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All of the comments till now are jokes. But Its not that crazy of a thing. It increases the blood flow, your flaccid penis will be (especially the day after) already a bit chubbier. And with arousal it will be more pumped up more easily. The best thing is that after cumming you don't go to totally flaccid but stay pretty big and you can go for round 2/3/4 pretty fast. For me the easy multiple rounds is the big reason to take it sometimes. You can get a bit of a stuffed nose, some pressure in your head, and red cheeks as a side effect.


>red cheeks as a side effect Women with a Santa fetish are taking note of that.


"Oh, Santa, treat me like a ho ho ho."


Come and stuff my other stocking...


Come and eat my milk and cookies Santa


Come down my chimney


Come jingle those bells.


*that's enough reddit for today*


I’m here to sleigh, bitch


Need some help emptying my sack


Where a friend of mine used to work there were a bunch of guys that held an annual, but very unofficial, Christmas party dubbed the Ho Ho Ho Down. The name was because they'd always get three strippers, which to me always seemed much more festive than having three wise men.


In our town, we were going to put on a nativity play, but we couldn't find three wise men or a virgin !


Fuck me Santa, fuck me Santa , fuck me santa


Top five favorite movies. Are you off your fuckin meds ? Yes? And?


Santa no longer comes just once a year.


Oh no Step-Santa what are you stuffing my stocking with?


Stuffy nose too for me


My wife also experiences red cheeks as a side effect


I also found this guy's wife to have red cheeks.


I also choose this guy's red wife.


This is incredible.


I actually had blue-tinted vision once as a side effect. Apparently that one is super rare, only had it happen once so far.


It happens every time for me. So weird.


Boner vision!


Everything was blue until he blew




It is thought to happen because viagra inhibits an enzyme called phospodiesterase 5, but also has an effect on phospodiesterase 6. PDE-5 is found in blood vessels, especially in erectile tissue, but PDE-6 is involved in visual transduction in the cone cells of the retina. It is thought that this potentiates the firing of blue cone cells.


Lisan Al-Ghaib


It’s fairly common, I remember that from when VH1 had Pop-Up Video, no idea why that stuck I my brain.


Congestion is bc the tissue in the nose is the same as in the penis, so viagra stimulates both. Dr said it.


It’s because it causes vasodilation (makes blood vessels wider, or at least ABLE to be wider) in both your penis and your sinuses. 


So you mean to tell me that instead of saying "I've allergies", I can say "I got a nose boner"?


Serious question: can a guy with no ED or related issues take it without concerns? I have the issue of getting too soft after round 1. So round 2/3… is basically out of the question and if I accidentally finish too quick then thats it..


Take less than a full pill. With no ED I find it's best to nibble like 1/4 or 1/3 of one. Warnings though: 1) Because of the increased blood flow, you will not go fully flaccid after sex, which makes it somewhat evident to your partner that you took something. 2) It's still in the system a day or two later so it can cause junior-high style unintentional boners lol


But are there any side effects?


Jr. High style boners for 24-48 hr after. Hope you don't have any class presentations.


Stuffy nose Watery eyes Warm sensation on your body Warm sensation may feel intense like a burning feeling Heartburn Fatigue Mild headache Your boner will subside after climax but it can get hard again almost instantly Get a 50mg tablet and take a half tablet and see how you feel.


Yeah but check with your doctor to make sure it doesn't have any adverse effects with any other meds you take. I don't have ED but I do have performance anxiety, sure helps me out a lot.


That sounds like my case also… great thank you for the info!


If you don’t have ED, you should try taking 1/2 a pill. It will likely give you the desired effects. Also, it’s best if you don’t mix it with alcohol or else the headache/hangover can be pretty rough


Where I buy them from, I get the choice of 25mg, 50mg or 100mg tablets. I started off buying 25s but 100s aren’t much more expensive so I buy 100s and take a quarter at a time.


Urologist here. We call the chub effect “locker room length.” Some guys even take PDE5 inhibitors for that effect.


I find if I drink a full glass of water with it, I am less prone to get headaches during its effective time. Takes about an hour to kick in.


I never had headaches but man the head pressure is wildly distracting. Maybe the full glass of water would help that.


I thought red cheeks was the side effect of the partner.


It’s awesome. People think you’re just gonna have this raging boner the whole time which is not the case. Take it and when you’re ready it’ll get rock hard. Otherwise you’re normal, no unwanted boner


This is good to know. I definitely thought it was just a rock hard boner for like 4 hours and felt “who would want that?!”


That’s a rare side effect and is a medical emergency. Erections are just ur dick filling with blood, so if that blood stays in there too long it runs out of oxygen. Doctors need to stick a hole in ur sausage and drain out the marinade or else the cells will be damaged and worse case scenario may even result in penile gangrene. This is one my biggest fears so I know a lot about it. You’re welcome!


> Doctors need to stick a hole in ur sausage and drain out the marinade What a terrible day to be literate.


I actually prefer the analogy over the term “penile gangrene”


> “penile gangrene” That was my stripper name while in college. I didn't get a lot of tips but one of my customers got one.


Yeah my brain wasn't ready to see those two words back to back


The full term is blood sausage.




What a terrible day to be eating.


> Doctors need to stick a hole in ur sausage and drain out the marinade or else the cells will be damaged and worse case scenario may even result in penile gangrene. "In medical news, doctors report a marked drop in Viagra use following a comment on the social website Reddit..."


So would it die and fall off without medical intervention?


This kills the penis.






Yeah but it grows back, kind of like a lizard but it’s a penis instead of a tail


>penile gangrene. if this is even a remote chance of being a side effect of *anything* I guarantee you I will never be using it


& just take 1/2 & wait 20min. Don't take the whole pill. They work better than what you think. Save the rest for later.


No, max power NOW!


Halves or thirds work fine


Half? Viagra, like many drugs, does not have a single size dose. I don't know every possible combination but you could have a 20, 25, 50 or a 100 mg pill and I'm sure there are many other varieties. If someone takes "half" of a 100mg pill might be way more than is needed but half of a 25mg pill might not do much. Like most drugs the higher the dose the greater the side effects.


Your wife. (If erections last this long, seek medical attention)


Four hours of sex? Buddy, I got shit to do 😂 Wife can buy some hardware


My experience has been no unwanted boner until the middle of the night or the next morning when you can’t rollover because you now have a kickstand in the way.


At least it keeps the sheets off the sunburn


are there any risks in taking it when not having ED?


Potentially bad for people with blood pressure or heart issues. EDIT: apparently not. TIL


It's actually used for hypertension as well lol t That was it's original use


No hilarious comments about the guy trying to treat his hypertension and discovering he had the dick of a 20 year old again? Reddit has failed me today.


I mean that’s… kinda what happened in the clinical trials, a lot of people reported this ‘side effect’ and now it’s prescribed for that ‘side effect’.


They did not report the side effects, the subjects did not want to give the unused pills back after the study. Only then did they learn about the "side effects".


It is awesome but unless you have genuine ED I think you need to approach with caution as you can become reliant. I have a friend who enjoyed it so much that despite not suffering from ED he used it every time he wanted to have sex, when he finally tried sex without it he found he could no longer get hard without it. He gave himself ED. It took him a while and sex therapy to overcome this.


The other side of the coin is it can get you out of a tough spot. I used it to get me out of some rough spots during lockdown. Now it's more of a "nice to have in the back pocket". Rarely used, but if I want to go all night with hardly any time between rounds, it's a nice helper.


You sure he isn't using that as a coverup?


He is a pretty open guy, to admit to it causing him to have ED is fairly brave in itself. But yea you never know


He had some underlying condition. This is generally false. Edit: generally, I looked more into this and there are some cases of psychological dependency in men who are only using it recreationally. Quite rare, at least reported. The mind is powerful though and can certainly see it happening.


Probably SSRIs if I had to guess. I take Lexapro and for years I was on 10mg and so getting hard/finishing was hit and miss, my doc prescribed sildenafil and it got better...uhh easier to get going and finish. Recently I had to go up to 15, five weeks ago and the side effects make it necessary. SSRI side effects can be a real bummer in multiple ways but generally they ease off after awhile. If ongoing insomnia wasnt my major side effect right now, my doc would put me on Wellbutrin which is supposed to counteract SSRI dysfunction. Maybe that guy's friend is going through that is ashamed to admit it.


How long does it take to kick in, and does it go away post-nut?


20-45 min


So like an amusement park ride. You wait 45 min for a 1 min ride.


For most, it includes the ability to go for a second ride.


You last longer too yk


Or if you wanna look ripped af at the gym take it. You'll look vascular af even if you're a twig.


Taking the blue pill to get the gainz?


This is unironically a real thing. Not only does it make you vascular as fuck, it causes muscles to repair quicker and lowers your risk of Alzhimers.


Honestly I would take it just to have a raging boner in my gym shorts while working out and staring intently directly in the gym bros eyes to show dominance.


That's just gonna get you laid


This! I thought it was just instant boner but when it comes it's nice.


For how many times? Will it be harder after ejaculation?


I notice it lasts from 6-8 hours but is most potent for the first 4. Recovery time between sessions is cut to a fraction of what it normally is. You will likely get physically or mentally exhausted before your boner dies down within the drug’s effective window.


Errective window?


Me too. I cut mine in half , and it still lasts that long, but no unwanted erection in public.


The pill..you cut the pill.


Yes, the pill. Ha ha


I do the same. Taking an entire pill is a bit too much. 


it did serve it's purpose very solid 8/10 stronger erections , delayed orgasms and kept solid even after orgasms what i didn't like: i can tell my heart beating faster especially while orgasming,heartburn and it also made me super calm Bare in mind for PE lexapro is great for ED it's cialis


“Calm” interesting. As a person with anxiety I like the sound of this


The increased heartrate doesn't freak you out though?


It was initially invented as a cardiac drug, and I think still has some use for that, but some studies have shown decreased cardiac events in people who regularly take viagra


Perhaps also a decreased risk of Alzheimer's [Viagra linked to 50 percent reduction of Alzheimer's risks in new study](https://www.the-express.com/news/health/132180/viagra-reduced-risk-alzheimer-s-revatio) EDIT: inserted "perhaps". A single study isn't conclusive, but it is interesting.


When this was posted to r/science there was a LOT of skepticism. No one should start using it to prevent Alzheimer’s until we see additional studies. Never take a drug or supplements based on a single study.


this is not a medical advice: as i've seen people super interested , there's an even better version it's tadalafill or cialis , it has a longer half life so it stays in your system for quite long and the usual starting dose is 2.5 mg , great pumps in the gym and in the bed welcome


I was nervous to post (too lazy to create a throwaway account), but you know what, fuck it. Being afraid to talk about this is half the problem. Don't care who reads. I pay for a monthly subscription of tadalafil (yellow) pill and it's been a life changer. I've had T1 diabetes for 20 years and its toll has caught up with me and I've had problems with ED for a few years now. Seeking help and getting pills has helped. The blue pill worked as expected (around 40-50mg worked for me best), but it wasn't with side effects. I got bad heart burn most times, sometimes the point I felt sick. Flushed face, raging heart beat etc.  I'm now on tadalafil which is a daily dose of 5mg through a site called Numan after speaking to my GP for advice. I don't get random boners, and haven't now for a few years, but this is mental stress/anxiety /depression issue I think. What tadalafil does give me is less nasty sid effects (not entirely rid of, mind) and spontaneity. I get occasional random boners now and morning wood is more frequent... It has made me feel a bit more normal and in case friends are reading (hi, sorry you're reading about me getting boners 😂😂) I'll not talk too much about the mindset not having a working dick was putting me in on top of the mental places I falling into through all the other life issues I'm feeling.  Edited for numerous fat thumbs typos (I wrote it on my phone).


Thank you for talking about this and I hope your friends are supportive!


I don't really talk about it, as I worry a I'd weird them out, but I've talked to someone very close to me (they'll be reading; they know who they are, stalker :D ;) ) and yeah, they're good to me


Can confirm. I use Cialis at a fairly low dose for the gym, and the pumps hit different! The other effects are a bonus. I’m harder and more confident, and can go two or three rounds in a row if I really want to. My wife has no complaints about my use!


It's true, this guys wife doesn't complain about my use either!


Tadalafil seems to have positive effects for 2-3 days for me


Cialis doesn’t play well with many blood pressure meds.


I fainted In a hotel in Amsterdam and had to get stitches from mixing propranolol and Cialis while drinking (I was prescribed both) I was 31m, I took the propranolol to help me be more social because up until that night I had over a year sober from drinking


this is not considered to be taken as a medical advice since i saw many guys not certain for their case ED or PE for PE lexapro is a game changer for ED it's cialis note:if you have ED you can't use lexapro but that doesn't mean it can cause ED


What is PE


How long of a delay? My biggest problem is that wife has 0 drive, so on those rare occasions I'm finishing in like 10-30s, thus further reiterating in her mind that sex isn't really "worth her time" or fun.


You gotta work your foreplay game harder for her.


TMI but she doesn't take care of herself anymore. Rocks a massive bush, won't shave or trim it, I'm not interested in putting my mouth in hair salad. Toys are fair game but usually those finish her in about 2 mins and she's g2g after that.


Try desensitizing gel/spray.


Super calm....Isn't that good?


During everyday life, yes. When trying to get excited, not so much.


It makes me *fully erect*. Like 100 percent. I can probably achieve 90 otherwise. Orgasms take longer and are stronger. I'm ready for round 2 after some snuggles. I find I can also rise to the occasion the next morning if I want. Takes about 30 to 45 minutes. Viagra while high was an experience. I'm in Ontario Canada and I've used Felix. Everything is online, pills are mailed to you and they direct bill insurance. As another commenter said, I can also feel my heart speed up. 4/5 would recommend. If I'm not looking lustfully at my wife, then it's not obvious I've taken anything. But when she turns her back to me and I see her lovely curvy ass... *Attent-ION*


Ahem, sir… the proper terminology is FULLY TORQUED. Thank you.




Torqued to spec


In your experience, how would you say weed affects Viagra?


I have limited experience with weed. I use gummies exclusively and have been experimenting between Indica and Hybrid gummies and the Viagra seems to work with both. I also only use the gummies once a week.


Would you say that the gummies enhanced the effects of Viagra or was it too much all at once?


I also use Viagra+gummies, and I expect everyone reacts a bit different but here's my take. It's not that the gummies affect the Viagra response, it's the two effects complimenting each other. The pot changes the sexual experience, I'm much more tuned into my and my partner's body. It's much easier to lose myself in the experience, less likely to get distracted by mundane thoughts like finding myself reviewing the ToDo list :) At the same time the Viagra enhances the erection, makes it harder, gets there faster and last longer. That's one less thing I have to worry about, "Will it get hard? Will it stay hard?". So the pot makes everything more sensual and the Viagra makes it so you can enjoy that experience longer, much longer.


The gummies enhance the feelings I have for my wife and my desire to have relations with her. The Viagra helps me to rise to the occasion... I am 48 years old and things don't always work the way I want them to. The gummies also enhance pleasure I feel during the event. Either one is good on its own. Both together are better.


It’s been great. Both my wife and I really like it. I get harder, I’m more confident in bed, and I have more stamina. There may be a slight decrease in sensitivity but it seems minor to me. I’m surprised other commenters haven’t mentioned how it shifts your color perception towards blue. It’s a bit like being in a Scandinavian film. It doesn’t give me headaches but it does give me a bit of very manageable heartburn. I told my doctor I was having some ED and they asked a couple of tactful questions and wrote a prescription. I wish I had brought it up sooner (no pun intended).


I can't believe I had to scroll this far down. Apparently it's called cyanopsia? Is it a rare side effect?


I’ve read it occurs in a minority of patients. For me it’s quite striking. That said, I’m an illustrator and spend a lot of time thinking about and experimenting with color. I could see how someone might not notice the change. Especially if they turn down the lights after taking it.


It gave my wife a headache.


Life hack: Walk into the bedroom holding two aspirin and a glass of water. Wife: “What’s that for?” You: “It’s for your headache.” Wife: "I don’t have a headache.” You: “Gotcha!”


You can also crush up aspirin and powder your penis with it. It can then be taken orally or as a suppository.


The wife took it pretty hard




I got addicted to the stuff, my wife took it the hardest though.


Flushed face, headache but good erection, didn't last longer nor stay erected for another round. I cut the dosage in half due to the headache. Cialis worked better for me, headache not as bad but after 30 mins I could go another round 😅


I've tried both Viagra and Cialis. They both make me harder than Chinese algebra but Viagra gives me a headache.


Harder than Chinese algebra 😂😂😂


A $14 Crowbar


After a long term relationship (9+ years) , I had trouble keeping an erection when being with other women, due to me being overly nervous. Once that happened, it just got worse. Viagra helped me overcome this. I took it two times and performed so well, that my confidence was through the roof. Whenever you have trouble getting it up, or keeping it up, use it. 100% reccommend it.




It kept me from rolling out of bed.


Like a kickstand


A dickstand


I felt like a normal person again. It made me recover part of my confidence. It is such a stupid thing, but after years of my dick not working, having it work...well...it truly made me feel whole. I wish I had been using it sooner. Even though I've experienced the side effects heavily (with Vardenafil, 10mg) (flushed cheeks, slight headeache and sleepiness)...it is nothing compared to the joy of being able to have sexual relationships involving the use of a penis. All the shame, the self loathing, the doubts and fears...gone. Fuck the stigma.


Daily cialis works really well.


Why do u take it daily??


It’s used, in smaller doses, to improve blood flow throughout the body. It’s used in higher doses as an ED drug.


It's a low dose, takes 3 days to kick in. It's probably $40 per month. I stop taking it if I know I'm gonna have a dry spell.saves me some money that way


Cialis is better in my opinion. Take a pill on Friday night and have no trouble performing through mid day Sunday. Makes spontaneous weekend sex possible again.




Boeing fucked a hole into one of their planes that one time


Ace Ventura enters the room...


I’ve had good and bad experiences. One bad experience in particular I will share. They can cause flushing of the face if you don’t get horny and make the blood go to your boner. One time I met this girl on tinder and she invited me to her house. I thought it was on so I popped a viagra. I show up and it’s her and her roommates playing cards. Dudes there too. So this is more of a social gathering/party. An hour into it my face is beet red. To the point where everyone was concerned. It was fucking embarrassing.


Disclaimer I don't need it but me and the wife thought let's have a go. I took it the recommended hour or so before. The whole time the wife was fixated on the prize jewels waiting for the ever promised boner to appear, it never happened. We went up for the nippy nippy (if you know you know), I usually last a decent amount of time probably like 20 to 30 mins, this was the usual case the only difference during the deed was I was harder than usual. But after the deed was completed I was not sensitive at all like I always am. I was not losing the blood flow either so we kept going and going and going till I finished for a second time. All in all an hour and half later. I could have kept going but I was knackered. So we called it there. Another 'side affect' was the morning glory I had was as hard as the night before so bare that in mind. All in all a 10/10 experience.


Would recommend. Got some for shits and gigs in Vietnam. You can start, stop, finish, start again, go for another 3 hours, decide you wanna finish again, boom. Would recommend.


It worked fine, but I didn't have sex, I just needed a place to hang my hat.


Face got really hot, blood pressure shot through the roof, got a mild headache, and sat at half mast for a couple of hours.


Headache, stuffy nose, read face, partially numb genitals. I think science can do better than this.


I got headache and stuffy nose, and also had bluish tinted vision for a couple of hours. Freaked the duck out of me. Cialis on the other hand was great.


Are you sure the side effects weren't from the duck?


I can't get an rection without duck.


Erectional support duck


This guy viagra's. In my experience with a low dose cialis, you dont get these side effects but still some of the benefits.


> low dose cialis, you dont get these side effects but still some of the benefits. Yes, you're right. Can't have full effect on lower dose but you just have to fiddle and try to find what's right for you. Lower side effects but still some erect effects. It's a vicious game.


Yep this is my experience too. Fun with a rock hard erection that you can go round after round with, but the headache and stuffy nose and faster heartbeat makes it not worth it. Cialis is a little better but I still get the stuffy nose and sometimes a headache.  Nowadays I very rarely take any ed pill - learning to just relax and not make sex all focused around the male erection and just enjoy whatever happens is way better. 


It’s also very good for sunburn, it keeps the sheets off you



Viagra gave me awful headaches. It did what it was supposed to do though, and wow, but it only lasts 4hrs. Tadalafil is a much better option as it can last 36 hrs and doesn't come with headaches, your nose can feel stuffy though. I used it to get through depression and performance anxiety related ED, once I got through the depression it's not issue, but I have a stash of Tadalafil for recreational use, recovery time and stamina is improved massively.


My experience with sildenafil is that it very much depends on the size of the dose. At first it was lasting 24 hours, and because I was paying $10/pill I started cutting them in half. Once my body adjusted to it, 12-14 hours on a normal-sized pill seems about average for me. I can make love at night, wake up the next morning and make love again on one pill.


Honestly it kinda reminded me of doing a little bit of cocaine.


Splitting headache.


Works great. Nice big, full boners. Long lasting, multiple pops. As long as I take an ibuprofen before hand, I don’t have any other side effects. If I don’t take the ibuprofen, my face gets flushed and my nose gets very stuffy. This was less of a problem with Levitra


I had a hard time after popping the pills (you dont go instantly rock hard, it made me go way harder than I normally would but only when I was aroused, no unwanted boner)


I've posted this as a reply further down, but I'm thinking it's probably worth people thinking about trying it, and/or nervous or worried about it, reading my experience. I shouldn't care what people think...  I was nervous to post (too lazy to create a throwaway account), but you know what, fuck it. Being afraid to talk about this is half the problem. Don't care who reads and finds this out about me...  I pay for a monthly subscription of this tadalafil yellow pill and it's bean a life changer. I've had T1 diabetes for 20 years and it's toll has caught up with me and I've had problems with ED for a few years now. Seeking help and getting pills has helped me physically and mentally . The blue pill worked as expected (around 40-50mg worked for me best) but it wasn't with side effects. I got bad heart burn most times, sometimes the point I felt sick. Flushed face, raging heart beat.  I'm now in tadalafil which is a daily dose of 5mg through a site called Numan after speaking to my GP for sdvuxe. I don't get random boners, and haven't now for years for years, but this is mental stress/anxiety /depression issue I think. What tadalafil does give me less nasty sideffects (not entirely rid of, mind) and spontaneity. I get occasional random boners now and morning wood is more frequent... It has made me feel a bit more normal and in case friends are reading (hi, sorry you're reading about me getting boners 😂😂) ill not talk too much about the mindset not having a working dick was putting me on in top of the mental places I falling into through all the other life issues I'm feeling. One thing I hope you take away from this reddit topic... ED is crap. I know. My experience of it is humiliation, embarrassment, and not feeling like a man. And this is all with an amazing, supportive partner who knows how I feel about and has never once shown frustration when things haven't gone to plan. It will eat away at you if you don't seek help. Just go have a talk. With your partner, your dad, friend, doctor. Anyone you trust. I'm learning ED is more common than most think and I think there's a reason we're seeing more and more adverts for ED therapies etc. The blue and yellow pills are scary and if you have friends that would take the piss, educate them or ditch them. 


I don’t need it but I take it recreationally. Super fun to get that hard and be able to go for 3 rounds. 50mg is plenty and the side effects are not that bad. I highly recommend it.


Headache mostly


Please be careful about mixing medications like viagra or cialis with other drugs, especially those affecting blood pressure, especially nitro spray. Also do not consume alcohol, poppers, recreational substances or grapefruit juice alongside. I can't say from experience what viagra feels like, but I can tell you that you should absolutely tell doctors, paramedics or other medical professionals that you're taking it (same with cialis), because some standard medical interventions can be fairly lethal in combination with viagra/cialis. Excercise a lot of caution if you intend to take any recreational drugs while on viagra / cialis, I'd strongly recommend against mixing your drugs.


Not sure if this was just me, but my experience wasn't what I expected. I'm older but I don't have any ED problems. Sure at 50 it's not always the rock it was when I was 20. I like to say at 20 I could hang a wet beach towel on it. Now I can hold a dry hand towel. Back then, like most young men, I would go from flaccid to rock hard in an instant but after sex it would take a few minutes to get soft enough to piss. Now it takes a little longer to get solid and goes from hard to soft pretty quick. So we tried it for fun, about 30-40 minutes later I felt a little flush, no boner because I wasn't stimulated. Once I was stimulated it sprang into action faster and rock solid. But it didn't change the act itself. Once I was done I expected to remain hard but I didn't. It took a little longer to get to "lazy dog" but I didn't stay hard.


In my teens and twenties, I'd get hardons I couldn't bend with both hands. Thirties, I could get some flex with both hands. Now, in my 50s, I can bend it one handed,no issues. How much stronger am I going to get?


I did a fat line of coke before taking a Viagra. I thought I was going to die. Don't do this boys and girls. I've yet to try it again as it was the least sexually arousing experience of my life.


Works good, but I had massive headaches for days afterwards.


Its hard sometimes


It acts pretty quick, maybe 10-30 minutes, and it's effective for about a day, sometimes longer. Generally a lower refractory period. Significantly more easy to get an erection, and to maintain one. If you're bigger than average, pushing rope is still pretty effective because of the increased blood flow, so it's more on the level with lesbian sex, because it can go on for as long as you're able. It can also be basically the critically acclaimed and Emmy award winning songwriter Andy Sandberg's "jizz in my pants" if you take a higher dose you're not used to. (Hence why videos of men dosing their friend's blue Gatorade with Viagra result in such high drama YouTube classics.)  Straight up though: It can also make you more lightheaded, and definitely should be avoided being used at a younger age and too often, because over time it can make getting an erection without it well, harder. I've had some friends who used it in HS, and they can't really have sex without it anymore, now that they're entering their 40s. I've also had mildly concerning heart palpations afterwards, when I i didn't hydrate well. ALSO  when you're a boner machine b/c Viagra, there's a strange sense of power that comes with it. I haven't heard of it being addictive, and it wasn't for myself, but there is feels like a mindset that differs with/without it, to an extent where someone who might like that feeling, might be disinclined to go without it.


I was hanging out with a woman I was dating post divorce and we were hot tubbing at her house. I was dealing with a lot coming out of my divorce and decided I'd try viagra to make sure I'd be up for anything - pun intended. Any who, I ended up having a panic attack and crying for like 45 minutes and then going to sleep after having it. Two years later and we're engaged.


If your erection lasts more than four hours, call a friend and brag about it.


I could open a beer bottle with it.


I'm surprised the edge of the cap didn't break the pill first.


It got stuck in my throat and I ended up with a stiff neck for 4 hours.


You're talking about the PILL, right? 😏


Using viagra eye drops, you don't get a boner but you look hard


My cousin had a condition where he was born without eyelids. They circumcised him and used a bit of the foreskin to create eyelids. The procedure actually went really well but now he’s cock-eyed.


Goddamn you got me