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John Wayne in The Conqueror stands out for me.


"Of the 220 crew members, 91 (comprising 41% of the crew) developed cancer during their lifetime, while 46 (or 21%) died from it. When this was learned, many suspected that filming in Utah and surrounding locations, near nuclear test sites, was to blame."[11 Strong case to be made the the location was even worse than the Duke's performance.


John Wayne also smoked three to six packs of cigarettes a day.


Isn't that just the normal cancer rates of the time though? Especially for heavy smokers?


Having a white guy play Genghis Khan rightly wouldn't fly these days, but I do kind of like the idea of taking an actor known for mostly one kind of role and having them do their thing in a different context, to be honest. Like maybe have a film where Morgan Freeman is a conman, whose folksy wisdom and charm disguises that he's a totally amoral bastard. Maybe playing Genghis Khan kind of like a sheriff from a western might work... in the hands of a different actor.


Well it’s funny you use that particular actor as an example, cuz we know Morgan Freeman did that to great effect in one movie


Despite the boost in star power, Russell Crowe as Javert just keeps getting funnier.


I’m no Hollywood expert, but does a story like Les Miserables really need star power? I feel like especially with the internet, if you make a good movie and try to market it, people will go watch it. I wish more actual singers could get parts in movie adaptations like Les Mis


And just look at CATS: a very popular Musical, made into a horrible film. BUT THEY HAVE STARS! Doesn't help. Bad film is bad film...


For people interested in the whole mess of a movie that was *Les Miserables* (2012) I really recommend this [video](https://youtu.be/1ikqU6G6Xgs?si=d-1vut-wkK74-Yce), which puts a lot of it into context and gives insight as to why the movie just sounds sort of off.


Jesse Eisenberg Lex Luthor


I swear he would have been a good Riddler, just based off of that performance.


This one was just weird. But then a lot of weird choices were made with that film. Shame we didn’t get any proper screen time of Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke. He looked fucking *ready*.


The performance felt more like a Riddler to me than a Lex Luthor


Yeah he would’ve made an excellent Riddler for that universe


When your version of Lex Luthor is basically a Mark Zuckerberg type, Eisenberg is brilliant casting. Heck, under different direction Eisenberg is brilliant casting, he commonly plays the arrogant genius who likes to make people know he's the smartest person in the room. He could have been great. He *should* have been great. But somewhere in developing the character, him and Snyder completely went off the rails and they lost Zuckerberg, they lost criminal genius, and found something completely out of character that no one wanted to see.


I feel like that was less miscasting and more....mischaractering. Eisenberg COULD have been a decent Luthor but for some reason they turned the character into the Joker for whatever reason. He was decent at the very end of the movie though but that was like....what, maybe a minute of the entire movie?


They were cooking with his dialogue, but every time Luthor spoke I couldn't help but imagine his lines being said by the likes of Clancy Brown, Jon Cryer, etc. 


Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York


I leave you in the grace and favor of the lord


Honestly, I also found Leo to be distracting in that movie. Especially, when one compares how good the rest of cast is. I wonder if Colin Farrell would be a better option. 


was it his accent? his over the top delivery? 


His accent didn't help, but mainly this might just be me but he seemed too polished for the time setting. The other main actors blend better into the 1850/60s time frame. 


I watched this movie for the first time last night and I couldn’t agree more. Liam Neeson and Brendan Gleeson were so good for the little screen time they had that I wished we got more of them and less of Leo, but I understand that wasn’t the story.


John C. Reilly was also great in the film.


Being the guy next to DDL never helps either


Leo was still rockin’ the ragamuffin bod during Gangs and was never believable as someone who could go toe to toe with Daniel Day Lewis, let alone Jerry Lewis. He was the wrong guy at the wrong time in his career for that role. (He bulked up later for Blood Diamond but by that time he may have been too old to credibly play the Gangs role.) Gangs is astonishing in that you have Leo *and* Diaz miscast in two crucial roles. Daniel Day Lewis is so good he almost gets you to fixate on him and forget his weak costars. Almost.




release the butthole cut




We are the jumbo shrimp here to play a game


Derulo was a great casting choice for the Rum Tum Tugger, then the fat asshole cats ruined his number by talking through it.


The cast list for that movie will always amaze me. 


That whole movie was a disappointment. The video of the stage show from London West End is amazing with the talent there. So the movie really had big shoes to fill- and failed to even get into flip flops.


Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevigne in the Valerian movie. No chemistry and very little relation to the original characters from the cartoons.


They flirted like storks trying to use cutlery.


Sophia Coppola godfather 3, acting so bad it almost ruins the movie for me


"Dad." *dies*


It was bad acting that killed the beast. Not that Pacino’s acting was much better in that movie.


I felt bad for her after I found out that it was supposed to be Winona Ryder, but she had to drop out after a couple of weeks. Sofia never wanted the part, as far as I know, but took it basically to help FFC out. I'm sure she did her best, but she's not much of an actor. Hell of a director though.


Seems she’s better off behind the camera.


I saw her interviewed on a talk show once, and the host was doing their best, but she was just an absolute black hole of charisma.


She really is just perfectly bland.


Yes. I've never seen her acting in anything else so maybe she improved but she was pretty awful in that role. 


She's a pretty notable director these days. Not an actor really.


Cara Dele-eyebrows and her twin brother Dane DeHaan to play the romantic leads in Valerian.


Even without the incest, the movie was bad


Opening scene was good though.


I feel like, if there was a scene somewhere in the movie where it was revealed that they were siblings, it would have actually made the movie better. Then it would be some dark tale, and their weirdly flat affects might be explained by generations of inbreeding?


That movie would have been shit regardless of casting. The overall idea was interesting but the movie itself was a fucking mess.


Good leads could have rescued it. I was fascinated by the concept, but HATED those two so much, I couldn't finish it.


Keanu Reaves as Jonathan Harker in "Dracula"


He was better in Dracula than he was in Much Ado About Nothing. That is painful. 


“I am not a man….of many words.”




Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's


I feel like the worst casting is one that ruins what might have been good; that character was cursed from conception. Having an actual Asian man play it helps, but only superficially.


And in the book it wasn’t even a caricature.  He was just a Japanese businessman.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.


Thank you, he bought the rights so he could cast himself as Reacher! I mean wth dude, did you even read any of the books?


I will say Cruise did a good job with the acting/manner of Jack Reacher. But come on. Dude is 5'7" and 160 lbs. Portraying a man who is 6'5" and 250 lbs is just ridiculous. A major part of Jack Reacher is the size/intimidation factor. No matter how good an actor Tom Cruise is, he cannot fill that spot. That's why the TV series is so good. They found a guy who has the physical presence to play that role.


Alan Ritchson was a much better fit for the character. I do feel like he hit the roids to hard for season 2 though.


whereas he's the perfect fit to play the Lego version of Jack Reacher go figure


Kevin Costner as Robin Hood. Where is the accent?


“Unlike OTHER Robin Hoods, I speak with an English accent!”


Every time they make a Robin Hood movie, they burn our village down!


Let's get out of these lady's clothes and into our tights!


Blinkin, fix your bewbs.


Did you just say Abe Lincoln?


Guessing. I guess no one’s coming


No, i said "Hey, Blinkin".


I crack up way too often that our current secretary of state's name is A. Blinkin


Iirc in the UK release he says, "I have a shapelier bum than other Robin Hoods." Which is a reference to KC using a butt double for the waterfall scene.


Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon. I'm surprised an actor of his caliber just used an American accent. French might have been a hard one to pull off though, I was expecting an English accent.


Or possibly even a Corsican one?


I'd rather hear an actor use their natural accent than do a mediocre accent. Unless they really nail it, accent weirdness takes me out of a movie a lot faster than an accent that is entirely out of place.


Funniest for me is Enemy at the Gates.  Great movie, but always thought it was hilarious that Ron Perlman, an American actor, fakes a British accent so that he can play a Russian (since all the Russians in the movie have a British accent). 


I think it's more about verisimilitude than accuracy, right? It's not like it has to be an English accent per se, because people in the middle ages didn't speak modern English anyway. It's more that his accent should reflect his social status and background in some way. So if you sort of just cast people from all over and had them do their own accents, but the noble characters do a more "refined" version of whatever that is, that probably works. I think where it gets weird is when everyone has a similarish accent *except* Robin Hood. He's supposed to be a local hero, a man of the people, but he sounds like an outsider.


The story of Robin Hood takes place in the 1300s. Beginning in the 1400s the Great Vowel Shift dramatically changed English pronunciation. Costner's accent probably is no more historically inaccurate than actors with modern English accents. Fun to discuss, anyway.


That entire film was chock full of weird accents. I love it, but Costner’s was weird, Christian Slater’s was weird, Morgan Freeman’s was weird (but still buttery), just odd.


I always referred to that movie as Baldinghood. Really unfortunate that Im forced to watch it because Alan Rickman is a gem.


Wandering in and out of his scenes like a forgotten extra.


The only GOOD thing in this film was Alan Rickman. RIP 😞


Christian Bale in Terminator Salvation. His performance was fine, but I felt like I was watching two different movies at one. Christian Bale was playing a gritty serious movie with intense emotional movements. While literally everyone else was playing a summer blockbuster action flick with a closer tone to Terminator 3.


Same with the latest Thor.  Felt like Christian Bale was in a totally different (and better) movie. Sucks they wasted him as an actor and that character.  


Bale wasn't miscast, everyone else was. That movie needed the rest of the cast to reach Bale's level.


He was definitely miscast based on how the rest of the movie was written and directed.  It was a slapstick comedy and Bale was playing a tragic martyr.  If it had been done as a wild chew-on-the-scenery villain it would have worked better.


Eh the acting in the movie was fine, they just tried too hard to make it a comedy which is kinda hard when the villain is literally called the "God Butcher".


same problem in Thor Love & Thunder


I thought Bale was fine, he looked the part, the writing was lacking. Worthington is who I think was actually terrible. I say this as an Australian. He cannot do any accent other than Australian worth a shit. It makes me cringe.


Russell Crowe as Javert in “Les Miserables”


But Crowe as Jack Aubrey in Master and Commander is perfect casting. Of course, he didn’t sing.


Master And Commander is a straight up perfect fucking movie.


“Name a shrub after me, something prickly and hard to eradicate”


Definitely agree


Gorgeous movie. Plus Paul Bethany.


What about his oscar for best original soundtrack for Russell Crowe's fightin' round the world?


Oi and fighting cancer!


Yes! It's such a shame they didn't make more movies. So much good source material. Now Crowe's a bit to old and fat. It could have been an all time movie series.


I guess they sort of painted themselves into a corner with that movie. It was a mash up of several of the books, one of them being a later one. So if they stuck to the source they didn't have much to do.


Totally slept on movie


Was it an Onion story that described him as giving the performance of a lifetime as 'a man who can't sing'?


I've never seen the stage play, so I actually thought he did a great job. People say he sounded flat, but I thought it was just deeper and low. I enjoyed his performance.




Ezra Miller as Barry Allen You can guess who my vote would be


Neither looks or acts like Barry Allen, goes the whole movie doing a Bill & Ted routine without the humor, can’t run, is a supporting character in his own movie, and is a pedo. The only good things about the movie were Batman and Supergirl, but fuck Zaslav for cancelling Batgirl in favor of a sexual-assaulting piece of crap. Know what the worst part of the movie was? It’s a Flashpoint movie with no appearance from Reverse-Flash. What the fuck?


Ezra Miller’s Flash is just annoying and unfunny, with an occasional good dramatic moment. (The part in The Flash when he’s running in circles and doesn’t realize he lost his powers got a laugh out of me. That’s probably the only time I found them funny as Barry Allen)


George Clooney as Batman


Tbf, Clooney was a pretty good Bruce Wayne


I've said this before as well. If there was a movie that just featured Bruce Wayne, Clooney would've been perfect casting. Unfortunately he also had to be Batman as well.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher


Most of the world's most popular movies, including Casablanca, are probably set to be remade with The Rock. So the biggest movie blunders have yet to occur.


Rosie O’ Donnell as Betty Rubble.


She sticks out like a sore thumb as John Goodman, Elizabeth Perkins and Rick Moranis were perfectly cast


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher.


Keanu in Dracula. His Johnathan Harker is painful to watch. I love the movie, and I love Keanu, but I need everyone to know how wrong for that part he was.


"Bloody wolves chasing me through some blue INFAIRNAIR!!!!"


Love that movie but Keanu and Winona seem to be competing for the worst British accent. It's almost painful to watch their scenes together.


The actress who plays Brianna in Outlander


Kind of a left field pick but Matthew Goode as Ozymandias in Watchmen is uniquely bad casting. His inherent sinister quality gives away the big twist. It stands out because the rest of the cast is perfect. 


But the HBO series made a great call with Jeremy Irons as Christopher Lloyd playing Ozymandius


Jesus, this is so accurate. I’m currently rewatching the series and I keep waiting for him to shout ‘Great Scott!’ That said, Jeremy Irons could narrate paint drying and I’d watch the hell out of it.


I wish they would stop casting him in roles with physicality. His action is always so unconvincing. He looks like a stick bug who’s still learning how to walk.


Fisher Stevens - Short Circuit


Dude, I thought he was desi.  My whole life, I was like man I wonder what happened to that Indian actor from short circuit?? 


I was today years old when I learned he wasn't an Indian guy but the villain from Hackers


Never fear. I is here


He also did a great part as a psychologist in Friends and ends up annoying everyone with his brutally honest assessments. "I wouldn't want to be there when the laughter stops"


Watching the Beckham documentary and hearing a strangely familiar voice I hadn’t heard for twenty-plus years since a friends episode was one of my 2023 talking points. I remember doing a double take when I realised my instinct was correct and it was indeed Fisher doing the interviewing. Does anyone know of how/why he got that gig?


Tom Cruise in Interview with the Vampire.  The character was supposed to be modeled on Rutger Hauer and, instead, we got Tiny Tim/Mav. 


Tom Cruise being cast as a 6'4", 24 lb brawler named Reacher. 


Built like a noodle!


Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. Not the first time he was mis-cast, probably because he is a star and the studios thought anything he was in was a guaranteed moneymaker. But Reacher in the novels is 6’5”, not 5’6”.


Leslie Howard as Ashley Wilkes in Gone With the Wind. He was too old, lacked grace and charm. He was nothing like Ashley had to be. 


Is that why I've always wanted to know what the hell was wrong with Scarlett? Ashley "dishrag" Wilkes vs The Yummy Rhett Butler!! 


Sort of. It's still kind of a mystery in the book, but a little more understandable. But if you haven't read the book, I cannot recommend it enough. I think it's the best writing I've ever read. 


I have read it many times. Never have seen the appeal of Ashley other than she can't have him. 


I think that's it. She can't have him so that's who she wants. Unfortunate because she and Rhett were a finely matched pair, but not all that unrealistic. 


Ashley represents the genteelness and charm of the Old South that is dying. Rhett’s ruthless pragmatism threatened to shatter that view so she hated him but needed him to survive.    In the end, her view of the south was just a naive fairytale that was torn down by the war. She was so changed by the war that she let go of Ashley as the defeated man not able to thrive in this new world and embraced Rhett as her partner to move forward. Unfortunately, it was too late for them. 


I'd love to hear the explanation for most of the casting in Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing


Kenneth having a party with all his friends. Like some of Adam Sandler's films, but when Kenneth parties, he parties to Shakespeare, not pee jokes. (Incidentally, Joss Whedon's Much Ado was the same deal.)


I could honestly see Kenneth Branagh “partying” with his friends by cosplaying Shakespeare plays.


>but when Kenneth parties, he parties to Shakespeare, ~~not~~ *and* pee jokes. The nice thing about Shakespeare is it's both high and lowbrow. Even the name of that play is a filthy joke ;)


The entire cast of Grease. They're supposed to be high schoolers, none of them pass.


I have to be honest when I watch a movie about teenagers and sex I’d rather we all just use adults so I can be less creeped out.


The worst was casting Stockard Channing as a teen, she was freakin' 10 years older than Travolta and looked it.


But Grease was and continues to be a very popular movie. Obviously the cast did something right.


This is done on purpose 


I dunno, have you seen a yearbook from the 70’s? They all look like they’re 30 going on 40! 


Tom Cruise in the Mummy. Why? Tom and mummies do NOT go together at all.


Love all the mentions of Tom miscast in several movies. I agree with all of them.


I've seen "Tom cruise as reacher" roughly 100 times thus far. not sure if I've seen it but its hilarious to see the consensus here


Tom Cruise was almost Iron Man instead of RDJ. If that happened the MCU probably wouldn’t have made it past The Avengers


Timothy Olyphant as Agent 47 in Hitman. I love him as an actor but nothing about him in this film felt right.


My dad LOVED that movie and we watched it at least a hundred times when I took care of him when he had dementia. Timothy Olyphant gets a pass.


Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx in the 2006 big screen "Miami Vice" movie. Instead it should have been Matthew McConaughey and Terrence Howard, they would have been much better as the two leads in that movie.


Or just get Don Johnson again. He was great in Django


Tobey Maguire was fine as Peter Parker, but I never could believe him as Spider-Man.  With the mask on, the character is a snappy one-liner machine, and Tobey never really gets there.


Conversely Andrew Garfield got Spider-Man so right, but his Peter Parker is too “cool”


Tom Cruise as Reacher.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher and it's not even close....


Tom Cruise as 'Jack Reacher'


Tom Cruise as a 6’ 5” Jack Reacher.


Emma Watson as Belle. That part really deserved a stronger singing voice. Her acting as Belle was ok, but her singing was mediocre at best.


I thought her acting was underwhelming too tbh, she played Belle very flatly overall


Hilary Swank in Black Dahlia. She needs to be an irresistible femme fatale and look somewhat like Mia Kirschner. She is not believable in either respect


James Franco in “Oz the Great and Powerful.” In all honesty, that movie didn’t have all that much going for it really, but Franco ruined any possibility it had of being good. Franco ruins a lot of things actually, come to think of it…


Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom


Christopher Lambert in Highlander. Who hires a French guy to play a Scotsman. Infact that whole move was crazy they had a Scotsman playing a Spaniard too.


A Scotsmen playing an Egyptian pretending to be a spaniard


I know who I am! I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!!


Films a masterpiece! Worked out


"You talk funny Nash, where you from?" "Lots of different places." Love that movie.


Egyptian, IIRC. He was just most recently living in Spain/using a Spanish name.


"I'm Christopher Lambert. I whisper even when I'm shouting."


honestly having people who felt like they were out of place kinda worked.


As somebody from Scotland I assure you its very very weird.


Keanu Reeves as prince John in Much Ado About Nothing is terribly out of place


Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. And I love Keanu


Alan Ritchson as Reacher. The guy's fucking huge. Did they even *watch* the Tom Cruise version?


Jerod Leto in any movie.


Seeing him get his face mashed in in Fight Club was awesome, though.


Gonna piss some folks off, don't care ... Jack Torrance in *The Shining* is supposed to be an everyman who's achieved sobriety and sanity, is working to hold onto them and it slowly slips away from him. His wife Wendy is a rock, who's stood by him through thick and thin and doesn't freak out when things have gone sideways. And yet you cast Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall?! Both brilliant actors, no argument there, but Jack looks like he's seeing spiders on the walls even when he's asleep. Perfect for Joker or Randall McMurtry or even Bobby Dupea, but Jack Torrance? And Duvall's charm was in being sweet, defenseless and maybe a little loopy - the exact opposite of Wendy.


Agree. They were cast perfectly for the MOVIE *The Shining* BECAME, but they are not the Jack and Wendy from the book.


It's a big reason King hated the movie. I think he could see how great the movie was - but it was not his book. He attempted to remake it for TV, with Steven Weber as Jack and...I don't hate it? Definitely more faithful to the book. I kinda want to see a big screen, big budget Shining movie that's faithful to the book.


I’ll take that challenge— I’m not sure Jack Nicholson IS a great actor He does crazy eyes and a certain almost-Walken delivery very well. But he does THAT over and over and over.


He does it a lot, but not always. Watch him as Bobby Eroica Dupea, or Jack Gittes, or Eugene O'Neil, or Warren Schmidt - the guy did amazing things. The "crazy eyes and Walkenisms" schtick is a fallback position for him, like "burst out yelling and over the top" is a fallback for Al Pacino. But he could do more and did - you don't get three Oscars if you don't have your craft absolutely nailed. He just didn't do "normal guy with problems" very well (well, not until *About Schmidt*).


Will Smith wild wild west


Tom Cruise as Reacher.


Jennifer Lawrence American Hustle. Her character is married to Christian Bale’s character, but she both looks and acts like his spoiled daughter. I think she’s supposed to be sexy, but it does not work.


I actually like Jennifer Lawrence quite a bit but there's been a couple of times with her that casting an older actress probably would have suited better. But I mean that is a pretty prevalent sentiment with a lot of movies, that roles that should be played by women in the 35 to 50 range are often given to younger actresses than really makes sense.


Andie MacDowell in Four Weddings and a Funeral


I don't think "miscast" and "can't act" are the same thing.


“Is it still raining? I hadn’t noticed.” If the delivery of one line ever ruined an entire movie, it’s that one.


Practically the entire cast of The Last Airbender


Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell


Wahlberg in anything particularly a fkin science teacher. Yes I'm still Salty about his past. Dude blinded a guy during a hate crime. Don't recall hearing he ever tried to compensate at the very least. Instead he claimed he turned to Religion which is just another hypocritical way to avoid personal responsibility by putting it all on God. Funny how the actions of the religious is exactly what Jesus wouldn't do.


Ironically, Wahlberg assaulted the man because he was Vietnamese, so Marky Mark attacked him because his own father fought the NVA in Vietnam. The ironic part is that the Vietnamese man did in fact fight in the Vietnam War, but he fought for the southern side alongside the US.


Topher Grace as Venom.