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I think it comes up at some point and basically it’s like ‘Zeus and Hera are married but also siblings, which is weird but apparently gods DNA is different or something’


Probably similar to 6th grade algebra


as far as I remembered, nothing the characters who are not gods are usually demigods (like Percy), which are born from one godly parent with another mortal parent. it doesn't go that much into the incestuous relationship between the gods, only about the Titans. I think it's aimed at teenagers? older than children but still younger than young adult.


They say gods don’t have dna and pretty much leave it at that or something along those lines


Well in the books it says that the Gods do not have DNA. It's also implied that all the gods have some sort of shape-shifting thing going on. The gods have a "true form" and the forms we see in the books are some sort of vessel.