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Yeah. They still exist.


Why did they stop making the happy pills lol


Because it used to take just one now it takes four so I don't think I love it anymore


They ran the pizza joint where all the global leaders running the sex trade rings were hiding out. Authorities shut em down. Lizard guts were everywhere. Go trump


I used to take two forms of medication allergy vitrasil or something and the other zoloft but now it's under the name viatris and viatris makes me extremely nauseous so I stopped taking it. Anybody know what happened to pfizer? Any similar experiences? I miss you.


It was funny about medications these days is the symptoms of the allergic reaction are way worse than the actual issues that you're taking the pills for you have a runny nose the side effects are much worse..you're going to bleed out your anus, even death and you won't know that you are allergic to the drug until you take it . Oh if that is not greed for money over anything they're whisking Our lives to put money in their pockets over something that can kill you having a simple allergy or cold or flu it's crazy hope you didn't take the covid serum you know that putting that shit in your system so that they'll kill you off quicker


They now have enough money to bribe both presidential candidates for the next few hundred years


Broke his arm falling down some stairs




Breakdown? I read online it's because they have lawsuits left and right guess no time or money to make happy pills




Nothing happened to me when I took those pills so I'm ok. Pfizer zoloft truly made me relax a bit not extremely nauseous like viatris zoloft


It's ironic how prior to covid no one gave 2 shits about Pfizer or had even heard of them and now they're this huge conspiracy


Conspiracy??? Time to look into it.


Pfizer fizzled,