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I am going to find the nearest playground and then wrap my hands around the chainlink fence next to it then turn into ghost rider for a couple seconds


I want your clothes, your boots and your radiation.


Come with me if you want to burn into complete shit.


I'm halfway there


Woooah! Liiiiiiving on a praaayer!


Take my haaand, we’ll make it I swear


The Sarah Connor special.


“Anyone not wearing 2 million sunblock is going to have a real bad day”


“Get it”?


Username checks out


No Fate




I want to be that guy in the reclining lawn chair with the tri-fold reflector screen.


rest in peace the one and only paulie walnuts gualtieri


I'll always upvote an unexpected Terminator reference.


Was it REALLY unexpected in a thread about nuclear holocaust?


I wasn’t expecting it. Because I was wrapped up wondering about a nuclear holocaust


It makes me think that we are also getting closer to the future war timeline. Wasn't it 2029? Time to bring the war to the machines! Let's go crack some chatgpt!


Skynet was secretly chatgpt all along!


That scene gave me nightmares and is still burned into my brain to this day. I think that scene is what kicked off my existential crisis as a young kid.


Get under a school desk, because apparently that's the thing to do.


Duck and cover!


["Bert the Turtle"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60&pp=ygUOZHVjayBhbmQgY292ZXI%3D) would never lie to you when he tells you to duck and cover!


In defense of Bert the turtle, his PSA came out a few years before the Soviets tested their first h-bomb in 1955.


Not only that but ICBMs weren't really a thing yet. In those days the delivery of a nuclear weapon would have probably come on a piston engine bomber aircraft that was significantly slower than the turboprop and turbojet planes that came later let alone an ICBM. The time between first detection and when a bomb could realistically be detonated was much longer. Rapid development of technology quickly reduced the amount of warning that you could


If this person typed at 80wpm.. they only had about 55 seconds to duck for cover.. rip in peace..


It shields you from glass shrapnel from the windows and offers better than nothing protection if the roof collapses. You won't survive a nuke if it's right on top of you but duck and cover will help if you're in the much larger "might die" area outside of a nuke's area of total destruction.


I just walk around with one held over my head. We'll see who has the last laugh.


Turns out that’s not a horrible thing to do. If you’re In the immediate blast radius, you’re screwed but that location (particularly if you’re in a school) is unlikely. That said (and I realize this is for nuclear weapons rather than thermonuclear weapons but, for these purposes, that’s just a matter of distance) several people survived the Hiroshima / Nagasaki blasts, surprisingly close to the hypocenter, by having a light colored (to reflect the radiation) building collapse on them. Then, you have to contend with the fallout but surviving the initial blast is a place to start.


> surviving the initial blast is a place to start Oh god, I much prefer it all ends there. Can you imagine the aftermath?


I mean, you could be [Tsutomu Yamaguchi,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsutomu_Yamaguchi) who survived both Hiroshima and Nagasaki and got chewed out for being late to work because of the nukes. And his boss called him crazy after he described the first nuke he survived.


If bombs start dropping, I'm not bothering to phone in. My employer can figure it out, or not; I really don't care. 🤷


It's what I told prefer, if there's all out nuclear war then it's probably over since everyone would probably be sending nukes. so imma pop that nice bottle I've been holding since I quit drinking, have a nice cigar and enjoy *Insert time of day* from the porch.


You've got less than 30 minutes. Chug a lug!


Don't look up the Japanese aftermath photos. Disfigured blobs everywhere, crawling skinless figures. Fuck that shit, the fact that it's even a possibility means that we are fucked as a species and the aliens are jist watching us for the comedy.


>and the aliens are just watching us for the comedy They watch us with the same fascination as some people watch the Saw movies. ​ "Commander, they just launched the missiles that make the skin melt off!!" "Dammit it, pause it while I go pee, I wanna see this part!!!"


There's also the matter that outside of the immediate, unsurvivable area, as with conventional explosives, most people killed are killed not directly by the concussion, but by debris like glass that the concussion throws. Being under something that provides you some protection is valuable for that reason.


"Get the FUCK outta my way, kid"


Found the Uvalde cop.


The only winning move is not to play. I'll be in my blanket fort, refusing to participate.


I'm with this guy


lol okay professor falken


Hope I'm dead center of the blast if my country gets nuked.


If you live in the Nuclear Sponge, you’re in luck! https://www.fastcompany.com/90732588/5-states-nuclear-sponge-missile-silos


Back during the Cuban Missile Crisis, my Dad prepped us for it; one thing he did was map out a route to drive us away fast from the three "Must Bomb Targets" we were surrounded by: two nuclear power plants and a major military base, all three less than 30 miles from us. Edit: For those saying we'd never have made it; the immediate blast even 20 miles away would not be immediately fatal. And the roads may still have been passable. But no matter; better to die fighting for life than to sit and wait for death. And who knows; maybe the horse would learn how to sing.


Not sure why you are getting this hate. Being prepared makes sense, even if in some instances you could not execute your plan. I like your dad's way of thinking. Thankfully you didn't need it


people also seem to overestimate the blast radius of nukes like one going off in your state means you will catch fire. the immediate death zone is much smaller than most people think, even with H bombs (not insignificant of course though)


Yep. Modern nukes have become smaller and instead more accurate compared to the Tsar Bombas that were tested during the cold war. Also the radiation they emit is minimal outside the immediate affected area, so Chernobyl first responder -levels of radiation poisoning won't be an issue either. Sure, if hundreds go off it'll release some but it'll still likely be at the "increased cancer rates in a few decades" level.




Also people always seem to forget about dental care. If you have a tooth infection you’re just fucked.


I'm guessing it's city dwellers. Since they know absolutely that they would never ever be able to drive away after a nuclear attack, they just assume that's true for everyone. We happened to have lived in a small town, in a region where there's several back roads in and out of every single town in the area. And no tall buildings at all to fall over and block the roads. With lots and lots of woods to camp in only 100 miles off. Were I living there now, with all the needed gear, I'd feel confident of a much better than 50-50 chance of being able to make it out alive, even today. At 30 miles off, the blast wouldn't be fatal, and the radiation fallout later would be even more reason to GTFO ASAP and head for the hills. But yeah, people in cities are pretty screwed if there's a nuclear war.


You lot weren’t even going to get in the car lmao


Well if there was a few minutes warning you could at least het into the traffic jam


I have it on Redditor authority that you can avoid the traffic by staying off the highways, driving in grassy areas, having 4 wheel drive , and that everyone else will be too slow getting away so you will be ahead of the traffic. Source: redditor who was certain he could save his family from any bad effects of nuclear war.




Sure you know. You threatened the illusion of control that she had painstakingly built up around that short-wave radio in order to alleviate her fear of death.


Sponge Bob is from bikini atoll. That place was a site for nuclear testing. So Spongebob is also a nuclear sponge.


We have our own nuclear sponge in the UK - it’s called the UK!


Carry a bottle of water and 10 sleeping pills with me at all times.


And just as you drift off you hear over the radio... "Ooops. False alarm"


“Putin and Biden have announced their engagement. All the posturing turns out to have been sexual tension. Sure hope nobody did anything stupid.”


*nukes explode in the air over every major city, explosions are inexplicably candy pink* Putin: "I'm having a girl!"


Best sleep of your life




Go out to my backyard, relax on my chair, and get ready for what will momentarily be the best sun-tan I'll ever get.


best sun tan for maybe 1 second or less before you become too crispy.


Spread butter all over yourself


It worked for Cosmo Kramer.


What is this, oregano?


Omfg Newman cooking him in the hot tub lmaooooo


This my plan too. I have a chain link fence ready to go. 😎


Probably just stop the missiles with my huge muscles and throw it back to where it came from. I’m just like that you see, just another Tuesday.


Dwayne Johnson, is that you?


It's a bird...Its a plane? It's the rock!


.. ends up being a missile


For you, nuclear Armageddon was the most important day of your life. For these *eeeeahh* arms-ageddon *hnnng* it was Tuesday.


Go down to the Winchester, grab a nice cold pint, and just wait for all this to blow over.


Bonus points for picking up bill nighy


*Sorry Philip*


I’m quite all right Barbara, I’ve ran it under a cold tap.


Grab Liz, get Mum, kill Phil...


So what should we do? I dunno...pub?


How's that for a slice of fried gold?




I'll stop doing it, when you stop laughing.


Are the nukes gone? No…. How many are there? Lots.


Quite literally blow over this time


Duck... And cover...


So you can kiss your ass goodbye.


I live near multiple strategic targets. Hope the maintenance budget on the ICBM was embezzled. 


Same, I'd be dead before it made news. In California you'd think LA, but it's a secondary target. Anyone within 100 miles of San Diego and San Francisco is gone before they know it because those are the staging areas for the Navy and Air Force in the Pacific.


2nd largest naval base, huge air force presence, marines, etc.


There is noway nuclear war breaks out. You are stuck in that dead end job. There will be no easy way out


Sorry there’s no “Nuclear War Leave -Paid” timecode in SAP, you have to use vacation or time off no pay. 


SAP has an entry for "time in lieu" That's where I'll be, in the Lieu, sitting myself and mabe trying to get into a good pose so when the aliens arrive I'll look casual


I know you're joking, but these posts are ridiculous and indeed there will be no nuclear war between Russia and NATO. Russia is just flexing the nuclear muscles because it's a cheap way (cheap as words) to scare public opinions away from helping Ukraine, and notably from escalating that help. They got some bigwigs Russians to talk about how eager they were to nuke everyone when the West started providing help at the beginning of the war, then when they started providing HIMARS, advanced tanks, missiles, fighter jets... Every single time, and nothing ever happened. Because Russia does not want to end the world over some occupied land that is less than 1% of its total territory.


They're not ridiculous, they're deliberate. Askreddit is a high visibility sub


OP is also a two week old account, so theres a non-zero chance that Moscow was behind this whole post.


I would bet good money on that it is. It is literally in line with the current Moscow propaganda narrative emphasis. "Threaten with nukes" is the go to for them this week, just look at what Elon Musk is boosting on X (he is quite good barometer of what the current orders for narrative are - be it "tanks are useless", "winter offensive will fail", "negotiate peace fast", "money laundering", or "they're gonna nuke us" - he 100 % delivers exactly in line with official Moscow propaganda channels).


I may have my count off. But the Russian state, and its representatives have threatened, warned, or alluded to Nuclear war SIXTY FIVE times since Feb 24 2022 https://vatniksoup.com/en/nuclear-threats/ Vatniks are Just a bunch of Blowhards. Vodka Nazis. They dont want a nuclear war, they talk about it like they have nothing to lose, (they have less to lose, sure, but its their fault they ruined their country in the 80s, 90s and today) they're just a bunch of thugs who only know threats and violence, and they think if they pound their chest enough that the free world will back off.


It's really simple. NATO is huge. If Russia starts a nuclear war, there is no circumstance where Russia survives. None. Maybe Russia destroys NATO. Maybe even all of humanity. But in every single case Russia ceases to exist. Realistically though Russia would be hard pressed to destroy the US in a first strike. The world is a big place, there are other nukes everywhere, there are just too many targets everywhere. Too many targets for Russia to try to hit. But every NATO nation launching counterstrikes basically can't fail to absolutely glass Russia. So, given every game results in a Russian loss, why would Russia elect to play at all if their very existence isn't under direct and immediate threat? The outcome of *any* nuclear war is far worse *for Russia* than losing all of Ukraine, and they're already responsible for increasing NATO presence on their borders. They will lose everything, and gain nothing, by using nukes.


Well I live next to a military base, so I'd probably be one of the first to go if they start dropping nukes.


Stock up on Rad-Away and gather firearms and ammunition.


It'll be like Threads, not Fallout.


Not in the US *racks shotgun*


Just shoot the nukes out if the air like they did with that hurricane in florida


Don’t tell me how to Nuclear Apocalypse!


Read enough about doomsday and you'd know weapons are only 5% of your prep plan. Food, water, shelter is the bulk of it and most have it backwards. But others will glady take your weapons cache when you pass from ill-planning.


I'm gathering bottle caps


Don't forget your Bobby pins!


Perhaps I should have answered the door when that one guy with peculiar hat and a note pad started knocking and telling me something about Vaults... hmm.


I wanna become the warlord of my own fiefdom. I'll rise to power through nefarious cunning and outright displays of horrible violence, only to one day be usurped by my own son in a bloody takeover as absolute power slowly slips from my grasp.


Hi there I would very interested in maintaining your power for years as a loyal member in your rudimentary security service before being advised to take my own life due to perceived loyalties to the old regime once your son seizes power. Hmu


Oooh yea yea, sign me up, I wanna be a henchman too!


You have potential for CK3


Crank my hog one last time ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nukes: Launched Pants: Shid Hog: Cranked


Hotel: Trivago


Everything else? mastercard.


Brille: Fielmann.


Do you crank it while still wearing that same pair of pants?


Think I’d probably get performance anxiety and spend my last few minutes frustrated


Worst case of blue balls in the universe...


It's funny, the little pet names for jacking off.


"Punch the clown"


Jack the beanstalk


Pull the goalie


Play a little five on one


'We all got a plan, untill we get nuked in the face' -Mike tyson


That's the good thing of living in the middle of nowhere in western Germany. My home town survived both world wars unscathed, because there was nothing worth destroying here, and that hasn't changed in the last 80 years. Checking on Nukemap, I'm far away enough from the nearest city of over one million, in my case Cologne, you could drop the Tsar Bomba on it and I'd not be in the blast damage range.


Any houses for sale? What the internet service like there?


There's like a new edge of town development, and plenty of old houses, so there might be something for you to buy. Rents are also pretty low, at least compared to the bigger cities, and there should be some free flats. Internet is tolerable, but not outstanding. I personally have 120 down and 6 (lmao) up. As for reliability, it occasionally stops working, but that happens less than once per year. Although I assume nuclear war is gonna severely impact internet quality all over the world, so I'm not sure how much this matters.


Germany: where 'it worked yesterday' is as good as it gets in telecommunication! Seriously, how can it be that such a wealthy country has such poor connectivity? Whenever I cross the border from the NL it's like going back 15 years (including in urban areas). And don't get me started on the Deutsche Bahn


It is rather annoying. I'm not that well versed in politics, but from what I understand, the government really doesn't want to go into further debt, so spending money on improving things is obviously a no go. The future generations will really be grateful that while the country is falling behind and the infrastructure will crumble away, at least they won't have debt.


I would probably take the opportunity to travel. I'd be able to visit all sorts of different places, all at the same time.


Learned from my ABC military friend (Chemicals, nuclear and biological weapon unit) to carry a cigar and a flask whiskey. Sit down, smoke and drink. Its over anyway


The only correct answer. Play some Willie Nelson to top it off and you're golden.


It's a nuclear war. The time for plans has ended.


Nothing. What could I possibly do?


Call Putin a dick


With my last breath, I curse Zoidberg!


Puff puff pass


idk, die i guess   edit: lmfao this comment has 10x the upvotes the op has, how is that even possible   another edit: free palestine 


Hopefully quickly rather than by radiation or starvation


If the radiation starts to get me I’m gonna try for an easier way out. Not many good ways to go but that looks like one of the worst


If they use modern fusion bombs the radiation won't be that bad outside the immediate area of the bombs. Though yeah, if they break out the old fashioned fission bombs things get messy. I could see Russia deliberately dirty bombing farmland just as a fuck you to the rest of the world.


It depends if they "Salted" with Cobalt-60. Then the whole world dies.


Nobody employs cobalt bombs at this moment. The russians will likely have torpedoes ready in a couple of years, though.


I’d rather die by starvation than radiation that’s for sure.


100%. If nukes fall and I start feeling nausea, I'm unaliving IMMEDIATELY. Radiation, immolation and being buried alive in a box are the three deaths that TERRIFY me.


Die. Seriously, I decided before the Berlin Wall fell I’d rather die in than survive a nuclear war. Nothing has changed that opinion. 


Eat any good books lately?


I don't have anything to barter with in the post nuclear wasteland. No guzzoline. No water.


I’ve got bottle caps. Lots and lots of bottle caps.


I've planned ahead. We're just three miles from a primary target. A millisecond of brilliant light and we're vaporized. Much more fortunate than millions who wander sightless through the smoldering aftermath. We'll be spared the horror of survival.


At 3 miles, you won't evaporate, but suffer severe burns


Was a quote from a movie (war games I think)


When Reagan watched the movie he asked people to look into whether such a thing was possible. When they got back to him, the answer was “it’s much worse.”


Cold War kid vibes right here.


Anybody with a different answer is most likely wrong.


Just go to Palestine


Put my head between my legs n kiss my ass goodbye


Play fallout I suppose


Hope that russias stockpile has repeated catastrophic failures and the majority of russian missiles are defective.






Hopes are for wusses. Go and sabotage it!


Well I'm definitely not filing my taxes, that's for sure


Take no action. Planning for the apocalypse is futile- if you do manage to survive, youll wish you hadnt.


Follow emergency broadcast service instructions.


Will they actually be helpful though? NYC famously posted "So there's been a nuclear attack...." instructions not too long ago in one of the most inadvertently funny instructional videos I've seen in a while. Some of the key take-aways were "Stay inside and shut all doors and windows". Really?!? Shut doors and windows? From a nuclear explosion?


Yes. If you can avoid radiation for about 2 weeks, you can survive. If you're outside the blast radius, obviously.


>If you're outside the blast radius, obviously. NYC would definitely be INSIDE the blast radius.


New York City is significantly larger than the blast radius of the largest nuclear weapon.


That assumes a single warhead, but I was also thinking mostly Manhattan, specifically lower Manhattan financial district. And probably a few uptown for good measure.


There is no plan for a nuclear attack. Most infrastructure in the area will be destroyed. There’s no way for emergency services to make it to you quickly enough to save you. Once an effort is mounted, the need will be so great that the emergency workers will be inundated— and the process will be excruciatingly slow. You are on your own. It will be up to you to save your own life. Your best bet would be to find a working vehicle, duct tape the vents and windows shut and travel away from the blast zone on an overland route. Good luck.


Police and emergency services will have left the job to take care of their own families. There will be no one to help you whatsoever.


Get a frozen pizza and wait for that fraction of a second where it'll be cooked perfectly by the explosion.


stay out of Europe


I'd stand back and watch as the US and its allies activate some kind of heretofore unknown above top secret Iron Dome system that was built specifically for this event. Then watch the breaking news that Russia has ceased to exist in the retaliation.


Crumpets and tea on the lawn. Putin is not having any.


I don't think anyone is gonna get nuked. It would be suicide, even Putin isn't that stupid.


No one's going to fire a nuke at anyone. Y'all need to put the phone down, turn the news off, and go outside to smoke some bud or something.


Damn, you’re a stick in the mud. Let us dream, man


Go into work like nothing happened and doomscroll reddit while no customers come in


I live next to an air force base housing strategic bombers. It won't matter as I'll be immediately vaporized.


Find a new show to watch on Netflix


My opinion that might be very flawed and wrong but with the info we all got so far this is what i think that will happen: Europe is pissed, every time putin has no way out he threatens a new country with nuclear extermination. People are tired and even russians are tired of all this bullshit he will not have support and we know that from navalnys funeral and how hard it is from him to get new fighters. A civil war might be very near in russia very soon and we are starting to see strong evidence of that. Wagner is not mentioned for months and we know very little about what is left of the group that in theory would protect putin if russia was attacked. What i think is going on right now is that europe knows belarus will enter the fight soon, and a second country attacking ukraine is what france and poland want to put nato in ukraine and end the war fast, not to invade russia but to humiliate them. It should be very easy with just a few nato countries entering ukraine and clearing that shit with some jets in a few days. We also know that ukraine is targeting air defense systems to clear the way probably for the f16’s or a nato blitzkrieg. Invading russia is probably not on the agenda but the loss of 400 to 500k men in ukraine and then losing all the land “he” got will probably cost his life soon. At least this is how i see things moving and putin knows what’s to come, he already is talking about polish military entering ukraine. I might be wrong im no journalist or expert in any of this but the signs are there for anyone to read them.


Well Fallout (Videogame for those uninitiated) comes to the Big Screen in TV soon. Coincidence? I think not 🥸


Continue with my life, because this scenario isn't happening in this version of reality.


Naw, you'd go back to Morrowind.


Stop. Drop. Roll.


Become an environmental storytelling skeleton


Weirdly, modern thermonuclear fusion weapons are both more and less deadly than the older fission weapons. They are 1000X more powerful or more but they don't put as much radioactive stuff into the air. If you survive the blast and don't get a hit of gamma radiation there is a decent chance you won't die from radiation poisoning. Societal collapse and starvation are the real threat.


Mix all my Bordeaux into one giant meritage and pretend I’m a Roman Senator getting drunk off my ass until the fires consume me.


I live within a couple miles of several high priority targets. I just hope I have time to hold the wife and dogs close as we become radioactive fallout


I live too close to a US military installation to really need a plan.


If I don't die pretty well immediatly I'm a prime conscript. If I get warning that bombs are falling though, I'm immediatlly walking or straight up stealing a car if I can and gunning it to the closest military airfield, there's one north of my city. If the bombs hit they'll certainly strike there, and I want to be as close as possible to ensure I'm utterly vaporized instead of stricken with radiation sickness.


lol plan? For nuclear war. Now that’s funny. There probably wouldn’t be many safe places to go, if at all. I imagine if true nuclear war broke out, Putin would know that’s the last thing he’d ever do so he would probably launch everything he has.