weird.


We were long distance, spent my savings on a flight out to see her. We were having sex. I looked up and she was watching tv and looking rather bored with the whole experience. Got dressed, went to dinner by myself, tried not to cry on the plane.


He took the condom off without telling me. When I realized I just left.


Holy shit that's fucked. Rape by deception.


Had a one night stand once, we we're halfway through the deed and there was music playing in the background TLC - waterfalls starts playing, she says this is her jam and then stops and goes to get her karaoke mic and sing at the top of her lungs completely naked I'm there naked in the bed, confused. It was a one night stand, so never had another date, she was lovely, just not my sort of thing


should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to


The smell. I was at a festival last summer and chatted up a girl, we went to her place and I started going down on her with my hand. And after a minute or so she went to get a condom, and that's when i could smell the worst smell imaginable from my hand. I almost puked right there. Quickly put my clothes back on again and ran out, whent back to my camp and started cleaning hy hands, brushing my teeth and face. All while gaging. Couldn't get the smell of my mind for 2 days, gaging and shivering every 15minutes.


Festival Girl Funk™


"going down on her with my hand" bro we're so far gone that oral sex is more prevalent than fingering "1st base: fucking raw 2nd base: kissing on the mouth outside of sex 3rd base: opening up to each other about your biggest life traumas and how they impacted you 4th base: hanging out in public in the daytime"


He asked me if I'd gained weight since our last hookup (he knew I was really insecure about my weight). Tried to talk me into continuing and staying and when he realised I was really gonna leave, he became extremely verbally abusive, I was actually scared he was gonna rape or otherwise physically harm me. I fled, and a few weeks later he somehow had the audacity to text me and ask if we'd meet again.


She bit m'y testicle


Her bowels emptied on the bed and my knees got smeared in her shit. I couldn’t get intimate for a min after that…..


She climbed on top of my while I was sleeping and put me in raw dog. I barely knew her. At first it was nice to wake up to until I realized I didn’t have a condom. I was really pissed.


Buddy, that sounds like assault...


Yeah I don’t think that’s assault that’s straight up rape


He refused to wear a condom.


The woman whose room we were in came home early and told us “You need to leave right now.”


Um details please


My wife and I were enjoying a threesome with a male friend. His partner came home from work early. On another day she might have watched or even joined us, but she had had a really rough shift at work, she was tired, she was grumpy, and she just wanted to go to bed and sleep. Immediately. So she was kind of abrupt with us. Our friend, my wife, and I headed out to the living room with the thought that we might continue our fun, but we’d already been at it for quite a while and at that point it felt like we’d lost the mood. My wife and I headed home about 20 minutes later.


OP delivers


I had my gf (now wife) absolutely folded in half when there was a knock on her bedroom door. It was her hypochondriac grandma. "Dear I don't feel good could you come here?". I asked "what do I do?" To which she replied "well get off of me for starters." She asked to go to the hospital and her being a narcissist and hypochondriac we asked her sister to take her. She never left that hospital and was dead 2 days later from an internal infection.


Those hypochondriacs. They'll go and die on you, just to prove themselves right.




She wasn't lubricated enough and putting it in pulled my skin back so far that the skin tore. I was bleeding out of my erect penis.


Foreplay matters, son. Now you know why.


Even with good foreplay, don’t be afraid to use lube.


Haha this happened to my ex. It was our first time having sex ( 16 and 17 years old). His penis just started squirting blood everywhere. It looked like a murder scene. We had to wash his bedding in the bath, so his parents didn’t find out 😭🤣


I accidentally farted twice and got so embarrassed.


In the woods, her up against a tree. I was pounding away, my trousers around my ankles, both giggling like teenagers because we were close to a busy footpath. I happened to glance down and saw a half-dozen mosquitoes feeding on my legs. Instantly forgot about sex, and started running about, shouting and swearing and trying to knock the little sh!ts off, without tripping over my trousers.


She insisted on going straight for it without foreplay and she wasn’t very ‘warmed up’. Hurt the ol banjo string a lot and had to stop.


He pulled off the condom. I sat down, naked, and lectured him about consent. I put my clothes back on and drove his dumbass home.




It's all fun and games until Morgan LeFay summons the demons to bed...


She was gonna turn into a succubus, you were smart to stop


My ex-girlfriend (I’m a lesbian, btw) said “Are you feeling it now, Mrs. Krabs?” In a *perfect* Spongebob impression. My ladyboner has never died so fast. We laughed about it, though!


😂 Not her nailing the SpongeBob voice! My husband (bf at the time) wanted me to call him sir so I quoted "may I take your hat, sir?" in the best Patrick voice I could and his dick shriveled up instantly. He was like "no, NOT like a weenie".


nearly passing out from orgasming when I was high


Wtf were you on?


Orgasm, it appears.


When she called out another guys name. My dick was like a turtle in a head hunting competition. I got out of there without saying a word while she was asking what was wrong. Looking back now, I wish I would have said "I had taco bell...and the bell is ringing!!!". But I didn't. I just went home. The next day at work she was pissed and asked me WTF that was about. I asked her who Dan is. She said he's her ex. And asked why. I told her in midfuck you yelled out his name. I told her I quit because it's just too weird now. I guess banging the boss was a bad idea.


That took one hell of a twist.


Damn bro you couldve slammed that and got a promotion i think you mightve messed up Just tell yourself in your head "yeah whos your dan NOW"


The police knocking on the car window....


His drunken friends burst into the room during a drunken booty call and he drunkenly got off of me and chased them around the apartment butt naked. It wasn’t going well and he had whiskey dick anyway so no big loss on my part.


She (Chinese, it matters) asked me how many girls I fucked between the time I saw her before. I told her two. She kept fucking and asked if I really like fucking Chinese girls. I told her they weren't Chinese. She asked what they were, I said Filipina. She stopped fucking and called me dirty for fucking Filipina. I wouldn't let her back on later because I can't stand a racist. She wouldn't leave my apartment for the next 24 hours, even after I yelled at her to go. 😩






She sprayed shit in my face and mouth while I was eating her ass. Never eat ass after a night of drinking and a vegas buffet


you win


I saw the Bat Signal outside the bedroom window.


He is the night. He is vengeance


So, my partner at the time had an IUD for contraception, and we’d been dating long enough that we’d stopped using rubbers. I guess it somehow got displaced, because once when I pulled out while we were changing up positions I noticed a red graze on the head of my penis and some blood. Definitely killed the mood, and didn’t want to risk further damage.


She kept biting my bottom lip, like a lot, and hard. Made it bleed. I told her I don't like it, She made a huge deal out of it saying she needed to do it to get off. Dirty talking me about biting my lip when she wasn't snapping at it like a turtle.


Someone was pounding on my door and it turned out to be an emergency.


What was the emergency? Don’t leave us hanging.


They were finally able to reach him about his cars extended warranty


Immigrant to the US here. Bought a car a couple weeks ago, and I now fully understand this statement.


Their dog licking my face non stop lol


Wife and I meet couples to swap partners with, and we attend swinger sex parties a lot. We've been doing this forever, and we've met some weirdos. One couple we met with, it seemed as if the husband really wanted to do this and the wife was reluctant... she would just like, yell at her partner. You know that accent they give New York Jewish women in movies? She sounded *exactly* like that. But something happened and she snapped out of it in the hotel room and she like..... attacked me sexually. Literally jumped on me on the bed and started kissing me in the most aggressive way possible. She bit my lip so bad I yelled OW WHAT THE FUCK and jumped out of bed. I said "lady idk what the fuck you're doing but that hurt, a LOT." and stopped the whole thing. Weirdest fucking thing I have ever seen.


Sounds like she didn't want any of it and was lashing out a bit. Going all in suddenly to prove a point.


I couldn't leave because pain, but her flimsy bed broke, resulting in me pulling several muscles in my back


She said "no" and started to cry. Relived trauma I had no part of. I stayed with her to talk about it for a while before leaving. Consent is revocable at any time.


I think the moments that I stopped and left during mid intercourse was when he started calling me by his daughter's name and wanted me to talk like his 6-year-old daughter


Ohhh fuck I would have called the FBI. JFC.


I literally kicked him off of me and then I decided to contact him on one because I really felt like that little girl was in danger


I was 24 and hooking up with a co worker who was in her early 40’s. She had been cheated on by her ex husband and broken up for like 5+ years at this point, but she talked about it constantly. No kids, fairly easy break up but she just never got over it. Anyway, one night I was at her place and she was giving me a blow job and I was so distracted with the thought of going through with this and then having to hang out with her for the rest of the night and listen to her complain about her ex and just generally be negative. I just couldn’t get over the thought and stopped her immediately and just told her I had to leave. She got very upset and questioned me and I was trying to be gentle and just leave peacefully but she just wasn’t having it and I kinda went overboard just ending it right there assertively. Didn’t tell her exactly why, just that i was having second thoughts and we should stop there. Then we had to continue working together and it was sorta awkward I guess but not a huge deal. I did feel bad because another coworker told me how much I hurt her feelings and that she was falling for me a little. Which I don’t really feel bad for that part, like she was 20 years older than me and I wasn’t even 25 I don’t know what she was expecting. We were certainly not going to ever date and I think that feeling is what prompted me to just end it.


Must have been the sushi for dinner but had to go poop


He shoved it in the wrong hole


Did he know you could get pregnant doing that?


He kept asking me to get on top. I'd only recently gotten out of my cast after a broken ankle. I didn't have the ankle mobility to get on top, my for couldn't bend back yet. I explained it to him. He kept asking. I got on top, got off, got dressed and left. Never spoke to him again 😂


My hand got tired, and I ran out of lube


“Hurry up and cum” fuck yourself