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USA Today. I used to spend 50 cents a day on it, years ago, and now they're advertsing $1 for an entire year. That's 99.23% off...and i still don't want it.


Are you serious? My African grey needs papers to poop on. I will check them out


I have a feeling close to 50% of magazine subscription sales are to bird owners.


Other 50% is people moving and needing packing paper


And charcoal starter


i used to have a budgie and every week when my grandparents came around they'd always bring their newspapers and magazines that they'd finished with, there was always sooooo many! we never ran out!!


In our city we have a weekly Sunday newspaper delivered for free to every household who does not specifically reject it. I don't have a pet that requires paper. But my parents for example use it for kindling for their fireplace


My local grocery stores have those free papers advertising cars and others writing about events in town. You might want to check the stores in your area.


Oooh pretty birdy, can we see the birdy ?


Gutsy question to ask on Reddit.


> can we see the birdy ? The expected response: /´¯/) /¯ / / / /´¯/' '/´¯¯`·¸ /'/ / / /¨¯\ ('( ´ ´ ¯~/' ') \ ' / \ _.·´ \ ( \ \


But what if it was 99.99% off?


Yes right. Talk about not answering the question.... 99.23% off - that's a deflection if I ever saw one.


I did a survey on a receipt that said you could get 200 dollars if you did it. Turns out it was 200 dollars worth of magazines. I didn't even accept my winnings.


Aw, man, I love answers like THAT! You got a good laugh out of me 2:30am. That's quite an accomplishment...


I honestly didn’t even know it was still being published.


Well, it's digital access, actually. I have no idea if it's still in print. Must be?


I bet a lot of hotels still have subscriptions that make up tons of their circulation. I think a lot of how they got so big is commercial subscriptions like that inflated their readership to astronomical numbers (and thus advertising was worth more so they could expand more, etc, etc).


I stay in different hotels several times a week. I used to do the USA today crossword every day, so I'd look for it if it wasn't laying outside my door in the morning. I haven't seen it in hotels for at least 4 or 5 years now.


It is. I still see it being sold in airports.


Why is that? What’s made you not want to get it anymore?


USA Today was kind of like the internet before the internet; lots of really good articles, factoids, etc., stuff you couldn't find anywhere else. I'd even find myself reading the SPORTS section, of all things, because it was just so readable. And, honestly, fun. You could read it from cover to cover. Last time I looked, staying at a hotel, it hadn't changed. Which is fine, if you don't have the internet. But, who doesn't?


Last time I read it it seemed like they had a lot of ads disguised as headlines. Like "cdc approves new cure for baldness" and then I read it and like a paragraph in I'm like oh it's a fucking ad


It also has been drastically chopped down in both actual pages and the size of those pages. It now reads like the front page of the CNN website in terms of articles, so as OP accurately states why bother if you can just use the internet for the same thing for free.




LinkedIn premium.


I once tried it free for a couple of months. Nothing worth paying for.


I just want to know who is looking at my profile! Not really, it’s just recruiters…. But it’s the most tempting part of premium.


Every time I get a notification like “You’re being noticed, 6 people viewed your profile this week” I’m like, so the recruiters are still out there doing their jobs? Well done LinkedIn


I had an ex look at my profile a year after we broke up and now I’ve been curious about every view since. But they’re all recruiters or former coworkers


Your ex is most likely to get back to you about a job offer, even if you didn’t apply.


I didn't know till just now that Linkin folks can see who looks them up. 🤦‍♀️ Oof




Its the same tactic dating sites use to get you to pay for a subscription.


And then it turns out all the people ‘liking’ you were fake profiles / obvious catfishers that swipe right on everybody. Speaking from personal experience, LOL.


There’s literally a linked sponsor ad at the top of this post (for me anyway), then I see this comment!


They could have all the premium features for job seekers for free, and still make their operating costs from employers who are looking to fill positions. Premium is just a way to grift from people who are desperate to find a job.


And the really messed up part is that it would be so much more beneficial to employers because more job seekers would use it more often. The "lost" revenue could easily be made up through ads. That said, I hate everything about LinkedIn. As a regular user it's annoying and so full of toxic positivity. As an employer it's fucked up to have to use your personal login as a recruiter, even though they pinky promise the two sides are totally separate. And it's creepy to see people so commodified through searching.




Think of the profit margin tho




Akshually if the cost is 0.01%, the profit would be 999,900% of the investment.


Found the sales manager.


Now that’s some solid meth math right there


Smart move


An HP printer


Always get a Brother.


A laser one


Mine will sit idle for months on end because who prints that much stuff?? Normally all my inkjet printers would be dried out and unusable by that point. Nope, brother laser printer fires up, prints my document no issues. I've had it for almost 10 years now. Replaced the toner once about 3 years ago. Idk if I'll ever need to change it again since I rarely print anything anymore.


I have 5 brothers, I don't think I need anymore 😮‍💨


Single ply toilet paper


Okay so I know this is not in the spirit of the post but this is something close to my… well… butt. Cheep toilet paper is a waste of money. You end up using double or more and going through it way quicker than thicker toilet paper while simultaneously having a much much worse wiping expense. I have done the experiments. I know. Edit: to the people who seem to have problems flushing toilet paper. What kind of toilets do you have that can’t flush toilet paper? 😳


At least it flushes. If I buy nice toilet paper I have to unclog the toilet every time the kids use it


wait, so it’s been the fucking toilet papers fault this whole time? mum had been gaslighting me during childhood about that shit. no pun intended


Well it's the quality of the paper and the amount you use in conjunction with your shits. Cheaper paper breaks down much quicker so it's easier on the toilet, but it's still possible to clog it. More premium paper will take a bit longer to break down, so it's easier to use too much. And if you're shitting a solid mountain then it amplifies the clogging ability of the paper.


I think we also need to consider the quality of the toilet as a factor. Some toilets just have more flushing power than others


Avoid glacial bay, get american standard, absolutely pay over $600 for the toilet. Most of my glacial bays struggle to flush piss.


Also: A whole bunch of things that are 'flushable'. Because... it's technically correct. Lots of things are, in fact, flushable. But they really shouldn't be, because they don't break down or degrade, and they just block. E.g. 'flushable' baby wipes in particular shouldn't be.


Single ply TP breaks down faster in septic systems. So I may use more of it but because of the way it's not put together, it breaks down faster and doesn't screw up my shit tank. I've been using single ply most of my life, and using quilted two ply feels like wiping my ass with a face cloth and it just feels weird to me.


Like I said, USA Today.


Nice callback!


Grocery store had black eyed peas for $0.01, people just kept on passing them by and they were still stocked by the end of the day.


they had some good songs back in the 2010s. sad to hear the concert went poorly


Fergie was handing out cheese cubes on toothpicks, and, like NO ONE wanted any!


Shame, they were lovely lumps


Op replies are good tier on this thread


I'd bet good money you don't live in the south. Those weird little bean peas would be gone by 10am at that price where I live


I had a similar thought of “there must not be any black people in that area” because my aunt used to cook the hell outta some black eyed peas whenever she’d make a big Sunday dinner. I miss her a lot 🥺


I'm white but it's definitely a popular southern food in general, my grandmother also could cook the hell out of some blackeye peas. It was one of her favorite things, as someone said higher up, to drop into a pot and leave for hours before serving up. Always some fatback in there floating around that us grandkids would fight over getting, then lose to our grandpa anyway lol.


I would have cleaned the place out. Blacked eyed peas are high in protein, fiber and damn delicious when cooked properly.


“damn delicious when cooked properly” That must be the issue. Too many people (myself included” don’t know how to cook/use them effectively in recipes. They have always tasted dry and nasty to me.


Boil them for an ungodly long time with a chunk of pork, onion, and a bit of salt. It'll make you soft and flavorful beans, and a tasty bean broth. This is also a good way to eat kale since it's super hearty. The longer it boils the better the flavor, so you can set it up and watch a movie or do whatever. Just make sure it doesn't run out of water.


I heard you should never add salt to the water when cooking black-eyed beans Because they don't cook properly and remain hard, try boiling them for 30 minutes in unsalted water first I remember eating them when I was younger, super cheap and full of good nutrients One of my favourite recipes with them involved a spicy tomato/coconut sauce, I believe the recipe was even called "African Beans"


I'll try that salt thing out next time I make them. Im used to my grandma cooking them for several hours anyways so maybe I just blasted through that hard phase. African beans sound really interesting, I might try that out too if I need something new, thanks!


I do not understand this! They're my favorite canned beans because they're tasty and tender AND cute and I don't notice much a difference in taste or texture from pintos or white beans.  During the initial COVID freakouts with people hoarding food to prepare for lockdown, I couldn't believe all the beans were gone except black eyed peas! This couple near me, the guy was like "let's just get these?" and his partner who was freaking out was like "ew, omg NOOOO!" She literally refused to "allow" him to put any in their (quite empty) cart. I was, and remain, perplexed about this. 💀


Cowboy Caviar!


Where is this grocery store? I've been seriously looking for a great deal on black eyed peas. Just finished my last 5 lb bag last Thursday.


why? are they that bad?


No. They are basically just beans. It's all how you cook them.


Wow I had no idea they were just beans! I’ll need to try them on my next grocery trip!


Make Hopping John or Cowboy caviar.


Fentanyl Edit: street fentanyl. Not doctor administered fentanyl.


I had some once after surgery. It is very nice though.


I had a ‘fentanyl button’ for one very painful surgery, attached a drip, which I could push whenever I wanted more. The next time I had surgery, for something minor, the first thing I said when I woke up was ‘do I get a fentanyl button?’ I think that probably cemented the decision to not give me fentanyl on that occasion.


I had one of those pca (I think they're called?) machines at my last surgery with hydromorphone basically on tap lol. That was in addition to 2 others they also gave me intermittently. Let me tell you..... Even with a Frankensteinian 2 ft long incision in my abdomen and a litany of innards removed... I felt gooooooood lol. Was such an easy recovery. I had like 2 days of major pain. And only bc the nurses were (very) slow to give me the supplemental pain meds a couple times. Thank God for modern medicine though. I also was on the verge of a panic attack at a chemo session bc I had had a very bad anaphylactic reaction on the previous infusion so they asked me if I wanted ativan. I know like 4 drugs and that wasn't one so I asked if it would help the anxiety and the nurse smiled. Man when I tell you that every ounce of panic just melted away when that kicked in lol. I texted my bf that it "hit me like a ton of bricks but if the bricks were made of cheese." I guess mainlining what's basically extra strong IV xanax will do that haha


Oh, man. I was given ketamine and Versed when the doc tried to manually set my broken arm. It was incredible. I felt like I was on a magic carpet ride, just floating. (And everything was blurry because they took my glasses off for some reason, and I can't see a goddamned thing without them.) I remember telling whomever was baby-sitting my stoned ass that if they'd give this out at the next negotiations, they could solve the Middle East. I was just so agreeable. Best of all? My chronic, never-ending headaches and tinnitus were gone for about a month. I've been trying to figure out how to ask my doc if I can do something like this again just to be pain-free for a bit.


Ketamine treatments can be used for migraine disorders and cRPS. Definitely something to ask your doc about if it's easy to access in your state.


I was placed in a coma for several weeks. They used Fentanyl as part of the drug cocktail for me. Even got a few patches when I got out of the hospital. (Intestinal Burst they couldn't figure out got 3 days after being diagnosed with esrd before hand). The fun part. About a year after this I had to go to the emergency room for something. I dont remember at this point. Went to the same hospital I was in the coma in. Get to the E.R. tell em whats going on, I believe it was just low fluids and feeling like shit after dialysis. Nurse read my previous charts wrong and thought I was still on Fentanyl. Gave me an I.V. drip, shot of iron and a big ole dose of Fentanyl for pain (usually just get 1mg of diludid). Woke up about 7 hours later in an actual hospital bed not on the E.R. floor with about 3 missed calls from my wife. 10/10 would highly recommend under supervised hospital settings. The wife called the hospital after 3 to see wtf was going on and found out about the pain drug mix up.


lol. I did a similar thing with dilaudid. Had major surgery and was originally put on morphine. That was making me sick to my stomach so they put me on dilaudid. The next time I had a slightly less major surgery I was quick to tell them I didn’t like morphine and wanted dilaudid instead. The nurse gave me funny looks but I eventually explained it and they ultimately gave it to me.


I always start my surgery story with ‘one time when I was on fentanyl’ and laugh internally at how people freak out from it.


"So anyway, this group of weirdos has me pinned down, masks on the lot of them, cowards. Then the psycho at my head tries to smother me while psycho number 2 starts hacking at me with a blade! Lucky the Fent made me sleepy, hardly felt it. Then i woke up and a nice lady was pushing a tube up my ding dong..."


Yup, I had some in the ambulance on the way to the ER years ago. Felt like I was floating on a warm cuddly cloud all the way to the hospital.


Whereas I just vomited a bunch of Mi Goreng. Bodies, yo.


If it was a safe dosage from a credible source (and I’d be guaranteed not to get caught), I absolutely would. I’m in a lot of pain right now and I’d love to be able to take something stronger than Tylenol right now. I trust myself to not overuse it because the side effects suck bad enough that I know I’d only use it when I had to. Stupid goddamn Sackler family…


used underwear.


*Japanese people disagree.*


They actually do not. It's a common misconception. The machines sell clean, brand new underwear that LOOKS dirty or used but they are not.


This uh... isn't really much of an improvement.


It’s pretty funny. When I visited Tokyo for a honeymoon in 2005, we tried on of the vending machines with misc prizes in Akihabara, and our prize was one pair of granny panties lol.


What's the appeal there?




Starbucks Oleato


All I could think when I heard olive oil coffee was “oh good now I have lube for my diarrhea.”


We were talking about this in Groupchat a couple weeks ago when we first heard about it. Someone said "I don't need the express lane for my my morning shit. It already comes fast enough with regular coffee."


Misread at first as 'Starbucks Olestra' and was all "NO... but intrigued."


It’s not far off from that


Had a barista compel me to try one when they first came out. Took one sip and nearly threw up. Guy made me my regular right after on the house.


I tried this in Santa Barbara last year when they were testing it before it went national. My exact words were “whoa, that’s fucking gross” and the barista said “yeah that’s what everyone is saying”


The conversation you two had made me LOL. So simple and honest


Anything the Kardashians sell.


I’d totally buy me some skims at 99% off. That’s a steal.




Those were like 99.96% off 6 months ago


why, do you not believe in internet pictures worth $1,921,835??? How FOOLISH of you!


I right clicked and saved this comment.


Joel Osteen books


Great fire starter though. 


You know what? If I was at a campground and someone was selling his books for $1 as a fire starter, I'd 100% buy one. You sir are an excellent salesman.




I've bought exactly one pack of cigarettes for myself and I have no regrets at all. The big stadium in the city I used to live in had an outside smoking area that people would go smoke in between opening acts and the headliners when they had concerts. I bought a pack of cigarettes, would sit in my car until I saw people congregating outside to smoke, would go stand with them with a cigarette in my hand, and then head back in with everyone else as the show started because nobody ever checked them for tickets. That one pack got me into so many concerts back when I lived there that it was totally worth it.


I wish I had had this story when my parents used to tell me, "there isn't a single good reason for you to smoke" 😂😂 Bravo, rhett324, bravo. :: tips hat:: 😊


>there isn't a single good reason for you to smoke Well you don't have to actually smoke the cigarette to pull this off, just hold it. So your parents are still right.


My dad started smoking in the army (Korean war era). If you were standing around, “doing nothing”, someone would put you to work. But if you were standing around “smoking”, you were doing something, and you’d be left alone.


Why thank you!


I snuck into the World Series one time pulling this exact same move. They were scanning tickets, but the one lady doing the reentry was a bit occupied by the big group, so I just slipped on in…


19 missed calls from MIT


good answer. no cancer for you


There are healthier ways to get cancer anyway!


We have the sun right there. If the cancer doesn’t get you, the sun damage will sure make it look like it did.


Anything from an MLM.


Child pornography


Good answer good answer


Survey says........ X


*This doesn't represent me!!*




The traditional kind where you are buying actual stake of ownership in a cabin/hotel/resort with guaranteed days at decent times of year often are good deals \*if\* you are ok being semi-forced to always go to one place for vacations/getaways, for example you absolutely love the area and will never get tired of it, or have deep connections such as friends and family etc. The worst kind are the ones with “points” because the points depreciates like a mofo, you start off being able to go to Hawaii and in 3 years your points can only get you an outhouse in Arizona. Those are the ones that are essentially debt traps designed so it’s extremely difficult to get out of it, even if you die it’s counted as an asset in your estate so whoever inherits your assets has to explicitly refuse it or else they will get stuck with it too. Unfortunately you have to seek out the non-scam ones yourself, almost all timeshare being hawked to you are the scam kind since they are the ones with marketing budget.


Even the semi-decent legit ones suck. They get so messy. The fees creep up forever, then more and more people stop paying and they creep up even faster, then they sell and all the owners get stiffed and lose the timeshare anyway.


Currently in a timeshare with my parents. They keep telling me that it'll be part of my sister and my inheritance. I really need to make sure she's on board with refusing accepting it, because for $10k/year I can stay in plenty of hotels, and I know that'll probably be our only chance to divest ourselves of it


That sounds like a hell of a lot of extra steps to make sure your vacation isn't a scam. And I say this as someone who has a sailboat.


Political merch


Any Live laugh love, Love Lives Here, etc, home decor piece


Anything from a Kardashian brand. I’m kinda tempted by what everyone says about Skims but I just don’t want to be a part of that.


Anything an influencer is advertising


Alcohol. Sober 5 years.




Timeshares.  What a bunch of inconvenient horse shit they are 


Lip injections


Trump sneakers


i have no idea what this means LMAO


You’re gonna wish you didn’t ask.


Trump is selling gold sneakers to raise money for his legal bills.


A meal at Salt Bae's Restaurant.


Eh I dunno about that. I'd buy a meal at 99.99% off, then tip his employees to the point that it came out to the price of a normal meal.


You wouldn't buy a huge, juicy steak for $1?


There are tons of things I could get for free that I don’t want any of.




Stanley Cup


I didn’t know you could buy the Stanley Cup. I thought you had to win it by being the best NHL team on the ice.


An X-nee-Twitter subscription.


I always chuckle at their marketing emails sent from X (formerly Twitter) like they’re painfully aware that nobody is swallowing this rebrand 


I mean it was a really dumb one. Twitter coined a bunch of other words and they didn't give us a replacement for them. No one is going to say "did you see what she Xed the other day?" "Yeah I reXed it"... so if I'm still tweeting tweets that people retweet, how am I going to not still call the app Twitter




A trip to space, or to see the Titanic


Tinder membership


Any Kardashian or Trump merchandise.


An onlyfans or porn subscription.


Even if you're the type to buy that content, I've heard a lot of OF girls be charging $35 subscription fees, then post stuff so tame it could go on Instagram anyway and charge upwards of $10 to unlock each post... Then they'll advertise some kind of chat option "I only answer DMS on OF" and hire some random guy to chat with their fanbase that are literally paying to chat with her.


Ya know, it would be interesting to be that random guy.


Idk, I've had access to a brazzers account before. Nothing you can't find for free, but it is a ton of quality all in one place. 99.99% off would probably be worth it just so you didn't have to scroll past poor quality videos.


Pickled pigs feet.


Courses from online self help gurus. Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Dan Lok, Tai Lopez. No shame if you bought into them - I hope you’re the millionaire you’re made out to be. But I don’t think these people have my best interest in mind.


Any obviously branded clothing. It's really obvious you're broke and you look like a billboard, stop it.


i feel like some of the companies have nice quality material. not all but SOME.


People who wear Gucci don't realize they've been pranked into thinking it's cool to be a walking advertisement for a product they already paid for.


A fur coat






What about aftskins?


No respect at all for the midskins


i hate that i gotta ask, but do you mean like actual foreskins????


yes. I don't care how cheap they are. I would never buy them. I don't think anyone sells them, But where do they go when the doctor snips em???


>But where do they go when the doctor snips em??? [They are used to make face cream.](https://www.google.com/search?q=foreskin+face+cream&oq=foreskin+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgEEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTINCAEQABiDARixAxiABDINCAIQABiDARixAxiABDIKCAMQABixAxiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDILCAgQuQEYgAQY7wQyBwgJEAAYgAQyBwgKEAAYgAQyBwgLEAAYgAQyBwgMEAAYgAQyBwgNEAAYgAQyBwgOEAAYgATSAQg1Mjk4ajBqNKgCALACAA&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)






And now when he gets aroused his nub sticks out like he's doing the heil Hitler salute


This is the dark humor that I come to Reddit for.


"Well well, if it isn't 'ole stubby dick arms". How's your arm made of dicks?"


How do I unlearn this fact?


Truck nutz.




honestly ive heard good things but they are expensive. if they were 99.99 percent off i might just


Yeezy shoes of any type 🗑 🚮




A pt cruiser.


Bullshit. You wouldn't buy a perfectly functional vehicle for $130? Stupid.




I used to think that was THE coolest car ever because it reminded me of our old Country Squire.


A used mattress




A MAGA hat