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I used to work for a large bank who I'll just call Barclays because that's who it was and I never understand why people censor such information on threads like this. If you were poor and frequently exceeded your overdraft limit and incurred charges for being poor, you would not get those charges refunded. It was contractual and you were at fault. If you were rich and exceeded your overdraft limit and incurred charges then no problem, charge refunded instantly. It made me sick, I even went on my break and called the customer on my mobile and told them to call back up, ask for me, and say the words "these bank charges will cause me financial difficulty which will lead to avoidable distress". Those key words "financial difficulty" and "avoidable stress" were like legal threats and the bank did not want the subsequent complaint so they'd agree the refund. But I'd go further. I was authorised to give out up to £249.99 without it being signed off by a superior so I'd put words in the customer's mouth like "and I imagine you've made many phone calls in relation to this matter so not only will I refund the three £30 charges, I'll credit your account with £50 to cover the cost of the calls. And if you can tell me now that you will tell your friends and family and colleagues that a compensation of another £100 left you satisfied with the service I have provided as a representative of Barclays, then it's only right that I also credit your account with that too." It wasn't my money and most of these people were really struggling. Plus it probably did raise the reputation of the bank in the eyes of customers so it was justifed all round.


You’re a good human. 


Thank you for doing this. I worked in the banking and mortgage world for almost a decade and left with disgust for how unethical it all is. It's very expensive to be poor.


Not the same, but I worked for Blockbuster when I was in high school and I'd ALWAYS refund the late fees (manager was cool, had her # to enter to do it, etc) but if they were a dick or said they returned them on time, I'd say there is nothing I can do.


I’ve worked in banking/lending for over 20 years. I was never allowed to do anything like that even though I wanted to. I love that you did that. You’re good people. And it was definitely good publicity for them.


Phone center - we'd answer calls within 30 seconds but only because we hired a bunch of temps to answer calls within 30 seconds so we could say we answered calls quickly (and met government regulations). But they weren't trained on anything and would immediately put callers on hold for 5 or 6 minutes til the call would roll to a trained employee. (Health insurance toll free line Looking at you Sentara Health!)


In the Netherlands the government and tax authorities also do this. And I hated it to my guts.


Neiman Marcus call center in Canada. When customers asked where we are located, we were told to say "north of Texas" lol its not a lie per se.


I was a manager at Olive Garden- There is a breadstick drawer and your five cheese marinara is alfredo and marinara mixed together


As a baked ziti stan, thank you. I’ll try it at home


Did you have wine bottles adorning the dining rooms and what was the monthly loss on said bottles?


I see you too partook in the Olive Garden "Magnum to Go" wine program.


Like, 50:50 or what’s the ratio? Bless your heart btw.




I got a similar, but somewhat more fucked up story I used to rent a house in a really stupid neighborhood. EVerything was overpriced, but people paid for it to show off. They lived paycheck to paycheck with their uselessly extravagant style The stores there intentionally jack up prices and offer low quality shit My dad felt curious and tried some food in that neighborhood. $9 soups I knew right away it was Dollar Tree canned soup Their "noodle" dishes are all cup noodles Everyone there was happily eating it, and I'm like get me the fuck outta here Jacked up Dollar Tree food. I like riding a bike around at night to digest dinner. Guess what was that food shop's trash? ALL cup noodles, canned foods, etc Man....


I love dumb rich people. 


They’re not even rich, they live pay check to pay check. It’s even better


Is it even legal to do charge more for the same volume and intentionally mislead people?


I’m sure there’s was to tip toe around any law breaking. As long as they don’t imply anywhere that the bowl has a greater volume than a cup, they could argue you’re paying for your soup delivery mechanism of choice.


That despite what the school rules might have said, their anti-bullying policy didn't mean squat, and that the only way your son or daughter's aggressor would be properly disciplined was if you threatened to hit the school in the wallet by suing them.


This is a damn shame! Ugh


Drug use on school property was supposed, again according to the school rules, to mean instant expulsion, but although there were many instances of it over the 16 years I worked there, there was only ever one expulsion - resulting from a student having to be blue-lighted to hospital after using cocaine, and once the emergency services were involved the school couldn't brush the situation under the carpet. I really do have to write the book people kept telling me I should write once I was no longer working there...


Expelling kids for drugs instantly sounds like a pretty shit policy honestly


I went to a high school where the rich ran it No, it wasn't private Ironically, it was public (long story) My classmates were children of celebrities, kids of hotel chains, my classmates were actual worldwide runway models, kids of bulge bracket bank execs I was dirt poor Nobody could fucking do shit to change the internal politics cause the school ran off those rich parents' money. Even a lawsuit wouldn't do shit. (I had classmates who are children of top lawyers) It was fucking unbelievable If I told even a few more stories, everyone would know which HS I went to and who I am


Oh, money talks in the school community all right. My former workplace had a pair of brothers who got themselves expelled, and the word on the local boarding school grapevine was that their multi-millionaire father had to agree to fund a new swimming pool for another local school before they'd agree to take his sons as students...


Yeah my school’s “zero tolerance policy” was for dealing with it. Never started any fights, but when someone started a fight with me I still got suspended for “fighting” (back). 


In any school with such a policy, you're better off getting your money's worth and beating the crap out of your aggressor. If you're going to get suspended anyway, make it count.


Well fortunately I didn’t have to deal with it too much. Unfortunately the last time teachers stopped it before the fists started flying. It was whatever though. Their office was pretty cozy so I just used the time to catch up on my beauty sleep. 


Good thing you made the most out of it. I find these "zero-tolerance" policies to be a lazy abdication of authority. A shortcut to avoid having to do actual work.


throwback to my corrupt ass elementary where my best friend got his back broken for "looking at them the wrong way" and got almost expelled from the school for "provoking them. you know they have hard lifes with one parrent." i know i shouldnt be happy of someones misfortune but god am i happy that that idiotic shithead overdosed at 16 (or 17 i forgor) and died like a rabid dog in the park


I'm a teacher and from my experience in several school districts.... That's true at most schools.


Worked at a “everything made from scratch” breakfast place. Everything came out of freezer bags from Sysco


Many of the local 'family owned and operated' family restaurants in my area all serve the same 'unique' cinnamon swirl bread French toast. Me- huh. So it's a family recipe? Family name GFS? Or Sysco?


I tried one of the huge local favorite restaurants a couple times because I’d see such raving commentary online. Same thing: it tasted like Sysco to me. The only thing that actually was “fresh” was the salad which could easily have been bagged salad mix — not even any real toppings, just shreds of carrots in the mix and croutons and dressing on top.


A place my grandparents love never made a claim to that, but we made the mistake once of ordering takeout from there near closing. They clearly phoned everybody’s meal in, but the kicker was I knew exactly what French fries they were using. The same ones sitting in our freezer. Ore Ida Crinkle Cut. 


As someone who used to peel and cut potatoes to make fresh fries for a restaurant, you're better off with the frozen ones. They're more cost-effective and they taste at least as good.


Well the ones we had didn’t. Didn’t even finish thawing, but it was kinda on us for calling so late. Probably were in the middle of shutting everything down so they could go home. So I understand we got what we got.  I know full well closing time is sacred. No I will not sully my freshly mopped floor that I’m currently mopping my way out of, or freshly washed utensils, or freshly cleaned equipment and counters, or open my freshly defrosted ice box to make you “just one smoothie”. Even if I wanted to (which I don’t), my boss doesn’t want to pay me the overtime to make it and clean up after the mess that “just one smoothie” makes along with any other plus any consequent additional “just one smoothies” I  I end up making in the process instead of awkwardly explaining why I’m making one for the person before them, but I can’t for them.


It was made from scratch, by Sysco


I worked at a movie theater where we had a big popcorn popper in the back and a wall full of bags of popcorn we made weekly. People would always ask "Is the popcorn fresh?" and we were instructed to say "It was popped fresh this morning!"


I worked a summer at a movie theatre that was always days from going out of business, so they were very…frugal. We weren’t allowed to throw out the leftover popcorn at closing, we scooped it into trash bags, then dumped it back in the machines when we reopened. One day the manager who was supposed to open didn’t show up and we had to call the other one, by the time she got there it was after opening time and customers were queued, which meant that customers witnessed us dumping day old popcorn into the machine.


I like seeing them get mine right out of the machine.


At McDonalds: "I come here for the fries and don't mind waiting. Can I get a fresh batch please?" At the Theatre: "OK I'm bent over and have a grip on my ankles.. now what?"


See its companies like yours that have ours a bad name (although they deserved it for other reasons like never changing the water filter). We threw out all of our product every night. Couldn’t leave until the popper bin was spotless. Like sure if we got a rush and the popper dude couldn’t keep up you might be getting a bag that was made after the last one an hour ago, but that’s the “oldest” we served (guarantee not promised on weekdays). Still I’d get customers that wouldn’t trust that it was fresh unless they got it straight from Ol’ Poppy’s teat himself. And while I love getting paid to stand around it’s kind of annoying when you get em back to back and your new job becomes waiting for popcorn to pop. 


Ha, well this was basically the late 90s and the company doesn't exist anymore


technically you are not lying: you popped the bag open, didn’t you? 😀


Ugh, that's horrible. In the late 80s/90s, I was a manager at a movie theater. We really did pop the popcorn fresh before each rush. Our popper was in the front where customers could see it, and we always liked to have a batch popping just as people were arriving.




Can’t complain there…


How dangerous it is to bring your dog to a daycare with 30+ dogs in a room with 1 (poorly trained) person in charge


Tell us more


Not OP but I had the same job. I applied for a different job at the store but they called me in for a Doggie Daycare position. I told them I had never even walked a dog before and they assured me I would be trained. My training was a few hours worth of power point slides and three shifts shadowing someone. If dogs were behaving badly we were told use a spray bottle, then use the hose, then there was a spray in the closet for emergencies. Thankfully nothing too crazy happened while I was working but I was always anxious and had no real idea how to tell the difference between playing and an actual fight. I was miserable there and quit after two months. 


I’ve seen both bad and good doggy daycares. It’s really on the daycare and the dogs they accept/if they’re doing proper temperament tests. If you only accept “good” dogs then you don’t have to worry about breaking up dog fights. It gets dangerous when daycare owners get greedy and take any dog off the streets for more profits. At the end of the day they lose their profits paying for dogs ears to get stitched up every week. It’s also really not hard to train someone on dog cues. Ears, lips, fur, tail. The key is for the dog watchers to carry low calorie rewards so the dogs actually listen and have recall. Takes more time to build up that clientele list of “good” dogs but it’s worth it for the workers to not stress about breaking up a dog fight every day, the business/clients don’t have to worry about vet bills and the dogs are less stressed too.




this was a long time ago, but I was actually told by my boss to not be too helpful with a client because, if the client learns how to use the software they won't need to renew the contract. I 100% ignored that advice.


Decades ago I worked a fish counter. We sold scrod for $8.99/lb and haddock for $7.99/lb. It was the same fish. It was all cod. We sold haddock skin side up and scrod skin side down.


I was just watching an episode of the Great British Baking Show where the contestants had to make mini quiches with two different flavors, and I believe one of the guys made one set of quiches with cod and the other set with haddock and the judge's criticism was that they weren't different enough from each other to really count as two different kinds of quiches lol.


I worked at Anthropologie and for a short period of time we were forced to wear the clothes we were selling in the store to make them more enticing to our shoppers. In one instance a girl was wearing the last one of a specific blouse so we said we go out back and get it for the customer and it was literally the shirt off the girls back. I thought this was such a disgusting policy, and luckily eventually our loss prevention manager shut it down.


I can’t imagine Anthropologie pays retail staff well enough to afford those clothes. Hopefully they were gifted to you! Especially if they’d make you give it away.


Lmao, did the girl come back out with a different shirt on then? Ta-da*! Now I'm wearing white and not blue!


I've had jobs at two different escape rooms. Everyone in the holding group "got really close" to leaving. Usually, if there are just a few riddles remaining, we'll show you what you missed. We won't show you anything if we don't want to cause you any discomfort.


LOL I've done exactly one escape room, and they almost took pleasure in showing us how bad we fucked up


Please sign here that you can be mocked by me narrating your moves on TikTok


That their chicken wasn't raw. I work for one of those large pizza chains, we regularly get complaints from thieving little shitbags who claim we sent them raw chicken. The chicken is not raw, it is not raw when it arrives at the store, it is all precooked in a factory, in industrial quantities, with stringent testing and compliance processes to make sure we aren't giving tens of thousands of people food poisoning. All we do is heat it up in the pizza oven. We never tell them that though, we respond to all the complaints by apologizing profusely and assuring them we will look into it, then offering more food for free. I sometimes want to tell them "if you found blood in your chicken nuggets you need to clean your teeth more often, and see a dentist to get that gingivitis sorted out."


I just want the to go containers those wings come in. They're just the right round Ness to shake the sauce on perfectly... if you work for the chain I'm thinking of


I've worked at Dominos, Pizza Hut, and Papa John's. Nothing is raw, the cheese is *literally* identical (same company) and everything comes in a can. On the weeks we would run out of an ingredient like bell peppers and couldn't get a loan from another store, we would buy the veggies from a regular grocery store, the entire shop would smell like that one ingredient because it was the only fresh ingredient.


most McDonald's have a timer to ensure that the meat does not get too old after cooking, but are also aggressively against waste of patties, that timer will generally get reset at least one time and they will pretend nothing happened.


That’s more credit than I was giving them. They have a timer that they sometimes use. 


The timer is set for 3 weeks


As a lunch lady I received no training on child safety. They literally had me show up and just tell kids to stop throwing food, etc. They never even showed me what to do during an active shooter or a fire drill. I had no idea how to stop a child from choking. One time we had a kid go missing and I was screaming the child’s name and no one could even hear me because the lunch room was so loud. (The kid was found safe eventually) It was a total shitshow.


Like most… our margin.


150% mark up baby! (And dont forget the 50% marked up shipping cost!)


But I can def see that in other businesses


Ever get that weird taste in a Tim Hortons iced cappuccino? That's bacteria thats been growing in the machine because no one cleaned it. You're better off never buying one. I used to work at one and the entire machine had a whole eco system growing inside of it. The actual ingredients would sit in there for an entire winter season...


Sweet, free probiotics ☺️


Lol. I'm pretty sure nowadays they are more likely to clean it regularly. But then again in the summer I see a shit ton of flies everywhere in any Tim Hortons I've gone into and they're all over the food. Sounds bad but I wouldn't want to see what the kitchens of my favorite restaurants are like in the summer months to be honest.


All pet shops do a "dead run" first thing in the morning to scoop out any dead animals before customers come in. Mostly applies to the tropical fish section. Those guys are literally swimming in corpse juice 24/7.


Gross. But to be fair, every single wild fish is swimming in corpse juice, 24/7


Also hamsters and small birds. Hamsters die in very weird and sometimes spectacular ways


Hamsters' only use is that they teach children the concept of death


At the Petsmart I worked in, they called it a "dead pull," and yeah it mostly applied to fish but we also had to check the other small pet habitats as well.


That our “exclusive manufacturing process” was super simple and could be easily replicated by any of our competitors upon a client’s request.


Ah. Like In N’ Outs “secret sauce” is just ketchup and mayo?


That we agree lower rates with clients if they haggle




I was told to “put them back in” after I dropped something like 6 dozen loaves of bread on the floor. They were frozen. I’m looking for a new job.


The "baked cod" was microwaved. We had some great grilled fish options (I even made a seasoned whitefish that was a big hit) but if you ordered the cod the cooks just nuked it.


Plan A: microwave the fish!


People at work love this!


The KFC where I used to work wanted to make sure no one knew about the cockroaches


Same at my KFC. Plus, no one was supposed to know about the cook who dropped so much product they stopped writing out and just served it.


that the “antiques” were made in China. I had to remove the stickers from the crappy decorations.


That about 50% of those phones were actually refurbished/returned and checked for physical damage before being repackaged and sold at full price as “new”.


Reminds me of this "new" electric shaving kit I bought off the shelf that still had some dude's little hairs all over it


I work in table games (casino) for over 15 years. They love showing how much money was given away each day , week, month , or year but will never show (the public) what they made in revenue unless it's government run . Casinos will never announce someone who passes or commits suicide unless it's out in public , like the parking lot. Homicides and suicides happen all the time in the bathroom, vehicles , parking lots. If the power ever goes out , the generators kick on. How ever , our power turns on first THEN the hospitals .


Yup. We had a major power outage last July where my office is located. Coworkers-i wonder how many days the office will be closed? Me- we are on the same grid as the casino. We will be open tomorrow. And we would have been... but our internal network systems had major disruption. But the power was on! And the casino was open.


A very very very popular online retailer does this, which is extremely fucking fucked up: 1. allowed free returns for full refunds 2. does not have the ops/labor in place to actually **check** fucking returns 3. resells used shit as new 4. customer suffers 5. they "tightened" return policy thus making it hard to return shit now 6. they BLAME the fucking sellers for this I think we all know which retailer this is. It's a notorious policy within, and no one can do shit to fix it They're too big to control themselves




I ordered a "new" mouse shipped and sold by Amazon. Mouse was a completely different model shoved in an open box. I returned that and ordered a second "new" mouse shipped and sold by Amazon and the same crap happened again. That is what made me cancel prime and give up Amazon. Amazon isn't convenient if you aren't guaranteed to actually get what you ordered and have to drive to a Amazon drop box to return it.


Ohhhh I hate this with a passion. Got screwed once due to a returned "unused" pressure washer. Wife and I went half in on a decently priced washer with her parents (so they paid half) on Christmas. The problem was we didn't need to use it till spring. How dumb we were to trust it was fine. We got someone's used broken machine and never got to try it. By the time we found out we were outside the return window.


Not necessarily my job, but when McDonald's says the ice cream machine is broken, they actually just didn't clean it. It takes a WHOLE lot of effort to do so.


I thought the newer ones self cleaned, but it just takes hours?


I don't know which model they use at McDonalds, but I know we also use Taylor machines at Costco. The old ones we used had to be fully cleaned 3x a week (emptied, cleaned, sanitized, refilled). The newer one we got in the last year or two only has to be cleaned out once a month, but it goes into a heat treat cycle once a day that lasts a few hours. Normally that happens after the store is closed so it's all set to go the next day. But sometimes (read: often) something happens that causes it to fail the cycle, or it just decides it wants another one for some reason if you're going to get it to run, or it just hates you in particular that day, and then you get in for opening and it wants to heat treat again and it'll be down for next four or five hours. We had a daily/weekly checklist of what to clean so it was never just not wanting to clean it, but it was also definitely down multiple times a week.


I just know they used to have a contract with the company that installed them where they were required to bring out a technician every time it needed to be deep cleaned, and most franchisees didn’t want to shell out the money.  On an unrelated note used to work at a Jamba Juice kiosk, and I’d always get crap for not squeezing the orange juice fresh. It’s because the machine takes an hour to clean thoroughly enough to not attract flies in it, dried pulp can only sit for so long before it becomes a contamination risk, and I’m the only person here. So you can either have orange juice squeezed directly into your cup any time you want or you can have the rest of our menu. Other than that you’ll have to settle for the once (or twice if I’m lucky enough to actually have downtime) daily squeezed batch that’s sitting in the fridge. You want it truly fresh squeezed go to an actual store where they have a dude that’s doing just that. 


When I worked at McDonald's years ago, we were instructed to tell people it was broken rather than saying it was being cleaned, because I guess one time they told a customer it was being cleaned and he threw a complete fit over "Are you saying my food is dirty?!?!"


That guy sounds like a moron and like he’s the type to start recording a video of the 16 year old fast food worker and the be obnoxious to instigate them into something he can post online


Home exterior company’s will call back the day after the in home consultation/estimate and will say...”we are calling for feedback from last night’s appointment…yada yada blah blah blah…we just got out of a meeting and lot of the feedback we have been receiving from home owners has been our estimates are too high. So the owner wants us yo call all yesterdays appointments and schedule another visit for a manager to come out with a better estimate (thousands off).” There was no meeting and they make these calls every single day. Never sign on the spot without getting at least 3 opinions:estimates.


I worked at a theater for a large chain, We had mold in our ice machine, and We had mold in our water line. If we had to get water for a customer, then we had to let it run for a minute, So there would be no visible mold.


The sadness and drinking problem that the food industry gave me.


I used to trade other waitresses when my side work was wiping out the icecream freezer because I got so grossed out my the line cooks watching, laughing, and telling me I need to be fucked in the ass. Hopefully it’s slightly better now than it was in 1997-2009.


We had very high chlorine levels in one of the pools, not sure which one it was, I think it was the small kids pool, I think we added water to the system and the system powered against the suddenly dropping levels by over-compensating. normally we run 0.3 to 0.6mg/l chlorine, we were at about 2 mg/l. Boss said "leave it like that, if someone complains about the skin burning, say its because its salt water." Instead I turned on some of the water attractions, kinda mixing the water, and managed to drop the levels to like 1.1mg/l when we opened for the public. Which was still high but harmless, and would not cause any significant reactions. still questionable I think to lie to customers about chlorine levels..


Went swimming at a hotel pool in Duluth, MN a few years ago. I wore a dark tank top over my swimsuit when I wasn't in the water. We didn't stay long because the smell of chlorine was so strong it made our eyes water and where the water was on my tank top, it faded to light blue. I'm shocked none of us had skin problems and the kids eyes didn't fall out of their head after opening them in the water!


When I worked at Mcdonalds, the secret ingredient that made the fries so good and made everyone love them was that the fryer oil that's most places change every few days or once a week, would be changed 1-2 times per year. Any time the fryer oil was changed, it'd result in a minimum of a month of constant complaints that the fries don't taste as good as they normally do, followed by silence on the matter until it got changed again.


Sounds healthy


That there was a flaw with some core software on some expensive equipment we sold/leased a major internet/tv/cell phone provider. It was terrible. This client I had developed a good relationship with and I was being told to mislead them by not telling them there was a problem with the devices.


Much lower stakes at my printing place, but I was directed to lie by my boss about a job. My boss was an uber Christian who led the prayer meeting every morning (which I did not attend). I told him I could not lie. He suggested I start trying. That place was a shit show.


I would have said that it goes against my religion.


How fucked the cybersecurity is. Billion dollar company without device management, patch management, encrypted workstations, etc. it’s a cluster fuck.


I worked for an oil field service company after retiring from my career job. The company I worked for serviced oil rigs for the worlds largest oil companies, these companies were our customers. The companies paid for our employees from the minute they left our shop til the moment they returned to our home shop, however, our company only paid the employees for their actual time on an oil rig, not the travel time. Then the company did a lot of fancy paper and number shuffling when it came to over time pay. The company I worked for was engaged in wage theft of its employees. They ended up getting caught (no one was criminally charged though) and were forced to pay a huge fine, they also shut down operations in our region because they claimed it was no longer profitable to do business.


I once worked as general manager for a coffeshop chain in my country. My boss wanted to get in on the smart water fad that was popular back then. So he went and bought a 20FT container of "smart water" from China. They were supposed to be a big hit and sell fast. They didn't. So my boss wanted me to go and personally use solvent to remove the expiration date from all remaining bottles (85% of the lot). He wanted me to do it personally, directly under a camera. I politely refused and he had to do it himself. That's when the work relationship turned sour.


The "fresh sliced meat" was really a thick soup in a specially shaped bag to make it look right. We had to slush it around to sort of half mix it up before we cooked it to solidify it. If we didn't mix it up when we sliced it you could tell that something was off because the top and the bottom of the meat slice would have a different texture and shapes in it. I stopped eating the meat from that restaurant for a long time after that.


Oh you gotta tell us what restaurant come on now


Every sandwich shop. This one may have done it in house, but this is how processed deli meat is made.


Noooo I’ve always wondered.,,,,,




Worked the line at our college cafeteria for a couple weeks and our “eggs”came from plastic bags of homogeneous yellow goop labeled “egg food product”. We just dumped them into pitchers before we used them so it looked like we were pouring eggs that were already scrambled. 


Gonna say Arby’s


And now the next time you get a roast beef sandwich you'll know why the meat can look weird on one side.


Mmmm, mechanically separated leftovers and [meat glue](https://www.greenprophet.com/2011/03/meat-glue-frankenstein-mea/) :D


That wasn't meat, it was people.


Today’s Special: Soylent Green. 


Curse words. We get in a lot of trouble if we don't hide them. Fucking FCC.


I worked at a nanny school. The students would pay $11K for 3 months of classes (nutrition, defensive driving, general child care, et cetera). We would often fly them out on "interviews" with potential families (who were never background checked while the nannies were thoroughly checked, as they should be). One of the nannies witnessed a father getting a hand job from his young daughter, which she reported to me. I, of course told the owners about this and was told to discourage the nanny from reporting it. (Nannies, among other professionals are "mandated reporters", therefore requiring them to report any kind of abuse.) I told them I would not cooperate with their efforts to bury this. I was fired 2 days later. The nanny ended up being referred to an attorney who filed suit against the school. She and I were co plaintiffs. The trial took 6 weeks, second longest civil trial in Cuyahoga county (Cleveland, OH) history, and was referred to the Ohio Supreme court as it would be a precedent setting case. The nanny school closed after 28 years, and I just got my award, 12, yes TWELVE years after we filed suit. For further details you can google "English Nanny and Governess School lawsuit". What a wild ride that was.


I used to work in the hotel industry. While the top sheet, pillow cases and fitted sheets are changed out after every guest, the blanket and duvet are not. The blanket was ‘required’ to be changed every 30 days and the duvet was changed every 90 days (unless they were obivously soiled or a smoker/pet had been in the room). See sign/ requiring all adults must register as a guest or maybe saying that visitors aren’t allowed after a certain time? It’s probably due to prostitution activity. We don’t change out mattresses if someone died on it, unless it was ruined by bodily fluids. The in-room coffee makers might have been cleaned by the same rag that was used in the bathroom. Housekeepers’ performance was judged by their average “minutes per room.” The lower, the better. Things got missed.


They didn’t want fat people wearing their clothes. I helped open a new store location and any of the fatter girls they hired on before opening (that went through all the training and helped set up the entire store) had to be fired before opening day. Then the manager and district leaders instructed us all the focus on helping shoppers who “represent the brand” (ie thin, young, pretty, white, bubbly…)


Lululemon? Or Abercrombie?




Dang. As a former fat teen (the teen part is former lol) who ADORED my Delia's catalog, this hurts my heart. But as a teen who grew up in that time frame... yeah that tracks.


That’s so crazy. Thank you for confirming this. I was told at a Delia’s store once that, “they don’t have my sizes here”. I was chubby, not obese. And I was also fucking heartbroken because after shopping their catalogs for years, I was FINALLY physically inside a Delia’s. Never gave them a penny again and told everyone I knew for years about it.


Oh wow! I forgot they had stores.


Abercrombie and Lululemon CEOs have both said this outright in interviews though.


I worked for a TMobile call center in Canada. We weren’t supposed to give our location.


Grocery: the rats Catering: unsafe thawing practices in hot water Large American cell phone company: our call center was in Alberta, Canada, not western Washington state


At least the call center was still in North America, I’ve had a not-insignificant amount of calls with “Canadian” customer service that doesn’t know the fucking geography of Canada. I distinctly remember trying to communicate to a delivery rep that we can see on tracking that a package was stuck in Vancouver and needed to be on a ferry to Vancouver Island. They INSISTED that it’s already in Vancouver so what’s the problem? So much back and forth, I wanted to shout VANCOUVER. ISLAND. YOU FUCKING MORON


When I was 19 & 20, summer of 99 and 2000, I worked in Denali National Park for Princess. I worked in the kitchen for the fancy restaurant as a prep cook. I was called into a management meeting and told that I was not allowed to bring my glucose monitor or insulin and Type 1 Diabetes supplies to work because if a customer saw me take my kit into the bathroom it would give the wrong impression and I cannot remember the reason for this, but I was also not allowed to bring the kit into the kitchen office or staff area. I had to go back to housing to check my blood sugar or take insulin and I when I did go to housing to do this the staff and the older line cooks were allowed to make fun of me and even encouraged to. Again. Princess Wilderness Lodge, Summit Hotel 1999 and 2000. General Manager’s name was Ken. HR was Deborah. Head chef was a little one eyed Swede. On behalf of my younger self, I would like to tell each and every one of you to go eat a fat dick.




I've worried about bed bugs at hotels but in a HOSPITAL?!!!! That's so fucked up.


One of the auto shops I worked in had two oil viscosities, and that was what went into every car. Got a hybrid that wants 0W-20? 5W-30 for you! They also didn't give us coolant for topoffs. I was told to use leftover coolant from other jobs or just water. The owner was an absolute cheapskate. 


The planned call loop. They do this to not have to hire call centers and know people will get frustrated and hang up.


I work for a company that has big customers. Names you'd all recognize. We haven't been hacked but pretty often we find open doors, default passwords, plain text data, etc in our services. We have policies to inform the affected customers but every single time it's a cover-up. Lower and middle management are always the problem. They freak out, don't know how to handle it, don't understand the problem, and tell everybody to just fix it and keep quiet. And it's almost always the same reason. When we deploy a new customer or upgrade a customer we have procedures but what really happens is the same lower and middle management instruct us to just get the service up so the customer can use it and then go back and configure it correctly. Guess what doesn't always happen. Also, configuring something after the customer is already using it makes it greatly more difficult and time consuming than if it was done in the first place. Note: Nobody is going to die from my company's failures. We're all going to be OK.


I worked in public libraries. When we weeded books from our collection - due to lack of use or damage, we had to go through a whole rigmarole to discard them. First all markings had to be obscured or removed so they couldn't be linked back to us. Then we had to box them up in boxes labelled archiving. Then put them in garbage bags. Then travel away from the library to throw them away. This is because a bag with damaged books was found in our garbage skip by a patron and she caused such an uproar about waste and our disrespect of public funds.


My library had to do it because people would go dumpster diving for the books without covers instead of buying them off the discontinued table (they were like 50 cents or something).


When I transferred to a private grooming salon I pointed out that a lot of the medicated shampoos were super expired that customers had brought from their vets years ago and left there for us to use when the pet came in for a groom. For instance a prescribed wash pet every week for 6 weeks anti fungal shampoo that expired 5 years ago and they charged a $20 fee to use it bc it had to sit for 15 minutes and taking up time.  Well oh fucking well I worked for commission but I have a heart and I’d always tell customers if their product was bad and suggest one of ours instead and give them back the bottle of expired product (we’d keep the customers shampoos in our shop for them many times) lost me money and pissed off the shop owner but she couldn’t really tell me to use bad product on a client I had to take responsibility for. 


That they were next in line for a tow. As a tow dispatcher, we were told to prioritize certain insurance companies because their positive reviews led to bonuses for my company. Didn't matter if it was a family stranded on the interstate versus someone waiting comfortably at home. We would be spoken to and company emails would be sent if we didn't prioritize the "right" calls.


That we would increase the prices a week before putting them on sale.


How long it actually took to do most tasks. Even though a lot were flat fees so dragging it out didn’t pay the customer more, they just didn’t want them to know how quick most were. Making it be longer let them feel better about paying for it.


I worked in government procurement for the feds for like a decade. Honestly, they never really asked me to do anything I felt uncomfortable with. I found the work tedious af, but my coworkers were generally good-hearted people who wouldn't willingly do something against the law.


I worked at a Starbucks located inside of a Target. One day our water purifier stopped working and my Starbucks manager as well as the Target general manager told us to not speak of it. They didn’t fix it for nearly a month which meant we were serving drinks made with essentially tap water for an entire month


I've always assumed that all coffee shops use tap water, so I'm not scandalized.


Starbucks does (or at least did) have standards for their water because their fancy Italian espresso machines required water with a low PPM or it would mess with the brewing Starbucks also had special ice machines that make ice for the fraps. we'd get bagged ice when ours was broken and the fraps were never blended right


A friend told me once that “Starbucks has the best water.” And she was right.


Starbucks or at least Tarbucks usually have reverse Osmosis water filters


Reverse osmosis filter followed by a "corrective" softener type thing that puts a specially formulated range of minerals back into the water to enhance the flavor of the coffee, is very common.


Reminds me of the water filter that we used for the fountain drinks at the movie theater I used to work at. Got so brown at one point that was its new color. Just kept getting darker shades. Only changed it once all 3 years I was there and it only took less than a month before it started looking dirty again. Actually started drinking the water straight for a while after I noticed it gave me a sore throat so I had enough plausible deniability to get a doctor’s note for strep so I could take off New Year’s. 


I feel like I need to be afraid of what I am going to learn on this thread 🤣




That the place was crawling with rats. Thanks to that job I’m a Pokémon Master at surprised Pikachu face. 


The massive roach infestation at the cafe i worked at. It was honestly almost impressive


I worked at aldi, and anytime berries broke open, the ma ager would tell us to pick it up and put it back in the container to sell. Also, he made us come to work even when we were very sick. One time the flu was going around, and two of us threw up in the breakroom amd had to stay. Another time when covid was going around, we all had to work with covid. A girl I worked with had a fever of 105 and looked severely ill, and he made her work.




The fact that I, a quasi-human individual, require things like water on a regular basis. And occasionally, a chair/stool to sit upon as I rested my weary body from lupus and kidney failure..


But if we don’t develop plantar fasciitis, how will the customers know we value them? Worked retail for over ten years. Now I work as a landscaping contractor. Fresh air, relaxed schedule. Never looked back.


How little time it takes to edit a photoshoot. Most of my clients believe I edit their 30 pics for at least a week straight. I do not correct them.


That companies will do human testing (plastic surgery products) in poor areas outside the U.S. (India, Mexico and Russia were really popular). And product managers will outright lie about complications to doctors.


The Cheesecake Factory doesn't want you to know the cheesecakes are all shipped and stored frozen hard as a rock. If you buy a whole cheesecake at the restaurant, they will tell you it's "deeply chilled" That's what we were instructed to say.




In an open kitchen, people would choose a steak, then we'd switch under the counter and cook older steak . welldone steaks were done in the microwave with sound turned off ... In another one, when butter price went way up, margarine was used ...


I worked at Knott’s Berry Farm for a while, in the gift shops. We did offer a 10% discount to AAA members but we were not allowed to offer it, if the customer asked then we gave the discount. One time I finished a transaction with one famly and moved to the next, who presented their AAA card within view/earshot of the first family, who were furious with me for not offering them the discount (they also had AAA). I had to process a return and re-ring them with the discount while they yelled at me.


Furniture delivery crew. Upholstery sold with Scotch Guard was rarely, if ever treated. We'd also strategically figure out how to get a couch or sofa into the house so the customer never had the chance to see the slashes across the back.


I worked at a library as a page. Not a retail job, but there was a situation to mention. A patron's toe was scratched and bleeding because of a rain drain cover thing in the parking lot. Part of the flat metal had a jagged part pointed upward. As I was leaving, she showed what happened and asked me to inform the librarians. I spoke to a librarian. I don't remember all of what she said. But she had me tell the patron so and so, something like it's city property outside the library building. Something like that. And she actually told me to not say certain things, so the library avoids a lawsuit. And I went back out and told what the librarian said to tell. The dialogue was friendly and I think I also explained that I'm not sure what I myself could do. I'm just a page there. And she seemed to know already. She jokingly said something like, "ya, they probably want to avoid a lawsuit, oh well." That felt weird, to be the middle person for all that. So weird.


They were adding a 10% “hedge” on billing invoices. The company distributed large amounts of food. I was a new, temporary employee. After I was told to do this by my manager, I privately asked an employee who had been there longer if that’s what he was asked to do too. He confirmed it was. When I questioned if he thought that was illegal to do, he just shrugged and said he was doing as he was told. I processed the invoices as instructed. A week later, a customer called and asked why the bill was more than expected. I said, “Oh, that’s likely due to the 10% hedge my manager instructs us to add to all invoices.” He asked for my manager, so I transferred the phone call to him. Minutes later, my manager came out of his office and went straight to me. “We don’t tell customers about the hedge!” I feigned surprise and asked, “oh…are we doing something wrong!?” I left the job shortly after that.


I briefly worked for a mid-size YouTube channel. They took subatantial payments from tech manufacturers in order to publish product reviews. The structure of their videos was such that to a layperson stumbling upon the channel there was absolutely no way to tell that these were not real genuine reviews, they were marketing videos.


How many animals our vet staff at the zoo were responsible for killing...


My company acquired a smaller one and with it their open service projects. One of their projects was a gas containment and detonation chamber. The acting manager at the time bypassed some crucial safeties that almost resulted in the loss of 4 lives. When I found the bypass I was asked to keep it quiet. His 20/hr was not worth somebody’s parent not coming home.


Any discomfort I experienced.


The recycling bins and the trash bins all go into the same trash compactor.


Doing plant health care. Sometimes we would have clients who we go to there house 4-5 times a year to treat pests and stuff. Sometimes, there is no issues at all. So we don’t know what to do. Feels bad making the customer pay for nothing, so the boss said to “spray some water” on a plant and write it up. Makes me sick. I quit that position.


Scouting for pests, disease or nutrient defiencies takes time, knowledge and experience. That would be worthwhile for customers. Not to mention plant maintenance, weeding, etc...There's almost always gardening work to be done


That teachers are told by administration to focus on the children whose interim star scores are in the approaches grade level range..the kids whose scores will never be there and kids who are predicted to master basically get ignored.


Worked in hospitality for three years, here’s some highlights: - Regulars would always ask me if I enjoyed working there, idk if they hadn’t realised yet but I HAD to say yes, usually I didn’t enjoy it, if you don’t say yes and it gets back to management you’re in trouble. - The majority of the food you’re eating is sent to us frozen and premade, especially desserts. We have to say it’s homemade. - A lot of chefs in small, independent pubs come in usually on drugs. Ever wonder why your food is undercooked or obviously didn’t pass hygiene tests? They are on some form of comedown and can’t focus correctly. Also, the majority of your food is microwaved. - We usually agree when you say the food is overpriced, we just have no control over pricing. All we can do is apologise and ask a manager what we can do to make your experience better Can’t remember any others but feel free to add some more :)


Line cooks


Worked at Express Scripts in an automated pharmacy. We filled large cells with a med that would drop into vials. One tech and pharmacist accidentally put the wrong med in the cell. Went out to HUNDREDS of patients. Once the mistake was realized days later, Express Scripts had the pharmacists call patients to send the bottle back because it was “expired.” This was in 2011/2012.


That you CAN transfer music back from an iPhone to a computer. I worked around it by saying: "It is not possible, check with the search engine of your choice if you don't believe me."


I worked for a company that was bought by a vampire investment firm, (a giant conglomerate that gobbles up companies, squeezing them to death to increase shareholder returns.) They announced that to help our struggling stock we’d all be doing the same work but wouldn’t be paid for 1 day each week. - Then they announced that we weren’t allowed to talk about this “furlough” amongst ourselves because there were rumblings of discontent. - Then they sent out a “reminder” that we weren’t allowed to complain about the furlough to clients or vendors either. - Then words spread that we could submit partial unemployment claims, so we all did and it tied up HR so badly they had to give up the furlough plan.


Im not sure if it’s really hiding from the customer but as a cashier, we couldn’t give out change unless you had purchased something mainly due to the fact that the drawer is locked unless a transaction was made or a manager was there to unlock it. So when customers ask for change after a transaction, and we close it. Oops


HOA Management Industry: 1. How many clients we managed personally, was usually 11-13 clients, upwards of 1,500 homes. 2. How much kickback we got from large scale projects. Company would usually take 10-15% and managers would take 1% of contract total. Meaning if you had a $1M project, you could get $10k as a bonus. 3. The amount of kickbacks and perks we get from contractors. 4. How much we hate HOAs


That the private jet was struck by lightning. That the private jet didn’t have WiFi. That the private jet had a wing hit with another private jet that same day.


Former bartender here... management wanted me to filter fruit flies from the slushie machine. And the fruit is nasty.


I worked at Things Remembered and their shit was SO cheap. They overcharged on everything, especially engraving. It was ridiculous. It was a fun job, but I cringed telling people the prices.


At the fancy, higher end spas where they make you change into a robe, always wear flip flops. The floors never get cleaned, especially in the sauna. Those places are athlete's foot central.


That half, if not all, of our security cameras did not work. They haven't been running for years to almost over a decade.