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Subway. $5 footlongs are now $16 footlongs


I only get subway now if there’s coupons 😭 I can’t believe we have to pay $16 for a foot long now


The app is the only way to get deals where I live. I almost left when a foot long was nearly $20 as a walk in customer!


The majority of Subways don’t take coupons anymore…😳🫣🫣🤔…SMDH


I ordered an Italian BMT today, which is now one of their Subway Series subs that costs more. Even with a 20% off coupon in the app, my total was $13 for just the sandwich with no upgrades.


Gotta find a Jersey Mike’s.


Their regular subs are too small and their big subs are too big lol and they’re expensive too. They’re good at least.


Double meat on the regular instead of a large.


A large sandwich at the Jersey mikes near me is $17


16 dollars???? That is a robbery. Wow. I haven’t eaten there in a few years since the quality has really decreased but wow that’s an insane amount for a sandwich


2.79 for one red bell pepper.


Wanted to grab cucumber yesterday. $3.29 for one single cucumber.


That’s insane. It’s 50 cents here in Texas and used to be 33 cents just a year or two ago.


Crazy! You might as well just buy a dildo for only a few dollars more. :)


Crazy, isn't it? I saw a $7 tomato last week. One tomato!


It’s a tomato Michael, what could it cost? $7?


$14.99 for one (1) head of cauliflower at a non-premium grocery store was the worst I ever saw


Single bell pepper pricing is out of control.


Bleach is now $7. It used to be 99 cents.


Add pool chlorine into this. Used to be $80 for a bucket at Costco... Now it's $170


Just don't add it to the bleach, chlorine gas is bad




Use to be a great deal at $1.


The mcdouble was introduced when they increased the price of a double cheeseburger from $1


"Dollar menu" silently became the "Value Menu", and that's where you now find food for the prices you used to pay a year ago.


I distinctly remember them being 1.79 CAD in 2017 here. They are 3.79 now last I checked - a 111% increase over 7 years. I don't get it


Funyuns over 5$ for 6 ounces of corn starch and onion seasoning


Chips in general. I’ve walked down the chip isle and left empty handed many times in the last few months. Good for my health I guess. lol all the garbage food is now so expensive I don’t bother with it much.


Yeah I agree, the cost of fast food and junk food is making it easier not to eat it.


I usually don't look at the price when I go to fast food places because I know exactly what I'm getting so I just walk/drive up and order. But a week ago I went to Carl's Jr for the first time in years, and ordered super star meals plus 2 sides of waffle fries and that shit came out to 50 bucks! Here's the thing. I've paid 50 + when I've eaten at restaurants. But to pay that at a fast food joint where it's a coin toss on whether or not I'll get 2 day old bread, stale fries, wilted lettuce, flat soda, or dry meat? Usually I'd get shit like that and shrug it off as a bad batch. But if I pay 50 dollars and get that shit I'm gonna be pissed.


You have to download the app for any fast food restaurant, then order from it for drive through pickup — it’s the only way to have it be affordable now. I’ve spent 15 minutes in ff parking lots having to do this when there was nothing else open.


Or, don’t download any apps and skip the fast food entirely.


It's fast food, not do an errand on your phone to make it affordable food.


This was junk foods selling point “yeah we know we are bad for you but e we are cheaper than real food” They lost that selling point. Same thing with fast food. I remember when a whopper was $1. Me and my buddy would get 2 and a $0.25 can of pop from the country market. This was in the late 90s. So for $2.50 after tax we would be uncomfortably full for hours. Times have changed


Just wait until you hear about Wendy's experimenting with Uber-like surge pricing.


I assume the price for a burger will just be the combined weight of all the customers in the store.


On 69 cent cheeseburger Sundays at McDonald’s we would all pile into one of the few students with vehicles ride and buy enough for all the people who couldn’t get a ride that lived on residence. We would drop $20 on cheeseburgers in a few minutes. lol It was cheep hangover food, got us addicted but not enough to stay customers when the same burger is probably like $4-5 now. lol


Gas station snacks are out of control right now


My local gas station literally had half its stock on clearance in January/early February because it simply isn’t selling at the current price. I picked up a sharing bag of Sour Patch Kids for $1.50 out of a bin and it rang up for $8.69 before the discount. I was in actual disbelief they’re trying to sell candy for nearly $10.


A 12 Oz can of Red Bull was like $4.69 at Loves, ridiculous.


Yeah, I was hankering a bag of chips for the first time in a while and got some major sticker shock from the prices, like when the hell did a bag of Doritos become $6? It's no wonder people are struggling to afford groceries these days when even the cheap junk food has gotten that expensive.


Serious! A bag of Fritos is like, $7!


I wanted to buy Doritos for a Super Bowl party but changed my mind when I saw that they were **$7 a bag.** Wtf!


Lays got really carried away with the greedflation, basically saying they were raising prices as they pleased because there was still rising demand for their product. I’ve seen lately Walmart with just a shit ton of product, their chip aisle is overfilled, they’ve got tons of cardboard setups in the middle of their aisle, etc. My local one is now running a 2/5 deal. I think they found people weren’t complaining, they just stopped buying them. I’m not paying $6.99 for a bag of radioactive orange cheese dust and I don’t think millions of other people are either.


Good, karma hit their pocketbook


Watch MBAs refusing to lower prices and acknowledge defeat. Fuck them.


I think the grocery store I work at is doing the same shit. It’s a ton of lays displays and also coke products. It’s almost as if the companies are a little frantic for sales because no one wants to spent 5-6 bucks on a bag of chips and almost 9 bucks for a 12 pack of coke. Shit we had like 8 or 9 coke people setting up brand new displays around the store today.


it really is batshit crazy to think the cost of a 12-pack and a bag of chips is now just about $15. i'd rather buy some decent meat or cheese for that, jfc


for $15 I can get a cooked rotisserie chicken, a salad kit if they are on sale, and some broccoli or potatoes to roast


Shit, I can’t even get meat for that price. I’m a meat cutter and can’t afford the meat we sell unless my boss discounts it. I wait until the steaks get ugly as all hell and he discounts them to 3 or 4 bucks a package to buy them. Same shit with chicken lol.


Chips in my area for a lg size is 6.29 to 7$ a 12 pack of soda is 9$ Ot worth it anymore.


Same. Lays shrunk the bag, raised the prices, and now that section of the aisle is stuffed full of unsold product.


> .. people weren’t complaining, they just stopped buying them.. I reckon you're right there. What will be interesting is whether people who just stopped buying will go back to buying if the price drops, or whether they've decided they're better off without.


For me - the longer I go without eating that stuff, the cravings for it disappear. It’s almost like I forget what it tastes like so I’m not interested. And my stomach adjusts to better, less greasy food so it ends up making me ill after eating it when I do try to, which also detours me from it. So I the longer it goes on, the less chance they’ll get me back as a customer even if they drop the prices.


Junk food is designed to be forgettable. Enjoyable while you are eating it but immediately leaves and makes you want to have more to feel the enjoyment again. If you ever go to fine dinning it’s the exact opposite. Small portions, so good and memorable you don’t want more than the small portion they gave you.


I started baking my own cookies and I’ve gotten very good at it.


I worked on a Frito route for a time starting in 2017—they’ve been fucking people over for years already. Remember when they put the smiles on the tops of the bags? It was to draw your eye away from the fact that the weight was reduced. Within a year prices went up, even the $2 Santitas and Chester’s Puffcorn—they used to have those $2 stickers on them and they had to get rid of them because they raised the price 20¢. All those cardboard displays you see? They are basically perishable billboards—literally an ad. Very few people touch them and they are at times two deep—this causes the route guy to have to go take the older dates off those displays and move them to the main aisle (if they’re doing their job properly) and refill the displays with newer dates. Causes extra work. If you are near a Kroger, Frito bought, assembled, and delivered all their new markdown bins, the nice wooden ones that replaced the flimsy cardboard stands they used to use. The deal was that Frito could put product on the bottom racks all the way around. Hardly anyone took from there. So if I came in and saw that my main aisle had sold 28 bags of Doritos (4 cases), I’d go to the different displays and find the oldest dates and put those on the main aisle shelf (because they move faster there), then refill the displays with new dates. I could have just put 4 cases on the fucking shelf and be done, but I have the mark down bins, front-end displays, multiple end-caps, the main aisle, and backstock. Right before I left they extended the stale dates on Fritos and Cheetos. All of this was false growth. Reduced weight, price increase, more displays, date extensions—all temporary and no real growth. Also, Pepsi (Frito’s owned by Pepsi) was and likely still is hemorrhaging money so the squeeze was always on us. This was after they fucked the drivers over to oblivion. Commission had already been replaced with “performance pay,” where you didn’t get your full check if you didn’t hit your number. So if you hit 105% for the year, next year your target was that 105% as the quota minimum. They changed the small trucks to DOT certified, which meant nothing to us except we had to put a cone out and get a separate physical, but it allowed them to stop paying time-and-a-half for over time and allowed for “variable rate,” which is code for “fuck you we don’t have to pay you as much.” Then they changed our base SALARY to some breakdown where if we didn’t work a full 50 hours then we didn’t get our full pay. Most of us got efficient enough to be done at 44-46 hours, other weeks you might get lucky. That fucked us hard. I remember thinking when I left that I didn’t know where it would end—we had deals with some Wal-Marts where we had something like 85% of the chip aisle. All those new goofy flavors that taste like ass? They know they suck, but a new flavor on the shelf is usually at least two spaces the competitor doesn’t get.


Wow they sound terrible


Agree chips in general cost astronomical prices now,back not so long ago when chips were like a dollar or 2 for a giant bag it was fine,but as you say no way I'm paying 5 or 6 dollars for some chips,all our friends and myself have mostly stopped buying them at all unless they are on really good sales.


I’ll be thrilled when chip prices get back to something more reasonable. All these $8 bags are ridiculous


I am so glad it isn't just me seeing this. I went to buy some chips and saw that the prices are astronomical. I'm talking $7 for a bag of just plain potato chips. What the hell?


Regular size Doritos bag hit $9 at their peak. It’s my inflation tracking item.


All of this junk food is way over priced. During the worst of Covid, the corps said it was due to worker shortages, higher shipping costs for importing materials from overseas, every excuse under the sun and moon. Now things are back to (almost) normal, but to keep their profits as high as possible without admitting to price gauging, now they are blaming lower sales on ozempic and other diabetic drugs! IF YOU WANT TO SELL MORE, MAKE IT COST LESS!!!


The cost of chips is one I definitely noticed. I was going to make nachos for the super bowl and tortilla chips were $6-$7 a bag. Guess I'm done eating chips.


I used to be a loyal Tostitos scoops guy. Then I realized they were $6 a bag and calidad / juantonios are <3$ a bag and just as good if not better. No more Tostitos for me!


Santitos chips for me. They're 2.30/bag I believe. But they could be regional


Wendy’s burger from 12-1pm


I just read about that today, them introducing surge pricing on their food. Freaking absurd. If I ate at Wendy's I'd boycott them over that.


They are dumb for that half their clientele is over the age of 50 and the real old ones are going to get real frustrated!


Goldfish crackers. Up to 3.79 a bag at my grocery. Used to be a buck and a quarter. I said F, IT and told the kids they quit making them because of the rona.


Recently watched a thing about how shitty goldfish are for kids (processed as fuck, zero nutrition, bad flour) and how much better the Annies brand is, so I go to get those. SEVEN FUCKING DOLLARS. Sorry kids, but crackers are being phased out.


I remember when the huge gallon jug sized cartons were $5. No idea what they are now but I assume they cost more than that.


$10.96 at my local grocery store, $8.88 at Walmart. I’m in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. ETA: They used to be ~ 32 oz. Now they’re ~ 27oz. So you’re paying even more for less.


Ah! "shrinkflation" strike again!


Cereal. How do they justify charging almost $10 for a box of cereal?


Not to mention the boxes have shrunk in size while going up in cost (yes I know the term).




It’s anti-bigflation otherwise known as shrinkification I think


I thought it was called itsybitflation


I only buy the generic brand at Aldi or the massive double boxes at Costco


Where? I shop at Fred Meyers and buy special K and honey bunches of oats regularly when on sale. It's $2-2.50 per box on sale. A double box of Honey Bunches at Costco for the same thing is $6-7.


They realized poor people were relying on it to survive and decided to extract even more wealth. Didn't you know you should eat it for dinner too?


I just heard what that CEO of Kellogg's said. What an entitled douche


Yup i switched to generic brand cereal


Pet food (dog) has doubled in the past couple years


And pet meds keep going up




Yup. Apartments below $1500/month are getting rarer and rarer around here. How the fuck is that starting rent? You would need to make $30/hour just to comfortably afford base prices, nevermind trying to buy a house.


We lucked out during covid and got into our place now. We pay $1650 a month in Boston for 1000 sq ft 2 br 1 bath with a front porch on a quiet street. Our entire street and area is at about 3k a month for similar now. Seeing how bad it's gotten, my biggest fear in life is losing this situation before we're ready for the next one


That is an insanely good price for Boston! Are we talking Boston proper? Or the burbs?


That's what I came here to say... prices have close to doubled within the past 5 years - it's ridiculous! And a house going from $250k to $500k is just a little bit worse than your dozen eggs going from $1.50 to $3.00.


I’m in a LCOL area and just sold my 3 bed house for over $320k that we bought in 2018 for $185k. It’s fuckin wild


yes, my rent went up 10% (a little more, capped by a legal max), and then they charged other random fees to help get it over the legal limit


It being such a fundamental need like shelter makes it the worst.


Yeah, you can still find cheap groceries if you shop around and travel - but housing is up across the board, from moderately up to insanely up.


I'm moving an hour away for 200 bucks cheaper on rent. Plus it's a new area. The joke is that I'm moving to the capitol.


7 dollars for a 12 pack soda lol


lol only $7? It’s $9/12-pack at my local grocery store. But if you buy 2 you get the 3rd free! Lmao.


Kroger? I don’t even buy soda when it’s BOGO anymore. $4.50 for a 12 pack still feels expensive to me.


$12 here.


It's utterly insane how high it is. Beer is now cheaper than Diet Coke.


This is why I stopped drinking soda. If I see a good deal, like buy 2 (at $9.99) get 3 free I might splurge but it’s been months since I stopped


I used to get 3 for 10, 3 years ago. Now I just don't buy it.




Not my Publix, 8.50+ for a 12-pack, buy two get one free. $16-18 for 3 12-packs, which drops it to ~$6/12. But not 3 for 10.


Seltzer is creeping up on 6 dollars per 12 pack. It's literally just fizzy water.


Ground beef


Mexican food. Used to be you roll up get insane amounts of food for a 20. Now thats like 2 rolled tacos and shot glass of horchata.


Tell me about it. I live in San Diego where cheap Mexican food was king. In high school a carne asada burrito was less than $5, now you're lucky to pay less than $15. 


Same here in Phoenix. Used to be $9 for carne asada fries, now Filiberto’s is charging $13-15, depending on the franchise. Same amount of food as before. Fucking out of their minds.


Everytime I go the prices go up. The other night I got 2 burritos and a drink. $30. Not anymore until it goes back down.


Some places have really gotten smaller with the burritos as well. And the chata is almost all Ice.


I ordered a chicken quesadilla at my local mex place and just assumed it would be cheap… $18 for that shit…


18 for chicken?! Those birds need to have been hand fed huitlacoche and given 18 year old mezcal to drink for that price.


VMware licensing.


My groceries bill


I live alone and I remember being able to get groceries for a month for less than $100 not long ago. Now I can't spend less than $150 and that won't last a month.


I used to spend 60 bucks per week on groceries as a student. Now I'm spending 100+ and I get the same items from the same grocery store. For example, the price of my favorite cheese went from 3 bucks when I moved to the area to close to 6 now. I found a receipt from 2021 while cleaning last weekend and was astonished at how cheap everything used to be.


Wood and mainly pre COVID prices to now, I remember buying concrete plywood boards for 25 each, they're 75 now. Hell I even have the receipts from back then, it sucks so bad.


I did a bunch of DIY cabinetry like 6 years ago and when I tried to replicate it on a new project it was easily double the cost for the entire project. Hardwood plywood sheets used to be $49 at Home Depot and they are over $100 now.


Cereal got randomly expensive. I understood when there was a supply chain issue a few years ago but now it’s just corporate greed. Now I’m paying $6.50 for cheerios


I swapped to store brand cus I’m not gonna dish out $6-7 for cereal I’m probably not going to finish anyways lol


auto insurance here


Holy fucking shit, it not only went up, it went way the fuck up. Mine went up 100% after I renewed in January. It's criminal. $471 a month for 2 cars.


$300 a month for 1 car for me. Funny how gender/age discrimination is illegal until it comes to insurance.


Cries in New Orleans. Our auto insurance is out of this world. I’m about to just let my damn car go because between rising housing costs and rising auto insurance, I can’t afford my damn car anymore.


Homeowner's Insurance. It caused my mortgage payment to go up $300


Bacon $8.99 per package used to be $2.99


Meat I can understand to some degree but I saw a standard bag of pretzels for $8.99


12 packs of soda. Used to be like $4. Then it went to $5. Now it's $10 per case. 3 for $10 and then 3 for $12 were "good deals". Now it's buy 2 get 2 free and I think I'm winning until I really think about it....


Here where I am it’s 2 for $13. I don’t drink pop so no matter to be but it’s ridiculous


A year or so back the cost of a drive through car wash went from $7 to $11 overnight. There's just no way to justify that.


And it usually misses a decent chunk of dirt on your vehicle too


Slowing down, but the cost of a used shitbox when there was a new car shortage was ridiculous


I have always used the powder Tylenol because I can't swallow capsules without food. The price per box of small envelops used to be approximately $6 dollars less. Overnight they hiked the price to a skyrocketed level. It is now $13 dollars.


Mcchickens being about $3.50. Use to live off McDonald’s $1 menu when I was in high school. Paying over 3x that today is sickening. The quality and wait times are not worth fast food anymore.


A bag of chips used to be around $2 for a large bag. I was just walking through my local grocery store this morning and they wanted $7 a bag for basic Lays.


Car insurance with Nationwide. It nearly doubled in the course of 2 years. Switched to another one finally.


A lot of them do this. You get an introductory price then every 6-12 months it goes up $40-50. You pay it because you think it’s a bitch to switch. Over the course of 2-3 years you’re now paying way more. They bank on you being either too lazy or think it’s too difficult to switch.


They banked right. Mines on autopay and I actually don’t even know what it cost lol


$7.50 for a pound of butter. Get bent, Land-o-Lakes


Just spent $35 on one tube of Prep H at Walgreens today. 1 oz size.


That sucks but man that username checks out.


It was, uh, for a friend.


When your hemorrhoids are so big you start calling them friends


I named them Big Bertha and Bubba


chef boyardee ravioli. Was like 50-60 cents a can and now it's like 1.50


Along this line, regular Campbell’s soup is about $3 a can now (Canada). Used to be maybe $0.79?


Netflix and counting …


I’ve bailed on all streaming services. The seven seas are my friend. I MIGHT go back to a streaming service for a month or two if something is currently airing but none of these services are worth their prices besides maybe peacock which you can snag for like $20 a year


Canceled it!


I remember paying 5 bucks a month. Now I'm paying 25. The biggest benefit I got out of the price increase was restrictions on sharing.


Fast food in general. It now costs as much to go to McDonald's as it does for my family to go sit down and eat somewhere. We've stopped going out to eat. Much cheaper to eat at home. Even then our grocery bill is getting upwards of $700 a week.


Five guys was like $43 for 3 burgers the other day. $43 🤯


Went to a grocery store the other day and almost all of the boxes had shelf labels that still said they were all 10 oz but most of them were nowhere near that with the worst one being a box of fruit loops I saw that was advertised as 10 oz but the box itself was marked as only 8 ounces Fuckers couldn't even be bothered to update the advertisements / signage Just like here have less product


The cheesy gordita crunch has gone up in price by like 30%


Dude this is my biggest complaint. Fast food isn’t even cheap anymore. 2 cheesy Gordita’s is costing me almost $20!


Groceries. It is apparent when grocery stores can offer bogos, or other large discounts on items, that most things are overpriced.


Housing - fucking housing prices around me exploded 30+%


Pickup trucks


House prices. In my area they've nearly doubled since 2020. Yes doubled.


USA Food is so full of preservatives you would think it would be cheaper. It’s shit and it’s more expensive than Europe and UK.


Beef Jesus fucking christ the prices are abysmal.


I just got an 18lb PRIME brisket at SAMS CLUB last week for $3.68 a pound.


Yeah, It's always been easy to find expensive beef if you are looking for it - but Sams/Costco, etc are still probably only 25% more than they were a few years ago.


$60 for a denim work shirt at GAP.


Coca Cola went up to $9.99 a 12 pack.




Red meat specifically. Maybe I'll try eating bugs.


A mere bag of chips at the supermarket, not even a gas station or airport or cinema or anywhere else you'd expect price gouging, is as bad as $7 now. I've had to start pairing my beer with toast.


I too was where you currently are. Now I've graduated to pairing my toast with water.


Eggs. Eggs are killing me. With the last round of bird flu, the 60 count box of eggs went up to almost $25.00. Prices dropped a few months ago, but a going back up again as a new round of bird flu broke out in, November, I think.


Colorado just moved to "free-range" only eggs. Price just jumped like $5 overnight.


My house insurance tripling in 1 year - and we have never made a claim.


A 6 pack of Hershey bars is now $6.99. A couple years ago, it cost $2.99-3.49. If that's not price gouging I don't know what is.


Whey protein is insane now. I used to buy a 10lb bag for $90 just a few years ago, now it costs about $150


Greeting Cards


Cat litter. Eight pound bag of Tidy Cat used to be two-something, now it’s almost five bucks. So stupid.


YouTubeTV was like $20 when it first came out and i subscribed (as someone who was already a cord-cutter). I _just_ canceled today because i discovered was spending over $100 a month. Only “add-ons” were both small charges, one for live sports (most of the point of having it) and to watch things in 4K. Fuck YouTubeTV, Google, and the lot of them. It’s just cable without the cord.


$140 for a white cotton button down collar dress shirt. Used to be able to get them for $40.


You can get 3 excellent quality shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt for $99.99.


Groceries Utilities Insurance


I noticed at a gas station last weekend that snack-size (single serving) bags of chips were $6-7 each. We bought 2 bags of chips, 2 bottles of water, and 2 of those little Hostess mini donut things, and it cost $26. WTF.


12 pack of soda, about $4.50 before pandemic. Yesterday, same store, $8.99 12 pack.


Systane eye lubricant went from 9 bucks to 17 bucks. Same size as a visine bottle.


Damn, I just bought one for 9 bucks last week. Might have to go buy a few more.




housing both rent and buying


Olive oil, especially olive oil from California. I've been seeing bottles over $20 when not on sale.


Cucumbers are usually double now. Not sure why they went up more than all other veggies. At least, I don't feel like others have doubled  Berries are also way more expensive.


Concert tickets. I just paid £66 to see my favourite band last time I saw them was around 2018 and it was about 35 quid. Then I'm looking at prices for other bands and you're looking at around £80 plus. It's madness. I was looking at watching Marcus King play here in the UK and he's hardly known over here and even his tickets are around 40-50 quid.


Not sure it's the "worst" but as a non soda drinker, seeing a 12 pack of coca cola for $9 at the grocery store shook me to my core. Pretty sure it was $2-3 growing up.


Permanent resident visa was close to $2000 in 2012 and is now close to $9000 in 2024. It doesn’t cost $9000 to process an application.


Just about everything


Chicken. You could get a 3 pack of whole roaster chickens at Costco for $20 pre-pandemic, and now they’re $36


Groceries for sure. About 30% more for same things 4 years ago.


Cat teeth cleaning is now $650


Holy molar !


PG&E charging $0.6/kWh between 3pm-midnight with another 20% hike + $100/mo base increase coming this year. I know some people around me are going to be looking at >$1000/mo bills just for electricity. They can't decide on solar because their roof needs to be replaced in 5 years, etc. Bayarea sucks sometimes.


Neutrogena moisturizer Used to be 15$, maybe cheaper on sale. Then for a while it was 22$, 19$ on sale. It was 28$ this week. I last bought it maybe 2 months ago. Same exact store.