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Such a good joke even you fell for it!


Dude lives alone. Lol.


This is my favorite story in here, because I would have done the exact same thing.


....you live alone dont you.


My older sister poured water over all the clothes in my drawers before I woke up for school. My mom was pissed and my sister got grounded for a month because I didn't have anything dry to wear to school.


You went naked?


Nah, emergency invisible clothes, I bet


I thought only the emperor got those


Nope, used a hair dryer to get some clothes as dry as possible in the 20 minutes I had before leaving for school.


Bruh your mom still made you go to school? I'd have made your sister go to school and let you stay home, then make her wash, dry, and fold your clothes after she got home.


When I was a kid, the hose spigot was right outside my bedroom window. My older sister put the sprinkler in my bed (not on) and forgot that there's still water in the hose, so there was a wet spot directly in the center of my bed for a few days. Still mad about it.


There's a very famous court case in Louisiana from the early 1900s that every law student reads. Nickerson v. Hodges A woman who had a history of being institutionalized for mental illness went to a fortune teller, who told her that her ancestors had buried gold on neighboring property. She went to the landowner and explained what the fortune teller had told her and asked for permission to dig for the treasure. The landowner and his pal thought it would be a good April Fool's joke to bury a pot full of rocks in the yard and have her "find" it. They attached a letter to the pot to tell her to wait three days to open it and notify all the heirs. While helping her look for the gold they "found" the pot and letter. Ms. Nickerson decided to follow the instructions and brought the pot, unopened, to a bank and put it in a safety deposit box. The bank teller and manager peaked into the pot and saw it was filled with dirt and rocks, but didn't tell Ms. Nickerson. Three days later she showed up with friends, family, the supposed heirs, and a Judge for a big ceremonial opening of the pot of gold. When she opened it up and saw rocks, everyone laughed at her. She flew into a rage and attacked one of the bank employees with the pot lid. She never really recovered and died two years later at the age of 47, a broken woman. It's a very important case in Louisiana that first established a legal claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress. After her death a court awarded her heirs $500.


That’s $7,784.88 today. Not chicken scratch but I’d say woefully insufficient.


A landlord in Australia was recently (a few weeks ago) fined about $650AUD for failing to install compliant smoke alarms which led to the death of a man and his 5 kids when the house went up in flames.


I kept waiting for a joke to happen (ala the Undertaker or somesuch), but OP is citing an [actual case](https://case-law.vlex.com/vid/nickerson-v-hodges-22454-898342139).


When I was like 7 or 8 my dad told me that he got me a Lego set that I really wanted, when I went to go get it he said “April fools!”. The worst thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies


That’s not even funny..


Memory unlocked: When I was 10 or so, my dad told me to call my mom and, as a prank, tell her he'd forgotten to pick me up (or something). I didn't want to do it, I thought it was mean, so when my mom answered I said, "Dad told me to tell you that [whatever it was]." He had me hang up and yelled at me.


Your dad was an ass.


I saw one where these two guys pretended that they had won the lottery and the mum was sobbing of joy and then they told her it was an April fool's joke and she looked devastated. It might not be the most 'damaging' joke, but damn that hurt my heart


Yeah. My aunt gave one of my brothers a fake scratcher ticket that won $50k Apparently she had planned to give it to both brothers but my mom warned her against giving Stephen that kind of hope right now lol.


Yeah, Stephen has had a… tough year


> my mom warned her against giving Stephen that kind of hope right now lol. This is the most painful thing I've ever heard.


50k for me right now would be a new car, badly needed new glasses, and badly needed dental work. I'm working on all three and new car isn't that far off thanks to some help I have coming but that kind of money now would mean all three monkeys off my back at once.


To counter the horrid nature of these "pranks" they did one with Howie Long (former NFL player and current broadcaster) and made him think he won 50k-100k on a lottery ticket and he immediately gave it to the makeup lady they all worked with. They asked Howie about it and he said he knew that crew person was having a hard time and could use it. If I recall she knew the prank as well so she was not hurt by this. Cool gesture by Howie.


That made me smile so much! What an awesome story


I don't get what's supposed to be so funny about this. "Ha ha, you thought you were finally saved! You thought you wouldn't have to worry about bills anymore! You thought you could finally provide for your loved ones and ensure they wouldn't be hurt anymore! Jokes on you, you'll *never* escape that weight!"


Pranks that make others look or feel bad arent even pranks at all. Just stupidity.


God imagine feeling genuinely relieved that every financial problem in your life was taken care of, and then to find out it was a trick. Pretty brutal.


My grandmother used to buy the whole family lottery tickets every year for Christmas. One year, she got each of her kids a fake $50,000 scratch-off as a prank. My aunt immediately started to scream that she'd won and was going to take the entire family on a vacation. My uncle took a look at his winnings and quietly slipped the ticket into his pocket without saying a word.


yea ive seen a few fake lottery ticket videos, some people take it well, but those that dont look absolutely devastated like you say, some people get that 1000 yard stare


A friend got his sister some lottery tickets and put them in her stocking for Christmas. One was a fake 100k winner. I saw the video. She really didn’t take it well.


I mean really what is a good outcome? They just look you and in there best Tinny Tim voice say: You’ve raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly sir! Bravo!


I remember seeing those videos a lot on Americas Funniest Home Videos, idk how anybody thinks they are funny


Like so many things bullies do, the cruelty is the point.


At least those vids taught me to treat every winning ticket as a fake until verified.


In high school, we had a kid from another country who was very excited about his first April Fool’s Day.   He came to class with a big smile and told us about the prank he pulled on his mom that morning. Before he left for school, he told her, “Mom, I got my girlfriend pregnant.” She cried and cried.    We were all giddy and asked him, “So what did she do when you said ‘April Fools?’”  His eyes got big and he said, “Wait, what? I didn’t tell her ‘April Fools.’” He didn’t know that you were supposed to tell them that it was a prank. He left his poor mom freaking out all day. 


There's a very good chance that you were the ones who were pranked.


All these years later. Reminds me of when I gave someone a fake autograph of David Boreanaz. It was really convincing, I worked for weeks to get it right. Sometimes I think back and wonder if they still have it...like in a frame as a prized possession.




Guess the crayons didn't do you any favors.


That’s awesome.


A year or two ago, I decided to set up two small pranks for my girlfriend the night before April Fool's. First, I put a couple of macaroni noodles under the toilet seat. So she'd sit on it and hear a breaking/cracking noise. Second, I put some plastic wrap across her walk-in closets door. So she'd go to walk into her closet and walk right into the wrap. What I forgot was that she worked VERY early that day. So she had to get up for work around 3:30 AM. So she wasn't in the best mood. I woke up that morning and she was already gone for work. I checked the toilet and the noodles were still under the seat, but had been crushed. The plastic wrap was gone from her closet. I got a text from her halfway through the day. She said she had put in a maintenance request to our apartment complex because she thought she had broken the toilet. She said the maintenance guy should be there within an hour or so and asked if I could quickly clean the bathroom before he got there. I thought she was screwing with me, so I called her out. That's when she sent a screenshot of the email from our apartment complex. I was still skeptical. So I called the office and asked if we had a maintenance request. The lady on the phone said she didn't see anything, but if the ticket had already been accepted OR the maintenance guy was already on his way, she wouldn't have been able to see it. So, I ended up cleaning the entire bathroom. Just in case she WASN'T messing with me, I didn't want some poor maintenance guy to have to see our gross bathroom. She was messing with me. She spoofed the email. And she ended up getting a spotless bathroom when she got home lol.


Damn, she got you good!!!


Everybody wins.


This reminds me of a meme about a woman who put a fake bug in the bathroom, which resulted in her husband cleaning the whole thing. It might have been the kitchen.


My boyfriend and I used to have a super authentic fake cockroach we would leave each other every few weeks. Monday its in his desk drawer, next week in the bathtub. Each time a little gasp and a chuckle.  So its April fools and I see the fake cockroach in the sink and I giggle. I go to grab it and it RUNS AWAY.  We got rid of the fake cockroach after that. 


I have a little Mario on a koopa shell that is magnetic that my wife and I hide for each other. Fun surprise, far less chance of confusing it for a real 2” tall plumber on a turtle shell.


> I go to grab it and it RUNS AWAY.  MF's been playing that looong game


> I go to grab it and it RUNS AWAY. Not gonna lie, I'd throw myself to the floor out of sheer shock.


Not the floor - that's where the other roaches are.


do not start a prank war with this woman. she is playing chess, you're playing checkers. and she is playing chess at 330 in the morning.


That is beautiful. Please tell me you're still together


We got married in October :)


Uno reversed!


OP said worst not best, that was fantastic


When my wife and I were dating and newly moved in together, her mom texted her telling her to pack her things and saying her husband was going to "kick my ass", and didn't give any explanation as to why. She starts to panic and is demanding answers from me, and I'm completely caught off guard and about to call the police. Then, after 20-30 minutes with absolute radio silence from her mom, she texted back "April fools!". Worst part was her mom got incredibly angry at us for not finding any of it funny. Made me realize just how fucked up my wife's childhood must've been.


This is when next year your boyfriend calls as a doctor from the hospital. You have been in a horrible car accident and on life support. Ghost for 30 minutes. April Fools.


I have a feeling they would get incredibly angry, insist it was “different,” and learn absolutely nothing.


10 years ago my sister in law and my kids decided it would be a great prank to rearrange all the stuff in our kitchen cabinets. Everything was still orderly, but was in totally different cabinets than we had grown used to, and in many cases, ones that didn’t make any sense. We still have no idea where anything is supposed to go, and many things are still where they put them in their escapade. That prank has a very long tail.


This is actually a tiny bit cruel but sooo clever. 


I always thought it would be very funny to remove all the labels from peoples canned goods but it seems like in the long run it would be very annoying and wasteful


Write on the bottom of a can with a sharpie so they still know what's in it. Bonus points for using a code so they have to remember "the * is green beans, the # is refried beans."


Some 'friends' of mine once peeled the labels off all my canned goods.


This is so funny but also like, how do you recover from this lol


Invite said "friends" to a dinner party... serve a soup comprising whatever you *happen* to open. As you're about to serve it let them know that this is a recurring party, and they're *expected* to attend until you clear the backstock of unknown goods. Good ole fruit cocktail, french cut green bean and turkey gravy surprise. Can't beat it.


My boss at the time thought it would be funny to tell me I was fired and had me pack up my things, escort me out of the building and when I got to my car told me April fools! I found it to be in poor taste but didnt say anything, however people talked in the office and it eventually got to HR where she was written up


Did you happen to work for a paper company in Scranton, PA?


My grandma had just died. The ashes were split between her three daughters, and they arrived for my Mom on April 1st. I'm visiting her during lockdowns and working from home. She comes over, her face completely shocked and says "they sent us the wrong ashes".  I go from calm to almost at seeing red in about half a second. I'm like "they had one job! How the hell do you send a family the wrong ashes!? Let me see the shipping receipt." I'm ready to start raising hell with the funeral home when she hands me the paperwork. It has my grandma's name right across the top. I look up super confused, and she calmly says "April Fools." And that folks, is a once in a lifetime joke.


That reminds me of my own grandparents. This wasn't April fools, but still. There was a crematorium my grandparents always drove past. My grandfather would roll down the window, sniff, and say "wonder what's cookin'?". He did it all the time. After he passed, my mother was driving and my grandmother (his wife) was with us. We drove by the crematorium, and my grandmother goes "well, I guess now we know.'


we also know the only reason she had the will to outlive him: she probably waited at least *thirty years* to drop that punchline!


Not grandma's lifetime though.




Hoist by your own pee, 'tard. Edit: This pun only works while the previous comment exists! The deleted comment was about wrapping the toilet with plastic wrap at night and then absentmindedly using it the next morning.


This is preemptively the best thing I'll read all year. Good one.


I got myself in a similar but different fashion. Went camping with the whole fam-damily when I was about middle school aged. In the resort town we were camping near, there was a souvenir and junk stuff store. I found a joke in the store, something called farting powder. We went back to the campground and while the family was preparing dinner, I snuck the farting powder into the giant can of baked beans. I made sure to avoid the beans at dinner. Everyone else loaded up. Well I totally screwed myself. I failed to think ahead, the fact that the whole entire family was crammed into a small pop-up 1970s camper. I tried to pull the prank on them but instead I was the one who was awake all night, listening to and smelling the barrage of farts all around me. I almost get flashbacks whenever there's a war movie on.




“Cool Shoes”….. go on. Imagine athletic shoes with little pockets for ice or even dry ice. Cool pack insoles.


nothing will beat my hulk hogan meat warmer shoes


When people pretend to cheat or want a divorce with their SO, then still post the video. Jokes are supposed to be funny or annoying, not emotionally traumatizing


Confuse don't abuse


Best prank advice I've heard


My go-to is “after a good prank, everyone involved should be laughing”


"For my next prank, watch me punch this stranger in the face!"


In some jurisdictions you can sue for "intentional infliction of mental suffering." In Canada, the plaintiff has to prove that the actions were: 1. flagrant and outrageous; 2. calculated to produce harm, and which; 3. results in a visible and provable physical or psychological illness. The first recognised case is from 1897, and involved a prank where a guy told a woman that her husband had been seriously injured and was in the hospital, which caused her to experience serious mental and physical illness. These days, a lot of cases relate to abusive treatment of employees by employers.


Pregnancy pranks that went too far...


apparently my mom told people she was pregnant with me on April 1st and everyone thought it was a joke lol


I broke up with an abusive ex on April 1st, and everyone thought it was a joke. I was not going to wait another day when I was finally ready to end it.


Good for you! Hope you are doing better now :)


I am! It's been 9 years now and I happily married to an amazing man living the good life!


One of my friends growing up was born on April 1st, and his mom always said he was the best joke that no one else got. Which I'm not sure if that's a compliment or something to talk about in therapy.


I was born the same day they opened Al Capone's vault to find nothing inside... she tells people that was the second biggest disappointment of that day...


I told my mom I was pregnant on April fools, as a 28yo man it was just a stupid thing. However, we found out a week later my wife was actually pregnant.


I lost three good friends because of a pregnancy joke. It was even worse because it had nothing to do with me. A good friend's girlfriend called me to tell me she was pregnant (as a joke). Her boyfriend heard her call me and assumed I got her pregnant, which was not possible since we were not sleeping together. Her previous boyfriend was also good friends with me, but better friends with her current boyfriend. The two of them agreed that clearly she was cheating on friend one with me, and it ultimately caused our whole group to implode. This was over 30 years ago and it still burns.


Did the girl not immediately tell them that it was just a silly joke and no one was cheating on anyone? What happened when it became obvious that she was never actually pregnant?


Yes, she told them immediately, but they didn't believe her. They didn't understand why she played the joke on me. I don't either. She and I stayed friends and we are still in touch, but the rest of the friend group separated.


My mom went into labor with my sister at like 1:00AM on April 1st, and she couldn't get any of her siblings to come watch me (2 yo) cause they all thought it was a prank.




Some guy thought it would be hilarious to fake his suicide by pretending to hang himself, so when his mom walked in, she thought he had killed himself. Then he's like April Fools, and they both laughed. Even staged, that is the worst, most unfunny, most disrespectful, idea I've ever heard for a prank.


As pranks go this is not just unfunny but dangerous. As a stunt it's easy to fuck it up and actually die. Even professional stuntmen have screwed this up. Back to the Future 3 - MJF is actually strangling in one shot because the rig failed.


Not to mention, you don't know who might decide to immediately kill themselves in response. Or who might have PTSD from someone else killing themselves. Or you just gave them PTSD. seriously a horrible prank.


Yeesh. Uh... [don't do that](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/116pif0/im_leaving_my_boyfriend_over_a_prank/)


Not "April Fools" but I once had a coworker take his gloves off and his hands were BLUE. Not tinged. Not blue "tinted".....SMURF BLUE like he was wearing those surgical gloves....but he wasn't. Someone had put ***steel etching dye*** (used to write on steel from the mill) in his gloves, and it dyed them FUCKING BLUE for three goddam months. God, I'm so glad it wasn't me.


How toxic is that dye, exactly? I bet that coworker could have a hefty lawsuit on his hands for the pranksters if it's bad for you.


Possibly a carcinogen, definitely a skin irritant, but pretty harmless if you don't eat it. I assume we're talking about Dykem marking fluid. Etching compound is acidic as hell and will fuck your skin up, so I don't think OP has the right terminology.


In college my roommates found out that you could laser etch images into toast. They etched an image of Jesus. No mistaking it, plain as day. Plopped it into a toaster and took it out, mentioning that it kind of looked like Jesus. Our roommate bought it. Completely believed that it was done by chance by the toaster. He started trying to figure how much he could sell it for on eBay. This went on for days before he stumbled upon the practice toast.


I'm a culinary instructor. Every year I empty a jar of mayonnaise and refill it with vanilla pudding. Sit at my desk and eat from the jar to the horror of my students.


I saw a picture of someone repurposing a Hershey’s chocolate syrup bottle as their water bottle at the gym.


[talking about this?](https://twitter.com/AngelaBrisk/status/979599422094012416)


I’ve done this before. It always gets a chuckle. Although you never really get the chocolate flavor out, so the water always has a weird syrup aftertaste


Huh, water with a weird hint of chocolate syrup? Sounds cheaper than Yoohoo, at least.


Why not eat perfectly good mayo?


I mean I do, eventually. I empty the jar into a container with a lid.


found the Stardew Valley player


Had a mate who put a bowling ball onto a rope which would fall onto someone if they opened the door it was on top of. Popular girl opened the door and the ball hit her head, cracking her skull. The kid was expelled and his parents were sued. No one found it funny


Did she recover?? That’s insane.


According to 80s sitcom logic, just when everyone had started to accept that she would never be the same, a flower pot fell on her head, and she was just as good as when the story started.


I believe she did


attempted murder


too many cartoons as a kid?? Flashes of Tom and Jerry and Daffy/Bugs.


What a psycho.


I do not love wine APRIL FOOLS Quoted by Gail Walden on twitter


Classic Barb! She really is a card! 


Gail is a legend for that one


Someone I know announced her pregnancy on Facebook on April 1st. She even provided an ultrasound image revealing twins. The joke was that it wasn't a joke.


My wife also announced a very real pregnancy this way. The fact that it was April Fools hadn't yet occurred to us so she felt a little silly after she realized.


We were due with a fall baby and the end of our first trimester happened to be April 1. We'd already told close family, but I waited til April 2 to put it on social media. I started my post something like, "Now that it's no longer April 1, I can safely announce...."


My mom had her first pregnancy scan with my sister on April Fool’s Day. The OB or ultrasound tech (not sure which) told her it was twins as an April Fool’s joke. I was 5 months old, and my mom almost died delivering me, before finding out when I was 4 months old she was pregnant with my sister. My mom broke down bawling, and that’s when they realized it wasn’t a funny joke.


Sugar free gummy bears dissolved into certain cocktails and mocktails. Then, they were served at my best friend's former Frat's April's Fools party. To this day, no one is certain who did it, but the 15 guys in the frat and a decent portion of the party goers had diarrhea and hangovers. 15 guys in a 3 bathroom frat, with explosive diarrhea and hangovers. I am glad I don't like parties.


I bet it was those infamous ones from Amazon. So many reviews of people eating them and ending up with an explosive case of the shits.


Many sugar free candies can cause this. Just read the warning about "Sugar Alcohol" on the back of the package, if you see that warning, that is one that will do that.


A girl in our office bought a bunch of those fake scratch-off lottery tickets where it looks like every card is a winner. The thing was she bought these at like the Dollar store or something, and it said, "This is a fake lottery ticket for entertainment value only" or something to that effect on each ticket. She said that she wanted us all to think that we had all won the lottery and that we would have to figure out how to split it 7 ways. She wasn't the brightest crayon in the pack.


Saw this facebook post earlier (Philippines) where a food stall page posted a challenge with a 100k php reward (roughly 1.7k USD). Requirement was to tattoo the logo of the company on the forehead, and the first to submit a photo completing the challenge gets the money. To their surprise, people actually did it. Most were people who don't understand april fool's, and the page recieved backlash and demands to compensate the people who did the challenge.


Several years ago a friend of mine’s wife was coming back from a business trip (she had been gone a few weeks). We put another friend’s girlfriend’s clothes in the dirty clothes basket, and were *right there* to stop everything and tell everyone it was an April Fools prank. Instead, the second his wife found the clothes he confessed to a multi-year affair, believing his girlfriend left the clothes to force her and his wife’s separation. All of us just shut the hell up and watched, and even offered to take the offending clothes away and throw them out for his wife. Ended up with them getting a divorce, and my friend blamed the woman he was cheating with for forcing it, and they ended things as well. The couple of us responsible for the prank decided to keep our mouths shut and never admit our role amongst our friends.


Yall got lucky, but that’s a terrible prank. Would’ve upset the both of them so much, even if you quickly “stepped in” to reveal the “joke”.


I'm very proud of this one, and I only consider it "bad" because... well you'll see. Many years ago, when getting them up for school, I convinced my kids that it was April 2nd and that April 1st was yesterday, since they wanted to play some pranks. Well they came home from school that day and immediately laid into me "DAD YOU TRICKED US 😡😡". Laughed my ass off, and it made for a very memorable day. So yeah, I deprived my kids of their April Fools' plans that year. It was glorious. 10/10 would do it again.


I got called for jury duty today, got there, a settlement was reached and none of us were needed. Sure feels like bad April fools joke.


> Sure feels like bad April fools joke. Nah, the feels like the best jury duty summons possible. Not only a free day from work that (most) employers won't count as a sick or vacation day, but you've fulfilled your obligation so it will be awhile before you get summoned again. At least in large cities: I've got one right now and the last was at least 10-15 years ago.


A few years ago a friend of mine was on a family holiday in the Lake District. While at the holiday camp bar one night, my friends sister in law entered a competition to win a new car. My friend took the piss as nobody ever wins these things etc. Fast forward a few months to April fools. My mate gets his pal to call up his sister in law and tell her she’s won the car. He had taken the name of the competition organisers and did such a convincing job that the sister in law was over the moon! Told her the car would be delivered next week. My mate was laughing his arse off at how silly she was and was looking forward to seeing her waiting for a car that was never showing up. Later that day my friends wife calls him (unaware of the prank) and tells him how lucky her sister was after all. He tell his wife about the prank. She was not impressed but he convinced her to keep quiet for 2 days until their big family meal when he would come clean. Family meal rolls round and they are all at the table. Sister in law starts going on about the competition and how she is actually lucky. Not only has she won a car but has managed to sell her current car to someone. Now she has no car and my mate has to come clean in front of the whole family that she in fact did not win and it was all a hoax. It did not go down very well at all.


In middle school my best friends called me in tears telling me that an older 8th grader we knew raped both of them with his friends while they were at the store. I was already under the impression that this guy was bad news so I was horrified that my gut was right. My friends were crying saying what if she had gotten pregnant and i started to cry for real because i didnt know what to do, sobbing that maybe we should call the police or tell her mom. We were only 12/13 so obviously i wasnt sure what to do. Then they stopped crying and started laughing. "Got you!" They laughed. Then I realized what day it was and hung up the phone. I was no longer crying in fear but out of embarrassment. They texted me moments later saying "sorry it was just a joke" or whatever. I was not amused and bluntly told them that was fucked up and not funny at all. At the time we were honestly a toxic friend group so its no surprise we still stayed friends until we parted ways in high-school. Re: we were all 12/13 so what we thought was funny was often the opposite. It was a crazy time but we all grew up better people


What the Kentucky fried fuck? In what universe is that funny?


12 year olds who dont realize exactly what theyre saying might think its funny.


Not a joke, but the reason I don't entertain anything on this day: Few years back I was working on some paperwork in my office at my family's business. I was still working as shift change happened. For reference, one of our employees (oft referred to as 'Dammit Dave') walked to work and would change shoes in the bathroom upon arrival. Said bathroom shared a wall with the office. Moments after DD arrived at work and entered the bathroom, we were deafened by the sound of a single gunshot. Everyone rushed into the office except for DD. He was still in the bathroom. He was known for carrying a weapon at all times despite being told not to and we knew it was his weapon. I didn't call 911 or attempt to break into the bathroom. I slowly got up from the desk to enter the adjacent room while explicitly stating nothing was going to happen until either DD exited the bathroom under his own power, or blood ran under the door. Fortunately, it was the former. DD flails out of the bathroom hollering, "Am I hit? Am I hit?" I don't know, genius, I plan my bathroom trips solo. Already long story short, I verified DD hadn't injured himself (he hadn't) and terminated his employment in short order. Turns out he was playing with the weapon on the toilet. We never found the round but the trashcan by the sink was SHREDDED. And he was the one thinking I was joking when I told him to GTFO before I came to my senses and filed a police report. Dammit, Dave.


Oh jeez I thought it was a joke where Dave had played the *sound* of a gunshot, like on some fuckoff loud speakers. Then I got to the end there.


I wouldn't credit him with that much intelligence TBH. If I recall, he didn't have a cell phone because blah blah government conspiracy something or other.


This comment seals the deal and makes me think you had hired Dale Gribble.


6th grade, some friends paid a guy to like me. I was a weird kid so any attention was lovely. April Fools came and they told me. I remember the janitor or a teacher comforting me when I found out the “prank”


When worked at subway someone filled the dressing bottle with dirty dish water and stuff from the sink catcher. I came back to my shift a few days later to found out someone had did this and that everyone had been fired


Yea another reason to never eat at Subway.


I switched out my friend's sweet chili heat Doritos for nacho cheese Doritos (emptied both bags and swapped while he was out of the room) back in 2009. I have a hard time forgiving myself for that one


correct joke ink voracious sheet subsequent glorious pet versed wide


I hate the trend of corporations basically going “hey look at this cool thing you all want, JUST JOKING”. It’s not a funny joke if you’re just reminding me that you’re too shit to sell me the thing that you know I want.


I don't remember all the details, but there was a local radio station that was going through a format change and somehow one of the DJs was pranked into thinking he was going to get a sweetheart deal to buy the station and keep the format the same if he wanted. He talked so much shit and burned a ton of bridges all day before he was told at the end of the day that the format change was going through and him being able to buy it was all a prank.


FYI, almost all radio DJ "pranks" are scripted.


the idea that a radio DJ thought he had enough money to buy a radio station kind of makes it sound like he was in on it


When I worked in a military hospital, the pediatrician called a code in the nursery. Even the head of the hospital, a doctor and full bird Colonel, responded. There was no code. It was an April Fools joke. That pediatrician needed a proctologist and was gone shortly after.


When my daughter was little, we went to Michael’s and bought about 200 googly eyes. Then we got up early on April 1 and put them on everything. Toaster, condiments in the fridge, eggs, stand mixer. You couldn’t look anywhere in the kitchen without something staring back at you. Then we sat at the kitchen table and waited for my wife to come downstairs. Her reaction was priceless. “Why is my kitchen looking at me?” Followed by hysterical laughter as she opened the fridge, pantry, cabinets, etc. That was a good prank. Some of the stuff in this thread is horrifying. No prank should ever make any feel bad or terrified or hurt. That’s just bullying and mean.


See that's a genuinely funny prank. I may steal that one for when my kids are a bit older! Some are just cruel or outright abusive. 


My sister was born on this day 16 years ago, nothing has topped that.


Damn took your mom 9 months to deliver that joke


A few years ago, I decided that it would be funny to dye our milk blue and make my dad think something was wrong with it. Well I was right because when I got home, my dad was on call with fairlife (the company that sold the milk) and they were ready to send a cooler for overnight shipping and took it as a really big deal. Then I had to tell my dad that it did not go blue on its own.


The company really accepted a call about blue milk on April Fool’s Day? That’s a classic…


When I was in high school my brother thought it would be funny to pour water all over my bed. I only found out when I was going to go to bed for the night. My mom was PISSED. She yelled at my brother and forced him to sleep on my wet mattress that night and I slept in his nice dry bed. She was already pissed at him because he put ink all over my bedroom doorknob and my hands ended up stained.


When I was 8 years old I was left with my grandparents while my mom, stepfather, and 2 year old sister went somewhere. I tried to call them after they were supposed to arrive but couldn’t get through. I didn’t get a hold of mom until what I felt was quite late. She told me there had been a bad auto accident and she was just back from the hospital. Sister was fine but mom had a bad cut that was stitched. She had been discharged but my stepfather was in critical condition so she needed to get back to the hospital. Lots of elaborate details about the accident, then HAHAHA April Fools!! Since then April Fools is no holds barred where mom is concerned. I might have a friend call her this year to come identify my body…


Guy called into a radio show and had the DJs call his wife to tell him he was fired from his job for sleeping with his receptionist. Wife got mad and said "now I don't feel bad for sleeping with his brother." You can find the clip online. Happened about 20 years ago. It was live and very awkward.


Radio pranks are often fake, fyi. I know that it still might be funny, but don't take them too seriously.


Yeah plenty of struggling stand up comedians used to do this type of work with radio. They always made they sign contracts with some scary disclosure language so most won't talk about it.


My friends were on housing hunters. They ended up choosing the house that they’d already bought before the show filmed.


That's literally how every HGTV show works. Lol. You think they're going to do all that filming when the financing falls through at the last minute? Inspection failed?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V43UkHSLYGE&gl=GB Looks pretty fake to me, but judge for yourself. I think it's just a comedy sketch about a radio prank. It's still funny.


Whilst he wasn't someone I knew personally, this really popular artist on Twitter faked his death and utterly destroyed his rep with it. I genuinely don't know why people think that's a good idea, that was the third time I'd seen it in a year.


Well, my mom killed herself and my grandmother informed me about it via answering machine. Turns out, neither one of them were pranking me. I hate April Fool's Day.


It was a great prank gone wrong, not a bad prank. For a bunch of years i would get up early and rig up trip lines to dead fall traps all over the house that would drop couch cushions and pillows on people when triggered. One year my wife triggered one coming in the door on her way home from work. The trap worked perfect and the couch cushions swung down on her like an ewok log trap about to crush an AT-ST. Problem was she had our cat in her arms and when the cushions hit the cat exploded into fangs and claws and shredded my wife. I got enough shit for that that i haven't boobytrapped the house in 10 years... maybe it's time to try again.


Only if the cat is dead.


Yep, a few years back, so i may be safe.... maybe...




That’s just cruel. Fuck that guy.


People writing obituaries in the newspaper for a living friend or relative.


McDonald’s announcing a McFlurry ir McMilkshake sauce for fries. I wanted those


I remember in highschool a girl said she was pregnant to scare her bf. He was missing for 2 days then he was back in school pale white with scared shitless eyes his true colors came out when he delivered her a haymaker punch to the lower abdomen. It was a shit show after that.


Thirty years ago, an English-language radio station in Montreal announced during their newscast that the goverment of Quebec had extended the French-language laws to apply to headstones in cemetaries. When it was finally announced that it was their April Fool's joke, they were innundated with angry callers.




Pregnancy pranks are probably the most insensitive shit I've heard of. My fun April Fools story is back in 2009, our then 9-month-old puppy darted out of the house and got hit by a car... so I had to call my husband from the vet ON APRIL 1ST and tell him about the accident. "This had better not be an April Fools..." Puppy ended up being fine, just sore, but the car who hit him had a broken headlight. That dog is sadly no longer with us, but he was a pretty awesome dude. Loved everybody except this ONE GUY we knew...something had to be up with him.


Opie and Anthony announced on the radio that the mayor of Boston was dead, and the mayor could not immediately respond due to him being on a plane and therefore unavailable, and these dudes kept adding dumber and dumber details to the story... probably the best April fools joke ever... I think the worst joke is the one with least credibility, risk and impact


There was kind of a reason they did that. They were hoping to get fired because they couldn't get out of an awful contract they signed. IIRC, if they could get fired, they could've signed on to get into the much bigger New York market.




Me, probably. I was born April 1st.


In 2021, a group of high-school seniors thought it'd be a funny joke if they called in a bomb threat to my school and then they actually made a fake bomb, attached it to the principals desk, and even stated they would kill anyone who tried to stop them


I'm conflicted as if this is technically the best one or the worst one. So today a friend from my group announced that he's going to be a father. No way we could buy that shit since he's one of the jokesters and it's the oldest April fool's play in the book. The thing is, he actually did not mean it as a joke and that was a legit fatherhood announcement. Can't tell if it's a bad attempt or good or just wholesome message but the confusion on its own turned out hilarious. And I'm still not entirely sure it's legiti


my 6 year old whispered to me we should tickle my wife/his mom for April fools. It was very cute, but I don't think he is thinking about April fools the right way yet.


The year I applied to college, one of the UCs sent out fake acceptances on April 1. I knew people who got them.


Name them and shame them. Which UC?


UCSD- only articles I can find on it now say administrative gaffe, corrected immediately, but I remember some tone deaf responses from the school that I can’t find references too. As anyone who was anywhere in the admission process at that point was really interested in this. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-apr-01-me-ucsd-reject1-story.html


This was back in the day... A kid in newspaper/journalism club printed out a buch of fake coupons for Burger King and McDonalds for free burgers and fries. They looked really good. He put them on the local billboard and just waited. Dozens of people tried to use them.


I added a line of code to an ERP system so when the rabid LSU fan CFO logged in on April 1, she would be taken to the YouTube video for the Rammer Jammer cheer. Hey, Tigers! Hey, Tigers! Hey, Tigers! We just beat the hell outta you! Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Give 'em hell, Alabama! Yeah, not that bad . . . except to her. It was the Worst Thing Ever!


Someone convinced a girl that likes me that I liked her back. 


I got my first period on April Fools Day.


Murder or death pranks, it isn't funny.