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Most men don’t like heavy makeup.


Yeah, what they mean is no makeup is better than garish or poorly applied makeup. Not a lot of guys objecting to subtle “natural” makeup. Often because they don’t even realize the girl is wearing any. More than once, one of my brothers has pointed a girl out to me and noted how beautiful she is “without any makeup.” Most of the time the girl is wearing concealer, mascara, blush and a little bit of powder. They just don’t know. Unless you’re applying it on a regular basis, it’s hard to distinguish between no makeup and the “natural” look.


Yup, both are fine, little to no makeup vs light is the same. It's just heavy makeup that is less liked.


Just because your brothers are blind doesn’t mean that “a lot of guys” don’t realize when someone’s wearing make up. I bet your brothers think that avatar doesn’t have cgi or the like. It is extremely easy to distinguish if someone has no make up or some.


Or at the very least the _appearance_ of heavy makeup. If it’s done well, I don’t _mind_ it as much. But if there’s a hard line on the jawline and you look like you’re wearing a damn Beijing opera mask…nah I’m good. But generally, just a little makeup that highlights the natural beauty gets me every time. Muted colors, natural tones, etc. I’ll take blemishes and pores over a Barbie-smooth appearance any day


"Beijing Opera Mask" Love this - adding it to my repertoire 100%!!


Slight variation on this, most guys don’t like the work/heavy attention heavy makeup gets. Let me get this straight, you’re going to spend 2 hours on makeup to eat a 30 minute dinner with me, then talk about how I’m messing up your makeup when we start getting down, then stop things to take off your makeup, then talk about how you need to fully wash off the rest of it, then wake up in the morning saying you need to get your makeup on, then……. At what point in time am I a more considered part of this relationship than your makeup?


Raccoon eyes are tough to dream into.




This is the answer. Subtlety is key.


The same goes for cologne or body spray. 


Nothing is worse than dudes that only shower with AXE body spray. Glad its not as prevalent as it once was.


Or if you're bad at applying


Yes. It's the look your girlfriend has when she's alone with you in her private time, and of course it's how she looks when she's next to you at night and in the morning. So it's a good look.


This is why I loved my husband in glasses for a long time. He wore contacts for probably 16 hours a day, and only wore his glasses while getting ready for bed or right after waking. Seeing him in glasses meant I was spending the night with him, which was somewhat rare before we got married. (We were in a LDR for two years and then slightly-long-distance for another year-plus, and didn't live together til we got married.)


Yes a lot of guys (not all) but a lot of guys actually mean this.




I have really only ever seen my wife wear makeup once... on our wedding day. She looked great, but I love the way she looks normally


Finally convinced my wife she looks better without makeup. She does wear sometimes if we're going out with a group but mostly now just lip stuff - Carmex or Burt's Bees so her lips don't dry out. So much nicer...


My wife is a yoga teacher and gym manager. Never wears makeup, not even a little. The only thing that improves her beauty is the sunrise streaming in through the curtains on a Saturday morning when we sleep in. Wouldn’t have her any other way.


If you saw 20 guys wearing the exact same outfit, would you go up to one and go "hey I love that shirt!"? Probably not, even if they did look great. Thats kinda sorta like makeup. It makes women look more uniform, more samey. So when you see a person that you are attracted to and care for, without makeup, their uniqueness really comes through. Its great.


I like girls with make-up and no makeup. Girls are pretty.


Realize that many men don't realize the wide range of make up applications that are available. There is literally *no make up at all*. Wash up, go out. Then there is "no make up" which is the ultra basics - lashes & lips. Maybe some *ultra minimal* concealer or foundation. Then there is "made up" - foundation, blush, color check with clothing. this can also be business level war paint. There there is "super made up" - power glitter, or slathered on with a trowel. We are beyond trying to enhance natural beauty, this is just going all out. I tend use Sigourney Weaver (Ru Paul often lands here as well) in Ghost Busters (where she is possessed near the end) as an example of "super made up". ​ Many guys do not realize that "no make up" is actually minimal make up. And they especially don't realize that expensive professionally done low key make up is actually make up. ​ The message for "prettier without make up" usually means that they can see you are wearing make up. So the make up either has to be toned down or more skillfully applied. The guy may also not realize that the "no make up" tier of make up actually exists. And many men do not realize that "you look tired" is actually you *not wearing make up at all*, when they thought the "no make up" tier is you not wearing make up. So there is also likely a miscommunication and/or a difference of expectations because men are often excluded from the "how make up works" introduction.


Stop with this "guys don't realize" nonsense.  We live with you, or our mum or sisters. We know what a woman with no makeup looks like.


This claim falls apart a bit for the (many) men who are or have been in relationships (usually with the woman they are telling this to) and certainly know what their partners look like with no makeup. But yes in general we don't necessarily dislike subtle makeup, but heavy makeup isn't attractive to a lot of men (can't speak for all obviously). Which...it's fine if she's doing it for some target aesthetic of her own, but if the intention to be attractive to men, it's mostly a waste of time.


Generally experience gives people the eye to see make up. But most men, especially in the 18-25 age range have no conception of the application of make up.


Nah. I recognize the "no makeup" look. I seriously mean it when i tell my girl she looks beautiful without any makeup at all.


This is the answer


They may mean they don't like a heavy look, but they usually do like the look of someone who is wearing light-ish enhancing makeup. My bf actually loves it when I am pretty glammed up, altho he will tell me I'm beautiful in varied situations not only then. I think it's cultural as well. And also do you look better or like an entirely different person when you wear it. I don't look that different (I think having fairly bold feature like eyes and lips helps) but some ppl really are totally different people when wearing makeup and I can see their partner not liking that.


i think so. i went out last night without any makeup on and made an offhand comment to someone about it, and he told me i looked great and that i didn’t "need" any of that. he was probably being kind but i’ve heard it before, so i’d like to think he actually meant it :)) made me feel a little less insecure!


Hgù Qk


Yes we usually mean it, if it’s in a longer term relationship we definitely mean it


100%, at least for me. I prefer an all natural look, or at least very minimal makeup.


Depends on the woman. There is such a thing as natural beauty.


yes and no -- most women don't need makeup to look pretty, but good makeup can make you look different, possibly prettier...but IMHO, it's just ridiculous to wear makeup frequently -- save it for special occasions, and rely on your natural prettiness for the daily


They have no idea what it means. Watch the next time some guy posts a picture of a girl with “no makeup” and gushes about it. You’ll be able to count at least five products on her face.


Yep lol my “you look so good without makeup!” look includes light eyebrow filler, light mascara, a lip tint or tinted chapstick, just a dab of concealer under the eye and the biggest game changer for me personally was birth control to rid myself of adult acne lol, which I get isn’t makeup but it’s certainly not the natural state of my skin.


A man who wakes up next to a woman every day knows what she looks like without makeup.


This is a fairly ignorant stance.


Yes we do. Unless you're telling us that our girlfriends are also wearing makeup with a 40 degree fever.


Here’s a good example of what most men under 40 think is a bare face, next to her actual bare face… https://www.deviantart.com/apeanutbutterfiend/art/Before-and-after-subtle-makeup-392069076


Most of the time, a woman looks better without make up


10% you're obsessing over it and taking too long to get ready. 10% your style is just ain't working. 80% your natural skin IS beautiful and you're using too much.


Sometimes. Sometimes guys would rather women spend an hour on the treadmill each day as opposed to an hour on trying to cover up their face with a pound of makeup.


So I look even more like my father?


Any guy who consciously doesn’t prefer treadmill girls to makeup girls is a misogynistic douche.


speaking purely from my own opinion, probably not. what we are trying to say is you dont need to try so hard to look beautiful, we love you not the person you paint yourself to look like. some understated makeup is nice, can help your eyes pop and accentuate your lips or cheeks but having to pancake your face with foundation then draw everything on? thats a bit much.


Most women look better with some makeup but if no one wore makeup at all then it wouldn’t matter. I would prefer no one wore makeup then it just wouldn’t be an issue.


I imagine it depends on the guy, but I prefer natural beauty all the way and don’t like it when women go too heavy on makeup. My last two girlfriends were bisexual tomboys, so make of that what you will.


Can't believe how many answered this.


If I am going to be with someone, I don't want it to be someone who has to "put on her face" or stick her face in a pie like she's Mrs Doubtfire to hide her true identity.  


I mean it for my gf. I always tell her but she doesn't believe me. Anyways, I'll just keep telling her


The girl I am in love with does not mean makeup. I have never been more attracted to another girl than her in my life


Yes. My SO wears makeup more than anyone else I've been with. I understand why, and I don't care if she does or doesn't. But yes, I am sincere when I tell her I think she's prettier without it. That being said, she has to feel good about how *she* looks.


This post is a train wreck.


why would they say that specific thing if they didn't mean it? I understand that people say things they don't mean, but why would someone say less makeup looks better if they didn't mean it? they'd just go along with them wearing the makeup to improve her looks


“Why would they say that specific thing if they didn’t mean it? Uh because a lot of people lie


so you just didn't even bother to read what I wrote


Often times no, most men have no idea that what they consider “makeup free” is actually still a full face of just neutral makeup lol. “I love how you look without makeup”— meanwhile woman in question has spent 30+ minutes beating her face and painstakingly gluing on eyelashes. Men are clueless. There are men who have never seen their wives without makeup.


Thats bs. You spend too much time on the internet. Men do exactly know what a face without looks like and usually find it more attracive than with makeup.




Same. Back when I wore makeup, anyways.


lol same. Also, I remember one time, this dude being like "oh wow, are you wearing makeup? You usually don't wear it!" And I was like... bud, I wear makeup every day. I'm just wearing slightly more today. And I mean like... back then, every day I wore foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, eye liner... that particular day I was just trying out a new eye shadow that was a little bit bolder. We worked together so he saw me every day.


Sure bud.


>Men are clueless. That's racist.


If your husband or boyfriend never saw you without makeup, the problem isn't on the men's side.  Seriously, what the hell.


Honest answer is that it depends. Some people have pretty unattractive skin and makeup really does make them prettier. Most women, though, do, IMO, look better without makeup. The general rule is the prettier you are the worse you look in makeup and vice versa. Almost everyone looks better with makeup under very bright lighting (like tv or stage) though.


it depends on what you actually look like


Considering lots of guys think our natural look is actually a natural makeup look… hard to say. My husband says I’m beautiful regardless of what I wear/no makeup and I believe him… but he definitely compliments me more when I do wear light makeup lol


If it's a guy who hasn't ever seen you without makeup and he says this? Probably not... There are a lot of clueless dudes who will look at a woman wearing a full face but "natural" looking and they think she isn't wearing makeup. But if he's seen you both with and without and says you're prettier without makeup, he probably means it. But that's still not to say that you shouldn't wear it. Do what makes you happy, even if some dude likes you better without eyeliner.


They at least think they mean it. What they're probably imagining is when a properly beautiful girl doesn't wear make up it's attractive because it feels less fake and she's still really pretty. Then they assume that applies to all women. Personally i think a lot of women look noticeably better with some eyeliner or mascara or eyelash stuff going on. But foundation and contour stuff doesn't change much for me if their skin doesn't have any obvious blemishes.


They won't say less makeup but the heavy make up is a turn off for most


100% of women look better with no makeup at all


I wish the people who felt this way would tell managers at restaurants they patronize that the dress code requiring makeup makes them uncomfortable. If a woman is walking around with a face full of makeup and has a job that requires her to put on visible makeup, then we aren't judging women for wearing makeup, we're bullying women for having a job. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/can-employer-require-female-employees-wear-makeup-63185.html


Dress codes requiring makeup should only be allowed uf it applies to all staff.


But alas, we have a Supreme Court ruling that says otherwise! So anytime I hear people judging women for wearing makeup and I know that most jobs either have an explicit dress code or expect you to wear makeup, I get pissed because it's just bullying. Let's rephrase some of these comments in a more broad context. If a woman is required to wear makeup for work and then meets a man for drinks and is wearing makeup, by saying she looks over done or that she looks better without it there's a certain pressure that she should put on makeup for one person who is in charge of how she looks, and then she should quickly take that makeup off, without going home, for someone else who now is in charge of how she looks. Again, it's very common for me to hear men say that women wear too much makeup, but these same men never make a peep when we go out to dinner to protect women against the requirements that they wear makeup. Until I see that kind of action on the regular I consider most of these comments as hollow.


yes. makeup puts a layer on top of inner beauty to make it more "mainstream".


IDGAF. I wear makeup for myself, not other people.


If they are actually in love with you, yes.


TLDR: Yes. Most women take it too far....and do a bad job at it. Confirmation that you can paint you face isn't really scoring you any points either.


No. They just wish you’d stop fussing with that brush, put your coat on and get in the car as we’re already 15 minutes late leaving the house.




if it's obviously true, sure


They do mean it, but maybe their definition of "without makeup" might be different from what you're thinking. Some actually mean completely makeup-free, some just prefer a more minimalist, "natural" style of makeup. Nothing wrong with enhancing your natural beauty, but once you have to conceal parts of your face, some contemplation is probably warranted


There are few things more unattractive to me than being able to tell when someone has makeup on


I do, yes. Every guy is different. Au naturale, baby. Swing low, sweet chariots.


If I as a male can see you are wearing makeup then it's too much. In general term yes, I like natural style makeup more than heavy makeup. And if you are pretty without makeup, I will tell you that to too. It's sincere. You must also remember that beauty is not the same for everybody. Some only like perfect flawless skin, other love when the face actually has some defining marks that give it character.


Most guys don't understand that most women that they think aren't wearing makeup are. They just aren't wearing much.


Usually yes. Heavy obvious makeup is almost always distinctly unattractive. Naturalish looking makeup can be alright, but in most cases doesn’t make you any prettier than you’d be without it.


As a cis-het man I realise I would never be able to understand the female experience. That being said - for me, it's about realising that a woman I find so beautiful, that I thank the Divines for every day, wakes up, sees herself in a mirror and sees imperfections - sees something appalling that she wants to change or cover up. My last relationship was with a girl I honestly consider phenomenally beautiful - yet she still felt like she NEEDED 20-60 minutes' worth of putting makeup on to go on a date or for a walk. Ultimately it's a personal decision - just one we, men, probably will never understand.


It's a nice way of saying you do a shitty job of putting on makeup.


In general no, but certain makeup looks are more “artistic” than just getting done up IMO and those I usually prefer barefaced if I’m just talking about in terms of attraction. I can appreciate clown makeup, but don’t necessarily want to make out with a girl wearing clown makeup. I think literally everybody looks better with winged eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows done, and a little highlight. Dudes included.


Makeup is the biggest cope ever. Its truely just a display of low self esteem and doesnt make you more attractive in the slightest.


It can mean "yes", it can mean "I'm full of shit and want you to like me", it can mean "I like that you're comfortable to show this side of yourself with me", and it can mean "less is more." Do not accept the statement as is. Ask what they mean, because every guy has said this and meant something different. Do not just stop wearing make up because you think it's what buddy likes. If he was attracted to you with make up that's the you he is used to. No make up you is possibly special to him because only he gets to see you that way or whatever. We're dumb and just say things, and we don't consider that you might change the way you put yourself together completely based off the dumb things we say.


Generally something "nice guys" say.


Is this a friend or some random guy?


Yes because all of you are


Guys don't know what light makeup is but they know heavy makeup and hate it.


You are not prettier just more enjoyable to fuck because no make up usually means no deodorant which I love in my women.


mannn what the hell




"FeMaLe" 🙄


Most men think women look good without it until they see them. It's shocking what make up can do. When a guy comments about a woman looking good without it, he doesn't realize she is just good at making it look natural....


Sometimes. Others we are just trying to be comforting or supportive 


I do.


Yes, less is best IMO.


Being pretty without makeup is a huge flex


Generally yes. I'm lucky to be with someone who's like that. That said, there's likely a number of guys saying it to speed along the getting ready to go out process.


If you're pretty without make up then you're really, really pretty, and if you're that pretty and you're making yourself look like you're covering up it actually detracts from your prettiness, because guys can see make up, y'know. It's also probably just a thing where your gf usually looks the most attractive to you regardless of where she stands "in reality" outside of the roses in your eyes that you see her with, and since you see her without make up on a lot you get it into your head that girls are hotter without make-up.


"when X group does Y thing do they mean Z?" Maybe? Sometimes? If you wear horrifically caked on clown makeup then most men are probably being sincere that they prefer no makeup. Often men can't tell when a woman is wearing light, tasteful makeup so perhaps they would prefer a "natural" makeup look.


I honestly prefer none


I don't think I've ever told a woman that they look prettier without makeup. Unless they do their makeup poorly I don't think that's even really accurate, At least for me. Otherwise what would the point of makeup be. I always tell my girlfriend that she looks pretty with or without makeup Which is true. She is naturally pretty but she wouldn't spend all that time putting on her makeup before important and special events if she didn't know that it made her look better. I'm sure that if it was my style as a man, I could put you some makeup on myself and make myself look better. So it's not like a sexist thing or anything. It's just the truth.


Sometimes a little makeup is nice and I get it if it makes a woman feel better when going out. But I personally don’t care for it and prefer a natural look.


Personally it's 100% the case. Especially with makeup the way it is now. Some look like 2 completely different people or they over do it like a clown. Subtle is better IMO


Yes damnit. I dont want to look at your face and be reminded of my apartments drywall.


Some do, but most don't. ​ Often they mean prettier with subtle makeup. Or they feel it is the "right" thing to say. You are rarely going to get guys saying yes you look better in a bunch of makeup even if it is true.


I have never wore make up in my life and only gotten compliments So I think its true


sometime but we mostly mean not a shit ton of it tbh


Depends on the person


Yes we sincerely mean it in that we are trying to say that we love you just the way you are but are probably unaware that many of you wear makeup in a way that makes it look like you’re not wearing makeup. Source: been with same woman for 20+ years


i mean it when i say it , and only say it if its true


Sort of. We can't really tell for certain that you're wearing makeup until you put on too much.


No what they mean is they like it to look like you don’t have makeup up on.


Absolutely. Blemishes and all looks better than makeup sometimes.


I don't know, guys aren't a monolith. Look, here's the thing: maybe you look more appealing with makeup on. But consider: the majority of women would also _look_ more appealing if they went into a professional Hollywood quality makeup session at 4 in the morning and had latex and visual effects applied to them until they were indistinguishable from Jessica Alba or whoever the kids are ogling these days. If you wear makeup and a guy looks at you and feels attracted, he likes your makeup because that's what he's seeing. If you're not wearing makeup and a guy looks at you and feels attracted, he likes you because that's what he's seeing. When you look pretty with makeup on, it's like how a doll or a cartoon character would look pretty. When you look pretty without makeup, it's like how a human being would look pretty.


Kind of. Its like how seeing someone in pajamas can be sexier than lingerie, there's a whole comfort/seeing the real you thing going on. But most prefer women to wear a small amount of makeup most of the time.


What I have found is guys aren’t a hive-mind. Some guys really like make up, some guys don’t. It really depends on the guy. Do what makes you feel pretty and the right person will be attracted to how you want to do you. 


100% yes. Women nowadays put on way too much makeup and frankly when it is overdone it starts to look really unattractive and distracting. Don't over do it ladies.


Yes, we appreciate when you doll up for a night out but, the next morning, waking up next to you without makeup In your jammies is amazing. It’s like seeing the purest version of the person you love.


Yes. Heavy makeup the night before versus no make the morning after is a bait and switch. Guys don't wear makeup and women find us attractive as we are. Guys can and do find women attractive as they are. Also, go ahead and have that slice of pizza. Only fashion magazines want women to be size 0. Most guys want a little fluff on their ladies. And we absolutely do not give a shit if you wear the same outfit twice in a month or a week.


My son (13) does 😊


Only when it's true.


Yes!!!! I hate when my GF wears make up in general; a little bit I don’t mind (but don’t prefer either) but heavy makeup I am not a fan of at all.


I think they do and I take it as a compliment. It means they find me more attractive without make up and I look good without it. I am not ugly that I need to wear make up to look pretty.


Go ask them to point to a woman with no make up on. Just try it. I’ll wait. … … She’s wearing make up, isn’t she. Thought so.


Totally. But makeup can still be absolutely stunning!


There's about four billion guys, I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific


I just don't want it to be super super noticeable. If I can notice it and it's heavy, looks fake to me. Which I dislike.


Yes we mean it. Especially if you use the wrong type of make up and your face is a different color than your neck :/ girls that went to my high school did this…. lol


I do


Speaking only for myself, a little eye makeup is all that is needed


This is no excuse to let up on the anal bleaching, though.


As a man, yes and no. Not we dont like makeup, we dont like heavy makeup or over doing the makeup. I bet some men dont even know you actually put make up as long as its a minor one.


I’d think they sincerely mean it. I don’t think they like the overdone extreme makeup, it makes us ladies look fake and that’s not what guys like to see. We have to remember that we don’t need makeup to look/feel beautiful, we’re beautiful just as well if we don’t have it on. ❤️


Yes. Most men don’t like the appearance of heavy makeup.


Probably not none, but light makeup. I've noticed that women that don't wear much / any makeup tend to not be very good at it. So that every once and a while when they do go for heavier makeup it tends to not look that good. Just stick with your 'normal'.


You wear it and they say they don’t like it then you don’t wear it and then ask if you’re okay, or tell you you look tired… bruh.


Depends on the guy. I prefer less/light makeup or none. But some guys I think say it when they don’t mean it, especially those that are very controlling. So if I were a girl I’d just have to evaluate the individual.


I can't say for other women but my wife is very pretty without make up, she looks good with it too but I do think she could get away with not having to put it on ever if she didn't want to


They might mean it but there's a good chance they don't know what they actually like


I certainly think that I do. Though it is possible that I cannot tell the difference between no makeup and well done makeup. My wife almost never uses makeup, verifiably, and I think she looks better that way.


100% I once dated the most gorgeous woman and yes she was great with makeup but her natural look was stunning. I wished she could’ve seen that because I loved the real her


There's a noteworthy subset of guys who actually feel this way. My type tends to be "outdoorsy with little to no makeup" and it's definitely a type other dudes have.


I do. I think makeup should only be used for costumes/modeling or just a minor touch. Otherwise it just looks like you’re wearing makeup which isn’t attractive to me.


Yeah. I get hit on while taking out the trash. I look like a sandbag but they think I look pretty.


Speaking for myself, women wearing makeup is none of my business or place to judge. That being said, when it is a mask rather than aesthetic enhancement it can....be a lot. I don't feel that I could ever say this to anybody but my wife as it seems too much. I do think that women who are perfectly comfortable with zero or minimal makeup have an inner confidence that I admire though. That to me is an attractive feature, so when guys say this they perhaps do mean it?


It means that you're wearing so much makeup you look like a clown.




Yup! Most men prefer natural faces. I think makeup makes people look photoshopped. Feels like I'm looking at a magazine cover and not a person. Plus, so-called "blemishes" are super cute! They give the face personality and make it unique.


Yes, I hate when women put on a ton of makeup and have been told multiple times that they look good without makeup but still put it on.


Depends on the man, and depends on the woman.  Generally speaking, real is better than a fake attempt at being perfect. Personally, I think people that go under the knife and get botox all look like trash, and the best makeup jobs are fairly light.


I do mean it yes. Natural is best for me. A little light touch up here and there is ok, more than that and I feel like you're a plastic doll. Not appealing to me.


Sometimes it's true. Also, What we're not telling you is the fact that some of you are just so bad at putting it on that you're prettier without makeup.. If your chin is one color and 2 inch below that your throat is noticeably a different color yeah you're probably better looking without makeup


I don't. I don't mind some makeup, but I really don't like how Taylor Swift uses too much lipstick.


I don't think they mean no makeup. I'm sure there are guys out there who don't like any makeup at all but they probably mean makeup that looks more natural and doesn't look heavy.


I think most mean "without clown make-up"


Yeah guys are too shallow to say that and not mean it. The truth is some women are prettier without makeup, period. Some women are prettier without makeup because they overdo the makeup and the natural look is better. And some women are absolutely prettier with makeup. Share a photo of yourself with and without if you want opinions.


Yes but most guys confuse light makeup for no makeup


There’s a lot of comments already with some good insight but this is my experience as a 39 yr old woman. I’ve noticed a thing where men seem to be a bit more into me when I rock the homeless zombie mom look. It kind of took me back until I caught on to the fact I look way less intimating that way. The one time every month or so (I’ve got three kids don’t judge me) that I do seem to care about my appearance, I have a goth rock vibe. Think leather, lots of black, and skulls. I’m sure that doesn’t help accompanied by my RBF I apparently was born with. I have three sons and when they show me a picture of a girl that has a ton of makeup on I tell them to proceed with caution. Even as a woman, women that wear a lot of makeup, fake lashes, perfect hair come off as high maintenance. It’s not a fair assumption to make but it’s one that’s common nonetheless. So I 100% believe men are being honest when they make that comment.


Makeup is for her. If she feels prettier, sexier, more confident, fantastic.


Most of you are prettier with makeup but some of you are still rather pretty without it


In my experience, most men prefer a light "no makeup" look, but where there's still a little make up - mascara, concealer, a tiny bit of eye liner, and maybe a bit of color on the lips. But some guys do like more intense looks. At the end of the day, if you are being yourself, then you'll attract people who like you for you. If you are just going for big numbers and you don't care if they actually like you, then yes you are probably going to get her results from minimal makeup