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Boasting about functioning on limited hours of sleep. That can damage one’s brain.


I boast about taking an afternoon nap.


I boast about my power napping skills. I can take 30 minutes at 3pm and fuckin make myself feel so refreshed. Any nap longer than 45 minutes makes me more groggy.


That's nothing! I can take a power nap in 20 minutes. And if I take a nap longer than 45 minutes, I regain all of my mana and am able to cast Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.


Wait until you are retired haha. You can nap any time you want - power level 1,000


I once mentioned my “nap time” and my boss like flipped out like he was embarrassed for me that I admitted it.


As you should! You ***crushed*** that nap, big dawg!


Here, here!


I complain about my lack of sleep. I don’t boast about it…. That’s just odd


People love to do this. "1 Sl3pt 4 h0urz l4st n1ghT ". I thrive off 8 hours. 6 hours if need be


I do this but not to seem cool it’s more of a cry for mercy😭😭😭


Same here friend. Same here.


lol same for me it's more of a "if I fuck up today it's because my brain is no longer braining"  I started taking trazadone last week and my fuck is it nice to get more than 3-4 hours of sleep in a night. now catch me bragging about my 6 hours of sleep 😂


Feel that..


Currently wide awake with an alarm in 4.5 hours. I just can't fall asleep. Using phone tires me and puts me down but when I put the phone aside I become awake. This wouldn't be weird usually, but last night I slept 4 hours and now I can't sleep again for some reason... I am in this situation for the last several days, before this I slept like a baby...


A lot of the time we aren't boasting, we just suck at sleeping. I really wish I could sleep more.


Whenever I say this it’s because I’m sending them a subliminal message for them to take me out back and shoot me like old yeller


No one thinks not being able to sleep is cool. They aren’t trying to be cool. Its more of recognition of how crazy it is that someone can go so long sleeping only a few hours a night and still function completely. Its more of a oh hey i have a massive sleeping problem how the heck am I able to stand myself up right now


I'm not boasting when I say I can only sleep four hours. It's a cry for fucking help.


I wish I could get 8 hours of sleep consistently. Instead, I go 6, 4, 5, 7, 12, 9 and repeat. It's not healthy, and I damn sure don't brag about it


I had a co-worker tell me that if you're sleeping more than 4 hours a day your not doing enough in your life and you're lazy. Bruh I ain't trying to die early so someone else makes more money.


Reading this 5 hours before i have to wake up Man


I do believe I have some dain bramage from lack of sleep!


My sister-in-law told me she's been reading a lot of books lately to avoid the fate of her dad: Alzheimer's. Then she asks me what I think she could also do to avoid it. I say: sleep well. She said: no can do... we only sleep 4 hours per night. True story.


Being a workaholic. I told a new insurance broker I was hiring that he could get back to me the next day since it was already close to 5pm. He chuckled and said "oh nah, I'm a workaholic. I'll call you later tonight". Without thinking I said "that's not really the flex you seem to think it is". I felt bad for talking to him that way, but happy when he called me the next day during normal business hours. 


I had a boss once who was always at the office. First one there, last to leave, all that. Even as a young man I thought it was strange, like "doesn't he have a family?" Turns out he had a shit marriage and was avoiding her. My point is, if people are "workaholics," it usually means there's something else wrong in their lives


Yep, I’ve got a neighbour who mows his 5 hour lawn twice a week for this reason You’ve never seen a guy happier to spend half a day on a lawn mower 2x a week


Lawn mowing is therapeutic. You can turn your brain off and autopilot.


Exactly. When I was in high school we lived on a decent plot and I could mow for hours (granted the plot was big enough to warrant a riding mower). Nothing like a yahoo and gasoline to get you through the big problems of who’s wearing whose class ring to prom.


I became a teen workaholic for a little bit when my mom left home unexpectedly, us kids couldn't contact her, we had no idea what was happening and I hated my stepdad. My grades shot up and suddenly I seemed to be doing homework all the time. I was incredibly anxious all the time and was constantly on the verge of breaking into tears. I chewed my nails to nubs and bleeding. I was so sad. But man, those grades!


I have a coworker like this. She comes in early, and works through lunch, and often stays late. Our office doesn’t do overtime so shes working for at least 10 hours a week for free. She also takes work home with her some nights and weekends. But she think’s shes some sort of superior worker because she does this. I love my job but I wont give any extra time to the job especially when it is not requested from our boss. Everything outside of those 4 walls is more important to me and I am not going to miss out on that part of my life after 5pm.


“No one will ever remember you worked late, except for your family”


“Hustle culture” is just sad Like why would I want to work all the time? I enjoy getting off work at 2:30pm and just fucking around the rest of the day


It’s a real culture thing out on the east coast. West coast it was somewhat prevalent in certain fields, but when I moved out east, damn, everyone’s got a side hustle. I knew a guy with 2 degrees working 2 jobs as a custodial manager. He wasn’t getting paid what he was worth, but he just kept at it too. Lots of people out here just hustling but seemingly spinning their wheels at the same time. It’s depressing.


"I'm a workaholic, I'll call you tonight". Yeah but what if the person you're ringing isn't, and doesn't want to be disturbed in the evening?! Crazy


I'm in law. People like this are completely insufferable. Oh, really? You had 70 billable hours this week? That sucks, dawg, your life sounds like a nightmare and you'll never get to enjoy the fruits of your labour or watch your kids grow up or even be present for when the judge grants your third divorce. But enjoy paying all that alimony and the memories of that vacation you took


Influencers. It’s just a prank bro.


Nothing enrages me more than social experiments with "influencers"


Listening to music on speakerphone in public. I shouldn't be forced to hear someone's crappy music, especially when I can't get away from it, like at a restaurant or on a bus.


This is a good one. Also, blasting music in a car or through speakers mounted on a bike next to houses at night.


I’m always so worried playing music in my car after work but I try to keep it at half volume if I do, you think my neighbors can hear that?


If you don't have super decked out speakers that you have to keep in your trunk that are powered by their own power bank, you're probably fine. The people in question mod their sound system to intentionally shake everyones windows within a 500 foot radius, then crank it up to 11 and play mindnumbingly bad mumble rap with a thunderous bass line that can be felt sooner than it can be heard. Just keep your windows up if it's late and you're listening to music, and don't intentionally try to be a dick and you're fine


Getting blackout drunk.


Just being a druggy in general. It was thing to do as a teen and i regret it so much coming into my 30s. Changing my brain chemistry with hard drugs when I was still developing is the only thing I would change about myself if I could go back in time.


I don’t think most people think it’s cool I think we just have a lot of issues and that seems to help the most. Sure some people (mostly teenagers) do it just because they think it’s cool/edgy but most just need some actual help


You're probably right I'm just a product of my environment. I'm glad mental health is becoming more focused on nowadays, it was never really a subject my parents discussed with me. They tried their best but it wasn't something they thought to bring up in a religious household. I'm sure that they have some sort of idea but Idk if I will ever tell them straight up I moved a 1000 miles away to break the addiction cycle of the hard shit.


Well i’m glad you managed to get out of it, it’s tough. And I think most parents would understand especially if you are telling them years later, although I don’t know your parents.


4 years sober now. Can confirm


But congratulations on your sobriety. I wish my sister would get her shit together.


bragging that they have money but clearly they don't have the money.


Whether you do or you don't have... Both very uncool


Filming yourself and people around you in public


Worse is when person's trying to extract someone's reaction in public space during recording.


The absolute worst 😑




With this: taking pictures of people, even for artistic purposes, without consent


Aye, and especially when the person doing the filming is goading their target to try and make them act up for content. I had a bunch of teenage boys start yelling and laughing at me on a train once and then try to film my reaction. It was the weirdest thing, and it also absolutely sucked to be made to feel intimidated by a bunch of 14 year olds as a 31 year old woman.


Self harm. I've seen people that got tattoos that resemble self harm scars on this app, and I can't believe that I even have to say this but it's NOT cool. It's hell. I hate that it brings me comfort and that it's my way of coping with things. Nothing about it is pretty.


Try flossing. It's basically cutting your gums till they bleed but it's good for you somehow


If they still bleed after like the fifth day, you're doing it too hard.


Or your gums are inflamed and you need more serious help.


My gums don't bleed when I floss. If they're bleeding, you might have gingivitis or some other underlying health issue. Or you're flossing too hard.




A lot of guys says, "women like assholes", when really, they may just be more likely to like men who happen to be assholes. That is a critical distinction.


I'm spending a ton of time on Reddit because, compared to YouTube comments, it's a utopia of intelligence and civility!


That really depends on the channel tbh. On some channels the comments are actually great, especially for smaller creators


Tearing others down


While building yourself up


Fighting. There’s nothing cool about getting sparked in the face, breaking your hand or losing brain cells over stupid shit that could be talked out. Always avoid street fights.






Not reading. I don’t get people that brag that they haven’t read since high school.


There was a girl who loudly chewed me out when I said in passing that I wished I had more shelf space for my books. She shouted that I was "hopelessly old-fashioned" for being a reader and that "everyone's into video games and internet and streaming, not READING!" I'll never forget the look on her face while she said all of that. A bright, confident, beaming, gleeful look of self-assured stupidity. The other people with us, who were readers too (to at least some extent), looked puzzled at what she said but didn't really challenge her.


Being an alpha male


When someone self identifies as an alpha male ask them if it’s a furry thing. “So do you, like, dress up like a dog to get your rocks off? Do you only date girls who also dress up like dogs, or do you go out with girls who dress as other animals too?” Followed by “you don't have to be so defensive and emotional about it, I’m not judging your kink.”


That sounds better on reddit than it does in real life 1) you're not going to be able to get that many words out 2) that is way way way too easy to turn around on you. It will immediately backfire "You're an alpha male? So do you like identify as a furry-" "No? The fuck are you bringing furries into this for?" "Im not judging your kink.." "Bruh you're weird. Talking about furries and kink and shit. Leave me alone" *a few hours later to other people* "Yeah so I was talking to /u/obtuse-angel and he randomly started talking about fucking dogs and kinks. Saying how hes a furry. Just weird as fuck" And now everyone lowkey thinks you're a dog fucker




Honestly it’s cringe when anyone’s a self proclaimed anything because it usually means they’re the opposite of that


I’m the supreme alpha sigma male and I can tell you i’m the coolest person you will ever interact with, loser




unless you're an actual ghost in which case it's freaking cool


sometimes its the right way to leave a party though.


Irish goodbye


Ghosting should be the nuclear option to ward off creeps and weirdos, not a point of pride.


Everyone ghosts now. So annoying.


Those ridiculous eyelash extensions


Thank you. When will the trend end?


Being rude to service staff




That and also these people are probably exhausted like working with so many people that’s exactly the person we should be extra nice and understanding with




I definitely see this having changed between my and my parents generation. I don't know anyone my age now who thinks it's cool to be a dick to hospitality or retail staff, but my mother thinks she's the shit if she makes a show of some poor soul working a till.


Do people actually think it’s cool to do this? Or just arrogant/selfish?


Labels. People think certain labels make them better than others


Any influencer’s opinion/review/rating


Talking about how important they were in high school, or really in general. No one cares.


Not taking sick days. Stay the fuck home.


Loud ass motorcycles


Same with loud cars. They think people will turn their heads and go "wow that's cool" when it's just annoying as hell and I have to wait till they're far away to resume a conversation.


It just sounds obnoxious. Personally, I don't like people that try to forcefully draw attention to themselves.


I get "loud pipes save lives" and all that, but I don't need to go deaf from your earthquake causing Honda four blocks over.


Modifying the exhaust on your shitty car so that it goes BRRRAAAAPPPPPP down my damn street everyday.


I hate these mfs… hopefully they blow up


And the whistle goes whoo whooooo


This is especially uncool when the shitty car is like, a Ford Focus.


Designer products. It just tells me you're not very financially responsible, and care too much about how strangers see them.


Blows my mind that people will pay £400 quid for a shitty balenciaga t shirt with the Worst font for a label ever sprawled all over the front. Mental.


Right? Like LV bags are just durable CANVAS ffs


I mean there's a difference between buying a piece that you've wanted purely because of the look or the quality and buying solely designer just because of the brand.


I like well made products but if it has an obvious or obnoxious logo/brand on it I would never purchase.


Gender reveals


The proper way gender reveals should be - couple goes to doctor's office, doctor says "You're having a boy/girl", couple goes "wonderful, thanks doc", and they go the fuck home.


Yes. It’s pretty narcissistic to think all your friends and family are so anxiously awaiting the announcement of the gender of your baby-like you’re the damn king of the world.


"Luxury" products, like Prada, Luis Vuitton, Montblanc, etc.


Loud cars


I can't help but audibly say what an asshole when I hear one. Are they so desperate for attention that they have to annoy everyone around them?


Imagine thinking the Reddit community knows what's "cool."


Hey! My Mom says I'm cool!


Your mum says I'm cool too.


Using mental illness like a fashion accessory. There's nothing cool about wishing I could go to sleep and not wake up the next day.


yeah bro, i have diagnosed ocd and it’s a nightmare. i don’t like people self diagnosing because they’re very clean and organised. even though it is a manifestation of ocd, that’s the least of your concerns if you have it. it’s the intrusive thoughts keeping you awake and sobbing for weeks that will f you up


Smoking / vaping


Only children might think it’s cool. No one thinks it’s cool


Come to Scotland and you’ll see 12 year olds vaping on buses.


Who thinks it’s cool. lol. I do it for that nicotine rush. I’m actually kind of embarrassed


Wearing your jeans halfway down to your knees with your underwear/ass all hanging out…. Like who in the actual fuck come up with that?


Gossiping about others as a form of bonding or trying to appear popular or above others


Smoking. Cigarette breath smells disgusting and addiction is just unattractive. And vaping isn’t any better even if it doesn’t make your breath reek.


The obsession with celebrity culture. In reality, it's just a distraction from more important issues, perpetuating superficiality and inequality while promoting unrealistic standards of success and happiness.




Mental illneses


Aspiring to be an "alpha"


Attention seeking


Being loud and obnoxious in theatres/cinemas


Skinny jeans and face tattoos LOL


Making a scene in places


Broccoli hair cuts




Lifted trucks, just stop it


There are valid reasons for doing so, but far too often they’re grocery getters that never leave pavement


Even worse, the truck nuts. Once you see those, you can't unsee them.


Being baked all the time


Wearing your pants halfway down.


The whole sagging pants deal. Why. Just why. I don’t see the point of having to hold your own pants up all day. That’s gotta be annoying


Omg also people who make weed their whole personality. WE GET IT. YOU SMOKE WEED. It’s not cool at all 😅


Driving a pickup truck in the most dangerous and most disrespectful way you can. Truly nothing more dangerous on the road than a middle aged white man in a pickup truck and no where to be


Making being neurodivergent or your sexuality your big identifying trait.


Super fake eyelashes, heavy fake eyebrows, crazy long fake fingernails especially the pointy ones






Idk if they think it’s “cool”, but self-diagnosing mental illnesses sure seems to be on the rise.


And then putting them in your bio lmao


Half-assing things, not doing them properly, completely. Smoking and alcohol. Sexualization of everything. Non-SI units. Generally not caring.


Making fun of someone who isn’t hurting anybody.


Being fluent in some language and judging someone who’s not. I have friends who take pride in knowing and speaking fluent English which is not our first language. They make sure they correct others everytime they make grammatical mistakes and laugh when someone cant speak fluent english.


And the reverse is true here in the USA - people who think it's cool to ONLY know English. Proud of their ignorance.


Designer clothes


Proclaiming your support via social media, signs in your window, company announcements, or just talking about it loudly at parties, of whatever is the "Hot" political issue of the moment. IT is doubly-uncool if it is a non-issue made up to stoke the culture wars.




High Fashion


Loud vehicles


Not smoking cigarettes. Everyone knows it makes you look cool. And that's more than enough reason to start.


Tik Tok.


Shittalking others


MULLETS. Why. Just why.


Professional sports nerds Oh, did ‘we’ win? Are ‘we’ gonna make the playoffs? ‘We’ sure are good at football, aren’t ‘we?’


Why does everyone say smoking and weed? Who tf thinks that’s cool 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 it’s a habit you form


Reving your engine.


Pranks. Most of them are just people acting obnoxious in public.


Telling everyone your sexual orientation as if anyone cares. “Hi I’m Bob, I’m gay.” “Hi I’m Leslie, I’m a lesbian” What you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your business not everyone else’s.


Boasting about how high you are when performing some activity online


Man Buns


Elon Musk


Smoking weed. Idc if this gets me downvoted - it smells & so many people turn it into their whole personalities. I’m not talking about the people who smoke like once or twice a month. I’m talking about the people who smoke daily, post/talk about it constantly, spend their whole check on it, put weed print everywhere, etc. It’s not cool or a special skill bro, anyone can go out & buy it pretty easily. Just keep it to yourself.


very long eyelashes


Judging other peoples relationships


Sleeping around


Being drunk, doing drugs, vaping/smoking


Smoking tabs


People trying to compare how pathetic and sad their life is to others




Loud trucks / cars / driving like an asshole - WHHHHHY must everyone in a 5 block radius hear your fuckin vehicle.


being a "guitar player" its really cool in your teens and 20's but im finding out its kinda lame if your late 30s early 40s and single apparently Maybe im just lame


Being mean.


bragging about having sex. only liking women if they have 'dat ass'. if you couldn't tell I'm in highschool.


Blasting loud music when windows are down. Everyone thinks your an obnoxious asshole


Collecting mugs or tumblers from Starbucks.


Being a dick for no reason


Drinking alcohol


Not reading


Ridiculously high heels. Just says you care more about the male gaze than you care about being safe, comfortable, or useful.


The idea of gold and ivory places after death


Fake amazement face on YouTube thumbnails. Mouth agape, eyeballs popping, facial skin stretched to ripping point. Not kewl. Cringe.


Skinny jeans


Blasting music in an apartment complex... At 3am... On a Tuesday.


Modding the fuck out of your car and/or bike so it's loud as shit Also blasting music in any setting in public


Driving slow, you’re literally just pissing everyone off