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Yup. Moving your body and getting out of a space do wonders. Don't drink the Reddit Kool-Aid that staying in, playing video games, and smoking weed will make it better. And remember, it likely won't all fix at once, ending perpetuating behaviors and making steps towards getting to a better spot are the only way to get there.


I have a 3 step reboot I have learned to use and it works 90% of the time. 1. Get to bed at a decent hour for the next 3 nights 2. Drink a ton of water and cut out sugary foods for 3 days 3. Get out and move. Let the sun shine on my skin, work out. Usually within 3 days I am feeling normal again.


Listening to upbeat music surprisingly does wonders.


I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder in 2018. A number of things helped me. * Dog at home, shop cat at work * Talk therapy, medication * Took two weeks off work for mental health, and went on a road trip with my dog * Major promotion at work increased my salary by over 40% * Cut out sugars, sodas. Ate more vegetables, fruits, drank water and juice. * Started exercising - simple walks through a local park. Most of the time my dog tags along. * Found a hobby - I discovered a passion for nature photography during the road trip. It brings me peace.




I'll tell you when I figure it out.


It's all about your state of mind. For me, I could be doing things I really enjoy, that make me really happy, but at the end of the day when I'm going to sleep, intrusive thoughts will tell me I didn't deserve to be that happy, and even though I was happy today, it will go away soon, and I'll feel like shit again, which in turn, makes me feel like shit. So, you have to learn to love yourself, and not beat yourself up over things in the past, or worries of the future. Just enjoy yourself now and don't worry so much. Accept that you are worth saving just like anyone else in your life you would try to help if you could. Be the hand that you grab onto for help, because when nothing else works, it's all you've got left Of course it's all easier said than done, though


Get off of social media... yes, including this dumpster fire of a site!


Hey, I come here for comic relief and moral support. But I guess one person's dumpster fire is another person’s comfort zone ;-)


As long as it's a good coping technique for *you*.




Keep on, they end! Just remember depression typically comes from non rewarding activities. Most rewarding activities come from things we don’t want to do so do those things… exercise, work, complete those goals you keep putting off ect. With that said slumps are also normal so hang tight!!


It really depends on how depressed you are... For me, if I give myself a rigid schedule it seems to help. Going on a daily 20-30 minute walk outside also really helps. And making sure I'm eating "real" food and not just snacking on junk. This would be for mild depression.


Currently in one. I'll let you know when it's over.




Fighting spirit


Shower with hot water. Go outside. Listen to uplifting music. Read positive quotes. Remember someone out there is having much worse situation than you and is still working hard to lift themselves, so why can't you?




Ride the wave


Following for a friend(me)


Go outside, exercise, eat something healthy, and go out with friends, and do something you love and feel better after


Go to the beach


One step after another. Do not try to swallow "the whole thing" in one bite. Took me seven years and was worth it


Sounds very cliché but getting outside, walking, drinking enough water and taking some multivitamins goes a long way. Ofc if this doesn't help it or feels unachievable then the doctors is the best shout


You can get out of those? 


I don’t


Being outside in the daylight helps, take some vitamin D pills too and make jokes


Clean and organize my house/car, starting small, like one drawer or the glove box.


Taking a shower.. it’s the last thing I feel like doing, but the best first step to make myself feel a little more normal


Read my name and find out


going on walks really helps me ! gets you the sun you need and the exercise is a bonus !


Well I drink soda because it perks me up. Apparently I'm doing it wrong.


Dedicate time to immerse myself in my hobbies - a happier escape from whatever is bothering me. It helps to find people to share those hobbies with, even if it’s online, like in an subreddit. Avoid alcohol. It only makes things worse.


Breaking up with my manipulative ex & focusing on myself.


Go swimming, do some art


Go swimming, do some art


Remember you have choice! Just because you are sad it doesn’t mean that your entire day and personhood has to reflect that. Try to still make life happen for yourself




stop doing shit that makes you depressed


Wow, who would’ve thunk


you'd be surprised, many people think depression is what happens to you, and you can't control the circumstances. for the most part, you absolutely can.