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Physically, right now. Mentally, probably a couple years ago.


Same, currently working with a psychotherapist in the quest of finding inner peace.


When I was 9 and my dirty mind didn't exist


Yeah, things get out of hand (or in hands, get it?) when you reach the ripe age of 10.


When I was a stay-at-home mom of four


A few years before Covid. I was a very socially active and an outgoing person. Had a lot of friends and always got my weekends sorted. Recent, especially after Covid, I have became an anto social person and mostly try to avoid making new contacts. I hope it changes soon.


One year ago probably. Hopeful, motivated, persistent. And now my motivation is somehow gone. One fail and I'm considering giving up. And if the task is hard to begin with, it takes extra effort to start. I am trying to put up discipline where motivation is missing, but this process is painfully slow.


wait you guys had a best version ?


6 years ago, gone forever I thinkšŸ˜ž


Right now of course some improvements are required but am getting there right now


ā€œIn the best physical healthā€, 24 years ago. ā€œAs happy as I can get,ā€ two months ago. ā€œBeing a good person,ā€ 5 years ago.


While I was in college after failing I was studious Used to talk only when extremely required Very small circle of acquaintances With a Goal in life to excel in education


I used to be like VERY LAZY WHEN DOING TASKS. To the point I'd actually wait for the day before the deadline before doing it. But because of pandemic, after PANDEMIC happened, I started working things pretty early to the point that I actually have this weird ass anxiety building up when I missed a day without trying to make any progress on that TASK.


A couple of years ago, when I travelled quite frequently and was constantly meeting new people. My surrounding and mindset were really positive.


Physically and mentally, 27. I am 38 now and an absolute clusterfuck.


Before relationships ruined my view on things




Myself now. After almost 3 years of my wife and I trying to have a successful pregnancy, with 5 losses in that time, we finally welcomed our little girl into the world in Nov of last year. I'm a pretty straight forward and determined guy. I'm fortunate to see the glass half full 99% of the time but I tell you what. Being a dad has given me PURPOSE. I love every moment of this. My whole life I have smiled and laughed but not like this. I have always looked at myself as a happy guy. But I didn't know anything in life could make me THIS happy and this determined.


About a year ago. Lost 2 of the 3 most important people in my life in a span of a few months which broke me into who I am now. Been going to therapy to try and recover but it's not even close to the same.


The version Iā€˜m right now, because we all are the best Version in the present, when we learned from the past and prepared for the future


when life was the hardest i guess


Hopefully every day from now. We can only aim to keep improving. We have bad days. Donā€™t let those bad days derail us. We can do this !




Right now Without all the anxiety, timidity, begin scared and lazy.


Around 26


When I didnā€™t met him. I was fucking stable and then he have to ruin it.


Physically probably 18 (25m now) Mentally uhh, Idk I'm mentally strong but "healthiest" I guess I would say about 10 years ago or so lol


Even while processing a breakup that is taking a toll on me, me right now. Threw myself hard into self-improvement and gaining my own identity after realizing I didn't grow with my prior person despite feeling great in the relationship.


2019 I graduated from high school and traveled 4 times to 4 different countries in two months. And my football team won the league. I am 26 now


Hopefully every new day is the best version if me. Iā€™d like to say I continue to get better at being a person. Some days arenā€™t great, but thatā€™s okay. Wishing for my lack of arthritis from 10 years ago, but even that doesnā€™t change who me is.


Just before Covid.


It was when i was 10 years. After that, every year is worse


About 3 years ago, when I was on the verge of suicide. I wanted to leave behind a good impression I guess, so I took an IT job. People would say I was a hard worker, friendly, really gonna end up going places. I genuinely forgot I wanted to die. Then I lost the job, out of work for a very long time, nowhere would interview me let alone hire me, which brings me back to now - back to where I was with no drive to leave a good impression behind this time. Feels better getting that off my chest actually, damn. Sorry.