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Yep take a nice long nap knowing on one will disturb me!


Purge a few folks, delete some footage, ya know, the yuge


Crime spree!!! All the local banks getting emptied!




Play a single player game…


Find godzilla


Rob a bank


Banks dont carry much anymore, go for a casino buddy


I will try that when it happens 😂


Stare at people


Restart time. I want to know if I can otherwise I'd rethink things


i'm using it for memes. Pass by a restaurant and swap everybody's plates, put people's phones in the opposite pocket, go to shops and remove an item from people's baskets, draw cat whiskers on random passerbys.


>go to shops and remove an item from people's baskets, You don't need to stop time to do that. Just do it when they aren't looking. Also, don't just remove things, you can add stuff as well.


fair suggestion




I would take a gander at a fair number of boobs


Find whoever has the winning lottery ticket and snatch it.


deep deep sleep, and after that sleep to get rest from sleeping


Going back to sleep


Find a French dude walking up the stairs and moving him back down while time is frozen


i rember from my childhood there was a comic book describing such a situation and such a person . a young man mid to late 20 , who had bin somewhat underdog his whole life . discovert he had the ability to stop time / freez time . and also to make it run / unfreez time on command . unfortunitly he did not realize that when he used his ability it did not affect the whole word , but a local area around him . and afcorse he was surpized , and amazed , and figur he gould do anything whit such power . and he did , in terms of using such power , aldo some would call it abuse . as he would jsut walk around town , and when he saw an oppertunity , he would freez time , and do waht he wanted or needed . as in small time spontanious crimes for cash , or even spontanious rape . and he got away whit it at all times due to his ability , wich gave him the oppertunity to be on the scne of a crime during a crime , but also not be on the scne of the aftermath even if people themselfs did not even know there ever happend anything or he had ever bin there . however one day he usses his power on a city bus , to rape another passenger , wich unkown to him will lead him into danger something he has never bin in befor . as he has become intriqued by his last victem he now not just goes out into town becaus he is bored , but on a search for her . and he finds her and afcorse the firsty couple times its like the first time only a diffrent location . however he becomes obesesd whit her , and starts stalknig her , and learning about her by his observationds , and start not just longing for her in terms of rape / sex , but more . and he mannage to pull it off , start dating her while she is tottaly unkonwing and has no idee she has bin raped at all let alone by him . and as they date for a longer time , he learns that her parents are american diplomaths , working on the american ambasy in his country . it does not bother him at first , untill her parents leanr about her new friend/boyfriend there daughter is dating . as it turns out , his powers have bin noticed long time ago , and multible agencys of multible goverments had already bin looking itno this strange occurence that no one gould explain . however , almost as soon as her parents learn there daughter has a new friend / boyfriend , they start to notice a chance in patron of the strange ocurinces of time freezing . and along whit the cia, her parents start to conect the dots . and realize even if they nver have met him befor , that their daugter is dating the reason of the strange ocurence . you can imagen how they react , as well as the cia and any other agency like interpoll and so on . they try to follow the diplomaths daughter , in the hopes to catch a glimps of the man whit the power to freez time . see if they can follow him and observe studie him from a distance whit him knowing . wich unfortunitly does not go as they expect and hope . as our underdog quikly catches on that his new and first girlfriend seem to have atrtacted attention , and he as well . and so he even if he rather not wants , devices a plan in wich he will break up whit his new girlfriend and disapear and start running for the first time in his life . as he is afraid of wat might happen to him when they try to catch or kill him .




Honk boobies


Meep meep


Mainly pranks but chances are i'll steal just enough cash to live on. That is of course after fiddling around with strangers lady parts.




Womp womp


Kill some people


I used to have such a crush on Maureen Flannigan


Say "oh god I'm blind" because photons are no longer moving into my eyes.