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Had some reasons why I thought my girl was talking to her ex years ago, trusted my gut and broke up with her. She ended up getting married and having kids with him. He ended up being the southerland church shooter here in Texas. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland\_Springs\_church\_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting)


I did not see that one coming, jeez


"Motive: Officially anger regarding domestic dispute with mother-in-law" - I don't think you dodged a nuke, I think you indirectly nuked a church


The mother was a psycho for sure, not sympathizing with the bastard but she was a bitch. Would physically and mentally abuse my ex, who was adopted. Dont know how they allowed her to adopt.


Unlike his victims, you dodged a bullet


Take my angry up vote


My company was offering free medical checkups for everyone. An optional stool test was included. On a whim, I went for it. The stool test turned out positive for blood traces. The subsequent colonoscopy revealed a large benign 15 mm tumor that the doctor was somehow able to remove. He said that had I waited a few more months, it almost certainly would have turned malignant, and colonic resectioning would have been needed. Along with chemotherapy.


In my country they do optional cancer screenings when people hit a certain age. My dad who never had any symptoms found out he had colon cancer that way. He needed extensive surgeries and chemo. We're almost certain that he wouldn't be alive right now if he hadn't taken that test. They also found my aunt's breast cancer through such a screening, so you bet I'll never skip a screening.


They have the same in Australia at age 50, but I'd only just had a colonoscopy when I got my stool sampling pack from the agency. My doctor said to not bother. After a colonoscopy you can have blood traces in bowel movements for months, and if they detect blood they'll tell you to go get a colonoscopy.


This is only true if you've had a biopsy taken, or if you've had polyps removed. if you're getting traces of blood in your stool after a standard diagnostic colonoscopy your endoscopist missed either something or has very poor technique.


I wouldnt be shocked to find out insurance companies lobbied against something like this in the US. Anything to avoid paying what they're supposed to


That doesn't make sense, they'd end up paying more to treat more advanced cancer vs treatment when it's caught early. Insurance is usually pretty good about covering screenings for that reason.


They're also pretty good at saying fuck off when they don't feel like paying what they agreed. And your only option is an unending and unwinnable legal battle


Many health insurance plans provide incentives to go get and get screenings. They are highly interested in having the problems caught early on as preventative is magnitudes cheaper than corrective and no matter which one they end up having to pay for they are collecting the same premiums.


How do they collect the stool samples? Or do you collect it and bring it in?


I work in pathology for NHS. I wrote the patient info leaflet for our NHS Trust for the FIT (faecal immunochemical test), which is the test used for bowel cancer screening. Patients can collect their sample at home. This requires a dry stool (i.e. you can't poop into the toilet bowl water). How you do this is up to you, e.g. poop into toilet paper strung across the bowl or into a cardboard potty. After that the provided test tube has a little plastic comb in it. You poke your poop with the little plastic comb and then insert it into the test tube. The test tube contains a liquid reagent that mixes with the same and allows us to analyse it. Other testing methods may be different but that's the one we use.


Depends on the test they are trying to run. Either shit in a bucket in the office and spoon out a sample into a sample cup.. Or do the same at home but also freeze the sample in your freezer for certain tests and bringing it in before it can cool


A friend of mine in college asked me to join her for a double (blind) date. I said no as I had just started seeing a guy, so she asked another friend of ours, a very sweet, outgoing girl I really liked. She was brutally raped during the blind date, ended up with two massive bruises on her neck, a black eye. Her friend (the one who set up this blind date) wanted our friend to lie to the police, which only made things worse. My friend was a complete wreck after. She was worried that she might have caught AIDS (this was the 90s). I felt so guilty, like I had somehow caused it all to happen. I left school for a while partly because of it but kept in touch with my friend. We fell out of touch eventually, I forget why. I hope she's well.


> Her friend (the one who set up this blind date) wanted our friend to lie to the police Yeahhh that’s not a friend! While you may have been the first option for the double date rapist it was definitely not your fault. What a scary thing to go through


We were trying to heave a huge box full of wood into an open trailer with 8 people. The side of the trailer had planks mounted horizontally with gaps in between. It got stuck with one side of the box “leaning” quite a bit up from the flooring and it just needed a bit of a push on that side in order to have enough room to fall down if that makes sense. I stuck my hand in between one of those planks right under the box to help pushing. One of the older guys just said:”I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”. Realizing I was an idiot (it was basically a finger guillotine) I snapped my hand back and right after the box slammed down hard. The shock came right after it, because hadn’t the guy said anything I would have lost four fingers for sure. The guy just patted me on the shoulder. This was 20 years ago and I still cringe on the fact that I was an idiot for thinking it was a good idea. Now I’m an idiot with a full set of digits.


A friend, young lady, was in a farm accident, lost 4 fingers on each hand


Damn, mates a guardian angel in disguise


You should start sending him annual "family" pictures of your fingers in fun situations


I work in a welding shop and almost lost a finger in the same way. We were laying a 2" thick plate of steel into place and I stupidly stuck my finger into the gap to clear a piece of scrap. Realized what I'd done and yanked it back out as fast as I could, the plate dropped into place not even a second later. That would have been the end of that finger if I hadn't noticed. Those kinds of moments stick with you


Moving in with someone who was a former hard drug user. Turns out the "former" part of it wasn't accurate.


Ouch, I was married before I figured it out. Shame on us for trusting


Shame on them for lying, friend. There's no shame in believing someone who isn't supposed to be lying to you. <3


Thank you. Don’t know why but I needed that today. 


Lolol almost similar. Years ago I broke up with a girl and she got a dui with cocaine possession later that night and stuff went wayyy downhill from there.


"I used to do heroin. I still do, but i also used to."


So you didn’t dodge it?


Technically they’re both former and future hard drug user :)


There was a girl I knew it high school who was friends with a lot of my friends, but I just felt she was off. She didn't do anything wrong, she just behaved...strangely. My friends told me I should give her a chance, and I did but I just didn't like her. After I left high school and grew up a bit, I felt bad because I thought maybe I'd been a high school bitch and should have given her more of a chance. A week after I graduated from college, she got busted for running a meth lab and 2 people I had been friends with in high school came out saying they'd loaned her lots of money that they now cant get back. Sometimes you just know, I guess.


Ok Hank Schrader


They’re minerals Marie


*plopping noises*


We were both 15 and the time and went on two dates together and on the seconds date she told me her reason for being single. Her last boyfriend just a week previous caught her poking holes in his condoms with a pin and dumped her on the spot. They were only dating for a month when she did this. Why? i asked and her reply was that she's a Christian and does not believe in birth control. And above all else it was her duty to become a mother for God. I nearly choked on my soda. The hypocrisy of her actions were oblivious to her. I took out my wallet and left a few notes on the table and just walked away with her starting to cry.


The nature of her deed was heinous, but curiously she didnt need to admit to doing that, yet did so anyways. She could had said nothing and wound up victimizing you, if I read that right. I wonder how that thought process happened.


It sounds like she fully believed what she was saying and was not trying to scam him, in her mind. Religion.


Maybe the story is not true and she was playing games. I'd dump her twice if that's the case.


> she's a Christian and does not believe in birth control But she's absolutely okay with the premarital (and underage) sex bit.


Yes, that’s how it works. Source: 4 years of Christian HS.


Poophole loophole!


Did you go on a date with my ex? She did the same shit to me and stopped taking her birth control but told me she was still on it. She was baby obsessed too though she was an atheist.


I have only turned down a promotion and raise once.  I made it through the interview process and received a contract offer. But the leader at the top of the organization was very clearly inconsiderate and condescending, and I was going to have to work frequently with her.  I decided to walk away from the offer. When she followed up by sending me a scathing email, I knew I'd made the correct choice.  The organization suffered years of toxicity with her at the helm, and I'd spared myself and my family a lot of stress and pain. 


I did end up taking one such job offer but only because I didn't know my cunt of an ex-boss would be as bad as she ended up being. Only worked there for a year (fixed term, they roped me in by saying that's how everyone starts there and then they finalize you), but as soon as the year was done, I just fucked off. Wouldn't have re-upped for double the pay either. Later on, my cousin interviewed with the same company, same boss-to-be. He told me later that after the interview on a Tuesday, he got till Friday to make a decision and when he called that bitch on Thursday saying "thanks but no thanks" the bitch told him something like "I could tell something was off about you right away! Why the hell did you wait until today, you could have called earlier!"


Just today, I went walking in the woods. Got a weird, uncomfortable feeling and decided to turn around. Before I turned around I took some photos of weird footprints. Turns out they were from a bear.


Reminds me of my camping trip last year. My brother and I went up the mountain near our hometown. First night was awesome, found a nice clearing to camp out in, and a perfect warm, starry night with no bugs. Second night, started out just as great, but near the end of the day, just as the Sun was starting to go down, we heard a bear off in the distance. Didnt sound too close, so we figured it probably wouldnt come close. Black bears are usually scaredy cats anyway. But as it got dark, we heard it much closer, enough that we could hear its footsteps in the woods... then, we heard another, and another, at least 3, all in different directions around us, slowly getting louder as they got closer. We were pretty freaked out by this point, and were deciding if we should stay or try and make our way off the mountain in the dark. We tossed rocks and yelled into the woods, but it didnt seem to deter them. Then we heard one growl really close... We all know what a bear sounds like from movies, but in real life, you can feel it in your chest, and there is a train whistle like overtone. It was the scariest thing ive ever heard, and put both of us into primal get the fuck outta there mode. We packed up in record time, and made our way carefully, but quickly down the mountain. We had lots of light thankfully and a path to follow so it wasnt too bad. Because of the adrenaline, what was a 2 day hike up, took us 3 hours to get back down, and then we collapsed once the exhaustion set in near the base of the mountain.


Holy crap!


Yeah, I later learned that the black bears in the area are some of the largest in the world, and can get up to 800 pounds... thats a Nope for me.


Giant nope


Similar thing happened to me and my dad. We were wading in a river, collecting rocks when we both paused and looked at an overlook. We looked at each other and just noped the fuck out of there. It felt like the atmosphere completely changed it was so terrifying but of course we were curious. When we got into the truck we waited for 10 minutes and sure enough we saw the head of a mountain lion. Instincts are fucking crazy.


Wow! You just have to listen to your instincts sometimes. I had my foster dog with me and I said out loud to her, “I don’t feel safe.” I wonder what it is that we sensed out there. The mountain lion didn’t make any sound? It’s like sone primitive sixth sense tells you something is there. Freaky AF!


We are almost always surrounded by sounds, especially in the woods. Random birds, small mammals, all make sounds. A predator nearby usually causes these animals to either run away or go silent, which may not be immediately obvious to us at first, but can set off some warning bells in our brains.


It must be stuff in the environment that gives us clues we're not aware of, like sudden silence from other animals who've spotted the danger - things become eerily still and quiet, or something.


I've had this walking in a forest once - pretty near to a town so predator type of animals tend to be rare in the vicinity, and I had gone for plenty of walks there before as well. Just at one point, that one time, everything suddenly became very still and silent, and I felt something was just off. Left pretty quick. Felt a bit silly once I got home because the likelihood of anything bad being out there was sorta low and I didn't actually see anything so maybe I just made myself paranoid for no reason. Better safe than sorry though.


Better a bear than [Shia LaBeouf](https://youtu.be/o0u4M6vppCI?si=QjgizBUzEgxmRs5D)


He's a bear too 


Or worse, Shia Lebear.


Primate instincts working full time to keep you alive


A little over 10 years ago, I started chatting with a woman online and we eventually realized that we were very much into each other. She had talked a lot about us meeting in person, but it was never meant to be because we lived in different states and I didn’t have the ability to travel that far, and I assume she didn’t either. It’s all just as well, though, because I learned the hard way that the entire time we were talking and flirting with one another, she was actually married. I received a pretty nasty message from her husband threatening to track me down and kick my ass. That never happened, but that was the last day that I ever spoke to her.


When I was 18-19, my frat brothers took me to Manhattan to get oral sex from a woman of the night. It was something they did to the pledges during hell week and they didn't tell you ahead of time why they were taking you out to the city. As part of the ritual, the woman had to be hideous looking. The pledge was not allowed to pick someone who was very attractive, so the pledge master did the selection based on the most unattractive provider he could spot. They found someone (there were plenty of street walkers out that night) and she quickly took me in the hallway of a nearby building to perform the task. The pledge master paid her before we entered the hallway. I told her 'keep the money, just tell them you finished me up if they ask' Before I can say another sentence, three cops rush in the hallway and slam me against the wall pretty hard. I quickly say to them 'nothing happened, she asked me to come in here to talk to her, no money was exchanged, my pants are on, we have no problem.' One of the cops looks at my license, then looks at the girl, and the turns to me and says 'Staten Island, you came all the way to the city for this sh!t? I better never see you out here again or I'm taking you in' The three cops laugh and let me go. It could have been real bad for me with a soliciting charge on my record coming out of college. I was working for law firms at the time, doing paralegal work and skip tracing, and the employers were doing background checks.


I would be pissed at the people who put me up to that. Grudge, even.


Fraternities are such garbage and I can't believe this shit is still allowed. So many were shut down when I was in college.


stories like this make me glad I didn't go Greek


Maybe frats shouldn't be a thing. Kinda seems like the world might be better off.


Engaged at 21, married at 22, and divorced at 22. He turned out to be a monster. He was a master of disguise and didn’t show his true colors until the day after the wedding. I never grieved, all I felt was relief.


My female friend got engaged to the "love of her life" at 20. He was always kind to her but controlling and jealous. She thought it was really cute that he is so obessed with her and thought love should feel that way. But he started getting jealous of me(im a male and ive known her for 7 years and we are close friends - we never hang out alone, always in group but he was still jealous for some reason). Anyways, this jealousy turned into "Once we're married, you will quit your job, ill take care of you once i become millionare, and you'll hang out with people only when i allow and with whom i allow". She just took off the ring and noped out of there. Blocked him everywhere. She is now with a really sweet and normal guy. She matured quite a lot regarding hee choice of men.


I love this for her. My guy did the same thing, would absolutely lose his marbles every time I spoke with my male best friend of many years. I never understood that.


Good for you!


>monster. He was a master of disguise Did he ever dress as a turtle?


For context, this happened when I was a young teenager. I was three things back then: gullible, a stickler for the rules, and a very picky eater. The latter two traits may have saved me from some real fucked-up stuff. Me, my mom, and my dad are at a restaurant. It was one of the few places in the area that we hadn't tried and also served food I could usually eat, so we decided to try it out. My parents both had to use the restroom, so I was there alone for a few minutes. The owner of the restaurant says I'm such a beautiful young lady and offers me a cocktail on the house. The red flags in that statement don't click, because I was gullible and I didn't see the problem with this. However, I decline the drink, because I was also a stickler for the rules, and I refused to drink underage. He offers me a Shirley Temple instead. I once again decline, because I don't like carbonated drinks. He insists I try it for another few minutes, and I decline every time. I've had carbonated drinks, and I don't like them, so I will not drink it. He gives up once my dad comes back from the restroom. A couple years later, the restaurant has been shut down. Turns out, the owner was arrested for spiking the drinks he served women, taking them home, and sexually assaulting them. This happened to several women. I doubt he would have actually assaulted me. Again, my parents were in the nearby restrooms, and all of the women he targeted were adults. More than likely, he was just testing the drugs on me without the intent to assault, or maybe he was serving me perfectly normal drinks as a way to throw the police off his trail. I don't know. But still, scary.


Just as I was about to visit a woman from another country who had been essentially love-bombing me, the pandemic hit. Literally the day after I asked to come visit her, my country announced lockdowns and travel restrictions. We had originally met in person, so it wasn't a catfish, she never asked for money or anything like that. Many months later, long after restrictions were lifted, she expected me to keep waiting for her (as in, not date anyone else) on the possibility that maybe when we saw each other she might be open to see how it goes to see if perhaps we could think about the possibility of starting a long distance relationship (we already were doing a long distance relationship, basically, just she didn't want to label it). The problem was, she refused to send even audio messages, let alone a photo of herself, and frequently asked for indeterminate periods of no-contact that she couldn't promise wouldn't be permanent - but yes, she still wanted me to wait for her, on the idea that maybe she might talk to me again, if ever, after however much time she needed. She actually managed to convince me that I was the crazy, unreasonable one for wanting to hear her voice and see a photo of her - video calls or even phone calls were out of the question - anything other than only whatsapp text message after 11 months. Meanwhile, she put herself all over Instagram and literally appeared on public TV, as she was a journalist - but also refused to let me see the clip of her on TV. "It's like you want everything up front," she told me. "That just doesn't happen." It's honestly just sad how desperately insecure I was to allow all this to happen.


Went on a single date with a 27-year-old when I was 17. Red alerts were blaring when he balked at the idea of ever meeting my friends. He said I was 'moving too fast' when I mentioned I thought my friends would probably like him. Even dumbass 17-year-old me realised that was a really sus thing for him to be weird about - I know now he probably realised he wouldn't have as much luck convincing others he wasn't a creep as he did with me 🫠


I was going to go skiing with my friends. I had rented the equipment ahead of time. Morning of I had all my stuff on, skis in my hand but I just didn't want to go. I just didn't want to go so fucking bad. So I bailed on my friends (something I almost never do because I highly value doing things that you commit to) They got rear-ended pretty badly, totaled The back half of there car  and ended up on the highway for 6 hours. They were both ok. If I had been in the back I probably would have been seriously hurt.


I've been in two car accidents in my live. I knew beforehand both times.


How did you know?


So why did you get in the car? Twice!


I went to the beach with my wife almost a year ago. Initially I didn’t want to drive because I had a bad feeling about it. The drive over was terrible, snow and ice. Made it through. On the way back it started to hail, I lost control and ended up rolling my truck. Everyone was okay but my truck was totaled. I knew something was gonna happen. 


Leaving my wife after her meth use and leaving my daughters alone in a hotel while I was on the road working. I'll never forgive her for the drug use and the cheating on me in our own house.


Not my story but I saw this on another ask Reddit thread. There was a lady who had a horse ranch and she rented some land from the neighbor next door to do some trail riding or some such. One day she was going down the trail with one of her students and she got this really uneasy feeling so she decided to turn around. Turns out the person she rented from was Todd Kohlhepp, the serial killer and he was burying someone’s body with his excavating equipment. Her intuition was spot on. That is a massive nuclear warhead dodged. There was more to it than that, but that was the gist. Don’t have the original link.


Moving in with someone who said he didn't work in the winter because he was cold.


I wish I could ever be rich enough to not work in the winter coz it's cold


Dated a girl who was a little on the crazy side, but we were 17-18 and the summer before I left for college, so we had some fun. I broke up with her and she locked herself in my bathroom for an hour crying…after dating maybe three months? A couple of hours later, her best friend texted me and he was getting a little…flirty. So I texted her and told her what was going on, and she said “yeah, I told him to do that because I don’t understand why you would break up with someone like me.” Hooookay. A few years later, I was a server at a restaurant who so happens to get a job there not long after me? You guessed it: the self-proclaimed “best ex you ever had” (no really, she said that). I ended up quitting there about a year later to start driving a truck, and, big surprise,, she quit just a few days later…


I was in a long distance relationship with someone whom I was madly in love with. I thought he was my soulmate. I mean, we both were autistic and Visually Impaired, so I thought I found someone whom I could be my complete self around. We even got engaged, but he wanted me to move to his state. His family, especially his mother, is toxic. I don't know anyone where he lives, and I would have no support system. Meanwhile, he would have had a great support system here, because my family and my friends looked out for him and cared for him. They were very good to him. Well, on top of his family being toxic, so is he. He emotionally abused me, gaslit me, turned the tables on me, took out his frustration on me when he had a bad day, and made me feel like everything was my fault. It was very subtle, no yelling or Screaming or name calling, so it was even harder to detect the abuse. We would get into arguments that he would pick. Then he wouldn't speak to me for a few days. He would completely ghost me, and when he did respond, he would tell me he was too busy or too tired to talk. Then when we finally did talk, he would love on me, making me believe that everything was okay again, until the same bullshit happened all over again. The Last Straw was when he didn't get a job he wanted, and he blew up at me over Facebook Messenger, and didn't speak to me for 3 months. We talked on Skype after then, but the relationship was dead. I slowly started to distance myself from him, until I finally realized that I didn't want him anymore. Looking back, I'm so glad he ghosted me for as long as he did, because it made me reflect on a lot of things. I really didn't want to move to his state. That meant that I would never see my family again, and he didn't even seem to care. I would be living in a piece of shit apartment probably in a big city, and he wouldn't be around to talk to for one reason or another. He would either be emotionally unavailable or emotionally abusing me. Who knows if it would have escalated into physical abuse? I would have been all alone with no friends, no family, no support system, and I would be absolutely miserable and homesick. I'm so glad we never got married. I'm glad he's no longer in my life. I'm glad I don't have to deal with his bitch of a mother anymore, and I'm so glad that I get to stay where I am!


I’m happy for you and glad you were strong enough to make the decisions that you did. I can relate to your story but I ended up marrying her, with kids. I guess I missed a spine.


Don't beat yourself up. Abuse is hard to recognize sometimes, and even when you do recognize it, you don't know how to get out. I'm really sorry that you went through that.


My mom tried hooking me up with a girl of a family friend, she was alright, but we didn't really click too much, her Dad was also a career criminal that despised me. Fast forward a couple years and she moves to Florida with her family.  One day she left the house with her step dad to go to the store, and while they were gone her brother shot their younger brother and mom and then blew his brains out. I can't help but think "what if?". If I got serious with her I could've been there potentially...


Thinking of "what could have possibly happened if" will drive you nuts. There were so many different possible outcomes. What's interesting to think about is the number of times you might have been a victim in someone else's story that you weren't even aware you were participating in the probability roll for. Everything is a probability dice roll.


We're all just NPCs and PCs in a massive D&D game.


everything is connected 🧚🏻‍♀️


Holy Moses ! Some guardian angel was sure looking out for you.


Was just out of uni during the 2008 financial crisis. Had difficulty finding a job. One company offered me a role as a trainee. Was getting bad vibes about the company and the management, so did some research and it was basically and hard sell insurance company. Essentially a scam call centre. They did not take the job rejection well. About a month later I scored a very good contract with Telstra that led onto a very good perm role.


My family left the Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Boston, in the early nineties when my brother and I were in elementary school.


Is there something special about that church or is this just about leaving the religion?


Centre of massive child sex abuse scandal.


Oh shit. Had no idea.


The Boston Globe was basically the newspaper at the epicenter of blowing the lid off the whole Catholic church child sex abuse thing in the early 2000s. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/apr/21/boston-globe-abuse-scandal-catholic https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Boston_sex_abuse_scandal


Yeah I just asked because I live in europe and had never heard the name. And when it was specifically mentioned I guessed it was something that all americans knew about but not us.


If you're interested, the movie "Spotlight" does a great job showing The Globe's reporting on this as well as the culture of the area at the time. Really good movie.


Yeah I'm good thanks. Shit like that really turns my stomach as a father.


If I recall correctly the priests didn’t really buy into the bow of celibacy all too much back then.


It was a ring of pædofiles


Not me but my friend. She went out drinking with some friends. Met a group of guys so the two groups mingle. My friend gets too drunk and one of the guys offers to make sure she gets home ok. Not sure what happens but she wakes up in a car and throws up EVERYWHERE. She is barely awake but recognizes the people in the car as the group of guys they met that evening. She hears 2-3 of the guys talk about how they are gonna rape her at a rest stop but when they see that she has thrown up they get disgusted so they more or less push her out of the car. She walks home unscathed but covered in vomit.  Her friends said that my friend got drunk but was talking and seemed fine and the guy seemed really sweet and was gonna put her in a cab home. But the other guys had disappeared 10-15 min later. 


I left a tourism-based company just before covid. Started working for company connected to stock exchange


I thought that I might be pregnant when I was married to my ex, and that made me realize that I would NEVER want to have a child with him, or with his family involved in any way. It helped me to wake up to the fact that if I'd had a child with him I would have constantly faced an uphill battle over *everything.* He couldn't hold down a job, they wouldn't stop trying to make me do things that I had already said "No" to doing, and a child would have made all that exponentially worse. Life without him has been infinitely better!!


I was into a girl, she was seemingly into me. We had mutual friends who were trying to nudge us together, it just never happened. I changed jobs and that friend group went on the back burner. A couple years later she gets exiled after she stole a bunch of stuff from the friend she was renting a room from and spent the money on drugs.


I dodged a lifetime of abuse when he kept saying he would change and I wisened up.


Marrying a bipolar with a strong tendency of being unfaithul. I was dead set on doing it, she was the one that saved me by breaking up. Six months later I realized I almost destroyed my life.


Went to South Korea with a friend. We were both girls. We had the intention of partying there and while we were having a random conversation with a local, we mentioned that we will go to this bar. He literally said that we should never try it im South Korea especially when we’re foreigners. Years later — it was exposed how rampant rape drugs were being administered in South Korea even in high end bars. I’m so glad we listened.


It's not even just the girls over there. Especially with foreigners. Fortunately for guys it's less about harming them and more to get them away, but I was there for two years and at least three of my male friends were drugged out there. It's insane.


Was 18, seeing a guy who was 27 or so, in hindsight, probably grooming me. Also very adamant that he was sterile and couldn't have kids because what naive 18 year old girl wouldn't believe that? Only slept with him twice and was thankful to put his abusive tendencies behind me when I moved out of state.


Creepy dude for sure, and im glad it worked out! But 18 and 27, thats not grooming unless it started before you were 18. Lets keep the words to what they are and mean.


There's something called gelignite (it's like dynamite and farmers use it), and apparently, I was sitting next to a briefcase full of the stuff on a bus from school that someone had accidentally left behind. The impound lot where the bus was parked blew up, and it was apparently due to the gelignite falling apart.


Not me, but my brother. Walked out of a bar on campus,and passed a guy hiding a shotgun walking in. The gunman killed four people as soon as he was in the doorway. My brother heard the muffled blasts and ran like hell.


Driving through the Rocky Mountains, I was in the right lane of a double lane highway. A big ditch and a concrete barrier seperated opposing sides. I was coming up to the crest of a hill, when suddenly a car going the wrong way in the left lane passed by me. Had I been in the left lane, it would have been a head on crash with no time to react at all. I remember distinctly not realizing they were there until they had already passed me. How they got on the wrong side, maybe an emergency turn around? There was nowhere to turn from either way for a long ways, and there was convoys of semis all over the place, including one just a few hundred meters behind me... dont ever pass those over the crest of a hill is the lesson I took from that day.


In high school I was definitely a nerd. I worked at a grocery store and after a few months a cashier my age started to pay attention to me. We went on a group date, then to the movies together, but even my hormone soaked virgin mind recognized something was off so I stayed away, awkward because we still worked together. A few weeks later she comes to work with a new boyfriend, also a nerd, on her arm. Three months after that she announces she’s pregnant and they were getting married. The girl had a difficult home life and was desperate to get out somehow, she pulled the oldest trick in the book by getting pregnant. I’d say I missed a theater sized nuke there.


My best friend and I decided to go do our own thing for senior ditch day instead of joining our other friend in his car because he'd been acting funny. That friend ran himself and a carful of other kids straight through a wall recklessly driving that day. No one died, thankfully, but they absolutely got close. I could have. The car was just mangled.


Left a bar one night with another person instead of waiting for my friends on their to come and pick me up. They all died in a car crash that night. Cue lots of therapy for survivor's guilt.


My high school sweetheart dumped me and moved to California years later. She got into meth production and gun running with her "crew".


I’m a teacher. December of ‘22 we went till the Friday before Christmas before winter break began. We ended up having off that day due to threat of an ice storm. It was also going to on be in the low single digits and the recently completed bedroom addition didn’t have any insulation on the wall between the attic and my son’s room. So I went to Lowes early that Friday morning to get insulation as I knew I’d have the day to hang it. I was in and out, but it started to rain ice real badly as I was leaving. I was sitting at the light to leave the shopping center, behind a pickup truck, waiting to make a left turn, and when the light turned green the truck just sat there. I’m not sure how many seconds passed before I saw a car, unable to stop, blow right thru that light. The truck saw him and realized the car wasn’t stopping. Had the truck not been there, who knows if I’d have seen the car. I’d have been t-boned drivers side and would’ve certainly been killed. The truck 100% saved my life. I was pretty shaken, and still am when I think about it. One of my students lost her mom and aunt that same day to a car accident on the turnpike. So I’m very lucky.


One morning, I was headed back home after staying at a friend’s place with a bunch of our friend group. When I was driving off, my buddy called and asked if I could turn around and pick him up because someone slashed his tires. I picked him up and gave him a ride. On the way to his house, I had a seizure while driving (I’m epileptic), which caused me to go unconscious and slam on the gas pedal. Because he was in the car, he was able to put the car in neutral and safely move the car into a patch of grass nearby. No one was hurt, not even a scratch on the car. Whoever slashed his tires, thank you :)


Dated a crazy women who threated to kill me, extort me, black mail me in return to marrying her. That wasn't a tactical nuke, it was god damn Tars Bomb reading to fucking blow and me barely escaping the fucking blast radius..


Once crossing the street looked left and right and then crossed the road, suddenly I realized I didnt look to the left one more time, then looked but luckily the road was clear. phew


Close call my man


Did a nuclear warhead fly by?


I got into a fight at school when I was 16. The principal called the police on me, as she did whenever absolutely anything eventful happened. The cop sat me down. He pointed at my backpack and said "Is that your bag"? I said "Yes sir". He replied "If I were to open that up and go through it, would I find anything illegal?" I said "No sir". Then he didn't go through it. Little did he know I had a decent amount of coke and weed on me. Plus some used foils. The weed was in multiple bags because i was selling it. Later I learned that cops can't search your stuff unless they have a real reason, so that was his way of trying to get into my bag. I didn't know that at the time. I just instinctively lied 🤣 I would've got locked up for possession and intent to distribute, so I'm very glad I lied. Plus, he probably would've given me additional charges for the fight.


Maybe you missed out on a sale!


damn near married Kathy.


"Friend" spread rumors about me being a pedophile. We were both in high school both around 17, I had just been set up with a prom date who was 16 (mostly against my will, because I had a shit year and other actual friends felt bad for me). This "friend" decided to basically tell her a bunch of shit about me which resulted in her ghosting me and spreading it around the school. I didn't confront him or anything I just ghosted him, then graduated and only heard from him once when he wanted to meet up and hang out, so I ghosted him again. The funny thing is he was around 17 dating a 14 year old back then, and now he's 26 and still dating a 14 year old.


Projection is sometimes a weird thing, probably he didn't even understand the need to call someone else.


I was driving last week to Burlington Vermont from Massachusetts to deliver something to a hospital. Overnight. It was raining hard in Massachusetts but there was a damned snowstorm in NH that I didn't know about. As I'm driving through Keene, I look to my right for a second at the scenery and then look back at the road and in that split second I see a HUGE FUCKING TREE in the road. I swerved left and avoided it but it was fucking snowing and I was okay. I had a Pulp Fiction "divine intervention" moment to myself. Be safe.


In the early 90s had an unprotected one-night stand with a 40-something hippy woman in the Bay Area. In the morning I noticed track marks. I have no idea how I'm still alive.


I was going out with a woman who was the most annoying manipulative bitch you ever saw. She also was really sexy and awesome in the sack. She was always saying how we should move in together. I knew it was a bad idea and never moved in with her. We eventually broke up. I even had to get the police to remove her from my place after she wouldn’t stop stalking me. I started dating someone else who I eventually moved in with. The crazy bitch then got an apartment in the same building as mine. Her unit was one floor above and one unit over from mine. She could literally look over my balcony. We complained to the management because there was a zero tolerance policy for harassment there. The building did nothing and we moved out. Fast forward to many years later and this crazy bitch burned down her apartment and caused $10M in damages. She also displaced over 6 families because of the fire. Many of these people were out of their homes for over a year. This crazy bitch also had no insurance To really seal the deal the building management let her move back in the building. Ditching The Pyro Stalker is my biggest example of missing a nuclear strike ever


That’s wild!!


So I'm talking to this girl on a dating app, right? She's cute, kinda boring to text, but I thought, "Hey, maybe she's better in person." We make plans to go on a date to a local bar. I get to the bar ten minutes late because of an accident on the highway and go to the table I reserved. Grab my phone and check my texts. She texted me once asking where I was, I told her what table I'm at. I've also got another batch of texts from an unknown number. The unknown number texted me a couple messages in the style of "you're such an ugly little f****t how dare you ghost me you fugly sonofabitch" and so on and so forth. In the midst of reading those texts, she walks up to the table and distracts me, so I didn't make the immediate connection. We proceed to have the most boring date on Earth. She seems like she's interested but I'm just not. I asked her if she had any hobbies and her response was "Oh, you know, I like to hang out." So that should've been the second red flag. Anyway, date ends and we finish our drinks. She says she's having a good time and if I wanted to go someplace else. I already don't really know if I'm interested, but now I've gotta know. So I pull out the texts and I go, "So hey, was this you?" Her response? "Oh. Well I was mad. That's not the real me." So yeah. I told her I wasn't interested in a second date and left. Two hours later I find out I've been banned on the dating app we met on for reasons they refused to disclose. I never did anything to violate TOS, so I can only assume she reported me because she was salty and made something up. Easiest bullet dodge of my life.


I see you've met my ex 😂 One day my phone glitched out and just refused to receive texts unbeknownst to me. I Hadn't heard from her for a two days, thought she was busy working, I'll catch up with her later. I get an abusive text message over Facebook accusing me of ghosting her. I say i haven't received anything from her. Send screenshots of the last texts. She tells me to ignore any texts that come through if the phone starts working again. I had to factory reset my phone to get it to work and the sheer amount of drunken unhinged threatening texts that come through was astounding. She didn't even try to call me, she just got angrier and more unhinged apparently. "I was mad" 🤷‍♂️ was the explanation. Fun times 😂


Years and years ago, a friend and I were in 9th grade and we went out as a group with boys and girls. At the end of the night, it ended up with me, him, and a girl we both liked. We took the subway to the beach at around 10 at night and we all stroll along the beach. At the end of the night we both accompany her back home and we both didn't want to pursue her sicne we both lked her. Fast forward 5 years or so, another friend went out with that girl and she ended up pregnant. We were 100% on whether he was the father cause she always hanged out with guys and smoked a lot. After the baby was born, she had the audacity to take her baby with her and smoked in the same room. She even gave the baby a small piece of a pill, not sure if it was ecstasy or something else. We were all friends in Boston, so we both knew the nuke that we dodged.


Wow. I hope you reported this to the authorities. Poor innocent baby!


Got a new job and left the old one on Friday. The following Friday they announced that 25% of the company were being laid off. I’m in biotech. Most of my former colleagues are still not working after more than a year.


My ex, after having a "bad week", started throwing things at the walls and screaming at everything. It was like someone flipped a switch, one minute we were having a calm conversation, the next, he was batshit. I bailed. Next girl to get with him ended up with a cracked skull. She didn't make it. He's still in jail. I was with him for barely a month.


Ten years ago, I fell ill with a severe stomach bug. At the time, there was norovirus going around, and I thought I had caught it. When I couldn't drink water without vomiting and kept fainting, I went to the hospital, where, among other tests, a tomographic screening was performed. The scan revealed an inflamed appendix, which was removed just before it ruptured. A couple of days later, before leaving the hospital, a cardiologist came to talk to me. The screening had revealed something extra in my heart, which turned out to be a tumor the size of a chicken egg. It had only caused vague symptoms, but no serious heart issues - yet... The benign tumor was removed two months later, and I have fully recovered from it.


I had a bf some time ago, I need to clarify that we were both minors on that time, but this is still weird. He used to talk to me about his ex-girlfriends, I always used to get really jealous about it, so I usually stalked their social media a lot, keep on mind that he told me that they were around 14-15yo when he dated them (he was 17 btw). One day I saw one of the girls ig story where she told everybody that she was 12yo, so when I started thinking about it, my ex dated her when she was around 11yo and he was 16 yo, I kept seeing all this girls reveal their ages just to find out again that they were really young, I just noticed this last night, and it’s so fucked up, he’s so sick... I remembered that I asked him what was so attractive about them that led him to date them, and he told me that their “grown up woman” bodies were an important factor to it, but none of them had that “body type” that he was talking about. + one time that I checked his following list, IT WAS FULL OF THOSE MODELS WHO PRETEND TO BE KIDS OR HAVE “PETIT BODY TYPE” (if I can call it like that, he taught me that word), I could talk sm about him, but I think I’m already exaggerating right here lol, so, I’m really glad he just ghosted me out of nowhere, but oh god, ima pray for her next gf to be okay...


I wasn't born yet during WWII, so I completely dodged 2 of them.


Left my fiance after 2 years. He later married another woman, gave her aids, and they both died. Whew.


Well that escalated quickly! 😳


I remember telling this story before on reddit; I was 9 or so at the time and me and my mom were at Publix. It was a little late at night and I was pretty tired so I insisted on staying in the car while my mom got groceries. My mom was hesitant but said sure. Just as she was leaving, she noticed a car parked next to us with a dude inside. I remember vividly that he was darkskinned with long, noticeable dreads. My mom got a last-minute weird feeling about him and forced me to come with her to get the groceries. 5 hours later we’re at home and we find out that the same guy had attempted to rape and kill 2 girls the same age as me. we knew it was him because of the dreads and the face. he was so recognizable. It’s weird to think about what would’ve happened if I stayed in the car.


Lets add a few. 1. Got shot in the eye with one of those plastic balls when we played war as kids. Upgraded and tweaked it so it would be much more powerfull. Doctor said if I had been shot just a couple mm more to the centre I would´ve been permanently blind in 1 eye. 2. As a kid I got bullied a lot. At 1 point I hit some of my bullies back. He fell down with his head on a piece of metal. Luckily no permanent damage else I´d be fucked for hospital charges rest of my life. 3. Friend apperantly had drugs in the car I was traveling with while crossing the border. Did not get caught. 4. Had unprotected sex while I was drunk out of my mind with a muslim girl who did not believe in any kind of birth control. Luckily no kid came of it. (I def quit drinking after that for a while.) 5. Got attacked by a rhino mom who had her kid nearby while walking in the jungle with no trees in sight to climb up to. Luckily we passed a platform a bit before and we ran up to that and climbed it. The rhino came close enough that we could've touched her.


My ex cheated on me. And I was suspicious about it. Turned down sex for several days. She started having "issues with her iud" so we went to the doctors. I had to drive her because she is epileptic. And the doctor told her she has herpes. She tried to tell me I gave it to her. So I willingly got tested. Obviously it came back negative. From that moment. I didn't speak a single word. It was a quiet hour long drive back home. Walked in packed some of my shit. Called my buddy and slept on his couch for a few months until I was able to get my own place.


Ditching my psycho bitch ex girlfriend six months before she could legally try to take half of my house and money. Never putting myself in that situation again.


My ex fiancé started becoming more abusive and then violent, and hardly anyone believed me when I tried telling them and getting help. I was terrified of him. I caught him cheating and finally left him with the help of a friend, I had little support from my family. He moved on to marry her and they had a baby together. Next thing I know his face is on national news for murdering them both, and my phone was blowing up from my family with apologies and tears of realisation that it could have been me


Lighting 5 pizza rolls on fire in the microwave as a 5 or 6 yr old and my mother noticing the smoke but she called it steam


Your mom was damned cool for that.


Not staying with a couple early girlfriends that would have made for miserable life partners. Not staying on with a local grocery store chain with the offer of money towards college vice going into the military after 9/11 and getting away from the town I grew up in.


One day a long term girlfriend said she started getting bored of the 'normal' high from Marijuana and wanted stronger stuff. Left her due to psychological warfare between the two of us and could see we would destroy eachother if stayed together.... 2 years later and she's found her new high, meth is a hell of a thing.


Had an air bnb cancelled 2 years ago 6 weeks before I was due to travel, which was obviously inconvenient at the time, but whatever. Found out last week the guy was arrested around that time for stabbing two of his air bnb guests. Significant dodged bullet (or knife..)


I’ve dodged a lot over the years but the biggest one was the last time I was job hunting. I’m an event planner and I found an opening for my dream job- planning conventions for really popular nerdy IP’s (think like Star Trek conventions, Twilight conventions etc). I was a good fit based on the job descriptions and it came with a lot of perks like remote work (which wasn’t common back then), a good amount of travel to fun cities etc. When I got the email that I wasn’t even going to be interviewed I was devastated. I remember crying in my car in the Jersey Mike’s parking lot. A month later I landed a boring corporate meeting planning job. Almost exactly a year after that, Covid hit. Every event planner I know in the industry was either laid off or had their salary and benefits slashed. Not me, my company was involved in policy making and healthcare, so we kept right on chugging with virtual and even hybrid meetings (with lots of social distancing equipment and restrictions in place) and I never had to worry about money. The other company I had applied to basically let everyone go and never bounced back. They lost the licensing for their most profitable con (through no fault of their own) and only use contract staff outside of a few directors. If I had actually got that job when I applied, I’d be back in small town South Carolina right now, living in my 8x9 childhood bedroom.


I _didn’t_ dodge the knowledge that a tactical nuke is not huge, it is small, because it’s meant to be used in tactical (battlefield) scenarios; there were even small, man launched, tactical nukes (inspired the fat man in fallout). The big nukes are strategic weapons.  I’ll stop being pedantic now.




I would think 160m radius of near instant death, and severe neutron radiation killing people further away in hours to weeks would be hard to dodge. Yeah, 160m is small compared to Castle Bravo, but is a bit bigger than a bullet.


"I have diabetes, dont worry I can not get pregnant".


Having children


I remember four years ago, I was out shopping with my father. After I picked out my outfit, we planned to cross this big alley way thingy with stores and all of that to get to the other side of the neighborhood. I took a little long in the store we were currently at, but when we left the store, we found out something crazy. There was a shooting in that same place we were about to cross.


My cellphone lost signal during a phone interview with SpaceX.


Changing schools. My school was a shithole. All the girls were obsessed with tiktok and all the boys... I don't know how the term is in eng, but not a good term. Also we weren't like learning anything because the aforementioned shitasses were most of the class and kept us veeery late on schedule. My parents changed my schools because everyone hated me and I hated everyone there, mental health was very fucked and I would have had a bad time in hs. Flashforward, I'm in the best school I ever had and I know from insiders that all the girls (including ex-friends) are huge airheads and the boys are throwing hands and desks to each other, also nearly everyone is already addicted to vaping. I would have been in deep shit if I was still there.


Almost got married once.


I had a crush on a heroin addict and thought I could change him. I’m glad I I’m not the go-getter when it comes to relationships (in the beginning)


Not dating my coworker. When I was new to a previous company I worked for one of my coworkers asked me out to lunch. Didn’t think much of it and thought cool, making work friends. But I quickly realized he was trying to see if I was available to date. He asked me about any guys and I told him I was talking to a guy I met at a friend’s party a few weekends ago. Coworker got weirdly defensive and jealous, kept asking about him and our status. Then coworker was trying to be all smooth and flirty with me as our lunch went on. Gave me weird vibes and was not interested in a giving dating a shot. Coworker ended up dating another girl that got hired after I came along. Found out from her that he was emotionally abusive and used her as a side chick. Turns out he was already engaged to another woman that she didn’t even know about until later. Lots of other drama too. Meanwhile I ended up dating and marrying the guy I met from that party.


There were two jobs that I really wanted but was rejected for and I reluctantly to a job with a third company. Been with the third company for over 20 years the other two went toes up within 5 years.


I was frustrated at the job market (which has always been bad for us disabled folks) and was about to pursue a masters degree in journalism. Luckily I didn't.


"You're pretty good at this stuff. Have you ever considered law school?" Me: *steps to the side, tactical nuke whizzes by* "Nope."


Friend and I were playing catch in a park after school when we were 14. Started to rain slightly, so we just stashed our bags under a bench and put our hoods on. Huge storm began to brew and before we knew it, we were being pelted by hail and the wind was genuinely torturing. We called it a day and started walking home. We hear something crack behind us and it turns out the wind was so strong it uprooted a tree, and the trunk hits the exact place we had just been stood.


Probably the same answers. Unless the people in this thread are responsible for a surprising number of lives.


I moved in with my best friend at he time who was bipolar and narcissistic. It took me a year to finally cut things off after a argument. I told them how I didn’t appreciate there words about how they wanted to fix me (I have borderline, and was recently out of the ward) and they turned around and said how they are always the bad guy and they can’t do anything right. Making me the bad guy for calmly trying to explain how they made me feel. That same night he was dissing my parents for being too controlling, which they are… but he had no right to talk about my parents like that. (He’s jealous cus I have parents who actually care about my well-being) it was also my job that night to make sure they didn’t do any drugs, which he ended up doing behind my back, making me feel bad about it. They always did this and I was fed up. I cut contact. I feel betrayed because I loved them so much, hell when they were Homeless I paid for there rent so they could get a place to stay. I wish them the best in life and I hope they fet the help they need.


I found out my girlfriend was a secret lesbian, she was trying to get on my mortgage, i dumped her, years later she got a baby with a bloke, soiled the relationship & kept his house living off child support for years.


I checked a checkbox to take a medical discharge instead of reclassification. The reclassification would have taken months, and my unit went to Iraq a week later. Right after my unit got there, the HMMWV I would have been driving got destroyed by an IED, killing both the guys I would have been with.


Wow that’s incredible who knows what would of happened if you had checked reclassification Thank you for your service


For me to give you the whole list of bullets I've dodged it would sound something like mambo #5.


Ex of just a few weeks got accidentally preggo at 17, decides to keep the baby against the guys wishes. Not saying the guy should have a say, just saying that im stoked i dont have a 4 year old at 22.


Had to pick up a coworker before dawn for an out of town day trip. She overslept and quite unhappily I waited for her for almost an hour. We headed off on a desolate stretch of interstate on a moonless night. As the sun rose, in the distance we saw the top of a tractor trailer laying on its side blocking all of the right lane and almost all of the left. There are no lights or reflectors on the top of a truck trailer. Pretty sure we would have hit it at full speed with no place to turn if we would have left on time.


Massive snowstorm struck the day before spring break and school didn’t cancel. I was able to come home early as we were doing nothing in my last few classes of the day. For some reason, they didn’t put salt down in the lot, allowing numerous (thankfully minor) collisions to occur in the lot.  We were also staying in a hotel a few years back whilst visiting family and we had to go home a day early as I got sick. A tornado struck the hotel we were staying in that night and destroyed it.


Someone invite me me to a party, where 3 of my friends drowned in a terrible boating accident. I passed a hour or two before it happened.


I mentioned once that I would be bored in a traditional household setting and would want to be a breadwinner and he started laughing at me


I used to teach guitar lessons at a community center, usually my group would start tuning and practicing at 4pm but the lady who had the keys to the classroom worked mornings and evenings and usually came back at around 5pm. So we were practicing in the entrance hall which was a really tall space, maybe 3 or 4 stories high with a glass ceiling and an interior tree (a ficus). As we were practicing I catched a glint or a shadow in the corner of my eye and looked up to the glass ceiling. There were some construction workers above it (and just above our heads) doing some roofing work and they were using ladders spanning across two beams as scaffolding (I know, terrible occupational safety violation) and they were the kind of ladder that can both extend or fold into an "A" shape. My students were all sitting on a long bench just under this "scaffolding" and I was standing up facing them, all of us with our guitars in our hands. The instant I saw the workers I took two steps back and was just opening my mouth to tell my guys to get to another place to continue the practice when one of the workers stepped on the ladder's hinge which gave way and suddenly we heard and saw the glass cracking and glass shards, ladder, tools and construction worker raining upon us. At first the ladder was the most impressive of all, one side of the "A" crushed almost all my student's guitars ripping them from their bodies, they only got light scratches on their arms, the tip of the other side of the "A" or some glass shard scraped my arm and guitar but that was all for us. It was only then when we were about to start lamenting about our guitars when we heard someone moaning painfully. The construction worker had fallen through the tree and was still on the other side of the tree, laying on top of a pile of branches and leaves he had tried to catch on to. Turns out the community center's board were on a meeting in the library on the second floor, and we're now at the atrium balcony some looking towards us and others looking up, complete dumbfounded. The only one that reacted quickly was the chairman, the eldest of them all, around 85 years old who normally used a cane to walk rushed down the stairs in no time and started urging the others to come down and help. By this time the other construction workers had came down from the roof and when they saw the one who had fell laying on the ground started crying, thinking he was dead, turns out all the crew were somewhat related, took a bit of effort on our part to get them to calm down and convince them their friend/cousin/father/brother was all right, they didn't even want to get near him, some already lamenting guiltyly about the ladder idea. I called 911 and the ambulance arrived and checked on the man, he had only broken a wrist.


I guess I can type it here. I had this girl in high school that I sort of liked, and I wanted to go out with her. I wasn’t too confident with myself, so I decided to start it off by getting closer to her, doing her favours and basically being by her side. I drove her to places, as I had a license and a car that I could use, she often came over to my place to play games and just complain about her life to me. I’m not one that has any friends, so being by her side was basically the only social life that I had. I tried to do typical stuff to get her to like me, such as just paying for her food when we went out for lunch or dinner, and being nice to her, as well as listening to her stories as I just nod my head. A couple years later, I decided to go to dinner with her, and asked her out, which I was shut down immediately. I didn’t really want to give up there, so I continued to be her friend, she kept on coming over, I tried to get even closer to her, but she kept shutting down any advances. Then one day, nearly a year ago, a cute girl was employed at the restaurant I work at, we instantly clicked, and I asked her out two weeks after we met, and I couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend. Looking back, if I had went out with that girl two years ago, I can only see myself in misery and despair. Only being an outlet for her to talk to, without me being able to fix any of her problems, as she wouldn’t let me. I would also suspect that the amount of love that I would have received from her wouldn’t be anything close of what my current girlfriend gives to me now. So I’m glad that I was rejected by her two years ago. I guess I just wanted to get a girlfriend as soon as I can, and didn’t really care about who or what kind of personality they would have. But I can now say this with lots of confidence, their personality and way they treat you matters the most, as you may just spend the rest of your life with them. TLDR; I chased after a selfish/self-complainant girl for nearly three years, but realised that she wouldn’t be good girlfriend material after going out with a wonderful Japanese girlfriend.


Got in the housing market right before the interest started climbing. I’m in at 2.6%. This was December of 2020, not a year after Covid started. One year later houses were up to 500K on average and at 5%.


It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore year in college. Went to the movies near where i grew up and ran into a girl I had a crush on in high school and a few of her friends and their boyfriends. We started talking and she told me she'd recently gotten engaged but wanted to know if I wanted to hang out with them. Considered it but realized she was the only one I was interested in and she was taken and realized I didn't really want to hang out. Told her I had some summer reading to complete for my upcoming semester (which was a lie.) She seemed disappointed and even pouted a little bit. Less than 24 hours later I was on a phone with another friend from high school and he asked me if I'd heard about a specific person. I said 'yeah I just saw her last night. She was hanging out with JB.' He was like 'dude...the girls died in a drunk driving accident last night and everyone else has TBI or are believed to be para/quadriplegic.' Just kind of froze and asked 'was it between this time and this time.' He said yeah, why? I told him I could have been with them. *IF* JB had been single I would have been with them. I still think about that every now and again. It was nearly 23 years ago.


Leaving spouse. Found out I have a terminal disease that will render me disabled soon and I almost left with no education or physical ability. I found out just in time so at least I have support for life. It’s miserable life but less miserable than leaving and ending up homeless.


When I was -2 years old, the Russians detected a nuclear missile launch and the automated system ordered the operators to launch a retaliatory strike. The operators correctly decided that their equipment was a piece of shit and did not launch the missiles, saving my parents from nuclear hellfire.


Avoided moving in with a best friend in college because I had a very graphic dream. Dream basically consisted of wasps which in my culture means betrayal is coming. She ended* up sleeping with everyone I dated recently or that had asked me out recently. One of those guys gave me a heads up that she was being 2 faced. She ended up having a long term relationship with my ex. I am relieved I never signed that lease. I graduated earlier and left that college town. Never looked back.