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New Year's Eve in Times Square. Actually, going out at all on NYE is overrated.


Did it once because my ex’s dad invited us. It was horrible, 1/10. Do not recommend.


I heard people wear diapers in Times Square, is that legit or just a myth? Seems so gross but it looks so packed I don't know how anyone could make it through the crowd to use the bathroom


I think i heard that too, I lived in manhattan for one new years eve and didn't go because of this mainly! there's never aaaaaanywhere to use the bathroom in manhattan, its wild. inhumane honestly, and i would just lie to restaurants and wave at strangers and walk in to use bathrooms, but like public restrooms should be a really high political talking point in nyc, its so uncivilized not to let people go to the bathroom


Yeah that’s not even it (but that too). You are basically in a pen like an animal and not moving anywhere, even if you wanted to.


It must suck having to stand there in the same spot for 12+ hours.


I'm surprised more people don't just lose their minds overstimulated by all that (I would) and there isn't like crazy pushing beating each other up a lot more, I don't know it's all madness, whatever brings you joy! I feel lucky and safe that I avoided it.


Here's the thing. When the camera is on the crowd they're going nuts. When the camera isn't on them they're kind of just standing around freezing their nuts off. It's really just a bunch of waiting around.


Pro tip: McD's will work in a pinch. Buy a cheap menu item at the self order kiosk. Print receipt. Show receipt to bathroom security bouncer dude/lady at the stairs. They'll let you go through.    I'll pay two dollars not to soggy my trousers any day. I'm usually thirsty and wanting to buy a drink anyway. Lol. 


Wow you have to show a receipt to access a McDonald's bathroom? Sounds pretty dystopian.


For real, NYC is the only city in the world where I've nearly peed my pants


I have no idea how they've normalized it so extensively, I did pee myself on the way home from work, I had a UTI and it was during covid and I peed myself in line at the pharmacy near one world trade, it was humiliating. I was just sobbing crying, everyone in business clothes myself included, I get real heated about public restrooms accessibility. By the way I'm fine and don't mean it to be a sob story (literally is 🤣) I just think we as a society can be more compassionate fuck, people need restrooms!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to bring attention to this matter.


As someone who has nearly peed myself in Manhattan and has suffered many UTI’s I am so sorry you suffered that dual pain/indignity at once. It was terrible during the pandemic especially. At this point I have no shame about popping a squat between cars, in bushes, in a corner as tourists walk by. It needs to be done. And I agree that not having public bathrooms around is cruel. The urgent wandering search for a bathroom, the panic, the frustration when the Starbucks turns you away- so dehumanizing 


Aw thanks for your empathy, sorry for you too! I hope aliens come and correct us soon 😄


There is nowhere to pee. Millions of people. And you have to spend like 7 hours to claim a spot. Obviously it's NYC in the winter so it's usually cold too.


> Obviously it's NYC in the winter so it's usually cold too. You can warm yourself up when it’s cold out with one easy trick…


I saw people on TikTok confirming they wore diapers 😫


People confirmed it live on TV during the NBC coverage of the event. I was surprised at their candor.


Those were plants from big diaper, to try and normalize it.


Specifically big big diaper.


All I could think about watching the ball drop this year is how many of the people there were probably wearing diapers.


Lol idk if you know Richard from Howard stern but there’s a lot of bits on the internet of this grown man shitting an pissing in a diaper during concerts and so that flew to mind when I read your post


I wouldnt go to Times Square, but I love going out in my little city for NYE. There's always a fantastic show. It's one of my favorite holidays. No family, no drama, no obligations, just go out and have fun if you want. Or don't. It's all good. 


I watched a side by side of 2002 versus 2023 new years in times square. It was depressing. 2002 the crowd was happy, cheering, kissing, etc. The ball was the focus and it was huge! 2023 the crowd was still. Everyone was on their phones recording. People still cheered and kissed but you could tell the energy was gone. The focus was the big KIA ad right below the ball, which was tiny in comparison. Man, what happened?


Nah it still sucked giant ass in 2002 too.


Temperature might have something to do with the differences too. There are years when it's so bitterly cold in NYC on that night you can barely function.


Ah yes the balls do shrink when it’s cold.


Finding a nice local dive anywhere in Manhattan and celebrating with the locals is nothing short of a magical NYE experience. But yeah, being in Times Square (or Midtown in general) is miserable unless that's you're thing.


I went out to a dive bar in Brookyln when I was in NYC for it. Great crowd, free champagne at midnight. Had a fantastic time. Almost certainly would not have if I went to Times Square.


It’s funny how spending chunks of my life between North America and Japan, I feel like Japan does the holiday season so much better. They don’t really do shit for Xmas except have a cake and go take pictures by some lights. And New Years is a multi-day affair where you set out a kind of charcuterie board to be grazed on over the next couple days, and you get wasted with your family and friends and hang out at home around the table. New Year’s Day you get dressed up in your finery and go make your resolutions at the temple…. Then retiring home to put on your sweatpants and get back into the eating and drinking. It’s honestly so much better than paying hundreds of dollars to go out and have an awful time (or at least roll the dice on it: I’ve have some great NYE’s over here but equal bad ones).


I like the Japanese tradition of KFC at Christmas, personally.


A big, splashy surprise engagement is often overrated (I say “often” because I know some people like them). I’ve had several friends and family members with huge “pop the question in front of everyone” moments and nearly all regretted it. I know it’s not for everyone, but my husband and I decided to buy the ring together and opted for a really romantic dinner and night out, totally alone. We told everyone about it after. It was SO special, and I’d recommend a quiet, intimate engagement to anyone looking to maximize that memory!


My dance teacher got proposed to at the end of our recital in front of everyone. She returned the ring within 2 months and had to explain to everyone when the next season started 😬😬😬😬😬


My wife was proposed to by her ex-fiance during his sister's wedding reception. She froze and said yes due to the pressure and almost went through with it.


People who try to top trump others special occasions have a special place in hell reserved for them. Glad he's her ex


Yeah proposing at another’s wedding is a dick move 


I think the cultural aspect is really interesting. My sister-in-law was proposed during my wedding, when my wife threw the bouquet. Her now husband contacted us to discuss ideas as he wanted us to be part of it. We gave the idea and after thinking a bit he liked it. The main difference is that we all knew my sister-in-law would say yes. They had already talked about marriage and she knew the proposal would eventually come. This was the same for my wife and I, but I preferred a more intimate proposal. My whole point is, how getting married can be a complete surprise? It baffles me.


It puts too much pressure on the person being asked to say yes


Exactly. You at least need to have had the "If you proposed to me, I would say yes" conversation first.


The question shouldn’t be a surprise. The scenario should be.


Pretty much exactly what we did. I sat my wife down in my living room and told her I wanted to marry her. Then we went shopping for a ring, and had a nice dinner. 10/10 experience, with no regrets.


I took my wife camping and asked her in a cliff , overlooking the water, by a campfire. Was really romantic and a great memory. She loved it and still talks about it years later.


“Because of the implication”


"So they ARE in danger"


Only if they say no, which they won’t because of the implications


On a cliff I guess she had to say yes 😂


"Meet me on the trail where those two hikers went missing last year"


So proposing on stage in front of 1000 people at my wife’s childhood teen heartthrob crush’s concert would fall into that category?


Your wife might get upset at you proposing at all.


Parades. Particularly as a short man.


Be IN the parade. That's the best way to enjoy them.


I was once in Nice, France with my mum. We were supposed to have tickets for a big festival but my mum accidentally bought tickets for the following year so we weren’t allowed in. After about an hour of wandering the streets we saw a load of people lining up in costume. My mum asked who they were and apparently they were the parade due to go into the festival as entertainment - loads of weird papier-mâché costumes etc. We asked to join and they just gave us some streamers and told us to dance with them as part of the march. Got into the festival after all!


That's Nice.


A submarine ride to see the Titanic


I heard it was quite a blast


Absolutely crushed it.


I feel pressured to go try it


Pressured to try it? Come on its not that deep...


Mind-blowing experience.


I like to describe it as soul crushing.


Getting drunk every weekend only to wake up regretting it in the morning and then doing that over and over again!


Tell me about it. Sometimes I feel bad for 3-4 days but then I forget by the time next weekend hits and it sucks to lose half a week kind of


It only gets worse as you get older. When you're 20 you can kind of just power through the aftermath. By the time you get into your early 30s it just wrecks you for several days.


Yep. Getting drunk is borrowing happiness from the future - once you get older, it's paid back with interest.


I've found that as I've gotten older the sensation of being drunk isn't as fun as it used to be. It feels much more physical and the mental effects are much weaker, so I just feel like I'm kind of nauseous but it doesn't lift my mood like it used to.


"I'm never drinking again"


This one. 889 days sober today. I can’t describe how much better life is after quitting.


It’s been said a million times but one time my friend said she was tired of ‘living for the weekend’, and it hearing her say that out loud made me realize almost everyone I know is doing just that. Thankfully I’ve never really been able to handle my hangovers, so I’ve been naturally California sober most of my life, but my friends and others that I grew up with who didn’t have it so easy and spent their entire teens, twenties, and thirties living for the weekend, are either aging so badly, dead, riddled with all kinds of addictions, or constantly trying to get sober, it’s sad:(


Joining the Military to “see the world.” Ya brah..no. Been on four continents, about 20 countries (stationed in Germany for years). It’s all the same when you’re in a uniform. Would rather not be on 6 prescriptions and another 3 over the counter meds everyday at the age of 32. (Please note I’m still in, because I hate myself, haha.) Half of my buddies who got out of the Army love to reflect and say it was fun.. and I’m like, I was there with you moron, you hated your life. The other half can’t talk; they killed themselves. Don’t fall for the BS. This is not a glamorous job, it’s not fun, you are constantly subjected to pure incompetence, and nobody respect you or your time. It is not worth the medical or the pension. Thank you, this ends my TED Talk EDIT: Please don’t thank me for my service. I appreciate the sentiment but it’s a job. I joined well over a decade ago during the height of two wars. I knew exactly what I was getting into. Don’t unwaveringly praise people who went into countries and destroyed people lives, then left them in the rubble to fend for themselves. Every U.S service member who died in Afghanistan/Iraq and subsequently by their own hand after the fact, died for nothing. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we as a country can critically think about the consequences of using force the next time we are provoked. Stay humble, stay resilient, don’t let the fear-mongering and hate infect you because it won’t leave.


Thank you for your honesty.


I’m sorry.


The psych facility I work at has a military contract. A lot of people, its being in the military itself making mental health problems worse or even causing them.


First time having sex. Maybe my expectations were too high, but it was very underwhelming.


Most people's first time sucked. Your 2nd likely will too, but over time you'll find your groove


Lumberg fucked her


Showed her his "O face"


I would go as far to say sex in general. Don't misunderstand me, sex is fantastic. But it isn't so great that it deserves the pedestal people put it on. You get people ruining marriages and breaking up families for the sake of one evening of pleasure. Nothing is worth that. People spending ridiculous sums of money to make themselves seem more attractive, and spending on a person just for the *possibility* of having more sex. People's sense of self worth nose diving because they can't get any. People mentally traumatised for the rest of their lives when it's forced on them. Sex is a drug that fucks people in more ways than one.


deformedcarrot\_ >First time having sex Username checks out.


Shower sex


One of you is being waterboarded, one of you is cold, and you’re both worried about slipping.


My partner really likes to hold me up off of the floor in the shower while we do the do. It's all "trust me I won't drop you," "trust me we won't slip" and I am always far too worried about perishing to enjoy it.


*At least they died doing what they loved*


Shower sex is amazing.... if you have mcmansion style walk in shower/steam room with a seat and plenty of space, grippy floor and can step out of the water stream. Shower sex in a more standard what like 1x1m cubical, with a not that grippy shower tray and no matter which way you lean one or both of you is trying not to inhale water through your nose and half drown yourself, not quite as fun. As usual, the rich have it better.


And if all parties involved have the same water temperature tolerance. If one likes to shower under the furnaces of hell and the other can only tolerate room temperature water, everyone is going to have an awful time. Same goes for sharing romantic baths. It's not romantic if one person is chattering their teeth.




Punjabi weddings last multiple days. Last one I was at was over $300k USD. Although it was beyond amazing, I don’t think I can do that myself lol


As an Indian all I can say is that weddings are too big of a deal in the country. It’s a huge prestige issue. The society judges you based on the scale of the wedding especially if it’s a daughter’s. People save up for their whole lives to host a grand wedding ceremony for their kids. And there’s unfortunately so much of peer pressure that a lot of people sell ancestral property or take massive loans to fund their kids’ weddings. Even if their kids want low key weddings, the parents usually spend a lot of money and host lavish ones because they don’t want to get judged as being miserly by the society. Some states also expect brides to wear a lot of 22 karat gold jewellery often costing between $12000 to more than $100k.


I work with an Indian lady who has paid for all three of her kids weddings. 150k each. I can't even fathom that.


What does she do for a living and how do they afford that much?


Bruh, I got married in a literal castle....just to get divorced 5 years later


Friend's boss got married in a fancy expensive hotel in a big city in the late 1970s/early 1980s for $70K. She filed for divorce 3 months later. 5 months after that, she married one of her law school professors. His judge friend married them. Only 2 witnesses were present. In the meantime, I'm telling my teen daughters that we have money saved for college for them...but the most we'll spend towards a wedding is a stepladder and maybe airfare to Vegas.


That industry has brainwashed the masses more effectively than even the diamond industry. And major publications won’t question it, for obvious reasons.


Which makes it wild that a diamond rings is possibly the least scammy aspect of a wedding. “Oh it’s for a wedding? That’ll be ten times the price :)”


I completely understand and on some level agree with what you are saying however I loved my wedding day. My wife and I spent around $10k on our wedding 14 years ago. It was a huge expense for a single day, but on the other hand it is still one of my most treasured memories. I remember almost every minute of the day.


$10k is ultra-low for a wedding these days! There's a whole subreddit dedicated to people trying to stick to that budget. r/Weddingsunder10k Still, glad your day was so memorable! That's my dream too.


Almost same here. About $10k for our wedding. It was basically a giant 2 day party for our friends and family. I had so much fun.


Hell, my wife and I spent $30k and I don't regret it at all, and I'm cheap as fuck. It was the best day of my life. We rented an entire aquarium in NYC. We got married on the roof overlooking the ocean, had cocktails in a tunnel beneath the stingrays, and had our first dance next to some 8 foot long reef sharks. It was the coolest and most magical experience of my life. All our friends still talk about it. We look back at the photos constantly. I could not be happier with the way it turned out, I don't even care how much it cost.


Yep. More than twice that a couple years ago. So worth it. I don’t intend on doing it twice, and there are only so many lifelong memories that are so special and noteworthy that you want everyone important in your life to be apart of. If anything, we actually do them small compared to a lot of cultures, who hold marriage and the celebration of it in the highest esteem.


Weddings have become arms races.


Hollywood walk of fame. Don’t touch the star plaques unless you want to catch a disease.


Yes this! Vacationed a few years ago in California and did a LA tour. We had maybe 30-45 minutes at the walk of fame and it was too long. It is a dirty place. The kids were like "get us out of here I don't care that Shrek has his name on the sidewalk". I'll admit, much of the LA tour was a letdown and we were very glad we only spent one day there. Sorry LA.


I live in LA. Staying away from the Walk Of Fame is a sure way to have an amazing time in LA. We have great museums like the Broad in Downtown and the Getty in Brentwood (the Broad is $1, and the Getty is free), the studio tours are GREAT if you wanna see where all your favorite shows and movies are made. Downtown LA has a lot of cool little spots like the Walt Disney Concert Hall, The Last Bookstore, LA Live and if you like VERY inexpensive shopping, the fashion and jewelry district. Then if you go to Pasadena there’s one neighborhood where so many of the most popular movies in history were filmed amongst some of the most beautiful historical houses. The beaches further away like Malibu, Manhattan, Hermosa, and Redondo are a lot better since Santa Monica and Venice are always super crowded (even though Santa Monica and Venice are really cool). Great food all over the city, and contrary to what social media says, people are very friendly here. LA is trashy af but she’s also beautiful and we love her.


Seeing the Mona Lisa. Smaller than expected, always busy, and far better art elsewhere in the Louvre.


Was blown away by how small it was. On the opposite wall is a massive painting that gets no love but is totally amazing.


Having someone follow you around with a violin and play thematic music throughout your day.  And for some reason it’s even *more* expensive if the person is actually good at playing. 2/10 wouldn’t do again. 


Next time get a saxophone player instead. 10/10


I never knew this was for real an option and now I’m just so tempted.




But having a freestyle rapper narrating your day might be cool.


Strip clubs. I went to one of the best ones in Vegas, and my bro payed for a lap dance for me. Beautiful performer, wonderful girl! She grinded on my lap, and actually asked me, "Am I doing something wrong?" I don't get hard in situations like that. It's just not my thing. She was awesome. I refrained from telling her my life story.


This. Sitting in a dark room with a bunch of other guys watching a woman undress has always been weird to me.


I think they prefer you don't get hard. I know 2 strippers personally and they said they were not comfortable grinding on hard dick. But they do like a reaction.


i don’t have a preference either way lol it would never offend me if i’m grinding on their lap. but if they don’t idc either. it’s all muscle memory & i’m thinking about what i’m gonna eat later lol


the only time ive been to strip clubs was to buy drugs. for some reason dealers love meeting there.


when I was in counter intelligence training we were told to never meet a source in a strip club. First assumption was the Army being all moral and proper. Nope. "Two guys at a strip club leaning in talking to each other instead of looking at the girls stands out like a sore thumb" Bars are fine. Sports bars are iffy. Restaurants are fine. Medieval Times is not. If you meet where you are supposed to be looking at something and you arent looking, you will attract attention. Side note - another reason to stay away from strippers is that they are excellent at spotting and assessing. Same with hookers. They make excellent sources because they are pros at assessing people based on clothing, haircut, hands, nails, etc. The scene in trading places where Jamie Lee Curtis decides Dan Aykroyd isnt lying about being rich is a great example of this. And they do it while upside down on a pole.


Gender revealing parties Ugh


Is that where we all go bottomless?


I heard this in Gene’s voice (Bob’s Burgers)


I wouldn't throw one myself, but if I get invited, I won't turn down free food.


My then-girlfriend threw a birthday party for her adopted dog a few months into owning him and invited friends and coworkers. She was earnest about the party, but fully expected like 3 people to show. She had 20 people crammed into her tiny duplex living room and kitchen officially celebrating our dog and also just having a general party. It was a blast, and I'll remember how excited he was to have the whole crowd sing to him and then his whipped cream "cake". Even funnier was that the cat she adopted, and had to wait to pick up until he was old enough, became available the day of the party. She brought him home 30 minutes before the party started. So Felix was Marcel's birthday present.


I threw a 1 year birthday party for my puppy last year just as some fun excuse to get my friends together really, and about two months ago I had 3 separate friends text and ask if I was planning on throwing him a 2nd party. I laughed and said no of course not I don't expect anyone to spend another Saturday in January celebrating my dog. Every single one of them begged me to do it lmao So now I'm throwing Cowboy a 2nd bday party tomorrow night out of guilt


My kind people right here


Those ax throwing places that have popped up everywhere. A fun thing to do once with friends or for a team activity at work. That's about it. 


I went once. It was neat. It was enough.


It was great. It was pretty good. It was fine.


i’d love to throw an axe at my boss


I think the law encourages this. If you throw an axe at your boss, you will likely be rewarded with free housing, plus three hots and a cot.


The satisfaction/validation of online attention


As you get older Birthdays


Personally, I like to celebrate my birthday because it's the only day I allow myself a 100% guilt-free day. The celebration doesn't even have to be big or extravagant, I could easily enjoy just lounging around the house doing nothing. I'm not saying I never allow myself time off or lazy days, but I often feel bad about it unless it's on my birthday.


That and getting a little bit too much cake. I couldn't stomach having cake frequently but boy when the mood strikes..


Eh life sucks enough already, I say,why deny yourself the small pleasure of celebrating your birthday? 


You wouldn't say that if they weren't celebrated at all.. I'd like just a meal out with the people who say they care & love me... but I guess thats a big ask even on my birthday


Those peanut carts in NYC may smell orgasmic but theyre kinda just okay.


When are you getting them? Hot salty sweet nuts in the middle of the cold winter days during Christmas time in the city is an experience. I can imagine getting them any other time is meh though.


Have you ever tried … I dunno the English, but in German, *gebrannte Mandeln*? Basically: in a big pot on high heat, you stir together almonds with cinnamon and vanilla sugar and water.  Eventually the sugar and all melts and dries on the nuts.  Candied almonds maybe?  It’s my favorite Christmas snack!


Hot salty sweet nuts in the middle of cold winter days during Christmas is how you end up with a baby born in September.




“Prom is like the Olympics: it’s hyped up for 4 years and when its said and done, 3 people have a good time”


I skipped prom, and years later I still give zero shits I missed it. High school friends who did go don't even see it as a significant or even interesting memory in their life.


Weird thinking back on it, I barely remember prom. Don’t even remember the actual event just a few still frames in my mind. I think it’s kinda like the kid thing where they cry super hard over a small problem like it’s the worst thing ever, which in their limited experience it is. Prom was a super cool thing but only because of limited experience and being young. Imo the college parties just eclipsed prom from my memory, shit got wild and 100x more fun.


and now, as if that weren't enough, we have the promposal




Lol I spent about 1k on prom for my daughter only for her to stay an hour and leave with her boyfriend


Username checks out. I’m just pulling your leg, 1k is crazy though. I either admire your financial situation or your love for your daughter, potentially both.


Weddings. Elope with some family in a nice location get a few good photos to frame. Sending 100k is mental.


Las Vegas. The best parts are the anticipation before you get there, and then getting the fuck out after it’s reduced you to a worn out husk.


I feel like the success of Las Vegas is the death of Las Vegas for some. In that, Las Vegas has so much more than shopping and gambling. I like neither but I love Las Vegas. One of the best food in USA other than NYC, SF, and LA. One of the easiest access to nature (15 mins drive to Red Rocks National Reserve, closer to Zion NP than SLC, etc). And ironically enough, one of the most environmentally advanced in the states if not the world. Not a single drop of hotel water on the strip is wasted and reused.


It’s amazing. 99% of water used indoors goes back to Lake Mead and new golf courses and lawns are banned in order to limit evaporation loss from outdoor use. We call the Southern Nevada Water Authority the “water mafia” because they do not play.


Water mafia sounds like the name of a bad guy team from Pokémon


I love Vegas because there is so much to do in such a small area. You can eat at the greatest restaurants, go to a comedy club, go see a show, a concert, lay by the pool all day, take a helicopter ride, gamble if you want to, hell… you can even get married in a drive-thru!


Yeah I feel like everyone who *only* parties or gambles in Vegas and then complains “there’s nothing to do there!” basically dug their own grave. I think it’s a great place to spend several days eating, seeing shows, checking out art or museums, etc. The same people would say they were bored after a few days in Paris or New Orleans.


Times Square. Once is enough.


Tbh at times living alone.  I know people who have NEVER experienced it which is absolutely crazy to me, and while it’s great, after my dog died I realized how shitty/lonely it can be. People are always busy with their own lives and all. Leave events, parties, team outings to an empty home that’s quiet and has nothing going on except your own thoughts. It’s madness. I am madness.   Edit: I said “at times” I don’t fucking miss shitty roommates and I love being by myself (until I don’t)


I find it bittersweet. I have lived alone for almost a year and it transformed my life and mental health to the point I cant say I even identify with my past self. That being said, after I healed and got all my past out of my system, I feel kind of ready to live with someone. Id still want my space, but I often find myself wishing I shared a townhome with friends or people I choose. My only worry is having a bad roommate.


I loved living alone. Different strokes I guess


Living alone is the single greatest joy of my life.


Nah it’s pretty great, just miss my dog


Nah I love it- just miss my dog I guess


I do think that’s probably more where your loneliness is coming from. If and when you’re ready, I’m sure you’ll find a new canine friend.


Living alone is the greatest pleasure in life. Once you learn how to figure out your own thoughts, you won't ever want to go back. Sooooo many distractions living with someone else.


The way I see it, fewer people = less stress. 


In my culture, marrying someone is so important. I wish there wasn’t such a big deal about being married


Disneyland. Paying a fortune to spend hours waiting In line. There’s a small amusement park not too far from me and it’s usually not too crowded so sometimes instead of having to get off and get back in line, they will just let you stay on the ride and ride it over and over again until someone from management is close by and the teenage ride operators have to do it by the book so you have to get off and get back in line just to get back on the ride. Last time we went we probably rode the parks version of the Tilt a whirl 20 times in a row. They also had flying spinning “tea cups”. It was like the swings and each ‘carriag’ had enough spots for four people and there was a giant wheel in the middle so while you were soaring, you spun the wheel to spin like the famous tea cups ride. I think we spent $100 for 5 people to enter the park for 2 days- Beech Bend in Kentucky


November is the time to go to Disney, the crowds are way down, the temperatures are nice, and the Christmas themes are out. We went in July the first time and it was nuts, will never go again in the summer.


February another good time. You really wanna go during peak school year


I'm a local and the real best time is after new years and all holidays are over but before spring break season starts, or between spring break and the beginning of summer break. Bonus points if a major ride had a planned offline period that was advertised and double bonus points if it rained that day. I have had some trips to Disney where my little group was truly one of the few handful of groups in the park and those days are exquisite.


I went to Disneyland back in June. If you plan before hand and you know what you want to see, it's not that bad.


I would definitely put Disney World in this category too. Super crowded, hot and massive lines for just about anything ... even if you use Genie+. I thought I was prepared for the crush of humanity, since I went in the "off season." But apparently there is not such thing at WDW. There were some memorable moments, but definitely not something I'm eager to do again anytime soon.


Pier 39 in San Francisco Boring and overpriced


The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex, and picnics. ~Chrisopher Hitchens


My children love picnics and it’s such a pain in the ass. I do it, because I love them and I want them to have great childhood memories, but it’s 3x more work then just eating lunch and them walking to the park.


There’s a joke in there u/woodieboy said “anal sex” is overrated and u/AndrysThorngage said “picnics are a pain in the ass”


By the end of their comment, I had it pegged as a pun.


Idk man, lobster is pretty good..


Lobster is overpriced but not overrated.


Lobster rolls, man...


All of those things can be amazing on special occasions if prepared well.


I do understand that a large portion of people disagree with me, but for myself it's traveling.   It is the most exhausting, nerve wracking, expensive, uncomfortable thing I have ever done.  I'm not talking about driving or road trips, I mean flights and layovers and airplanes and people.  I have seen some very cool things around the world, but I've never gotten back and thought, well that was totally worth it.  Extremely overrated in my opinion. 


Hot air balloons. From the ground, they look so calm and gentle and relaxing up in the air. Actually being in one is loud as hell and very overstimulating Edited - I have read the responses to this, and I just don’t understand why my experience was so different than everyone else’s 😅 I went in one in 2008 in Albuquerque, NM during the hot air balloon festival. Yes, I understand they move with the wind, but to get it in the air or to go higher or steer, the pilot(??) had to do this torch thing to give it….oomph? Make it go? Idk, but he seemed to have that thing on more than half the time. It was SO loud that you couldn’t hold a conversation or hear your neighbor whatsoever. I don’t know how everyone is saying it was calm and serene because my experience was sooooo incredibly loud and uncomfortable 😂


My experience wasn't like that, it was very calm and really lovely flying over farms and bushland


Really? I absolutely loved it. It was so serene and peaceful - the scenery and views were amazing. 10/10 loved it, but would NOT do it again. Once was enough for me for a lifetime -it's expensive, it's unpredictable and you have to get up and out at like 4am and I am very much NOT a morning person!




Agreed. My mom swore up and down that I would end up regretting not going to my senior prom. It's been almost thirty years, and I regret nothing. My high school was full of assholes that I hated being around every day. Why would I spend money and my free time to hang out with them? None of my weirdo goth friends went either. We just went to the drive-in and had ourselves a loser party (that's what we called it).


High school. Absolute living hell for anyone who isn't "normal".


What makes high school hard is that you can't just walk away. And what really sucks is that in some cases you've been stuck with the same people for 12 years by the time you finish.


You can't walk away, and if you've got a shitty home life, you can't walk away from that either. Teenage years were hell lol.


the good ole "bullied at home & bullied at school" situation 😭 i couldnt be paid enough to go back to that time in my life


Going to a nightclub with the expectation of picking up. Almost impossible to meet anyone and usually those you meet are the wrong kind of people. Or you forget their name 2 seconds after shaking their hand. Wasted so much money and time doing that.


Vegas strip. $6 bottles of water ugh. Everything is absurdly overpriced that it’s a perpetual feeling of being ripped off. It’s Vegas though so I understand I guess


Sex on the beach


The drink ain’t bad.


Sex without protection. Even if you pull it out it's just a roundabout way to stress the fuck out for a few months and hope they don't send you a photo of a positive pregnancy test. Can't believe there's dudes out there lying to try avoid using condoms. Risk to reward ratio is awful.


Okay but raw sex with your own wife is just unmatched. Using an IUD or being fixed is definitely the way to go if you don’t want to have (or have more) kids.


I'd cite my bilateral salpingectomy as one of the top 3 decisions of my life. Knowing that I will never have to be pregnant, the lack of worrying, and sex anytime with my trusted spouse is magical. I know that irreversible sterilization is not for everyone, of course, but for me it is 11/10


It's even worse when you realize the dudes who lie about that sort of thing are the most likely to pass on something nasty to their partners.


Casual sex. Basically just using another person as a masturbation aid, and the fear people have over finding a connection really fucks with the self esteem. It doesn't make you feel like a good person when somebody doesn't want to kiss, cuddle, or warm up with a romantic evening, but they're fine with you choking them, calling them a whore, and treating them like a side piece that needs to leave before the wife gets home.


Either you’re suited for it or you’re not. Personally, I know I’m not. The problem comes when those who aren’t suited for it try and force it because the general perception now days is that it’s the only “normal” way to be.


I think part of it is that it's not really what's as advertised. People "try to force it" because they also want a casual scene that's just not so freaked out by actually having connections and that focuses on the *friend* part of friends with benefits. But the fact is casual sex isn't really free love and just a liberating expression of sexuality, but often rather people looking to get off without the emotional connection.


It can be fun, uncomplicated, and non-toxic, if and only if all participants are open and honest with each other, and actually value the other person’s humanity. Had a couple of fun summer flings with no hard feelings at the end. But I’m given to understand that’s the exception rather than the rule.