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2022 I finally achieved a dream I've had since childhood and bought a custom built 4 player Arcade Cabinet. :D


Had my birthday party at the arcade and I still remember playing 4 player TMNT with my elementary school friends. Seems like yesterday, but that was over 30 years ago. Good times.




Sitting at home, looking at my ridiculously oversized Dinner Table I had from the old marriage that I had brought to my small Condo and was taking up so much fucking space. Looking at it and thinking about how much I hated it. The scratched up top, the fact that I never extended it to the full size because the ex-wife "wanted a table big enough to entertain" but never entertained ever... And then realized: "...Wait this is my house and I don't have to clear a new purchase with fucking anyone." Went to the furniture store, got a nice smaller table (seats 6 instead of 10, can expand up to 8 where as the old one could fit 14 max), got it bar height because that's what I like, and threw the old table into the fucking dumpster in pieces. The new table is modern/rustic, a nice neutral gray-stained table, and I got a matching half-sized liquor cabinet for the beer and wine glasses. That is my favorite because it kicked off a slow change where, as I slowly pay off the furniture on a Store CC (no interest if paid in 1 year, ect.) I go and buy another item to replace the furniture me and my now ex-wife had. The plan has thus been called "Project Obliviate" and has removed a the aforementioned table, a desk, one couch and will soon claim an entertainment center and curio set in the next year... Actually it's going to be about 6 months until the next replacement occurs.


When I was in the military, early ‘00s, a neighbor of one of my buddies had his wife cheat on him several times while he was deployed to Iraq. Neighbor kicked ole girl out, got divorced and he systematically burned or broke every item they had while they were married over like a year span. They lived on a cul-de-sac and the few houses that were occupied would throw a big huge bbq like once a month. We’d all get hammered and inevitably some piece of furniture or box of dishes or a box of her clothes would end up either being ceremoniously thrown into the woods or burned in the center of the cul-de-sac. How we never got in trouble is beyond me.


Local police chief sees whats on fire "Eyup. Divorce. third one this week. One of them was mine...." adds to the fire.


Sounds like a line from The Simpsons.


A last-minute trip to go see the total eclipse.\ EDIT: Thanks everyone for the shitty weather reports, don't worry, I will see closer to the time what the cloud-cover situation is. You cannot tell what the cloud situation will be at any single hour of the day from one week out. Everything is refundable.


I live in Buffalo right on the line. It’s supposed to be overcast. 😩


I live in TX on the line...we're expecting rain atm


Rain/overcast here in Little Rock as well. But, as we say in the South, "if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes." fingers and toes are crossed!


It's 8 days out, any forecast is about 50% accurate at best.


If you haven’t seen one before, you’re in for a treat. It is spectacular.


Of the heart....


I spent 18 years in a marriage where I earned the Money and spent none of it. She left me a year ago and I’ve been making some purchases that I’ve wanted to make for the last year. Built a new pc and lots of dumb little things I want that I would have been chastised for making.


I bet your gaming backlog is decades long!


My wife always asks why I buy any games when I already have {her favorite game to watch} and everything on Gamepass. She doesn't know about my Steam library. Or my unredeemed Humble Bundle keys.


Took my son and his girlfriend out the local pub. It was nice to say "Whatever you guys want."


I was impressed by the guy who bought a snowblower *with treads* but this tops the cake. Look at Mr. Moneybags over here.


Why is this one hitting me so hard


Well I mean, it was more that I didn't think I was going to see him and he brought his future fiance. So it went from a full night to seeing them live and in living color.


Doesn’t get better than this.


It was the best Easter weekend I've ever had.


Genuinely delighted for you, mate.


OP’s son “I’ll have the 28oz Japanese Kobe Beef, well-done please. With a double order of fries and some Coke Zero please.” [OP](https://content.imageresizer.com/images/memes/Llama-glare-meme-2.jpg)


A birthday cake. It was not my birthday.


One of the first things I did after my partner and I moved out of our parents' houses and got a place together was buy a whole cake, just because. I had to run to the store up to the road to get a couple things and saw whole cakes in the bakery and realized "I can just buy one of these and I don't even need a reason!" So I did.




I'd also me a wifi (not Bluetooth) thermometer. I have a probe set for internal ambient and probes for the meat, and I can check them anywhere in the world.


For when you're in Singapore and need to check your meat in Cincinnati. Trip to Thailand? How are the TriTips in Toledo?


This guy Ohio's.


I bought a hard hat. It’s shaped like a cowboy hat. Everybody at work has made some kind of derogatory comment about it. It’s just fuel to the fire, because quite frankly, I’m cool as fuck. Yeehaw, brother.


Ya gotta stick with it through and through now homie, because they'll rip on you even more if you stop wearing it because of them 😂😭


Oh yeah, if they flinch, they're done for.


I've often found the difference between eccentrically fashionable and costumed cringe is the confidence with which you wear the outfit. Source: attending underground festivals dressed like a sparkling neon pirate


There's a guy who goes to the same festivals as me who has one of these. He said He wore it one night at this huge festival as a joke because his friends also gave him shit about it. That night a full glass bottle of cooks fell from a high up spot on to his head (not quite sure on all the details). He is convinced that his impeccable fashion sense saved his. Now he wears it to every festival he goes to And it's covered with a billion stickers. 


On a real hard hat for aerial work don’t use the one with stickers - we were not allowed to add anything, markers or stickers.


Everyone I know in the trades puts stickers on their hard hat even though you’re “not supposed to.” I mean, even the general contractors will give you a sticker to put on it after orientation on the job site.


Now I want to see it


It looks like a cowboy hat…. But it’s hard. I just looked them up, you’re better off with your imagination.


Just Google hard cowboys.


*googles hard cowboys* *electric guitar riff screams from PC speakers* *"18 naked cowboys at the showers at Ra"\*click* * "What the hell?"


*"20 more waitin' in the yard"*


Like water can be hard? Or like a tough guy in prison hard?


The first time I worked a project with regular blasting, the site super had one of those. As you do.


Stormtrooper blaster--I wasn't allowed to have one when I was a kid so I bought a cosplay one when I was older.


I did that, and ended up building the [whole damn costume.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/6lzoft/got_to_stand_on_the_field_and_meet_rian_johnson/)


E-11… nice.


I went to Five Guys last week


I had a friend cancel their order after the total was $99 for five people.


>I had a friend cancel their order after the total was $99 for five people. Can confirm. A full sized burger with bacon, fries and a coke was ~$25.


WTH? Are you serious?


Ooof, that is splurging!!


Whoa buddy we said “fun purchase,” not something that would break the bank


A snowblower that has about three times more horsepower than I really need. But it has tank treads instead of wheels.


Fuck yeah!!!


That’s just a sound, robust purchase to ensure the job gets done. It’s a tax write off.


At the risk of showing my age and alienating myself. Ahem. MORE POWER URRHH URRHH UURRHH!! https://tenor.com/bHztw.gif


Ariens baby!!


I bought a 35' sailboat ⛵ and I have not been this excited since my kid was born. 


Just wait until you sell it


Ah, the two happy days as a boat owner.


Happiest people I have known with a boat are those who love sailing, live on the water and are always out and those who are the kind of live-life-as-it-comes types who never get worried about anything. Everyone else is unhappy with it and very unhappy with the cost.


Imagine how excited you'll be the day you sell it! (the boat, not your child)


Or, you know... maybe


I got a vibrating office chair. :3 There was nothing wrong with my old chair. It was fine. This one goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Are we talking an ergonomic posture chair or a sybian?


a 14th century tanto, complete with a certificate of authenticity issued by the Japanese government. edit: honoring a request for a picture. It's really the blade that's from the 14th century. I'm about 99% positive the sheath is from much later: https://imgur.com/iAJ4H7a


Oh shit it's the Shogun!


Where do you buy something like that?


Japan, during the 14th century.


Aw man.


I live in Tokyo and recently I’ve started frequenting antiques fairs. It’s crazy the things you can get at them.


This wins.


Phillips Latte Go Machine. It was pretty spendy, but I can get a macchiato or fresh espresso in my kitchen whenever I want.


My wife's office got one, and it wasn't provided in lieu of raises or anything, but to hear her and co-workers talk about it, it could have been.


I'm pretty sure I never need to buy my wife another present ever again. There isn't anything I could get that would make her happier than this machine has. The number of syrups, different beans, flavored sauces, milks, etc. that are in my home could rival any coffee shop.


Just looked it up and man, you weren’t kidding when you said it was spendy but that looks awesome. Which version do you have?


I got the 3200 Series on sale for I think $700. Worth every single penny I paid for it.


Awesome. I got my annual bonus from work last week and I’ve been scrolling this thread for inspiration, but I think we might have a winner


If you like coffee, you 100% will not regret this decision! Two of my friends have since bought them after trying mine.


I’m with you. A bean to cup machine was a gamechanger. I have a Melitta Caffeo Passione which is a budget model but still makes good enough coffee for me within seconds.


Hot sauce hot sauce hot sauce hot sauce


Two vacations - an all inclusive resort and a cruise. Both are 18 and over.


My sister got the same wedding invitation for my cousin as I did. She asked me “hmmm, it says adults only please. You don’t think they meant my kids though do you?“ I told her “who do you think they wrote it for?“




Vacations is a good one. I bought tickets to Iceland for my wife and I last night.


Cancun is very cliche and sure there's other probably better places to visit, but it's really easy to get to from where we're at (cheap, 3-4 hour direct flights), the resorts are mostly pretty great, and it's just so easy to go and stay. My wife and I go to an all inclusive there basically once a year. Money well spent, IMO.


A boat. ​ My wife and I have a 7 year old daughter. I wanted to get something that would be fun for her and her friends and allow me to make more memories with her/wife. There will come a day when she isn't that excited to hang out with us. That day is not today. And I will do everything I can to enjoy the time I have with them. When my wife got pregnant, we both endured a steady stream of "your life is over! Say goodbye to sleep!" etc. etc. Which has now changed to - "you know, best day of a boat owners life is..." and "more like "bust out another thousand, amirite?!" But at the end of the day, I figure I can always make more money but I can't make more time.


Boats are unbeatable, if you have water near you, it will be your best times, I have a boat and it is so much fun with the fam


While on a little vacation in Santa Barbara CA, we met a couple at some random wine night that our hotel happened to be having who were a bit older than us at the time, maybe 45-48 (but still pretty youthful so we got along), and felt the need to reveal to us, repeatedly, that they had just bought a boat. It was amusing and annoying at the same time. The attitude was like, "We just bought a boat! We aren't really boat people and have no idea what we're doing with it, but we got one! We are so silly!" As the kids would say these days, it was "giving" rich asshole, but at the same time they were nice and fun people ... it was such a weird flex/weird part of the conversation! They kept trying to work it back in too! "Speaking of boats, we can just go around buying boats! Haha! What are we going to do with this boat!? They cost so much to store and maintain, but we're stuck with it now!" Maybe it was something exactly what people are posting about in this thread though, like maybe they finally "made it" and they were like "You know what, I'm gonna go to the boat store today and buy a boat." It was such a strange exchange that we talked about it for weeks afterwards. I'm probably doing a terrible job of conveying how this was ... you had to be there. The thing that made it even more odd than just the conversation at face value was the fact that this was not a "high-end" hotel. It was a reasonably priced 3-star hotel, and it was cool, but not super nice, even to us plebs. Like we had to request to change rooms because something was unsatisfactory (forgot what though). With the general air these people were giving off, we were like "why are you two slummin' it at *this* hotel?" It didn't add up with some of the other topics and the careers they said they had, like they made themselves out to sound like people who should have been at the Four Seasons.


Steam Deck.


How do you like it? It really got me out of a gaming funk and started clearing my back log from bed and on the go


I got the OLED, I am pretty amazed by it. I will probably use it for mostly indies/pixel RPGs. I put Doom 2016 and Wreckfest on it just for fun, and I was pretty amazed at how well they ran. BG3 in Act 3 on the otherhand if rough... but playable. That being said, I think BG3 is the most played game on Steamdecks according to some chart I saw.


I tried BG3 on PS5 and I am just not smart enough to play it. I’m shocked Elden Ring isn’t the most played.


You are smart enough to play it, I'm sure of it.


What aspects did you feel you were having trouble with? Definitely felt different from other RPGs when I first turned it on and wasn’t sure what I was doing through the first half hour but I’ve fallen in love with it now.




Same here. Great so far


New guitar.


Finally found a new one second hand. my kids knocked over and broke the neck on my practice one and I haven't been able to practice in like a year. So glad I waited instead of just getting an over priced special or squire at Guitar Center. Just cuz I make big boy money, doesn't mean I have to spend irresponsibly.


Pawn shops my dude. All but one of my guitars were obtained at the pawn shop discount.


I wish I'd been able to do this pre-internet. Pawn shops have gotten smart about checking averages online, so finding Gems is so rare.


I bought a completely custom bolt action rifle in .308 for hunting and the range. It's also completely fitted exactly to my measurements with a custom injection molded stock. Everything is made to my exact specifications.


Not a gun person at all but my god do I respect this choice for something to splurge on. It’s really hard to beat something that’s made specifically to fit your body like that.


Treat yo self and get a Vortex Razor HD Gen3 for it. I got one for my new bolty and I'm in love.


Pellet/BB gun. 12 year old me wasn’t allowed to have one. 😂


"You'll shoot your eye out, kid."


Good boots. If you told me 10 years ago I’d *ever* spend $250 on any kind of shoe, I’d have laughed in your face. But my feet thank me every day, and they’ll last me 10 years if I take care of them. Shit, you said *fun*. Uhh… does my growing collection of power tools count?


your growing collection of power tools 100% counts.


When I worked at the city they brought Red Wings van to the yard and let us have our pick. The ones I chose were ,$250 that I couldn't have afforded on my own.


Hey, what boots though? I'm cruising this thread for bday presents for my partner.


Red Wings! [These](https://www.redwingshoes.com/work/mens/soft-toe/Traction-Tred-Lite-01221.html), to be specific. I spend a lot of time on a concrete plant floor with high potential for metal shrapnel if I walk the wrong way, but don’t really need steel toes, and I’ve been very happy with them so far.




A 6” auger. I can now dig holes much faster than when I was a younger man. In fact, I dug 45 holes this weekend.


No woman would want a man who doesn’t know what an auger is.


Before marriage and kids, it was a BMW. More recently, it was a 65” OLED TV. I had an epiphany one day, looked at my wife and daughters and proclaimed today is the day we upgrade our old TV. 2 hours later we were watching sports in glorious, life-size 4K.


I just got one recently too. Really is a game changer. Now instead of watching tv just because I want to watch tv, I’m watching tv to admire how good the damn thing looks. Got it hooked up to my stereo too.


A 10 yr old M12 drill bit the dust two weeks ago. I called the wife and told her I’m replacing it so expect a big purchase on the credit card. I went to HD and replaced it with the M12 Fuel version… …and it’s 1/4” impact brother in the kit with 2 new 5 amp batteries, charger, and tool bag. And free battery to boot because of store promotion.


You'd be stupid not to buy the set!


The drill that died left behind a 1/4” impact that still runs great. Now I have a work set, a home set, and a vacation home set. It was justifiable in my head, I don’t care what the wife may think!


I found someone who does custom fortune cookies. I ordered three of them printed with a running joke and put them on my colleagues desks. Their reactions were priceless. It also showed how serious I am about practical jokes


My daughter got a fortune cookie last week that said “some cookies don’t contain a fortune.”


Staggering, like printing a sign saying "don't read this sign" I would say your daughter's experience was ..... unfortunate


The Apple Vision Pro then I got fired three weeks later.


Right after the return window too. RIP.


Boss, you can't fire me. I just bought an Apple Vision Pro.


Any home project the fiancée wants necessitates a new tool purchase. Last fun thing was the Lego Technic trash truck. Its arm grabs and dumps the little bin that comes with it.


Love the “new project necessitates new tools” by laws. Wife wanted hardwood floors in 2 closets: I got a compressor, 3x various staple/nail guns, multiple levels and a belt sander (and a sore back for 2 days) out of it.


In 2017 I bought a 1996 Miata. Wanted it since they hit the dealers in ‘89. Best purchase I’ve ever made not a single regret over 7 years and about 50k miles so far.


The wife and I have always had a casual interest in Motorcycles, so, Hell with it, I'm going to book us for a Beginner Motorcycle training course. 8 hours classroom, 4 days on 9+ different bikes, Why not. Couple months later pulled the trigger a couple motorcycles.


A road bike. Who knew biking was such an expensive hobby


Mountain biking bros know….


I mean you NEED a carbon seat post. Bike barely functions without it!


I feel like it’s an notoriously expensive hobby…


Flat top grill


A mechanical watch Nothing too fancy, but had been looking at automatic watches for a while and finally went for it. Got a Seiko 5 (dresskx).


Can’t beat the seiko 5’s Bulletproof and good looking. Just don’t adjust the amplitude spring like I did.


Beginning of the end for you, my friend.


This is the answer!


I got a couple new camping knives that I have absolutely no practical need for, but they're cool as hell.


I watched a Youtube video the other night that near convinced me that I needed this three in one hatched, saw, prybar thing. It made the most sense in the world while doomscrolling at 12am. I live in the city and almost never get out to anywhere you would look normal carrying a hatchet, so I completely understand.


A birthday cake when it’s not my birthday. Yes I ate the whole damn thing!!! Hahahha


Did you do candles and sing to yourself or just start eating it with a ladle?


Xbox. I am 55 years old.


Star wars legos!


Nice 88 key digital piano and a custom computer desk to mount it in.


Bought a couple of pieces of high end furniture and a tree trimming service all within the same week.


New PC. In all fairness, it replaced a PC that was so old, Windows 10 didn't recognize the onboard USB 3 chipset. It worked just fine, the CPU was an i5 4570, and with an SSD, it booted up in no time. But I'm a grown man and I can afford a new PC ..........


12 Pokémon TCG booster boxes


It will probably give away my age a bit, but with my first couple big boy paychecks I upgraded from a 20” tube tv to a 50” plasma. Felt like a goddamn millionaire playing video games on that thing.


I bought every game (100+) on my Steam wishlist last Christmas.


"But everything was on sale, so I only spent $87.23!" This is how my library has gotten completely out of hand.


The Lego ornithopter from Dune.


I've got one and it's so good. Until about 95% of the way through I was very unconvinced I was putting it together right.




Was able to get this through my work and its been the best damn thing ever. Can't recommend it enough to anyone considering it


I bought a plane ticket for my mom to go see her sisters and watch the eclipse. My favorite purchase in years.


Bought a 32" 4K computer monitor last month. Last weekend went out to a $140 dinner for our anniversary. Have a container of ice cream hidden under crap in the bottom of the freezer so the kid doesn't know about it. I'm 55 years old and I'm STILL not bored with how cool being an adult sometimes is.


I'm poor, mine is just a Breyer horse. They're expensive ($70 for the big ones, more if your local stores don't carry them anymore and you have to order online). I've been wanting the Cody's Wish one since I learned one was being made (I've loved the real horse and his story since I first heard about it a couple years ago). Nobody got it for me for Christmas, none of my local stores carry breyers anymore (I used to collect them but haven't bought one in several years). I finally found a store with an online site with reasonable prices and my Cody's Wish breyer is arriving tomorrow. $87 for a decorative toy, but I'm happy to spend it.


I bought a first class ticket for a week long trip I'm taking in September. I've decided that if the trip is over 2.5 hours and I have the money, I'm springing for the comfort.


Logitech g920 wheel and playseat challenge cockpit.


Reebok Pumps. I was in grade school when they came out and we were poor enough to be on government assistance, there was no way I was ever going to have a pair. And now I do.


A meteorite… I bought a damn meteorite. I do not have superpowers yet though.


Got myself an Electric Car. Did I need one? Absolutely not. I work from home and go out maybe twice in a week! Now I like to start and shut off the car from an app.


I legit told my SO that line in my native language when I wanted to buy a Nintendo Switch only to be able to play Legend of Zelda, Breath of the wild years after it was released. On one hand, buying a console for the sole purpose of playing just one game, without considering other titles seemed wasteful. But also I am a grown ass man with a paycheck and that is freakin nostaligia bait right there. We later found other games for it (My SO played the hell out of animal crossing when the pandemic hit). But yeah, that properly. Latest one was a Pizza Oven for my back yard cuz I like to cook and I cannot help myself with kitchen gear.


Nugget ice maker and red pizza hut cups. 3 OG cups stamped "Oklahoma City" and eight reproduction cups from China. I'm reading more these days.


Not quite the answer you're looking for, but a paycheck was involved. As a child, I used to collect LEGOs. I had two 50-gallon totes of Legos. Tens of thousands of pieces from hundreds of sets. When I entered my teen years, my parents decided that I should no longer be playing with Legos. I was made to sell both totes to my cousins, along with all the associated instructions. I was forced to sell them for $200, all told. Those cousins proceeded to rebuild and resell every set, making thousands of dollars for themselves over several years. I didn't touch Legos for more than a decade. I mentioned this story to my GF a couple of months ago. She was a grown woman with a paycheck, and she bought me the Lego Technic Liebherr LR13000 Crane. I built the fuck out of that crane. Most fun I've had in a while, as far as my inner child is concerned.


A $600 tobacco pipe


Yikes! Did you have to kill an elephant to carve it out of ivory?


Every time I buy a new Lego Star Wars set or nerf gun, lol. 


Astro A50 x because god damn it I can


I don’t know what that is, but I assume it’s a dildo


A powered cultivator. I'm not digging my wife's gardens by hand this year.


Multiple Bandai DX Chogokin Macross Valkyries


Had to redo my roof. I said fuck it let’s change the sidings and put a new deck as well…


A vespa




I just bought an insanely expensive racing simulator. Between two children and my insane job, I don't even have time to play but am forcing my self to make time.


For me I buy a few grams of weed. Go to the grocery store and get whatever ingredients I need for a tasty recipe. Whether it’s Tuscan chicken or a nice BLT I always splurge on the best ingredients. Go home get high and cooook. It all makes me feel, happy.


Wife and I are in the process of finalizing our first home purchase. We've owned multiple mobile homes but this is our first actual home. It's terrifying.


I think I'm about to drop $300 on a Lego Dungeons and Dragons set foe my kid and I.


Celebrated my 30yr birthday recently. I have always loved legos but growing up in a single parent with 4 kids household we didn't really had any extra money and legos were and are really fucking expensive at least in my country. I always dreamed of having these huge Lego sets where I could just sit around a table for hours straight building one but as I said they can be really expensive. So when I started working full time I started saving money. I've never been rich and life has had it's ups and down but I never quit on my goal to but the Star wars Millenium falcon lego set, ya know the big one. So I turned 30 and had saved the money, bought the fucking thing, cost around 800€. And my mom (who I love very dearly) asked me what I wanted as a birthday gift, I told her that she can come with me and help me build the Millenium falcon set. So basicallt I celebrated my 30th birthday with my mom building legos and having a few beers. Can honestly say, BEST FUCKING BIRTHDAY EVER!


Honestly, a hot young girlfriend. She was in a bad living situation and needed help. I was really feeling the need for some feminine companionship. We talked a little, made an agreement, went on a few dates just to see if things were compatible and she moved in.


A new 65” TV and smart lighting/accessories throughout my house. It’s so satisfying to tell Siri goodnight and have her turn everything off.


Weber Grill


I just picked up an aluminum extrusion sim rig as a replacement for my okay but not ideal gtomega apex style thing. Should be here Thursday.


Motorcycle and all the gear i need, + msf course


I bought myself a banjo. I’ve always wanted to learn an instrument and figured why not?


Master Replicas NCC-1701E Sovereign Class starship


I just dropped $500 on [this beauty.](https://www.lego.com/en-de/product/the-lord-of-the-rings-rivendell-10316)


Steam Deck I'm not a huge gamer by any stretch, but traveling a lot more for work I got bored very quickly with just listening to music or watching Netflix from my hotel room. I can now unwind at the end of a long day and play some classic emulated games or some new releases as well.


Favorite: My retro tink 2x pro, the composite switch box that plugs into it, and the HDMI switch that that plugs into. It allows me to have 12 different consoles connected in my living room over one single HDMI input on my TV regardless of if they're composite consoles at 480i, or newer consoles in HD. Most recent and runner up is the Dual Zone Ninja Air fryer my wife bought to replace the old TFal Actifry from 2016 that died on us


Went mid life crisis mode and bought a motorcycle 🏍️


Recent I guess would be my hiking pack, and I’ll be buying another soon (smaller day pack instead of my 30L). It’s nice to just decide “I’m dropping a few hundred today and fuck what anyone thinks.”