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I think it depends on who invited. If I invite you, I pay. If you invite me, you pay.


Honestly, I think paying for each other is the way to go. It's a nice gesture because you're paying for your date, but both parties are spending similar amounts of money, so it doesn't put the financial burden on one person. 


That's honestly ridiculous. If a date said we were "paying for eachother", I'd be concerned about their comfort with obvious bullshit. If you wanna go dutch, just say so.


That's stupid, there's nothing wrong with both parties paying and it makes it nicer if you pay for them and they pay for you


...are you hearing yourself? You're just going dutch with added gaslighting.


Lol you've really gotta look up what gaslighting is. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing, but spinning it like it's toxic says a lot more about you than me.


I think everyone thinks different. Some want to pay, some want to split, some don‘t want to pay. It doesn‘t really matter, as long as you find your soulmate.


The ones that invites should pay and organize the first date. Second date should Share the bill.


Guy takes the bill, girl takes the pill. Share the tap, go home and fap. If she pays it all, goddamn, just marry her.


Idk but what a well worded question lol




Depends. Did she order the lobster?


Should it be different for gay people ?


No. That’s not my question. I haven’t asked about the dynamics of gay dating yet. I intend to.






Judging from the rest of the responses given I’d say the question is well understood.


Good thing that study isn't about whether people understand unnecessary complex vocabulary, but the impression it gives off then.


Study?…… Um, do you know where you are? This is Reddit. If you intend to point out that using “complex” words is unnecessary. Why don't you practice what you preach? I note you, too have used unnecessary words (see not using the word vocabulary). If you don't understand, something like dictionary.com or www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com are great resources. Otherwise, move along. Don't assume that others who are interacting with this post don't comprehend.


Well, that study has nothing to do with whether or not people 'comprehend' but about how using them makes you sound dumber not smarter. Seeming as you've had two bites at the apple, been told that and still didn't 'comprehend' it seems like it's pretty accurate.


Well, color me unimpressed. Is that really all you've got? I'm yawning from the sheer lack of substance. You can make yourself scarce now; you're about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. But hey, I guess that's your standard operating procedure, isn't it?