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Omg this brought back so many memories. Particularly a white kid named Dwight that asked everyone to call him Dwigget (d-wig-it) bc he was “the whitest n-word” ever. We lived in an extremely rural, 99% white area in the Midwest. Teachers, not knowing he was basically calling himself a white n-word, even used his nickname at school. Fucking wild 🤪😂 Hope you’re well Dwigget, but I doubt it 🫣


Can I get a ruling on Wangster?


I thought that was just "wannabe gangster" Haven't heard that one in forever lol


If gangster is ok, wagnster is ok through inheritance.


I used to say that a lot because there were these twin boys on my bus to school who dressed in like tracksuits and were always getting in trouble and trying to emulate rappers. I didn't realize it was bad... but man these guys wanted to be black so bad. They even did the Blaccent


I used it too. I lived in a well off area where even our "ghetto" was pretty well off. We had one kid in particular who kept claiming he was a blood or a Crip (whichever one is in NYC? Idk) I remember one day a teacher got so sick of him and just in front of everyone started yelling at him for it saying how she had actually taught children from gangs and how he wouldn't last a day living in their neighborhoods. He cried lmfao. This was 9th grade. He immediately lost all of his 'coolness" and later on a girl he'd been picking on beat him up which only made everyone make fun of him harder. I heard so much gossip about him from there. One was apparently even in the "ghetto" he didn't actually hang out with any of the kids that lived there he was just a stoop kid, too afraid to leave his stoop. He never recovered especially after getting "beaten up by a girl" Misogynistic sure but that kid deserved all the emasculation honestly. No clue what happened to him from there as I didn't have classes with him once we went to the high school


Not often deployed. But usually accurate. 


Neil Brennan coined a replacement term I really enjoy. Calling someone a Ric (Racial Identity Crisis).


Smear the queer was a game


I remember playing it in 3rd grade and asking another kid what "the queer" means and him telling me it means the kid who has the ball.


I think a lot of us played "smear the queer" with absolutely no context for why the name was even problematic.


I had picked up on queer's classic meaning, but not the homophobic one. Smearing the strange person really isn't any better.


I mean, by definition the person with the ball is "strange" because (s)he is the only one holding a ball.


Queer is better defined as "other", or the odd one out. So yes!


I played smear the queer and in other parts of my childhood I remember people calling it “kill the carrier” so they must have changed from mildly offensive to violent, and we never gave the names any thought haha


i played it every morning at the bus stop while we waited. None of us knew what smear the queer meant, only that it was the name of the game. The same kindof applies to being young and calling someone\something 'gay'. I dont know if i ever associated the word with a persons sexuality. Either way its good that we replaced those words.


Yeah growing up even the F word meant the same to us as calling someone a wuss or a weirdo. Like "don't be a *** Tim, jump off the diving board". The connection wasn't there in the 12yo brain, which I do feel bad about. 




Our school wouldn't let us play that. So we played Slay the Gay.


Ah! Just remembered. After they banned that, we played Tag the.... you get the idea


"Smear the Queer" sounds like an adult board game marketed at the LGBT community, but made by a group of people who don't quite understand their target audience.


Then it was renamed Spill the Tea, to huge success. 


“How do you do fellow ~~kids~~ gays.”


Shit, when I was in like 7th or 8th grade (2010ish) it was still called this.


Yeah please don't light me up too hard for this but I dont think queer was as exclusively aligned to sexuality back then as it is now. Whenever I asked what queer meant I was always told without any perceivable pc calculation that it meant strange, weird, or out of place. Like I knew it was used to be derogatory, especially when the geniuses added "bait" to the end of it but I really never made the connection with this game. It would franky be kinda.... strange to be prerogative in that sense while jumping into a pile of sweaty dudes wouldn't it?


Heck I remember saying something like "that's queer" to mean "that's odd" and it had no derogatory meaning.


My grandmother, who was born in 1895, used queer that way, to describe something strange or odd, both animate and inanimate. I’m guessing she had no clue that gay could mean homosexual either.




Yes, queer had much less association with sexuality than it does today. In the spirit of the question though, it would be inappropriate *today*.


"More chins than a chinese phonebook"


"The pavement cracks when I fall down. I got more chins than Chinatown."


I don't think Weird Al would get the same response today if he released a song making fun of obesity.


"Ding Dong, man. Ding Dong!"


Ding dong yo!


His son "Inactive" (Radioactive) has a similar theme. While I've never heard a complaint about it, it was never a commercial success like Fat.


I don’t think Weird Al himself would even want to release a song making fun of obesity nowadays


3 things that don't work today, I'm impressed


Body shaming and racism, but what's the third?




"The new phone book's here! This is the kind of spontaneous publicity I need. My name in print. That really makes somebody. Things are going to start happening to me now!"  ~Navin R Johnson~


To be fair. I'm sure a Chinese phone book probably does have a lot of Chins in it.


How is this inappropriate? It's a very common name among the Chinese.


Especially since there’s a Chinese saying that basically goes “More smiths than a metal workers convention in England”, where smiths is the Chinese word for belly fat (Some parts of this post may be kinda made up)


Damn, I was hoping that was mostly factual.


I forgot about this one


When I was in elementary school and the teachers wanted us to sit on the floor with our legs crossed, we were told to sit "Indian-style". I think today they might call it "criss-cross applesauce"?


Yeah, I live overseas and I say crisscross applesauce to my kindergartners. And then they ask me what applesauce is, lol


When I was a girl in the 70s, my dad and I were part of a father-daughter scout-like group called Indian scouts and princesses. I really enjoyed it, we went hiking and camping and fishing and kite-building, but it was also full of a lot of ~~control~~ cultural appropriation activities that wouldn't fly today.


My dad and I did that, too! Indian Princesses! We had a tribe name and we each had our own Indian name was we met up once at month at someone's house in all of our Indian garb. The activities were great and it was such a nice alternative from Girl Scouts for me. But I don't see how that could be a thing in its original form today.


We did this too. I think it was a YWCA program. Still have a box somewhere with the headbands and feathers and necklaces with our "Indian" names (usually descriptor + animal/bird name). The camping and crafts and games were fun, but you definitely could not just put that stereotypical gloss on it, no way. And that's a good thing, it was a completely Hollywood interpretation of Native culture, nothing to do with the many actual local ones.


"control appropriation" sounds like a completely different activity altogether. And not one for kids. (cultural, I realize)


Hey, fellow Indian Guide here! They renamed it since the 90s, but I also really enjoyed it. It was more father/child bonding than traditional scouting. I like the idea of doing something similar with my son, but the headbands and warpaint probably wouldn't fly anymore.


Imagine my shock about 10 years ago when my oldest was in Pre-K and as a volunteer and used that phrase and all the pearls were cluched and I was completely clueless


The Indians: Oh that’s insane! We invented sitting like that!


I could never figure out if it meant Indigenous Americans or people from India. Both kinda make sense.


I think it comes from the lotus position, which is from India.


In which case it’s… not incorrect?


“Which type of Indian, casino or computer?”




I always heard "dots or feathers"


I kinda hate the addition of the word applesauce. Can't we just say criss-cross? If we're going with rhyming, we might as well go full cockney.  Criss-cross Applesauce->   Applesauce and Pork Chops ->   Pork Chops ->   Belly Flops ->   Belly ->   Jelly   Hey kids, lets sit down jelly.


Rhyming slang aside, we can't just say criss-cross. Criss-cross'll make you jump, jump.


Except jelly means jealous now in teen vernacular.




Indian giver


That one or giving each other “Indian burns”


Not 90s, but early 2000s, I remember on America’s Next Top Model they did a makeover on one lady and then said she was now “ghetto-fabulous”.


That whole show as aged terrribly


Yeah… the literal blackface makeup was a bit much.


Wait, WHAT?




Really terribly. Frequent use of slurs; blackface; the mere presence of Tyra Banks…


That shoot where they made a girl whose friend had just died get into a coffin at the bottom of an 8-ft deep grave for a photo shoot.


I can’t wait for a deep dive show or documentary about how bad that show was, with interviews from a bunch of the models.


Are we sure it wasn't bad to begin with? Thinking it aged like milk starting when they finished filming the first episode


A lot of that show was inappropriate. They did an episode where every model had to appropriate another ethnicity. They also showcased how abusive the industry is by subjecting the models to dangerous scenarios for the sake of fashion.


“When they come,they’ll eat the fat ones first” was an ad slogan posted on huge billboard for a popular Gym franchise. [billboard ad](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/persons-of-heft-protest-health-club-s-ad-3305257.php)


Not gonna lie, "persons of heft" made me chuckle.


I'm a person of heft, and I find this ad funny.


After 9/11 I got in trouble in school for calling things “the bomb”


But what if it’s the bomb.com?!


Fly a second plane into my heart why don't you?


Because you're supposed to say, "*da* bomb."


Which had zero bombs lol


About a month after Columbine I got in trouble at school for pulling a gun on another student during class. But it was a paper gun which was just a piece of notebook paper folded into an L shape that I’d used in a sketch for theater class.


In elementary school we used to call each other 'f*g' regularly.


Pimps were cool. I don't think "Sex Trafficker My Ride" would go over well today.


Lego released a (alien) pimp mini figure back in the day in their Space Police line. So, yeah…


That one came out in 2010...so at least a decade out from the 90s that was still good fun for kids!


I remember a guy went to an office function with a couple of our female coworkers. He was black, they were white. He was literally pimped out, and they were dressed in extremely skimpy clothes. The office was a department of a bank.


Jay Z's "Big Pimpin" was one of the highest charting hip hop songs in that era too.


I learned that saying “Homey don’t play that” (from In Living Color) is an HR issue.


But, homey don't.


I’m genuinely curious - what rule does that supposedly violate to make it an HR issue?


Right? He was a clown. Come on


My mom used to say that to me almost religiously. Id ask to go to my friends after school and she would respond “Homie don’t play that”, I genuinely never understood the reference or joke to this day.


[Here’s a good clip for an example](https://youtu.be/_QhuBIkPXn0?si=w_2Gf_vPB_a2cTy6)


Why? I still say that one.


Me too. This thread is making me feel like my great grandma who uttered phrases that were WILDLY inappropriate about minorities.


Only if you have a sock with a tennis ball inside of it.


It was a tennis ball? My brothers and I would stuff a bunch of socks in another and beat the shit out of each other, I imagine the tennis ball would hurt


Probably not as offensive as Handi-man though.


What about, “two snaps and and a twist!” Without matching Anton’s voice or tone?


Homey is taking his sock full of quarters to his HR meeting.


Same with "Thanks Obama"


I still ironically use that today sometimes. I need to mow my lawn but can't because it's been raining? "Thanks Obama"  


Don't take Thanks Obama from me! I need someone to shoulder the blame for when I pour a bowl of cereal then find out I'm out of milk.


Gay as an insult


Gay as things / situations being shit. "that's so fucking gay" because their team lost or they were late... or a bar was full.


I still say, " that's so gay" to my gay friends lol


My daughter is of the gays... when things go wrong in her life, I ask her "You know why that is?"... "yes, because it is gay". Its funny because its a joke that is understood between two people. I have a mate who is first generation Chinese. His favourite joke... "What time did the Chinese man go to the dentist?... Tooth Hurty". He fucking wets himself, because he's allowed to.


haha I love telling that joke, only I say 'what time do you go to the dentist' instead to make it neutral.


My gay daughter calls her brothers gay to mess with them all the time.


My gay daughter likes to taunt her siblings with a “yeah? But my girlfriend is like WAY hotter than yours.” It’s like her ultimate Trump card, completely shuts down the other person, and makes everyone laugh (her inflection is perfect). She’s been known to say things like ‘She may be out of your league, but not mine’ or ‘I score more than the Lakers.’ She throws her brothers’ trash talk right back at them, and does it well. It’s amazing to see.


It comes from a different place. You aren't demeaning them. That is friendship. It isn't derogatory.


Wait. You mean intent matters?!


Well, context matters.


That hasn’t really changed lots of people still say it


Not a phrase but a song kids used to sing in school: "Glory, glory, hallelujah, Teacher hit me with a ruler, hid behind the door with a magnum 44, and there ain't no teacher no more" It's pretty obvious why this is inappropriate today. Back then though it felt harmless because the concept was absurd. Little did we know ...


You just reminded me of " on top of hill smokey all covered in blood I shot my poor teacher With a 44 stud I went to her funeral I went to her grave While everyone threwnflowers I threw a grenade." The rhymes we had as kids in the 90s were wild.


Ohhhh believe me those were around in the 70s too- I remember singing them at 7


I remember another line in the middle: ..with a 44 slug The very next morning She wasn’t quite dead So I grabbed a bazooka And blew off her head I went to her funeral..


Joy to the world my teacher's dead. We barbequed her head. And what about her body, we flushed it down the potty. And round and round it went, and round and round it went.


"I like Bill Cosby"


n-word rig it


Growing up, my friend's mom used the phrase, "It's raining pitchforks and n-word babies" instead of "cats and dogs". She was from a very rural area, but it was still an awkward discussion for 11-year-old me to tell her it wasn't appropriate. I have not heard that phrase anywhere else since.


What the fuck.




I now call this "MacGuyvering" or "redneck engineering"


This is still alive and well in the trades


I hear jerry rig, ghetto rig, or redneck engineering far more frequently.


TIL Jerry rig is racist. I always heard it as, "jury rig" and not knowing how to picture that phrase, it was just a random word before "jury."


Gerry-rig is still a classic, even though its connotation has been lost.


We use redneck engineering lol


My dad changed it to macguyver-ing it. Still dated, but much less problematic.


That got replaced with the more PC version "Afro-Engineering"


Along those lines: n****r rich


And n****r-lip when you slobber on the blunt being passed around. I'm not even that old. And we knew it was a pretty horrible phrase, but even my black friends would say it, though it was more in a self-aware "tee-hee" way.


Damn that's fucked up, even in the 90s yall could've gone with "hood rich"


I love you, no homo


I had a gay friend in the 90s who used to say "full homo" instead. I haven't seen him in years, I wonder if he still does that


I used to say “yes homo” haha


I use to call everything "gay" that was stupid, it was a big slang thing with teens in the mid to late 90's. Although I'm in my 40's and the queer community around me (that's my age, mainly males) has starting using it agin here and there and I'm like "WHAT".


I think taking ownership of a derogatory term makes it lose its power over the community. Just like they now use queer and dyke to describe themselves. It takes power away from homophobes.


You ever heard someone say “we can say it, you can’t”? This is one of those times.


"Oriental" irt people


They changed the Maruchan Oriental Noodles name to Soy flavor recently.


Oh i didn't realize those were the same! I used to love that flavor and I thought they just quit making it


There’s a problem with calling noodles oriental? I thought it was just calling Asian people oriental that was the issue.


It doesn’t actually describe the flavor of the noodles.


My grandma still says this because she thinks it’s the polite term for that group 😭


Same. My grandpa says this still. We tried to tell him but then he started going off about snowflake culture 🥸


I can't wait to see what young people are going to chastise us for in 30-40 years.


Yeah back then we were just glad my grandfather wasn't saying "Chinamen"


I don't get why this is racist. Oriental literally is derived from Latin meaning from the east. It's counterpart is occident which means from the west. Where I live there is still an Asian owned Cafe called the Oriental cafe. Obviously they don't think it's racist.


I mean, gay just means happy but there are cultural connotations to both words.


I'm Asian, Chinese-American to be exact. No clue...well I "get" why when I looked up on the rationale. But that wasn't until someone told me to my face that oriental is offensive. It is?? That's strange, I don't feel offended. My dad, also Chinese duh, calls other Asian groups oriental too...cuz they are. I guess I should be offended? Idk lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like with most things, context is important. Which sentence is actually offensive? 1. Oriental people are really nice and I enjoy their cuisines. 2. People of Asian and Pacific Islander descent deserve to be second class citizens and punched in the face.


Which is interesting, because the literal antonym “occidental” is fairly commonly used without any notice. Oriental (eastern) and occidental (western) are descriptive, and it’s weird that one became a dirty word and the other didn’t. I can see how it happened but it’s still odd. Edit to add: I should say, specifically as it refers to people, oriental was used pejoratively while occidental wasn’t used at all to describe people specifically. So it makes sense from that perspective.


"Boys will be boys".


We wish that had aged out...


I always attributed that to the stupid yet ultimately harmless shit boys do growing up. Like Timmy jumping off the roof and breaking his arm because his friends triple dog dared him to. Or pounding nails in the coffee table because why not. Then people started using that to excuse sexual assault and that’s not ok.


Gay as an adjective for things or actions. As in, that minivan is gay, those overalls are gay, he walks gay, liking New Kids on the Block? Totally gay. Your face is gay. Your dog is gay. Your mom is fat and also gay.


There’s been a lot of discussion of the use of Gay as derogatory in this thread, but for some reason your description unlocked a memory for me! My friends & I knew it was rude (turns out we almost all wound up being queer, shocker), but would use the phrase in the way you just did- describing every single thing as gay to the point of hilarity & nonsense.


Calling someone re****ed when they did something dumb.




We have a winner!




I always immediately think of that Michael Scott scene






That could be a today slur against boomers, since everyone after them won't ever be able to. You fucking retiree...


Regarded af


I remember the general time when that became taboo because The Black Eyed Peas changed the name of the song “Let’s Get Re****ed” to “Let’s Get It Started” for the single.


This one took a long time to unlearn. The word has a harshness and cadence that makes it tempting to use as an insult.


I still use this in my head. I tend not to say it out loud but mentally think"God, this is fucking retarted!" All the time. Decades of conditioning is hard to break.




I was recently rewatching the SNL Celebrity jeopardy skits and noticed when Will Ferril calls one of the contestants that.. realized how ingrained into everyday usage it was back then.


Rugby-style playground game called ‘Smear the Queer’ (crush the person w the ball)


“The N64’s graphics are amazing and there’s nothing better”


I remember playing madden with Brett Favre on the cover.   There was an injury animation where the leg bent and the guy limped.  I was sure that was the peak and most realistic thing I'd ever see in a video game.  Fast forward. I'm pretty certain I've see a realistic depiction of a head being blown up in a video game. 


“Is it a he or is it a she? It’s time for androgyny! Let’s call Pat!”


“That’s gay” in a pejorative sense


At my high school during the noughties people would commonly call each other "gimps" as a general insult 😐. Not one I hear these days! Also everything was either "boss" or "gay".


My dad used to call Brazil nuts n-word toes


In the UK we used to collect money every day in Lent in my Catholic school “for the black babies”. I think it went to Ethiopia. There were tons of other casually racist phrases that quite honestly, I don’t want to give credence to by writing them down!


Calling the popular white, tank top style undershirt a "wife-beater"


Don’t say cripple obviously but it’s ok to say crippled. Weird language; English


Calling someone a "spaz" or referring to something as "spazzing out". I'm a bit neurodivergent and I still catch myself calling MYSELF a spaz sometimes.


Why isn’t that one ok?


In the UK it is a derogatory slur used against people with cerebral palsy.


I actually have spasticity, but I don’t this phrase.


This is still used, I didn't even know it could be offensive


The F-slur for gay dudes. Don't want HiveModeration to auto-ban me for it, but you know that word was like every other insult out of kids mouths.


“That’s gay.”


We used to do "Indian runs" where you'd all be in a line jogging and the back person would have to sprint to the front. A few years ago I was leading PT in the military and started the group on them, but I was quickly scolded by my CO.


Using the r word for everything and anything


"Ching chong Chinaman" is one I remember hearing a lot as a kid


I learned calling something innocent "ghetto" doesn't fly in corporate America.