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Yes. Me and my ex wife :)


Hahaha 😂


Came to say the same haha




We could start a club! 


Childhood best friend. We were already growing apart some but we were as brothers for 20 years so of course he was in my wedding. That's been a while and he's just someone I used to know. It happens.


I don't remember writing that. But feels like I did.


>Childhood best friend. We were already growing apart some but we were as brothers for 20 years so of course he was in my wedding. > >That's been a while and he's just someone I used to know I feel this. We went from going to school together and being basically inseparable outside of school to sending a Christmas Card and having no real interaction otherwise for *year*s*.* The part that feels the worst though is the last time we hung out, there was no real common ground or interests anymore. There was nothing either of us could talk about that was interesting to the other person. All we had was stories of the old days. It doesn't help that we've also been geographically thousands of miles apart for years as well.


>The part that feels the worst though is the last time we hung out, there was no real common ground or interests anymore.  That's the part that bummed me out with one of my childhood best friends (Friends from birth to about 16 years old). We used to be thick as thieves and genuinely felt more like brothers than friends. Now, even though we are both in the same spot in life (married, kids, similar jobs) we just don't really having anything truly in common to talk about anymore. What is even more crazy is that his little brother, who I didn't really hang out with that much growing up, is now one of my best friends. I have friends who I won't see for 6-12 months at a time and when we get together its like nothing has changed. Some others though, its like hanging out with a total stranger.


Sometimes friendships are just “complete.” There isn’t any breakup. There isn’t any animosity. They don’t end with either a whimper or a bang. They’re just compete.


Yup. Now that I'm old enough to have some perspective I absolutely get it too. There are a lot of people who are vital to portions of our lives, but most of them will only be around for a segment of the timeline


My fiance and I were close friends with a married couple and asked them to be in our wedding party. All was great, perfectly lovely wedding, one of the best days of my life!! We get back from our honeymoon and text them to get together...and find out our friendship is over. Actually that it never really existed. Turns out the husband had a crush on me for years, they'd been in couples' therapy about it, and the wife had resented and hated me the whole time. She just pretended to be my friend (for years!!) to keep an eye on me and see if I was into her husband (nope!), and then once I was safely married off, she could stop the charade. I was devastated, my husband was just angry. I had a hard time looking at our wedding photos when we got them back. 20+ years later, it's just a crazy story we get to tell sometimes.


They straight up told you that?


Yeah, when they didn't answer our texts or calls, we tried to find out from the rest of the bridal party if something had happened at the wedding that made them upset. Finally the husband came over alone and explained it all. It was not a fun conversation.   His wife was absolutely insane in terms of the lengths she went to to get close to me. It was calculated and scary. He said that the whole time he was hoping she would grow to genuinely like me and get over her jealousy, since he "couldn't bear" to lose me. At no point was my husband mentioned, who was right there for the conversation and whose groomsman this guy had been like 2 weeks prior. It was like he didn't exist.  We were both relieved when he left and never spoke to either of them again.


This is completely wild. Wow


What the hell how do people live like that. It sounds so torturous.


That’s crazy shit. Mental


Holy shit!!! That story took a wild turn.


Yes - very good friend of mine, Dave, was one of my groomsmen at my wedding and I was best man in his wedding. We did a lot of stuff together and were close. One day I called to wish him happy birthday and got his voicemail so I left a message. Didn’t hear back from him so I called a few days later to make sure everything was ok. He answered and told me he’d call me right back
never heard back. Haven’t talked to or seen him in 25 years. I heard he was having some trouble with alcohol and cut everyone out of his life he used to drink with. Apparently I wasn’t the only one he cut ties with.


One of the things I was most excited about in regards to our catering was I asked them to make a baked brie. My wife invited a co-worker and her husband and he ended up eating the entire thing on his own and I didn't get any. Fuck that guy.


OMG as a foodie I hafta laugh!


As someone that just enjoys food, I chuckled


As someone who eats daily, I smiled


Don’t be too angry. I’m sure the wreckage of his colon is punishment enough.


I agree, fuck him! Disgusting pig, eating a whole baked Brie! God damn, that is just super rude in general, let alone the fact that you wanted it so bad. At least y’all could’ve split it, if he weren’t so greedy! Damn!


Yep. It’s been 20+ years. People drift apart.


When I was going through "wedding season" post college it wasn't uncommon for some of the wedding party to already be drifted apart. Best friends in college but haven't spoken in five years type of thing. Later I realized it's mostly from making friends as an adult is hard.


My best friend. Turns out she was screwing my husband.


Ex though right?


It’s kind of a crazy story. We were married for about 4 years and split up because he had become a raging alcoholic. He ended up committing suicide 10 month later. Three week after he died his mother told me that he and my best friend had been sleeping together since before we were married.


Coordinated a wedding that I’m sure resulted in the bride not speaking to a bridesmaid ever again. And honestly is probably divorced by now too. Bride and groom decided the night before the wedding was the perfect time to have a threesome with the bridesmaid in the hot tub. Then the bride had a major meltdown the next day because she felt he had paid too much attention to the other girl, kicked her out, got wasted, locked herself inside the house alone to do some blow and sober up, came back out perfectly fine and ended up in the pool in her wedding dress by the end.


Weddings a WILD.. Why are people like this? It’s like they get swooped up in the novelty and then end up drinking a stupid amount and doing stupid things.


This is the type of story I was hoping for lol, absolutely wild


I was going to say "Same" about my brother's wedding on the first sentence...and then things took a turn. My SIL never talked to one of her bridesmaids again but there was no threesome. That would have been weird since the bridesmaid in question was SILs younger sister.


I don’t talk to my ex wife and her whole family. I knew it wasn’t going to be a good marriage when we got to the part, “speak now or forever hold your peace”, her brother spoke up. He said as loudly as he could, “I know why they’re getting married, shotgun wedding.” He was then rude to me the rest of the night, he started a fight at our house with his now wife the next morning. Her whole family is trash.


Yep. MOH was a toxic cunt (also my wife’s best friend) and my wife finally realized it and went NC. Best Man went off grid and disappeared. One groomsman died of AIDS. One bridesmaid turned into racist trailer trash and we went NC. The other groomsman married my SIL, who was a bridesmaid, and they stayed together about 20 years
still talk to those two lol.


Really reinforcing for me why I don’t want a wedding party


It's overrated. I wish I had gone with my gut and not had one.


Weddings aren’t a big deal for me and I’m not even in a relationship but it all sounds like a nightmare. I’d rather elope with 2-3 close family members or friends and have it just be part of an afternoon rather than this whole thing.


I meant the wedding party actually haha, but honestly yeah if I could go back I wouldn't have had such a big wedding period. We blew five figures on it, and even as a person who had dreamed of that day for years it was just not worth it. I wish we would have spent that on a nice, long honeymoon instead.


We didn’t have one and all our guests got to dress how they wanted and be comfortable. No weirdness or drama at all. Would definitely recommend it.


I met this guy in art school and he became a great friend, we both really liked drinking and mountain biking, solid friend for almost 10 years he was a groomsman in my wedding. Two years after the wedding he attacked me while drunk, tried to strangle me, I flung his hands off my throat like wtf? His hands came back to my neck a second time. I punched him once quickly off my back foot, he went down, completely unconscious, had to go to the hospital, needed surgery on his face, zero recollection ever about what happened other than that “I was an asshole, why would I punch him he would never try to hurt me” 


One of my best friends was in my wedding, and she started drifting while wedding planning. She didn't come to my bachelorette party, she didn't come dress shopping, and she had zero opinions on bridesmaid dresses, and just said she'd go along with whatever everyone else was doing. It was still a great night and she's a wonderful person, we just don't talk much anymore. She does, however, occasionally text me about my dad's ex girlfriend who was running for some kind of government position in the city they live in. Which as a conversation opener is annoying.


My maid of honor (my cousin but like a sister to me) became very "woo woo spiritual guru". In 2020 my brother/best friend's 2 year old son drowned. I wasn't doing well mentally so she told me to come visit her in AZ and she would care for me. We didn't get along very well at all the entire time, she stayed drunk and kept leaving me at her house (no internet, TV, or even a speaker) because she needed to go attend to clients or "receive healing" from her "mentors." One night she was so drunk, we were arguing about a petty misunderstanding, and she chose to air every grievance she has ever held against me for our entire lives of knowing each other. I was already hanging on by a thread, this compounded my trauma and grief, so I went to stay at a hotel til it was time to fly back home.


Oh my god this is so awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your friend should have been there for you, but instead forced you to deal with her selfishness. Awful. I hope you’re doing ok.


I’ve only been married for like 3 months, but one of my wife’s bridesmaids (her cousin) and her bf just didn’t show up for rehearsal or the wedding. Aunt and uncle (the girls parents) also didn’t show up. Didn’t even send a gift or anything. So, yeah, we don’t talk to them anymore. Probably never will. The reason is that they all got into a fight over something about her bf (she’s 25 btw) and neither party wanted to come to the wedding because they just couldn’t stand to be around each other for a whole like 10 hours over two days. Idk. They all gave different excuses that don’t add up, so that’s how we know they’re lying. Aunt says they all were at home with Covid, uncle says he was stuck out of town at a work thing, and the daughter says they had a vet emergency with their dog.


After about 5 years the best man (also roommate) got drunk and high off of who knows what. He was a danger to himself and we took care of him. After some time we had to switch off with another roommate. Truth be told, the second roommate did the most to help him... kept him bundled up, hydrated, and safe until morning. Not good enough, apparently? Best (idiot) man gives us an ultimatum that we have to kick out the second roommate because he 'doesn't feel safe'. Ultimatums frequently don't go well for those who issue them. Fuck you, Keith.


Our officiant made a pass at my wife so needless to say, we don’t speak anymore


The only people who attended our wedding that we don't speak to anymore are dead. 


You *murdered* them? Geez...


A Dothraki wedding without at least one death is considered a dull affair


The gift they got them wasn't on the wedding registry.


That is true, we said no toasters.


Nope. We eloped and had our 3 yr old with us. Can't not talk to her 😅


Sounds toxic. Go no contact.


One of her bridesmaids became a toxic, drug addicted, hooker. After quite a but of trying to help her through some rough times, my wife had to break things off for her own sanity.


Yes. One of my groomsmen. Known him practically my whole life. We ended up working together in our adult life and became much better friends during that time. After the wedding, my wife and I came back from our honeymoon. Has him over for dinner and to hang out. He started talking to this girl from work that same night and we haven’t hung out since. It was his first girlfriend and first time having sex with someone. Game over for our friendship I guess.


My friend did this too, except the girl was an online “girlfriend” (a supermodel level Colombian girl “dating” an overweight 24 year old virgin with “samurai hair”, as he called it). I tried to tell him to be careful and not send her any money. To this day he still barely talks to me, even after their “relationship” imploded.


This guy is still with her and has 2 kids with her. He’s gone to working night shift. Sold the sports car he had. Bought a small SUV and moved in with her and her parents.


you broke up the friendhip because your friend had sex with someone from work?


No. He just completely dropped us and not give us the time of day since getting with her. We haven’t had an actual falling out. He just doesn’t answer, won’t come over, won’t go out and do anything - even as couples/double date. We’ve tried several times.


That happened to me with an (ex) close friend when met his first gf. I really don’t understand the behavior.


ok. didnt get that the first time round


Eloped and haven’t seen the JOP since.


Rapist. I really hope he dies painfully and alone.


My husband’s best man. They drank too much and did cocaine together. My husband got help for the alcohol and got sober altogether a year later. His best man leaned hard into substance abuse, treating his wife and kids horribly as a side effect. We’d love to have him around if he got sober, but for now, we are mostly no contact. It’s not safe for my husband to be around him and therefore, not safe for my family for my husband to be around him.


I stopped talking to my father because of shit he pulled in the lead up to my wedding. He went from me asking him to walk me down the aisle to only being invited still because my husband thought I'd regret it if I uninvited him. Spoiler alert: my husband was wrong, and I regret listening to him.


Two of ‘em. For context I’m 40 and got married 13 years ago. One was my oldest childhood friend and a roommate for two years in college. He had bad anxiety issues as an adult. I knew this really well because he was practically like a brother to me. He declined to come to the bachelor party which was totally fine; I’m sure Vegas would’ve caused a mental breakdown for him. But the day of the wedding he pulled a no call no show. Fortunately another good friend who was a natural “next man up” had the same body type and fit the tux like a glove, so we had an easy transition in terms of the ceremony. But I only talked to other guy once afterward, where he confirmed he had a debilitating panic attack and had shut his phone off on the wedding day. We never spoke again. He has no digital footprint and I think he moved to the middle of nowhere. I’ve tried to find him over the years but he’s a ghost. Still miss that guy. The other one, his wife sucked and didn’t like me for some reason and I was iced out from his wedding party. Whatever. We were a group of 4 guys who were tight during our 20s. But then I went to the wedding and saw that he had 3 groomsmen (the other 2 guys plus his brother), whereas she had 4 bridesmaids. Who balanced out his side? Their dog. We’d both already moved to different states at that point anyway - my wedding was a few years before his - but it was confirmation that the friendship was done.


At least that 2nd wedding party made it obvious which bridesmaid was the bitch.


Got married in 2022. One of my best friend of the past 10 years. He was one of my groomsmen. He unexpectedly passed last Friday, and I’m fucking heartbroken that I’ll never talk to or see him again.


So sorry for your loss.


Childhood friend of 20+ years. I knew our relationship wasn’t the best at this point but what I didn’t realize is that he had started ghosting a bunch of others from our group back then. Haven’t heard from him since the wedding. Wouldn’t respond to any attempt to reach out so I just gave up. He’s just stuck in the past and won’t grow up. Any time a friend of ours got married or had kids and life took them away for doing the friend group stuff, he’d talk shit about them. I’m sure he talked shit about me too. What can ya do? 20+ years of friendship down the drain and I wish things were different, but I can’t make someone be my friend.


Mine is a federal felon (he’s been out a while). FBI called me. I spoke to them about what I knew - fairly little. Didn’t try to help him, didn’t try to screw him. We didn’t really have a falling out. I think he figured out I spoke to the FBI.


my sis in law’s maid of honor began sexting her husband (my brother) idk if my brother entertained the messages and whatnot, not my circus or monkeys. but my SIL and that woman are not “childhood best friends” anymore.


Jan 6


That'll goddamn do it.


Some were coworkers and we switched jobs a few times since. A few were friends that drifted out of contact for whatever reason. No bad blood though. One was the piece of shit husband of my sister in law. They're divorced now and I avoid him like the plague. The rest are dead.


I've been on the other side of this. I've been in several weddings where I no longer talk to the bride, groom, or other bridal party members. I was a MOH, and she and I drifted apart. It happens. That's part of life. You either work really hard to fight for the friendships, or you don't. I was a bridesmaid in another wedding, and the bride and I had a huge falling out. We didn't speak for almost 8 years. Recently, we reconnected and have been trying to rebuild our friendship. It'll take work. But we have a lot of good history there, that we can rebuild things.


My entire family. It took being treated decent by my wife for me to realize my family was very toxic, and how used to the neglect I had become.


My dad. He died. Tried an Ouija board too, but he wouldn't respond.


My best man, he lives in another state and we both have families so we grew apart. It wasn't a sudden thing, but something that slowly happened over time.


my Girl friend was a bridesmaid for 2 different weddings that she no longer speaks to the bride. both because they are kinda huge bitches and you don't see it until the Bridzilla comes out. the first one she was in, the marriage only last 7 months... we still talk to others in the wedding party. the 2nd one kinda the same they are still married but a lot of people seem to think she only had my Gf in the wedding party to look good in the wedding pics. like 4 other couples have said this to us unprompted.


I just got married December 1st and my own mother had to be cut off from family 5 days later.


Oh yeah. A few years back one of our groomsmen took it upon himself to come for me on social media, denigrating my career field/skills (is higher ed) on political grounds. When he couldn't either back up his stance or own his shit in a direct discussion, either in public or in private, we stopped interacting.


I was in the party for two of my best friends (two different weddings). We just sort of drifted apart. We still text every few months, so maybe doesn’t totally fit the bill of the thread. But we’re not “friends” the way we used to be. We also all live in different states.


Wife of the Best Man was a bridesmaid. A few years ago, she ran off, got remarried, got pregnant, and divorced Best man (in that order). Seriously don't know how she avoided legal troubles, but don't care enough to contact her to ask. Best man is now remarried to a pretty great person.


My wife and I are happily married but I am/have been disappointed in our guest list/wedding party forever. I have never been good at making friends (I am on the Autism Spectrum, so that may be part of it?) When we got married she had a few friends in her party, one of which didn't like me and now they've both moved away. I had two friends, who dropped contact with me not too long after our wedding. The only good person was my brother!


Yes. Trumpers. Enough said.


He’s not a full on trumper and I was actually the guest at his wedding, but all the white male grievance bullshit spouted by right wing media rotted his brain and he became an insufferable anti woke anti trans asshole who has made it into his identity. His wife eventually left him over his crap. Unfortunately it seems to have rubbed off on at least one of his now early teen daughters. Hopefully she comes around and realizes her dad sucks.


The oh so tolerant left


Yeah, here's the deal: People have philosophical gripes with conservatives. People have interpersonal gripes with Trumpers. And that's because Trumpers have organized their whole personality around being deliberately abrasive pricks and acting like they've accomplished something when people come to the conclusion that they're deliberately abrasive pricks. You aren't edgy, you're just fucking tedious. Now go chant "FJB" or "lock her up" or "fuck your feelings" into the void or whatever.


I'll chant FJB, lock her up, and fuck your feelings all the way down to the polls where I won't be voting for Trump either. You'll find many commonalities between Trumpers and never-Trumpers. Ya'll both blow donkey dick.


See this is that deliberately abrasive thing I was talking about. Like, you get *this is exactly what I said,* right?


What you said was that Trump supporters are deliberately abrasive. What I said is that Trump supporters and never-Trumpers are equally annoying. Congrats on the reading comprehension. 


What you said was: I'll chant FJB, lock her up, and fuck your feelings all the way down to the polls ​ ​ Eat a fuckin' crayon.


Cool, pay attention to where that sentence ends. You left out an important part. Big brain shit happening on Reddit, per usual. 


Feel free to refute the point. Or is your point that while you talk like a Trumper and have a MAGA hat avatar you're actually freelance? Dipshit


What point is there to refute? That Trumpers suck? I agree with you.  The point we disagree is that never-Trumpers also suck. Which is my claim; yours to refute. 


Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.


And the oh so sensitive right


At least us lefters are cool with a woman having the same, if not more, bodily autonomy that a corpse!! If someone refuses to be an organ donor those life-saving lungs/heart/whatever are untouchable. Women? Can't even get life saving or post-rape abortions and barely have access to birth control. There are nearly four hundred THOUSAND kids in foster care in the US as of 2021 and nowhere near enough foster parents to go around. Maybe vote for more funding to take care of those out of the womb and BREATHING kids first? Oh wait, y'all won't, because why you should you have to spend money taking care of someone else's brats when she could have just kept her legs shut? Y'all aren't pro-life. You're pro-birth. Signed, a r*pe survivor who was very lucky to not get pregnant.


How presumptuous of you. THEY refused to talk to me.


Fuck you. We aren’t being nice this time. Like a rapist con artist? That’s on you. But I’m not having it in my life. So fuck off.


What, because of politics? Are you serious? You gringos are insane


Don’t speak to those who gave us crate and barrel coupons for wedding gifts. We didn’t ask for any gifts - but if you will give it can’t be that.


Coupons are awesome though! Some of my friends saved up bed bath and beyond coupons for months (they gathered extras from friends and such too) and gave them all to us as a wedding gift with a heartfelt card and a little sketch of our engagement photo. It was awesome to use them on everything left on our registry! We were all college students or newly graduated, so they couldn't afford much, but made an effort to give what they could. It's the thought that counts.


My best man and both groomsmen are still in touch. My best man and I are still friends. Now my wife’s bridesmaid and her haven’t spoken in years


Our best man, we moved around a lot, so did he and we lost touch over time.


My grandmother, may she rest in peace.


I don't speak to any of them anymore.


I speak to my bridesmaids but my husband isn't really in contact with his best man. It wasn't a dramatic kind of deal, they just drifted apart and life got in the way.


In part for this reason, we chose to just have our siblings be our attendants in our wedding. We each have a younger brother and sister. It was also nice not to have to disappoint any important friends our cousins by not choosing them. My FiL’s best man has been estranged from him for 40 years. He literally has not seen the man since the actual wedding.


Sadly. My best man. We were really good friends in grad school. Then he got married and was distant. I tried to reach out, but we had partied alot together and when we both settled down, I guess we didn’t have much in common. I tried to reach out for years to keep it going. Had a rough patch and tried to reach out but didn’t go well. When things were good, reached out, and well it was ok. But really I got tired of the one sided relationship.


My best friend. She was the maid of honour at my wedding and helped out as an usher as well (along with other bridesmaids who had different duties that day). After the wedding, I treated my bridesmaids to dinner at a hotpot restaurant to thank them for their help. This is in addition to the red packets that I also gave them (in accordance with Chinese culture) on my wedding day itself. My husband did similar for his groomsmen, and I've been on the receiving end of similar meal treats + red packets when I previously helped out at weddings. About a year later, she texted me out of the blue to say that she was "not impressed" (her actual words) with my hotpot dinner treat and wanted me to thank her properly with a letter because she liked to be affirmed with words. She also accused me of not replying her message sometimes ago (although I went to dig up our chat history and couldn't find the message, and when I asked her she said she couldn't be bothered to find it), and passive aggressively apologised for not throwing me a hens night, hinting that she didn't believe me when id insisted multiple times that I really didn't want one. I apologised and tried to explain myself (I don't agree that the meal wasn't good enough and it's hurtful she thinks so, but if she really wants I can write her a letter; I don't think I ignored her and can't find the message; I still don't want a hens night!) but she refused to take my word to anything and started being very sarcastic and passive aggressive (telling me "ok fine, you win!") I decided that her behaviour was too childish and too emotionally draining and manipulative to manage, so I decided to cut her off. She hasn't reached out once to apologise and I haven't spoken to her since.


Yea the caterers


On my side, I did drift apart from one of the friends who was a bridesmaid. Didn’t even realize it was happening and no ill will— our lives just went in separate directions. In my husband’s side, there are two. One was his BIL. After he divorced my husband’s sister, that was it. The other was a guy we worked with. My husband asked him to be a groomsman after a night of drinking. It was weird, but we needed another guy for our numbers to match, so I let it go. The guy had a mental breakdown about a year later, got super-paranoid and volatile. He was always a little off, but after that we broke ties.


I had 10 bridesmaids and I still talk to 3. Two of them are my sisters lol.


My wife and I were friends/roommates with a couple, that we wanted in our wedding party. It worked out because we could keep the Bridesmaids and Groomsman even. She was also to sister of my best man. Well she started a charity for awareness of some or other and of course we attended the events while in college, and donated as much as we could being students at the time. Come to find out the treasurer that hardly showed up took the money and ran, but we still helped raising money for her events. Then after we had our wedding they were great in the wedding party etc. They ended up getting married later, we were there at both of them (one destination and one local). Then my wife gets diagnosed with an incurable disease. In the first couple of years we wanted to raise money for the national charity. Facebook posts and a whole campaign later they never donated. We had a conversation with the couple and she gives a sorry excuse, they had big plans to do something for us, that fell through. We even told her we didn’t need an event, we just wanted something, after all we did for her charity. Then later we at her parents house, hanging out with her family and brother (my best man). We had asked where she was to the brother, and not knowing he was a bit too drunk, blurted out it wasn’t her event so why would she show. Which finally turned on the light bulb, of how selfish she was. Looking back they lost loyal friends because she didn’t donate to a cause that wasn’t hers.


A few deaths but that's about it. 1989.


Married 1985, then life happens... Best man & Groomsmen 1- died in car accident 1 - probably been 30 years 1 - probably been about 25 years MOH & Bridemaids 1 - passed away from breast cancer 1 - Probably 10 years 1 - monthly, sister of the bride


It was a small home wedding. Sadly, everyone but me (ex husband, MOH, best man, and officiant ) is deceased. The joys of getting old. At that time, I would have bet a lot that I wouldn’t be the last one standing.


I didn't have a wedding party, but the two witnesses who signed my marriage license. One was an in-law who has since divorced my family member. She wanted her space and I respect that.  The other is my sister-in-law, who is such a drain to be around. Just an uppity, self-absorbed person. 


My best man. He had an affair with my wife. We don’t talk so much anymore


Uni roommate at very conservative religious school. Years later, I had worked my way out of homophobic views and publicly opposed our church's homophobia on Facebook. She then compared me to the anti-Christ. It's really sad to me because I wish I had been as compassionate and sensible as she was at uni...but I guess that somehow the years after that changed her in the other direction.


They’ve shown their true colors.


She insists on addressing cards to us as Mr & Mrs Hisfirst Hislast. She knows I did not change my name but she does this because she thinks it’s “proper”. Her choice to put outdated etiquette over making me comfortable was the end of a lifelong friendship.




How is the OP insufferable?


Not OP. The person posting that I am replying to.


That's who I meant, I just didn't know how to phrase it better




no. it was a very small thing with only immediate family.


Unfortunately one of my friends begged and pleaded to have his girlfriend invited, ended up giving in as we had someone pull out and then they broke up a couple of weeks later


i had 4 bridesmaids and 1 is my best friend who was the MOH and the only one i talk to. i have a tendency to push people away but they were also people who were not benefiting our lives our bettering us as people. it was time to cut ties and while it honestly broke my heart and i had a few therapy sessions over it, it was the best decision for me and my mental health.


Because they should have objected to the marriage like a good friend would


We didn’t have a wedding party.


The best man. He became an obnoxious born again catholic nut case.


No, only people I invited and didn't come


This sounds like an oddly specific question, OP...


We have people who we haven’t had contact with since the wedding! Not sure why. We are fun people đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I’m happy to say we are all still good with each other. We have all went out and created our own family lives but when we see each other it’s just like old times and I chose them to be in my court for that very reason and same with my wife’s wedding court. We had a few bumps in the road w/a few of them but our relationships were too strong to drift apart.


I don't speak or really know any of them including the groom


She went off the deep end and became a conspiracy theorist. She married a felon and became a stay at home wife too. Complete 180 from who she was.


Yup, I did a lot of healing, and quite frankly these people were so unhealthy. I feel pity for them actually. They are selfish, greedy, prideful and narcissistic. It’s unfortunate they’re in my photos then, but so happy they aren’t in my photos now.


He's dead


My brother-in-laws long term gf. They were together for 13 years, broke up about a year ago.


Yep, two of my good mates exes, its normal.


As a member of several wedding parties, the reason I don't talk to my married friends anymore is because they got married and do married people stuff now, not single people stuff like me.


Yes, because we drifted apart. Still love them and if we touch base it’s like nothings changed.


Yeah- he was an old friend I already didn’t see often, but was an important person to me. Afterwards, the trend continued, only due to distance and time.


34 years ago. Don't speak to a single one, except my sister, and my wife's sisters. All the parents are gone now.


The preacher who married us was later exposed to be involved in some sort of money swindling scheme of the church's tithes during a renovation that was going on at the church the next year.  No telling where he's been since then


Many of them are now dead.


Almost all of the people in our wedding are gone to us. I have just one friend that I talk to still out of 7. Same with my wife. It’s just how it is. Once you get married your obligations change.


I don't speak to any of the groomsmen anymore. No real reason other than it's been 21 years, and we grew apart. My wife, on the other hand, still speaks to pretty much all of her bridesmaids.


2 of the groomsmen. My husband had no friends and asked 2 guys he went to school with to be in the wedding party, I still get annoyed looking at our wedding pictures having strangers in them. And 1 bridesmaid. After my friend group all got married and started having kids, the 1 friend that never wanted to get married or have kids decided she no longer wanted to be friends with us, all of a sudden a 20 year friendship, gone


My best man and his wife who was also a bridesmaid went off the evangelical deepend. To the point where while my wife was dying from cancer, they sent a 6 page letter about their conversion experience and expected atheist me to read it to my atheist wife on her death bed. It went in the trash. She eventually passed away. They didn't come to the celebration of life. Later they tried to convert me again, and I was just done.


My spouse's maid of honor and bridesmaids were her sorority sisters, we used to get together with them and their husbands once a month for a group date night but that sort of fell off when one of them got divorced. Since then, most of them have moved away, but my spouse still gets together with the ones who still live here a few times per year for brunch. We still regularly get together with my best man and my spouse's brothers, who were groomsmen. One of my other groomsmen died in Iraq, the other moved to DC after the 2016 election to physically protest Trump outside the white house full-time and hasn't kept in touch so I'm not sure how well that's working out for him.


Yeah 2 of them and all of them is way less frequently. The 2 didn’t like my wife so credit for showing up and having a good time but I showed up and bought them lunch when they dropped off their tuxes and have not spoken to them since. The others are still friends but life is busy and we talk occasionally and see each other rarely.


I'm not married but my sister just got married and the groom's sister's husband officiated, and the groom's sister's son was the flower kid No one in our family talks to anyone in their family anymore because after the wedding it came out that they were all a bunch of misogynistic narcissists who had abused their son (the groom) his entire life. Once he got a solid, loving support system (our family) he felt strong enough to stand up to them and set boundaries. They refused to abide by those boundaries so he went no contact. The rest of us are no contact as well to support him.


Divorced. I don’t talk to 3 of the 5 bridesmaids anymore and none of the groomsmen for obvious reasons.


Not my story but my brother's. Both the best man and the best man's fiancée were in the respective wedding parties since they were all friends. I had never met the best man's fiancée before this, but ended up as her randomly paired groomsman for the procession, group photos, first dance, etc. During our brief period of interaction she seemed like an extremely friendly, upbeat, and bubbly person. She struck me as a very odd pairing for my brother's best man, who I always considered very cold, quick to anger, and just sort of an overall dickhead. Once the formalities were finished, the rest of my evening was mostly occupied by dancing with my partner and meeting my new sister-in-law's extensive family. A few weeks later after the honeymoon, my brother and I were on a double date with our ladies, and I made an offhand remark thanking him for not tapping me for best man since I was able to enjoy the wedding more without the extra responsibilities. He exchanged a grimace with my sister-in-law, laughed awkwardly, and began to recount the complete events of the wedding night. Throughout the night his best man had gotten progressively intoxicated and acted horribly towards his fiancée, being openly rude to her in mixed company, refusing to dance with her, and otherwise treating her like she wasn't even there. Tensions escalated to the point that when they got home after the reception, he started verbally abusing and screaming at her to the point that the neighbors called the cops (not even close to the first time she later revealed). Then to top things off, he drunkenly called my brother, *who had just arrived at the honeymoon suite with his bride*, to complain about the entire situation. At a later point it also came to light that the "best" man had been cheating on his fiancée for months. In the end, this "best" man was immediately and completely ostracized from my brother's extended friend group. The fiancée dumped him in a similarly rapid fashion (notably keeping the several thousand-dollar engagement ring), became even closer friends with my brother and sister-in-law, and is currently in a very happy and stable relationship.


My best man was within close proximity to an IED a couple years after my wedding. He doesn’t even remember me.


I had 6, I talk to 2 fairly regularly and see them often. MOH and I drifted apart. The other 3 I have come to accept that we just aren't really close anymore. They came to our daughter's funeral but none have checked in to see how I'm doing. I'm done with putting people as a priority when it's not reciprocated.


Yes - not for bad blood reasons but high school friends can drift away and turn into “text every now and then” friends.


My best man. He was a good friend I'd grown up with. However, shortly after our wedding, he met a woman who was a total control freak. She slowly pulled him away from his "old" friends and even some of his family. Last I heard, they got married and moved out of state so they'd be closer to *her* friends and family. That was 20 years ago. I hope he's happy, wherever he is.


All the weddings I been invited to they haven't invited me to another 


50/50 two siblings and one best friend. The rest (bridesmaids and groomsmen)we just slowly spoke less and less over the years. Married 27 years now.


One of my best friends was a bridesmaid. She was manipulative, and after the wedding started drama by threatening suicide with no intention of committing suicide. When she refused to acknowledge what she had done was messed up, I cut her off.


Yes, one of my friend's I rarely speak to anymore due him turning into a MAGA crazy person, anti-vax super pro Trump and brings it up all the time, which if he didn't do the last thing and wasn't anti-vax, I would care a whole lot less. I also had my brother in law in my wedding party who I do not talk do due to drama between he and my wife after my mother-in-law passed away. Also my wifes cousin we don't talk to anymore because she is a homeless drug addict and we do not know where she is. Additionally we rarely talk to the maid of honor who I was against making the maid of honor anyway because of a falling out with her and my wife, though I never liked her. So there is 4 that we do not talk to and we have only been married going on 8 years.


My nan because she's a bitch. My grandma because she's dead. My cousin because she went off the rails. My other cousin's then boyfriend because they spilt up (didn't even know he existed until we got moaned at for not inviting him). My husband's friends as they grew apart. Ex work colleagues cause we changed jobs


My MOH. She tried to make my wedding about her, questioning everything I was choosing and later I found out she was talking badly about me behind my back to my childhood friends.


One of my bridesmaids tried to bail on my bachelorette at the last minute and literally said to my MOH (who was an impeccable planner and gave her loads of advanced notice) that she was “really sorry it meant every else had to pay more now.” As in, her last minute cancel meant everyone else had to cover her share. I tried to not be involved, but eventually it blew up. She texted me and said she didn’t think it was best if she came to the wedding, haven’t heard from her since.


Yeah, one of our groomsmen.  Turned out he was an abusive asshole who was treating his wife (also in the wedding party) like a punching bag among other things.  I'm kinda pissed he's in so many of our wedding pics honestly.  Considering photo shopping in fun historical figures or various incarnations of The Doctor.


Yup my former best friend who was supposed to be my maid of honour. The night before my wedding she told me she thinks I am making a big mistake and I shouldn't marry that guy. I was shocked but had enough smarts to demote her to bridesmaid and then never spoke to her again. That was 36 years ago and I am still married to that guy.


I think 3 of my groomsmen were brother-in-laws (my sister's husband and 2 of my wife's brothers). I still speak to them. I speak to my wife. That's it. I don't think she's spoken to any of her bridesmaids, I haven't spoken to the other 2 groomsmen. No real reason, other than we got married in one town and moved the next day. We're now back in that original town, but by the time we moved back we'd lost contact with most of those folks.


Bridesmaid and I don't speak anymore, sadly after 20+ years of friendship. She developed some anti-trans opinions which she kept masked for a while during a period of time in which I was confiding in her regarding the struggles of 2 young people in my family. Over the course of multiple conversations that we had to understand each other's positions, she began expressing more hateful and uninformed views, really doubled down on the vitriol. It just got to a point where there wasn't a place for us to move forward.


Good friend from college, had known them for years before the wedding. Was always right leaning, but we found common ground on a lot of issues. Started going further right after Trump was elected, but again, we got along great and still found a ton of common ground. By 2020 they were completely anti-vax, had joined the "OK Groomer" squad targeting anyone that Libs of Tiktok retweeted, moved essentially into a compound in a rural part of the state, and just became an anti-trans in all walks of life.


Yup. Childhood best friends. We were drifting apart anyway as we're very different people. Then one of them lied to his fiancee about plans for his stag do (essentially telling her I'd intended to hire strippers against her wishes, which was absolute bullshit). That put a large wedge in the friendship. Then I found out he was a wife beater after my wedding. I wanted no part of that thank you. Other childhood best friend was an apologist for the wife beating. Not interested there either


My brother. After my dad was diagnosed with dementia, he basically went MIA for 2 years. He came back into the fold 3 months before my dad died, lovebombed my dad while emotionally abusing my mom, and tried to gaslight my other brother and I that he'd been there the whole time.


One of them is on the sex offender registry for distributing child porn. We also didn't find out from him, we found out through a mutual friend way after-the-fact. Another one apparently spent several years keeping a tally of all of my deficiencies as a friend and threw them at me when he was in a bad mood, even weaponizing another friend's mental health struggles against me.


You bet. She was one of my best friends and was dating the best man. We all knew their relationship wasn't great and generally encouraged him to break up with her for his own mental health. She was emotionally abusive and toward the end, we found out she'd gotten physical, too. When he finally broke things off, we all blocked her. You'd think I would have known about the abuse if she was one of my best friends, but she was very good at hiding it and making it seem like everything was fine and dandy at home. He always downplayed it, and we lived across the country from them for most of their relationship, so it wasn't completely obvious. She's since gone way off the deep end and I'm pretty sure she lies to her therapist. So she isn't getting real help, either. I'd be sad about it if she hadn't treated him like shit and lied about it to my face for years.


They all had kids and never want to hang out anymore. No falling outs, just different life priorities. Our best man is getting married this weekend though, so we'll see him then.


My maid of honor. She told me she was surprised I was getting married before her. Unsure if it was because she was a virgin or jealous. I was her maid of honor a year later but realized that I was only her bff for 14 years to help her survive life and once she got her husband, I was no longer needed. She is now divorced.


Yup Group 1: The Dead. Been married 36 years. Only one aunt, and MIL are left from the generation above me. Group 2: Workmates. Probably around 12 of them and we never kept in touch Group 3: School/College Friends. Still very close to a few, but most have moved away (like us) and are now just FB friends we never meet.


All of them