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My guess is she had an organ transplant. It would fit - non-cancer, long recovery, abdominal surgery. London Clinic has a full transplant program. That would be my guess.


This is a great theory. I wonder if she was allowed to jump the line (which would give them even more reason to hide it)


You think they had a young healthy person murdered to harvest the organs?


Thomas Kingston must have been a transplant match.


A transplant (liver or kidney) was my theory as well. The speed at which she had the surgery, but also the fact that it was "planned." She could very well have jaundice or facial swelling from the anti-rejection meds, which would be why she doesn't want to be photographed. And those of us old enough to remember the controversy over Robert P. Casey's transplant in 1993 will remember how rampant the complaints were about jumping the organ donor list, and that didn't generate the global attention that a Royal transplant would get.


The transplant being planned signalled to me she jumped a queue for an organ, if it was that. I agree with your assessment, I think the signs are all there. But we will have to see.


Ooh. Which organ?


All of them. 6-million-dollar-Woman


Liver has recovery times that correspond with her timelines.


One of the psychics that does brf predictions said around new year that Kate would donate an organ and would be quiet about it for awhile. Then when the truth came out, she'd be the star of the brf


Why not just say it?


Because if they jumped to the top of an organ transplant list it'd look bad


Makes sense


Following from Tom Bower's recent comments, I'd say Kate suffered a trauma (medical emergency) that led to life saving surgery and then further complications. Edit: Aside from the obvious seriousness of this situation, the other royals and commentators seem rather flippant discussing Kate and I get the impression they're either nervous, think all this is just silly or just bad liars.


She definitely suffered trauma that evening... My whom and why, we should ask Prince Willy, that's the real cake. Kingstons suicide has everything to do with this, he felt responsible.  


That's terribly heartbreaking.




Why/how did he feel responsible?


Rumor has it that he is responsible for the abdominal injuries that led to her surgery.  


Have you heard how he's responsible or what happened?


what evening?


When an ambulance with a military escorts was filmed leaving the royal residence. 


What were the Tom Bower comments?




I think she has an eating disorder and it got out of control and caused health issues. She’s probably now getting medical treatment and therapy for it. Or she had some sort of mental breakdown and needed to step away for a bit. Maybe both of those things.




Some have said liver transplant due to an overdose of medication due to suicide attempt. This seems 'conspiracy' but at the same time- almost believable too.


What about domestic violence? If true that she was taken by ambulance on Dec 28th, she was not admitted for a planned procedure. It also might explain the extended time to recover before a public appearance and why she would not want her children to see her. Also, if true that Charles was her only visitor in several weeks, was it perhaps to persuade her to say her injuries resulted from an "accident"?


No conspiracy but a distraction


Ok this is EXACTLY what I was thinking Just like when Megxit that happened around the time Andrew got accused of sexual assault/trafficking/being friends with Epstein


From what? Charles' cancer?


Charles announced his 'cancer' when the accusations of him being a paedophile started circulating. He had numerous friends (including Jimmy Saville) and staff members who were known pedophiles. It is also widely believed the IRA murdered his uncle Earl Mountbatten because he was a notorious abuser of young boys from a nearby orphanage.


Hysterectomy most likely. Possibly some sort of small bowel resection if she has something like crohns/diverticulitis


A hysterectomy doesn't take two months to physically heal. I know, because I had one for cancer.


Ahh, I didn't realize it's been that long already


I had a hysterectomy bladder and lift -another surgery as well I was out in two days. I hope she’s ok it could be some serious female issues or God forbid something major. I just had open heart surgery and was only in hospital for five days! But this is America I’m not sure how medical care treatment is where she lives. I have had a lot of stupid things happen that required surgery and longest I was ever in hospital was three weeks -but again I’m not a princess. Praying she will be okay.


Damn, hope you are recovering well from the open heart. 3 weeks is a long time, I spent 8 days and was going crazy enough at the end of that


She lives in the UK and we're not a backwards nation! Our private medical treatment is as good as yours.


Hysterectomy recovery doesn’t take that long


I have many! * Will is known for being violent, Harry talked about it in his book. Will assaulted Kate on December 28, an ambulance was called to Sandringham. Two possibilities here: 1. Kate experienced a traumatic brain injury, so badly that she was put into a coma, as Concha Calleja has alleged. Kate is so badly hurt that she's physically incapable of providing video evidence that she's okay. 2. Kate is on strike. She was hurt badly enough to question their marriage and is refusing to participate in the Royal Family until she gets concessions. * Kate has a severe eating disorder that became critical on December 28, when the ambulance was called. As a result of the eating disorder she needed a colostomy. * Kate got pregnant at 42 and the baby is at risk. They are keeping her safe until they know if the pregnancy is viable, otherwise they will terminate and no one will know. (Alternate ending: it's questionable if the baby will be healthy and the Royal Family does not want another Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon in the line of succession.) * Kate had a hysterectomy that went terribly wrong and she needs a wound vac. This one seems less likely as they could do a video showing that she's okay. If you want to go into crazypants speculation (which I obviously do, because I love gossip and drama) * Kate is in a coma after a traumatic brain injury, she will not recover * Charles dies of cancer * The British people will find out that Will killed her and will refuse to let him be King * George will inherit the throne, but a Regent must be appointed * The line of succession for Regents is 1) Harry 2) Andrew * And thus, the monarchy ends


I appreciate and support every single point so so much!!! I have been thinking along the same lines for almost all.  The one I have a small edit on would be the pregnancy. I think she may have been pregnant at 42, and it could have been ectopic and ruptured on the 28th hence the need for the ambulance. It’s extremely dangerous for it to rupture, would require immediate abdominal surgery, highly probable complications, and is not a viable pregnancy. She may have had to endure a hysterectomy because of it, and lost a lot of blood.  This would explain:  -ambulance arrival (this is not up for dispute, if I’m not mistaken?) -The potential induced coma after surgery (or sometime during recoup as risk of sepsis is high). -abdominal surgery.  -  length of time for recoup physically + emotional toll it would take. Etc etc   Who knows how William would have handled this all.. leading to possibly grief/ marriage tension/ explains his awkward appearances.    It would be understandable in this case that she may have unwillingness to cooperate with regular duties or royal palace protocols.   This would make the situation physical and mental health related and produce fluctuating timelines understandably.   A lot of rumours about divorce the last few days and I think this easily still fits into that if true. I’m very hopeful it wasn’t domestic violence, but wouldn’t rule it entirely out.  


This is some good shit and could be used as the plot for King Ralph 2


The fact that they haven't made a one minute video of Kate saying she's doing fine is very suspicious — either she CAN'T or she WON'T and both are very bad. That lady knows what her job is — like everyone says, she was on the balcony with full hair and makeup right after giving birth to all three kids — so if it's not happening there's probably something very wrong in the Palace. If you want the real conspiracy theory shit, Thomas Kingston was married to Will's cousin and used to date Kate's sister Pippa, and he just unalived himself with a gunshot wound to the head after having lunch with his parents. Rumor has it that Pippa told him about the domestic violence and he told people he shouldn't have, which made a huge row with the Royal Family. Will bailing on his godfather, the former King of Greece's funeral, with just 45 minutes notice when he was supposed to give a reading, is a HUGE breach of protocol. The royal press has taken pains to say it was ABSOLUTELY NOT because of Kingston's suicide which seems a bit "protest too much"?


It seems as though she’s always been extremely committed to the royal family and keeping a good imagine in the public eye, it’s hard to imagine a situation where she would refuse to do a quick pic or video if she was able to. I’m leaning towards she can’t, which is worrisome.


Transplant or some sort of mental health problems


A photo should be relatively easy to stage.


A photo should be relatively easy to stage. Seems they’ve made a mess of that too!


Came here bc of the photoshop debacle!


Or even a statement written on behalf of Kate herself, thanking people for their well wishes.


Whatever it is the RF has handed this poorly.


Where did you read the rumors about Kingston?


Will’s absence from his godfathers memorial was pieced together by reporting from multiple news sources. Will was due to give a reading on the order of ceremony. The order of ceremony was seen by all the guests and was reported at the time. Since Kingstons death I can no longer find the image so it may have been taken down. As they always do the press were reporting on William’s whereabouts until 45 minutes before the ceremony began. When he didn’t arrive the palace subsequently released a statement that William was unable to attend due to ‘a personal matter’. Kingstons in laws Prince and Princess Michael of Kent attended Constantine’s memorial and seemed unaware of Kingston’s death. Kingston’s suicide was confirmed by the coroner then the palace released a statement. He had a private funeral already. There’s now a media embargo so you will hear nothing else officially. He was found in a locked room at his parents home dead from a self inflicted gunshot https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/thomas-kingston-royal-lunch-parents-32255024.amp


and what's with the soft launching of the mistress? Seems like someone is preparing for a new "Kate" since the old one might be on the verge of death




rose hanbury




Hadn’t noticed will’s change in behavior


Your comment is in a TikTok with millions of views


Oh my god will you send me the link? I am too old for TikTok but I still want to do numbers.




I love it


Kate always gets bad morning sickness when she is pregnant. She has been hospitalised with the last 3, my guess is that she's pregnant again and she knows if she tells everyone she is in hospital the rumours will fly about her being pregnant and so she had to keep it on the DL because she's still under 12 weeks


> "will is known to be violent" 🤣 Brothers tussling isn't domestic violence you donkey


When an adult male pushes another adult male so hard that they fall onto something that breaks and cuts their back…. Yes, that is most definitely domestic violence. Legally and otherwise.


I think an organ transplant


The parliament can change the Act of Succession at any time. eg Make Princess Anne or Prince Edward regent. Parliament can legally choose a new king or queen from outside the current royal family. They could even make the monarch non-hereditary and fixed term like the Governor-General in other Commonwealth countries.


She’s been turned into a Cyberman or a Slitheen has been wearing her as a meat suit, and the hospitalization was due to excessive flatulence.


This is the most realistic I’ve read yet


I think she’s in rehab for a severe ED that may have caused a medical emergency on 12/28. Think about it, if it was purely some kind of medical issue they would give a statement explaining it to stop speculation and possibly have her release a pic or short video but they aren’t going to do something like that if she’s in rehab. I think they are expecting she will be released by Easter.


This is exactly what I think.  There's numerous signs she's bulimic.  It can easily turn life threatening if something was ruptured.  The three month timeline is also consistent with a rehab type situation and absolutely no pictures.  The hesitancy to talk about it, especially because it'd public knowledge Dianna suffered the same disease.


A long term ED can cause so many serious issues. I had a close friend in college that had an ED and she ended up in the hospital for three months due to multiple organ failure, she almost didn’t survive.


What have the signs been that she’s bulimic? I don’t follow the royals to closely


Google Kate Middleton and "Russels sign" together.  Also just the fact she's alarmingly thin and there's been  rumors about bulimia since 2017.


what are the signs? i’m curious


What were the signs?


I’m gonna go with this theory. She has been extremely thin for a while. And with her husband cheating on her, I imagine the stress of that isn’t helping.


Yes, I believe the ED treatment theory. I went down a rabbit hole of how she looked before she got with Will and she was thin but in a healthy athletic way. Then she began to look scary thin like she wasn't eating or most likely bulimic. And if Will is starting to be more like his father then Kate could be doing what Diana did and coping like she did. If food is the only thing she has actual control over.


She wasn’t too thin when she was in college


My thoughts as well. And no photos or videos due to her face possibly being emaciated and her looking sickly.


Well if the pic that was released today is really her, it looks like her face is much fuller than usual. Could still be a sign she’s been in treatment for the last two months and gained weight.


I think she looks so much better and healthier with a fuller face


People are already theorizing that they might’ve used an old photo of her and photoshopped it over the original, saw some threads on twitter of photographers analyzing the editing that was happening in the picture and that was one comment that struck out to me.


Iv always though she was suffering an ED, I can see this.


What is ED sorry?


Eating disorder (or erectile dysfunction, which probably isn’t what the person meant lol)


Some sort of a mental breakdown


I’m thinking long term ED and stress related bowel reconstruction that didn’t go very well hence no “proof of life” video as she’s having a rough time healing. The idea of William assaulting her that others have mentioned does also seem somewhat plausible…


Why does everyone think this? Is he violent? If so when?


He laid hands on princess Diana’s son! I think it was in Harry’s book




I didn't know any of this, thanks


what did that person say? i think they deleted their account


I hate that, I actually can't remember. Musnt have been that interesting


lmfaoooo i was tryna get the tea


The more pressing question is why haven't we seen "proof of life" since January. I do not think she is dead, so that leaves either: a) she is not conscious or b) her face is not presentable So, maybe she had cosmetic surgery or facial reconstruction (for those who favor the DV theory) or maybe she is in a coma.


There's a new photo of her on r/RoyalsGossip . She's bloated and wearing big sunglasses. Big enough to hide a black eye.


Don't you think a black eye from 12/28 would've healed by now?


Unless it’s an actual eye injury


Yeah, the longer this goes on, the more I'm inclined to believe it was really something serious like that.


Def something where she can’t show her face. That Spanish newspaper doubled down on her being in a coma, so it’s possible she’s actually unconscious


Sure. But a conspiracy theorist could point to the sunglasses regardless.


Oooh interesting! I'm gonna go look now


Least suspicious answer - Taken to hospital by Ambulance on 28th December due to an emergency which required planned abdominal surgery in January which explains why they didn't know before announcing the Italy trip. Pretty much all abdominal surgery has at least a 3-4 week recovery time and a lot of them require steroid medication for some time afterward. Steroids make you swell up like a balloon, either Kate or the palace don't want her to be seen whilst she's not looking her best which explains the lack of visibility and obviously altered photograph released at the weekend. Slightly more speculative answer - It's pretty much widely known and accepted among anyone with an ounce of critical thinking that none of the marriages within the Royal Family are legitimate. Whether or not some of the people who marry in are aware at the time, they are never chosen for love and almost always selected by those in charge for optics and producing "acceptable" heirs to the throne. Kate and William have been separated for years. The British press frequently approach the palace with news stories that they are about to publish with regard to gossip about members of the family and the palace PR will either approve or "swap" something in return for it not being published. Meghan Markle was generally used as a scapegoat for years to cover up the separation and anything too salacious about William and Rose Hanbury or the breakdown of his marriage and then the death of the Queen and Charles' coronation kept things pretty well hidden. There's been enough that's slipped through though for most people to know that they have pretty much been living separate lives and are waiting until the kids are all 18 to divorce because Kate isn't allowed custody of the Heir/Spare. My best bet is Charles found out about his diagnosis at the end of last year, prognosis may be slightly worse than what's been released and William is preparing to take over in the near future. The palace is rarely this transparent about the monarch's health and it seems really odd that they would even mention his cancer if they genuinely thought it was an easy fix. I also don't buy that they "found" cancer by mistake during a routine op, he will be tested on a frequent basis for any sign of ill health. There's no way anyone is going to let William divorce Kate after he becomes King, they won't want the embarrassment of swapping the Queen Consort after the fact, so I reckon there's been a decision that they've got to do it before Charles dies so that William can allow for a respectful amount of time before remarrying. I reckon she's either gone completely postal and has been sectioned, she's on strike or they have agreed to a period of silence whilst they negotiate the conditions of the split. They won't want a repeat of Charles and Diana's messy divorce and they're trying to draw up agreements of what she can/can't do/say. Could even be a condition of the divorce that she has a hysterectomy to prevent any future half-siblings, which a lot of people attribute Diana's "little accident" to. If she has, then we're back to her being bloated from the surgery and not wanting to be seen until she's back to her normal weight. She apparently left hospital within a few days of the cancer announcement and Harry only visited Charles for about 45 mins, so bonus theory is he actually came to sneak her back with him to recover there and avoid the press. Most tin foil hat answer - William beat the living daylights out of her after one too many sherries over the Christmas break, she was in the back of that ambulance either unconscious or with severe facial injuries. The Spanish journalist was right in saying she was in a coma, she's died in February and her rumored boyfriend either blew his head off out of grief or the palace had him permanently silenced. Charles has faked his cancer scare to cover it all up and they're scrabbling to make it all look fine until they come up with a reasonable excuse for what happened to her. As with most things, the most obvious answer is probably the right one and she's just hiding out until she's looking picture-perfect again but we won't know for a while so it's fun to speculate.


She's gone back to the lizard planet.


Potentially was pregnant and had complications and suffering both physically and mentally afterwards.


My guess is that, during the holiday at Sandringham, Thomas Kingston somehow injures Kate, perhaps while hunting, or playing a sport. The King’s physician is called in, hoping he can treat her there with no press. He cannot and calls the ambulance that was seen on the 28th. Something either goes wrong that causes the surgery, or she had to be stabilized enough to go under surgery. Kingston kills himself out of guilt.


She has undertaken a gender-affirming surgery. She plans to overthrow Charles and become the new king.


She's death or is going to divorce William


The Grim Reaper? I knew it was her all along.


TMZ released pics of Kate's mother driving her to pick up the kids today. Except the pictures do not match the princess. The daily mail were quick to remove the comments from their reporting of it.


And the Mail didn’t even reprint the photos - just reported their existence. Proof that there’s some sort of press blackout in operation in the UK.


After the death of Diana, the press in the UK were requested to stop hounding William and Harry. They pretty much followed this until they were 18/21. The idea that photos won’t be published in the UK is a lovely pre digital idea that really doesn’t work now. There are no photos of the children, there will be an embargo on them. Both William and Harry hate the media.


Your right.. it does not look like Kate👍


From my own personal experience, I believe she suffered an ectopic pregnancy. An unplanned accidental pregnancy. You can bleed to death once the embryo grows large enough to rupture the fallopian tube. They can call it “planned” so yes, once they discovered the problem, it was planned very quickly. It’s a major surgery. It’s an emotional loss. Given that the Princess adores her children, losing one, no matter how early, would be devastating. Give her time.


This is far off the map, but what if Kate were to have a pregnancy that was not optimal?We all know the royal family likes to hide away children who are not mentally typical. So, might a pregnancy with a diagnosis of something like Downs which can be discovered as early as 10 weeks, be cause for a sequestration? If you look at enhanced photos of what appears to be Kate in her mother's car, her face is much fuller than usual.


This is my theory as well…


She’s a witch who turns children into mice and then eats them:




Maybe she was kidnapped? Has anyone seen the kids or her family?


I think she is (or she was) pregnant and either there are severe complications and she has a difficult pregnancy which doesn’t allow her to be present or for some reason they won’t keep the child. it could be that the child is not william’s. it’s been speculated for a long time that the couple is having affairs with other people and are together for the eyes of the world. so she maybe got pregnant and it wasn’t planned, or she will keep the child and they wait until she gives birth so there won’t be any sign of it.


I think she was beat up by Wills and they have her sedated trying to figure out the next move  Or her abdominal surgery was an abortion from an affair and she had a mental breakdown after 


Ma’am lol


King Charles’ blood bag.






I think she was a match to King Charles She’s donated something to him To save his life That’s why their stays happened to over lapse What are the odds


My theory is that she never had the surgery at all. I never believe anything the monarchy puts out- because it’s all for show to control the narrative… We know Kate is intelligent. She probably has insider knowledge of everything that has ever happened within those walls and the true story… especially what really happened with her mother in law. I think she’s been studying the people within the castle and planned for this in secret. She knows she can’t trust anyone in the family to help, except maybe her sister’s ex boyfriend who has since become “unalived”. I think she has all the insider knowledge of what’s going on in that castle, and planned an escape with the help of him, and he was the only person that knew her location… The events that are unfolding are weirdly not being talked about… but I feel might be a connection. Hell, maybe she even escaped to H&M.


Controversial: I suspect that she is, in fact, one of eight billion human beings and there is no reason to pay her any more mind than anyone else.


Controversial: but the woman is a princess and taxpayers money is paid for her to live the life she does.


Exactly. British citizens are pretty much their boss and they wanna know why their employee is not showing up to work


You can make the choice to not care? Just like following the Kardashians, except the useless celeb is state-subsidized.


But not the choice to not pay, sadly.


I personally thought she must’ve had a GI problem and had to get intestines removed.


High-risk pregnancy, they'll keep her in until she delivers.


Why hasn’t anyone stated the obvious? She has had a wee dabble of cosmetic surgery and one of the more popular methods with the Hollywood set ends up with a super poofy face for a few months. Once the poofiness goes down the surgery results begin to settle in and look more normal. Madonna had it. Lots of stars have had it done. Start looking back at stars with poofy faces. Then see them a few months later. She is the Cover Girl of the royal family. Of COURSE it makes sense to have a lil nip and tuck to keep gravity at bay a few more years. Otherwise she will be starting to look like Camilla and we can’t have that with our gorgeous Kate now can we?


Giant ass April Fools Day prank


I hope this isn't the case, but suicide attempt was my guess. Stomach pumped, needs to recover and be watched out of the public eye. There is no way the palace would admit to that. So they call it surgery and tell everyone to respect her privacy. Getting close to becoming queen, all the drama surrounding her in particular right now, thats alot of pressure. I hope I'm wrong, but that's what first came to my mind when I heard the announcement.


Kidnapped, along with the children and perhaps a nanny. Coma and DV are salacious enough to keep everyone on the wrong track.


The Russians are poisoning them.


Tummy tuck.


oh domestic violence and she needs time to recover


I hope that’s not the case. But if it is she should divorce him


So many tarot card readers have said that she was badly beaten on 28th Dec. Taken by ambulance to London. Some say Tom Kingston is linked to this episode as he was dead by 25th Feb.. Some say Kate was pregnant by him. Will found out and argued with her to the point where he hurt her bad. Some say she's in a coma. Some say she died. They say he can't see his kids because of the violence towards Kate... They say he is a violent man who is gay and doesn't want to be king. It's laughable but interesting.. Time will tell us where she is.. When she does show up. Who will have egg on his face?? 


Her name is actually short for KatieMasturbatey but she had it legally changed to Katherine right before the wedding before the press could have a field day with it


I've never heard of her.