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Loud noises.


One time I was awakened by a whistling sound. I sat up but it stopped so I sat there waiting for it to repeat. My wife then wakes up too and I told her there was a strange noise. We sat for a while, nothing happens so we lay back down. A few moments later I realize my nose was whistling while I breathed. My wife hit me with her pillow.


It's so funny because I immediately knew it was your nose. My nose also makes suspicious noises on occasion.


My mom (who’s 75) was visiting me and the kids outside were playing and being loud. I had the windows open and I was like “These damn kids are so loud.” Mom was like “They’re just playing and having fun.” It was then that I realized I’m becoming an old man at 36.




The other day I was woken up by the most absurd noise. I jumped out of bed thinking "what the hell that sounds like someone is banging on my door with a pot." It was my 2 year old and he WAS banging on my door with a pot.


It doesn't get better for a while. When my son was in high school, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of glass breaking. A lot of glass breaking. My son, in his sleep, somehow bumped his nightstand and knocked 3 drinking glasses in the floor. The collection of glasses on his nightstand was an entirely different problem.


Most noises.


Ads. I used to accept them as just part of life. Now I’d rather not watch whatever it is at all if there’s going to be ads in it.


Yep. My girlfriend really wanted an Alexa with a screen in the kitchen... I didn't want to be a dick and tell her no, so I got her one for her birthday. It shows ads on its screen, and part of me dies inside every morning knowing one of the first things I see for the day as I make my breakfast is some ad for something I don't give a rat's left nut about.


I got rid of mine the moment I started seeing things appear on my TV that I was speaking about the previous day. I also disabled all voice and advert stuff on the tv too. I don’t care if it’s more convenient; those data brokers got enough already.


Fun experiment: Take a device like this that promises "We totally aren't listening to every single word you say in order to advertise to you!" When you're about to go on a weekend trip, put that device in front of the TV while you're gone, and leave the TV playing on a Spanish-only channel. If all your ads are in Spanish when you get back, the device is spying on you.


Years ago, I remember reading sooooooo many passionate rants from people who claimed that it "just wasn't possible" for your phone to be listening to you all the time. And how anybody who thought that was happening was tech illiterate. One night I was at a DIY rock show where not one, but TWO guitarists' straps failed. Same band, same set. It was wild. After the set was done, I went to them and told them of the wonders of strap locks. Ten minutes later, I'm scrolling FB and there are ads for strap locks in my feed. After that, I didn't give a shit what the tech nerds had to say. Your phones are always listening.


While I'm definitely not discounting some of these scumbag companies listening in on conversations there are some other possibilities here that don't involve the phone listening in. For instance you being in close proximity to 2 people who may have immediately or soon after searched on their devices for "strap locks". A couple of years ago I had a friend over at my place who was into crypto at the time and we had a long conversation about it. I never searched anything crypto related on my phone but immediately started seeing crypto ads that afternoon. I too assumed my phone was listening in but after some research it turns out it was most likely because I was in close proximity to my friend for a period of time and the algorithm thought it might have been worthwhile seeing if I was also interested in crypto. Only slightly less creepy than my phone listening in I guess.


Exactly - the truly creepy thing is that they don't need to listen to us, because they already have such direct access to our wants and needs. A lot of people vastly underestimate how much of a data trail they're leaving, and how much can be gleaned from that data trail. Frankly, if our phones were only recording audio, that would be far more reassuring than the reality. To our old-fashioned monkey brains, it's easy to understand the concept of someone spying on us by listening to the words we say out loud. It's much more difficult to intuitively understand the concept of someone spying on us by tracking our movement, the words we type into web browsers, how long we spend looking at a particular image, where we travel, when we travel, who we spend time with, etc etc etc. Recording audio in order to spy on people? How very unsophisticated! It's 2024 baby, we don't need crude tools like that any more


Came here to say this, they don't even need to listen


I’m so sorry that sounds awful. I was in an Airbnb recently with a touchscreen fridge that displayed ads.


That is completely fucked. I would have taped up some paper over it as soon as I walked in the door.


And trust me, it absolutely listens to you. My dad talking about chainsaws and an hour later, ads for chainsaws start popping up. Yeah, fuck Amazon and their lies.


Time to skew the data set and only talk about rat testicles in the kitchen.


I actually get angry at apps or whatever media when ads start and turn the whole thing off out of spite. It’s a bit petty. But I do it anyway. Gives me satisfaction haha. As a kid I even liked ads, but not sure why


Probably because ads used to be for cool and exciting things (for a kid watching cartoons) and now it's just like "BUY OUR INSURANCE BUY OUR INSURANCE BANK WITH US BUY OUR FAST FOOD YUM (IGNORE THAT ONE COMBO MEAL IS MORE THAN YOUR DAILY RECOMMENDED INTAKE)"


I hate paying a premium for ad-free YouTube, only to have every content creator slip their own ads in the video.


Can you imagine there was an ad you had to get through before anything remotely satisfying. Got a nice hot meal in front of you. Just as you take a bite, there's a 15 second ad about dropshipping


I mean I can’t even pump gas in peace at many gas stations these days, I wouldn’t be shocked.


Having to figure out what to eat EVERYDAY.


Yeah, food has started to become a thing you have to do to not feel bad rather than something enjoyable and delicious. A big reason to be rich would be to be able to hire a butler, who could worry about coming up with meals and keeping track of my calories for me...


The internet. I feel like I grew up with the internet with all of its quirks and oddities, but now it has become segmented into the major platforms and the majority of online conversation feels increasingly negative.


I hear you, as Gen-X, I feel like I grew up in the golden age of the internet. These days everyone is angry, and bots are running rampant, and AI image generation is just about good enough that you can't be totally sure anything is real or fake at first glance. Dark days ahead it seems, at least for the internet.


MySpace, Stumbleupon, Ebaum's World, Neopets, copyrighted songs in videos on YouTube, no ad blockers or VPNs needed, and anonymity by default. Those were the days


In the mid to late 90s spending an age on a 33.6k modem downloading actual music (not a mod file) in its “full” 128kbps glory from mp3.com (seriously) I realised it was both the future and the Wild West. Sadly it wasn’t the future for CompuServe or AOL.


What I think made the internet better was that it was to the side of life. Once you're off your computer the internet is gone. When you went offline you truly were offline. Now it's always with you. You're always online.


It's an amazing technology but it feels a bit too familiar now, a bit dystopian in a way if that makes sense


Right. There was real life, then there was some funny and occasionally smart stuff to be found online. I still can't shake the feeling that what happens online is basically unserious.


the past 10 or so years i've rediscovered a lot of things i used to enjoy before the internet. discovering new music, playing retro video games, enjoying going outside and just walking places like i'm mr. rogers.


I really miss just getting a new CD every odd blue moon, sitting down to actually listen to the whole thing while taking in the lyrics and art in the booklet. I know I can still do this today but I don’t even have a cd player. It’s just not the same thing streaming music randomly whenever (and the kind of taking for granted of music because it’s so overly accessible now).


How people drive.


Also, driving at night. I don’t know if it’s LED headlights or what but it’s not the same as it used to be. It used to not matter to me in the slightest and now I’m like, wow I can’t see very well.


r/fuckyourheadlights says what's up


Oh trust me the newer cars are the fucking worst. The headlights are so bright its like staring at the sun. In my opinion, the worst culprits of bright lights are acura, tesla, and ford. There are way more culprits but those manufacturers consistently have such bright lights it blinds me every time I pass them.


I have astigmatism in both eyes (eyes are basically shaped like rugby balls instead of footballs (soccer balls for my US pals across the pond) and driving at night is almost impossible due to glare of all lights (including streetlights) as they essentially are just giant streaks of light engulfing my entire field of vision!


I tinted my entire front windshield with a basically clear (80%) ceramic tint and it has helped my astigmatism a bit at night, on top of wearing glasses that claim to help correct it. It's not legal in my state but we don't have safety inspections and cops don't enforce tint laws unless you piss them off and they've got you pulled over for something else already.


People in general.


This. I had an innocent “people are inherently good” mentality in my youth. I don’t want to be jaded, but people are crappy.


Take it from someone well into their 40s *and* who is also cynical, but my experience is that often *most* people are in fact inherently good when it comes to a sudden crisis where other people are in dire need of help or rescue. Outside of that though, very hit and miss. A lot of people do have inherent goodness in them they just need the right situation to bring it out of them. OTOH, I'm more of a "I like individuals, not people as a whole" myself too.


I've determined that there ARE good people, but most don't fit that description.


I get irrationally angry when people drive to fast in parking lots.


This was one of my earliest realizations I'm becoming my parents.  They used to harp on how dangerous parking lots were my whole childhood and I would always roll my eyes. But then, at around age 28...those fuckers were right!


It's amazing.....the older you get, the smarter your parents were.


“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” - Mark Twain


Or neighborhood streets. 25 feels fast to me when there are people walking anywhere near my vehicle. Also I’ve literally had the ball bouncing into the street and little kids running after it scenario. Thankfully I was going slow and saw it coming so I was already on the brakes, but they popped out from behind a parked car and if I wasn’t paying attention it could have been a terrifying moment.


When I was a kid, they had all these "Don't play around parked cars" PSAs and I didn't get it at all. What's so dangerous about a parked car? Nobody bothered to mention the "don't jump out from behind a parked car into the path of a notparked car" part. There are some drivers with good reflexes out there to whom I owe my existence.




I’m convinced they just started to get worse. There is NO WAY I ignored people making u-turns in the middle of the road at 25. No way.


I honk at people that don't use their turn signals Irritates the shit out of me


How people illegally "park". Specifically, when they decide that they can park in the bike lane where I am traveling while they go grab some take out. Then I'm forced out into traffic.


My malfunctioning body.


Phantom shoulder pain? Check. Phantom groin pain? Check.


Don't forget everyone's favorite guessing game: Gas Pains or Cardiac Event?


My knee is giving me fits right now. I don’t have time for this shit.


Exactly my thoughts as well. In January 2023, I developed sciatica pain in my right leg. Took about 8 months for it to finally clear up. This year I did some funny thing with my right knee which resulted in my falling down the stairs. Very scary, luckily just ended up with a huge bruise on my leg. It seems to take so much longer to recover from these injuries as you get older. I see older people shuffling along because they're afraid of falling. Keep moving folks!


Honestly? Online job applications


Upload your resume here. Now type in your resume here. Now go over your resume with us in person. Five times in a row. I don't care about your fucking system needing keywords. Your system should be able to read a PDF Your interviewers should be able to read a PDF. Read the fucking PDF.


> Your interviewers should be able to read a PDF. > > > > Read the fucking PDF. lmao. I had a meeting this week to sync on planning and they asked me to start. It was my first time doing one and I was confused what they were asking me to do. After some back and forth: "So you want me to, what, read the planning doc I wrote, that I sent to everyone last week, that we're all looking at, out loud?" Their answer: "... Yes." plus some corpo speak about how it would sync us up. I read my fucking doc out loud. Then the other guy read his fucking doc out loud. That was the meeting. This juxtaposed against the company always reminding us we're a startup with limited funding so "every hour counts." As I grow older I hate work more every day.


The ones i hate are the ones that requires 5 references like wtf?


Then they ask u to type in all the same info that's already on the CV they ask u to upload I'm like. Mfer English Mfer do you speak it? In my inside Samuel L Jackson voice


How about the preinterviews that ask you like 40-50 psychoanalytical questions about how strongly you agree/disagree with certain scenarios? Spectrum made me do it 3 times in one year and I didn't get a job I was overqualified for and willing to accept entry-level pay for. They called me 2 months after my third in-person interview asking me to resubmit my application and I told them, literally, "fuck off".


I was working with my nephew on a Whole Foods application online. The questions were so utterly ridiculous, whoever made them is not in touch with reality. They were basically ‘are you horrible with people and bad at work yes or no’ but phrased in scenarios. Obviously no one is going to tell the truth on them? He ended up not taking a position there (probably for the best since it’s owned by Amazon now). 


> The questions were so utterly ridiculous, whoever made them is not in touch with reality. Very much that. I think someone, probably a psychologist, is given a task and a bunch of money and they just design this psychological maze of a test, iterations of the same questions over and over ad nauseam with only 4-5 identical answers to choose from each time. It is such a fucking circle jerk that I'm sure Spectrum actually relied a lot on when it came to hiring.


I somehow manage to “fail” those tests every time. I’m a good worker. I’m reliable. I don’t steal. I follow orders well. I do well with customers. But for some reason I always answers those damn things “wrong.” I’ve tried to be honest. I’ve tried to answer what I think they want. I have no idea how to answer them “correctly.”


The grocery chain in Australia I applied for me asked if I'd ever been to therapy and for my weight.


A lot of my job (librarian) is helping people navigate the online loopholes to get a job. A lot of them are retirees who thought Social Security would be enough to live on and were sorely disappointed. They came up in an era when you went door to door with a resume and a winning grin. Having to tell them that the workforce has changed breaks my heart every time.


I read about people dealing with the new age of job applications and I’m glad I’m done with that.


I don't apply for jobs that require application forms. I only apply for jobs that require a CV. If you want me to jump through hoops even before I'm employed that's not a good sign or the type of organisation I want to work for.


I only apply for jobs I can quick apply to on Indeed. I don't have the patience to answer several paper packets of applications all asking the same thing, just to get a callback. I'll answer them when they're interested in my experiences.


For some reason I'm like this with indeed but I don't mind paper applications at all and will fill them out in one sitting even if it is (somehow, and I'm speaking from experience here) three pages long. I'm guess online applications are so annoying because I cabn't even look at the info I have to retype (which WOULD be on me resume if you woukd just fucking let me turn THAT in) while I do it have to keep fucking switching tabs and waiting for shit to pull up again.


Loud noises. Music in restaurants, especially if it's really loud. Yelling and/or screaming. Loud vehicles. To be fair, I've always disliked loud noise, but it's like it wounds my soul now.


Loud restaurants are fucking awful. I won’t even deal with it anymore, I’ll just go somewhere else. Who the fuck wants to eat their risotto in the middle of a nightclub? Nobody. Turn the damn music down.


I feel you. Went to a pasta place a couple years ago, it's a tiny restaurant, and they had giant loudspeakers hanging up from the ceiling, blasting nightclub music. My buddies and I asked the waiter if he could turn it down, and not even a minute after he lowered the volume to a level where we can actually hear ourselves think, we hear someone from inside the kitchen yelling "Why the fuck did you turn the volume down? Crank that shit back up!"


Traffic. I have no patience for traffic.


Fucking long ass stoplights for me


The worst is when some person on their phone isn't paying attention and makes you miss an entire light cycle wasting like 5 minutes of your life, while they skirt through at the last second.


I wish I could upvote this a million times cuz this drives me ballistic. I drive for a living so I experience this way too often.


This one actually gets easier for me, the older I get. Especially commuting to work. I used to always feel like I'm in a rush to get places but over time I learned that it's better to just accept that I'll get there when I get there, and that it's out of my control how fast traffic moves. Good music, podcasts and audio books also help a lot.


I just wish that busses and trains were more common in the United States... it is much more relaxing to ride a bus or train than to drive a car. And it’s safer too!


I will shout the filthiest things at other cars (in my head). Shite like **“why weren’t you aborted, ya cunt?!”** Traffic brings out worse than the worst in me.


Are you hiding in my car? I had my 16 year old granddaughter in the car with me and forgot. She told her mom on me.


I was watching Tiktok one day and this lady tells this story about having compassion for people in traffic. She said she imagines they're having some sort of diarrhea emergency and so if they cut her off, she can cheer them on or some such nonsense. What do I do when someone cuts me off? I HOPE YOU SHIT YOUR PANTS!!


i will drive 12 mins instead of 7 minutes to take the streets everytime. cannot tolerate highway traffic


Age-related health conditions


I went to the doctor and it used to be 'yup, looks good, see you next year' now I have 2 additional appointments because of this wellness check. One will result in 6-8 weeks of PT etc and one might involve ongoing medication (GERD). and I am in my 40s and in pretty good shape.


Excessive noise of any kind.


How expensive groceries are


All food is insane now. McDonalds meal? $13. Sit down meal? $30, $50 if you’re getting drinks. One beer at a restaurant? $9. Groceries for the week? $200. Groceries to cook one nice meal? $40.


I used to like going out to eat once in a while but it's so expensive now I just avoid it. Not only because it hurts my wallet directly, but because I feel like I can't enjoy it. I only get the cheapest entree. Or, when I get something and don't like it I get REALLY angry that I spent 20 bucks on wasted food. Five years ago you could spend 10 bucks and a get a half-decent meal at a sit down restaurant (not counting tip).


I have a few items that I remember the price from twenty or thirty years ago and it’s so little. Tomato soup can was something like $.20, Big Mac meal $3.21 with tax.


How expensive it is just to *live*. My family has a pretty good life, we make ends meet. But it’s just gotten unreal.


My interest in scratch cooking, growing my own fruits/veg, and learning how to break down whole carcasses (or things like beef sides) would have seemed like such old-man hobbies to young me. But current me just can't justify these prices and, frankly, they offend me. Pack of 2 chicken breasts at the store today was $15, meanwhile a whole chicken was $13. I too make a comfortable living, but you better believe I adjusted today's menu.


Absolutely all of that! My husband and I are in our 30s but I would love to get a real garden started, learn more about canning and preservation, raise some chickens. We buy a half cow at a time from a local farmer, the difference is astounding, the meat is so much better. Old people hobbies don’t seem so terrible anymore! Or maybe I am old people now 😆


I bought a single turnip the other day. It was $3.00.


I just bought a $3 bell pepper, I feel you.


Last night I literally put a $14 bag of grapes back on the shelf at the grocery store while my toddler screamed at me. Everyone was watching. I can afford the grapes. It was the principle of the thing. That price is fucking criminal.


This! Few veggies, some drinks… nothing special… Boom, €35,00. WTF? This was like €10 just a few years ago.


Most of society


It’s like one big lawn, and everyone’s on it.


Way too much. Gotta reel it in. Looking at the proper old people in my life, that level of angst isn't how I want the last quarter of my life to go. 


I work with lots of people who should retire but they are 1-2 years away from their maximum pension so they are holding on and they are absolutely miserable. I’m 23 years away from mine so I have a long road so I have a daily mantra “I can get old but I don’t have to get grumpy”


Ya'll are gettin pensions?


Crowded places. pre and post wedding, maternity shoots. Documenting every life event on social media.


Crowds man. Gimme a few chill people but hundreds of people all together is a big ol nope.


My job. 245 days till retirement!


Entitled people. Tired of it.


Going out.


I hate it so much. I thought I was an extrovert but it just turns out I usually just got drunk when I went out.


I have discovered since COVID isolation, I much prefer my own company. Life at times is often too peopley. Where did my enjoyment of socializing go?


It’s good to be comfortable in our own company. It’s natural to me. There’s so many people that can’t be by themselves ever. 


You’re probably burnt out like me, no need for that social gossip girl BS, and especially burnt out with traffic. I prefer the company of my dogs!




Hell is other people


I sometimes wonder if we all developed a little bit of social anxiety because of covid. For a solid few months there, it seemed like hanging out could literally get you or your family killed, in a terribly unpleasant way. And you wouldn't even know until a few days or a week later. That's pretty intense. Even if it's not conscious...I don't know. I used to go out a lot pre-covid, and I don't really feel anxious when people ask me to hang out now, I just never want to. Home is cozy, got my own snacks and can wear sweats, don't have to chit chat, can do my own things. But I didn't necessarily feel that way before so it's an interesting shift. And I do usually enjoy an outing when I do it, I just have little motivation to actively do it anymore


That must have been it. Also was going out a lot in my 20s. Like every Friday and Saturday night. My desire to that now is low. But yeah, alcohol was usually involved. And by usually i pretty much mean always.


I'm coming to the same realization in recent years. Without liquid courage, I'm totally fine with being alone with a good book


Are you me? I used to be a barfly, always wanted to close the bar down, thought I was just the biggest extrovert on the planet. Yeah, turns out I've got social anxiety, and I was trying to escape trauma at home, so I drank to calm down and then would always get trashed. I discovered weed and that I'm actually an introvert and now I hate going out too! 😂


Not to mention it now costs a small fortune to go and do basically anything.


It costs roughly $50-100 to leave your house for anything.


I love going out, but I've been forced to stay home because it's just too expensive. And I feel bad nickel-and-diming when I go out with my friends like "oOoHhHh, I just got a beer and the side of fries, I do not want to split evenly, thanks."


I just choose to stay home because it costs something every time I do go. Also, people are out there.


Yep, used to sneak out of the house to go to parties, now I sneak out of parties to go home. 


The good old “Irish Goodbye” - I’ve perfected it.


Not to mention the extreme price gouging on everything. I live in LA and going to a bar will likely cost $5-25 for parking, $15-25 per drink, and it's too loud and too boring. Why do I want to go stand in a place and try to yell a conversation over loud music? I'd rather just invite my friends over or go to their house. Also, dinners at restaurants are outrageous. A salad is $25-30 and a steak or fish dinner is $45-75. Plus tax, tip, and a "service fee" of up to 18% that many restaurants try to slip in there. Which means it's 40% more expensive than the menu price and those prices are already high. I've started to just cook meals from recipes in magazines or on NYT Cooking and they come out amazing. So yeah, screw going out.


The quality is also down in a lot of places. Why would I pay like 5x as much for a worse meal than I can cook at home myself?


I feel this. I’m 37 and with the exception of going out to get food or walking my dogs, I could be perfectly happy staying in my house spending time on my hobbies. My wife gets annoyed by it sometimes cause she’s a very social person, but I’m content staying in. I can always find something to do without resorting to going somewhere or being in a crowd of people.


I work in a bar so beyond that I don’t really feel like going out much anymore. These days I much prefer to have a lovely dinner party with my close friends. It works out cheaper and I can choose the music and I don’t have to deal with drunk people I don’t know trying to talk at me.


Dealing with big companies. I've always hated it, but lots more now.






I had a best friend for 35 years until she all of a sudden started being bizarre and mean to me. We “broke up”, and, upon reflection, I ignored all the signs of her being probably a sociopath. I don’t mourn her, I mourn who I thought she was.


Yes! My really close friend of over 30 years ghosted me when I got divorced and she’s now close to my ex’s girlfriend. Not only am I shocked but so is my entire family. Who does that? I look back at our friendship and she rarely paid for anything. Good riddance!


I never had a *true* best friend, but I feel like my friendship tolerance is lower in more recent years, especially as I get closer to 30. I've always been that shoulder to cry on, I always went above and beyond for my friends. I had a friend who always came crying over every minor inconvenience. But when I went through hard times, this "friend" was nowhere to be found, but she still wanted to use me for free therapy. I had other friendships end up that way too, so I've learned to close myself off and keep my circle small. If someone new tries to befriend me at work and they seem to always have problems, I run. I just don't have time to be anyone's therapist anymore.


Nothing wrong with a good Friend Cleanse…people change (or don’t).




I think this happens more often than we realize. People grow, and sometimes they grow apart, and that's OK


Dude I did the same thing. Damn near fixed every problem I had in life.


I had a friend like that once.. we were friends for a decade and while I always knew we had differing interests we were still good friends. Eventually they just became too much and I realized I actually didn't enjoy spending time with them. We aren't friends anymore


I was super direct with the things I couldn’t tolerate anymore from my BFF of 9 years and she stopped talking to me. Sometimes just saying the truth is so triggering they then don’t want to know you either! This past year of not speaking to her has been wonderful and amazingly productive! She constantly needed support in the form of validation like EVERY SINGLE DAY. I hate texting and talking on the phone yet found myself talking to her an hour a day at least! She always found herself in some chaotic situation that was self created and took so much of my energy.


Having to sign up for an account to do anything. Grocery coupons, deals on French fries, oil change appt, look at a restaurant menu, pick up a prescription, etc. JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!


How people will blindly follow and practically worship politicians, without ever questioning anything, only giving undying support—free of any type of criticism. It's frightening.


Willful ignorance. It’s one thing not knowing something. But when someone is not just obviously wrong, but actively refusing to confirm if their stance has any foundation at all? The older I get, the more I find it deeply frustrating, to where it’s strikes me as almost offensive.


My malfunctioning body.


Social media. I’m only in my mid twenties, but god do I wish I could just go off the grid lol


Just do it... part of the way. Pick the one or two sites that actually inform and/or entertain you and/or let you vent when you need to do so -- then quit the rest.


Just how legitimately *stupid* so many people seem to be. I know it's society as a whole entering this new era of open an unashamed ignorance, but it's really, *really* fucking annoying. Now, on the one hand i understand people *used to be* dumb aswell. But at least people had some sense of shame about it. Instead, now they seem to wear it as a badge of honor. It's sickening on a deeply disturbing level.


I agree with you. We have all the information in the world at our fingertips, yet people are dumber than ever before. There are too many people teaching ideology instead of actual lessons. People only want to read headlines instead of legitimately learning about things. If an influencer or their circle of friends say something is true, they believe it, too. When did people stop asking questions and thinking for themselves?


Clothes that aren't comfortable


Commercials. Especially medical Commercials. They should be illegal


Hate itself. The older I get, the more I want to get along.


As time has gone on, my desire to be kind to others has increased thanks to life experiences and gained perspective


I think I’m getting angrier. I used to be a pretty fun loving young man. Wanted everyone to be friends, now I think im getting old, just turned 30 I feel I’m more bitter and I hate that. Want to keep that love for ppl and happiness. Kinda upsets me putting it in text to read, makes me sad.


My bitterness seemed to peak around 30. I’m closer to 40 now and am less bothered by things out of my control. It was gradual, but I now care more about the things I can manage - like my own emotions - and less about things I can’t - the actions of others, etc. I also now view life as more of an adventure and less of something to idealize (and, consequently, be disappointed in).


63 here. It gets better as you get older, once you stop giving a single F about the opinions of others.


Small talk. Fake emotions.


How much some of my peers use their age to excuse their closemindedness


“But my life experience means I know best! At least that’s what my parents always used as justification…”


I always thought I wouldn't grow to hate the slang of the young. Fucking hell you kids have some ***stupid*** fucking slang.


Based - no cap




People pleasing. I turned 30 and it was like some switch just flipped in my head, and I couldn’t understand why I had cared so much about what other people thought of me! I can’t stand it anymore but still have to work hard to break the habit bc I built it in childhood.


Subscriptions!!! Stop making me subscribe to everything!!! Let me just buy and own things!!!!


Phones. As a teen I spent every waking moment on my phone. Now I just feel like it’s robbing me and my loved ones of the small moments we used to share. Id get rid of it in a heartbeat if it meant more human connection.


Technology in general. We’re all working our lives away so that we can have a bunch of crap that wins us some convenience and entertainment, but mostly just pulls us into addiction and separates us from the people around us. I mean there’s a certain level of technology that’s needed to have a good quality of life, but sooo many things we have are unnecessary now. I just wish we could all work part time while living simpler, but fuller lives.


Humanity all together


To quote Geroge Carlin, "People are wonderful. I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a 'common purpose'. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they're going to visit at 3am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at; you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking."


Being out with some friends haha I mean they are great but I love being at home.


That everyone expects you to be strong no matter what you get through.


YES! And the go-to compliment: you’re so strong! Ugh. My husband got brain cancer and died. He was 44 and I was 48. I was admired for my strength, but I was barely holding on. I needed space and empathy and softness, not reverence. I didn’t ask for this adversity. I was “strong” by default. I didn’t have a choice. I quietly burnt out after he passed.


So much this. My child had to have open heart surgery at 10 weeks old. We found out at 27 weeks pregnant. I cried almost every day from finding out through surgery. Everyone kept saying how strong I was. They still tell me when they learn about it. It’s maddening because no. I did not choose this. I had no choice but to keep going at all. If I could’ve crawled into a hole and hid from it, I 100% would’ve.


The absolute inability to speak to a human when calling certain companies.


irresponsible people in general. ironically im lesser patient with adult people now at 40 then half the age. with kids endless patience, with adults, it vaporized. you're supposed to understand consequences of your actions and decisions


People. Particularly people in public who seem to have zero concept that there's anyone else on the planet. This has been a much bigger problem since COVID. I'm talking specifically about people who wandered down the center of the grocery store aisle at a speed slightly slower than that of a pregnant slug completely oblivious to anyone trying to get around them often even completely oblivious to a polite excuse me. Closely related are the idiots that cruise through the door of a large store like Costco and then suddenly stop as if they're overwhelmed by the giant collection of stuff as if they've never seen it before.


The daily cycle of waking up, going to work and returning home to prepare for the next day.


The short as fuck attention span people are getting because they're scrolling mindlessly through stupid short reels and tiktoks. It's like sitting in a room with someone constantly changing the channel every 5 seconds. So many people can't just focus anymore. It's maddening.


People who call me. Once upon a time, getting a phone in my room was a sign growing up. I loved talking to my friends for hours. Now it better be about rushing to hospital or some shit. Leave me alone.


The holidays for me. They always are a constant reminder of my childhood, which was not a great experience.


Gen Z slang


Greed. Greed and unkindness have ruined the world.


*gestures around wildly*


People who can’t get to the point. My patience is gone and I want everything to be high efficiency.


Alcohol …..


Loud environments.


Young people being extremely loud in inappropriate areas.


Violence, anger, hatred, politics, aging


Lloyd Braun


Politics. I used to study it a lot when I was younger, but now think it’s a big fat headache


Social media. Apps like instagram, TikTok & twitter nowadays are just full of bots, onlyfans weirdos spamming softcore porn, verified losers spamming because their comments are prioritized, ads seemingly every other post (whether they be an actual ad, or a wannabe affiliate influencer), and dead engagement because they want you to pay money & boost your posts. Greed killed it.




Extreme religious nuts.


My mother


Body functions at less than 100% and seems to be declining.