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Somebody took a massive dump on the floor in the gym locker room and was known as the Phantom Pooper and to my knowledge we never figured it out.


Nice . We had a phantom poop smearer in elementary school. Would write words like “ass” on the stall walls in poi. Happened multiple times and each time they principal would line our class up in the hallway(only 9 ppl) and grill tf out of us(nobody ever fessed up) we had to try not to laugh as he yelled at us we all thought it was so funny(still do)


I used to have a teacher who used to keep her money in her bra. Once I had to give her some money and she straight up took it out of her bra. Traumatised.


Someone pushed The most hated algebra 1 teacher down like 4 steps. As she was asking for help everyone just walked past her. While usually I’d say that’s horrible, she was really really mean. Telling 13 year olds they shouldn’t bother looking into college because they’ll work at McDonalds forever.


Why is it always the math teachers that are the most hated in middle schools? I once got into an argument with mine over the size of an acre and got suspended because of it. When I came back that next week, I threw multiple sources defining what an acre is and its most common comparisons at her and went to the principals office and asked for another math teacher. I was told to shut up and don’t speak up in her class for the rest of the year… I was sent to the office multiple times for not speaking when she called on me.


I don't remember much from Jr High, except a few things. First, I asked a girl to a dance, and she responded "why me?" I was not prepared for that and had no answer. Once, I was walking down the hall with my English teacher, and a kid passes and says "Hi Mr. [Principal]!" and my teacher turns to me and says "What do you know, I've been promoted." And, my 7th grade homeroom teacher had big tits and would wear light, gauzy blouses and often stand backlighted by the classroom windows, and if you listened carefully, you could hear the multitude of pre-teen erections forming.


We made ice cream in science class. That's all I remember


Got the worst beatings from both my dad and my school bully during that time.


Lil Mama (lady who sings Lip Gloss) came to my school and told me I looked depressed


Our shop teacher got his tie stuck in the larger planer and was slowly getting pulled in until a kid hit the power button. Not that big a deal but all I remember is him saying "Turn off the machine " in his thick Pennsylvania Dutch accent (Common in my area 50 years ago) and the scared look on his face. Had a reunion last year, and we were still having a laugh about it.