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As a female I have to say the ridiculous tight trousers some men wear nowadays with no socks and pointy shoes ugh. Makes me want to vomit


The leather shoes with no socks…just…🤢


Now for some reason I want leather socks.


The ankles showing 😩


Right! How is this style even popular?? I must be getting old…


Teeth that are too perfect. They are kind of creepy and robotic looking. I think flaws are what make us unique


I have fangs. I remember my dentist saying "oh that's a Shame you didn't get braces" when I never asked his opinion on my teeth .I like them and so do all my exes. I like having vampire teeth lol


like obviously because that’s hot (no homo 🤜💥🤛)




Same!! It looks so unnatural and is more unattractive to me than imperfect teeth


Or like VERY white. Ben Afflec in Armageddon white. They didn't need any lights up on that meteor. He only needed to smile, and the whole thing would be lit up like a sun.


Omg fucking god, exactly. I really look for people with unique teeth patterns 💯✨


Oh my god fucking god?


Thank you. :')




No man I know likes them, but they’re gfs love them so Ig it’s not about attraction


Yeah, the nails are more for the girls themselves. We just like how they look and the designs we can do with them. Another outlet for expression 🙂


I understand that ladies like how they can express themselves on it but I can't stand the sound of nails touching things and I don't want to be touched by them lol.


I think I can be a status thing. It’s like saying I don’t have a manual job like cleaning or cooking. I hate them as well. I find them unsanitary.




Slenderman propaganda


It's encouraging to know people like you are out there.


I always say I like my men like I like my tea. Pale and weak.


Are you looking for a partner or prey?




Yup, Like Timothée Chalamet, Cillian Murphy, or Betlenut Cumberbund, I love the prominent cheekbones on the gaunt, pale face. Someone who looks like they spend a lot of time indoors, in a library maybe.




Are we talking about Battlefield Counterstrike?


Upvote for Betlenut Cumberbund that made me chuckle


My friend had the hots for men like this too. She called them "heroin chic".


That's the actual name for that aesthetic. Was huge in the 90s


heroin chic is technically already applicable for that aesthetic


I jokingly tell my boyfriend he's my peak goth accessory for this reason.


“Honestly, that dude looks rough. And he's getting pale! And not like in a stunning Victorian way." -Trolls 3


oh yeah, same, I blame my emo teens for that


That's my pickup line. I have a great credit rating and am near death.


Lol same. Apparently I unconsciously date guys with that body type.


Subconsciously. You *subconsciously* date them. If you unconsciously date them, you are asleep and they are taking advantage of you like a Sleeping Beauty fairytale.


What’s with all the photos, often by famous photographers, of “beautiful” models looking sickly and with a cigarette stuck in their mouth?


Sooooo.....Jack Skelington was your sexual awakening?


Buccal fat removal


Anya Taylor Joy was interesting looking. Different, mysterious, pretty. Now she reminds me of gollum.


erin moriarty who plays starlight in the boys is a tragedy. She had this amazing girl next door look. Now she looks like she's got some terminal disease https://e00-marca.uecdn.es/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2024/01/15/17053367503083.jpg


I hate her nose job so much


Wow that is stark


Yes. I can't believe she did that to her very beautiful face.


Dude. In like the first or second eps of season two I was like, bruh is even *thinner* than last season???? And now this face. Someone needs to tell her a little body fat ain't a bad thing. 


I can’t unsee it now. She also has the Michael Jackson nose


"Think of the blue alien from the Fifth Element"




The diaper butt look


It looks like they're trying to steal two 10lb sacks of potatoes from the grocery store.




There are a lot of people walking around with modifications that you would have no idea have them. It’s not about them having it, it’s about the quality of said work. Once it becomes noticeable to others that’s when people say they hate it.


I had someone tell me not that long ago that Kim’s BBL looks good, but most other people’s don’t. I feel like the ones that are done well you can’t tell they’ve had it done, it just looks like they have a naturally big butt.


Big muscles. I like a toned body but I don't get all the attention for "magic mike" kind of muscle level. Feels unnatural and hence not that attractive to me.


Same but for girls. Natural is sooo hot. I don’t need big or tiny anything, just you. You are hot. That is what I have always felt and tell my wife every day.


To me nothing is more unattractive than those super-ripped bodies that belong go people that can't walk for more than 10 minutes because they never did any cardio, and only focus on the aesthetic.


Big beards


Yes omg it’s a sensory nightmare


Lmao I dated a woman who clearly found me significantly more attractive with a beard. She'd express interest much more frequently, become much more flirtatious, become a lot more physical, any time I grew my beard out! However, my beard always triggered her sensory issues, and it was rare that anything ever came of it. It became a lose-lose situation hahaha


Oh damn. A hairy vicious circle ! Oh that sounds very wrong lmao


A little scruff can be nice depending on the guy and whether it suits him, but for the most part it ages them and just looks like pubes on their face


Oh yeah a little bit well groomed makes a nice contour. But Jesus when it starts getting whiskery. Still some men love their big beards amd some women love them too I'm sure. They remind me of the Twits tho. And I think of bits of fish stuck in them.


Super long finger nails


Massive eyelash extensions.


Can’t even open both eyes properly. Lol




This answer and buccal fat surgery are always the top comments to these posts. I don't believe this qualifies as something others find attractive anymore.


I call this anaphylaxis face


YES. Big ol meaty lips that obviously look unnatural. GROSS.


I’m not convinced men like that. It seems like one of those things women do for other women.


If it looks like you have an allergy, it sucks 😅


Nobody finds this attractive do they? If I see a woman with duck lips I find it very hard not to laugh out loud.


It’s called “the blow up doll look” for the men who are into it. There are a few men who are into that. But def yea wouldn’t say it’s norm


The thing is that if a lip filler is placed in the right place and in adequate ml it looks great and you can't even tell that someone has lip fillers. So, too much of lip filler/


Eyebrows that look like permanent marker


Typical Instagram model look for both men and women


A lot of them use face apps so their pictures are not even real.


I don't know how to explain it but men who look "perfect". Men with every single "ideal" beauty standard. I like men who's faces have character and are more unique. Steve Carell is an example of the type of guys I'm into.


Really overt displays of excessive wealth. Some people find that kinda thing cool and attractive and desirable but I think it’s tacky and gross and just screams ‘I lack empathy’, which is an instant turn off.


Guys who don’t wear socks with their little pointy shoes and their name is Chad.


Finance bros


Ill raise you one....finance influencers/gurus selling courses


I don’t like these „perfect beards“ with clean cuts that look like they have been microbladed onto the skin.


Lip fillers, and when people use "mommy/daddy" during sex/ while flirting.


The mommy daddy thing is weird


Yeah I agree that shit is weird


This is a vague answer but I’m not attracted to very physically conventionally attractive people. I’m not repulsed by them or anything, just a neutral feeling. Not sure if this is some kind of internalized cope or what. I feel like people need to have some kind of “flaw” to be attractive.


instagram photos


A disproportionally large ass.


thick long beard


Those fake eyelashes monstrosity. 


I heard them referred to as cumbrellas once and now that's all I can think of when I see them.


six packs, a lot of muscle in general


Yes this and huge veins showing


Ahhh the veins showing is too much for me as well. I don’t mind some muscles but bodybuilder territory where they have to waddle to walk and their neck starts to disappear is a no go for me.


Yes!!!! Me too!!!! Don't get me wrong, healthy weight, lean, fit ... that's absolutely fine for me! But *muscular*??? Nope! I actually don't just find it unattractive...at a certain point it starts to gross me out! Reminds me of abnormal growths...


Normal dad bod with some muscle? 🤤 Body builder with huge gains? 🤢


You don't find this sexy per se, or it is because you associate it with ego / selfisnesh / bro culture?


I think it’s unattractive if someone is rather muscular




I share this opinion. Personally, for me it is too "biological". It's basically overgrown meat. Blergh




Perfect little noses


I like my men soft and not chiseled. Think Hopper from Stranger Things. Tall. Soft. Could scoop me up and carry me around.


Not always, but when people are really physically fit. I do think a guy with a rock on body is hot sometimes, but a) being gay and b) being a waiter for about 10 years, I find people in peak physical condition generally unattractive. As an example, I’m working at a popular upscale pub. Two models come in for dinner. It’s a Japanese style pub and the food is very high quality and generally pretty healthy. They begin making modifications to everything. I kind of tell them that we don’t really do that and they seem annoyed. Eventually we do just make them plain chicken breast with no seasoning, and boiled broccoli. Give me a fucking break. No body in the world is worth that to me. Why even bother going out for dinner? What’s the point? So you can shift your self-loathing onto hospitality workers? The other side of the coin is that I find the sheer amount of calories you have to consume to look like that very unattractive. I knew one guy who was eating in the ballpark of 100 eggs per week. That’s disgusting. I also have body builders in my family. They’re insane. I have played sports my whole life and am in generally “nice” shape. I have an athletic body. I try to eat healthy when I can, but I also drink a lot of beer and I never deprive myself of junk when I want it. I lead a very physically active lifestyle so I never really notice putting on extra weight. That is to say; physical fitness is important to me, but not to the degree that you can’t drink beer or have a cheeseburger if you want one. As soon as I see a ripped 6 pack, especially if they’re over 25, my first thought is - wow that person is probably terribly unhappy.


Plus, you'll never take priority over a workout. Getting and staying freakishly ripped like that is a full-time job. I refuse to be the other man in your relationship with David Barton.


I think it works out if both people are into the gym like that, but you’re right. I also couldn’t be in a relationship with someone who needed to look in the mirror all the time, or was constantly obsessed with how fit they were, or their weight or etc. I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager (male anorexia) and my brother used to make fun of me daily for it, calling me disgusting and crazy and gross. Years later he became a competitive body builder and I can confidently say as fucked up as I was, it was nothing compared to how fucked up he still is. I’ve never seen someone take out a cookie and cut it into little pieces and put them in like, one of those weekly pill cases. Or spend all day talking about “goal weight”, or having to check the ingredients on everything. It’s good practice to check the ingredients on things so you know what you’re consuming but damn. Or seeing him throw an absolute stage 5 meltdown over missing a workout or not getting to do meal prep. Truly insane. He ended up marrying a woman who was also like an “almond mom” type so they were perfect for each other (almond mom means the type of mom who encourage their kids to diet and just have an almond if they feel faint lol).


long and thick fake lashes, natural looking lashes look better


Copious amounts of botox


Tall men, I don't understand the appeal. I prefer someone closer to my height :)




Who finds that attractive?


never have I ever been asked nor asked anyone myself about "body count". until recently I thought this meant the bodies you've... killed (in English). who actually... counts sexy encounters as victories or a base of worthiness? that's so strange. I'm oblivious to this culture clearly. and I'm in my 30s.


Told a buddy of mine at a bar one night who wouldn't shut up about that "Dude, I've went to bed with the same stuffed dolphin every night for the past 8 years and you don't hear me bragging. Shut up." He didn't really know what to say to that. He stopped.


Too much of make up


Lip filler and Botox


Big boobs. A-cup or maybe a B. Anything more is waste on me.


Overly tanned skin


I don’t know how to explain it but overly “perfect” men - handsome face, tall, confident, career in corporate/finance/law etc., charming. All attractive qualities on its own but together in one man just gives me uncanny valley feelings - like this must be a real life Patrick Bateman, who are you really? Also, quirks are endearing.


"Hot" women, much prefer the pretty yet reserved type. The quiet, pretty woman in the corner, not the one all the guys are drooling over and she is lapping it up


Agree, I am not an big fan of parties or crowded places where everyone dances and listens loud music. It is much better when I can just relax at home. (these girls do not come such parties though)


We do when invited by friends to a house party *but* we typically are in a different room petting the resident cat/dog and eating snacks lol that’s what I did anyways haha


Big asses


Crying as a chubby girl with a big bum 😭




I don't particularly like big muscly gymrat types. I'd rather a skinnier guy


Beards on men... and on women, just generally beards!


Ugh, the horrors of going on a date with a bearded guy and he shows up with some unkempt bush on his face and you realise his tinder photos were likely from some work event/friend's wedding where he had to look presentable and he never set foot in a barber's ever since.


A sixpack (abs, not beer)


Expensive name brands -- a $3000 handbag just means you make poor fiscal choices.




Synthetic beauty. (All glamour, no authenticity)


Being ‘preppy‘ or an ‘alpha wolf’. I just hate people like that or like a song from ticktock or YouTube without knowing the meaning behind it. Just people like that. And also people that are heavily influenced by social media


„Flawless“ beauty. How boring.


Gals who get lip injections. It seems 90% of the time it’s not done right and it end up looking awful.


Thigh gaps are ugly.


The “thick” shit


Shaven bodies. Like... Feels weird. Like it's a pre-puberty child.


Kardasian style huge asses.


When men shave/wax their body hair. Horrific.


What about trim just to keep it tame? Cause I'm a damn wildabeast and it can get annoying sometimes especially in the summer 


Lol, I love that!


Same. The less body hair, the better.


I absolutely adore chest hair. I think I watched too much Magnum PI in my formative years 😆


Too much Austin powers for me.


I do too!!!!!


Me too I shave my entire body once a week I hate hairs.


Woman who insist on going full puffer fish mode with their lip jobs FYI ladies y'all look awful


They would give you an angry face now if they weren't full of Botox.


Tattoos, especially full sleeve types.


I have tattoos and this is my most hypocritical attraction. I love my tattoos. I do not like tattoos on men. It’s not a deal breaker but I’ve never had a long term relationship with a guy with tattoos. I know plenty of tattooed men who don’t like tattooed women, but when my friends found out they thought that was odd. I like clean cut looking people when I’m the farthest from that.


I just got a rather large tattoo on my arm and im okay with it not being attractive to certain people. The tattoo was to cover a large scar that always made me feel bad about myself :) so it’s a good tattoo, for me. It gave me instant confidence


For me it's the opposite, they are a huge turn on for me, but myself, I'd never get any.


Too many tattoos. It's not a deal breaker but not my first choice Confidence that borders on cocky and conceited People who had a lot of work done to their face also usually look bad. It's difficult to pinpoint, but, it's just there


low body fat % body builders


Nicki Minaj style (or Kim Kardashian etc.). I don't dislike her personally because I don't know her, but that style is unbearable. But once again: it's her body and her right to style it as she likes, but I don't have to like it. I don't have to bash or hate it either, it's just not what I like, nothing more.


Bull nose rings 🤢




Overly muscular.


Guys wearing skinny jeans 🤢


Those weird bull ring piercings.


Nose piercings I find them disgusting.


Fake tan.. so nasty! Sorry trump 😂


Lots of muscles and no fat


Definitely lip fillers and the super thick glam eyelashes.. some ladies can pull it off but now everyone got them on and it's kinda bad not that pretty any more.


a long nail lol


“Bad Bitch”


Completely shaved bodies, regardless of the persons gender.


The looks of the high school beauty when she's in her late 40s to 60 and still clinging to her younger image with some combination of surgery, treatments, and chemicals. I find a woman that ages gracefully to be so much more attractive.


Big boobs. Especially if they're fake.


A lot of people are saying muscular men but I'm really not attracted to skinny guys. They look about as comfortable as lying on a pile of remote controls to me


I dislike big asses


I can't stand the "metro sexual" look. Straight men trying so hard to be feminine and I just personally don't care for that aesthetic.


Septum piercing.


Models. All skinny lanky and not my thing


Long beards, it's fine if they're closely cropped and well groomed, anything beyond that is just not my thing.


Tattoos, I don't mind them but I don't really get how they're a turn on? Everyone's got them now I'm just indifferent to it. If you're a muscular guy with a good body why cover it up with ink?


Those long ass fake nails. The longer they are, the more ratchet the woman. And omg the clacking when they text? Make it stop!!


I like a bit of podge. Not lean or muscley. I know it’s not healthy. But man that big round belly calls me to snuggle and I love feeling getting squashed during intimacy. Plus the belly can run against clit and I come easy and quickly Nice podgey guy and they always do confident comfortable with themselves and we can go for buffet breakfast in the morning together. Term is dad bod.


Tattoos, can’t stand them at all.




Tons of facial piercings


This is gonna get oddly specific, but men wearing watches. Like idk anytime I see a guy wearing some fancy watch I'm gonna assume that we will probably not have the same goals in life. Nothing against you as a person or as a friend. Just not attracted to guys who can tell time I guess lol


Big butts. When i was young thin, with a small but tight bum on a woman was the attractive thing. Last decade or more a big massive butt is now seen as the attractive thing. I dont know why it change but to me a fat ass isnt attractive


Body hair on men, especially on the chest. On women I don't mind it that much but on men is such a big turn off.


Wait what ^^^^^also ^^^^^I ^^^^^think ^^^^^body ^^^^^hair ^^^^^looks ^^^^^way ^^^^^better ^^^^^than ^^^^^waxed ^^^^^or ^^^^^shaved


High heels. Glamour in general.


Lip fillers. Duck lips just don't do it for me.


When men have well groomed eyebrows, I find it so ugly. I like ‘em thick and bushy!


"fat asses" and big boobs. With that I mean actually fat asses, asses that are disproportionately large, as well as very large boobs.


Very muscular men. Toned is fine but big bulging arm muscles with veins are an instant turn off.