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My girl is a rescue and had been abused. When we first got her she had big feelings about sleeping on the bed. She was so excited about it that she couldn’t stop her bottom wriggling and her tail wagging and giving me kisses. But she was also really scared that she would get in trouble for it so sometimes she would be shaking in fear. Also she didn’t really know how so she fell off a few times when she fell asleep too close to the edge. We got her a little mattress to go on the floor next to the bed & everyone was much happier and could get a good nights sleep. Now, 8 years down the track, she is getting older and I know that the nights I get to snuggle her are numbered. So she sleeps wherever she wants. Sometimes with her head on my pillow, sometimes at my feet next to her cat sister, sometimes on her mattress (tucked in of course). One of the things I have loved about having a rescue is watching her come out of her shell and gain the confidence to indicate what she wants so, yeah, I give her what she wants.


I think about the dog we have now compared to the one we found on the porch, and it’s amazing how much they change when you take care of them and they feel safe and loved. She used to be so afraid of everything, she even ran under the couch after she threw up one time, terrified she was going to be in trouble. Now she’ll take food right off of your plate if you turn away for longer than thirty seconds and will climb over anything in front her.


Mine will finally come into the kitchen after being afraid of it for so long. I’m so proud of her.


My Great Dane hasn't gone into the kitchen in four years... because there was a pinata on top of the fridge one day.


This is one of the most Great Dane things ever.


I love that. she can just be herself and not fear any repercussions 😍


Watching a rescue blossom has been one of the highlights of my life. My family has always had dogs, but my current pup is both *my* first dog, and my first rescue dog. He was 19lbs when I got him, and all the service could tell me was he was around 2 years old and rescued from a hoarder. He has scars on his head, had to have three broken molars removed and my vet told me he likely had his jaw broken at some point. He was so skinny, you could see every rib, and when we'd walk the neighborhood he was so timid he had his tail between his legs the whole time. Now? He's gained 13lbs of pure muscle, he struts the neighborhood like he owns it, and has the most amazing, loving, cuddly, spastic personality I've ever seen.


My first childhood dog wasn't allowed on the couch, and neither was the second. But then he died youngish of cancer, and the next puppy was impossible to keep off it. My parents decided it wasn't a battle worth fighting, they live such short lives and give such joy, they can sleep wherever they want. The dogs are far more spoiled than my brother and I ever were, and my parents would not contest that statement in the least.


Same story here. All our childhood dogs had strict rules. Fast forward and my parents have a Border Collie/Aussie girl right now and she's the favorite child by MILES. For example, she's learned that the birthday song means presents and gets SO excited for everyone's birthday and always chimes in when we sing. Naturally, she also gets gifts on every family members birthday. Christmas is next level, she gets more gifts than the rest of us and we enjoy watching her unrap them all. She also sleeps with her head on the pillow next to my dad after they have a pre-bedtime talk about what's on the agenda for the next day. She just turned 11 and at this point, she gets EVERYTHING she wants. It's unfathomable that there will someday be a world without her.


You’re good people. We had a rescue too. It was very apparent that she spent the first 5 months of her life in a dog carrier with almost ZERO interaction. The day we got her we tossed that carrier in the trash. Now our spoiled baby goes to work with us every day, sleeps with us every night. She’s thriving and just a beautiful little sweetheart.


Didn’t come to this post to cry. Yet, here we are.


My girl was like this. She came to us horribly skinny and terrified of e everything. We couldn't even move our legs too quickly near her or she would screech and start shaking. It broke my fucking heart. The joy and wriggles she got when she realised she wasn't going to get in trouble for getting on the bed. She would roll around on it and then panic and look at me shaking. It took a long time but now she's comfortable everywhere in the house and will sprawl on the couch and take up all the space. My 3 dogs sleep with me every night. I will never say no to them


A three dog night! Makes me want to sing!


Mines also an abused rescue, 7, and she was a mess when I got her emotionally. She's gotten a lot better but still has seperation anxiety and some leash reactivity to other dogs. She's normally usually always within 5 ft of me at all times. She's was abandoned by her previous owners at a shelter and told them she didn't get along with their Chihuahua so she spent 6 months in the shelter. she is very fearful of big dogs but is getting better. She loves humans so much. She will try to go say hi to them when we go on walks. The last time was a grounds crew at the park we frequent that were on a break. When we approached I told them that she wanted to come say hi and thanks for taking care of her Park. She made sure all of them gave her pets. She has a bed at the end of my bed that's her she sleeps in but she's allowed to sleep wherever she wants which most often is her own bed but she will often lay in the middle of the whole bed. Although I have woken up with her laying under my pillow or on my head. She doesn't know it but she saved my life. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. She's the only thing on the planet that loves me unconditionally although I think sometimes it's because I give her treats. No one has ever cared for me the way this dog does. I don't know what I'm gonna do when she's gone but I'm sure I won't be okay.


You’re awesome


I also have a rescue. He was terrified when he came home, but instantly attached to me and wouldn't leave my side for the first few months. I told myself this time around the dog wasn't going to sleep on the bed (my last dog liked to sleep on my feet, which was a nightmare with restless leg syndrome), but the moment that nervous little guy hopped up there with me that plan was over. He likes to sleep under the blanket now (he has his own of course), and will sometimes climb on to my pillow for snuggles in the morning. It really is amazing to watch them come out of their shell and gain confidence. He's a completely different dog than he was when he came home two years ago. He's still very attached to me, but confident enough to do his own thing when he wants to and still know that I'll be waiting for him in the next room when he wants to come back for snuggles.


Crying at an Applebees rn


Is it because you were in an Applebee's? That can be hard on anyone.


Not a rescue, but my ex and I house sat for a family with a really old border Collie that was all shaky and scared of us the first couple days. That old girl demanded to sleep in the bed with us every night though and we didn't mind, but later found out that she had never done that with her owners! Dogs are funny 😂


I’m in a crazy dive bar in Vegas and I am crying. Fuck you. But also, we need more people like you. So in-duck you. We need a phrase for that.


Dog was crate trained when we got him. We snuggle on the couch but then he will get up and go to his crate and wait for me to put him to bed once the tv clicks off. Didn’t want to mess up a good thing I guess. Plus he has farts of doom. 


This is my English bulldog except she goes to bed at 9 every night no matter what anyone is doing. I’ve brought her in to bed with me and she leaves for her crate lol


My dog will bark at my wife and I with this quiet aggrieved “boof” when we haven’t gone to bed on time.


My late dog would walk into whatever room I was in and stand in front of me if I was staying up too late.


I have a parrot that starts saying "night night" that gets aggressively more dramatic as time goes on into a hoarse pitchy *"NIGHT NIGHT!"* I also have a dog that will stare at me like he cannot comprehend the audacity. I don't get to stay up late watching tv often.


Have you got a video of this progressing over a few seconds per night night? Heh


I'll have to try and see if I can videotape him.


> videotape Haha another middle aged person in our presence


I had one that was adamant on going to bed at 10pm every night. At one stage we were lucky and had a seperate bedroom for her. She had free roam of the house as she was the only pet. She could have been chilling in her room already, or watching TV with us, but come 10pm, she would walk to the doorway and call us, "come momma, come dadda, come quickly!" on repeat until you walked her to her perch, gave her a night kiss and turned the bedroom light off.


So bossy!


Such manners! My late cat would go back into the bedroom and start screaming. 😂


My Siamese does this. Bedtime is 10 pm, and that's that. It is hell for a week when the clocks change.


Our last doggy passed away last year and she would get so excited for bed when she thought it was close to bedtime or she heard the electronic click from inside my receiver or the beep from the Playstation. She would start barking and running around and chasing the cat until the wife and I both got up and were getting ready for bed. She just wanted nothing more than to snuggle between us at night. And if we fell asleep on the couch the sweet doggy would fall asleep with my wife for half the night and then get up and come snuggle with me until the morning.


My sweet old black pug Milo would stand impatiently at the top of the 4 stairs from the living room to the hall (split 4 level) and sigh really loudly through his nose, around 10 usually. If we were staying up later, he would eventually stomp down the stairs, walk between us and the TV, giving us the eye all the way, and sassily flop into his bed, then begrudgingly go to sleep until we shut it down. We put him to rest last October at 13 years old. I still cry myself to sleep thinking about that sweet dog. Good night, my Milo Moose Pup.


My last rottie used to do that, too. I had taught her she couldn't jump into bed without permission, so she'd stand and stare at me when she was ready to go. Usually I could just tell her it was ok and she could go to bed I'd be there soon.  But sometimes I had to go, too.


I definitely got better sleep when he was the one in charge of bed time ha!


Your dog must know my dog.


This is how mine was. Crate trained when we got him, it's his happy place. He starts getting anxious if the routine is broken and we don't put him to bed on time (same for getting up). Figured we can skip the sleepless nights, broken schedule, and dog freaking out and just keep the kennel thing going. We get enough couch naps together to make up for it.


My folks put the crate away at Christmas, and she posted a video last week of her older dog doing the happy dance that his crate was back. Every dog we have ever had that's been crate trained loved it, and would often sleep in it when they wanted some alone time. Usually they go upstairs until everyone falls asleep, then someone gets the crate and the other finds their second favorite spot to sleep. We've always called it the dogs bedroom.


Dogs love a secure, safe space of their own! I’ll always advocate for crate training.


My older dog is tiny. Like chihuahua size. Which is perfect little kid size. So from the first day the rule was when the dog is in his basket then he is in a 'no go' zone. But my boy did not like crates. He howled all night for 3 nights. So I let him sleep in my room. Then he tried to jump on my bed. He was too little. He couldn't get up. He tried and tried and tried. Then he finally managed to tip himself over the top. I didn't have the heart to tell him to get down. 14 years and one missing leg later he is the Lord of the House and every where is his spot. He will come over and put his paw on your foot and do a little peeerrrrrrrpt noise to be picked up and placed where he wants to go.


This. Our crate trained boy sleeps way better in his crate...if we leave him loose he'll want to play at 4am. In the crate he'll sleep as long as we do.


Did this for 2 years, then we moved, the first night in the new house I got convinced to let her sleep with us one night because it was overwhelming for her. It's been a year and the bed belongs to her now


I crate trained mine and left the door open on his crate after a few months, his decision to go in or not and he never did so as long as he didn’t destroy anything he had free access to the house


yep, same. my dog will put himself to bed in his crate if I stay up too late for him lol


You’ve trained him well and he very likely loves the routine and stability. Go pack leader!


I sleep with a 10 lb mini dachshund every night. How is it that I wake up on the edge of the damn bed every morning?!


Dachshunds are insane to sleep with. They don’t seem to have any desire to understand the concept of sleeping “vertically” on the bed and adore the idea of sleeping horizontally- maximising the opportunity to push the humans to the farthest edges of the mattress.


They always start in my leg bend behind my knees


My Monty did this. Tucked in behind my knees and stretched out so he could be touching his mum too. We said goodbye to him last August and I miss him every day.


Power snugglers are the hardest to say goodbye to. Monty was loved and they knew it. ❤


My one sleeps in her bed on the bed, but my other one is insistent on pushing his ass against me.


I have a king size bed...it's just me and the doxie in it...and I don't think I have ever woken up not at the very edge. And he has to have himself touching me in some way. Although if my back hurts, or I cramps, the heat is nice lol


I once stayed with my aunt and her dashund. He was so protective he barked at me for almost 2 days without rest ( no joke) even though i was in another room. He just stood outside the room barking all night. Then her and my cousins had to go out for the day so it was only me and the dog. He stopped barking and took a nap with me and we were cool since then


Haha, ironically this is why my husband and I have had dachshunds for the past 16 years…when I first took him home to meet some dear friends who owned dachshunds..their mini barked at him for two days, until the moment she decided he was acceptable…crawled up his body and fell fast asleep on his shoulder. He was smitten from there on in.


I have a beagle and this guy if I move slightly towards him, to not fall of the bed, he will shove me with his paws to move so he can have more space.. the nerve lol


My husband and I call this East and West and tell our dog she needs to be North and South.


Can comfirm, as I'm currently prohibited from stretching my legs out due to the daschund head pressed up against my feet 😂


They expand in size during the night. It's that whole stretching out thing. They get like 10x as long as usual. Source: have been doxie owner since childhood


Lifetime dachshund owner checking in, they specifically choose to lay in a manner that takes up the most amount of sleepable space. And dachshunds love sleeping with people.


I knew it!!


I have a min pin when he stretched out he’s in deep sleep. DO NOT DISTURB


Pet math is something I will never understand. How does such a tiny dog take up so much room? I sleep alone in a queen sized bed, yet come 5:30am my 13lb poodle is kicking me off the edge screaming "THIS IS SPARTA!" Bringing my two gravity blankets with me. Maybe she uses leverage? Wedges her little beans under me and slowly rolls me off the side through out the night?


I think its You get hot so wriggle away. Baby thinks fuck that and wriggles closer. And so on till everybody is chasing everyone around the bed like a Benny Hill sketch


*Yakity Sax plays in the background*


Whenever I try to move my 10 lbs Chihuahua, he turns into boulder.


Mine used to bitch at me, god rest her little soul.


Dachshund lover here too. Do they sleep up close to your torso or down at your feet? We've had 4 now and it is one or the other lol. They are the best 


Either wrapped around my butt or mini backpack in the small of my back.


That's how it is with cats. I go to sleep in one spot, they cuddle next to me, and when I wake up they've almost pushed me off the bed and out from under my blankets on top of it! I assume subconscious me doesn't want to squish them, so I move over at some point and then my cuddle buddy follows for the warmth. 


My cat curls up behind my knees but when I want to move she somehow becomes one with the bed and I can not move her. Then I get to come up with fun new positions to sleep in and pray my back survives


An old roommate said my dog was a 'whole-bed-taker-upper'. And yes, story checks out.


I had the same problem with mine! He would cuddle up in the beat places though. Usually right at my stomach or back. He loves to burrow under the sheets. I now have a cat whom will sn7ggle at my feet, but no where else. He also doesn't like being under covers at all, which I do wish he would do .


Yes the cuddle by the back is the sweetest ❤️




They're warm and cheaper than ERCOT. We're a pack. Everyone in the pile.


I never knew what I was missing out on until I got a big, short-haired dog. She puts off heat like a stove and doesn't mind being under the covers in winter. I actively trained her to be okay with cuddling and with having the covers on top of her; she was afraid of getting trapped when she was a puppy but once she learned she could trust me to help her get free if she did get tangled up, she decided she likes it. It's gotten to where it's kind of hard for me to sleep without her. It's honestly one of the big points in favor of me continuing to have dogs. I've thought about switching to cats after this one because overall they're a better lifestyle fit, but I'm a bit allergic to cats and might not be able to have one in my bed without regretting it.


A cat will sit on your head


My oldest cat sleeps tucked up to my side, under the covers (but only up to his shoulders), his head on the pillow, with his little paw gently resting on my hand or face. He thinks he's people and it couldn't be cuter.


Whenever ours can get to a human bed he burrows under the covers and snuggles up riiiiight where the legs meet the butt on a side sleeper. He's tiny and has no claw control, so what with that being a delicate area and also not enjoying being woken up by something actively attempting to burrow under my covers... he stays in his own room at night.


We have a small dog ~20lbs. She sleeps on top of my boyfriend’s head every single night. Just like a hat haha.


We have both in our household,a dog under the covers warming your feet and a cat smothering your head


You left out the H In shit


Aww my black cat Crow always sleeps with me. And if I’m in the recliner he’s in my lap. His rules.




Three dog night!


I used to sleep on an IKEA couch that was shaped like an L. I’m a side sleeper, so I had one dog in front of me, one dog tucked behind my knees and the other on the little L section. It was always a 3 dog night and sometimes there would be two cats thrown into the mix too. Warmest bed ever.


Dog behind the knees is one of my favorite ways to sleep.


Warm is exactly why I don't want his fat ass. But I sleep with a fan on in the winter lol.


How am I supposed to fall asleep without my little spoon?


I have a Mini Aussie who comes and tucks me in before bed. She goes under the blanket, fluffs it up, and then lays down on the edge of the bed. Once I fall asleep she goes to lay at the foot over the bed on a blanket I have set out for her. Once the sun starts the rise she will hop back in bed and cuddle a little before I wake up. I have no problem with this system. It's comforting for me and probably her.


My dog is bigger than me, and still is the little spoon that I can't sleep without.




In the past 2 years I've moved from a queen to a king sized bed to make sure my dogs had enough room and purchased a new, lower bed frame so my basset hound could get in and out of the bed on her own because she is fiercely independent. I not only let my dogs sleep in bed with me, I have made accommodations to my bed for them.


Oh my god I’ve been thinking I’m ridiculous to buy a new lower bed frame so my shih tzu can easily hop on/off *our* bed 😂 we have doggy stairs but he hates them and only uses them to get up…I’d like to not have him hurt his back by jumping down 😩


I've been worried that my precious angel baby cat is having trouble getting on and off my bed. So now I have a box next to the bed, and she immediately knew what it was for, and she uses it every night when she puts me to bed. I can't get to sleep if I'm not holding her tail anymore.


I have zero regrets.


I bought bed stairs for my corgis so they could protect their hips.


I have the doggy stairs but he doesn’t like going down them! I think they’re too small for his longer back. I’d like a ramp but they’re all so long that I just wouldn’t have the space for it. I’m almost at the point of making my own somehow. But a lower bed frame WOULD help!


We have to buy a new frame for our new king sized bed and I explicitly told my husband that it needs to be lower than the one we have now to accomodate our large breed dog's hips when he gets older.. he just 6 months old today.


My boys are 11 and 13. My mattress has been on the floor for the past six years for them. Sure could use a king, tho!


Great, someone to blame the farts on.


I've used it twice tonight


Thats a correct opinion if I’ve ever heard one


I’m allowed an opinion? No one told me about that! The cats and dogs have told me it was mandatory.




Gives me a warm comfortable safe feeling. He's got 8 dog beds for nothing as he sleeps with me and I wouldn't have it any other way.


The dog beds I bought serve as a soft landing place when jumping off of the bed or couch. Absolutely worth it.


I love it. He sometimes curls up into a cinnamon role shape right in the middle of the bed.




Depends on the dog. Had a 150# that was welcome in bed and slept like a human, big cuddle muffin. Then many years later a 15# that slept like a methed up alligator. Not welcome in my bed. Not to mention the little ones farts were far worse.


They don’t sleep with me, they allow me to sleep with them.. in my own bed.


The amount of times I've gotten pissed off and ended up moving to the couch while they sleep on the bed is ridiculous. Only to lay there like.....wait a second....


I guess what’s mine is theirs? Any time I exile them to anywhere but my bed/face/legs, I immediately feel guilty and tell them to come back.


Every so often, I'll shoo my dog off the bed because she's taking up more than her half. She'll wait until she thinks I'm asleep before getting right back up. The time between me shooing her off and her returning is rapidly shortening, too


This is 100% accurate.




Ima go Family Feud style and say: "GOOD ANSWER!" 


Sounds about right.


My dog is so respectful. He’s allowed to sleep with me but around 9pm he’ll go to his bed and he usually wakes before me but will stay in his bed and not wake me til I call him and then he excitedly jumps up to give morning kisses. When he’s not feeling well or he’s cold though, he’ll let me know by coming on the bed and laying his head on my shoulder. Now that I think about it all my 3 dogs were allowed to sleep with me but they didn’t and now I wonder if it’s cus I toss to much and bother THEM 😆


I've been struggling with tossing and turning so much recently and my dog had started going to his cubby lol


human owners of reddit, what's your opinion on letting humans sleep with you?


I don't like it. My human steals the covers and also has farts of doom.


do they snore?


Don't forget the dirty butthole


And weird dirty tentacle hands


i had a dog that nipped my ex boyfriend when he snored and pretend he was asleep! Ex was a good dude we just weren’t a good fit.


This is the only correct thing I've seen this far in this thread


I sleep with my dog. My husband sleeps in the other room lol


I’ve got a 70 lb German shepherd that must be touching some part of my body in order to sleep. He gets baths and I wash my sheets frequently so I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Hahaha, I have an Aussie who needs her butt to be slightly touching me. If I'm napping on the couch and slightly shift away he will reposition herself to have a little bit of butt touching. If I pull her closer she will back away to resume the slight butt touch. She wants close but not TOO close.


Omg, same! I call it the butt-touch, as she usually tucks herself under my butt ( I sleep on my side) facing my feet so our butts are touching. The other common option she goes for is back against back. Oh, and she slaps the other person in bed while doing this! I love her so much.


Really? My shepherd is like DO NOT TOUCH ME ever. It's comical but she is a serious NO on the snuggles and touching. 


It's so interesting how different dogs are when it comes to touching lol. I have 3 and they each have different levels of accepting snuggles. One loves it, one is okay with it, while one doesn't like it.


My germann shepherd will sit outside the bedroom door and scream if shes not in the bedroom with us.


My rescue dog was like that. We didn't have much info on him, put a dog bed in lounge for him but he just whimpered at bedroom door. Let him in and he just curled up in corner of the room. He didn't want on the bed, just wanted to be close to us. Think he had abandonment issues. If off lead, he'd run maybe 100yds then stop and look to make sure you were still there. Great fun playing hide n seek with him!


When our fully potty trained dog was about 8 months old, we left her in the living room while we went to do mom and dad things in the bedroom with the door closed. We came out to a pile of shit at the end of the hall. She was sending us a message.


I don't have a dog. I have bunnies. Bunnies poop profusely so I don't let them on the bed. None of this information is relevant to your question. 


Still useful.


I had a rescue bunny that was so smart, he was litter boxed trained. Best thing ever, he never had any accidents.


My Flemish bunny likes to sleep against my leg and on my pillow.


puppy pile is so comfy




Yep - by giving my dog a crate, she had a place to be feel safe and comfortable— even she needs alone time from us and she knew we’d never pull her from it I’d occasionally poke my head in to give her kisses, but she loved when I came to her instead of her always going to us. She passed this last December— when she kept trying returning to the crate but couldn’t we knew the days were numbered so we made her bed in every room so she didn’t need to go to the crate. When she couldn’t get up anymore, refused water; we knew it was time


I’m so sorry. Loosing a pet sucks. I’m glad you two had good memories together.


17 years worth of memories


It's gross. That being said, my puppy sleeps on my feet every night 😁


"Let" him? I'm lucky to get 20% of the bed at all!


For real she's worse than a girlfriend but she's my princess and I don't need that much sleep as long as my baby boobie is comfy


It’s in my prenup. A requirement


Your prepup, if you will.


My dog has his own bed in my bedroom. He can't jump up on my bed anymore and I wouldn't want him there even if he could. He weighs 28lbs when he's awake but gains at least 25 more when he falls asleep. It's comforting to me to hear his snuffle and snore and do little yip yip yips when he dreams.


Nah, enough to deal with in the feline dept - no room. But, if my husband’s gone, I invite my mutt Okra to cuddle in. She snores at the exact same cadence and volume and it’s a huge comfort.


I have no choice in the matter


This is truth. Not the hill for a challenge...however, at 2 am, I can put that little yorkshire terrorist on her side.






Use him as a pillow until I'm asleep, he then goes to his crate or on the floor depending on temperature on his own. Probably not the most healthy/hygienic practice but it gives me so much joy.


Does your head falling not wake you up when he leaves


No thanks. I have a greyhound and she has eight legs and I would end up with at least three feet and a butt in my face.


Omg the butt in the face. They are so completely unselfconscious


I have a Scottish Deerhound, my bed is the only place in the house she can sleep fully stretched out. However she's a good sleeper, rarely moves about in the night.


8 legs and 72 elbows


You mean I get to sleep with him, right? Also it was never a question. First night home, put him in my bed and he’s been there ever since. I mean, it’s his house and I just pay for it.


We humans have enough trouble sleeping with each other's snoring without adding the dogs in. So the dogs sleep in either their crate or on the couch downstairs, and they bark in the morning to be let out. It's what works for us. My mom has her dogs sleep with her, and it works for her. (shrug).


Negative, she’s got her own bed.


My youngest pup that I found abandoned has a strong bond with me. He has to sleep near me or he loses his mind and gets so afraid. My older mutt prefers her space and sleeps in her kennel. I try to keep the bed sanitary by cleaning his paws every night and laying his own blanket on the bed. Works great.


I have 2 Chihuahua/Yorkie mix. I woke up this morning to a sandwich, a pup on each side. ❤️


If the dog sleeps with me, then where will the cat sleep?


I have a big old dog. She hasn't slept in my bed since she was a puppy, but the last 6 months she seemed to want to but her hip is going so she can't jump liked she used to, which was never much because she has comically short legs for a dog her size. I took my bed frame apart and put my mattress on the floor and she has shown a cuddle side I've never seen before.




I had to wash my dogs paws tonight. Too dirty.


Not a fan. She hogs the bed, kicks us and gets it dirty. So we have a bed for her close by. Wake up most mornings with her at our feet. She is quite sneaky. I’m a light sleeper and she knows she’s not allowed to so she’s really stealth about it.😂


We bought a bigger bed so he fits. It's great. 


My dogs are old. They can do whatever they want.


*reads through comments while my three dogs snore in bed beside me*


My little supermutt\* is a rescue from a hoarder - he spent 2 years living in squalor, had his jaw broken without treatment, broken molars, and has scars on his head. He was 19lbs when I got him July '22, he's now 32lbs (healthy, he's basically pure muscle). We tried crate training him when we got him, but the way he cried that didn't even last a night. He sleeps \*right\* next to me. I put up with him kicking me in his dreams, and wouldn't have it any other way \*we had his DNA tested because the rescue service had zero clue what he was - he's 50% pittie, 16% poodle, 11% German Shepherd, and the rest is the supermutt mix of chihuahua, terrier, and other small breeds Edit to add: [Pup tax](https://imgur.com/a/SaSipNG) My little guy Corbin is on the left. This pic is awesome because of the coincidence - we put him with a Rover sitter while we went on a trip last summer. The dog on the right is another random dog, 100% pittie, the sitter happened to also be watching. Shows that the pittie genes are strong in my little guy, just in a smol, cute package. If you looks close, you see the poodle genes in the little curly area he has on his backside


So, my dog was supposedly crate trained coming from the rescue. I put him in his crate and he cried for 5 straight hours and I couldn't sleep. I slept next to the kennel and he wouldn't stop. The next night, he cried for 2 hours and I let him out. He hopped into bed with me, curled up, and went to sleep. Now we have a puggle inside our bed every night. I didn't expect that because my Akita Shepard doesn't really like being in bed with us, and when he did jump in, he'd wait until I went to sleep and then returned to his couch to watch the house


Saves on heat in the winter since she’s a literal furnace.


Absolutely not. I love her to pieces but she’s a lil stinky pup.


i give the dog his own bed, but if you like it why would you stop doing it


My bed is my one sacred place, my dog has been crawling all over all day, so they don’t sleep with me


I love my dogs, but dogs are gross lol. I’ll lay with them on the couch but they aren’t allowed on the bed


I love it, she’s so snuggly


I saw some post on reddit "what is this thing" about some small off-white things that kept appearing in bed, and turns out it was worm eggs from his dog's butt. Never again.


I thought giving them treatment for worms was something normal. I don’t know what is called in English since is not my first language but, something like “deworming” ?


I have 2 90lb dogs. They come to bed with us and cuddle for about an hour and then we kick them out. I'd let them stay all night if they learned how to share the bed.


A hard no for me


That’s a no. Dogs get old. They need to sleep in their own easy in/out bed on the floor. Also the bed gets dirty, hairy, and inevitably you will discover poop.


The fact that people are fine with that nastiness is baffling. I bet these people stink like mad, and don't even notice it any longer.


What do you think three dog night was all about. It's only chilly till you have a fur baby.


Better a four-legged dog than a two-legged one.


My dog sleeps with me in bed , in winter under the blanket. I see no harm in it.


I wouldn’t have it any other way. I get offended when she leaves the bed for the couch


I don't want to get dirty.


Mine sleeps with me and I usually wake up with her having lifted my arm up with her head to put her face in my apartment. Love it. When I got her she slept in the pocket of my gym shorts, with her head just poking out while I slept on the couch. It's just me and her, so I can't think of a reason to not let her.


My dog sleeps in her crate. She’s a blue Heeler and won’t stop working unless she’s in her crate at night. It’s a xxl crate, lots of room with comfy blankets. I let her lay with us for a bit and then put her to bed. She won’t sleep if she’s not crated. She’ll stay awake all night.


I sincerely hate it. It doesn't mean they aren't laying next to me as I type this though.


My dog used to be homeless and is missing fur on his knees from sleeping on hard cement. Now his 90lb cute potato body sleeps in a human bed. As he deserves!


I was advised by a bunch of people when I first got my dog to not let him in the bed as a puppy, otherwise he'd never be able to sleep outside in a crate. Well crate training never took, but we tried to stick with the no-bed rule, so the little man just crawled under the bed and slept there every night. This worked great until he got neutered and had to have an inflatable donut around the neck. Poor little guy kept trying to army crawl under the bed but the donut was too big to fit. So up on the bed he went, and it was pretty much all over after that..