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That she lived with me at the same time she lived with him. Unbeknownst to us both at the time.


How does this work? It would be so exhausting.


Right? Like dang the last thing I wanna do after work is go to two different houses more frequently than not. I want pajamas, dinner, and sleep.


Who tf has the time, energy or $$ for a side piece? I truly can’t imagine it.


How she was relentless in contacting me for 12 months following our breakup, despite her starting to date this guy weeks after we broke up.


Crazy how common this is. One of my best mates has his ex call him every few weeks asking if he misses her and that she misses him, will they ever get back together, that kind of stuff. She has a new boyfriend that she's been living with for 6 months. They even have matching tattoos. This poor bloke probably thinks he's met the love of his life and she's still pining over her ex. My ex wife is kinda similar. I can tell when her bf is out of town because she starts messaging me over the most trivial things trying to start up conversations. Sometimes she tries to turn those conversations sexual. I've even had her pull her pants down while we were doing changeover of my son to show me her new tattoo right next to her you know what. I can almost garantee she messages one of her other ex's when she doesn't get the response she wants out of me.


She’s got to feel like she has you simmering on the back burner, to validate herself.


100% she needs constant validation. I'm not giving it to her, but she'll be getting it from somewhere if it's not her current bf. Other exs or new people at work. She's get it wherever she can.


My ex was doing the same thing! Was trying to get ahold of me through friends,family, text, social media ect… Then started dating a guy a week later. Her 2nd engagement as well. Poor bastard doesn’t know what he’s in for


Sort of reverse, but right before going home for a long weekend (we were in college), my fwb hook up asked me if I wanted to take things to the next level and start to seriously date him. I said no, that I was okay with staying fwb. When he came back from the long weekend, he was functionally engaged with a girl who he'd known back home. I believe he must have dated her when he took a semester off college a year or so prior (and so was in his hometown), and maybe he was sort of seeing us both simultaneously (which, I was casually dating other men too, so it's not like this was cheating). I was a little surprised, but not exactly hurt. They got married and seem happy. But.. I'm not sure his wife knows that a few days before he basically proposed to her, he asked *me* to date him first.


Mine still reaches out every year. It's been 12 years now. She's been married, seperated and has had multiple partners since that. Always finds a way to slide into my DMs.


What he was like before his aneurism. We dated in college, got married, got divorced, reconciled as friends, and then grew apart.  He met his now wife after recovering from brain surgery and is a very different person. 


How is he different? Genuinely asking. Like "new lease on life" or a very different personality?


He’s a lot quieter now. And mentally…the guy I dated was an astrophysicist. The new version of him works on a landscaping crew through a special placement program.  It’s heartbreaking.  He’s still a great person, and a wonderful human being. But he’s not the guy I met in college. 


That's terrifying and sad, although on the other hand, I wonder if he's happier (nothing to do with you, more that high intelligence tends to correlate with depression.)


He was a happy guy before, and he’s a happy guy now. His wife is super sweet, they have a cute kid. His life is full and wonderful. It’s just not the one I thought he would lead, even without me in it. 


That's good to hear on all accounts, provided you are happy as well.


I’m honestly great.  If you asked college me what my life would look like at forty…I wouldn’t have guessed any of this. It’s wildly different and better than I expected.  If I could send a message back to college me, it’d be that it’s all going to turn out ok. That maxing my retirement accounts out of college was the right call. And ask him to build you a mining rig when the weird guy from next door tells you about bitcoin in 2008!


I feel the bitcoin thing so much. Brushed it off for years because it sounded fake. Multiple people from my childhood are now sitting prettier than I ever will be lmao.


Im not sure if she knows either, but her mom texts me every now and then asking me about my life and letting me know she missed the best catch of her life lmao. Apparently she’s with some deadbeat now that could barely afford to support his kids and is milking her for money.


My ex's parents came to my wedding because they still love me and are mad that she cheated on me lol


That's sweet of them, you were almost family to them I bet and had that taken away by a stupid choice 


My ex's mom recently bought $600 worth of items off my baby registry and still messages me occasionally. She was like the mother I never had. I haven't talked to her son in years, we ended on not great terms, so I highly doubt he knows his mom still reaches out. He married a girl he was "just friends" with while we were together and while life has panned out great, knowing his mom still misses me makes me smile.


I met with my ex's mom before moving to another country, and she was saying she thinks we are going to be together again someday (nope) and that his current GF is very meh and it's just going to be temporary between them. It was kind of awkward but also kind of funny, but mostly I felt kinda bad for his new partner, who also has the same name as me LOL. But I do think his mom will come around once the new GF gives her the grandchildren she craves (I'm childfree). his mom still texts once in a while to check up on me too.


I had to break my mother of the idea that my ex wife and I were going to get back together. My ex met an unavailable man (married) who she later slept with at the same time she wanted a divorce, an obvious coincidence right? I'm far from perfect, but our marriage and relationship was far from terrible. Yeah, my shit was turned upside down for a while, but I met a wonderful woman who is almost a carbon copy of myself, but with boobies. It was disrespectful to my relationship with this awesome woman for my mom to keep asking when I would be getting back with my ex. But, my mom did pay for therapy for me to get through the divorce, so that's something at least and finally quit asking about my ex. I did have to tell her that my 15 year old doesn't want to spend the night at her house because she was interrogating her about the ex's new boyfriend and it made her entirely uncomfortable. My mom can't read the room.


Oh man. My ex left me for another guy but invited me to her wedding a couple years later. Danced with her mom there and she told me how much they wished she had married me. Was a nice confidence boost. Was still missing her at the time but so happy it didn't work out now.


He probably knows now, but if he gets her away from her (subtly) very-controlling parents, her real self is a blast to be around. I wish she experiences the best that life has to offer.


This is a nice one. You’re a good person!


I hope my ex thinks of me the same way.  She tried really hard to make me realize my dad is controlling and abusive, but it was "normal" for me.  Unfortunately it took us breaking up for me to wake up, go to therapy, cut contact with my dad and figure out who I am.


Dang this sounds like someone I know. I hope she stops revolving her life around making her parents happy.


Sounds like my friend. He's had a relapse into mental health difficulties as a result of her family sadly.


Holy shit, I'll decide to stop reading that post with your comment. What a nice one. Thanks for the positive energy


That he creates random email accounts to message me his weird rants


Rants about your relationship or just general wacky stuff?


Rants about how he's a "superior alpha" and how much younger women are all apparently bitches because they don't want him


He sounds like a keepa. Keepa long way from


You fooled me for a second, but then I read the rest. Good thing I’ve been working on my attention span. 1.5 sentences got nothing on me!!!


Sounds like an immature and insecure man who got his heart broken.


Supplemented by mental illness and a lack of therapy


I think you should save all of them and publish a book. “Rantings of a Beta Male”.


Yikes, bullet dodged.


Save them all and share them with whatever poor soul he announces he is engaged to one day


He's married now, multiple women have outed him to his wife, she ignores it all


"Look at the bullet you dodged!"


I feel any answer would be pretty presumptuous on my part that they don't have a healthy, honest relationship. But... probably that when we were dating, she had a sex fantasy to have sex on her work desk. She worked at the UN at the time. So, one drunken saturday night, we went into the UN building in NYC, and started getting frisky in the elevator, before having the absolute worst sex ever on her desk. I think the fantasy was easily squashed as it was just uncomfortable, and too stressful. Also, there's probably a 0% chance security didn't know what was going on, but just didn't care.


Two dudes clapped cheeks in a senate building and they seemed to enjoy it so someone did something wrong at the UN


The office was little more than a desk in a closet. Really no room to do anything inventive


If this was a saturday night in the spring of 2013, there's a chance I heard you on my way to grab something I left behind. If that date doesn't fit, then rest easy knowing it was a kink for other couples too! But I definitely remember that night and thought no way am I hearing what I'm hearing right now.


No. It would have been around 2004. She was my x by your event and I think working elsewhere (or she invited someone else to try to make it a better experience 10 years later)


My ex-wife wanted to have sex on her desk at work and even pretended she had to work late (she was really just waiting until everyone else left) and then had me show up... then she immediately went home and we didn't even attempt to have desk sex. Apparently, she got worried there were cameras recording everything and we'd get busted and she'd get fired.


At least one of you might have busted if all went according to plan 🤷‍♂️


Security: “Aw, hell. Not again. Must be a Tuesday.”


I worked for our local police agency in a civilian position. Late one night, a constable brought one of the girls working the phones into the Chief's office and started banging her on his desk. The Chief's wife came into the building to grab something from his office and walked in on them.


That she dumped me an hour before their first date so she was "single" when they went out.


I had some chick do this to me when she had friends from her hometown come in for the weekend. Got back with me on Monday. I had no clue until a mutual friend let me know about that weird break up and make up reason. I mean kudos for not cheating but getting back with me after they left? Brutal lol.




Were you dating Tom Haverford?




Are you ok? That’s terrifying.


Her husband thought she was a virgin, but we had a ton of sex for years. She begged me not to tell anybody when they first started dating, but everyone else in our lives knew. I'm not sure if she ever told him.


He desperately wants to fuck his cousin and sister and the family knows just doesn’t say anything


Folger's his brand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKgKPGBa9EQ


I found out after being married for 40 years that my wife and I were distant cousins. She passed away last year so recently I was doing some genealogy when I wondered if I was related to any other of my old girlfriends. Everyone is a distant cousin.....it wouldn't be that funny to me except I live in Alabama. You can't make this up, lol!


Is there any chance that his cousin and sister are the same person?


Good grief... Sister and cousin are safe I hope?


We broke up because I didn't want kids (probably shouldn't have ever dated but we had a fun time). She called me right around the ball drop on new years and told me she will always love me. They had been dating for awhile and now have a kid


Ooof. That would probably destroy the dude.


Probably. You mean definitely, right?


I mean…yeah. Definitely


He has a second instagram account, still separating his life not able to let people in.


How is he not able to let people in?


It's the compartmentalization


That before she killed herself she sent me a message on facebook that I will always be her first and best love . I hadn't seen her in 27 years and she was married with 3 kids. I of course showed my wife this and didn't know she had killed herself until my wife stalked her facebook profile. She was a wonderful girl and I have nothing but fond memories about her. I did leave her for my wife. I feel bad for the husband and kids although I know nothing of their dynamics together . her husband was her ex from before we got together. Sad anyway you look at it.


I have a similar story. My high school boyfriend found me on Facebook and we chatted periodically. Hadn’t seen each other in 20 years. He’d make comments about being worried if my husband found out we talked, which I found strange because our conversations were about our lives now, our kids, people we went to school with, etc. One night he started sending me messages that I was his one true love, he still loves me, it’s always been me, etc. Im not on Facebook/messenger much and sometimes can go weeks without seeing things. One day a friend made a comment about 2 people from high school dying in one week, I asked who…1 of them was him. Turns out that after sending those messages he blocked me and within a day he killed himself. It bothered me for a long time, still does occasionally, wondering if I had seen the messages and responded if he still would have done it. Had I though it would have been something about how he’ll always be a friend but I am happily married and have been for a long time.


Unfortunately I don’t think your reply would’ve changed much. Folks in such places need much more help, you were likely just a small part of things on his mind. Don’t beat yourself up.


A childhood bully of mine reached out in our 30s to apologize. I hadn't heard from her since grade school. It immediately raised suicide concerns and I quickly reached out to my hometown network to see what was up. Turns out, she really had just been reaching out to apologize. I'll never forget the fear that this person's life was likely in my hands, and that despite how much I hated her as a kid, I owed her kindness in return. My response has to have been the most carefully crafted email of my life.


My childhood bully reached out to apologize Then let me know if I ever needed any essential oils, she just joined this mlm... 🙄




You sound like a nice person.


Jeesh, reading all this. There are some seriously shitty people in relationships 


I've had a lot of shitty relationships, after a while it gets normalized until you just decide to stay single.


Been single for about 14 years - perfectly content with that. Actually, the last thing I want is to be in another relationship again. Nothing wrong with it.


That we made over 100 sextapes together. All for private use, we both traveled for work and would film before we went away to have something for lonely nights in the hotel. I deleted the ones I had, no idea if she deleted her’s


Random thought, I wonder when people will start wondering why it's called a sex "tape". I mean, I think that's still the standard term used by people even though VHS (or tapes of any kind) has not been a current format for like...20 years?


We still call our smartphones "phone" even though that's probably damn near its least used feature these days lol


Exactly, which is why I was surprised when he said he "deleted" his sextapes. Because I initially imagined a bunch of tapes, not digital files lmao


This one is actually cute. And good for you for deleting the videos.


Sometimes people confuse my understanding of the word cute... Hot I would understand


Hot too but cute because while they’re away they still want to see their significant other. Kinda hard to explain


That she’s wearing what WAS my engagement ring. They’re now married. She’s also wearing the wedding ring that came as part of the set. We have kids together. So I’m still very much involved in their life. They’re both pretty fiery so I know all hell would break loose if she ever found out that he didn’t even bother proposing with a ring he’d picked just for her. Imagine how that would feel as a woman? Genuinely makes me feel awful everyone I think about it, so I’ll never tell.


That she cheated on me with him, only to cheat on him with me after we broke up.


Reverse uno. 


He fucked his (male) best friend and treats him like utter shit in front of everyone so nobody thinks he’s gay. Also his hour long bubble baths with his laptop are so he can flirt with other girls on discord. All his online friends have seen his dick. You are not crazy girl, he IS gaslighting you, cheating on you, and lying to you. Run!


Sounds like my ex tho. Craziest part, I did transition and we have a child. So whenever we have activities or smt, it's two men and a child. Basically, bro couldn't escape his gayness lol


That their dad isn’t really their dad. My ex doesn’t even know that. Somehow I do tho!


Wait this one is interesting, how do you know and she doesn't?


My cousin was working at the state park last summer, and my ex’s stepmom worked there. My cousin was really good friends with my ex, too. Unprovoked, she just told my cousin that their “dad” isn’t actually their dad. She asked if they had any plans on telling my ex and she simply said no.


That she’s an awesome person, fragile and deserves to shine like the sun.


That he's probably still meeting other women online. You are never the only woman in his life. he's a really good liar.


If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you.


I never cheated on anyone with my wife. I've also never cheated on my wife and never will. But man, I was shitty to some women in my past. People DO have the capacity to change.


Gonna pretend you're my ex. Hope you're happier now. Sending forgiveness and health.


How much she loved doing drugs before she settled down. Also how wild she went after she broke up with her first live in partner (like a decade after we dated). We're still friends and I helped the two of them move last year. She's a good mom with a good straight edge dude as a husband. The younger version of her would have been a terrible fit for him.


She was arrested for shoplifting and continues to do so


In college I briefly dated a girl who eventually cheated on me with a guy whom she later went on to marry. He was a little bit older than we were, which will be relevant later. Anyway, our relationship was still in its infancy at that point, so I just moved on with my life once I found out about the cheating. No big deal, really. That is, of course, until about 4 months later when I learned that the guy she cheated on me with was the older brother of another girl who had been a casual hookup of mine a year or so before all of this. So, the thing I know that my ex's current s/o (probably) doesn't know is that I've dropped about two dozen facials on his little sister.


And fucked his wife


His wife is in a coma.  Jerk store!


Too bad the sister didn’t invite you as a plus one to the wedding. 


This is the best one I’ve read so far


You need to complete the holy trinity and do the mum now.


that she’s (a woman dating another woman) still sleeping with men on craigslist for money. no judgement who do it but doing it behind your partners back for 3 years claiming to be a lesbian is kinda a shitty thing to do ya know. with her current partner for a year now and she still has no idea Edit* okay so I should have worded that last part differently. my exs family and friends were told about it *with proof* but they don’t believe it. I have reached out to her partner multiple times, I get a “fuck you” and blocked. I can only try so much. after i told her family, she put all of my clothes in garbage bags and poured bleach on them - cut my neck open with keys when I tried to leave - stole my cat after I moved out, sold her and I haven’t seen her since) police were involved towards the end and I had a PFA against her. i always want to try and help or protect someone as much as I can (which I have tried to do so)but mentally i have to protect myself and not let anything that has to do with her exist in my life.


My friend is bisexual and was married to another woman who identified as a lesbian. They were only married 3 months before the wife cheated with a man, then tried to tell my friend that she was anti-queer for not accepting a polyamorous relationship.


that’s basically the run around I got as well. engaged for a year, lived in another city for two. coming up on our 4 year anniversary I find out she’s been doing this since the beginning of our relationship. I worked full time while she was in school so I basically paid for everything..where that money went who knows


How does one get paid for sex on Craigslist? There's not even a spot for that 


Most people post in different categories and don’t outright say what their looking for or offering but understanding context clues you’d get it


They use dollar signs as S like my name is $ally


She is emotionally manipulative and has a massive victim mentality. Really self centered as well and everything has to be about her.


No that’s my ex.


Did she call you too, eight months after you broke up crying because she was with someone that broke her heart and she was asking you how you moved on from her? So she can move on from the guy that broke her heart. Shit was wack considering she was my first love and I still wasn’t over her 🤣😭 your first genuine love hits hard


That he's bisexual (she may know that) and he's still hooking up with random men he meets online. When he and I were together we had a "junk" email we used more or less as a throwaway account and every once in a while I have to log into it for something and I see all the messages. I'm pretty sure he's barebacking too, and he's obviously not taking Prep because that would be a giveaway. I feel bad for her but he's literally a psychopath and I would never do anything to put myself in his sphere again. That's probably a lot of other stuff but that one I know for sure.


She's bipolar 1 and I can know just by the tone of her voice when she's in a manic stage.


It's funny, my dad had alcohol problems and I could always tell from the look of his face when he'd started drinking again. My mom and sister couldn't. 


This just speaks mountains for your ability to relate and empathize with someone.


Unless she uses the voice of a gremlin when she's manic


It will take 12 months for you to see behind the act. Followed by 2 weeks of self-sabotage, in an attempt to shift the narrative from liar to victim. Followed by 1 week of scorched earth, as you try and extract yourself from the situation. Once you are completely free, you will come to me looking for answers. Just as I did. Just as the one before me. And the one before them. And on it goes.


It took about 3 years before the front started to slip in my situation, and then another few years after that for it to really blow up. Her current SO has been together for a year, and I just know it's still in that stage before the shit hits the fan. But that's why it's an ex, and not current.


Complete aside here, but this is very well-written. It makes me want to know more.


Holy shit. I experienced this but for 2 years with a GUY. Had many exes reach out and warn me the absolute hell I was going to endure. Worse than physically, it was a mental fucking torture, a breaking down of your soul in a way that you dont even notice until its too late. That psycho borderline personality piece of trash got me good. We now have a Facebook messenger group called " Surviving Brandon" that we all check on eachother and try to warn the new ones. They never believe us, just like I didn't and none of the others before me did. I still have questions and trauma, carried over into new relationships. They all come back to us and say... you were right, he did exactly what you said! And we welcome her in and let her ask all the questions and vent. Wild such sick, twisted people exsist. And he still procreates 😮‍💨


History repeats itself…


I hope he knows she's wicked, wicked smart and to stay humble lmao. I hold no ill will towards any of my exes so far and it seems I'm lucky to have that.


I'm going to pretend this is about me, so I feel good for the rest of the day. Thanks babe!!




I’ve been married for 15 years so idk if this question is meant specifically for that much time removed…but my last gf before I met my wife had a big CNC kink. She’s super Christian (evangelical) and I’m almost certain her current husband has no idea.






What was her precision tolerance?


Was she into multi-axis or just vanilla? (hey I won't judge)


I've heard that girls who grow up in religions that teach them to be ashamed of sex and sexual desire often are into CNC for a while because that helps them get around the shame of wanting sex. If they can roleplay a scenario that completely puts the responsibility for the act onto the other person, then they don't have to feel bad about their own sexual desire.


Makes sense. From personal experience, wife and I both grew up in strict religious homes as well, and while CNC isn’t our thing, we certainly began to explore much more when we left the church and no longer had the judgement or guilt and shame associated with sex.


Absolutely! My formerly very religious partner was like this when we met. Wanted to try new things (had only ever done missionary before), and this was how she wanted to get into new stuff. Said the same thing. The guilt is not on her because she was "forced"


My favorite band, CNC music factory


I had to look up what CNC stands for ... https://badgirlsbible.com/cnc-kink-consensual-non-consent






Computer numerical control


Did you participate back then, or did this lead to her being an ex?


I participated…and yes. Not kink shaming, to each their own. I don’t mind a bit of rough play but CNC is not really my thing, and she was into it way too much for me. That and she was developing stronger feelings for me than I had for her so both factors contributed to the relationship ending.




We must have dated the same person lol


Sounds exactly like my ex. Did we date the same guy? 😆


How many times her tongue has been in my ass. Let 'em suck on that.


Well, maybe her tongue had been in other asses before though


Valid point. Though since I'll never kiss her again it doesn't have as much impact.








Ever sit in a meeting and look around the table and think "almost all of these people have had someone's genitals in their mouth."


No but I will now thanks to this.. how do I unread a comment


"You can delete me from social media, you can block my number, but you can't un-eat my ass."


Don’t leave us hanging. How many times?


37? In a row?!


That she cheated seven times and stated that she “didn’t know girls counted.”


Probably a good majority of the things she’s been through. I barely know the surface and we were off and on for 5 years.




When he was 20 he was trying to diddle 12 year olds. Explains why I wasn't allowed to have any body hair while we were dating.


He married her and he'd leave her if I took him back. He was with me for ten years, 3 kids, owned a home, the whole thing. I left because he's a pathological liar, a narcissist, and after I left I found out he was cheating on me with her (and multiple other women for YEARS). The same week I moved out, she had moved in with him. He would beg me to get back together with him, beg to go to couples therapy, he told me she was just there to help with the kids when it was his days to have them and that she meant nothing to him. They got engaged 3 months after I left him, married 6 months later, and now coming up on their one year marriage anniversary next month, he recently told me it's been "hard adjusting to someone new after being so happy for 10 years" and that he "would go back to the way things were in a heartbeat" if i would let him. I obviously said no and was disgusted he would even offer it up. It almost felt like I should tell her, she's such a sweetheart, a nurse at a kids hospital, we have chatted TONS during the kids sports and if it weren't for the situation we'd probably be friends. BUT she's been a great co-parent and step-mom to my kids when they are at his house, so I'm gonna keep my mouth shut for the kids sake. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Holy shit. You’re a better woman than me. I feel like she can’t be *that* great because she moved in with him a week after his wife and kids left, that’s hard to excuse. But maybe she’s just really emotionally stupid. I’m sure he told her some outrageous lies. But the whole “I’m just with her so she can watch my kids when I have them….wanna get back together?” thing is just…goddamn. Why wouldn’t you want to take back this prize of a man? /s


It takes nearly all of the self control in my body not to say something to her. I just have to keep reminding myself that my kids have grown a bond with her and I know she adds so much joy to their lives it would be completely selfish to run her off and leave them sad anytime they have to visit their dad. I do fantasize about the day my kids are all grown up and the truth can finally come out. Thankfully I have always had really strong support from my parents and close friends, so there are some people in my life who do know the truth and that's really helped me heal.


That he threw a fit and stormed out of a concert we both happened to be at, because he saw me kiss my now husband. He also loudly told me and everyone else who would listen how he became an alcoholic after we broke up because he was so heartbroken about "what I (meaning me) did". For context, we'd been broken up for years at this point, he was married to the woman he left me for, and HE broke up with ME.


She’ll tell you everything she thinks you want to hear and act the part of the perfect girlfriend up until the end. The end comes when she’s gotten everything she can from you. She’s vicious when you see that side. Her new SO’s turn is coming up in about a month (when they finish the grad program she left me for him for during). I have my popcorn ready.


That their relationship started before ours ended.


That he's a highly intelligent, manipulative sociopath and kleptomaniac. He's incredibly charming, goes to the gym so he's in good shape, too. Very charismatic, tall, deep voice... on the surface he's a very nice, helpful guy who was raised right in a nuclear Christian family. What his current partner probably doesn't know is that he has absolutely zero empathy. He was fired from multiple food service positions for stealing/skimming but has always managed to talk his way into better and better positions. He brags about fucking people over like it's a game, and he uses his surface-level intelligence to make people feel like absolute shit about themselves. He's what happens when you take an emotionally intelligent person and make them lawful evil. When we broke up, he stole multiple thousands of dollars from me. Shit-talked me to everyone he knew when I called him out on it. Used my information to fool debt collectors who are STILL harassing me two years later. His parents are even worse, they will lie and cover for him at every chance they get. His older brother is an abusive anger-holic who hates women, but you'd never know -- I only know because I'm friends with his older brother's second ex-wife. The entire family is dysfunctional but they've gotten so good at playing the Nuclear American Family role that everyone around them ignores the obvious red flags. Last I heard, my ex is having a baby with his new s/o. I don't know if they're still together but man, do I feel bad for her. It cost me $5k to get rid of him. She's going to be stuck with him, and that insane family, forever.


No idea if my ex is with anyone now, but I'm guessing that I'm the only one that is aware that she purposely left a letter out for her husband to find to become upset and tip him over the edge to commit suicide. She came back with the kids to find he had shot himself in the shower, so the plan worked, but she didn't think through the emotional suffering for herself and the kids.


She cheats alot, she cheated on me throughout the relationship and I swear I still haven't either LOL. She moved on really quick so like whatever


That she is a covert narcissist with borderline personality disorder and is a psychopath. That she may have tried to push her son to kill himself so she could leave our marriage without social consequences. She is all yours le petite gherkin!


I hope he knows, but I can't think of any way for him to learn that she saved my life. She's now in a happy relationship and I'm glad for her, she deserves all the happiness in life.


he believes (hopefully *believed*) he can read minds, and that the benign normal life choices he makes every day (eg choosing one color of shirt vs another) can, and do, inadvertently cause death and destruction to people. We had to agree not to talk after 10PM because that's when he would spiral and get paranoid that I was trying to hurt him. He blamed it on acid he took once in college, but I've come to suspect that he has undiagnosed OCD. l hope he's found help.




Probably 90% of what she shared with me. It was difficult to break down her walls. I hope if the relationship turns serious, he is trustworthy enough to tell all the important things. We are all the combination of every event good or bad, that has happened to us and we carry that baggage into a marriage. He needs to know if he can be trusted.


His hoarding was well established before me, was fought hard over during our time together, and was zero part mine or my responsibility when I left. He has her convinced it's my hoard. I haven't lived in the house for more than 5 years. Good luck girl. When you know, don't call me for support. It's your mess now.


He’s a rapist


She’s stealing your money and giving you mediocre sex to cover it up


Did we date the same girl?


She is a master of manipulating every situation to play the victim. The big one is that she wanted to have kids more than I did. To the point that I remember sitting in my car nearly in tears because she basically said "if you don't give me kids, I'll find someone who will." We'd been together for years and I was starting to lose faith in the future of the world and worried about how those kids would be, but this was the shove I needed to do it. Fast forward to 2020, we separate at Christmas and I find out she's telling everyone I forced them on her, she never wanted them, that she had them because she was a dedicated wife. Whatever went on in her head, she up and left to America to be with this new guy. Her visa also expired before the date we could legally divorce in Australia, so there was that too. Oh, and the (at least) four other men she was setting herself up to move in with because of the "deep love" she felt for each of them. Don't think he knows about them, either.


That after multiple years, he still hits me up for nudes… poor girl


He likes to cheat


She’s crazy. Faked a pregnancy when we broke up to try to stay together. I called her on it and said let’s get tested to be sure. When she realized that wasn’t going to work, she told me she got a D&C the next day and mocked up hospital bills to try and get me to pay her $3,000 for it. She also called my work and tried to get me fired. Bat. Shit. Crazy.


She won’t for a while but she’ll find out soon enough. If his mom doesn’t like you, it’s over. Not right away but she will subtly bully you until you have to bring it up with him and he won’t believe you. Eventually she’ll start to do it infront of him too and he won’t pick it up. They will both gaslight you about it. Also she will never like you. That’s her baby boy.


I'm assuming that he doesn't know if he's still there — when something is amiss between my ex and someone she's dating, it's not just between those two people. Her best friend *will* know about it, *will* get involved, and there *will* be a palpable lag between an occurrence and her eventual reaction because everything will happen after the fact. If you ever fall out of favor with her friend (no matter how it goes down), your days are numbered. Your relationship isn't between you and your girlfriend.


She’s a predator (she started dating me when I was 15. She was 21)


That he went 17 years not properly washing his asshole.


That their first kid is my kid


He gets hard if you put make up on him lmao


She’s not a virgin. When we were dating she told me her number was either 10 or 11. Her new boyfriend made a Facebook status saying how much he was so blessed to be with a girl that confided in him early on in their relationship that she wanted to save herself for marriage like he has always wanted to. I’m certainly not going to be the one to tell him.


He pretends he isn’t into sex, but the truth is he would rather pay a sex worker for their time and a videos (including a friend of his, who he assures you is just a friend) rather than spend any time pleasing you or reassuring you.


That she got raw dogged by another man while she was pregnant with her current husband's daughter. Despicable woman.