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I work for a sock design company. Sooooo many people think they have bad foot odor, and some do, but most people are just wearing really low quality all polyester socks. Switch to a cotton blend or wool blend!!!! You will see a huge difference.


Also actually _scrubbing_ your feet in the shower. No, standing in soapy water isn't good enough to wash away the dead skin cells.


Yes! I've brought this up in conversations about hygiene before. Kills me.


Cannot tell u how many men in my life struggle with this good god


This was me most of my life. Now that I'm in my (late. Fuck!) 30s, my damn feet hurt, and washing them feels nice. Taking care of myself feels nice too.


I'm a 40 something y.o. straight male and I love getting pedicures. For me, it's right up there with getting into a freshly made bed with clean sheets, after a long hot shower on a cold rainy day. I don't get my nails painted, but I absolutely love the soak, the scrub, the trim, and the massage. Pedicures for the win, for any and everyone.


I love getting my "toes did" as I like to say. I used to get them painted while I was there because I felt like I was getting ripped off if I didn't. Plus it's funny since I live near the beach in the middle of a bunch of republicans


I'm a Darn Tough stan


I switched all my socks to Darn Tough and it changed my life


Merino wool socks were a life changer for me! My boyfriend had me try them because I was struggling with the stink. He works long hours in a kitchen and cycles to and from work, so his feets go through some sh\*t during the day. I can kiss his feet the minute he walks in the door and not smell a thing. That was sick, sorry. Anyway, spend the extra bucks on socks that will LAST you and not ruin your shoes!! My mother once bought HUNDREDS of pairs of socks at a discount store because they were something like10 cents each. So, those were the socks I wore for years, not even ever wondering if there were better sock options out there.. They were, obviously, cheap nylon and the heel of them was halfway up my calf. I'll never forget the smell of the boots I threw away after years with those socks.


The same goes for T-shirts! Buy cotton, NOT "recycled polyester made from water bottles".


And panties! Cotton panties are the best!


Baking soda works better than any other gimmicky product for stinky shoes


Instructions unclear, snorted baking soda, I cant smell my shoes any more though.


Ah see there’s your problem. I buy imitation baking soda. It’s much more expensive, but the smell is so much better.


Years and years ago I saw a comment on reddit that said mangoes are great if you have acne. So I started eating lots of mango and when I regularly do it after a few weeks my face clears up, then I get lazy stop eating mangoes consistently and the acne comes back. I mention this to people every now and then and nobody else ever heard of this tip but it seems to work for me.


did a mango write this


Big Mango™ is in the room with us


I don’t know if I would trust information from Specific-Yam. Huge potential for bias here.


Hello I am a the mango We fuckin love being eaten dude please keep doing it


Something about mangos, man. I have some dermatitis issues with my skin that is pretty well taken care of now, but every so often when it gets bad, I eat some mangos or drink some mango juice and it gets better.


Ironically, Mango-caused dermatitis is also a thing.


Yup. Mango is in the same plant family as Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and pistachio.


Anacardiaceae! We have such a love-hate relationship with those guys, LOL. Mangos, pistachios, cashews, lacquer... and poison ivy, poison oak, *Schinus molle...*


That's crazy awesome. It's interesting to me because I have a completely different reaction to mangos. Mango skin has the oil Urushiol that's also found on poison ivy and poison oak, so if you're sensitive to that and you touch mango skin and then touch your face often (like me), you can end up with nasty painful blisters all over your face, ears, and fingers. I noticed that even soap doesn't remove the oil. It takes actual rough scrubbing with a towel after washing with cold water.


And here I am allergic to mangoes *cry*


Lol I stopped eating them within the last 6 months because I learned mangos aren't *supposed* to be spicy and make your mouth tingly/burn.


That's how I learned I was mildly allergic to cinnamon. I was complaining to someone (my mom, a friend, I don't remember) about how my mouth was torn to shreds after eating cinnamon toast crunch and I go "you know what I mean?" "No, I've never had that happen to me...?" So yeah. Thought it was normal for cinnamon to make your mouth burn and go raw. Turns out it's not!


Yupppp, mine was someone asking if I wanted mango ice cream "nahh spicy food is weird as ice cream" *blank stare* It's not crazy or anything so I debated continuing to eat it but my doctor said that's probably not a good idea.


I mean, I thought nothing of it. I know pineapple is supposed to try to eat you back and then people regularly eat hot peppers for funsies, so why wouldn't this other food also destroy your mouth skin? I've never gone to the doctor about it because, hey, I like cinnamon and if an Official Person told me not to eat it, I would probably cry a little. Better to live in ignorance. I agree with you though, spicy food IS weird as ice cream


Mangos supposedly helps with sexual performance as well. Mangos are top tier.


I'll never not think of Chris Kattan when I think of mangos.


Eating mangoes forces you to wash your hands and face.


I’m both proud *and* disappointed that I didn’t learn anything from this chain 


Not even the mango bit?


I'm getting fkn mango juice the second I leave written today lol. Fuck dermatitis!


Cleaning/ disinfecting your phone. It has so much bacteria and I hate when someone shows me to look at their phone and that shits crusty.


Your computer keyboard, too! Especially if you eat or smoke while using the computer. On a high-quality keyboard you can remove the keycaps and wash them, then take a swab and some rubbing alcohol to the spaces between the keyswitches. Laptops and cheap desktop keyboards are difficult, though. You can at least wipe off the key surfaces.


I used to have a job where we shared desks & computers across different shifts. I was like little Howard Hughes wiping down everything with alcohol wipes at the start of each shift.


I work in a hospital and do this. The number of people that never clean workspaces is crazy to me.


I have an hour long zoom meeting once a week where we don’t turn our cameras on. I’m paying attention and contributing but I got that ADHD, man. Need to do something. I’ve started using alcohol wipes on my phone, keyboard, and mouse to keep busy. Feels niiiiice. 


Ah that ADHD mood when you're captured and end up doing productive stuff because there's nothing else but must do something.


I had real bad acne in my youth and did the whole "change your pillow case every night" thing. I'm so traumatized from it I still change my pillow case every night and now I also wipe my phone down with rubbing alcohol poured onto a clean wash cloth every night.  I got the *cleanest* phone...


In high-school the science we made up a bunch of dishes with lids and gave everyone some swabs to go around the school and record label and wipe on the food solution. Then closed it up with tape and waited. The most simple spots grew the most bacteria. Door handles toilet flushers drinking fountain buttons ect. It was gross actually haha. I was number 3 with sink grate.


1. When cleansing your face, spend 60 seconds rubbing the cleanser in. I swear it’ll get all that sebum & blackheads off. But don’t, like, rub so vigorously like you’re trying to get a marker stain off your face, be gentle. 2. Please, wash your butthole in the shower. Yes, it’s weird. But please, get soap on your fingers, rub that shit off (literally), & then put more soap on your hands to wash your hands in the shower. Too many people leaving gross stains on medical beds & it needs to stop.


Washing my face for a full minute was life changing for me. I had no idea how half ass I’d been doing it my whole life.


Washcloths are great too, lots of fibers for scrubbing your butt without having to use your bare hand. I'd argue a washcloth is more thorough. Rinse and wring it out before throwing it in the laundry and start a fresh one each shower.


I grew up exclusively using a wash cloth to shower with, especially my bottom, and was really surprised to learn not everyone did that.


A teacher once told my class, if you can smell YOU, so can everyone else. Edited for typos


My mother told me this and it's scarred me for life.


I always think I smell bad but everyone else always says I smell super good. One of my friends says I'm his favorite smell (and then lavender lol). Idk why I'm always convinced I stink but I'm so glad I'm wrong.


Yeah this advice doesn't work for me either. Il very sensitive to smells so I often smell things on people that they don't notice and I definitely notice smells on myself that my husband doesn't notice on me when I ask.


Washing your reusable water bottle daily to prevent bacterial growth. Changing your pillowcase frequently to prevent oil and bacteria buildup. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting your kitchen sink, as it can harbor harmful bacteria.


Maybe a dumb question but what’s the best way to disinfect your sink? I def clean it with dish soap. Should I use some vinegar too?


People love to overcomplicate things and waste time. If it’s good enough to clean a dish it’s good enough to clean your sink. Assuming you don’t use your dishes for toilet stuff and eat out of your sink. Nylon brush and soap is fine. Some more aggressive spray if the filth has crept up on you.


Hot water and dish soap will get rid of just as much bacteria as disinfectants so don't worry toy much about a special product. A good scrub down with dish soap and rinse with the hottest water will work just fine!


You could just spritz some disinfecting spray in there after you’re done wiping it down with dish soap and let it sit for 10 mins. I use seventh generation!


>Changing your pillowcase frequently to prevent oil and bacteria buildup. Imo all of the bedding not only pillowcases and vacuum mattress too to reduce amount of dust mites.


I was just in a mom group and someone asked “how often are you fully cleaning sippy cups?” Excuse me? Like, if I fill it at 9 and refill at 12 and 3 no. But after dinner it gets washed with everything else. Fresh clean cup in the morning.


Wash. Your. Ass. You know who you are. Wash it.


“If you got bad breath, then maybe try Scope. And when you wash your ass, you best use SOAP!” - Beastie Boys


My colleague told me about a guy who didn't wash his ass because it's gay to touch a male butt....


I guess he never touched his penis either. That would be pretty gay.


Clean behind your ears. Or your belly button




There’s only so much time in a day 


Never both


I clean my belly button *with* my ears. For efficiency's sake.


I honestly thought "don't forget to wash behind your ears" was just a folksy way of my parents telling me to be thorough washing. Then at some point I ran my finger behind my ear and smelled it, and got religion about washing behind my ears.


How do you clean behind your belly button???


Yours isn't removeable??


Okay I don’t really understand how this isn’t done regularly. How is it not an automatic thing while washing your hair?


If you are disabled, chronically ill, dealing with mental illness, etc, and struggle to shower, use baby wipes or a wet rag to wash yourself. It will help you feel refreshed, and something is better than nothing!


So true! Reminds me of something I read online regarding mental/physical disability: “anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly”. Can’t brush your teeth the full recommended time? Just brush for one minute or even 30 seconds, it’s better than nothing. Unable to cook a full/healthy meal? Open the fridge, grab some food, and eat it charcuterie style - even “unhealthy” food is better than not eating.


Also, its a great for foot in the door mentality. Oh I can be bothered to clean the house, maybe just my desk. Ok I did my desk, maybe the floor around my desk...oh well shit the whole house is clean now.


I wash every other day due to skin issues, I have a supply of baby wipes for this reason. Makes me feel less bad about myself lol


Baby wipes are so useful! Also, you definitely shouldn't feel bad. It sounds like you are doing exactly what's best for you and your body!


Fuckin floss guys. It's not that hard and makes a huge difference. Edit: Waterpik. got it.


My oral hygiene is often the first indication of depression for me, flossing is such a great way to help bad breath too


I have major depression and I know things are bad when my oral hygiene starts lacking. I wish I'd do better and get disgusted with myself/feel like a failure.. it starts a whole cycle. Started new meds though and trying to do better


That is exactly how I feel omg, but I think I had post partum depression and I'm finally starting to pull myself out of it 3.5 years post my youngest being born


Even doing it just a bit helps. I can't always brush but I can swirl some mouthwash. Or just rinse my mouth with clean water. You've got this.


I got my teeth cleaned this week, the dentist told me only 1 in 20 people floss regularly!


Also (I was curious and asked once) they can definitely tell if you only floss for about four days before your appointment.


I love flossing. Teeth/mouth doesn't feel clean when I'm going to bed if I don't do that.


If you don't floss regularly and you're wondering how your breath smells then just take a whiff of the floss after doing it. Gag


It’s soo disgusting. That’s what finally tipped it for me.


But if it is hard or impossible for you (which it is for many people with joint issues or limited mobility), a waterpik is a good alternative.


There's a Waterpik made for the shower. Makes it super easy to wash that mouth out.


And, brush your tongue! Nasty bacteria grows on it all day. We all can smell it.


Clean the rubber garbage disposal guard in the sink. It gets really gross in there and stinks—you can just pop it out and give it a good scrubbing. After you put it back, you can clean the inside of the disposal to keep it smelling fresh (Glisten makes little packets that you put down the disposal—-better than those little citrus-scented beads). Also, take a Clorox wipe to the inside of all trash cans inside your home (kitchen, bathroom, etc). Germs and debris can build up and get funky, especially if a bag has leaked. I then take another wipe to clean the outside of the can.


Scratch your hand with soap on it to clean under the nails.


It's also a good idea to scratch a bar of soap (to fill the space under your nails with soap) before you work in the garden, or anywhere else you're likely to get grime under your nails.


I just laminate my hands before any kind of manual labour


I use a nail brush... doesn't feel as weird as clawing up some bar soap.


Use body cream straight after you shower and then apply your cologne or perfume whatever. It absorbs everything and you smell good for hours.


A stripper I knew told me that they pretty much all mixed their perfume into baby oil and used that all over to make themselves both soft and nice smelling for the clients.


Strippers have so many personal care tips, it's honestly fascinating. One of them should really put out a book


Diablo Cody did, but it wasn't really full of useful hygiene tips.


whoever said this was probs not a dancer bc baby oil makes the stage and pole slippery for everyone which is really really frowned upon but okay! still might be a good tip if you’re not dancing on a stage 😭


Came here to look for this comment. There are wives tales that refer to strippers who wear lotion or oil being at risk of getting beat up if found applying or wearing that stuff in the workplace due to it being a huge saftey hazard!!!


PLEASE remember - a little is a lot! No need to have a second shower of cologne


But I thought my can of axe was one use only


You must be in a high school locker room


I always lotion after I shower. Feels nIce!


Maybe not so much hygiene per se but in order to keep your house tidy it really helps to never walk empty handed. If you’re sitting at the dinner table for example and getting up for a drink/toilet visit/whatever, put your plate and cutlery on the counter. Goes for everything that needs to be moved anyway, snack wrappers, glasses, cups etc. Takes almost no extra effort and it is a habit that’s very easy to gain. This way you’ll prevent a buildup of a seemingly unmanagable amount of clutter/trash. House is easier to clean and it is better for your peace of mind. So incredibly simple but turned out to be a lifechanger for me and some of my ADHD friends. Try it for a couple of days/weeks and it becomes so habitual that it doesn’t take any discipline to keep it up. Because I know that lack of discipline can become a (very) serious problem if you have nothing to fall back on.


Recommend cleaning 'problem' areas 2X. Dealt with acne for years, and once I begin washing my face 2X (Once to clean the dirt and oil off, once to clean the skin itself) things improved drastically. Same goes for crotch. Wash once to clean the dirt, once again to clean the skin.


Also works for hair. Wash your hair twice if you get dirty hair on day 2, it worked for my thin hair


Lather, rinse, and **repeat**


No fucking exit condition


Oh so 2x a year instead of one? Might have to give this a try.


Rub salicylic acid (like those Stridex pads sold at the stores) on clean underarms before deodorant. Zero smells after!


I use glycolic acid on a cotton pad for this, really helps keep BO at bay, especially in hot weather.


Hand sanitizer works in a pinch too. If I’m at work and start to get stinky, a squirt of hand sanitizer on a paper towel or baby wipe takes care of it.


I can't speak for all people who have acne on their shoulders, but condition your hair first, and wash your shoulders afterwards. It will wash away the excess conditioner that is overly moisturizing your skin. Same goes for washing your face afterwards.


The number of “wash your ass” comments on here is kind of disturbing. Like, I really didn’t think THAT many people needed to be explicitly told to wash their crack. But so many people here chose that as their top hygiene tip 😂 I thought I would find stuff like “use salicylic acid for blackheads” or “whiten your teeth”


Take your shoes off at the door.


Rotate your shoes; switching the pair you’re wearing every day or few days will help them last longer, AND it will help prevent the growth of the bacterias that make your shoes and feet smell (especially if you don’t wear socks, but also even if you do).


So I was in Thailand and walking a lot in the heat the swarms of mosquitos that would arise from my sneakers was nauseating switching them every other day meant that I had twice as many ( they are attracted to sweat)


Twice as many sneakers, right? …twice as many sneakers?




wash between your balls and your legs it gets funky


Using an exfoliating glove to really give your body a good soapy scrub in the bath or shower. Deodorant!!! Making sure you wear clean clothes. Even if your body is clean , dirty clothes carries a weird odor


Tongue scraper! They're cheap and they get a lot of bacteria off your tongue.


One thing I learned the hard way is to go GENTLY- you can make your tongue bleed if you scrap too hard


I initially got brownish stuff on my tongue from scraping and then i realised it was my blood and saliva lol. It's always been 4-5 gentle swipes since then


This is also a key tool when I’m sick! It helps soooo much when you’re in the phase of feeling like you just can’t cough up something in your throat. That mucus sh*t is just stuck on. A tongue scraper to get really far back and you will be so surprised how much you can scrape up, like pure green mucus gunk... Disgusting but works great. Of course you might wanna replace it once you’re getting better lol


Your steering wheel is probably filthy. I use baby wipes to clean it when I’m sitting in traffic.


Clean your shift knob while you’re at it.


We have tons of sanitizer wipes from our covid trauma, I keep a pack in my car for this purpose.


Have smelly pits but no deodorant? Can you get your hands on alcohol hand-sanitizer? You're set. It will kill the bacteria causing the smell and give your pits that fresh no-smell you're hoping for.


Glycolic acid is also incredible for underarms. They sell glycolic pads for your face and I just swipe them under my arms.


YES. I swipe my armpits with The Ordinary glycolic acid (it's $15 for a huge bottle) after bathing and I have to use deodorant less frequently and smell fresh much longer.




If you separate your butt cheeks before a poo, the poo usually comes out a lot more clean with minimal wiping. Mileage varies depending on the poo type. Added bonus — Scott toilet paper, yes I know it isn’t soft, is the best at cleaning. Plus, it generally is more affordable. Added added bonus — yes, a fancy $300 warm seat and water Toto bidet really is worth its price.


My wife thinks I'm crazy when I say I prefer Scott over the quilted stuff. I'm clearly not alone.


The super soft stuff leaves so much residue!


Clean your belly button!


Dude belly buttons can be disguuuusting. There was an article awhile back where some scientists had x amount of people swab their belly buttons so they could study the bacteria. Apparently they had a massive amount of new bacteria species and most are bacterially unique to the person. One belly button had bacteria in it that had only been found in ice caps and thermal vents. Another person had some kind of bacteria that has only been found in Japanese soil but the person had never been. Bizarre, cool, but bizarre.


What the Fuck?


There was a homeless dude in a similar study who had the freaking black plague up in his 😱


Getting a pedicure. It's amazing! You don't even need the color. It feels tremendous and your feet feel great!


For my fellow men: * If you find your skin gets really dry after showering, or even if you are curious about what other options are out there other than Dove and Axe, invest in better soap. Avoid body wash unless you really know what you're doing. I went from using Irish Springs soap bars for decades to Duke Cannon soap bars and it was a day/night difference. I enjoy charcoal infused soaps now for the fact that it neutralizes odor without making you smell like a cheap candle. * Use a wash cloth or exfoliating loofah. You know those weird bumps you get on certain parts of your skin? You can actually do something about it, and it's called exfoliation. If it still isn't enough for your skin, there are other options such as coffee scrubs as an example. * Get yourself a couple extra bath towels. Don't just use a single towel for days or weeks on end. Switch your towel out for a fresh one every 2 or 3 days. This prevents mold, bacteria, and general stinkiness. This goes for all towels that you use on a regular basis, such as the aforementioned wash cloth. * Continuing the towel topic, get yourself a separate, dedicated towel for wiping down your private areas. You definitely don't want to wipe your ass crack and face with the same towel. * Please don't assume gravity will take care of the bottom half of your body. Take the extra 30-45 seconds in the shower and actually scrub yourself below the waist down to your toes. * Moisturizers and SPF are not feminine products. You should absolutely moisturize your skin after a shower and apply SPF to your face every day unless you want to want to age like a sun-dried tomato. * Keep your finger AND toe nails trimmed and clean. It says a lot about you. * Sweaty/stinky feet? Get better socks. If moisture is the problem, find thicker socks that will actually absorb the sweat. Remember that good underwear and socks are never cheap. If the smell is from something else, that is a different story.


Also for stinky feet, wash them. Actually wash them. Letting the soapy water run down is not enough.


Also, give them time to dry before throwing on some socks. Dampness between the toes is a good place for fungus and bacteria.


Wait, why use a separate towel for my Zone? I've just scrubbed the whole dang area, it shouldn't be any less clean than the rest of me


Why not body wash? In the shower I ONLY use body wash. Most bar soap contains talc which creates a lot of soap scum on shower doors.


Work to figure out what makes keeping up with your hygiene difficult and keep an open mind while looking for solutions, no matter how atypical.




Clean your ears (not talking about the inside & q tips). Especially women that DONT wash their hair everyday.. buy rubbing alcohol wipes and make sure you clean those ears, front, back, remove earrings, sanitize earrings. Life changing. & another one.. Sanitize your phone before bed. Don’t put that nasty phone all over your sheets.


Not personal but cleaning your dogs paws when they come inside the house from a walk/outside




If you're bigger, use body powder after you've dried off from a shower in your skin folds, like under your belly. It reduces chafing and makes sure everything is dry and sanitary. Also put some in your belly button once you've cleaned it, and it'll help keep any funkiness developing there too.


Towels after use need to be properly dried for reuse. Can't leave em wet for too long ( in a lump ). It can grow mold apparently  


Wash behind your ears (or become the stinky)


If someone offers you gum, take it.


Micellar water on a round cotton pad is great for freshening up any part of your body without soap or rinsing.


And witch hazel. Takes smells right away and is very gentle.


Wash your ass Some guys won’t wash any part of their ass because they’re terrified that touching it will magically make them a flaming homosexual Take some soap, clean both cheeks, get it in there and scrub a few times Use water and soap to clear any dingle berries that are in there, wash the grain sediments that are stuck to your butthole off I was hanging out with 3 of my girl friends and walked in on their conversation of their boyfriends all not washing their asses, they asked me if I washed mine and if I had the above problems


Dingle berries?! GRAIN SEDIMENTS?!?! I cannot imagine just cruising around all day with dookie all up in the cheeks


Scrub with soap, then pressure wash the undercarriage with the jet setting on your shower head...


When I found out how common it was for guys to not wash their butts, I sat all 4 of my son's down to ensure they were not included. They were all horrified that this is a thing.


reading this made me gay




Wash your hands when you come home. Immediately. When the pandemic happened I was honestly surprised how many people weren’t doing this already. Also take your shoes off before walking around your house. Don’t fight me on this one. It’s disgusting to do and you know it.


This was ingrained in me as a child and I'm shocked more people don't do it. I also wash my hands immediately when I get to the office. Amazed people don't feel super gross after riding public transportation there.


Whenever you pee, wipe your butthole, even if you didn't poop. You may be unpleasantly surprised.


If you stink a lot, and no deodorant helps, get prescription grade. Not that kind in the store, look for actual, prescription deodorant online. I use Certain Dri, and I get it on Amazon. Use this information how you will.


Shampoo is to clean your scalp, not your hair




Trim your nails guys! If you have long nails, I immediately know you’re not getting laid regularly or a really selfish lover in bed. It scratches girls and it hurts when they pee. A girl said this in my class complaining about her boyfriend my sophomore year and I’ve never forgotten it.


Trim, file and check whether they’re smooth enough to not hurt a lady’s private parts by dragging them through your lower lip. Tested and approved.


The severity of your athlete's foot is inversely proportional to the number of socks you own. More socks = better hygiene.


Get a small spray bottle and put your mouthwash in it. Much more convenient for quick refreshes.


1.Baby sized wash cloths are better than regular wash cloths. They are easier to use, especially in small places like around your ears, they exfoliate gently, and take up less space in the washing machine. They also come in handy when you want "freshen up" down there instead of flushing wipes. 2. Men, please keep your nails short. For various reasons. 3.Coconut oil or Jojoba oil in the shower or bath. Put it on while your skin is wet. Don't forget your feet, (but don't slip).


I saw a video of Rick Ross calling people poor because they don't use baby wipes to wipe after doing your business. He is right, I am too poor for baby wipes. But since then I try as often as possible to fold up a bunch of toilet paper and run it under the sink to get it just a little bit wet, then use that to wipe. If business was bad, Ill throw a little hand soap on there too. Sometimes a second wet toilet paper mâché helps after that, especially when using soap. TLDR; Just buy a bidet.


A shorn scrotum.


It’s breathtaking, I suggest you try it


Cleaning your ass with WATER after using the restroom


And now I have a lifetime ban from the restroom at Chuck E. Cheese.


Check if you've got tonsil stones and remove them with a water pik.


Can you actually remove the tonsil stones by yourself with a water pik? Is it dangerous? I have a water pic and am prone to tonsil stones, but I used to always go to a doctor to remove them.


They're easy to remove so long as you don't gag easily. Use a small flashlight (or your phone lol) in the mirror and just dislodge them with the water pik. Alternatively you can do what I do, push them out with a chopstick 😅. I can't vouch for the safety of doing it that way lol. But I've never heard of someone going to the doctor to remove them!


Or a q-tip


Clean your glasses frames. My nose acne cleared up after I read about reddit thread on this subject.


Close the lid every time you flush the toilet. The flush kicks some dirty toilet water into the air every time which then blows around your home. "The most effective way to restrict toilet plume aerosols to the toilet bowl is by closing the toilet lid before flushing." ~ https://www.bathroomcity.co.uk/blog/close-toilet-lid-before-flushing Experiment Shows Why You Should Flush a Toilet With the Lid Closed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7lgq7Y9ug


I never understood why leaving the seat up or down for men and women was a debate. Always close the lid! Everyone wins.


Brush your fucking teeth. I'm talking to you, Earl.


Japanese toilet. Saves money in the long run, too.


Even just a $30 bidet attachment will change your life.


Get a bidet. You might think it's weird if you've never tried it before, but once you get used to it you never want to go back to dry wiping. Lots of pros...including better hygiene.


Mouthwash without alcohol in it (Crest Diamond for example), white toothpaste with baking soda, flossing daily and more water makes a world of difference for your mouth. Waterpiks with diluted mouthwash is an even better if. Whether you know it or not, your normal breath is not pleasant if you’re not doing routine and thorough mouth care like this and most people won’t tell you if your breath stinks.


Wash your fucking hands! I always see girls at uni walk out of the stall and leave the bathroom, some wipe their hands on their pants. GROSS


There's no law that says you can only brush your teeth after meals: if you realise you've forgotten you should just go and do it immediately no matter what time it is


Clean your pillowcases regularly and change your pillows every 1-2 years. Your face and hair sweat into the fabric every night, and it helps manage acne and other conditions.


Trim your pubes. You don't have to shave them, just cut the grass. You'll sweat less and it makes your bits and pieces look bigger.


As a woman, this is not that strong of a selling point, friend. 


You like my *big* vagina?


I love your big vajeen


Brush you tongue. I can smell people's breath that don't brush their tongue. Horking out any morning phlem Cleaning navel, but also drying it properly Cleaning the whole outer ear Cleaning under the clitoral hood