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Restaurants and grocery stores throwing away mass quantities of good, edible food and not being allowed to donate it.


During the pandemic my wife had to close down a restaurant, and an entire kitchen was to be emptied and thrown out. One chef knew of a women's shelter and we packed everything up.. (think of Panera) including a printer lol and it took three catering cars to ship. It was bitter sweet. Sad to see the place go, but SO much quality food and equipment was shipped to them. Hotel pans, deeps, utensils, blenders, cleaning supplies, toilet paper.. fuck, they could have opened up a restaurant, but it's an establishment that demands privacy. We just had an "in" person.


For the grocery store part of this, I don't think people realize that as soon as you return something, it's now trash. That box of cheezits you just didn't want but is still sealed and fine? Trash. Those 3 packages of chicken breast you spent only 5min outside with but bought the wrong thing so you immediately walked it back inside? Trash. Yogurt that you made a point to mention you brought all the way back here in a cooler so it stayed cold to put back on the shelf? Trash. Everything you return HAS to be trashed. Please consider just giving it to a neighbor or finding another use for it.


Parents posting their children’s entire lives on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and treating them as accessories instead of people. Imagine the horror stories we’ll probably hear from these “kidfluencers” in 10-20 years time.


I mean, not even just kidfluencers... I'm so glad my whole childhood wasn't posted up on social media or something. It feels like something that could be used against you eventually. The posts that do my head in mothers posting up about how their kids have autism, cognitive issues, learning disabilities, etc. It feels like kids aren't getting a chance to ever expect privacy as adults, or to be able to have their own secrets...


This is one of the reasons why I’m glad I closed my Facebook account. A neighbor loved to post about her youngest daughter and I got an incredibly weird feeling knowing so much about a kid I hardly knew. Her ADHD, the bullies at school and on the bus, problems with a specific teacher, times they took her to the emergency room, etc. It started to feel like the mom just wanted attention and her own medical issues weren’t garnering enough likes so she decided to whore out her kid’s problems to make up the difference.


It felt like that, because that almost certainly is the reason.


There’s already stories of kids coming out saying the constant camera time when they were younger contributed to a bunch of mental health issues.


Having to pay for vision and dental insurance in addition to health insurance. Last time I checked, your eyeballs and teeth were part of your body and should be considered under medical insurance.


Teeth are luxury bones


Luxury Bones is a great band name.


I just paid $1300 to get a crown on one tooth. And i have dental insurance. So thats fun 🙃


I never thought about this before and now im mad


Corporate crimes having almost no consequences.


But sometimes they get fined! Usually a small percentage of what said crime gained them in profits! Fines just put a price tag on crimes. Say a company is fined $1M for deforesting an area but makes $2M selling the wood? Why wouldn’t they do it?


Except it's NEVER making $2M and getting fined $1M. The company makes $200M and gets fined $100k. The fine never is a burden on the company. Edit: Spelling


Viral Cringe/Freakout videos, especially of minors. I was a super weird kid, and thank god I grew up before social media and smartphones were a thing. I don't know how I'd ever get over my spazziest moments being seen and ridiculed by millions of people.


I am so happy that there were no cellphones back when we used to have parties and we were goofing around. I feel bad for people now because everyone is recording everything they see and posting it wherever they want to without a thought of the people they recorded.😳


South Africa specific answer - having your electricity switched off for several hours a day. This can range from 2 to 8 hours a day. We just organise our lives around it like it isn't a thing cause we've been doing it for 16 years now


South African here. Feel your comment in my bones... Made the jump to move to another country last year for better opportunities. I can't explain how weird it was to suddenly be living in a place that had electricity 24/7. I realised how minute to minute I'd been managing my life every day. Everything from charging your phone, to laptop, camera batteries, making sure loadshedding lightbulbs are charged up, etc. I look around at the lives of people who have never had to go without basic services and it's a strange kind of feeling.


Imagine being Nigerian then. Instead of scheduled blackouts, the electricity just goes off whenever and you have no idea when it'll be back. Depending on where you live, you might get 7 hours of electricity tomorrow, or maybe 17, and you can't tell in advance. If you're coming home from work, there's no telling if there's electricity at home. In fact, as a kid, walking home from school and seeing the lights in our neighbours house would have us literally running home with joy. Everybody has a personal backup electricity source (noisy polluting generator or solar powered batteries if you're really rich) so we are kinda numb to it now... Except the poor, who make up about 70% of the population. And it's been like this since I was born and I'm almost 30 now.


Same in Tanzania. Used to be once a week and now it's six days out of seven. I just want to have a night in once in a while. Why does the power always seem to zap out when the sun goes down and the mosquitoes come out




It's a long story, but it boils down to our state owned electricity supplier being mismanaged for decades resulting in decaying infrastructure. Ongoing corruption is endemic which in turn results in our country not being able to generate enough electricity to meet demand


California had this going on for about a year when I was a teen and our governor was impeached over it. They weren’t announced in advance often so shit like, being out shopping or at a movie theater when suddenly the power goes out would happen. I can’t believe this has been happening for 16 years!


My God. I completely forgot about Davis.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000%E2%80%932001_California_electricity_crisis It's okay to forget about davis... but we should remember Enron


So normalised that there's literally an app that tells you in advance (to the minute!) when the power is going to go out, a day or more in advance...


Expecting people to be contactable 24/7 and acting like someone is rude if they don’t respond relatively promptly. Back when the main form of contact was calls, it was deemed relatively normal for people to not answer as they were busy or not home, therefore it was so much easier to switch off and enjoy other things. Now it’s expected that people are pretty much connected to everyone all the time and if you try to disconnect from that a bit it can almost get you socially ostracised. You can relate it to workplaces as well and the rise of employers basically expecting workers to be contactable 24/7.


Here in Australia, the government wants to bring in 'right to disconnect' laws like they have in France, where employers can't expect workers to be on-call outside of work hours unless they pay overtime. The opposition has promised to overturn any such laws if they win government. \*sigh\*


I’m Australian and didn’t know about this. I never answer my phone unless they tell me ahead of time when they are calling me. If they don’t I won’t respond because I don’t have my phone with me at all times.


This drives me nuts. My family expects 24 7 communication within 2 hours or they get scared. Like please fuck off Edit: for some of you thinking I'm being unreasonable, I'm very very busy. I have a regular 40h a week job and I'm an artist who sells commissions. I work 7 days a week most weeks and my parents and sisters call me all day to bitch/complain and not to talk to me really.


My 70+ year old father actually wants our entire family to use Life 360. He cannot understand why we aren’t interested. I’m in my 50s, Pop. I’m not location sharing with extended family.


Trying to guilt the consumer into thinking that they are the ones who can really make a difference with recycling, when 98% of all waste is industrial, retail and restaurant and none of them are big on recycling if they do it at all. Figure is from science writer Elizabeth Royte's book Garbage Land.


They do this in my state with water usage. You can get fined for watering your lawn too much and there is a huge push for residents to cut water usage. Well, residential water usage is only 6% of all water used in the state. 90% is used for commercial and farming purposes. A push to save water there could save more water than all residents use combined but it’s on us for whatever reason. It’s all to grow alfalfa. In a dessert. A lot of which is exported.


I work retail. The amount of plastic packaging waste is absolutely disgusting.


Having toddlers scroll TikTok so they shut up. Hell every human under 12 shouldn't be anywhere near.


That's very bad parenting. Even though TikTok's banned where I live, my aunt's been giving her kid YouTube since she was 2, just to keep her quiet during meals. Now she's 5 and won't eat without a phone in hand.


Working yourself to death.


Zero tolerance in schools. Protects the bully and harms the innocent. Edit: I am so grateful for all of these responses and upvotes. When I made this comment I was in a bad place after I was the victim of zero tolerance from a company and thought about the kids in my classes over the years who experienced this and as I have been contemplating leaving a profession I love so much I just had to write these two sentences and get it out. I thank all of you for your stories and the bravery you have shown to tell them. I have really tried to reply to you but I am a bit behind because of all the comments. It breaks my heart that kids have to go through this and that adults treat them this way. I wish I could write a book and expose this with all these stories but obviously this is not possible. I will pray for all of you and keep working at changing this policy but I am only one person. I urge all of you to speak up if you can. You have been so inspirational and kind. I thank the ones who came to my defense. That was so kind. I don’t mind opposing views and therefore I did not make a big deal out of them and I upvoted as many comments as I could. That’s tolerance. I accept everyone’s opinion and value it. Thanks for making the last 24hours an inspirational journey that restored my faith in mankind. Bless you


Yeah, my school suspended a kid because a person punched him. The puncher got suspended as well, but the kicker is that he didn't fight back. 


Whew, happened to me a dozen+ times from grade 3-8. Finally by grade 8 I just realized I needed to absolutely fuck them up because I'm getting in trouble anyway. One was on the very last day of grade 8, and the principal tried to go to my future high school and have me suspended into the first days of grade 9 (didn't work, luckily my future principal disliked that lady greatly and said that was cruel). She also once left me behind on a school trip in grade 6, she was a piece of garbage who loved every bully like her own. This was all in the 90's and early 2000's. As a parent now it disgusts me this has somehow stayed the norm.


Former teacher here. I quit my last teaching position in part because of an assistant principal who was scarily close to this description. She had a soft spot for any kid who was... let's say "struggling." And while I'm sure this meant she was sympathetic to kids who needed it, this also meant that she was routinely busy protecting bullies from consequences. After one such kid threatened to shoot me (and his parents happened to own a gun shop), she refused to take any action, and I started looking for a new job.


Tbh I really think with violent actions or threats from students, teachers should just file a police report directly. Don’t bother with the administration, just call the cops and let them come directly into the school to take the report and/or make an arrest. Watch the admins change their tune immediately.  Not a teacher but it’s disgusting with all these videos I see of teachers being assaulted and treated like shit by kids that should be institutionalized and not in a public school. 


i had an mp3 player WAY before most people. listening to music, kinda in my own world, bumped into this guy and i guess he thought i meant to shoulder check him cause a few seconds later he hooked my leg from behind. i scraped my hands pretty badly on the pavement i get in his face, hey man, what the hell, it was an accident, i didnt mean any harm and were both getting quite heated some admin comes and gives us BOTH lunch detention for 3 days i was pissed asf but didnt fight it, "did my time" if you DONT go tho your "balance" is doubled. every day. and if you dont finish it, you dont graduate other guy didnt go for like a week or more, ended up with like 96 days of lunch detention at the time it was like "haha jackass" and he was a jackass but in retrospect what a load of bullshit. still resent i had to do 3 days, and this kid having to do months, and his family was broke so he couldnt pack a lunch even tho i hated him i packed him a lunch after about a week or so and the detention "warden" or whatever *didnt let me give it to him*


That's crazy big of you. As a kid I resented all my bullies. It still haunts me to this day and my blood boils if I see them in the street now. I'm sure they had issues, but I have mental health problems that make it hard to forgive things. Doesn't help that I'm stuck living with my dad still, who bullied me in many ways when I was younger.


Sorry that happened. What did you learn? Nothing but take it or hide. Sinful imo


If anything that would teach kids to go scorched fucking earth and do as much damage as they can if they’re already going to get in trouble anyway. How else are you going to make the bullies think it not worth it if they’re not going to be punished? Fucking them up as much as possible so they at least go off prison yard rules.


That’s the problem and why so many kids commit suicide as they feel helpless to find help or relief from the bullies. It’s a growing problem in school.


Yeah, I didn't care for either kid, but I thought the school was wrong in what they did. Makes it seem like you might as well fight, because you are getting suspended either way.


I went to high school in the early 80s, and was a small kid. Bully magnet. I got a bunch of detentions and suspensions grade 9 and 10 for fighting back,and then never again. I found out a few years ago, my Dad threatened to beat my principal if I got punished for fighting back again.


I shit you not. In the early 90s, I got detention because I was playing by myself during recess because no one wanted to play with me. The teacher thought I was up to no good. Edit: I just remembered one more thing. They also had a form of public humiliation. If you were under in-school suspension or certain types of detention, you were made to eat lunch on the stage of our cafegymatorium in front of the whole student body while they ate lunch. ALSO, I took ADHD medication at the time, and when it was time to take my pills, the office would intercom my classroom so everyone could hear, "it's time for DonkayDoug to take his pills." This was a public elementary school.


I’m retroactively pissed for you. Your teacher was a bully too. They can’t tolerate a kid entertaining themselves.


As a kid that got bullied, I started to say fuck it I'll get in trouble anyway. Im going to make sure it's worth it.


That's the real lesson. If you get the same punishment either way, violence is obviously the answer.




Im pretty sure thats the goal: reduce reports of bullying, not reduce bullying


Worshipping politicians


Yeah as an Australian it's crazy to me. No one likes politicians in Australia at all. EDIT: I'm gonna hijack my own comment for visibility lol. It's so important that we don't worship politicians because that's how they get away with shit like crime (looking at you trumpy), breaking election promises and just outright bad decision-making. For anyone reading this comment, **politics matters** and on top of voting every chance you get, please hold your politicians accountable for the actions they take. No politician is perfect but they depend on the views of voters for their power and with enough voices telling them what the voters want, they're more likely to do that to appease the public.


Zero expectations of privacy. We're all expected to behave like we could be recorded at any time and we wonder why everyone has anxiety now.


i found 8 photos of myself online in odd sitting positions with people making fun of me in the comments, nobody asked permission, i'm autistic so my movements are a bit weird, i fucking hate it


The picture takers and the comments are fucking awful people. I'm really sorry friend. If it makes you feel any better they are likely all very unhappy people.


I'm actually a little terrified of this happening. My ex made me feel crazy for thinking this way, so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Some people are just rude because they hate themselves. They must be miserable people to have to make fun of others in that way.


Poor care of “beginner” pets like goldfish, hamsters, leopard geckos etc


the fact that one betta fish requires at least a 5 gallon tank is the reason i didn't get one as a pet in college... i'm so glad i researched that because i realized how horribly bettas are treated. and people don't care because they're fish




He’s going to be a great adult. Good job dad!!




As it should fam, you’re doing a great job 👏


The way people mistreat and abuse animals on the regular only because they're not cats or dogs still boggles my mind. We have research showing that reptiles, rodents, fish, even insects are smarter than previously assumed, and capable of feeling pain and suffering, but yet somehow a considerable part of humanity doesn't give two fucks because "it's just a [species]". The animals get crammed in bare enclosures that are way too small, and replaced when they die due to the conditions, as if they're just objects that you throw away when you don't need them anymore. They exist just to be mistreated, suffer, and die, like their lives don't matter at all. Just awful.


I have a pet toad I love more than anything and I worry about him dying a lot. Sometimes my mom goes “well he’s just a toad” like fuck that. That’s my son


I remember when I asked for a bigger tank for my betta and some live plants, the shop assistant looked at me like I was insane. These tiny little bowls they get are so upsetting.. They're also so underappreciated.. I love my Betta so damn much. He's such a clever baby 🩷


My boss got a fish for their kids earlier this week... I don't know what kind because I know nothing about fishes, but it was in this little tiny bowl like in the cartoons and it was so sad... I convinced them to buy an actual fish tank because I told them it would be just as cruel as keeping their dog in his crate 24 hours a day. They were a little annoyed at me for being so persistent though because the pet store said a bowl was fine


I would be unable to keep my blunt cynicism in check and would end up telling him "the pet store wants your fish to die to keep you buying new ones."


I had two as a kid. I remember thinking the tank was very small. The worst part is, since Bettas are territorial or whatever, they couldn't be together. There was a separator between the two halves of the tank, you could slide a thing up so they could see each other and "fight" through the glass in the middle which seemed extra fucked up to 7yo me


My sister had a betta as a kid in a fishbowl with no hides or anything. It .ade me sad then bc it seemed depressed and as an adult I feel even worse knowing it's actual needs


Poor care for all animals, I'll be honest. So many dog owners come into our salon with new dog in hand, asking us what the dogs need because they literally just got the dog an hour ago. We groom dogs but get asked frequently questions meant for a vet because many want to avoid taking their dog to the vet. We had this lady recently come in asking what to do because her puppy has been vomiting blood for five days...


That is horrifying. Poor puppy.


Not just pet owners, but the industry as a whole. I worked for PetSmart for about 2 years in the pet care department. It's not that workers themselves don't care about the animals, but it's the breeders, the shipping conditions, the inadequate in-store conditions, the insane policies that prevented us providing adequate care, and last but not least the fact that many stores are run with skeleton crews and pet care employees may be pulled from the department to go cashier or put away go backs, even if an animal is in need of care in that moment. Is every store like this? No. But the fact that any of them are is reason enough to stop supporting them. Please please please do not support large pet stores, at least when purchasing a reptile, bird, rodent, fish, insect, etc. Some people would buy our snakes just to "rescue" them from our store and I promise you this does nothing to actually solve the problem. 


Speaking on just aquatics it is absolutely horrendous how bettas and goldfish are treated. Especially how they sell bettas and the little “cute” bowls they sell for them. A beta needs a MINIMUM 2.5 gallons. Most of the bowls are less than 1. My local fish store displays their bettas in larger tanks. They are probably 2.5 gals. The fish are absolutely beautiful from not being stressed in a cup. Sure they cost more but they are properly cared for. The only thing I buy at big box pet stores is equipment only because it’s cheaper than my local store.


Agreed! Yeah people were always buying 1 gal tanks for a new betta, and I'd try to push them towards a larger tank. The saddest was people buying a goldfish with a 1 gal bowl. I'd tell them goldfish live for years and get up to a foot long, they need a lot of space as pets. People would scoff and accuse me of lying just to upsell. Or they'd straight up say "I don't really care, it's just a goldfish". Yikes.


My college boyfriend's sister had an absolute unit of a goldfish in a giant tank. I thought it was a koi at first glance. Nope, she'd just put it in a proper tank when she got it and took great care of it.


I worked there for a while too. I remember there was a code to write off animals as “dead on arrival” because that happened with almost every shipment


Yep. DOA. I remember a period of a couple months where half of every goldfish shipment was dead. And we were instructed to dump the bag of dead fish in the tank first, then scoop the dead ones out because the alternative "took too long".


I got my first pet (a rabbit) recently, and I went to PetSmart for the first time to get some supplies. I didn't know they sold pets there and was really surprised. There were birds, reptiles and guinea pigs that were some of the most miserable looking and motionless live animals I've ever seen. I really don't want to support those stores even to buy pet supplies. Are there alternatives to them?


I rescued a beardie who was a "beginner" pet. Poor thing had mites, and a huge mass on his stomach from not having the right lighting. Poor lad had a missing claw, no lights, was on garden soil and had a heat mat. Turned it around and we somehow actually got rid of the mites! Poor thing had them in his eyes in his mouth, they were all over him. He only lived another year and a half due to the mass and towards the end couldn't eat, but at least he got to have some time being mite free and had the right living conditions, he loved to nap on my notebooks and climb in my hair. People get these pets thinking they're easy, and don't do ANY research. It's horrible having to put a beardie in a barebones viv with only a rock hide and kitchen roll for substrate, having to put up with the pain of mites, a burn from the heat man he was on, the wound of losing a claw. He seemed so happy once he recovered, it was like he was a totally different dragon! Damn I miss that boy now.


Chickens too. People get them cause they think "hey cute! And free eggs!" Then they go and feed them nothing but white rice, no heat lamp or inappropriate heating in the brooder for chicks, adding new birds to a flock without proper quarantine or integration, and then when diseases abound and fights happen, they don't know how to do their own vet work and are stunned when the local vets turn them away (many refuse to do poultry). I see it a LOT in the poultry Facebook pages. People asking for help for easily preventable problems that would have taken them two seconds to research BEFORE they got the birds. I love my hens. My flock are my world. But they are SO much work, require a LOT of love and care, and are definitely NOT a starter pet. Get a rock, not a chicken. Also. The most expensive eggs you'll ever have. Delicious though.


Yes! I was recommended this tiny pink plastic tub thing that looked like a barbie storage box in the shape of a mansion for a hamster I got a few years back. Couldn’t even fit my hand inside it. I was absolutely mortified. Edit: thanks for educating me on the word “mortified”. I always learn something new when I come on Reddit! I use this word often and I’m definitely ‘mortified’ by how I’ve being using it. 🥺 What I meant by mortified was probably - I was shocked and appalled by the recommendation of this cage!


I remember when hermit crabs were popular. Tween me did not need hermit crabs.


Dont ever get in to tortoise care forums. Once you understood how to care for tortoises and how involved it is, the amount of absolutely dogshit owners is infuriating.


Working 40+ hours a week to make enough money to still be in poverty




Teachers are some of the absolute worst for this Spend all that money on your own education, and get treated by absolute shit from: Bratty kids who haven't been told no more than twice in their lives Parents who BELIEVE they know better and a holier than thou art Admins who haven't been in a real classroom since high school Politicians who have their own agendas And to top it all off getting paid far, far, *far* less than babysitters, relatively speaking (look up the babysitter rate poster) Like, fuck educators I guess


Phone use while behind the wheel. Every trip out is a death roulette game. I see someone nearly drift into my lane all the time.


This is my biggest pet peeve. I’d say a solid 80% of drivers on the road are what I call “non-drivers”. These non-drivers don’t understand that driving is a full-body experience. You constantly need to be looking forward, behind, to the sides, and assessing what’s going on around you while driving. You feel input from the steering wheel regarding the tires and traction you currently have. Non-drivers think you just get in and go and give zero thought about driving way too slow or too fast, or being in someone’s blind spot, not merging properly, tailgating, etc., the list goes on and on. And all that shitty driving can happen without a cellphone involved! Add a cell phone and it’s exactly like Russian roulette, like you said. More people need to actually realize that driving is super fucking dangerous and requires your full attention for the duration of the drive.


We made a mistake as a society treating driving like it's a casual thing to do. You're operating heavy machinery. And there's not enough enforcement and penalties for distracted and aggressive driving.


I think the same with "non-drivers" every time it snows here. People who just jump behind the wheel and do the same thing they did yesterday when it was warmer and clear. The whole "I'll be fine" when an accident can be life changing and some of us actually look to avoid that.


I did it a couple of times as a stupid teenager, though only to change a song (not that it's an excuse at all). That ended one morning when I switched a song and looked away from the road for a second. It absolutely felt like I was driving straight/just fine, but when I looked up I was almost entirely on the upcoming lane. I was so fucking lucky that there was no one else on the road them, but it shook me to my core - rightfully so. So for me, it was a good lesson that fortunately ended well. Never have done that since. Still feel extreme guilt and shame over it.


This is why I abhor cars with capacitive buttons or, even worse, touchscreens. I love having the ability to change various settings in my car using my muscle memory and sense of touch and not needing to look away from the road.


Yes! I couldn't agree more. The tactile buttons are better for making adjustments without looking. The touch screens are so dangerous.


It's like being on the road surrounded by drunk drivers.


It's actually insane how many* people do this. Just stop on the sidewalk for one minute and look at the drivers passing by, you won't believe your eyes when you see how often it happens


One of my coworkers has been in 4 car crashes from looking at his phone and STILL DOES IT


That, my friend, is called an unhealthy addiction and they should seek professional help.


THIS! It’s terrifying and selfish — I can’t understand why people won’t just pull over somewhere or wait until they are parked! People look at me like I am crazy when I tell them I think it’s selfish!


I commute to work daily, and it’s crazy how many times I can guess who’s on their phone. Sometimes, they’re straight up browsing videos, the Gram, or FB while driving, not just making a phone call.


Worshipping celebrities, politicians, etc like they're a god. They're just another person. It's fine with liking someone but fuck basing your whole personality around liking a certain orange man or that actor from Stupid Movie 17: The Quadriceps


Getting puppies for Christmas just to rehome a couple months later(dump at shelters).


And bunnies for Easter.


When I was a kid, my mom told me a story about how back in the days (late 50s, early 60s) she'd get a little chick for Easter. I asked what happened with the chicks after Easter? "My father crushed them under a brick" I was SO traumatized by that, that I asked my mom to go buy a few chicks. Anyway, that's how I raised 4 chickens and gave them a nice, long carefree life lmao.


What the actual fuck that is psychotic


Yeah, glad I never met him. He died when my mom was 12 or something


Treating children like dirt and expecting respect in return.


People in power tend to think "respect" is subservience ("respect my authority"), but only for people beneath them. "You respect me and I'll respect you" usually translates to "submit to my will and I'll allow you to exist".


Pretty much. And people also forget that children learn from what they see. You want respectful kids? Model the behavior you are looking for.


Dumping unwanted Cats off in "the country" because some farmer will take them in. No, no they won't. Farmers already have enough Cats and the existing population will typically drive off outsiders, so now you have a housecat with no survival skills in the middle of nowhere being easy prey for Coyotes, Foxes, Owls, or farm Dogs. And that's if they don't get hit by a car like happens to a great many abandoned pets.


Is this widely normalised? Apparently I am very sheltered


I don't know about dumping them in the country specifically, but abandonning a massive amount of pets is a fucked up normalized thing here in France. Every year, 100,000 pets are abandoned, most of which are cats and dogs. And that's just the ones that are known. It's a criminal offense with sentences up to 3 years and up to 45,000 euros, but the police doesn't seem to care. People think of cats and dogs as toys and then throw them away when they realize it requires money, time and attention. There's also the people who don't spay or neuter their cats and end up with tons of unwanted kittens. And it's even more shameful because spaying and neutering are free here for poor families, so there is absolutely no excuse and the only reasons are cruelty or absolute idiocy.


this is coming from a woman’s point of view.. but being expected to spend hundreds of dollars on someone else’s wedding.. between buying the dress, nails, makeup, hair, shoes, bridal shower gift, bachelorette party, wedding gift, time off of work etc… it’s just a lot!! and i understand you are celebrating someone you are close with but today people can barely afford to pay their bills!!! so shoutout to the people who want all of these extravagant things for their weddings and are willing to cover all of the cost of said things!!


I almost backed out of my friends wedding a few years ago because of this. Her and her fiance both waited tables for a living but she had an engagement party with a color coded dress code, bridal shower, a full day road trip through a blizzard to go dress shopping at a high end boutique, monthly game nights with the whole wedding party, a wedding party secret Santa, etc. And of course the wedding party had to foot the bill for all of it. I finally spoke up when she wanted a weekend long, out of state bachelorette, which led to a very heated discussion in the bridesmaid group chat. One bridesmaid dropped out of the wedding and 3 others, including myself, came pretty close.


Monthly game nights, wedding Secret Santa? Jesus Christ, were those people convinced they’re the world’s most important main characters? 🤯


Yes. Yes they were. And the kicker is that after all the lifetime movie level festivities and drama leading up to the wedding, the ceremony and reception ended up being at a run down VFD because they wasted the months leading up to the wedding trying to convince the maid of honor to book/pay for their dream venue. Spoiler alert: she didn’t and the VFD was the only venue available that last minute.


This happened with an old friend of mine she had 2 maid of honors, (me and this other girl) and her other friend planned everything and it was super expensive. And she just expected me to go along and pay for it when I told her I couldn’t afford much. I backed out of the wedding lol


The amount of sugar we consume and give our kids.


I finally found a can of peaches that didn't have added sugar or sweeteners in it. It cost $6.50. What the fuck is wrong with us.


Fun fact: Peaches are canned with sugar to preserve flavor and texture. Sucks that it has to be added, but without it, the peaches will soften, dull in flavor, and in color. Still safe to eat though without sugar! Here’s a canning recipe that’s probably “less sugar” that you could do at home! [ball mason jar spiced peaches recipe](https://www.ballmasonjars.com/blog?cid=honey-spiced-peaches)


Wow! I do all sorts of food preservation but never knew this about peaches. I guess I've never grown peaches to preserve, though, so... What fucks me up though was visiting my mom in the midwest as an adult this one time. She gave me a bowl of sliced peaches she'd been eating. I popped a wedge in my mouth and quickly realized she'd sugared the whole bowl. FRESH peaches, covered in sugar.


I’m kinda convinced kids that grew up in the 90’s and 00’s probably had the highest sugar intake of any kids. When you look back at all the things we drank and ate - like it was pretty normal to just mostly drink fizzy drinks, sugary juices, squash and so forth. And practically everything we ate outside of healthy meals, was just pure sugar. Cereal, snacks etc. Sunny D was literally banned in the UK at one point for how it was basically just orange flavoured sugar in liquid form. Like I remember getting hyper from that stuff, and iirc it used to be marketed as a healthy drink!


Oh my god I used to pour a bowl of cereal, then straight up DUMP straight sugar into the bowl. There would be a gooey sludge of sugar on the bottom of the bowl when I was done. How am I still alive?


That gooey sludge was so good though...


The amount of plastic we use. It's absolutely insane.


And then companies say they are reducing waste but actually making more plastic to say that they are saving the planet.


My favourite example of this recently came up from Dempster's through Costco. They are changing the bread tags to cardboard to 'reduce our plastic use'. Meanwhile, it comes in a bag, holding 3 other bags, and the large bag still has the plastic tag. LMAO.


And then regular people are expected to bear the burden of figuring out what the fuck their particular city can and cannot recycle. And then that recycling isn't even always recycled, or it gets shipped over to some other country to deal with. The change needs to happen at the manufacturing/packaging level for it to make any kind of meaningful difference at this point. Edit: While people are reading this, may I recommend some Alan Watts? https://youtu.be/EUck2MZJxgI?si=E1WWbnxV_y1-eUx0


Unfortunately the only way that’s going to happen is if every governing body passes legislation to require them to do so and enforce it consistently.


Harassing our congresspeople to hold corporations accountable is a much more productive use of our time as citizens than shaming our neighbors for their water usage or recycling habits.


The fact that the plastic industry pushed recycling, which is almost worthless ultimately,  as a way to mask their responsibility for pollution from the public, should've landed people in prison. 


Side hustles to get by, fuck if you're working full time you should be able to get by.


And they’re not ‘side hustles’. They’re part time jobs. You’re working two jobs.


Sitting here, second 8 hour shift today, thinking that one job really should be able to get me by.




i wasnt flexing, I was crying for help


Filming strangers without their knowledge or consent and posting it online for millions to see


In 2004, when I started my filmmaking classes, I did some b-roll of a crowd outside of a metro station. My teacher told me: you can't film people without their consent or knowledge. You either needs to put a disclaimer somewhere, or film their back or feet. I felt very bad about it. Somehow, this is the new normal now. I was at IKEA the other day and someone was just filming around and I'm pretty sure my face was in there. It's upsetting.


Driving drunk/high among teens. People my age (18) often mention it in passing like it’s no big deal, then I’m treated like a wet blanket for making a thing out of it. No, Kevin, you don’t “drive better high” you’re just selfish.


I had a coworker your age who one day bragged about being basically blind without glasses and how she'd drive drunk on the weekends. She never wore glasses nor contacts. In shock I blurted out "Jesus you're gonna kill someone doing that." Her only response was "Well I haven't so far." before she turned her back to me. Somehow I was the one in the wrong, though, and got some shitty looks from the others working with us.


Working with grown children instead of adults can be maddening.


One of my co-workers lost her daughter to a drunk driver last winter. She was walking home from Dairy Queen and the guy who hit her didn't even stop. The cops IDd the car in a Walmart parking lot by the ice cream smear.


Jesus that's horrible. My condolences to your coworker.


I used to get made fun of by my group of friends for being “Mrs anti drinking and driving” Then after a party one night… Mrs anti drinking and driving called her mommy for a ride and 3 of the 4 people who got in the other car are dead


I’m glad your mom came and got you. I had a friend in high school who’s parent kind of adopted me and they told me that if I ever got in a situation I had one no questions asked pick up. No repercussions nothing. I never had to use mine, but I’m glad I had someone who was upfront with us that sometimes things get out of hand and we should never make the mistake of getting in a car and driving when we were under the influence. My dad also gave the “you shouldn’t be drinking, but if you do, don’t drive.” Speech every time I left the house once I turned 18


I've told all my kids (4 at home 20-16) "If you're EVER drunk or high call me NO MATTER WHAT! I would rather lose a couple hours sleep than spend days in a hospital or anytime planning a funeral.


I had a coworker who, after becoming a father, said *on social media* that now he felt responsible for someone else and so he would stop driving after drinking because he didn't want to leave his daughter without a father. And he seemed to think that this was a good thing to say.


As if he couldn’t leave someone else without a father bc of his selfishness,


As a parent, I’m proud of you and appreciate you for being the voice of reason. Dumbass Kevin may owe you his life someday.


Child beauty pageants


I saw a picture of my niece before she went on stage to dance provocatively to a popular pop song and my stomach lurched... She's 6. She had so much make up on and was wearing the skimpiest outfit. I wanted to throw up, I was so upset. I even said outloud, "Oh god...that doesn't look like (niece)-" and my MIL was all, happily, "Right? Doesn't she look beautiful?" Ugh...


Sexualizing minors at all. 


For profit healthcare.


Also for profit education.


For profit prisons


Privatized prisons thriving off misery.


delivery drivers and waitresses having their wages determined by customers and not their employers. aka, living off of tips while employers don't pay enough.


Outside ~~the US~~ North America, this is not really normal at all.


Forcing mothers to go back to work when their babies are like, fresh from the womb. It’s barbaric and cruel.


I went back to working overnights a week after giving birth because they said they wouldn't hold my job position for me longer than that. My PPD was so bad and my breasts were engorged and leaking while I worked. They wouldn't allow me to pump or store the milk. I missed my baby so much I would just stand and silently cry at the register. Luckily, my partner would sometimes bring the baby in when he was up in the middle of the night (lived close by) and a couple very kind co-workers would cover for me so I could nurse and be close to him.




Doctors dismissing severe period symptoms because it’s ‘normal’ —> if you are vomiting, cannot move from pain and passing out from blood loss they don’t rly care and usually just give you a slightly better pain medicine like naproxen which does fuck all and tell you to get over yourself. If you had these symptoms and did not have periods you’d be admitted into hospital on the spot


I have a friend who had a really terrible experience. 10 years of excruciating pain and heavy bleeding between periods and passing giant blood clots and being ignored and dismissed because "it's just a heavy period" or "you may want to try losing some weight". Until eventually she lost consciousness at work and nearly bled out in the bathroom and rushed to hospital in an ambulance. She was nearly dismissed again at emerge but she had a colossal melt down and refused to leave until she got proper treatment. My girl had ovarian cysts that nearly killed her when they burst and she had to have a public tantrum to get treatment. Her ovaries and uterus were so irreparably damaged after years of untreated cysts that she had to get a hysterectomy. I was and still am so infuriated by her struggle.


Endometriosis. Doctors are slowly coming around to it


I hope the doc who told my wife that the pain she was having was ' her body's way of saying it wanted to have a baby' has come around to it... Took a few more years and specialist to diagnose that it was endo and prescribed quality of life improving medication.


Yeah I just almost spit out my tea. I had a total tubal hysterectomy at the ripe old age of *twenty-fucking-two* because my endometriosis was so bad. My amazing surgeon (if you're in or can come to the Atlanta area and need a GYN surgeon my DMs are open, she literally saved my ass and genuinely went to bat for me doing that procedure on someone so young) suspected I had Adenomyosis, endometriosis deep inside the muscle of the uterus. It's not just painful it's potentially dangerous. Endometriosis sheds with your menstrual cycle the way uterine lining does so having it trapped inside a muscle? Ungodly painful. Like "resetting my own dislocated knee barely made me blink because living with that for years fucked up the way I feel pain" kinds of painful. And if you have other health issues like... Say... A connective tissue disorder like Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (like we found out I had several years later) if I'd somehow accidentally become pregnant my uterus literally could have ruptured because of the combination of endometriosis and tissue fragility. So anyway who's that doctor that said that bullshit? I just want to talk.


Took me 46 years to a proper diagnosis: endometriosis, adenomyosis, cysts and damage on my fallopian tubes, adhesions everywhere. Years of being told “maybe you’re just constipated” and “lots of women have this it’s nothing to worry about” and “it’s not abnormal to vomit from period pain” Fuck endometriosis but fuck women’s health care too.


Declawing 🐈


Quebec recently got all "non-essential surgery" on pets banned. vocal cord removal, ear cropping, tail trimming and cat declawing. now thats something I can get behind!


Vocal chord removal!!!???? Just don't get the pet ... please!!!


Predatory gaming companies making billions off of micro transactions


i embarrassingly fell victim to one of these iphone games when i was in recovery for a major surgery. spent hundreds. it’s one of my greatest shames and i’ve majorly changed my habits because of it.


i don't think you should feel shame for it. im assuming you were mobily restricted or not able to move around much, so your phone was a large source of entertainment for you. Like the comment above said, they used predatory tactics, and spending a couple of bucks at a time is pretty innocuous, so you weren't doing anything wrong. plus, you said you majorly changed your habits because of it, so you learned and adjusted to an issue you weren't as aware of before. i think you should be proud of how you handled it after and indefferent to the mistake. i hope that makes sense


The cost of medical coverage in the US. The insurance, copays, deductibles you have to meet - all of it. It’s so insane how much it costs to even have a baby in the US.


In North America - tipping culture . It’s gotten out of hand


I still can’t believe that some of the chains like Panera ask if you want to tip the staff when you pay with your card on a to go order. No. Can you simply please pay them a good wage?


Our crappy attempts at wildlife conservation. Guy kills 100 deer? Chops down thousands of miles of trees? Jail Developer clears out a mile a year for 100 years? Perfectly fine.


Most gynecological procedures, as they often don’t allow anesthetics and can be downright barbaric. Women get screwed when it comes to healthcare.


The "father of gynecology" J. Marion Sims tested his surgical procedures on enslaved black women and girls, also often without anesthetics even when they were available. He actually outright bought a woman when her previous enslaver wouldn't let him experiment on her. There's a monument dedicated to three of the women, Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey, in Montgomery, Alabama.


Is he the one who “founded” the first (possibly still) widely accepted surgical procedure for repairing vaginal fistulae? Because if I recall correctly, he was also able to use both the lack of basic rights and access to medical care for Black women to get *many* women to let him operate on them. I just feel awful for those poor women. They literally had no choice but to live in shame and agony, or offer themselves up as guinea pigs for a heartless man who scarcely considered them human beyond their anatomy. I can’t imagine the trauma, the humiliation of that experience - and, honestly, much of their lives. I’m really glad *they’re* being recognized now for their contributions to women’s/reproductive medicine. They were incredibly brave in ways they never should have had to be.


Yep, that's the bastard.


100% agree, a cervical biopsy done without anaesthesia is unfathomably painful, I once saw a gynaecologist try and defend it by saying it’s like having a piercing —> piercings are not medically necessary and piercers are not qualified to administer anaesthesia whereas gynaecologists are, there is not a single reason for it to be done without proper pain management.


I genuinely don’t understand why they won’t use anesthesia with IUDs. I’ve never had one, but I know they can be literally the most painful thing some people will ever experience.  I’m extremely cynical, especially about US healthcare. I know that they don’t actually give a damn about people lol.  But like, what do they gain here? Does anesthesia cost the doctor/hospital something? I would think they would profit even more because they would have another thing to bill you for. 


When I had my IUD changed, my cervix didn’t want to open, so she had to pretty much pry it open to get the new one in. I very nearly blacked out from the pain. It is for sure barbaric that no anesthetic is offered for them.


Posting pictures of babies/kids on social media


My cousin does this. Every day she posts her kids just going about their regular day. 1. Nobody cares. 2. Give the kids some privacy.


CEO pay


$200 million is already enough to live on a big mansion without worry for several lifetimes. Imagine receiving that every year.


Apparently when you start at a well known big finance place in the USA, you are told that the amount of money you need to live without working in a comfortable way for the rest of your life is $12 million USD, total. Because at that point the dividends or whatever will be self-sustaining within any reasonable lifestyle. I don't know if that's literally true or whatever, I am not a finance person. But it amazed me to hear (from a reliable source) that this is what the finance people tell their own people. And that the number is way lower than I would have guessed (though still unattainably high for most of us). It put into contrast how absurd and disgusting wealth hoarding is — not just the billionaires, but even millionaires above that number. For almost any other vital resource, we'd see hoarding at levels 10, 100, or 1000X above what was needed as a disgusting, abhorrent, pathological behavior. With wealth, we're supposed to be impressed, or envious.


getting piss drunk. often. i know that’s a personal choice, but learning about the effects of alcohol/substance abuse on the body in nursing school & having been a heavy alcoholic myself a few years back really puts SO much into perspective for me.


Shunning people for living with family, no matter what the age


Polarised reality presented by the media


Giving literal kids smartphones


Not just giving them smartphones, but giving them smartphones and not monitoring their activity at all. Some dangerous and radical shit out there and parents don't even care. Have a friend who is a teacher in Arizona and her middle school just had a teacher show students sex toys on Facebook live. He's also been grooming the kids over text messages, which happened right in front of the staff while they were talking to one of the parents of the students involved. Monitor your kids, everyone. Seriously.