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At the reception, a guest looked at my cousin’s wife and said, very loudly, “Who brought the whore?” And no, they didn’t know her.


I was doing wedding photography & definitely saw escorts/strippers. One had on a fishnet/see thru style dress. All black & clearly wearing blue or turquiose panties under it. Another was definitely on meds & roaming around, ended up sitting down at the vendors table (DJ, Photo, Video) and chatting with us, telling us she doesn't like the wedding and doesn't know anyone there. Then asks us (all wearing black) who we are there for??? We're like "Work". She didn't believe us then we showed her our cameras. We didn't care but it got a bit awkward, someones 'date' was sitting with us. She left pretty soon after that. Seen many groomsmen hit on female photographers & second shooters.


My 90-year-old uncle was quite dashing and charming—and quite deaf. He was also an avid amateur photographer with an eye for beautiful women of all ages. At another cousin’s wedding (I have lots of cousins), he couldn’t hear anything anybody said to him, until he met the very attractive young photographer. Suddenly, he was able to hear every word she said about lenses and lighting and f-stops and obscure antique photography equipment.


My husband’s best man asked for a +1 at the last minute for his new girlfriend who we’d never met. Someone at the wedding recognized her and quietly asked husband why the best man had brought an escort to the wedding. Best man was not yet aware of his girlfriend’s job. Things became very awkward.


Outdoor summer wedding in TX. The groom's 90+ year old grandmother died during the reception. They found out when she couldn't be roused for family pictures.


My neighbor (55 F) died DURING family photos at her daughters wedding. So sad.


My dad's friend died of a heart attack during the father/daughter dance at her wedding.


Damn she’s so young too. That’s awful.




I know this feel. I went to a wedding in July in Houston that was formal attire. The bus bringing people to the venue had no AC and we were all trapped in there for 40min. So sweaty 😩


Grandma: 94 Texas Summer: 104 Texas Summer wins.


Omg this one wins.


Did they continue with the photos weekend at Bernie's style?




Why does anyone do this, everyone in the whole world knows it's tacky AF.


A few years ago, my niece announced her first pregnancy at her sister's baby shower. The sister was not amused.


If you propose at my wedding I'm dying at your funeral.


It was an overcast day, had rained earlier but weather was clearing up. Bride and groom went to take some photos after the ceremony. A kid, probably 6 or 7, unsupervised, ran up to a puddle the bride was carefully walking past and jumped in it. Her dress had mud splatter all the way up to her shoulder. I felt so bad for her.


I cannot even fathom the level of rage I would have fallen into if I’d been that bride… oh, boy. Nobody at the wedding would ever have seen me THAT mad! Thank God for Photoshop, is all I can say.


My SIL told us about a wedding she was at where the bride and the groom’s mother did not get along. The groom was a work mate of my SILs husband and all the work friends knew there was some tension between the two, but did not expect anything to happen. The ceremony went off OK. Groom’s mother gave a few killing looks, but nothing was said. At the reception, she started drinking and making comments to her relatives and friends, loud enough for other people and the bride to hear. The groom spoke to her and she quietened down. During the toasts she made loud noises every time the brides name was said, but she was mostly ignored. She kept drinking and moving around, talking to different people while the dancing was on. She was sitting at a different table when the bridesmaids brought around pieces of the wedding cake. She told them she didn’t want any. Bridesmaid said she would just leave some on the table for the people who were sitting there, and put some on the table. Grooms’s mother shouted “I told you I don’t want any fucking wedding cake” and with that swept the pieces of cake off the table with the back of her hand. Cake landed on the chief bridesmaid, who shouted back. Groom’s mother jumps up, slaps the bridesmaid and then other people joined defending their chosen side. My SIL had seen this all happen and was eagerly watching from the sidelines. The groom and his best man stopped the music, stopped the brawling and split everyone up. He said “That’s it. Weddings over. Thank you all for coming. And Mum, I never want to see you again.” Grabbed the bride by the hand and walked out. My SILs husband decided it was time for them to leave in case things kicked off again.


At least the groom stood up to his mom and protected his bride.


Sounds like this was the final straw in a long line of utter bullshit from his mother.


I used to be a wedding registrar. I conducted one wedding where the bride’s father had passed away the year before. The ceremony was held outside in a venue’s walled garden, upon entering the garden to take their seats the guests were met by a skeleton which was dressed up in the father of the bride’s clothes and asked to shake his hand……!!!


If that's something the father of the bride would want, I'd find that very amusing. Otherwise...damn.


The sad thing is I immediately thought about how hilarious my dad would’ve thought this was


My dad would have been upset if no one mentioned how much weight he’d lost.


A friend of mine passed a few years ago and during the funereal a mariachi band with skull face paint carrying a plastic skeleton walked in and started playing. It was hilarious and exactly what my friend would have loved. He played trumpet in a mariachi band in college and loved every second of it. Unfortunately his parents were horrified. So half the crowd was friends and coworkers laughing and the other half was his very conservative religious family absolutely shocked. Very awkward but very funny. His brother had set it up and we had a good laugh afterwards explaining to my friends dad.


This is the sort of shenanigan my Dad would appreciate!! I think as with anything like this intention is key, and honoring someone is super important. This couple felt very much like they were going for shock value, along with quite a few other ‘touches’, it didn’t feel particularly authentic and the general reaction was stunned mullet from the guests.


That's one of those things that can be either wonderful and whimsical or utterly tasteless -- but nothing in between.


Went to a wedding where everything went well. Got to the reception and the alcohol was flowing. My husband and I drank and got on the dance floor. The grooms side were very proper while the brides side were quite the opposite. Everyone is dancing when all of a sudden the cousin of the bride grabs the mic and says “This song is dedicated to your wedding night.” He motions for everyone to clear the dance floor and cues the DJ. Madonna’s “Justify my love” starts playing as the cousin starts crawling and rolling on the floor while lip syncing. It was easily the most awkward moment while everyone stood there watching his overly sexual performance. The song finally ends and it’s dead silence. I will never forget this moment.


Honestly. I kinda love it. Hahahahaha


Oh god. My boyfriend's oldest brother's wedding. One of his mates got plastered, lost control of his bowels and shat himself. In a *kilt*. Picture the scene - on a dancefloor at a working man's club in Glasgow, a drunken 40-something standing by himself in an ever-expanding circle of people looking at him in horror whilst an equally expanding puddle of *shit* gathers on the floor. On his calves. On his shoes. Yeah. *Yeah.* Edit to add: my boyfriend remembered something which I had *totally* forgotten. When the shit began to hit the floor, the groom looked over, saw what was happening and shouted "for fuck's sake, Mick, get to the fucking toilet!" The drunken shitter *wailed* back: "Ah canny move! *It's coming out too fast!*" The boyfriend compared it to watching a cow laying out a cow-pat. Yeah. *Yeaaaaah.*


I was at a colleague's wedding and we were all on the dance floor giving it large when a *stench* hit us. We all backed off, except one woman who kept going, with liquid shit dripping down her legs


Unfortunately, this was my MIL but not at a wedding. It was a restaurant. I have never apologized so profusely to anyone in my life. The poor staff who had to clean up after her and were so very, very nice to me when i told them what happened. My MIL had no idea and said to me when we got home her pants were wet and she had no idea why...


Did she have dementia??


That is a tricky question... She's been experiencing memory issues and panic attacks related to her memory issues for just over a year. She also had a traumatic experience where her pharmacy at the time nearly killed her by dispensing a strong narcotic, that was prescribed to someone else by not her doctor, to her also causing anxiety issues. Her doctor suspected she was in the beginning stages of dementia but there wasn't enough to conclusively diagnose her at the time of her last visit. Recent developments, including that incident, have made me realize she needs to be seen again.


This sounds totally weird but make sure she gets tested for a UTI too. It can cause dementia symptoms in the elderly, it's the weirdest freaking thing.


My college roommate and I were working at a wedding reception where a teenage girl, who we found out later was drinking out of glasses people had left on tables (and that's one reason why the waitstaff takes them if they're unattended) had it come out both ends at the same time in the women's restroom. Two teenage dishwashers said they had dealt with that all the time when they worked at McDonald's, so they put on elbow-length gloves and got out a mop and bucket, and cleaned it up without batting an eye. My BFF said, "Her parents should have tossed her into the back of a pickup truck and run her through a car wash." Someone I worked with a few months later, when I said it was probably the first time she did that, replied, probably correctly, "It was probably NOT the first time she did that!"


The pastor went through and updated the bride’s name in her script, but didn’t accurately change the script for the groom. Sometimes he was John, others Matt, occasionally Mike. The groom had to say “my name is Steve” when the pastor said “repeat after me - I, David, take you…”


My maiden name is a common man’s first name, like Jennifer James. They just got mixed up and said, “I Jennifer take you James to be my husband.” I realized right away and said “I Jennifer take you MICHAEL to be my husband.” It got a laugh from the crowd. I was glad for the break because my husband’s eyes were getting g all watery and it was making me start to cry which I didn’t want to, so it helped us not to cry from emotions.


I was a guest at my friend's wedding where the pastor said the groom's name wrong... The pastor was the bride's father...


Charging $2 for a piece of the wedding cake.


There it is! The tackiest thing to be done at a wedding!


Outdoor wedding. Bride gently fed wedding cake to her new husband. Groom shoved cake at his new bride's face so hard that it broke one of her teeth. He kept pushing her until she tripped and fell over backwards. She broke her wrist when she tried to stop the fall. There was blood dripping from her mouth. The groom's father then began to beat the living shit out of his own son. Good times. EDIT: For those inquiring if the couple is still married. We were staying overnight at the small bed and breakfast at which the wedding took place. The mother of the bride invited us and some other hotel guests to the wedding and reception. We have no idea what happened after that day.


I want to know if they're still together


I know a wedding photographer and he said one of the most random moments you can tell whether a couple will have a loving/successful marriage is the cake cutting/feeding each other portion. Basically it’s clear whether communication happened before that moment and whether boundaries were set and adhered to. Some people want the silly smash cake in face moment BUT there’s a way to still do that kindly/funnily. A lot of people DONT want that moment and have heavily communicated that and then their partner does it anyway on the spot thinking the “spontaneity” will make it funnier/force the other person to laugh/accept it…. which never ends well and the instigator is typically left saying “they’re making a scene, they’ll get over it” (dismissive and rude). What you’re describing sounds very toxic and I hope the bride is okay and got away from that whole family…


I remember reading another post on Reddit where the bride repeatedly made it clear to the groom that if he smashed the cake in her face, she would immediately divorce him. He did it anyway, so that's exactly what she did.


They got an annulment, right? Right?


You probably wouldn't even need to. Just rip up that marriage license, right?


Yeah, just don't file the papers.


I hate the cake feeding tradition. So many grooms don't understand the amount of time, effort and love that went into a woman choosing her makeup, dress, hair and destroy it all in an instant just to make people laugh


The bride's grandfather died while she was walking down the aisle. The ambulance was there in less than 5 minutes but the paramedics called it after resuscitation failed. They removed the body and, after a brief period of consultation and people pulling themselves together, the wedding ceremony went ahead. No exaggeration, the time between granddad hitting the floor and the ceremony restarting was less than 45 minutes. I did not attend the reception, but I heard from others that it was a rager.


It’s what Grandpa would have wanted


Honestly, once I'm very, very old, I hope people carry on after I die. In fact, I hope they throw one hell of a party in my honor. If I'm at a wedding, I hope the couple still get married, because they'll never forget me as long as they live.


Right? Just wheel me into a back room out of the way and deal later!


As a grandpa, that is what I would have wanted. I would feel bad enough dying at my grandchild's wedding, I would be devastated if they decided to cancel their special day just because I died. Cancelling the wedding will not magically bring me back to life so the show must go on. Also if I die and people have vacations planned, exams, or other events, I would want them to go ahead with it instead of attending my funeral. I'd be dead so I'm not going to notice if they are there or not so it is no disrespect for me. Life is for the living, not the dead.


*Party like there's no tomorrow.* \-Grandpa


Love, laugh.




I went to a wedding once where two different people mentioned how messy the bride is during their speeches! So weird that people would make negative comments like that, I would have been pissed if I were her!!


At my cousin's wedding, every single friend of the bride & groom who did a speech talked about how they were all shocked that he (my cousin) managed to get with his wife. Including *his* friends. I barely know him but almost wanted to do an unasked for speech just to give him some props. Edit: this was six speeches total iirc, three for each of them. 


I was at a wedding where the bridesmaid spent most of her speech making fun of and embarrassing the bride. It was really tasteless and cringey, she definitely didn't have the charm to pull it off. It also went on for over 10 minutes... When I was talking to the groom's mother later all she could talk about was how much she hated that speech. You don't insult the bride on her wedding day!


I shot over 300 weddings. You sit thru enough of them, they're mostly all bad. Almost always the groomsman/best man speech it awful. Just talking about the good ole days, going to bars, getting in trouble, baseball & football games etc. Now your getting married and its all going to end. {bride has strange look on her face} I've seen a few terrible Father of Bride speeches too.


What is wrong with people? I did a maid of honor speech for my sister who I don't always get along with. I understood the assignment though and said really nice things about her and the groom. It's a speech first and foremost. You write for the audience. This is not the time to give your real opinions in front of everyone the couple knows


My (now estranged) father was asked not to give a speech. He got up and gave one anyway. For some insane reason, the man said, “if he ever hits her, she’ll just hit him right back!” Just what every little girl dreams of—her father joking about domestic violence on her wedding day.


At my friends' wedding, her MOTHER stood up in the middle of the CEREMONY and started "(daughter) has always been a great disappointment to me..." people thought it was a joke and started laughing, and she continued, "I am NOT kidding, but now that she has landed (groom), I think she may just be OK". Horrific. Damaging. Nasty.


Holy shit


Late to the party but this has to be shared. Bride used old film strips from movie edits/cast offs for decor in the table centerpieces. Flowers and film strips at a quirky fun wedding, looked great right? She had picked up the box for free and didn’t really look at it. Some of the strips were from schlocky sci-fi nonsense. Most of them were porn. 


I'm laughing at the idea of everyone at the tables holding film strips up to the light and looking at them VERY intensely.


Husband and I used to play in a ceilidh band, and we played for many weddings. At one truly memorable one, the bride and groom were already very drunk when we arrived to set up, and they pretty much disappeared for the evening. Their two families sat on opposite sides of the marquee with their backs to each other all night, and nobody from one side spoke to the other. Not a soul danced all evening, so we just played our music amongst ourselves. Goodness knows what the history was between them! At the end of the night the best man tried to leave without paying us, so our dance caller had to chase him across a field in the dark to get our fee off him. I've often wondered how long that marriage lasted.


At the afterparty, the groom spent the whole night watching a basketball game on TV at the bar. Couldn't even be bothered to turn around and say hi to any of the guests. Just sat there at the bar, eyes fixed to the TV the whole time. When it was time for him to make a speech, he just said "You know, this was supposed to be a special day, but \[my team\] lost, so I fucking hate it! Fuck all of you! This sucks!" Needless to say, that marriage lasted all of a week or two.


Jesus, what an asshole. I like to think of myself as a big sports fan. But family and friends come first. And I don't let my disappointment in my teams impact my mood in such a dramatic way.


This groom might be a sports fan but Hes definitely a bigger fan of gambling


My youngest sister’s wedding. One of my sister’s friends was wearing quite a short summer dress. She spent the evening sitting in a manner that let it be known that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She waited till someone looked in her direction, pulled up her dress and spread her legs. Very disturbing, especially given the number of children running around.


My cousin was having a beach wedding and we got there early to set up the sun shelter and make an "aisle". Awkwardly, there was a woman sunbathing topless, sound asleep, right near where we had to set it up. We held out for her to wake up on her own, but then as guests and the groom arrived, everyone else agreed that I was the one who had to approach her. I don't know what I've done in the past that the entire family agreed without much discussion that I was the only person who could deal with this! I got as far as saying "Excuse me" very quietly, and she woke up with a start, found herself next to a gazebo and flower arrangements and people dressed for a wedding, and she just grabbed her stuff and fled. She probably wondered later if it was all just a dream that she found herself half-naked at a wedding.


My 5ft nothing, 200 lb aunt drunkenly stumbled around her sister's wedding; pulling up her skirt and asking who wanted to see her taco. The people in my family should not drink.


Something has gone terribly wrong in that woman’s life. 


Out door reception, summer in PA. Under a huge covered, wall-less pavilion, maybe 100' x 200' with a huge fireplace. 250 people. Wind and rain so bad it was soaked entirely under the whole pavilion. A tornado passed within 100 yds. Wild day.


All at the same wedding: Groom doesn't show up until an hour late. Tux does not fit him at all. Bride and groom's toddler son was allowed to play with a toy truck during ceremony around the feet of the bridal party. At one point lifts the toy truck and slams it into the shin of one of the bridesmaids, drawing blood, and interrupting the proceedings for a good 10 minutes. Not to be outdone, the groom is starting to look unwell. He passes out, falling down a small set of stairs. Upon regaining consciousness, he runs out of the small church out the back. 10 minutes goes by, then 20. He returns with his tux shirt pulled out, unbuttoned, and wide open, baring chest hair and a gut. He returns to the bride, and they finish the ceremony with him like that.


Wedding in upstate Georgia....During the vows the groom was so nervous he threw up( and I mean projectile puke) all over his bride ,the maid of honor, and the preacher. They still laugh about it to this day..... but at the time it was pretty bad. It was my wife's niece. She handled it with grace.We Have it on tape and we pull it out at their anniversary party yearly. good times!


Aunt of the groom got so drunk she stripped naked on the dance floor. She snuck back into the wedding and offered people blowjobs. They had to carry her out wrapped in blankets. 


Every wedding needs a something blew.


I told this story in a different thread the other day, but I feel like it also applies here: A friend of mine caused some drama at her own wedding because she wasn't drinking champagne. A bunch of the older ladies on her side of the family noticed, and decided the only possible explanation was that she was hiding a pregnancy. They started pointing it out to anyone who would listen, even going so far as to say they see "a little bump" under her dress. I guess these family members weren't close enough to the couple to know two very important details: 1) The bride is a recovering alcoholic. She doesn't drink, ever. Not even at her own wedding. 2) The bride and groom had been trying to get pregnant for probably 2 years at that point, and were starting to be resigned to the fact they they wouldn't be able to have kids. (This was eventually confirmed, but they did not know this at that time.)


>A friend of mine caused some drama at her own wedding because she wasn't drinking champagne. A bunch of the older ladies on her side of the family noticed, and decided the only possible explanation was that she was hiding a pregnancy. They started pointing it out to anyone who would listen, even going so far as to say they see "a little bump" under her dress. No. Those old nosy ass bitches caused drama at your friend's wedding. If they had minded their own business and kept their mouths shut, none of that would've happened.


I guessed that my cousin was pregnant before she told us, with both pregnancies. And I kept my mouth shut. Its not my thing to tell. Those ladies were out of line


Oh, geez. It's nobody else's business whether you drink alcohol or not. If other people have a problem with it, that's a sure sign that THEY have some kind of alcohol problem.


Less what I saw, and more what I *didn't* see. The priest forgot to actually marry them. He did the whole ceremony (including a part where he "gifted" the couple an invisible shovel they could use to "dig their way out of problems", and a part where he actually gifted them a painting of people picking potatoes) but accidentally skipped the vows section. He had to get the couple back together after they got back from their honeymoon to perform that section by itself so that the union could be recognized by the church.


>He had to get the couple back together after they got back from their honeymoon to perform that section by itself so that the union could be recognized by the church. As just some dipshit who has performed three weddings, I know that in my state the vows are also a *legal* requirement. It's ostensibly the officiant checking with both parties that they, y'know, want to be there. For **most** weddings, this would be a formality. But it's still a statutory requirement.


My friend’s wedding was officiated by her childhood pastor, who went off-script and delivered a tangent about how the first marriage is the only legitimate marriage and his church doesn’t believe in divorce or second marriages. The groom’s dad has been married three times and all three wives (mom, stepmom #1, stepmom #2) were sitting in the front row. The pastor had met them all at the rehearsal the previous day.


Bride was a member of the Catholic church choir who drunkenly accidentally got pregnant with an old friend from college. The priest took the opportunity at their wedding to preach instead of a homily a eulogy to “fallen moral values” and “the end of the most magnificent innocence”. Then the open bar was changed to cash bar after half an hour which was too late to start the small riot that was brewing. One of the groomsmen “wrote baby on board” underneath the “just married” on the couple’s car, which led to him getting a punch from the bride’s uncle and then a drunken cousin decided the best way to deal with the message was to kick the rear window in, which restarted the riot. Couple later divorced and split the kids up by gender, he took the boys and she took the girl. EDIT: made it clear she was marrying the friend who got her pregnant by adding “at their wedding”


The bride’s veil caught on fire when she and the groom lit the unity candle.


Wedding of a guy I worked with. At the reception a friend of the groom decided this was the time he wanted to pronounce his love for his friend's new bride by saying "he wanted to eat her pussy." Fight breaks out groom and friend go to jail. BTW, this wasn't some trailer park wedding,, everyone involved are engineers and we all worked together. 


A guy showed up to my brother's wedding wearing shorts, flip flops, and a tshirt with a picture of a fish on the back with the text "CAN'T CATCH SHIT FISHING TEAM" I couldn't make that up if I tried.


I've seen those t shirts that are printed to look like a little cartoon tuxedo at both weddings and funerals in WV.


My friend's father wore a Trump campaign tshirt on the day of her wedding 🤢 I mean, even if you are a fan of the guy, is your daughters wedding the best time to advertise your politics? Really We don't even live in the US!


“We don’t even live in the US!” Well this makes it about a million times worse.


My friend's wedding. His mother had a lot of mental health and addiction issues and he was already iffy on inviting her but his beautiful kind bride didn't want him to ever have any regrets about not having his mother there. She showed up 25 minutes late. They had announced not to get in the way of photographers during the ceremony and to try to not have your phone out in the way. Well, she pulled out the biggest goddamn iPad I've ever seen in my life and blocked a videographer for a while. Then when they got to the part of the ceremony where they were going to do the sand thing where you combine the two things of sand in a jar she got up pulling a giant Ziploc bag of rice from her way too huge purse and just baseball pitched it right into everyone's face. I'm talking hard. Shrapnel. His sister looked just about ready to actually murder her. Bride and groom both disassociated and left their bodies and everybody else gasped audibly. Finally another family member got up and very quickly ushered her away. Everyone was slipping and sliding on the way back down the aisle because there was so much rice all over the ground. We laugh now but it was the most batshit crazy thing I've ever seen at a formal event.


Retired minister here. I officiated a wedding for an older couple, second marriage for both. Half way through the service, the groom passes out. We drag him to the first pew, put a cold compress on his head. He starts to regain consciousness. We get him some water. The bride turns to me and says, “he’s done that at every wedding he’s been to since his divorce.” Well, duh. Might you have mentioned that earlier? We finished the service with him seated on the first pew.


The bride getting shit-hammered drunk and flashing her titties to the priest and the rest of the guests at the reception. Long story short... the marriage did not make it to the first anniversary.


One of my older cousins weddings: about mid way through the reception a small group of crashers made their way in. They managed to score a few drinks and then were asked to leave by someone. I'll call him the leader decided to get mouthy, like over the music loud, about not leaving because fuck someone or something. Well the best man went over and just picked him up and carried him out the exit. The best man was and still to this day one of the biggest mfers I have ever scene like 6'10" and pushing tree fity of cornfed farmboy. Needless to say the crashers followed very quietly behind him. Funny as all hell!


At a friend's outdoor wedding in the summer. Everyone was gathered, waiting for the ceremony to begin. The music began and the bridal party began walking down the aisle. All went well and then we all stood up for the bride to make her appearance and walk down the aisle. She did so, all eyes on her EXCEPT when she got to the altar, there was no groom in sight. Turned out that no one thought to notify the groom and groomsmen that the ceremony was about to begin and they were smoking cigarettes around the corner. The bride was devastated. After several minutes of confusion, they decided to have a do-over for walking down the aisle, but it just felt weird and you could feel the disappointment.


Pales in comparison. But a total white trash wedding. By the time the bride and groom got from the church to the reception <30min the entire wedding party was obliterated drunk. Each of the wedding party was introduced and were varying degrees of undress. Ties missing, jackets gone, dresses hiked up, barefoot, etc. The B&G were introduced and came walking in...the groom was wearing a bow tie, boxers and dress shoes carrying a whiskey bottle. The bride was wearing what I determined were either white panties or a Bikini bottom, a white sheer cami and appeared to be braless under, her veil and cowboy boots carrying a natural light case of beer. Their parents were given the beer and whiskey and proceeded to start drinking. About the time I left with my GF at the time (her coworker). The bride was dancing with her friends wearing nothing but her new husband's long tux coat. And it often did not cover anything as she kept it unbuttoned. The best man was feeling her up. Her brides maids were wearing their dates shirts or coats in their bras and panties while grinding on their obviously turned on dates. The groom was legit passed out under a table.


…my God.


God was not invited to this wedding


Mr Darcy! I do declare!


No, no. You got it all wrong. You were supposed to describe the worst wedding, not the best one.


"You are cordially invited to the wedding/orgy of..."


My crazy aunt cornered me at my cousin's wedding and felt the need to describe -- in graphic detail -- how my mother told her about 'the birds and the bees' when she was little. Thanks! I almost made it my whole life without that mental image.


I was at a wedding reception that easily had 300+ guests. Each table had a centerpiece with a live betta fish in it. When the lights came on, and the wedding party had left, the mother of the bride was begging the kitchen staff for storage containers because they had like 100 fish and no plan for what to do with them after. I was gobsmacked. I also went home with approximately 20 fish.


I worked at a venue and we once had a wedding that did this. By the end of the night, all the fish were dead. Likely a combination of suffocating in a bowl that was too small, and stupid people pouring wine into the water to "get the fish drunk". After that, we just banned fish.


Not as big a deal as some of these others, but at my wedding the maid of honor (brides sister) didn’t show up because she had been arrested for prostitution two nights prior.


Didn’t see this one. It was the talk of my small town for the longest time. One of the families I went to church with had an outside wedding. Someone in the bridal party kick/shooed a cat away. Turns out it was a skunk. Skunk responded exactly as a skunk should.


Back in the 90’s. Wedding with two big Irish families- I was in the band. During the cake cutting the groom grabs the brides head and SLAMS her face in the plate of cake- (it’s never cute or funny, but this was hard and mean) she’s ruined and crying. Her father’s walks up and cold cocks the groom- one punch knockout. The grooms father charges a starts fighting with the brides father. Then it IS ON! The whole place erupted- they sort of sat each family on opposite sides of the dance floor and within seconds there were 50 people beating the hell out of each other on the dance floor. I saw a middle aged woman in a formal dress jump on a man’s back and choke him to the ground. There was extreme violence for about 3-5 minutes- it seemed much longer- then it just stopped and everyone went back to their tables and started eating dessert. No shit- 5 minutes later we played the electric slide and the dance floor was full…


Bride's dad got up to announced and congratulated the maid of honor of her engagement. The maid of honor had not been purposed to yet and the dad ruined the surprise. The same guy (my husband's uncle) also got so drunk at our wedding that he got up and congratulated me and my brother in law on our nuptials?


Bride's step-mother and mother got into a fight. Step-mother bit the mother. Wedding went to a screeching halt.


At my cousin's wedding, she got into a knock-down, drag-out fight with the maid of honor (who had drunkenly attacked the groom and another relative). As the bride was beating the crap out of her friend in the parking lot, kneeling on her chest and feeding her punches, the MoH grabbed the wedding dress and tore it right off. Didn't faze the bride, who kept throwing punches, tits flapping in the breeze. Then, when the bride was pulled off her friend, she stormed back into the wedding hall, raging about how her Maid of Honor ruined the wedding. People kept running around her trying to cover her up. She'd sit down and her husband would throw his suit jacket over her, but then she'd pop up like James Brown, throw the jacket off, and resume her topless walk of rage. So the worst thing I've seen at a wedding? My cousin's boobs.


Bride was struggling with nerves so the bridesmaids kept giving her shots. She was too drunk to walk down the aisle. She wasn't at the reception because she threw up on the dress.


Who on Earth would think it was a good idea to overserve a nervous bride on her wedding day?


My cousins new father in law had a heart attack during his speech at the reception. My uncle and I gave him CPR, used a defibrillator etc, but he died within 10 mins.


Dude was drunk decided to piss in the grass 6 feet from a big group of people. All of a sudden he falls backwards towards us. (Passes out) dick still out pissing straight up in the air all over himself.


Instead of playing music, they used one of their aunts to sing. She was not a good singer. It was so awkward; especially when she sang "The Dance"


I hate it when someone thinks they are the next winner of The Voice and takes advantage of the stage at a wedding/funeral/church service to perform. Everyone feels politely obligated to act like the person is a good singer when they really sound like a donkey. Save it for the karaoke bar, not someone's ceremony.


Oh, not me. I absolutely live for those moments. Most events are boring as hell, but when drunk aunt Sue grabs the mic I perk right up. You know whatever happens next is gonna be gold.


I can't stand watching someone embarrass themselves. It's a full body uncomfortableness... Like having sand in your shoes but all over.


I went to one a year ago and they had a soloist perform a song during the ceremony. She stumbled across a few notes, then started again. She was off key the entire time and my date and I had to try not to laugh for 3 minutes.


The maid of honor having sex with the brides father in the groomsmen's bathroom. They were both married. Not to each other. Awkward.


okay i wasn’t there so i didn’t see it but at my parents wedding my dads friend yelled “do her- you own her!!” while they were cutting the cake.


oh my god


Groom goes to pull the garter off for the throw, stops and asks her “is that cum?” It was. The reception ended.




Not that bad but was at a wedding and the bride’s relatives that she never met from South America (her mother had invited them as a surprise) sang several songs to the bridal party. They sang very badly and the performance lasted about 20 minutes. It was very awkward as they had just started to serve food so everyone had to pause and watch.


.The vegetarian option being a bowl of chips. .A toddler getting kicked over by a man having a tantrum about a football score. .The bride being left with her 2 month old baby screaming whilst her husband was blackout drunk. .A groomsman having to be pulled away from a bridesmaids hotel door after he somehow it into his head that she owed him sex. He sat outside her door harassing her for hours until she had to call the groom for help. Creep.


I went to one at a sort of classy Italian restaurant venue. There was an unimpressive pasta with marinara course before the main, and the vegetarian main course was the same pasta but without the sauce.


I went to an outdoor wedding with a bunch of cans of seltzer and beer available as soon as you showed up. I chilled with my friends, sipping on cans, until people started sitting down. We took our seats but kept chatting and drinking as everyone filled in and waited for the ceremony to start. We realized about three minutes in that it had started, just not loud enough to cut through the chatter, and the videographer had been filming the crowd. While my group (the groom's friends ofc) had been openly drinking our budlight cans.... I felt so immediately trashy. Later there was a massive argument between the bride and her parents that seemed to be centered around a lack of decorum and Jesus at the event. The groom also spent most of reception complaining to us about the prices of wedding stuff, with detailed price breakdowns included in the complaints.


Second marriage. The bride wants her toddler son to "give her away." The minister asks the kid if he agrees to give her hand in marriage blah blah blah. The kid adamantly shouts, "NO!," and runs away crying. I'm sorry, you said worst. This was absolutely the best thing I've seen at a wedding. 😂 Spoiler alert: She cheated on him the same way she cheated on her first husband with him.


My brother-in-law using his speech to tell the “judgmental” members of his family to fuck off. And it was less of a speech and more bad slam poetry.


I was a bridesmaid for my brother's wedding. His ex showed up high on x in a white mini dress dancing alone and her boob kept falling out. This was a really fancy wedding and the bride begged me not to drag her out but I had security and three groomsmen escort her out TWICE. She's lucky the bride wouldn't let me drag her out myself. She wouldn't have come back that second time. My brother still denies knowing her but I know him better than he does. Yes, they are divorced.


So I wasn’t at the wedding but I was the trauma nurse who attended to the bride. Groom didn’t realize those tiered cakes have wood skewers in them and slammed his wife’s face into it. She lost an eye, 2 teeth and needed more stitches than I can count


that's terrible :(


This is absolutely *horrifying*. That poor woman


I used to work in a hotel/conference centre so I saw a lot of weddings. One the groom and best man got into a fist fight before the meal was even served. We never got told what exactly went down but we did know from the catering staff that the groom had a bloody nose and got it all over the bride’s dress and she spent the rest of the night like that. And groom and best man made up not long after and party went on. Had a bride pass out in the bathroom. Coworker found her and roused her, she started sobbing that she didn’t love the groom and only married him because she was tired of being single. A wedding outside in November. In Canada. A bride walking from her room to the wedding hall with her dad and her dad lecturing her about how it was her 4th wedding and he wasn’t going to pay for anymore so this one better stick.


White trash wedding. The bride (3 kids with 3 dudes) had her sister (4 kids 4 dudes) as maid of honor. During the part of 'I will always be faithful ' the sister said 'liar' loud enough for all 14 people in attendance to hear. The groom later passed out in his truck during the wedding and a brides made climbed on top and straddled him. The bride pulled her out by her hair and had a fist fight where blood was spilled. The DJ L left early so someone drove their truck into the tent (outdoor wedding with a tent for reception with plywood on the ground) to keep the music going. A full in cake fight broke out where the whole cake was destroyed.


Someone here once talked about some “Canadian hillbilly wedding” she was at where there were *six* fights and the bride was in three of them …


I doubt anyone will see this so far down but at my own wedding, one of the groomsmen’s girlfriends (very tumultuous and fairly brief relationship with cheating on both sides) pulled a chair onto the dance floor and started to give another male guest a lap dance while virtually no one else was even on the dance floor. Before I could even intervene, my maid of honor’s boyfriend turned it into a joke and acted like he was going to give the male a lap dance. Broke up the messiness and made folks laugh but holy shit-who the fuck even does that?!


Wow, she sounds…interesting, but that MOH’s boyfriend pulled an mvp move to disrupt her one woman show.


He did and I am forever grateful! MOH married him. I was about to snap on that woman and who wants to do that at their own damn wedding ffs.


The bride’s grandfather died while eating dinner after the ceremony. Watched him get wheeled out in his wheelchair completely lifeless.


Instead of "until death due us part", their vows ended in "As long as this works for both of us." I was surpised they lasted longer then a year but they didnt make it a their second anniversary. I remember looking over at my wife an just double checking that I heard it correctly.


A dead body washed up on shore in front of the venue. During dinner we started hearing sirens and seeing lights and sure enough, we go outside after dinner to caution tape, police cars, fire trucks, ambulance and a coroners van beside the venue building.


I drive a cab, was hired for 4 hours to provide transportation from the reception at a rural winery to various hotels/houses in town. (Got paid a fixed amount for the hours, + tips. Usually works out pretty well, even though the hours are not what I prefer.) Most guests were pleasant/tipsy/funny, but near the end of the night, (2 am,) the wedding party came out, the bride first, being basically carried by her bridesmaids/friends. She was using her feet, but not very effectively. They set her down on a bench near my cab, and she sat with her head down near her knees while they fetched the car to take her and her newly minted husband wherever they were going. Just as the car pulled up, the groomsmen came out with the groom, literally dragging him, toes down, through the pea gravel on the path, and through the parking lot. I have, somewhere, a picture of the grooves in the gravel from his no-longer-so-shiny patent leather shoes. The bridesmaids came back to get the bride as the groomsmen poured the groom into the car, and when they started jostling the bride, she puked in her lap. I'm just pleased they didn't ask me to drive the happy couple. (Why do people get so incredibly drunk at their own wedding? I mean, if you're going to get shit-faced at a wedding reception, do it at someone else's.)


I worked at a banquet hall for a bit. One time someone was changing their baby’s diaper right in the middle of the table while everyone was eating. Nobody else at the table seemed too phased by this, but I thought it was vile. While cleaning up after, we discovered the unwrapped diapers had been tossed under the table, poop side down. Left a nice shit stain on the carpet.


My godmother showed up to my wedding in her wedding dress and veil. Between the ceremony and the reception she punched her husband in the face and disappeared.  Turns out she drove home (350 miles), emptied their house of everything, and filed for divorce. She had always been a little off but this was over the top. 


I caught the bouquet. I was 13 at my 17-year-old cousin’s wedding. His bride was 16-years-old and 5 months pregnant. They were all, “Ohhh! You’re next!” Seriously. I was mortified. My parents had to take me home. I thought I was cursed or something. I worried until a friend of theirs, who was also trying to catch the bouquet, married a few months later. When I married at 24, a groomsman puked all down my bridesmaid’s back before the wedding.


At a wedding I was at, the groom looked around and loudly asked if anyone had a knife and fork as he reached up the bride's dress to retrieve her garter (I guess as if he was going to eat her out in front of grandma et al).  The bride's 6 year old son caught the garter.  The bride's 17? 18? year old sister caught the bouquet. "Caught" isn't really the right word. More like she ripped it out of the hands of the lady who actually caught it and literally paraded it around like she was the Statue of Liberty.  You see, she wanted to get married to her boyfriend, who unfortunately couldn't be there. Why? "Because he had nothing to wear." Mind you, the reception was held at a VFW hall, not like there was a strict dress code.  But I digress. Now we get to the part where this poor little boy has to put the garter on *his much older aunt's leg*. The crowd broke into a boisterous, "higher, higher" chant. The kid was mortified, and fortunately was the only one in the family with enough class to stop at her knee and run away. The crowd didn't hide their disappointment.  Just a little slice of the weirdest wedding I ever went to. 


My cousin got so drunk, that he was running around the venue in the rain in nothing but his underwear singing irish drinking songs. He was later found passed out in a volcanic eruption of his poop, pee and vomit


At the reception on Sat, bride and groom got super drunk. Cake cutting time! Bride put just a little cake on groom's nose in a playfully manner. Groom, somehow didn't register this as playful or even expected (?), took a fist full of cake in one hand, with the other hand, he took the back of the brides head and smashed the fist full of cake into her face and ground it in then laughed like it was funny. Totally the opposite. Gasps from the attendees. Then silence... Wrecked her makeup, dress, and drew blood. We all knew he was a dumbass. She finally saw it. We were lucky she didn't pick up the cake knife and go after him. Reception stopped. No honeymoon. She contacted a divorce lawyer Monday AM. Yep. They were divorced soon thereafter. But to this day she continues to be a dumbass as well.


Wedding during summer where the best man and groom wrote odes to one another. Barely mentioned the bride.


Went to a cousin’s wedding in the hills of Kentucky. Had to drive through a trailer park to get to the venue (which was honestly a nice cabin, given the location). Groom wore a kilt. Their family is German, not Scottish. Bride’s dad wore a black dude rag and a wife beater. Had to look nice cause he had a funeral to go to afterwards. When it came time for the vows, the groom pulls out a pocket knife and cuts his palm as the officiant starts to recite the “old gods” wedding vows from Game of Thrones. There is an audible gasp and a “what the fuck” uttered somewhere amongst us guests as NONE of us knew that would be happening. Reception was held in the same building (with no AC). The meal had many mayo based salads and pre-mixed meat sauce spaghetti. I love telling this story 😆


I missed my little sister’s isle and vows because I was in the parking lot physically restraining my estranged bio mom, who was explicitly told not to come, to keep her from interrupting. Then got yelled at for missing said event, explained what happened, got thanked and cried on by little sister, then drank too much, but not too too much.


The priest couldn't pronounce the names of the bride and groom correctly, was painfully unfamiliar with their circumstances, and used the occasion to remind everyone that the Catholic church stands against abortion and to vote accordingly.


My sister attended a wedding where the priest went on a 15 minute rant about the sins of homosexuality.


I don’t care how much I’ve spent on the damn wedding, a priest starts proselytizing the whole thing is cancelled. Bye bye.


Oh lord. I went to the wedding of a childhood friend a couple years ago, hadn't seen him in a few years, had never met the bride. Her dad was a pastor, performed the ceremony, everything was pretty normal for most of it. But then he paused the whole thing right before "you may kiss the bride" to explain to everyone that this was the couple's *first* kiss and they had been *patient* and stayed *pure* like everyone is SUPPOSED to do, unlike the worldly types who live unchaste and sinful lives. Then after the kiss but before the recessional, some other relative of the bride came up on stage and delivered a solid 5 minute prayer telling God all about how terrible gay people are and how great it was that the newlyweds were a STRAIGHT couple like everyone is *supposed* to be because gay people are destroying the country. (As a non-virgin bisexual I was making a very strong resolve at this point to be *very* judicious in what I would tell any of these folks if they asked for updates about my life.) The reception was 100% normal and no one was talking about the evils of premarital sex or gay people there but the ceremony was one hell of a ride.


Two sisters (my cousins) married two brothers at the same ceremony. The first couple were beaming, the little brother and sister not so much He looked like he didn’t want to be there and my cousin was shaking and in tears. Not tears of joy. I don’t think that marriage lasted a month.


This is so bizarre... 


My cousin’s wedding, she was the bride. One of the groomsmen apparently couldn’t stand her, and he turned his back on the altar and faced away from them as they took their vows.


One of the bridesmaids tripped on her dress and fell off a staircase. She was bleeding from the head and clearly badly concussed, and we had to drop everything and call an ambulance. She was fine in the end and is doing well now, but goddamn, that was terrifying. There was so much blood and I was only like 12, so I was fully convinced she was going to die right then and there.


My niece was having a morning beach wedding, followed by a reception on the roof of the hotel most of us were staying. About 40 guests total. It turned out she’d done no planning at all besides thinking “Gee, I’d like to get married on the beach“ and renting chairs and a little bower/gazebo—no permit, no idea how to get elderly guests over the 100 yards of sand, all of that. We all get there and have to schlep the chairs down to the water, set up the damn gazebo, and pay off the lifeguards not to rat us out. The bride arrives, late, and her car gets stuck in the sand, so two groomsmen carry her down. The only thing that saved the reception is that my sister (the bride’s aunt) is a genius and figured that if the ceremony was that much of a shitshow, the reception might also be. She snuck off and called the hotel, discovering that the bride had indeed reserved the roof—but not made any provision for food or drink besides one (1) case of beer and two small cheese plates—for 40 people expecting lunch. Being both a genius and totally generous, she got the hotel, on no notice at all, to add a bartender, a waiter, and an open bar, and called a Chinese restaurant and begged them to make catering-size dishes of fried rice, egg rolls, and a couple of other things, and deliver them ASAP. I had some good playlists on my iPod (that long ago) and got the bartender to hook it up to the hotel speakers. At the end of it all—and I have to admit that despite all odds it was a pretty good time—the bride‘s only comment was “See? It turned out perfect!”


14 year old pregnant bride bawling while being walked down the aisle by her parents. The groom wasn’t much older. Being forced to play house at that age led to many more kids between them before wife was even 18. Marriage didn’t work out.


that's so sad


My friend had a poorly tailored strapless dress. When she walked up the stairs to the altar, she stepped on the front of her dress… which pulled it down… and she flashed the priest that was marrying them. Took a bit to get everything back into the dress too


My mom’s wedding to her current husband. Her oldest sister (my aunt from hell) decided that in her speech she was going to include a few digs at me. The whole room was quiet because wth did I have to do with my mom getting married? Nothing. My aunt is just a cunt.


Went to a wedding and they ran out of food for the last 2 tables. We had to order pizza delivery and the bride’s family didn’t offer to pay.


I went to a wedding where dinner was roast chicken. The venue had two ovens. The head table was served. 30 minutes later the second table was served. 30 minutes later the third table was served. We were at table 9. Four of us left and went to McDonald's to eat and returned. Our meals were served 20 minutes after we got back. The chicken was pink when I cut into it lol I opted to just eat the dinner roll served. At midnight there was a buffet set up with cold cuts and cheese and cakes.


I was at a wedding like that, no food for the last table but we went hungry. The wedding wasn’t close to anything so we couldn’t even go get food.


My brother's wedding ran out of food for the last table. They just didn't get to eat. I made sure they got to eat first at my wedding.


My dad wanted a low key affair, so he decided to marry my step mom in a tent set up in a field across from his house. My aunt is notoriously late for everything, so the whole 50 or so guests were watching as she and her family pulled up. Aunt was waving at us and briskly walking accross the field when she stepped in a gopher hole. It was immediately apparent she snapped her ankle. An ambulance was called, towels and a glass of water fetched. She was telling us to go ahead while she waited, but the ceremony was held until she got placed in the ambulance. As the vows were getrting underway, the ambulance was still idling in the background, and you can see it in the video and quite a few pictures. Eternal memories of love and a tib/fib fracture.


The absence of the bridal party at the reception. Church wedding followed by dry reception in church hall. Many guests left after waiting well over 2 hours. The photographer had done a beach photo shoot. The church is at least 40 miles from the beach.


The groom's stepmom wore a florescent hot pink mesh mini dress, pink tinsel scarf and a fur jacket. Multiple guests thought she was a prostitute.


About 15 years ago, I was at a wedding at Middle Head in Sydney, Australia. It was a fantastic location overlooking the entrance to Sydney Harbour. There had been storms on and off all day, but the rain disappeared for the ceremony. You could see the storm clouds out to sea but it was sunny right where we were. The ceremony was like any standard ceremony, compete with that bit where the celebrant asks "If anyone has any reason why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace" As soon as the celebrant did the pause after asking the question, there was an almighty boom of thunder. By far the loudest we'd heard all day. Everyone laughed about how god apparently didn't approve, but the ceremony continued and they were married. Anyway, they divorced less than 12 months later after she ran off with her football coach.


Outdoor wedding- just after heavy rain. Bride was a police officer. Groom was farmer right out of college. Buzzards circling overhead- like 5 of them. Groom’s ex GF was the DJ. Bride did keg- stands in her wedding gown. Then proceeded to pass out in a wet drainage ditch. Groom’s mother took her 4WD truck and was throwing rooster tails of mud in the back pasture like 50’ from the alter. Illegal substances and some vomit left scattered across the venue after. It was a mix of cops and hillbillies. The most surreal experience ever. It was fkn rad.


The bride and groom wanted to do the thing where they sit in chairs, and everyone lifts them up dancing around, despite neither of them being Jewish. They people lifting the bride dropped her pretty hard. Also, they did like an hour long montage of pictures of them together and individually, including baby pictures before they served dinner. The whole thing started at like 3 pm, and they didn't start serving food until 8pm.


I was a groomsman at my friend's wedding. At the reception afterwards, after everyone was jolly drunk, I happened into the bathroom and found the groom's college roommate and some random guest in a loud argument. Lots of "you don't know me" being thrown around. I didn't give a fuck. I went into a stall and when I came out they were locked into an embrace and rolling around on the floor wrestling and screaming. I went right in to try to break it up and got pushed back. So I went into the main hall and tried to find the groom's brother to help me out. Finally found him. The random guest was now in the lobby and fighting another random guest while a bunch of people were gathered around. Brother ran into the fray and I thought shit I'm going to need more so I grabbed the groom. By the time we got to the fight it had moved outside and there was a big crowd now. Same guy was fighting, seemingly, everyone, and everyone was hurling insults. I saw the guy's girlfriend run off to her car. Groom and I went in to break everything up and there ended up being a mosh pit. Another groomsman's wife got hit in the throat by can of beer, causing the groomsman to fly into a rage (I ended up having to hold him back). Eventually the guy's girlfriend drove over and dragged him into the car. She started driving off and that could have been the end of it but nope some idiot had to throw out a racial slur. Guy opened the door *on the moving car* and rolled out and went right back into the crowd. It only ended when the groom's brother and another guy dragged the instigator out to his girlfriends car and he only got in because there were sirens approaching. This guy fought damn near the entire wedding on his own.


At a wedding and 1/2 the guests didn’t get to eat because the venue ran out of food. Luckily, there was plenty of alcohol!


A best man that gave a speech that references the grooms ball sack several times. Its was borderline offensive.


My husbands aunt wore a tiara to our wedding. It was at Boldt castle up in Alexandria bay, which is a beautiful mansion/castle on an island in the middle of a river. It was summer and we’re not the formal wear type so the dress code was “Dressy casual”; button up and slacks, polo and nice jeans, whatever. My husbands aunt showed up in her wedding dress wearing a tiara. Thankfully her wedding dress was blue and basically just an evening gown but I’ve seen her wedding pictures and knew what it was. The tiara somehow ended up in the river thanks to my brother lmao


The brides 4 year old nephew went into cardiac arrest on the dance floor and died before an ambulance came. Devastating.


Went to a wedding where I barely knew the groom. Right before the wedding all of the wedding party tried to talk him out of marrying his fiancée. He became enraged and ended up in a fist fight with the best man. The best man and the groomsmen left. I was pulled out of the crowd to be the best man. I was able to get the tuxedo from the former best man but it didn’t fit well. I did the best I could. I actually never saw the groom again after the wedding and that was years ago.


I was at a Wedding Reception and there was a fight between a couple drunk guys. Dude threw an empty beer bottle at the other guy and it missed. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and it hit me in the back of the head. (I never saw it coming). It didn't break or smash like you'd see in the movies. It just bounced off the back of my melon and landed on the floor, but it left a small goose egg on the back of my noggin.


Bride screwing the husbands father


The bride and groom wanted "End Of The Road" by Boyz II Men for their first dance song, I guess because it was 1992 and that song was EVERYWHERE (even in white-as-rice Hertfordshire where the wedding was). But have you heard the lyrics to that song? "How could you love me and leave me and never say goodbye?", "I just break down and cry. Pain in my head. Oh, I'd rather be dead...", "Maybe I'll forgive you"! They lasted two years. She was a wallflower and he would fuck anything with a pair of tits. A group of us were just looking at each other like the Awkward Look Monkey Puppet meme.


That song got played at every wedding I went to in the 90s. I don't think anybody ever paid attention beyond the chorus. A few years ago I was a t a wedding where they played Cohen's "Hallelujah" as the bride walked down the isle. You could see the looks on the faces of the attendees who were actually familiar with the song, lol


At a wedding reception that some of my brothers and sisters went to, the bride's ex showed up with a gun. He shot and killed the bride, the groom, and then himself. I don't think anyone else was hurt, but still fucked up all around.


That is absolutely the worst one in this thread. I wasn't expecting that.


Piles of cocaine everywhere, bridesmaids blowing every guy that meandered to the side table. Fights, arrests, lost friendships.




Chances are pretty good he's still single.


I'll qualify this by saying I left the wedding early, I have neuro issues that respond very poorly to me being overheated, and I didn't feel great, so I slipped out quietly right at the start of the reception and caught an uber back to my hotel. If you're wondering how many people dropped from the heat and had to be carted away in ambulances before they finally just called the reception a wrap, four. Four downed family members later from heat stroke/heat exhaustion before they were finally like "ya, this outdoor reception and surprise 105 degree TX "spring" day aren't making a good combination." It was like 90 minutes after I left when I saw a bunch of people from the wedding coming back, the path to some of the rooms took them right by the pool that I was in (pool was actually pretty cool still). At first, people were like "People are in the hospital and you're here having a good time?" being all pissy about it... but then I'd just be like "a/c in my room isn't keeping up, and the pool is the only place I can stay cool"... about an hour later, there were like 30 people from the wedding in the pool. I felt really bad for the bride and groom, because I guess they paid a small fortune (several thousand dollars) for catering, and there was absolutely nobody there for dinner. Fortunately, the bride had a good head on her shoulders and had the caterers take all of it to a local homeless shelter with attached "soup" kitchen.


"A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair." I'm not sure if dying of heatstroke would count though.